1 00:00:00,293 --> 00:00:04,620 For Subtitling Services, contatct: waqas.zahoor89@gmail.com https://goo.gl/r74pnT 2 00:00:04,621 --> 00:00:06,654 HOMER: What? Cheap, lousy... 3 00:00:06,654 --> 00:00:08,254 Ah, there. 4 00:00:08,254 --> 00:00:10,254 ♪ ♪ 5 00:00:15,088 --> 00:00:17,088 (sleepy piano melody playing) 6 00:00:17,088 --> 00:00:19,088 ♪ ♪ 7 00:00:20,654 --> 00:00:23,254 MOE: Springfield-- the city sleeps. 8 00:00:23,048 --> 00:00:26,088 But a storm is brewing over the home of... 9 00:00:26,088 --> 00:00:29,654 CHORUS: ♪ The Simpsons. ♪ 10 00:00:29,654 --> 00:00:32,287 MOE: Interesting fact: the singers that sang that song 11 00:00:32,287 --> 00:00:33,354 are all dead. 12 00:00:33,354 --> 00:00:34,454 Enjoy the show. 13 00:00:37,787 --> 00:00:39,420 HOMER (over speakerphone): Hello, family! 14 00:00:39,420 --> 00:00:40,988 I'm 20 minutes away. 15 00:00:40,988 --> 00:00:42,420 Can I bring anyone a...? 16 00:00:42,420 --> 00:00:44,687 Mmm, pork chop. 17 00:00:44,687 --> 00:00:46,187 (tires screeching) 18 00:00:46,187 --> 00:00:49,821 HOMER: Flanders, you need a new mailbox! 19 00:00:51,320 --> 00:00:53,821 (groans) 20 00:00:53,821 --> 00:00:55,354 (tires screech) 21 00:00:55,354 --> 00:00:57,454 (Homer humming) 22 00:01:00,320 --> 00:01:02,654 Are these from the gas station? 23 00:01:02,654 --> 00:01:04,320 Uh, Marge, please. 24 00:01:04,320 --> 00:01:07,420 They're from a supermarket that sells gas. 25 00:01:07,420 --> 00:01:09,420 (sniffing): Were you at Moe's? 26 00:01:09,420 --> 00:01:12,687 Yeah, celebrating St. Patrick's Day. 27 00:01:12,687 --> 00:01:14,454 (in brogue): Ah, the Blarney Stone, 28 00:01:14,454 --> 00:01:17,621 Angela's Ashes, centuries of troubles. 29 00:01:17,621 --> 00:01:19,687 It's not St. Patrick's Day. 30 00:01:19,687 --> 00:01:22,021 Well, on the real day, the price of green hats 31 00:01:22,021 --> 00:01:23,287 goes through the roof. 32 00:01:23,287 --> 00:01:25,487 I thought you'd be happy I was saving money. 33 00:01:25,487 --> 00:01:27,754 Cheap hats? You ruined Sunday dinner 34 00:01:27,754 --> 00:01:29,121 for cheap hats?! 35 00:01:29,121 --> 00:01:31,787 That's not... You know, forget it. 36 00:01:31,787 --> 00:01:34,921 That's it? Yeah, that's it. 37 00:01:34,921 --> 00:01:36,687 Thanks for the flowers. 38 00:01:36,687 --> 00:01:38,821 I'm sure they were nice, but they're wilting now. 39 00:01:38,821 --> 00:01:40,154 (sighs) 40 00:01:40,154 --> 00:01:42,254 Honey, when you were talking about those flowers, 41 00:01:42,254 --> 00:01:44,654 was it a metaphor for anything? 42 00:01:44,654 --> 00:01:46,088 Was it? 43 00:01:46,088 --> 00:01:48,320 Honey? Metaphor? 44 00:01:49,787 --> 00:01:51,821 So I thought she'd be furious, but nothing. 45 00:01:51,821 --> 00:01:53,921 She was as aloof as Steve Martin. 46 00:01:53,921 --> 00:01:55,154 (both gasp) 47 00:01:55,154 --> 00:01:58,521 Ahoy-hoy. This is Sector 7G, where... 48 00:01:58,521 --> 00:02:01,154 where, uh... What does go on here? 49 00:02:01,154 --> 00:02:02,754 Mostly we decide which of us should be 50 00:02:02,754 --> 00:02:04,287 on the lookout for you. 51 00:02:04,287 --> 00:02:06,487 Which was supposed to be you, Lenny. 52 00:02:06,487 --> 00:02:07,754 (à la birdcall): Coo-coo-coo... 53 00:02:07,754 --> 00:02:09,854 Yes, well, this is Nigel, 54 00:02:09,854 --> 00:02:11,587 an old boarding school chum, 55 00:02:11,587 --> 00:02:14,621 and, uh, this Piccadilly Circus walkup is his wife. 56 00:02:14,621 --> 00:02:16,254 (Cockney accent): I have to go, luv. 57 00:02:16,254 --> 00:02:18,621 I've got to pick up a lip tint at the chemist's. 58 00:02:18,621 --> 00:02:22,687 Farewell, darling. You take the sun with you. 59 00:02:24,287 --> 00:02:27,187 (chuckles): You never told me about her. 60 00:02:27,187 --> 00:02:30,088 Well, you never told me about 61 00:02:30,088 --> 00:02:31,754 your handsome young man. 62 00:02:31,754 --> 00:02:33,420 Who, Smithers? (chuckles) 63 00:02:33,420 --> 00:02:34,821 He just works here. 64 00:02:34,821 --> 00:02:36,687 Smithers, I see you're one of those 65 00:02:36,687 --> 00:02:38,988 truly devoted people who make one forget 66 00:02:38,988 --> 00:02:41,254 love is an illusion. 67 00:02:41,254 --> 00:02:43,587 Eh, I'm just a man who enjoys his job. 68 00:02:43,587 --> 00:02:45,354 Uh, time for your pill, sir. 69 00:02:46,988 --> 00:02:49,454 (grunting) 70 00:02:50,254 --> 00:02:52,254 (Burns grunting) 71 00:02:54,420 --> 00:02:57,021 Did you swallow the cheese and not the pill? 72 00:02:57,021 --> 00:02:58,154 Nuh-uh. 73 00:02:58,154 --> 00:02:59,821 Show me. 74 00:03:00,687 --> 00:03:01,854 (swallows) 75 00:03:01,854 --> 00:03:03,354 That's a good boss. 76 00:03:03,354 --> 00:03:04,854 Such devotion. 77 00:03:04,854 --> 00:03:07,254 My wife is in love with her tennis coach, 78 00:03:07,254 --> 00:03:09,287 (rolling "R"): Rolando. 79 00:03:09,287 --> 00:03:11,254 Well, I believe in true love. 80 00:03:11,254 --> 00:03:12,921 Like the first time I saw profit. 81 00:03:12,921 --> 00:03:14,420 (chuckles) A day doesn't go by 82 00:03:14,420 --> 00:03:15,921 that I don't think of that ledger. 83 00:03:15,921 --> 00:03:17,621 (sighs) 84 00:03:17,621 --> 00:03:19,187 Hey, Homie. 85 00:03:19,187 --> 00:03:21,921 That's our cue. 86 00:03:21,921 --> 00:03:24,354 Lenny, when you say "That's our cue," 87 00:03:24,354 --> 00:03:25,821 then you're supposed to leave. 88 00:03:25,821 --> 00:03:27,621 Dear God, so many times 89 00:03:27,621 --> 00:03:29,954 I must have looked like a complete ass. 90 00:03:29,954 --> 00:03:32,254 Homer, this is the part of the marriage 91 00:03:32,254 --> 00:03:34,320 where the needle is on "E," 92 00:03:34,320 --> 00:03:37,654 but we still have a little more gas. 93 00:03:37,654 --> 00:03:40,988 The brink of doom, where I do my best work. 94 00:03:40,988 --> 00:03:42,787 And I want to break out of our rut, 95 00:03:42,787 --> 00:03:44,921 so I brought us a nice lunch. 96 00:03:44,921 --> 00:03:48,454 Oh, honey, you've given me a big appetite. 97 00:03:48,454 --> 00:03:49,921 For what? 98 00:03:49,921 --> 00:03:51,654 HOMER: Careful, Homer, she's expecting 99 00:03:51,654 --> 00:03:53,654 a non-food answer. 100 00:03:53,654 --> 00:03:56,787 For...you? Oh... 101 00:03:56,787 --> 00:03:58,121 Well, I have to admit, 102 00:03:58,121 --> 00:03:59,988 that was suggested by the nose. 103 00:03:59,988 --> 00:04:02,154 (nasally): Finally, some credit. 104 00:04:02,154 --> 00:04:03,587 Mmm... 105 00:04:03,587 --> 00:04:06,254 Wait, I want to know that you're really gonna change. 106 00:04:06,254 --> 00:04:09,287 Marge, I get it. I truly get it. 107 00:04:09,287 --> 00:04:12,521 And to prove it, I'm eating a carrot. 108 00:04:12,521 --> 00:04:15,521 Oh... 109 00:04:15,521 --> 00:04:16,754 Mmm. 110 00:04:17,988 --> 00:04:19,787 Sir, do you need help with that tea bag? 111 00:04:19,787 --> 00:04:22,121 No, I can talk to Nigel by myself. 112 00:04:23,621 --> 00:04:26,187 Nigel, you were wrong about the Crimean War, 113 00:04:26,187 --> 00:04:27,621 and you're wrong now. 114 00:04:27,621 --> 00:04:29,487 Love can endure. 115 00:04:29,487 --> 00:04:32,254 Oh, I could dissolve that union as easily 116 00:04:32,254 --> 00:04:35,187 as the tea dissolves this sugar. 117 00:04:35,187 --> 00:04:36,954 Smithers, did you see him heft that sugar cube? 118 00:04:36,954 --> 00:04:38,320 Did I. 119 00:04:38,320 --> 00:04:40,088 Monty, I can break up that couple, 120 00:04:40,088 --> 00:04:42,954 and I'd wager five million on it. 121 00:04:42,954 --> 00:04:44,787 Dollars or pounds? Pounds. 122 00:04:44,787 --> 00:04:47,254 Sterling or flesh? Sterling, this time. 123 00:04:47,254 --> 00:04:49,754 Oh, that money is as good as mine. 124 00:04:49,754 --> 00:04:51,521 Look at them spooning. 125 00:04:51,521 --> 00:04:52,521 (giggles) 126 00:04:52,521 --> 00:04:55,187 (both munching) 127 00:04:55,187 --> 00:04:56,587 (whistle blows) 128 00:04:56,587 --> 00:04:57,754 Hmm. 129 00:04:57,754 --> 00:04:59,587 (humming happily) 130 00:04:59,587 --> 00:05:01,921 Excuse me there, Simpson. 131 00:05:01,921 --> 00:05:03,354 May I buy you a drink? 132 00:05:03,354 --> 00:05:05,254 Thanks, Alfred, but my marriage is 133 00:05:05,254 --> 00:05:08,121 in a very unusual condition-- good-- 134 00:05:08,121 --> 00:05:10,021 and I want to get home. Now, now. 135 00:05:10,021 --> 00:05:11,521 I'm an old friend of your boss', 136 00:05:11,521 --> 00:05:13,287 and if you turn me down, 137 00:05:13,287 --> 00:05:15,187 it will not go down favorably. 138 00:05:15,187 --> 00:05:17,254 Will it go down unfavorably? 139 00:05:17,254 --> 00:05:19,287 Mm, it may. (shrieks) 140 00:05:19,287 --> 00:05:21,187 Very well, then. (phone chimes) 141 00:05:21,187 --> 00:05:22,420 (Homer groans) 142 00:05:22,420 --> 00:05:24,821 No texting your wife. 143 00:05:24,821 --> 00:05:27,821 I'll just tell her I'm drinking with an English guy. 144 00:05:29,988 --> 00:05:32,354 (phone chimes) 145 00:05:32,354 --> 00:05:33,854 What does that mean? 146 00:05:33,854 --> 00:05:36,320 He'd better just be around the corner. 147 00:05:38,854 --> 00:05:41,754 (disco music playing) 148 00:05:43,988 --> 00:05:46,354 Oh. 149 00:05:47,354 --> 00:05:50,621 ♪ ♪ 150 00:05:52,954 --> 00:05:54,754 Oh! 151 00:05:54,754 --> 00:05:57,154 And everyone left the hot tub 152 00:05:57,154 --> 00:06:00,621 except for Ringo, Princess Margaret, and me. 153 00:06:00,621 --> 00:06:02,420 Yeah, uh, listen, Dr. Doolittle, 154 00:06:02,420 --> 00:06:06,854 I like hearing you talk, but I got to get home. 155 00:06:06,854 --> 00:06:09,021 So, been married long? 156 00:06:09,021 --> 00:06:11,287 Knocked her up right after high school. 157 00:06:11,287 --> 00:06:14,287 I can't listen to that story without getting weepy. 158 00:06:14,287 --> 00:06:16,521 Hey, hey, that's my talking bar rag! 159 00:06:16,521 --> 00:06:18,621 Let go of that! 160 00:06:18,621 --> 00:06:21,454 You doing all right there, Raggy? 161 00:06:21,454 --> 00:06:22,988 Yeah, that's good. 162 00:06:24,487 --> 00:06:26,254 So, Homer, the only woman 163 00:06:26,254 --> 00:06:28,088 you've ever been with is your wife. 164 00:06:28,088 --> 00:06:30,821 How shall I put this? You thumped one melon 165 00:06:30,821 --> 00:06:32,821 and left the store satisfied. 166 00:06:32,821 --> 00:06:35,254 If you knew anything about me, you would know 167 00:06:35,254 --> 00:06:38,754 I would never, ever shop in the produce section. 168 00:06:38,754 --> 00:06:40,854 Homer, have you ever thought there might have been 169 00:06:40,854 --> 00:06:45,187 other melons-- bigger, smaller, more exciting? 170 00:06:45,187 --> 00:06:48,320 Oh, the women I could have had. 171 00:06:48,320 --> 00:06:50,687 You drew me in fifth grade, 172 00:06:50,687 --> 00:06:52,921 and I've never gotten over you. 173 00:06:52,921 --> 00:06:56,621 I like a man who pours me on everything. 174 00:06:56,621 --> 00:06:58,021 (shuddering): Oh... 175 00:06:58,021 --> 00:07:02,021 I think it's time I went home to my wife. 176 00:07:03,354 --> 00:07:05,521 (shrieks) 177 00:07:05,521 --> 00:07:08,954 I fear my seed landed on barren soil. 178 00:07:08,954 --> 00:07:11,487 Oh, yeah, he's crazy about that Midge. 179 00:07:11,487 --> 00:07:14,487 Eh, she's got it all. Hair that goes on forever... 180 00:07:14,487 --> 00:07:16,521 Moe, I always wondered something. 181 00:07:16,521 --> 00:07:18,587 Who are you talking about when you say "Midge"? 182 00:07:18,587 --> 00:07:19,988 Why, Marge, of course. 183 00:07:19,988 --> 00:07:21,088 What the... (grunts) 184 00:07:21,088 --> 00:07:22,854 Wait'll Midge hears about this! 185 00:07:22,854 --> 00:07:26,954 Hmm, this might be worked from another angle. 186 00:07:26,954 --> 00:07:30,354 So, Moe, you find Homer's wife attractive? 187 00:07:30,354 --> 00:07:32,320 Yeah. She barely knows I exist. 188 00:07:32,320 --> 00:07:34,521 Which is the only thing I got going for me. 189 00:07:34,521 --> 00:07:36,687 Well, how would you like me to set you up 190 00:07:36,687 --> 00:07:38,854 in a more elegant establishment? 191 00:07:38,854 --> 00:07:40,354 More elegant than this? 192 00:07:40,854 --> 00:07:42,320 Aah! 193 00:07:42,320 --> 00:07:45,454 This may just be the bonk on the head talking, but sure. 194 00:07:45,454 --> 00:07:46,420 Oh. 195 00:07:46,420 --> 00:07:47,287 (tires screech) 196 00:07:47,287 --> 00:07:49,187 (worried groaning) 197 00:07:49,187 --> 00:07:51,354 Marge, I know I'm late, 198 00:07:51,354 --> 00:07:53,121 but I'm really sorry. 199 00:07:53,121 --> 00:07:56,821 "Sorry" and "Congratulations, Graduate." 200 00:07:56,821 --> 00:07:58,187 They had a two-for-one sale. 201 00:07:58,187 --> 00:08:00,121 Now, I'm late because... Don't bother. 202 00:08:00,121 --> 00:08:01,687 But there's a really good... It's too late. 203 00:08:01,687 --> 00:08:03,988 But you're... You're gonna laugh when you... No. 204 00:08:03,988 --> 00:08:06,454 I just have to accept that you're never going to change. 205 00:08:06,454 --> 00:08:08,988 No, no, don't give up. I've changed before. 206 00:08:08,988 --> 00:08:10,687 I lost my hair and got fat. 207 00:08:10,687 --> 00:08:11,954 Good night. 208 00:08:11,954 --> 00:08:13,687 Oh, good night. 209 00:08:13,687 --> 00:08:17,454 (Homer snoring) 210 00:08:17,454 --> 00:08:19,687 (sobbing) 211 00:08:22,787 --> 00:08:25,787 ♪ ♪ 212 00:08:33,787 --> 00:08:35,954 (crying) 213 00:08:37,654 --> 00:08:39,187 (yawning) 214 00:08:39,187 --> 00:08:41,587 How was your night? The usual. 215 00:08:46,100 --> 00:08:49,267 (worried grunting) So, it's Saturday morning. 216 00:08:48,475 --> 00:08:49,809 What do you want to do today? 217 00:08:49,809 --> 00:08:51,675 - Nothing. - Hey, Homer, 218 00:08:51,675 --> 00:08:53,408 I got an extra ticket for the ball game. 219 00:08:53,408 --> 00:08:54,575 Box seats. 220 00:08:54,575 --> 00:08:55,442 He'll take it. 221 00:08:55,442 --> 00:08:56,942 Marge, no. 222 00:08:56,942 --> 00:08:58,842 Flanders ruins baseball. 223 00:08:58,842 --> 00:09:00,809 He adds the word "Lord" to the end of 224 00:09:00,809 --> 00:09:02,942 "Take Me Out to the Ball Game." 225 00:09:02,942 --> 00:09:05,976 FLANDERS: ♪ Take me out to the ball game, Lord ♪ 226 00:09:05,976 --> 00:09:09,142 ♪ Take me out with the crowd, Lord ♪ 227 00:09:09,142 --> 00:09:10,742 BOYS: ♪ Buy us some water ♪ 228 00:09:10,742 --> 00:09:12,742 ♪ And that's just fine ♪ 229 00:09:12,742 --> 00:09:15,575 ♪ All I drink is communion wine ♪ 230 00:09:15,575 --> 00:09:18,976 ♪ For it's pray, pray, pray to our Jesus ♪ 231 00:09:18,976 --> 00:09:22,275 (Homer groans) ♪ If we don't win, it's His will ♪ 232 00:09:22,275 --> 00:09:25,909 ♪ 'Cause He's one, two, three Gods in one ♪ 233 00:09:25,909 --> 00:09:28,775 ♪ At the baseball church ♪ 234 00:09:28,775 --> 00:09:29,942 ♪ We're at church. ♪ 235 00:09:29,942 --> 00:09:31,009 D'oh. 236 00:09:31,009 --> 00:09:32,408 Hi, hon, I'm near Moe's, 237 00:09:32,408 --> 00:09:33,775 but I can come right home. 238 00:09:33,775 --> 00:09:36,009 I haven't even put a coin in the meter. 239 00:09:36,009 --> 00:09:39,275 Just what I needed to hear. 240 00:09:39,275 --> 00:09:40,942 Oh... Oh, damn it. 241 00:09:40,942 --> 00:09:42,809 (gasps) 242 00:09:44,242 --> 00:09:47,675 Aw, maybe now I can finish my novel. 243 00:09:47,675 --> 00:09:50,175 I just wish I hadn't left it in there. 244 00:09:54,775 --> 00:09:56,976 Yeah, well, don't worry, you still got old Moe. 245 00:09:56,976 --> 00:09:59,642 Moe 2.0. It's a whole new me. 246 00:09:59,642 --> 00:10:01,675 I even bought one of those new gizmos 247 00:10:01,675 --> 00:10:04,275 that everyone's using. 248 00:10:04,275 --> 00:10:06,076 Why'd you close the bar? 249 00:10:06,076 --> 00:10:08,775 Well, I've been set up in a high-end establishment 250 00:10:08,775 --> 00:10:10,509 by a well-heeled backer. 251 00:10:10,509 --> 00:10:12,842 Really, you should see the heels on this guy. 252 00:10:12,842 --> 00:10:14,509 MoHo House? 253 00:10:14,509 --> 00:10:17,809 Yes, MoHo House, the vaguely British, invitation-only club 254 00:10:17,809 --> 00:10:20,342 that celebrities who don't want publicity 255 00:10:20,342 --> 00:10:22,142 can be sure to be seen at. 256 00:10:22,142 --> 00:10:24,642 I'm going there now. Don't tell anyone. 257 00:10:25,942 --> 00:10:28,142 Tonight is the grand opening for the town's hottest 258 00:10:28,142 --> 00:10:30,442 new destination, run by the man most in demand 259 00:10:30,442 --> 00:10:33,775 for Springfield's haunted houses, Moe Szyslak. 260 00:10:33,775 --> 00:10:35,242 (growling) 261 00:10:35,242 --> 00:10:36,575 Oh, sorry, force of habit. 262 00:10:36,575 --> 00:10:37,809 (chuckles) How you doing? 263 00:10:37,809 --> 00:10:38,976 Good to see you, Mr. Mayor. 264 00:10:38,976 --> 00:10:41,109 Bumblebee Man, ¿cómo está? 265 00:10:41,109 --> 00:10:42,742 Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. 266 00:10:42,742 --> 00:10:46,242 No can do, Mr. "Movie Star." 267 00:10:46,242 --> 00:10:47,609 Your last picture... (chuckles) 268 00:10:47,609 --> 00:10:48,842 was a bomb. 269 00:10:48,842 --> 00:10:51,009 The trailer gave away too much, 270 00:10:51,009 --> 00:10:52,976 like, uh, the fact that it was terrible. 271 00:10:52,976 --> 00:10:54,442 I deserve a good time. 272 00:10:54,442 --> 00:10:55,976 I can have a good time. 273 00:10:55,976 --> 00:10:57,642 The heck with Homer. 274 00:10:59,809 --> 00:11:01,076 Thanks for the lift, Homer. 275 00:11:01,076 --> 00:11:02,475 (tires screech) 276 00:11:02,475 --> 00:11:03,909 (groans) 277 00:11:03,909 --> 00:11:07,242 I really don't think you're taking this seriously enough. 278 00:11:07,242 --> 00:11:08,942 (chuckles) 279 00:11:10,976 --> 00:11:12,509 BURNS: What are you up to, Nigel? 280 00:11:12,509 --> 00:11:14,775 Oh, just stacking the deck in my favor, 281 00:11:14,775 --> 00:11:16,842 as sporting men are wont to do. 282 00:11:16,842 --> 00:11:19,742 A posh club, beautiful single men and women, 283 00:11:19,742 --> 00:11:24,142 irresistible temptations to my unsuspecting quarry. 284 00:11:24,142 --> 00:11:27,009 (scoffs) Good luck breaking them apart. 285 00:11:27,009 --> 00:11:28,408 See you. Hmm. 286 00:11:28,408 --> 00:11:29,942 (gasps, shudders) 287 00:11:29,942 --> 00:11:31,575 HOMER: I can have fun by myself. 288 00:11:31,575 --> 00:11:33,308 Would you care to spill a drink on me 289 00:11:33,308 --> 00:11:35,475 and use it as an excuse to meet me? 290 00:11:35,475 --> 00:11:36,909 Can I eat the cherry first? 291 00:11:36,909 --> 00:11:38,575 Don't take too long. 292 00:11:38,575 --> 00:11:40,642 I might; I asked for extra cherries. 293 00:11:40,642 --> 00:11:43,675 (whispering loudly): They don't charge for extra cherries. 294 00:11:43,675 --> 00:11:47,675 Monty, what say we make this wager something meaningful? 295 00:11:47,675 --> 00:11:48,742 Like what? 296 00:11:48,742 --> 00:11:50,675 How about my entire fortune 297 00:11:50,675 --> 00:11:52,609 against your boy Friday? 298 00:11:52,609 --> 00:11:53,609 (gasps) 299 00:11:53,609 --> 00:11:55,275 Smithers? 300 00:11:55,275 --> 00:11:56,408 (grunting) 301 00:11:56,408 --> 00:11:58,509 Oh. (groans) 302 00:11:58,509 --> 00:12:00,642 Well, I can't possibly lose. You're on. 303 00:12:00,642 --> 00:12:03,242 Mr. Burns, you can't use me as a gambling chip. 304 00:12:03,242 --> 00:12:05,109 Check your contract. 305 00:12:05,109 --> 00:12:07,009 (sighs) I'll be darned. 306 00:12:07,009 --> 00:12:08,909 It also says I'm permitted to mold your hair 307 00:12:08,909 --> 00:12:10,742 into whimsical shapes. 308 00:12:10,742 --> 00:12:11,809 Smithers want a cracker? 309 00:12:11,809 --> 00:12:13,942 (groans) Got to get a better lawyer. 310 00:12:13,942 --> 00:12:16,575 Ooh, those fingers. 311 00:12:16,575 --> 00:12:17,775 (chattering) 312 00:12:17,775 --> 00:12:19,509 The chimp yes, the clown no. 313 00:12:19,509 --> 00:12:20,809 Don't tell me, 314 00:12:20,809 --> 00:12:22,675 it's because I'm Jewish. 315 00:12:22,675 --> 00:12:23,775 No, it's 'cause you're a has-been 316 00:12:23,775 --> 00:12:25,142 nobody likes, all right? 317 00:12:25,142 --> 00:12:27,142 Please tell me it's because I'm Jewish. 318 00:12:27,142 --> 00:12:28,442 (cries) 319 00:12:28,442 --> 00:12:29,509 Moe, good to see you. 320 00:12:29,509 --> 00:12:31,242 Oh, good to see you, Midge. 321 00:12:31,242 --> 00:12:33,509 Boy, who knew you'd look so great in a strapless dress? 322 00:12:33,509 --> 00:12:34,742 Well, thank you. 323 00:12:34,742 --> 00:12:38,109 Methinks I see my opportunity. 324 00:12:38,109 --> 00:12:39,976 Why are you telling me? 325 00:12:39,976 --> 00:12:41,742 I always considered us friends. 326 00:12:43,775 --> 00:12:45,408 So, let-- uh, what's your name there? 327 00:12:45,408 --> 00:12:47,742 Brant-- Brant here pour something for you. 328 00:12:47,742 --> 00:12:50,575 We got loads of microbrew with crazy names, 329 00:12:50,575 --> 00:12:54,175 like, uh, Hops-along Cassidy and Michelob. 330 00:12:54,175 --> 00:12:56,242 So, uh, where's Homer? 331 00:12:56,242 --> 00:12:58,242 We're not spending as much time together. 332 00:12:58,242 --> 00:13:00,142 MOE: Whoa, this night, when I opened up 333 00:13:00,142 --> 00:13:03,742 a fabulous new bar, just got interesting. 334 00:13:03,742 --> 00:13:05,009 (soft jazz music plays) 335 00:13:05,009 --> 00:13:06,642 Hey, Stogie, how about a little "Moonglow"? 336 00:13:07,842 --> 00:13:09,175 Not the real moon. 337 00:13:09,175 --> 00:13:10,976 Oh, you mean the drug. 338 00:13:10,976 --> 00:13:12,275 No, the song. 339 00:13:12,275 --> 00:13:14,775 ("Moonglow" playing) 340 00:13:14,775 --> 00:13:18,909 "Moonglow," that's my favorite song. 341 00:13:18,909 --> 00:13:21,509 Yeah, you came into my bar seven years ago 342 00:13:21,509 --> 00:13:23,275 and you played it on the jukebox. 343 00:13:23,275 --> 00:13:25,609 I remember things like that. 344 00:13:25,609 --> 00:13:27,442 So, you want to dance? 345 00:13:27,442 --> 00:13:30,809 I actually do it a lot, but, uh, nobody sees behind the bar. 346 00:13:33,842 --> 00:13:36,509 I guess one dance couldn't hurt. 347 00:13:39,609 --> 00:13:41,408 So, can you start Monday? 348 00:13:41,408 --> 00:13:43,275 Oh, you won't break up the Simpsons. 349 00:13:43,275 --> 00:13:47,142 I'm not used to getting my arms all the way around someone. 350 00:13:47,142 --> 00:13:50,242 Oh, God, I can't work for a man I'm not in love with. 351 00:13:50,242 --> 00:13:52,308 I've got to fix this now. 352 00:13:53,775 --> 00:13:56,076 Simpson, you need to patch things up with your wife now. 353 00:13:56,076 --> 00:13:58,342 We're fine. Excuse me, bartender? 354 00:13:58,342 --> 00:14:01,142 I ordered three dozen wings and I only count 35. 355 00:14:01,142 --> 00:14:02,609 Listen to me, 356 00:14:02,609 --> 00:14:04,142 this was gonna be a birthday present for my mother, 357 00:14:04,142 --> 00:14:06,109 but I want you to give it to Marge. 358 00:14:06,109 --> 00:14:07,742 Okay, what's the gag? 359 00:14:07,742 --> 00:14:10,275 You have to reconcile with your wife. 360 00:14:10,275 --> 00:14:12,275 Mm, there's always a catch. 361 00:14:12,275 --> 00:14:15,475 I've seen a whole different side of you tonight, Moe. 362 00:14:15,475 --> 00:14:18,142 MOE: Whoa, she's waving me home 363 00:14:18,142 --> 00:14:19,642 like a third-base coach. 364 00:14:19,642 --> 00:14:21,442 But could I really do that to Homer? 365 00:14:21,442 --> 00:14:23,275 Damn it, I need time to think here. 366 00:14:23,275 --> 00:14:25,976 Sorry, this is great, but I got to go stick plastic ribbons 367 00:14:25,976 --> 00:14:27,308 onto toothpicks. 368 00:14:27,308 --> 00:14:28,475 That don't just happen. 369 00:14:29,775 --> 00:14:34,076 If Moe can change, why can't my husband? 370 00:14:34,076 --> 00:14:38,009 Well, um, seems to me the reason your husband won't change 371 00:14:38,009 --> 00:14:40,142 is 'cause he knows he's got a great thing with you. 372 00:14:40,142 --> 00:14:41,742 If he suddenly treated you different, 373 00:14:41,742 --> 00:14:43,308 that should worry you. 374 00:14:43,308 --> 00:14:44,842 I mean, duh, I guess. 375 00:14:44,842 --> 00:14:46,475 You know? Duh? 376 00:14:46,475 --> 00:14:48,076 Hey, Marge. Homie! 377 00:14:48,076 --> 00:14:49,342 I got you something. 378 00:14:50,742 --> 00:14:52,076 (sobbing) 379 00:14:52,076 --> 00:14:53,342 What the...? 380 00:14:53,342 --> 00:14:55,742 That's not from you. 381 00:14:55,742 --> 00:14:59,168 Can't you at least open it so I can find out what it is? 382 00:15:00,565 --> 00:15:02,535 Marge, I got the best gift 383 00:15:02,535 --> 00:15:04,566 I ever got you in my life. 384 00:15:04,566 --> 00:15:06,011 Huh? 385 00:15:06,011 --> 00:15:07,826 - (groans) - Okay, 386 00:15:07,826 --> 00:15:11,193 - that's not great. - And why, if you were trying to be close, 387 00:15:11,193 --> 00:15:13,760 would you spend the whole evening away from me? 388 00:15:13,760 --> 00:15:16,760 Hey, you've taken me off the market since I was 18, 389 00:15:16,760 --> 00:15:18,859 which I immediately regret saying. 390 00:15:18,859 --> 00:15:20,526 Look, I'm on my knees. 391 00:15:20,526 --> 00:15:22,193 Why aren't you forgiving me? 392 00:15:23,326 --> 00:15:24,959 I'll follow you. 393 00:15:26,026 --> 00:15:27,326 Ow, hairbrush. 394 00:15:27,326 --> 00:15:28,159 Ow, alphabet blocks. 395 00:15:28,159 --> 00:15:29,293 Ow, dog toy! 396 00:15:29,293 --> 00:15:31,126 (murmuring): Wasn't even a card for me. 397 00:15:31,126 --> 00:15:34,259 (Homer grunting) 398 00:15:34,259 --> 00:15:36,959 I hope you kids haven't lost any respect for your old man. 399 00:15:36,959 --> 00:15:39,293 Uh, can't lose what you don't have. 400 00:15:39,293 --> 00:15:41,092 Thanks, boy. 401 00:15:43,293 --> 00:15:44,293 HOMER: Ow! Oh! 402 00:15:44,293 --> 00:15:45,826 (thunder crashes) 403 00:15:46,959 --> 00:15:48,760 ♪ ♪ (sighs) 404 00:15:48,760 --> 00:15:50,459 Something wrong, boss man? 405 00:15:50,459 --> 00:15:52,660 When you finally get a shot at what you always wanted, 406 00:15:52,660 --> 00:15:53,992 do you really want it? 407 00:15:53,992 --> 00:15:56,359 Frankly, that's a white person problem. 408 00:15:56,359 --> 00:15:58,326 Wow, I never had one of those before. 409 00:15:58,326 --> 00:15:59,826 Hey, what you playing there? 410 00:15:59,826 --> 00:16:02,859 Oh, just a little something I've been messing around with 411 00:16:02,859 --> 00:16:06,793 that may or may not be a commentary on your situation. 412 00:16:06,793 --> 00:16:09,826 ♪ ♪ 413 00:16:09,826 --> 00:16:12,626 ♪ It was hopeless and new ♪ 414 00:16:12,626 --> 00:16:14,826 ♪ New from the start ♪ 415 00:16:14,826 --> 00:16:16,826 ♪ Her hair was blue ♪ 416 00:16:16,826 --> 00:16:20,326 ♪ As blue as my heart ♪ 417 00:16:20,326 --> 00:16:22,626 ♪ Her husband was fat ♪ 418 00:16:22,626 --> 00:16:25,992 ♪ And not very smart ♪ 419 00:16:25,992 --> 00:16:29,926 ♪ So I'm writing this song to tell you it's wrong ♪ 420 00:16:29,926 --> 00:16:33,660 ♪ To love ♪ 421 00:16:33,660 --> 00:16:39,359 ♪ An elephant's wife ♪ 422 00:16:39,359 --> 00:16:41,326 ♪ It's wrong, baby. ♪ 423 00:16:44,293 --> 00:16:46,159 (squawks) 424 00:16:46,159 --> 00:16:47,660 Homer don't treat her right. 425 00:16:47,660 --> 00:16:48,926 She should be loved. 426 00:16:48,926 --> 00:16:51,359 Loved like Barney loves my bar. 427 00:16:51,359 --> 00:16:54,693 He's thinking of me, I know it. 428 00:16:54,693 --> 00:16:57,159 This is going in my new novel. 429 00:16:59,793 --> 00:17:00,992 My mind's made up. 430 00:17:00,992 --> 00:17:03,459 There's only one thing I can do. 431 00:17:03,459 --> 00:17:05,992 (phone chiming) 432 00:17:09,126 --> 00:17:11,959 Whoa, that's a conflicted look. 433 00:17:11,959 --> 00:17:14,259 Are you a cashier or a psychiatrist? 434 00:17:14,259 --> 00:17:16,959 (sighs) I was a psychiatrist. 435 00:17:16,959 --> 00:17:20,526 Then I lost my license for prescribing too few meds. 436 00:17:30,926 --> 00:17:33,359 You came. I wasn't sure you would. 437 00:17:33,359 --> 00:17:36,026 ♪ He wasn't sure you would ♪ 438 00:17:36,026 --> 00:17:37,859 Let's go somewhere more private. 439 00:17:37,859 --> 00:17:42,259 ♪ There's cameras everywhere. ♪ 440 00:17:43,526 --> 00:17:45,126 I needed to see you. 441 00:17:45,126 --> 00:17:46,526 (thunder crashes) 442 00:17:46,526 --> 00:17:48,426 You're supposed to be my friend, Moe! 443 00:17:48,426 --> 00:17:50,926 How could you meet my wife behind my back? 444 00:17:50,926 --> 00:17:53,259 I did it because I'm your friend, Homer. 445 00:17:53,259 --> 00:17:55,259 And that's why I invited you here. 446 00:17:55,259 --> 00:17:57,793 To tell you that if you don't treat this woman right, 447 00:17:57,793 --> 00:17:59,126 someone's gonna take her away. 448 00:17:59,126 --> 00:18:00,826 Now, it won't be me, 449 00:18:00,826 --> 00:18:03,626 but you don't leave the lid off a pickle jar like her. 450 00:18:03,626 --> 00:18:04,926 Right, Midge? 451 00:18:04,926 --> 00:18:06,459 First of all, it's Marge. 452 00:18:06,459 --> 00:18:09,026 No, I know, I-I don't know what my deal is with that. 453 00:18:09,026 --> 00:18:10,859 But you're right about everything else. 454 00:18:10,859 --> 00:18:12,626 Marge, I treasure you. 455 00:18:12,626 --> 00:18:16,126 And to prove it, here's something I drew last night. 456 00:18:17,526 --> 00:18:20,992 ♪ Why do birds ♪ 457 00:18:20,992 --> 00:18:24,859 ♪ Suddenly appear ♪ 458 00:18:24,859 --> 00:18:26,793 ♪ Every time ♪ 459 00:18:26,793 --> 00:18:29,359 ♪ You are near? ♪ 460 00:18:30,426 --> 00:18:32,526 ♪ Just like me ♪ 461 00:18:32,526 --> 00:18:35,693 ♪ They long to be. ♪ 462 00:18:35,693 --> 00:18:38,193 Okay, we haven't achieved all our dreams, 463 00:18:38,193 --> 00:18:40,926 but the day I met you, I had them. 464 00:18:40,926 --> 00:18:42,259 I love you. 465 00:18:42,259 --> 00:18:43,926 I love you, too. 466 00:18:43,926 --> 00:18:45,760 Mmm. Mmm. 467 00:18:45,760 --> 00:18:47,526 Maybe some day I'll find happiness, 468 00:18:47,526 --> 00:18:48,859 but not today. 469 00:18:50,259 --> 00:18:52,159 Ugh. 470 00:18:52,159 --> 00:18:53,760 Mm-mm-mm. 471 00:18:54,926 --> 00:18:56,193 A very touching scene. 472 00:18:59,593 --> 00:19:01,526 Pleasure doing business with you. 473 00:19:01,526 --> 00:19:03,660 Uh, sir, who are you talking to? 474 00:19:03,660 --> 00:19:05,926 Why, Nigel here. 475 00:19:05,926 --> 00:19:08,626 Sir, you're imagining people again. 476 00:19:08,626 --> 00:19:11,193 Well, then who gave me this check? 477 00:19:11,193 --> 00:19:13,760 That's a coupon for free frozen yogurt. 478 00:19:13,760 --> 00:19:15,092 Bah! 479 00:19:17,959 --> 00:19:20,992 Where is he going, and why is my check torn to shreds? 480 00:19:20,992 --> 00:19:23,359 You don't have to pay him, he'll be fine. 481 00:19:23,359 --> 00:19:25,826 Use me in a wager, will he? 482 00:19:25,826 --> 00:19:27,459 Mmm! Mmm. 483 00:19:27,459 --> 00:19:29,493 ♪ ♪ 484 00:19:36,426 --> 00:19:39,626 Wait a minute, this place was just built. 485 00:19:39,626 --> 00:19:40,959 ♪ ♪ 486 00:19:40,959 --> 00:19:45,526 ♪ It must have been MoHo ♪ 487 00:19:45,526 --> 00:19:50,326 ♪ For Homer and Marge ♪ 488 00:19:50,326 --> 00:19:54,526 ♪ They got back their mojo ♪ 489 00:19:54,526 --> 00:19:58,926 ♪ And now they're living large ♪ 490 00:19:58,926 --> 00:20:02,126 ♪ Still I hear you saying ♪ 491 00:20:03,859 --> 00:20:06,926 ♪ What happens to Moe? ♪ 492 00:20:08,626 --> 00:20:13,426 ♪ He'll go back to his hellhole ♪ 493 00:20:13,426 --> 00:20:17,926 ♪ That's the ending of the show ♪ 494 00:20:17,926 --> 00:20:19,926 ♪ Except for the tag. ♪ 495 00:20:22,609 --> 00:20:24,243 Okay, sir, we've revised my contract, 496 00:20:24,243 --> 00:20:25,876 so you can no longer proffer me in a wager, 497 00:20:25,876 --> 00:20:27,409 throw me in a volcano, 498 00:20:27,409 --> 00:20:28,876 use me as a chew toy for your tiger... 499 00:20:28,876 --> 00:20:30,809 (chuckles) Sabu will be disappointed. 500 00:20:30,809 --> 00:20:32,442 ...use me as a human Christmas ornament, 501 00:20:32,442 --> 00:20:34,376 or jack-o'-lantern, lit. 502 00:20:34,376 --> 00:20:36,943 But I still agree to be mummified with you if you pass. 503 00:20:36,943 --> 00:20:38,276 Excellent. 504 00:20:41,309 --> 00:20:43,309 Mm, it's good to be back. 505 00:20:43,309 --> 00:20:45,576 ♪ ♪ 506 00:20:45,931 --> 00:21:28,496 For Subtitling Services, contatct: waqas.zahoor89@gmail.com https://goo.gl/r74pnT