1 00:01:34,928 --> 00:01:38,420 I am Gunnery Sergeant Hartman, your senior drill instructor. 2 00:01:38,598 --> 00:01:41,658 From now on, you will speak only when spoken to... 3 00:01:41,835 --> 00:01:45,430 ... and the first and last words out of your filthy sewers will be ""sir."" 4 00:01:45,605 --> 00:01:47,470 Do you maggots understand that? 5 00:01:47,640 --> 00:01:48,868 Sir, yes, sir. 6 00:01:49,042 --> 00:01:52,341 Bullshit. I can't hear you. Sound off like you got a pair. 7 00:01:52,512 --> 00:01:53,877 Sir, yes, sir. 8 00:01:54,047 --> 00:01:58,404 If you ladies leave my island, if you survive recruit training... 9 00:01:58,585 --> 00:01:59,916 ... you will be a weapon. 10 00:02:00,086 --> 00:02:03,112 You will be a minister of death praying for war. 11 00:02:03,289 --> 00:02:06,087 But until that day, you are pukes. 12 00:02:06,259 --> 00:02:08,625 You are the lowest form of life on Earth. 13 00:02:08,795 --> 00:02:11,161 You are not even human-fucking-beings. 14 00:02:11,331 --> 00:02:16,223 You are nothing but unorganized, grabasstic pieces of amphibian shit. 15 00:02:16,436 --> 00:02:19,269 Because I am hard, you will not like me. 16 00:02:19,439 --> 00:02:22,135 But the more you hate me, the more you will learn. 17 00:02:22,308 --> 00:02:24,401 I am hard but I am fair. 18 00:02:24,577 --> 00:02:26,841 There is no racial bigotry here. 19 00:02:27,013 --> 00:02:31,143 I do not look down on niggers, kikes, wops or greasers. 20 00:02:31,317 --> 00:02:33,808 Here, you are all equally worthless. 21 00:02:33,953 --> 00:02:36,945 And my orders are to weed out all non-hackers... 22 00:02:37,123 --> 00:02:39,956 ... who do not pack the gear to serve in my beloved Corps. 23 00:02:40,126 --> 00:02:42,117 Do you maggots understand that? 24 00:02:42,295 --> 00:02:43,523 Sir, yes, sir. 25 00:02:43,696 --> 00:02:45,425 Bullshit. I can't hear you. 26 00:02:45,598 --> 00:02:47,589 Sir, yes, sir! 27 00:02:47,767 --> 00:02:51,032 -What's your name, scumbag? -Sir, Private Brown, sir! 28 00:02:51,371 --> 00:02:53,760 Bullshit. From now on you're Private Snowball. 29 00:02:53,940 --> 00:02:56,272 -Do you like that name? -Sir, yes, sir! 30 00:02:56,442 --> 00:02:59,138 Well, there's one thing that you won't like, Snowball: 31 00:02:59,312 --> 00:03:01,473 They don't serve fried chicken and watermelon... 32 00:03:01,648 --> 00:03:03,741 ... on a daily basis in my mess hall. 33 00:03:03,917 --> 00:03:05,407 Sir, yes, sir! 34 00:03:05,552 --> 00:03:09,147 Is that you, John Wayne? Is this me? 35 00:03:09,322 --> 00:03:11,017 Who said that? 36 00:03:11,191 --> 00:03:13,147 Who the fuck said that? 37 00:03:13,326 --> 00:03:16,784 Who's the slimy little communist-shit, twinkle-toed cocksucker down here... 38 00:03:16,963 --> 00:03:19,591 ... who just signed his own death warrant? 39 00:03:19,933 --> 00:03:21,958 Nobody, huh? 40 00:03:22,135 --> 00:03:25,832 The fairy-fucking-godmother said it. Out-fucking-standing. 41 00:03:26,005 --> 00:03:28,599 I will P. T. you all until you fucking die. 42 00:03:28,775 --> 00:03:31,539 I'll P. T. you until your assholes are sucking buttermilk. 43 00:03:31,711 --> 00:03:34,566 -Was it you, you scroungy little fuck? -Sir, no, sir. 44 00:03:34,747 --> 00:03:37,944 You piece of shit. You look like a fucking worm. I'll bet it was you. 45 00:03:38,117 --> 00:03:41,473 -Sir, no, sir. -Sir, I said it, sir. 46 00:03:42,922 --> 00:03:45,345 Well, no shit. 47 00:03:45,525 --> 00:03:48,858 What have we got here? A fucking comedian. Private Joker. 48 00:03:49,028 --> 00:03:50,916 I admire your honesty. 49 00:03:51,097 --> 00:03:54,555 Hell, I like you. You can come over to my house and fuck my sister. 50 00:03:56,202 --> 00:04:00,434 You little scumbag. I've got your name. I've got your ass. 51 00:04:00,607 --> 00:04:02,632 You will not laugh. You will not cry. 52 00:04:02,809 --> 00:04:05,039 You will learn by the numbers. I will teach you. 53 00:04:05,478 --> 00:04:07,776 Now get up. Get on your feet. 54 00:04:07,947 --> 00:04:12,680 You best unfuck yourself or I will unscrew your head and shit down your neck. 55 00:04:12,852 --> 00:04:16,208 -Sir, yes, sir. -Private Joker, why did you join my Corps? 56 00:04:16,389 --> 00:04:18,448 -Sir, to kill, sir. -So you're a killer? 57 00:04:18,625 --> 00:04:21,480 -Sir, yes, sir. -Let me see your war face. 58 00:04:21,661 --> 00:04:24,050 -Sir? -You've got a war face? 59 00:04:25,331 --> 00:04:29,062 That's a war face. Now let me see your war face. 60 00:04:29,235 --> 00:04:33,763 Bullshit. You didn't convince me. Let me see your real war face. 61 00:04:34,574 --> 00:04:36,530 You don't scare me. Work on it. 62 00:04:36,709 --> 00:04:38,301 Sir, yes, sir! 63 00:04:38,478 --> 00:04:39,740 What's your excuse? 64 00:04:39,912 --> 00:04:41,277 Sir, excuse for what, sir? 65 00:04:41,447 --> 00:04:44,280 I'm asking the fucking questions, private. Do you understand? 66 00:04:44,450 --> 00:04:46,475 -Sir, yes, sir. -Well, thank you very much. 67 00:04:46,653 --> 00:04:49,213 -Can I be in charge for a while? -Sir, yes, sir. 68 00:04:49,389 --> 00:04:52,517 -Are you shook-up? Are you nervous? -Sir, I am, sir. 69 00:04:52,692 --> 00:04:54,751 -Do I make you nervous? -Sir.... 70 00:04:54,927 --> 00:04:57,623 Sir what? Were you about to call me an asshole? 71 00:04:57,797 --> 00:05:00,129 -Sir, no, sir. -How tall are you, private? 72 00:05:00,300 --> 00:05:01,790 Sir, 5'9"", sir. 73 00:05:01,934 --> 00:05:04,732 Five-foot-9. I didn't know they stacked shit that high. 74 00:05:04,904 --> 00:05:07,202 You trying to squeeze an inch in on me somewhere? 75 00:05:07,373 --> 00:05:10,365 -Sir, no, sir. -Bullshit. It looks like the best part of you... 76 00:05:10,543 --> 00:05:14,274 ... ran down the crack of your mama's ass and ended up as a stain on the mattress. 77 00:05:14,480 --> 00:05:15,777 I think you've been cheated. 78 00:05:16,249 --> 00:05:18,046 Where the hell are you from, private? 79 00:05:18,217 --> 00:05:20,708 -Sir, Texas, sir. -Holy dogshit. Texas? 80 00:05:20,887 --> 00:05:23,947 Only steers and queers come from Texas, Private Cowboy. 81 00:05:24,123 --> 00:05:27,615 And you don't much look like a steer to me, so that kind of narrows it down. 82 00:05:27,794 --> 00:05:29,785 -Do you suck dicks? -Sir, no, sir. 83 00:05:29,962 --> 00:05:32,260 -Are you a peter puffer? -Sir, no, sir. 84 00:05:32,432 --> 00:05:34,855 I'll bet you would fuck a person in the ass... 85 00:05:35,034 --> 00:05:38,663 ... and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach around. 86 00:05:38,838 --> 00:05:40,931 I'll be watching you. 87 00:05:42,608 --> 00:05:44,701 Did your parents have any children that lived? 88 00:05:44,877 --> 00:05:47,107 -Sir, yes, sir. -I'll bet they regret that. 89 00:05:47,280 --> 00:05:50,204 You're so ugly you could be a modern-art masterpiece. 90 00:05:50,383 --> 00:05:52,977 -What's your name, fat-body? -Sir, Leonard Lawrence, sir. 91 00:05:53,152 --> 00:05:54,847 Lawrence? Lawrence what, of Arabia? 92 00:05:55,021 --> 00:05:58,650 -Sir, no, sir. -That name sounds like royalty. You royalty? 93 00:05:58,825 --> 00:06:00,781 -Sir, no, sir. -Do you suck dicks? 94 00:06:00,960 --> 00:06:03,884 -Sir, no, sir. -Bullshit. I'll bet you could suck a golf ball... 95 00:06:04,063 --> 00:06:06,019 -... through a garden hose. -Sir, no, sir. 96 00:06:06,199 --> 00:06:07,632 I don't like the name Lawrence. 97 00:06:07,800 --> 00:06:09,927 Only faggots and sailors are called Lawrence. 98 00:06:10,103 --> 00:06:12,731 -From now on you're Gomer Pyle. -Sir, yes, sir. 99 00:06:12,905 --> 00:06:15,567 Do you think I'm cute, Private Pyle? You think I'm funny? 100 00:06:15,742 --> 00:06:18,836 -Sir, no, sir. -Wipe that disgusting grin off your face. 101 00:06:19,011 --> 00:06:20,899 Sir, yes, sir. 102 00:06:21,080 --> 00:06:23,207 Well, any-fucking-time, sweetheart. 103 00:06:23,683 --> 00:06:27,073 -Sir, I'm trying, sir. -Private Pyle, I'll give you three seconds... 104 00:06:27,253 --> 00:06:29,346 ... exactly three fucking seconds... 105 00:06:29,522 --> 00:06:32,082 ... to wipe that stupid-looking grin off your face... 106 00:06:32,258 --> 00:06:36,251 ... or I will gouge out your eyeballs and skull-fuck you. 107 00:06:36,429 --> 00:06:38,954 One. Two. Three. 108 00:06:39,132 --> 00:06:43,762 -Sir, I can't help it, sir. -Bullshit. Get on your knees, scumbag. 109 00:06:45,238 --> 00:06:47,468 Now choke yourself. 110 00:06:48,674 --> 00:06:51,700 Goddamn it, with my hand, numb-nuts. 111 00:06:52,345 --> 00:06:55,906 Don't pull my fucking hand over there. I said, choke yourself. 112 00:06:56,082 --> 00:06:58,915 Now lean forward and choke yourself. 113 00:07:01,854 --> 00:07:04,914 -Are you through grinning? -Sir, yes, sir. 114 00:07:05,091 --> 00:07:06,649 Bullshit. I can't hear you. 115 00:07:07,693 --> 00:07:09,024 Sir, yes, sir. 116 00:07:09,195 --> 00:07:13,017 Bullshit. I still can't hear you. Sound off like you've got a pair. 117 00:07:13,199 --> 00:07:14,996 Sir, yes, sir. 118 00:07:15,168 --> 00:07:18,057 That's enough. Get on your feet. 119 00:07:21,040 --> 00:07:25,636 Pyle, you had best square your ass away and start shitting me Tiffany cuff links... 120 00:07:25,812 --> 00:07:28,406 ... or I will definitely fuck you up. 121 00:07:28,581 --> 00:07:30,537 Sir, yes, sir. 122 00:07:31,717 --> 00:07:35,141 Left, right, left, right left, right, left. 123 00:07:35,321 --> 00:07:37,653 Left, right, left, right, left. 124 00:07:37,824 --> 00:07:39,451 Left, right, left, right, left.... 125 00:07:39,625 --> 00:07:42,253 Parris Island, South Carolina... 126 00:07:42,428 --> 00:07:45,659 ... the United States Marine Corps Recruit Depot. 127 00:07:45,832 --> 00:07:49,461 An eight-week college for the phony-tough and the crazy-brave. 128 00:07:49,635 --> 00:07:52,468 Mama and Papa were laying in bed 129 00:07:52,638 --> 00:07:55,402 Mama and Papa were laying in bed 130 00:07:55,575 --> 00:07:58,408 Mama rolled over And this is what she said 131 00:07:58,578 --> 00:08:00,944 Mama rolled over, this is what she said 132 00:08:01,113 --> 00:08:04,037 -Oh, give me some, give me some -Oh, give me some, give me some 133 00:08:04,217 --> 00:08:05,514 -P. T. -P. T. 134 00:08:05,685 --> 00:08:07,016 -P. T. -P. T. 135 00:08:07,186 --> 00:08:08,517 -Good for you -Good for you 136 00:08:08,688 --> 00:08:10,178 -And good for me -And good for me 137 00:08:10,323 --> 00:08:11,620 -Good -Good 138 00:08:11,791 --> 00:08:14,521 Up in the morning to the rising sun 139 00:08:14,694 --> 00:08:17,185 Up in the morning to the rising sun 140 00:08:17,363 --> 00:08:20,127 Gonna run all day till the running's done 141 00:08:20,299 --> 00:08:23,427 Gonna run all day till the running's done 142 00:08:23,603 --> 00:08:26,436 Ho Chi Minh is a son of a bitch 143 00:08:26,606 --> 00:08:29,029 Ho Chi Minh is a son of a bitch 144 00:08:29,208 --> 00:08:32,097 Got the blue balls, crabs And the seven-year itch 145 00:08:32,278 --> 00:08:35,338 Got the blue balls, crabs And the seven-year itch 146 00:08:35,515 --> 00:08:39,042 Left, right, left, right, left. 147 00:08:39,218 --> 00:08:42,142 Your left shoulder. 148 00:08:43,055 --> 00:08:46,183 Left, right, left. Port. 149 00:08:47,860 --> 00:08:51,159 Left, right. Attack. Halt. 150 00:08:52,832 --> 00:08:55,027 Left shoulder. 151 00:08:58,104 --> 00:09:00,868 Private Pyle, what are you trying to do to my beloved Corps? 152 00:09:01,040 --> 00:09:03,565 -Sir, I don't know, sir. -You are dumb, Private Pyle... 153 00:09:03,743 --> 00:09:07,008 ... but do you expect me to believe that you don't know left from right? 154 00:09:07,179 --> 00:09:09,545 -Sir, no, sir. -Then you did that on purpose. 155 00:09:09,715 --> 00:09:12,604 -You wanna be different. -Sir, no, sir. 156 00:09:12,785 --> 00:09:15,674 -What side was that, Private Pyle? -Sir, left side, sir. 157 00:09:15,855 --> 00:09:19,382 -Are you sure, Private Pyle? -Sir, yes, sir. 158 00:09:19,559 --> 00:09:23,120 -What side was that, Private Pyle? -Sir, right side, sir. 159 00:09:23,296 --> 00:09:25,662 Don't fuck with me again, Pyle. 160 00:09:25,831 --> 00:09:27,458 Pick up your fucking cover. 161 00:09:27,633 --> 00:09:28,861 Sir, yes, sir. 162 00:09:29,035 --> 00:09:31,868 Your left shoulder. 163 00:09:32,838 --> 00:09:36,103 Left, right, left. Port. 164 00:09:37,577 --> 00:09:40,137 Left shoulder. 165 00:09:41,714 --> 00:09:44,638 Your right shoulder. 166 00:09:46,018 --> 00:09:50,808 Left, right, left, right. Your left shoulder. 167 00:09:52,091 --> 00:09:54,719 Left, two, three, four. 168 00:09:54,894 --> 00:09:57,419 Your right shoulder. 169 00:10:00,199 --> 00:10:04,192 Tonight you pukes will sleep with your rifles. 170 00:10:04,370 --> 00:10:07,862 You will give your rifle a girl's name. 171 00:10:08,040 --> 00:10:13,239 Because this is the only pussy you people are going to get. 172 00:10:13,412 --> 00:10:17,872 Your days of finger-banging old Mary Jane Rottencrotch... 173 00:10:18,050 --> 00:10:22,214 ... through her purty pink panties are over. 174 00:10:22,388 --> 00:10:24,447 You're married to this piece. 175 00:10:24,624 --> 00:10:27,286 This weapon of iron and wood. 176 00:10:27,460 --> 00:10:30,657 And you will be faithful. 177 00:10:31,430 --> 00:10:33,193 Arms. 178 00:10:35,301 --> 00:10:37,565 Prepare to mount. 179 00:10:41,540 --> 00:10:43,098 Mount. 180 00:10:48,414 --> 00:10:49,472 Port. 181 00:10:54,320 --> 00:10:55,548 Pray. 182 00:10:56,255 --> 00:10:58,280 This is my rifle. 183 00:10:58,457 --> 00:11:01,949 There are many like it, but this one is mine. 184 00:11:02,128 --> 00:11:04,790 My rifle is my best friend. 185 00:11:04,964 --> 00:11:06,625 It is my life. 186 00:11:06,799 --> 00:11:11,088 I must master it as I must master my life. 187 00:11:11,270 --> 00:11:14,228 Without me, my rifle is useless. 188 00:11:14,407 --> 00:11:17,262 Without my rifle, I am useless. 189 00:11:17,543 --> 00:11:20,307 I must fire my rifle true. 190 00:11:20,479 --> 00:11:24,506 I must shoot straighter than my enemy, who is trying to kill me. 191 00:11:24,684 --> 00:11:27,642 I must shoot him before he shoots me. 192 00:11:27,820 --> 00:11:29,344 I will. 193 00:11:29,522 --> 00:11:32,184 Before God, I swear this creed. 194 00:11:32,358 --> 00:11:36,055 My rifle and myself are defenders of my country. 195 00:11:36,228 --> 00:11:38,492 We are the masters of our enemy. 196 00:11:38,664 --> 00:11:41,155 We are the saviors of my life. 197 00:11:41,300 --> 00:11:45,532 So be it until there is no enemy, but peace. 198 00:11:45,705 --> 00:11:47,400 Amen. 199 00:11:47,573 --> 00:11:49,734 Arm. 200 00:11:53,546 --> 00:11:55,207 At ease. 201 00:11:56,115 --> 00:11:57,605 Good night, ladies. 202 00:11:57,750 --> 00:12:00,412 Good night, sir. 203 00:12:00,820 --> 00:12:03,380 -Hit it, sweetheart. -Sir, aye, aye, sir. 204 00:12:03,856 --> 00:12:06,711 Right shoulder. 205 00:12:10,696 --> 00:12:14,484 That is not your daddy's shotgun, Cowboy. 206 00:12:16,102 --> 00:12:18,866 Left shoulder. 207 00:12:21,107 --> 00:12:26,534 Move the rifle around your head, not your head around the rifle. 208 00:12:28,447 --> 00:12:30,210 Port. 209 00:12:32,485 --> 00:12:37,047 Four inches from your chest, Pyle. Four inches. 210 00:12:37,623 --> 00:12:40,183 This is my rifle, this is my gun 211 00:12:40,359 --> 00:12:42,850 This is for fighting, this is for fun 212 00:12:43,028 --> 00:12:45,451 This is my rifle, this is my gun 213 00:12:45,631 --> 00:12:48,020 This is for fighting, this is for fun 214 00:12:48,200 --> 00:12:50,691 This is my rifle, this is my gun 215 00:12:50,870 --> 00:12:53,293 This is for fighting, this is for fun 216 00:12:53,472 --> 00:12:55,895 This is my rifle, this is my gun 217 00:12:56,075 --> 00:12:58,498 This is for fighting, this is for fun 218 00:12:58,677 --> 00:13:01,043 This is my rifle, this is my gun 219 00:13:01,213 --> 00:13:03,977 This is for fighting, this is for fun 220 00:13:09,155 --> 00:13:10,884 You ' re bouncing. 221 00:13:26,672 --> 00:13:27,934 T en fucking seconds. 222 00:13:28,107 --> 00:13:32,965 It should take you no less than 1 0 fucking seconds to negotiate this obstacle. 223 00:13:33,145 --> 00:13:34,635 Quickly, move it out. 224 00:13:34,847 --> 00:13:38,442 There ain't one swinging-dick private in this platoon's gonna graduate... 225 00:13:38,617 --> 00:13:42,883 ... until they can get this obstacle down to less than 1 0 fucking seconds. 226 00:14:06,378 --> 00:14:08,369 Next two privates. Quickly. 227 00:14:08,547 --> 00:14:11,311 Get over that goddamn obstacle. Move it. 228 00:14:11,483 --> 00:14:13,542 Next two privates. Quickly. 229 00:14:13,719 --> 00:14:15,084 Hurry up. Get up there. 230 00:14:15,254 --> 00:14:17,950 -Private Joker, are you a killer? -Sir, yes, sir. 231 00:14:18,123 --> 00:14:19,988 Let me hear your war cry. 232 00:14:21,160 --> 00:14:23,890 Next two privates, go. Quickly. 233 00:14:24,063 --> 00:14:26,190 Get your fat ass over there, Private Pyle. 234 00:14:26,365 --> 00:14:28,094 Oh, that's right, Private Pyle. 235 00:14:28,267 --> 00:14:32,158 Don't make any fucking effort to get up to the top of the fucking obstacle. 236 00:14:32,338 --> 00:14:36,832 If God wanted you up there, he would have miracled your ass up by now, wouldn't he? 237 00:14:37,009 --> 00:14:39,739 -Sir, yes, sir. -Get your fat ass up there, Pyle. 238 00:14:39,912 --> 00:14:42,107 -Sir, yes, sir. -What is the matter with you? 239 00:14:42,281 --> 00:14:46,479 I'll bet if there was some pussy up there on top of that obstacle, you could get up there. 240 00:14:46,652 --> 00:14:48,347 -Couldn't you? -Sir, yes, sir. 241 00:14:48,520 --> 00:14:52,718 Your ass looks like about 1 50 pounds of chewed bubble gum. Do you know that? 242 00:14:52,892 --> 00:14:54,325 Sir, yes, sir. 243 00:14:56,729 --> 00:14:59,061 One for the commandant. 244 00:15:00,165 --> 00:15:02,258 One for the Corps. 245 00:15:02,968 --> 00:15:06,199 Get up there. Pull. 246 00:15:06,805 --> 00:15:10,070 I guess the Corps don't get theirs. Get up there, Pyle. 247 00:15:10,242 --> 00:15:13,268 Pull. Pull, Pyle, pull. 248 00:15:13,445 --> 00:15:15,970 One pull-up, Pyle. Come on, pull. 249 00:15:16,148 --> 00:15:19,743 You gotta be shitting me, Pyle. Get your ass up there. 250 00:15:19,919 --> 00:15:23,582 Do you mean to tell me that you cannot do one single pull-up? 251 00:15:23,756 --> 00:15:28,113 You are a worthless piece of shit, Pyle. Get out of my face. 252 00:15:28,294 --> 00:15:30,285 Get up there, Snowball. 253 00:15:31,397 --> 00:15:33,092 Get up here, fat-boy. 254 00:15:33,265 --> 00:15:36,530 Quickly. Move it up. Move it up, Pyle. Move it up. 255 00:15:36,702 --> 00:15:40,900 You climb obstacles like old people fuck. Do you know that, Private Pyle? 256 00:15:41,073 --> 00:15:44,372 Get up here. You're too slow. Move it. Move it. 257 00:15:44,543 --> 00:15:48,070 Private Pyle, whatever you do, don't fall down. 258 00:15:48,247 --> 00:15:50,442 That would break my fucking heart. 259 00:15:50,616 --> 00:15:54,074 Quickly. Up and over. Up and over. 260 00:15:54,253 --> 00:15:57,780 Well, what in the fuck are you waiting for, Private Pyle? 261 00:15:57,957 --> 00:16:01,688 Get up and over. Move it, move it, move it. 262 00:16:01,860 --> 00:16:04,385 Are you quitting on me? 263 00:16:04,563 --> 00:16:06,588 Well, are you? 264 00:16:06,765 --> 00:16:11,054 Then quit, you slimy fucking walrus-looking piece of shit. 265 00:16:11,236 --> 00:16:13,727 Get the fuck off of my obstacle. 266 00:16:13,906 --> 00:16:16,636 Get the fuck down off of my obstacle. 267 00:16:16,809 --> 00:16:19,004 Now. Move it. 268 00:16:19,178 --> 00:16:24,536 I'm gonna rip your balls off so you cannot contaminate the rest of the world. 269 00:16:24,717 --> 00:16:27,345 I will motivate you, Private Pyle... 270 00:16:27,519 --> 00:16:32,115 ... if it short-dicks every cannibal on the Congo. 271 00:16:33,125 --> 00:16:35,719 Pick them up and set them down, Pyle. 272 00:16:35,894 --> 00:16:37,953 Quickly. Move it out. 273 00:16:38,130 --> 00:16:42,726 Were you born a fat, slimy, scumbag puke piece of shit, Private Pyle? 274 00:16:42,901 --> 00:16:45,233 Or did you have to work on it? 275 00:16:45,404 --> 00:16:48,999 Move it up. Quickly. Hustle up. 276 00:16:49,174 --> 00:16:53,736 The fucking war will be over by the time we get out there, won't it, Private Pyle? 277 00:16:53,912 --> 00:16:55,470 Move it. 278 00:16:55,647 --> 00:16:59,811 Are you going to fucking die, Pyle? Are you going to die on me? 279 00:16:59,985 --> 00:17:02,010 Do it now. 280 00:17:02,187 --> 00:17:05,645 Move it up. Hustle it up. Quickly, quickly, quickly. 281 00:17:06,725 --> 00:17:09,285 Do you feel dizzy? 282 00:17:09,461 --> 00:17:11,793 Do you feel faint? 283 00:17:12,531 --> 00:17:17,491 Jesus H. Christ, I think you've got a hard-on. 284 00:17:19,171 --> 00:17:23,130 Quickly, ladies. Assholes and elbows. Move it out. 285 00:17:23,308 --> 00:17:24,832 Get up here. 286 00:17:25,010 --> 00:17:28,673 Move it. Move it, move it, move it. 287 00:17:29,281 --> 00:17:30,805 Quickly. 288 00:17:30,983 --> 00:17:34,771 Quickly. Get up here. Hurry up. Move it out. 289 00:17:48,667 --> 00:17:51,033 Reveille. Reveille. Reveille. 290 00:17:51,203 --> 00:17:53,068 Drop your cocks and grab your socks. 291 00:17:53,238 --> 00:17:56,127 Today is Sunday. Divine worship at 0800. 292 00:17:56,308 --> 00:17:58,697 Get your bunks made and get your uniforms on. 293 00:17:58,877 --> 00:18:01,801 Police call will commence in two minutes. 294 00:18:01,980 --> 00:18:03,379 Private Cowboy, Private Joker. 295 00:18:03,549 --> 00:18:05,107 -Sir, yes, sir. -Sir, yes, sir. 296 00:18:05,284 --> 00:18:08,845 As soon as you finish your bunks, I want you two turds to clean the head. 297 00:18:09,021 --> 00:18:12,081 -Sir, aye, aye, sir. -I want that head so sanitary... 298 00:18:12,257 --> 00:18:16,318 ... that the Virgin Mary herself would be proud to go in there and take a dump. 299 00:18:16,495 --> 00:18:17,860 -Sir, yes, sir. -Sir, yes, sir. 300 00:18:18,030 --> 00:18:20,260 Private Joker, do you believe in the Virgin Mary? 301 00:18:20,432 --> 00:18:22,229 Sir, no, sir. 302 00:18:25,437 --> 00:18:29,100 Well, Private Joker, I don't believe I heard you correctly. 303 00:18:29,274 --> 00:18:31,469 Sir, the private said, "" No, sir,"" sir. 304 00:18:31,643 --> 00:18:34,806 Why, you little maggot. You make me wanna vomit. 305 00:18:34,980 --> 00:18:39,144 You goddamn communist heathen. Sound off that you love the Virgin Mary... 306 00:18:39,318 --> 00:18:41,513 ... or I'm gonna stomp your guts out. 307 00:18:41,687 --> 00:18:44,019 Now, you do love the Virgin Mary, don't you? 308 00:18:44,189 --> 00:18:45,451 Sir, negative, sir. 309 00:18:45,624 --> 00:18:48,115 Private Joker, are you trying to offend me? 310 00:18:48,293 --> 00:18:49,624 Sir, negative, sir. 311 00:18:49,795 --> 00:18:52,855 Sir, the private believes that any answer he gives will be wrong... 312 00:18:53,031 --> 00:18:56,922 ... and the senior drill instructor will beat him harder if he reverses himself, sir. 313 00:18:57,102 --> 00:18:58,660 Who's your squad leader, scumbag? 314 00:18:58,837 --> 00:19:01,670 Sir, the private's squad leader is Private Snowball, sir. 315 00:19:01,840 --> 00:19:03,728 Private Snowball. 316 00:19:03,909 --> 00:19:06,537 Sir, Private Snowball reporting as ordered, sir. 317 00:19:06,712 --> 00:19:10,409 Private Snowball, you're fired. Private Joker is promoted to squad leader. 318 00:19:10,582 --> 00:19:13,005 -Sir, aye, aye, sir. -Disappear, scumbag. 319 00:19:13,185 --> 00:19:15,915 -Sir, aye, aye, sir. -Private Pyle. 320 00:19:16,088 --> 00:19:19,012 -Sir, Private Pyle reporting as ordered, sir. -From now on... 321 00:19:19,191 --> 00:19:22,490 ... Private Joker is your new squad leader and you will bunk with him. 322 00:19:22,661 --> 00:19:23,958 He'll teach you everything. 323 00:19:24,129 --> 00:19:26,324 -He'll teach you how to pee. -Sir, yes, sir. 324 00:19:26,498 --> 00:19:30,594 Private Joker is silly and he's ignorant, but he's got guts and guts is enough. 325 00:19:30,769 --> 00:19:32,498 Now, you ladies, carry on. 326 00:19:32,671 --> 00:19:34,866 Sir, aye, aye, sir. 327 00:19:41,346 --> 00:19:44,838 The bolt. The bolt goes in the receiver. 328 00:19:48,353 --> 00:19:50,583 Operating-rod handle. 329 00:19:50,756 --> 00:19:53,247 Operating-rod guide. 330 00:19:53,659 --> 00:19:56,890 And the left one over the right. 331 00:19:57,062 --> 00:19:59,155 Right one over the left. 332 00:20:01,533 --> 00:20:03,831 Left one over the right. 333 00:20:04,002 --> 00:20:06,266 The right one over the left. 334 00:20:09,808 --> 00:20:12,072 Just throw your other leg over. 335 00:20:16,949 --> 00:20:18,576 Attaboy. 336 00:20:19,751 --> 00:20:24,643 That's it. Now just pull the next one over and you're home free. 337 00:20:25,591 --> 00:20:27,149 Ready? 338 00:20:32,231 --> 00:20:34,153 Just throw it over. 339 00:20:41,573 --> 00:20:42,801 Attaboy. 340 00:20:43,108 --> 00:20:44,939 Set it down. 341 00:20:47,779 --> 00:20:49,269 All right? 342 00:20:50,415 --> 00:20:52,303 There you go. 343 00:20:53,919 --> 00:20:56,114 Congratulations, Leonard. 344 00:20:56,288 --> 00:20:57,880 You did it. 345 00:20:58,724 --> 00:21:01,682 Fold the blanket and the sheet back together. 346 00:21:01,860 --> 00:21:04,192 Make a four-inch fold. 347 00:21:04,896 --> 00:21:07,057 Okay? Got it? 348 00:21:07,232 --> 00:21:09,120 You do it. 349 00:21:10,969 --> 00:21:12,994 Right shoulder. 350 00:21:13,171 --> 00:21:15,264 Your left shoulder. 351 00:21:18,744 --> 00:21:20,439 Port. 352 00:21:24,950 --> 00:21:26,747 Order. 353 00:21:49,308 --> 00:21:52,266 Your right shoulder. 354 00:21:56,682 --> 00:21:58,274 Square these weapons away. 355 00:21:58,450 --> 00:22:01,305 My Corps' arms should be parallel to the.... 356 00:22:04,089 --> 00:22:06,751 The deadliest weapon in the world... 357 00:22:06,925 --> 00:22:10,782 ... is a Marine and his rifle. 358 00:22:10,962 --> 00:22:14,454 It is your killer instinct which must be harnessed... 359 00:22:14,633 --> 00:22:18,694 ... if you expect to survive in combat. 360 00:22:18,870 --> 00:22:22,397 Your rifle is only a tool. 361 00:22:22,574 --> 00:22:25,134 It is a hard heart that kills. 362 00:22:25,944 --> 00:22:30,768 If your killer instincts are not clean and strong... 363 00:22:30,949 --> 00:22:33,975 ... you will hesitate at the moment of truth. 364 00:22:34,152 --> 00:22:36,143 You will not kill. 365 00:22:36,321 --> 00:22:38,687 You will become dead-Marine. 366 00:22:38,857 --> 00:22:42,190 And then you will be in a world of shit. 367 00:22:42,361 --> 00:22:44,090 Because Marines... 368 00:22:44,262 --> 00:22:47,857 ... are not allowed to die without permission. 369 00:22:48,033 --> 00:22:49,694 Do you maggots understand? 370 00:22:49,868 --> 00:22:51,392 Sir, yes, sir. 371 00:22:52,971 --> 00:22:55,769 I love working for Uncle Sam 372 00:22:55,941 --> 00:22:58,705 I love working for Uncle Sam 373 00:22:58,877 --> 00:23:01,641 Lets me know just who I am 374 00:23:01,813 --> 00:23:04,611 Lets me know just who I am 375 00:23:04,783 --> 00:23:07,616 One, two, three, four United States Marine Corps 376 00:23:07,786 --> 00:23:10,619 One, two, three, four United States Marine Corps 377 00:23:10,789 --> 00:23:13,622 One, two, three, four I love the Marine Corps 378 00:23:13,792 --> 00:23:16,625 One, two, three, four I love the Marine Corps 379 00:23:16,795 --> 00:23:18,126 -My Corps -My Corps 380 00:23:18,296 --> 00:23:19,627 - Your Corps - Your Corps 381 00:23:19,798 --> 00:23:21,095 -Our Corps -Our Corps 382 00:23:21,266 --> 00:23:22,699 -Marine Corps -Marine Corps 383 00:23:22,868 --> 00:23:25,701 I don 't know, but I've been told 384 00:23:25,871 --> 00:23:28,726 I don 't know, but I've been told 385 00:23:28,907 --> 00:23:31,671 Eskimo pussy is mighty cold 386 00:23:31,843 --> 00:23:34,641 Eskimo pussy is mighty cold 387 00:23:34,813 --> 00:23:36,144 -Good -Good 388 00:23:36,314 --> 00:23:37,679 -Feels good -Feels good 389 00:23:37,849 --> 00:23:39,146 -Is good -Is good 390 00:23:39,317 --> 00:23:40,648 -Real good -Real good 391 00:23:40,819 --> 00:23:42,150 -Tastes good -Tastes good 392 00:23:42,320 --> 00:23:43,685 -Mighty good -Mighty good 393 00:23:43,855 --> 00:23:45,186 -Good for you -Good for you 394 00:23:45,357 --> 00:23:46,756 -Good for me -Good for me 395 00:23:49,361 --> 00:23:50,851 Trim them. 396 00:23:53,832 --> 00:23:55,595 Toe jam. 397 00:23:58,470 --> 00:24:00,335 Pop that blister. 398 00:24:09,014 --> 00:24:11,903 Jesus H. Christ. 399 00:24:12,851 --> 00:24:16,082 Private Pyle, why is your footlocker unlocked? 400 00:24:16,254 --> 00:24:17,414 Sir, I don't know, sir. 401 00:24:17,589 --> 00:24:21,047 Private Pyle, if there is one thing in this world that I hate... 402 00:24:21,226 --> 00:24:24,525 ... it is an unlocked footlocker. You know that, don't you? 403 00:24:24,696 --> 00:24:27,256 -Sir, yes, sir. -lf it wasn't for dickheads like you... 404 00:24:27,432 --> 00:24:29,992 ... there wouldn't be thievery in the world, would there? 405 00:24:30,168 --> 00:24:32,124 -Sir, no, sir. -Get down. 406 00:24:36,508 --> 00:24:40,330 Well, now, let's just see if there's anything missing. 407 00:24:42,948 --> 00:24:45,109 Holy Jesus. 408 00:24:45,283 --> 00:24:47,080 What is that? 409 00:24:47,252 --> 00:24:49,846 What the fuck is that? 410 00:24:50,021 --> 00:24:51,716 What is that, Private Pyle? 411 00:24:51,890 --> 00:24:53,152 Sir, a jelly doughnut, sir. 412 00:24:53,325 --> 00:24:55,691 -A jelly doughnut? -Sir, yes, sir. 413 00:24:55,861 --> 00:24:58,921 -How did it get here? -Sir, I took it from the mess hall, sir. 414 00:24:59,097 --> 00:25:01,224 Is chow allowed in the barracks, Private Pyle? 415 00:25:01,399 --> 00:25:05,130 -Sir, no, sir. -Are you allowed to eat jelly doughnuts? 416 00:25:05,303 --> 00:25:07,669 -Sir, no, sir. -And why not, Private Pyle? 417 00:25:07,839 --> 00:25:09,500 Sir, because I'm too heavy, sir. 418 00:25:09,674 --> 00:25:14,702 -Because you are a disgusting fat-body. -Sir, yes, sir. 419 00:25:14,880 --> 00:25:18,441 Then why did you hide a jelly doughnut in your footlocker, Private Pyle? 420 00:25:18,617 --> 00:25:20,573 Sir, because I was hungry, sir. 421 00:25:20,752 --> 00:25:23,846 Because you were hungry. 422 00:25:27,259 --> 00:25:31,047 Private Pyle has dishonored himself... 423 00:25:31,229 --> 00:25:33,857 ... and dishonored the platoon. 424 00:25:34,032 --> 00:25:37,991 I have tried to help him, but I have failed. 425 00:25:38,169 --> 00:25:43,061 I have failed because you have not helped me. 426 00:25:43,241 --> 00:25:47,302 You people have not given Private Pyle... 427 00:25:47,479 --> 00:25:49,674 ... the proper motivation. 428 00:25:50,382 --> 00:25:55,342 So from now on, whenever Private Pyle fucks up... 429 00:25:55,520 --> 00:25:57,784 ... I will not punish him. 430 00:25:57,956 --> 00:26:00,447 I will punish all of you. 431 00:26:00,592 --> 00:26:02,685 And the way I see it, ladies... 432 00:26:02,861 --> 00:26:05,921 ... you owe me for one jelly doughnut. 433 00:26:06,097 --> 00:26:08,793 Now get on your faces. 434 00:26:10,201 --> 00:26:11,930 Open your mouth. 435 00:26:12,103 --> 00:26:14,594 They're paying for it, you eat it. 436 00:26:14,773 --> 00:26:17,139 Ready, exercise. 437 00:26:17,309 --> 00:26:19,937 One, two, three, four 438 00:26:20,111 --> 00:26:22,602 I love the Marine Corps 439 00:26:22,781 --> 00:26:25,147 One, two, three, four 440 00:26:25,317 --> 00:26:27,706 I love the Marine Corps 441 00:26:27,886 --> 00:26:30,309 One, two, three, four 442 00:26:30,488 --> 00:26:32,820 I love the Marine Corps 443 00:26:32,991 --> 00:26:35,482 One, two, three, four 444 00:26:35,660 --> 00:26:37,992 I love the Marine Corps 445 00:26:38,163 --> 00:26:40,529 One, two, three, four.... 446 00:26:41,800 --> 00:26:44,724 You really look like shit today, Leonard. 447 00:26:51,076 --> 00:26:52,805 Joker. 448 00:26:55,213 --> 00:26:57,977 Everybody hates me now. 449 00:27:00,518 --> 00:27:02,383 Even you. 450 00:27:05,423 --> 00:27:07,755 Nobody hates you, Leonard. 451 00:27:08,226 --> 00:27:10,421 You just keep making mistakes. 452 00:27:10,595 --> 00:27:12,893 Getting everybody in trouble. 453 00:27:15,800 --> 00:27:18,360 I can't do anything right. 454 00:27:20,872 --> 00:27:22,794 I need help. 455 00:27:26,378 --> 00:27:28,676 I'm trying to help you, Leonard. 456 00:27:30,415 --> 00:27:32,542 I'm really trying. 457 00:27:34,719 --> 00:27:36,846 Tuck your shirt in. 458 00:27:41,292 --> 00:27:43,248 One, two, three, 1 9. 459 00:27:43,428 --> 00:27:45,453 One, two, three, 20. 460 00:27:45,630 --> 00:27:47,689 One, two, three, 21. 461 00:27:47,866 --> 00:27:49,891 One, two, three, 22. 462 00:27:50,068 --> 00:27:51,990 One, two, three, 23. 463 00:27:52,170 --> 00:27:54,195 One, two, three, 24. 464 00:27:54,372 --> 00:27:56,363 One, two, three, 25. 465 00:27:56,541 --> 00:27:58,429 One, two, three, 26. 466 00:27:58,610 --> 00:28:00,635 One, two, three, 27. 467 00:28:00,812 --> 00:28:02,803 One, two, three, 28. 468 00:28:02,981 --> 00:28:04,903 One, two, three, 29. 469 00:28:05,083 --> 00:28:07,574 One, two, three, 30. 470 00:29:33,371 --> 00:29:34,861 Do it. 471 00:29:35,006 --> 00:29:36,234 Do it. 472 00:29:45,550 --> 00:29:48,713 Remember, it's just a bad dream, fat-boy. 473 00:30:17,015 --> 00:30:18,846 Port. 474 00:30:20,585 --> 00:30:23,076 Left shoulder. 475 00:30:25,323 --> 00:30:28,087 Right shoulder. 476 00:30:31,696 --> 00:30:33,254 Port. 477 00:30:36,334 --> 00:30:39,223 Do we love our beloved Corps, ladies? 478 00:30:39,404 --> 00:30:43,727 Semper fi, do or die. Gung ho. Gung ho. Gung ho. 479 00:30:43,908 --> 00:30:46,035 What makes the grass grow? 480 00:30:46,311 --> 00:30:48,176 Blood, blood, blood. 481 00:30:48,346 --> 00:30:51,076 What do we do for a living, ladies? 482 00:30:51,249 --> 00:30:52,944 Kill, kill, kill. 483 00:30:53,117 --> 00:30:54,709 I can't hear you. 484 00:30:54,886 --> 00:30:56,581 Kill, kill, kill. 485 00:30:56,754 --> 00:30:59,814 Bullshit. I still can't hear you. 486 00:30:59,991 --> 00:31:01,618 Kill, kill, kill. 487 00:31:02,560 --> 00:31:06,326 Do any of you people know who Charles Whitman was? 488 00:31:07,832 --> 00:31:10,323 None of you dumb-asses knows? 489 00:31:11,002 --> 00:31:12,663 Private Cowboy. 490 00:31:12,837 --> 00:31:17,194 Sir, he was that guy who shot all those people from that tower in Austin, Texas, sir. 491 00:31:17,375 --> 00:31:20,208 That's affirmative. Charles Whitman killed 1 2 people... 492 00:31:20,378 --> 00:31:24,576 ... from a 28-story observation tower at the University of Texas. 493 00:31:24,749 --> 00:31:27,638 From distances of up to 400 yards. 494 00:31:28,386 --> 00:31:31,651 Anybody know who Lee Harvey Oswald was? 495 00:31:31,823 --> 00:31:32,881 Private Snowball. 496 00:31:33,658 --> 00:31:35,387 Sir, he shot Kennedy, sir. 497 00:31:35,560 --> 00:31:38,393 That's right. And do you know how far away he was? 498 00:31:38,563 --> 00:31:42,886 Sir, he was pretty far. From that book-suppository building, sir. 499 00:31:43,067 --> 00:31:45,023 All right, knock it off. 500 00:31:45,203 --> 00:31:47,091 Two hundred and fifty feet. 501 00:31:47,272 --> 00:31:51,470 He was 250 feet away and shooting at a moving target. 502 00:31:51,643 --> 00:31:57,240 Oswald got off three rounds with an old ltalian bolt-action rifle in only six seconds... 503 00:31:57,415 --> 00:32:00,873 ... and scored two hits, including a head shot. 504 00:32:01,052 --> 00:32:05,216 Do any of you people know where these individuals learned how to shoot? 505 00:32:06,090 --> 00:32:07,751 Private Joker. 506 00:32:07,926 --> 00:32:09,848 Sir, in the Marines, sir. 507 00:32:10,028 --> 00:32:12,553 In the Marines. Outstanding. 508 00:32:12,730 --> 00:32:17,690 Those individuals showed what one motivated Marine and his rifle can do. 509 00:32:17,869 --> 00:32:20,429 And before you ladies leave my island... 510 00:32:20,605 --> 00:32:23,938 ... you will all be able to do the same thing. 511 00:32:43,995 --> 00:32:45,690 Today... 512 00:32:45,863 --> 00:32:48,024 ... is Christmas. 513 00:32:48,199 --> 00:32:53,398 There will be a magic show at 0930. 514 00:32:53,771 --> 00:32:57,332 Chaplain Charlie will tell you... 515 00:32:57,508 --> 00:33:02,070 ... about how the free world will conquer communism... 516 00:33:02,246 --> 00:33:06,876 ... with the aid of God and a few Marines. 517 00:33:07,418 --> 00:33:11,343 God has a hard-on for Marines... 518 00:33:11,522 --> 00:33:16,186 ... because we kill everything we see. 519 00:33:16,361 --> 00:33:18,750 He plays his games... 520 00:33:18,930 --> 00:33:21,626 ... we play ours. 521 00:33:21,799 --> 00:33:26,657 To show our appreciation for so much power... 522 00:33:26,838 --> 00:33:32,196 ... we keep heaven packed with fresh souls. 523 00:33:32,977 --> 00:33:36,936 God was here before the Marine Corps. 524 00:33:37,115 --> 00:33:40,107 So you can give your heart to Jesus... 525 00:33:40,284 --> 00:33:43,981 ... but your ass belongs to the Corps. 526 00:33:44,155 --> 00:33:46,111 Do you ladies understand? 527 00:33:46,290 --> 00:33:49,282 -Sir, yes, sir. -I can't hear you. 528 00:33:49,460 --> 00:33:51,291 Sir, yes, sir. 529 00:33:57,068 --> 00:34:00,367 It's been swabbed and brushed. 530 00:34:01,739 --> 00:34:03,536 Everything... 531 00:34:04,442 --> 00:34:06,273 ... is clean. 532 00:34:10,181 --> 00:34:11,944 Beautiful. 533 00:34:13,551 --> 00:34:16,179 So that it slides perfect. 534 00:34:18,556 --> 00:34:19,784 Nice. 535 00:34:22,093 --> 00:34:24,254 Everything clean. 536 00:34:25,096 --> 00:34:26,688 Oiled. 537 00:34:29,067 --> 00:34:31,922 So that your action is beautiful. 538 00:34:35,907 --> 00:34:38,137 Smooth Charlene. 539 00:35:00,364 --> 00:35:02,889 Leonard talks to his rifle. 540 00:35:05,136 --> 00:35:06,763 Yeah. 541 00:35:14,145 --> 00:35:17,205 I don't think Leonard can hack it anymore. 542 00:35:18,483 --> 00:35:21,145 I think Leonard's a Section Eight. 543 00:35:24,755 --> 00:35:26,677 It don't surprise me. 544 00:35:37,268 --> 00:35:40,567 I wanna slip my tube steak into your sister. 545 00:35:43,641 --> 00:35:45,836 What will you take in trade? 546 00:35:48,045 --> 00:35:49,967 What do you got? 547 00:36:04,595 --> 00:36:06,222 Outstanding, Private Pyle. 548 00:36:06,397 --> 00:36:09,093 I think we finally found something that you do well. 549 00:36:09,267 --> 00:36:11,132 Sir, yes, sir. 550 00:36:14,505 --> 00:36:16,302 What's your sixth general order? 551 00:36:16,474 --> 00:36:18,965 Sir, the sixth general order is to receive and obey... 552 00:36:19,110 --> 00:36:21,533 ... and pass on to the sentry who relieves me... 553 00:36:21,712 --> 00:36:23,475 ... all orders.... 554 00:36:23,648 --> 00:36:25,411 Sir, the private's sixth general.... 555 00:36:25,616 --> 00:36:28,005 The private has been instructed but does not know. 556 00:36:28,186 --> 00:36:31,451 You slimy scumbag, get on your face and give me 25. 557 00:36:31,622 --> 00:36:33,715 Sir, aye, aye, sir. 558 00:36:37,962 --> 00:36:40,294 How many counts in that movement you just executed? 559 00:36:40,464 --> 00:36:43,627 -Sir, four counts, sir. -What's the idea of looking in the chamber? 560 00:36:43,801 --> 00:36:48,067 Sir, to guarantee the private is not giving the inspecting officer a loaded weapon, sir. 561 00:36:48,239 --> 00:36:49,729 What's your fifth general order? 562 00:36:49,907 --> 00:36:53,934 Sir, the fifth general order is to quit my post only when properly relieved, sir. 563 00:36:54,111 --> 00:36:55,908 What's this weapon's name, Private Pyle? 564 00:36:56,080 --> 00:36:58,913 Sir, the private's weapon's name is Charlene, sir. 565 00:36:59,083 --> 00:37:01,847 Private Pyle, you are definitely born-again hard. 566 00:37:02,019 --> 00:37:05,614 Hell, I may even allow you to serve as a rifleman in my beloved Corps. 567 00:37:05,790 --> 00:37:07,883 Sir, yes, sir. 568 00:37:10,328 --> 00:37:12,990 I don 't want no teenage queen 569 00:37:13,164 --> 00:37:15,758 I don 't want no teenage queen 570 00:37:15,933 --> 00:37:18,595 I just want my M14 571 00:37:18,769 --> 00:37:21,363 I just want my M14 572 00:37:21,539 --> 00:37:24,235 If I die in a combat zone 573 00:37:24,408 --> 00:37:26,968 If I die in a combat zone 574 00:37:27,144 --> 00:37:29,704 Box me up and ship me home 575 00:37:29,880 --> 00:37:32,508 Box me up and ship me home 576 00:37:32,683 --> 00:37:35,311 Pin my medals upon my chest 577 00:37:35,486 --> 00:37:38,080 Pin my medals upon my chest 578 00:37:38,256 --> 00:37:40,850 Tell my mom I done my best 579 00:37:41,433 --> 00:37:43,924 Tell my mom I done my best 580 00:37:45,437 --> 00:37:49,032 Graduation is only a few days away... 581 00:37:49,207 --> 00:37:53,769 ... and the recruits of Platoon 3092 are salty. 582 00:37:53,945 --> 00:37:57,904 They are ready to eat their own guts and ask for seconds. 583 00:37:58,483 --> 00:38:03,910 The drill instructors are proud to see that we are growing beyond their control. 584 00:38:04,289 --> 00:38:07,679 The Marine Corps does not want robots. 585 00:38:07,859 --> 00:38:10,817 The Marine Corps wants killers. 586 00:38:10,996 --> 00:38:14,762 The Marine Corps wants to build indestructible men. 587 00:38:14,933 --> 00:38:17,731 Men without fear. 588 00:38:19,805 --> 00:38:24,265 Today, you people are no longer maggots. 589 00:38:25,811 --> 00:38:29,406 Today, you are Marines. 590 00:38:29,981 --> 00:38:32,814 You 're part of a brotherhood. 591 00:38:32,984 --> 00:38:37,080 From now on, until the day you die... 592 00:38:37,255 --> 00:38:39,553 ... wherever you are... 593 00:38:39,725 --> 00:38:43,217 ... every Marine is your brother. 594 00:38:44,329 --> 00:38:47,423 Most of you will go to Vietnam. 595 00:38:47,599 --> 00:38:50,830 Some of you will not come back. 596 00:38:51,002 --> 00:38:53,197 But always remember this: 597 00:38:53,371 --> 00:38:55,236 Marines die. 598 00:38:55,407 --> 00:38:57,932 That's what we're here for. 599 00:38:58,110 --> 00:39:01,204 But the Marine Corps lives forever... 600 00:39:01,379 --> 00:39:06,112 ... and that means you live forever. 601 00:39:09,988 --> 00:39:11,649 -Peckett. -Sir, yes, sir. 602 00:39:11,823 --> 00:39:13,484 0300, lnfantry. 603 00:39:13,658 --> 00:39:15,250 -Toe Jam. -Sir, yes, sir. 604 00:39:15,427 --> 00:39:17,292 0300, lnfantry. 605 00:39:17,462 --> 00:39:19,157 -Adams. -Sir, yes, sir. 606 00:39:19,331 --> 00:39:21,026 1 800, Engineers. 607 00:39:21,199 --> 00:39:22,723 You go out and find mines. 608 00:39:22,901 --> 00:39:24,698 -Cowboy. -Sir, yes, sir. 609 00:39:24,870 --> 00:39:26,735 0300, lnfantry. 610 00:39:26,905 --> 00:39:28,304 -Taylor. -Sir, yes, sir. 611 00:39:28,473 --> 00:39:30,270 0300, lnfantry. 612 00:39:30,442 --> 00:39:32,034 -Joker. -Sir, yes, sir. 613 00:39:32,210 --> 00:39:35,338 421 2, Basic Military Journalism. 614 00:39:35,514 --> 00:39:37,573 You gotta be shitting me, Joker. 615 00:39:37,749 --> 00:39:39,273 You think you're Mickey Spillane? 616 00:39:39,451 --> 00:39:41,476 You think you're some kind of fucking writer? 617 00:39:41,653 --> 00:39:44,076 Sir, I wrote for my high school newspaper, sir. 618 00:39:44,256 --> 00:39:47,919 Jesus H. Christ. You're not a writer, you're a killer. 619 00:39:48,093 --> 00:39:49,321 A killer, yes, sir. 620 00:39:49,494 --> 00:39:51,052 Gomer Pyle. 621 00:39:51,229 --> 00:39:53,823 -Gomer Pyle. -Sir, yes, sir. 622 00:39:53,999 --> 00:39:57,924 You forget your fucking name? 0300, lnfantry. You made it. 623 00:39:58,103 --> 00:40:00,230 -Perkins. -Sir, yes, sir. 624 00:40:04,409 --> 00:40:07,242 Our last night on the island. 625 00:40:07,412 --> 00:40:09,937 I draw fire watch. 626 00:41:12,744 --> 00:41:15,872 Hi, Joker. 627 00:41:37,869 --> 00:41:41,396 Are those live rounds? 628 00:41:47,412 --> 00:41:51,234 Seven-six-two millimeter. 629 00:41:52,884 --> 00:41:56,274 Full metal jacket. 630 00:42:04,863 --> 00:42:06,785 Leonard... 631 00:42:06,965 --> 00:42:10,822 ... if Hartman comes in here and catches us... 632 00:42:12,003 --> 00:42:15,063 ... we'll both be in a world of shit. 633 00:42:18,343 --> 00:42:20,641 I am... 634 00:42:21,980 --> 00:42:24,369 ... in a world... 635 00:42:25,917 --> 00:42:28,442 ... of shit. 636 00:42:31,690 --> 00:42:32,918 Left shoulder. 637 00:42:35,493 --> 00:42:36,892 Right shoulder. 638 00:42:39,998 --> 00:42:41,260 Lock and load. 639 00:42:46,071 --> 00:42:47,436 Order. 640 00:42:50,275 --> 00:42:52,072 This is my rifle. 641 00:42:52,243 --> 00:42:55,007 There are many like it, but this one is mine. 642 00:42:56,281 --> 00:42:59,580 My rifle is my best friend. It is my life. 643 00:42:59,751 --> 00:43:02,242 Get back in your bunks. 644 00:43:02,420 --> 00:43:04,581 What is this Mickey Mouse shit? 645 00:43:04,756 --> 00:43:09,614 What in the name of Jesus H. Christ are you animals doing in my head? 646 00:43:09,794 --> 00:43:13,127 Why is Private Pyle out of his bunk after lights out? 647 00:43:13,298 --> 00:43:16,131 Why is Private Pyle holding that weapon? 648 00:43:16,301 --> 00:43:19,657 Why aren't you stomping Private Pyle's guts out? 649 00:43:19,838 --> 00:43:23,035 Sir, it is the private's duty to inform the senior drill instructor... 650 00:43:23,208 --> 00:43:27,941 ... that Private Pyle has a full magazine and has locked and loaded, sir. 651 00:43:35,520 --> 00:43:39,251 Now you listen to me, Private Pyle... 652 00:43:39,424 --> 00:43:42,188 ... and you listen good. 653 00:43:42,627 --> 00:43:44,891 I want that weapon... 654 00:43:45,063 --> 00:43:47,691 ... and I want it now. 655 00:43:48,199 --> 00:43:52,465 You will place that rifle on the deck at your feet... 656 00:43:52,637 --> 00:43:55,470 ... and step back away from it. 657 00:44:02,914 --> 00:44:06,406 What is your major malfunction, numb-nuts? 658 00:44:06,584 --> 00:44:10,850 Didn't Mommy and Daddy show you enough attention when you were a child? 659 00:44:36,414 --> 00:44:38,473 Easy, Leonard. 660 00:44:41,953 --> 00:44:44,012 Go easy, man. 661 00:45:09,714 --> 00:45:10,942 No! 662 00:46:11,442 --> 00:46:13,103 Hey, baby. 663 00:46:13,278 --> 00:46:16,304 You got girlfriend Vietnam? 664 00:46:16,481 --> 00:46:19,109 Not just this minute. 665 00:46:19,284 --> 00:46:22,583 Well, baby, me so horny. 666 00:46:22,754 --> 00:46:24,915 Me so horny. 667 00:46:25,089 --> 00:46:27,649 Me love you long time. 668 00:46:28,193 --> 00:46:29,421 You party? 669 00:46:29,594 --> 00:46:31,721 Yeah, we might party. 670 00:46:31,896 --> 00:46:34,694 -How much? -Fifteen dollar. 671 00:46:34,866 --> 00:46:38,893 -Fifteen dollars for both of us. -No. Each you $1 5. 672 00:46:39,070 --> 00:46:40,992 Me love you long time. 673 00:46:41,172 --> 00:46:43,800 Me so horny. 674 00:46:43,975 --> 00:46:46,273 Fifteen dollar too beaucoup. 675 00:46:46,444 --> 00:46:49,709 -Five dollars each. -Me sucky-sucky. 676 00:46:49,881 --> 00:46:52,475 Me love you too much. 677 00:46:53,885 --> 00:46:57,184 Five dollars is all my mom allows me to spend. 678 00:46:57,355 --> 00:47:00,279 Okay. Ten dollar each. 679 00:47:00,458 --> 00:47:02,949 What do we get for $1 0? 680 00:47:03,127 --> 00:47:05,925 Everything you want. 681 00:47:06,097 --> 00:47:09,260 -Everything? -Everything. 682 00:47:10,301 --> 00:47:14,397 Well, old buddy, feel like spending some of your hard-earned money? 683 00:47:14,572 --> 00:47:16,460 Just a minute. 684 00:47:16,808 --> 00:47:20,938 You know, half these gook whores are serving officers in the Vietcong. 685 00:47:21,112 --> 00:47:22,875 The other half have got TB. 686 00:47:23,715 --> 00:47:26,570 Be sure you only fuck the ones that cough. 687 00:48:14,966 --> 00:48:18,231 That little sucker really had some moves on him, didn't he? 688 00:48:18,403 --> 00:48:20,064 Yeah. 689 00:48:21,873 --> 00:48:24,467 You know what really pisses me off about these people? 690 00:48:24,642 --> 00:48:25,973 What? 691 00:48:26,177 --> 00:48:29,999 We're supposed to be helping them, and they shit all over us every chance they get. 692 00:48:30,181 --> 00:48:32,137 I just can't feature that. 693 00:48:32,317 --> 00:48:35,775 Don't take it too hard, Rafterman. It's just business. 694 00:48:37,588 --> 00:48:40,944 I hate Da Nang, Joker. I wanna go out into the field. 695 00:48:41,125 --> 00:48:43,081 I've been in country almost three months... 696 00:48:43,261 --> 00:48:46,025 ... and all I do is take handshake shots at award ceremonies. 697 00:48:46,197 --> 00:48:49,223 You'd get wasted your first day in the field and it'd be my fault. 698 00:48:49,400 --> 00:48:51,698 A high school girl could do my job. 699 00:48:51,869 --> 00:48:53,666 I wanna get out into the shit. 700 00:48:53,838 --> 00:48:56,432 I wanna get some trigger time. 701 00:48:57,342 --> 00:49:00,834 If you get killed, your mom will find me after I rotate back to the world... 702 00:49:01,012 --> 00:49:02,775 ... and she'll beat the shit out of me. 703 00:49:02,947 --> 00:49:05,438 That's a negative, Rafterman. 704 00:49:08,186 --> 00:49:12,145 Okay, guys. Let's keep it short and sweet today. Anybody got anything new? 705 00:49:14,492 --> 00:49:18,155 There's a rumor going around that the Tet ceasefire is gonna be canceled. 706 00:49:18,596 --> 00:49:20,086 Rear-echelon paranoia. 707 00:49:20,431 --> 00:49:24,561 A bro in intelligence says Charlie might try to pull off something big during Tet. 708 00:49:24,736 --> 00:49:27,227 They say the same thing every year. 709 00:49:27,372 --> 00:49:29,169 There's a lot of talk about it, sir. 710 00:49:29,340 --> 00:49:31,137 I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. 711 00:49:31,309 --> 00:49:35,473 The Tet holiday is like the Fourth of July, Christmas and New Year all rolled into one. 712 00:49:35,646 --> 00:49:39,002 Every zipperhead in Nam, North and South, will be banging gongs... 713 00:49:39,183 --> 00:49:42,038 ... barking at the moon and visiting his dead relatives. 714 00:49:42,453 --> 00:49:45,809 Right. Ann-Margret and entourage are due here next week. 715 00:49:45,990 --> 00:49:49,255 I want someone on the airfield and stick with her for a couple of days. 716 00:49:49,427 --> 00:49:51,918 -Rafterman, you take it. -Aye, aye, sir. 717 00:49:52,063 --> 00:49:53,758 And get some good low-angle stuff. 718 00:49:53,931 --> 00:49:57,992 Don't make it too obvious, but I wanna see fur and early-morning dew. 719 00:49:58,169 --> 00:50:00,433 -Yes, sir. -""Diplomats in dungarees. 720 00:50:00,605 --> 00:50:04,302 Marine engineers lend a helping hand rebuilding Dong Phuc village recently...."" 721 00:50:04,475 --> 00:50:07,774 Chili, if we move Vietnamese, they are evacuees... 722 00:50:07,945 --> 00:50:11,039 ... if they come to us to be evacuated, they are refugees. 723 00:50:11,215 --> 00:50:12,978 I'll make a note of it, sir. 724 00:50:13,651 --> 00:50:16,176 ""NVA soldier deserts after reading pamphlets. 725 00:50:16,354 --> 00:50:20,381 A young North Vietnamese Army regular, who realized his side could not win... 726 00:50:20,558 --> 00:50:23,356 ... deserted from his unit after reading Open Arms pamphlets."" 727 00:50:23,528 --> 00:50:26,622 That's good, Dave. But why say North Vietnamese Army regular? 728 00:50:26,798 --> 00:50:30,529 Is there an irregular? How about North Vietnamese Army soldier? 729 00:50:30,701 --> 00:50:31,759 I'll fix it up, sir. 730 00:50:32,203 --> 00:50:34,228 Lawrence Welk Show is out on TV in two weeks. 731 00:50:34,405 --> 00:50:35,565 Dave, do 1 00 words on it. 732 00:50:35,740 --> 00:50:38,265 -AFTV will give you some background stuff. -Sir. 733 00:50:38,443 --> 00:50:40,206 "" Not while we're eating. 734 00:50:40,378 --> 00:50:42,903 NVA learned Marines on a search-and-destroy mission... 735 00:50:43,080 --> 00:50:45,412 ... don't like to be interrupted while eating chow."" 736 00:50:45,583 --> 00:50:49,474 Search-and-destroy. We have a new directive from MAF on this. 737 00:50:49,754 --> 00:50:54,248 In future, in place of search-and-destroy, substitute the phrase sweep-and-clear. 738 00:50:54,425 --> 00:50:57,724 -Sweep-and-clear, got it? -Got it. Very catchy. 739 00:50:58,563 --> 00:51:00,827 And, Joker, where's the weenie? 740 00:51:01,399 --> 00:51:02,957 Sir? 741 00:51:03,134 --> 00:51:07,059 The kill, Joker. The kill. I mean, all that fire, the grunts must have hit something. 742 00:51:07,238 --> 00:51:08,500 Didn't see them. 743 00:51:09,540 --> 00:51:12,930 Joker, I've told you, we run two basic stories here. 744 00:51:13,110 --> 00:51:16,568 Grunts who give half their pay to buy gooks toothbrushes and deodorants. 745 00:51:16,747 --> 00:51:19,011 Winning of hearts and minds. Okay? 746 00:51:19,183 --> 00:51:22,778 And combat action that results in a kill. Winning the war. 747 00:51:22,954 --> 00:51:26,651 Now, you must have seen blood trails. Drag marks? 748 00:51:26,824 --> 00:51:28,485 It was raining, sir. 749 00:51:28,993 --> 00:51:31,826 Well, that's why God passed the law of probability. 750 00:51:31,996 --> 00:51:35,090 Now rewrite it and give it a happy ending. Say, one killed. 751 00:51:35,266 --> 00:51:37,632 Make it a sapper or an officer. Which? 752 00:51:38,135 --> 00:51:39,466 Whichever you say. 753 00:51:39,637 --> 00:51:42,128 Grunts like reading about dead officers. 754 00:51:42,273 --> 00:51:45,504 Okay, an officer. How about a general? 755 00:51:45,977 --> 00:51:47,274 Joker... 756 00:51:47,445 --> 00:51:50,835 ... maybe you'd like our guys to read the paper and feel bad. 757 00:51:51,015 --> 00:51:54,143 I mean, in case you didn't know it, this is not a very popular war. 758 00:51:54,318 --> 00:51:56,445 Now, it is our job to report the news... 759 00:51:56,621 --> 00:51:59,681 ... that these why-are-we-here civilian newsmen ignore. 760 00:52:00,458 --> 00:52:04,053 Sir, maybe you should go out on some ops yourself. 761 00:52:04,228 --> 00:52:07,959 I'm sure you could find a lot more blood trails and drag marks. 762 00:52:08,566 --> 00:52:10,557 Joker, I've had my ass in the grass. 763 00:52:10,735 --> 00:52:12,691 Can't say I liked it much. 764 00:52:12,870 --> 00:52:15,862 Lots of bugs and too dangerous. 765 00:52:16,040 --> 00:52:19,066 As it happens, my present duties keep me where I belong... 766 00:52:19,243 --> 00:52:21,438 ... in the rear with the gear. 767 00:52:29,153 --> 00:52:31,951 Tet. The year of the monkey. 768 00:52:32,123 --> 00:52:35,251 Vietnamese Lunar New Year's Eve. 769 00:52:35,426 --> 00:52:40,523 Down in Dogpatch, the gooks are shooting off fireworks to celebrate. 770 00:52:49,240 --> 00:52:52,903 I am fucking bored to death, man. 771 00:52:53,511 --> 00:52:56,002 I gotta get back in the shit. 772 00:52:56,147 --> 00:52:59,241 I ain't heard a shot fired in anger in weeks. 773 00:53:00,051 --> 00:53:01,416 Joker's so tough... 774 00:53:01,652 --> 00:53:05,042 ... he'd eat the boogers out of a dead man's nose... 775 00:53:05,222 --> 00:53:07,110 ... then ask for seconds. 776 00:53:07,625 --> 00:53:09,684 Listen up, pilgrim. 777 00:53:09,860 --> 00:53:14,354 A day without blood is like a day without sunshine. 778 00:53:14,832 --> 00:53:16,129 Shit. 779 00:53:16,300 --> 00:53:20,191 Joker thinks the bad bush is between an old mama-san's legs. 780 00:53:20,371 --> 00:53:22,293 He's never been in the shit. 781 00:53:22,473 --> 00:53:25,203 It's hard to talk about it, man. It's like on Hastings. 782 00:53:25,376 --> 00:53:27,901 You weren't on Operation Hastings, Payback. 783 00:53:28,079 --> 00:53:30,741 -You weren't even in country. -Eat shit and die... 784 00:53:30,915 --> 00:53:33,770 ... you fucking Spanish-American. You fucking pogue. 785 00:53:33,951 --> 00:53:35,350 I was there, man. 786 00:53:35,519 --> 00:53:37,248 I was in the shit with the grunts. 787 00:53:37,421 --> 00:53:41,209 Don't listen to any of Payback's bullshit, Rafterman. 788 00:53:41,392 --> 00:53:44,782 Sometimes he thinks he's John Wayne. 789 00:53:45,496 --> 00:53:46,986 You listen to Joker, new guy. 790 00:53:47,131 --> 00:53:48,758 He knows ti ti. 791 00:53:48,933 --> 00:53:50,457 Very little. 792 00:53:50,635 --> 00:53:53,433 You know he's never been in the shit. He ain't got the stare. 793 00:53:53,604 --> 00:53:57,131 -The stare? -The thousand-yard stare. 794 00:53:57,308 --> 00:54:00,300 A Marine gets it after he's been in the shit for too long. 795 00:54:00,478 --> 00:54:02,002 It's like-- 796 00:54:02,413 --> 00:54:04,301 It's like you're really seeing beyond. 797 00:54:05,049 --> 00:54:06,277 I got it. 798 00:54:06,450 --> 00:54:08,281 All field Marines got it. 799 00:54:08,452 --> 00:54:09,942 And you'll have it too. 800 00:54:10,121 --> 00:54:11,418 I will? 801 00:54:11,589 --> 00:54:13,147 Hey, Payback... 802 00:54:13,324 --> 00:54:16,418 ... how do you stop five black dudes from raping a white chick? 803 00:54:17,028 --> 00:54:19,917 -Fuck you, Stork. -Throw them a basketball. 804 00:54:24,935 --> 00:54:27,028 -lncoming. -Oh, shit. 805 00:54:28,706 --> 00:54:30,594 Them are outgoing. 806 00:54:32,543 --> 00:54:34,773 -That ain't outgoing. -That ain't outgoing. 807 00:54:34,945 --> 00:54:36,572 Now, what did I just say? 808 00:55:14,685 --> 00:55:17,916 Hey, I hope they're just fucking with us. 809 00:55:18,089 --> 00:55:21,354 -I ain't ready for this shit. -Amen. 810 00:56:14,278 --> 00:56:16,166 Cease fire. 811 00:56:20,251 --> 00:56:22,378 -Cease fire. -Cease fire. 812 00:56:26,023 --> 00:56:28,014 Cease fire. 813 00:56:39,003 --> 00:56:40,994 The enemy... 814 00:56:41,172 --> 00:56:43,663 ... has very deceitfully... 815 00:56:43,841 --> 00:56:46,696 ... taken advantage of the Tet ceasefire... 816 00:56:46,877 --> 00:56:50,210 ... to launch an offensive all over the country. 817 00:56:50,548 --> 00:56:54,211 So far, we 've had it pretty easy here. 818 00:56:54,385 --> 00:56:56,580 But we seem to be the exception. 819 00:56:57,321 --> 00:57:02,076 Charlie has hit every major military target in Vietnam and hit them hard. 820 00:57:02,259 --> 00:57:08,118 In Saigon the United States Embassy has been overrun by suicide squads. 821 00:57:08,299 --> 00:57:10,221 -Shit. -Jesus Christ, man. 822 00:57:10,401 --> 00:57:13,928 Khe Sanh is standing by to be overrun. 823 00:57:15,206 --> 00:57:17,766 We also have reports that a division of NVA... 824 00:57:17,942 --> 00:57:22,868 ... has occupied all of the city of Hue south of the Perfume River. 825 00:57:23,047 --> 00:57:26,107 In strategic terms, Charlie's cut the country in half... 826 00:57:26,283 --> 00:57:29,047 ... the civilian press are about to wet their pants... 827 00:57:29,220 --> 00:57:34,146 ... and we've heard even Cronkite's gonna say the war is now unwinnable. 828 00:57:34,758 --> 00:57:36,487 In other words... 829 00:57:36,660 --> 00:57:41,484 ... it's a huge shit sandwich and we're all gonna have to take a bite. 830 00:57:44,368 --> 00:57:46,131 Sir. 831 00:57:46,437 --> 00:57:49,292 Does this mean that Ann-Margret's not coming? 832 00:57:54,111 --> 00:57:58,468 Joker, I want you to get straight up to Phu Bai. 833 00:57:58,949 --> 00:58:02,146 Captain January will need all his people. 834 00:58:02,319 --> 00:58:04,583 -Yes, sir. -And, Joker... 835 00:58:04,755 --> 00:58:07,747 ... you will take off that damn button. 836 00:58:07,925 --> 00:58:11,349 How's it gonna look if you get killed wearing a peace symbol? 837 00:58:11,528 --> 00:58:13,018 Sir. 838 00:58:13,163 --> 00:58:15,358 Permission to go with Joker? 839 00:58:16,066 --> 00:58:18,022 -Permission granted. -Thank you, sir. 840 00:58:18,202 --> 00:58:21,126 Sir, permission not to take Rafterman with me? 841 00:58:21,305 --> 00:58:23,398 You still here? 842 00:58:23,574 --> 00:58:27,203 Vanish, Joker, most ricky-tick, and take Rafterman with you. 843 00:58:27,378 --> 00:58:29,710 You're responsible for him. 844 00:59:05,549 --> 00:59:07,176 Get some. 845 00:59:08,018 --> 00:59:09,747 Get some. 846 00:59:12,356 --> 00:59:15,245 Get some. Get some. Yeah. Yeah. 847 00:59:16,260 --> 00:59:19,991 Get some. Get some. Come on. Come on. 848 00:59:24,034 --> 00:59:25,626 Get some. 849 00:59:33,143 --> 00:59:35,304 Get some, baby. 850 00:59:35,646 --> 00:59:38,035 Get some. Get some. Get some. 851 00:59:39,049 --> 00:59:41,677 Get some. Get some, come on. Get it, come on. 852 00:59:41,852 --> 00:59:44,343 Get some. Get some. Yeah, yeah, yeah. 853 00:59:44,521 --> 00:59:46,716 I've got you, mother. 854 00:59:51,562 --> 00:59:54,690 Anyone who runs is a VC. 855 00:59:55,265 --> 00:59:57,790 Anyone who stands still... 856 00:59:57,968 --> 01:00:00,892 ... is a well-disciplined VC. 857 01:00:02,840 --> 01:00:06,469 You guys ought to do a story about me sometime. 858 01:00:07,644 --> 01:00:10,704 Why should we do a story about you? 859 01:00:11,081 --> 01:00:13,174 Because I'm so fucking good. 860 01:00:13,350 --> 01:00:15,477 That ain't no shit neither. 861 01:00:15,652 --> 01:00:20,112 I've done got me 1 57 dead gooks killed. 862 01:00:20,290 --> 01:00:23,054 And 50 water buffaloes too. 863 01:00:23,227 --> 01:00:26,025 Them are all certified. 864 01:00:26,196 --> 01:00:29,051 Any women or children? 865 01:00:29,566 --> 01:00:31,193 Sometimes. 866 01:00:32,336 --> 01:00:36,033 How can you shoot women and children? 867 01:00:36,640 --> 01:00:37,937 Easy. 868 01:00:38,108 --> 01:00:40,497 You just don't lead them so much. 869 01:00:42,046 --> 01:00:44,002 Ain't war hell? 870 01:01:20,584 --> 01:01:22,711 Top, we wanna get in the shit. 871 01:01:22,886 --> 01:01:24,376 Down the road. Two-Five. 872 01:01:24,555 --> 01:01:27,319 Two-Five. Outstanding. Thanks, Top. 873 01:01:52,082 --> 01:01:53,709 Excuse me. 874 01:01:53,884 --> 01:01:55,249 Sir. 875 01:01:55,419 --> 01:01:58,513 We're looking for 1 st Platoon, Hotel Two-Five. 876 01:01:58,689 --> 01:02:00,122 I got a bro named Cowboy there. 877 01:02:00,290 --> 01:02:01,689 You people one-one? 878 01:02:01,859 --> 01:02:04,157 No, sir. We're reporters from Stars and Stripes. 879 01:02:04,328 --> 01:02:06,159 -Stars and Stripes? -Yes, sir. 880 01:02:06,330 --> 01:02:08,355 I'm Cowboy's platoon commander. 881 01:02:08,532 --> 01:02:11,330 Cowboy's just down the road in the platoon area. 882 01:02:11,502 --> 01:02:15,165 -You mind if we tag along, sir? -No problem. Welcome aboard. 883 01:02:15,339 --> 01:02:18,570 By the way, my name's Schinoski. Walter J. Schinoski. 884 01:02:18,742 --> 01:02:20,972 My people call me Mr. Touchdown. 885 01:02:21,145 --> 01:02:22,635 I played ball for Notre Dame. 886 01:02:22,813 --> 01:02:24,110 -Notre Dame? -Yeah. 887 01:02:24,281 --> 01:02:26,977 -All right. -You here to make Cowboy famous? 888 01:02:27,151 --> 01:02:28,743 Never happen, sir. 889 01:02:28,919 --> 01:02:33,185 Well, if you people came looking for a story, this is your lucky day. 890 01:02:33,357 --> 01:02:36,520 We got Condition Red and we're definitely expecting rain. 891 01:02:36,693 --> 01:02:39,457 Outstanding, sir. We taking care of business? 892 01:02:39,630 --> 01:02:41,120 Well, the NVA are dug in deep. 893 01:02:41,298 --> 01:02:43,823 Hotel Company's still working this side of the river... 894 01:02:44,001 --> 01:02:46,196 ... street by street and house by house. 895 01:02:46,370 --> 01:02:48,361 Charles definitely got his shit together... 896 01:02:48,539 --> 01:02:50,803 ... but we're still getting some decent kills here. 897 01:02:50,974 --> 01:02:55,172 We heard some scuttlebutt, sir, about the NVA executing a lot of gook civilians. 898 01:02:55,345 --> 01:02:56,778 That's affirmative. 899 01:02:56,947 --> 01:03:00,576 I saw some bodies about a half a klick this side of Phu Cam Canal. 900 01:03:00,751 --> 01:03:02,912 Will you show me where, sir? 901 01:03:05,289 --> 01:03:06,847 Here's the canal. 902 01:03:29,846 --> 01:03:33,009 The dead have been covered with lime. 903 01:03:34,218 --> 01:03:37,073 The dead know only one thing: 904 01:03:37,754 --> 01:03:40,279 It is better to be alive. 905 01:03:46,597 --> 01:03:48,189 Excuse me? 906 01:03:48,365 --> 01:03:50,629 -Good morning, lieutenant. -Morning. 907 01:03:50,801 --> 01:03:54,362 I make it 20. Is that the official body count, sir? 908 01:03:54,538 --> 01:03:55,971 What outfit are you men with? 909 01:03:56,139 --> 01:03:58,266 Sir, we're reporters from Stars and Stripes. 910 01:03:58,542 --> 01:04:00,066 -Oh, I see. -I'm Sergeant Joker... 911 01:04:00,244 --> 01:04:02,542 ... and this photographer is Rafterman. 912 01:04:02,713 --> 01:04:05,307 I'm Lieutenant Cleves and I'm from Hartford, Connecticut. 913 01:04:05,482 --> 01:04:08,406 -Have you got a body count, sir? -We think it's 20. 914 01:04:08,585 --> 01:04:10,678 Do you know how it happened, sir? 915 01:04:11,054 --> 01:04:14,820 Well, it seems the NVA came in with a list of gook names. 916 01:04:14,992 --> 01:04:19,554 Government officials, policemen, ARVlN officers, school teachers. 917 01:04:19,730 --> 01:04:21,721 They went around to their houses real polite... 918 01:04:21,898 --> 01:04:25,231 ... and asked them to report the next day for political reeducation. 919 01:04:25,736 --> 01:04:28,000 Everybody who turned up got shot. 920 01:04:28,171 --> 01:04:29,798 Some they buried alive. 921 01:04:30,040 --> 01:04:31,337 Ready. 922 01:04:32,943 --> 01:04:34,376 Colonel. 923 01:04:35,912 --> 01:04:38,608 Marine, what is that button on your body armor? 924 01:04:38,782 --> 01:04:40,044 A peace symbol, sir. 925 01:04:40,217 --> 01:04:42,811 -Where did you get it? -I don't remember, sir. 926 01:04:43,253 --> 01:04:45,118 What is that written on your helmet? 927 01:04:45,289 --> 01:04:46,779 Born to kill, sir. 928 01:04:46,990 --> 01:04:49,948 You write born to kill on your helmet and wear a peace button. 929 01:04:50,127 --> 01:04:52,459 What's that supposed to be, some kind of sick joke? 930 01:04:52,629 --> 01:04:55,189 -No, sir. -What is it supposed to mean? 931 01:04:55,365 --> 01:04:56,730 I don't know, sir. 932 01:04:56,900 --> 01:04:58,390 -You don't know much. -No, sir. 933 01:04:58,535 --> 01:05:01,800 Get your head and your ass wired together or I will take a shit on you. 934 01:05:01,972 --> 01:05:03,701 -Yes, sir. -Now answer my question... 935 01:05:03,874 --> 01:05:06,240 ... or you'll be standing tall before the man. 936 01:05:06,410 --> 01:05:09,368 I was trying to suggest something about the duality of man, sir. 937 01:05:09,546 --> 01:05:13,141 -The what? -The duality of man. The Jungian thing, sir. 938 01:05:14,351 --> 01:05:16,581 -Whose side are you on, son? -Our side, sir. 939 01:05:16,753 --> 01:05:18,380 -You love your country? -Yes, sir. 940 01:05:18,555 --> 01:05:20,147 How about getting with the program. 941 01:05:20,324 --> 01:05:22,747 Jump on the team and come on in for the big win. 942 01:05:22,926 --> 01:05:23,950 Yes, sir. 943 01:05:24,127 --> 01:05:28,587 All I've asked of my Marines is for them to obey my orders as they would God's word. 944 01:05:28,765 --> 01:05:30,494 We are here to help the Vietnamese... 945 01:05:30,667 --> 01:05:34,592 ... because inside every gook there is an American trying to get out. 946 01:05:34,771 --> 01:05:36,432 It's a hardball world, son. 947 01:05:36,606 --> 01:05:40,235 We've gotta try to keep our heads until this peace craze blows over. 948 01:05:40,410 --> 01:05:41,434 Aye, aye, sir. 949 01:05:51,888 --> 01:05:55,619 Hey, bro. We're looking for 1 st Platoon, Hotel Two-Five. 950 01:05:55,792 --> 01:05:57,589 Around the back. 951 01:06:06,203 --> 01:06:09,297 -First Platoon? -Yeah, through there. 952 01:06:32,996 --> 01:06:35,055 Hey, Lone Ranger. 953 01:06:39,102 --> 01:06:42,765 -Holy shit. It's the Joker. -You old motherfucker. 954 01:06:47,844 --> 01:06:48,833 What's happening? 955 01:06:49,012 --> 01:06:52,834 Thought I hoped I'd never see you again, you piece of shit. 956 01:06:53,350 --> 01:06:54,874 What's happening, man? 957 01:06:55,051 --> 01:06:58,441 Oh, just waiting to get back to the land of the big PX. 958 01:06:58,622 --> 01:07:00,578 Yeah? Well, why go back? 959 01:07:00,757 --> 01:07:02,281 Here or there, samey-same. 960 01:07:02,459 --> 01:07:04,154 -Been getting any? -Only your sister. 961 01:07:04,327 --> 01:07:08,423 Well, better my sister than my mom, though my mom's not bad. 962 01:07:09,032 --> 01:07:11,626 Hey, you Hogs, listen up. 963 01:07:11,802 --> 01:07:14,965 This is my bro, Joker, from the lsland, and this is...? 964 01:07:15,138 --> 01:07:17,094 -Rafterman. -Rafterman. 965 01:07:17,274 --> 01:07:20,107 They're from Stars and Stripes. They'll make you famous. 966 01:07:20,277 --> 01:07:21,574 -Fucking A. -Yeah. 967 01:07:21,745 --> 01:07:23,667 We're the Lusthog Squad. 968 01:07:23,847 --> 01:07:26,407 We're life-takers and heartbreakers. 969 01:07:26,583 --> 01:07:30,075 We shoot them full of holes and fill them full of lead. 970 01:07:34,524 --> 01:07:37,220 You a photographer? 971 01:07:38,662 --> 01:07:41,222 No, I'm a combat correspondent. 972 01:07:42,232 --> 01:07:44,723 Oh, you seen much combat? 973 01:07:47,471 --> 01:07:49,837 Well, I've seen a little on TV. 974 01:07:54,177 --> 01:07:56,941 You're a real comedian. 975 01:07:58,215 --> 01:08:00,945 Well, they call me the Joker. 976 01:08:02,219 --> 01:08:04,710 Well, I got a joke for you. 977 01:08:04,855 --> 01:08:08,120 I'm gonna tear you a new asshole. 978 01:08:11,328 --> 01:08:13,193 Well, pilgrim... 979 01:08:13,363 --> 01:08:18,494 ... only after you eat the peanuts out of my shit. 980 01:08:23,907 --> 01:08:26,000 You talk the talk. 981 01:08:27,210 --> 01:08:30,043 Do you walk the walk? 982 01:08:34,451 --> 01:08:35,941 Now, you might not believe it... 983 01:08:36,353 --> 01:08:41,381 ... but under fire, Animal Mother's one of the finest human beings in the world. 984 01:08:41,558 --> 01:08:45,688 All he needs is somebody to throw hand grenades at him the rest of his life. 985 01:08:45,862 --> 01:08:50,026 That's a roger, come on. Sit down. Come on, new guy. 986 01:08:52,769 --> 01:08:55,033 Hey, jungle-bunny. 987 01:08:55,205 --> 01:08:58,003 Thank God for the sickle cell, huh? 988 01:08:58,174 --> 01:09:00,005 Yeah, Mother. 989 01:09:01,278 --> 01:09:03,075 Hey, photographer. 990 01:09:04,481 --> 01:09:06,506 You wanna take a good picture? 991 01:09:07,784 --> 01:09:09,217 Here, man. 992 01:09:09,553 --> 01:09:11,043 Take this. 993 01:09:19,896 --> 01:09:22,751 This is my bro. 994 01:09:32,342 --> 01:09:34,435 This is his party. 995 01:09:34,611 --> 01:09:36,772 He's the guest of honor. 996 01:09:37,714 --> 01:09:40,376 Today is his birthday. 997 01:09:40,984 --> 01:09:43,782 Happy birthday, zipperhead. 998 01:09:44,788 --> 01:09:47,177 I will never forget this day. 999 01:09:47,357 --> 01:09:52,647 The day I came to Hue City and fought 1 million NVA gooks. 1000 01:09:53,129 --> 01:09:56,428 I love the little commie bastards, man, I really do. 1001 01:09:56,900 --> 01:10:00,131 These enemy grunts are as hard as slant-eyed drill instructors. 1002 01:10:02,105 --> 01:10:05,063 These are great days we're living, bros. 1003 01:10:06,209 --> 01:10:10,236 We are jolly green giants, walking the earth with guns. 1004 01:10:10,981 --> 01:10:13,370 These people we wasted here today... 1005 01:10:13,550 --> 01:10:16,781 ... are the finest human beings we will ever know. 1006 01:10:18,588 --> 01:10:20,249 After we rotate back to the world... 1007 01:10:20,423 --> 01:10:23,722 ... we're gonna miss not having anyone around who's worth shooting. 1008 01:11:30,193 --> 01:11:32,855 -Stay put, keep your heads down. -Stay put. 1009 01:11:33,029 --> 01:11:34,656 Stay put. 1010 01:11:49,813 --> 01:11:51,872 Shit. 1011 01:11:59,756 --> 01:12:03,248 Delta Six Actual, this is Murphy. Over. 1012 01:12:04,961 --> 01:12:08,624 Delta Six Actual, this is Murphy. Over. 1013 01:12:09,766 --> 01:12:11,131 Delta Six. 1014 01:12:11,301 --> 01:12:14,429 Delta Six, we are receiving incoming fire from the vill. 1015 01:12:14,904 --> 01:12:16,496 The lieutenant is down. 1016 01:12:16,673 --> 01:12:19,631 We're going to stop here and check out what's in front of us. Over. 1017 01:12:25,281 --> 01:12:27,772 Okay, Lusthog Squad, listen up. 1018 01:12:28,451 --> 01:12:30,544 Gonna move up these roads and check the vill. 1019 01:12:30,720 --> 01:12:33,086 I want the third team up this road here. 1020 01:12:33,256 --> 01:12:37,147 First and second fire team behind me up this other road, okay? 1021 01:12:37,627 --> 01:12:40,482 Let's go. Let's get it done. 1022 01:17:07,108 --> 01:17:09,804 Is that you, John Wayne? Is this me? 1023 01:17:09,977 --> 01:17:13,140 Hey, start the cameras. This is Vietnam: The Movie. 1024 01:17:13,314 --> 01:17:15,680 Yeah, Joker can be John Wayne, I'll be a horse. 1025 01:17:15,850 --> 01:17:18,512 -T. H. E. Rock can be a rock. -I'll be Ann-Margret. 1026 01:17:18,686 --> 01:17:20,608 Animal Mother can be a rabid buffalo. 1027 01:17:20,788 --> 01:17:23,279 -I'll be General Custer. -Who'll be the lndian? 1028 01:17:23,458 --> 01:17:26,484 Hey, we'll let the gooks play the lndians. 1029 01:18:04,665 --> 01:18:06,656 You're going home now. 1030 01:18:10,671 --> 01:18:12,502 Semper fi. 1031 01:18:15,476 --> 01:18:18,070 We're mean Marines, sir. 1032 01:18:21,449 --> 01:18:23,576 Go easy, bros. 1033 01:18:27,722 --> 01:18:29,781 Better you than me. 1034 01:18:33,494 --> 01:18:36,156 Well, at least they died for a good cause. 1035 01:18:36,964 --> 01:18:39,194 What cause was that? 1036 01:18:40,701 --> 01:18:42,259 Freedom. 1037 01:18:43,070 --> 01:18:45,994 Flush out your headgear, new guy. 1038 01:18:47,708 --> 01:18:50,563 You think we waste gooks for freedom? 1039 01:18:51,712 --> 01:18:53,907 This is a slaughter. 1040 01:18:55,149 --> 01:18:58,676 If I'm gonna get my balls blown off for a word... 1041 01:18:59,754 --> 01:19:02,643 ... my word is poon tang. 1042 01:19:05,393 --> 01:19:08,123 Tough break for Hand Job. 1043 01:19:09,030 --> 01:19:12,488 He was all set to get shipped out on a medical. 1044 01:19:14,035 --> 01:19:15,991 What was the matter with him? 1045 01:19:18,339 --> 01:19:21,536 He was jerking off 1 0 times a day. 1046 01:19:22,643 --> 01:19:26,238 It's no shit. At least 1 0 times a day. 1047 01:19:28,182 --> 01:19:33,506 Last week he was sent down to Da Nang to see the Navy head shrinker. 1048 01:19:33,921 --> 01:19:37,982 The crazy fucker starts jerking off in the waiting room. 1049 01:19:38,526 --> 01:19:41,086 Instant Section Eight. 1050 01:19:41,762 --> 01:19:45,186 He was just waiting for his papers to clear Division. 1051 01:19:47,702 --> 01:19:50,557 You ready? Turn over. 1052 01:19:52,106 --> 01:19:54,404 Hue City interviews, roll 34. 1053 01:19:56,510 --> 01:20:00,503 Well, like-- Like you see, you know, it's a major city... 1054 01:20:00,681 --> 01:20:04,208 ... so we have to assault with tanks, we roll in the streets. 1055 01:20:04,385 --> 01:20:06,774 So they send us in first to squat... 1056 01:20:06,954 --> 01:20:10,685 ... make sure that there are no little.... 1057 01:20:11,826 --> 01:20:15,057 No Vietnamese waiting with B-40 rockets to blow the tanks away. 1058 01:20:15,229 --> 01:20:17,720 So we clear it out and we roll the tanks in... 1059 01:20:17,898 --> 01:20:20,230 ... and basically blow the place to hell. 1060 01:20:20,835 --> 01:20:24,430 When we're in Hue, when we're in Hue City... 1061 01:20:24,605 --> 01:20:26,561 ... it's like a war, you know... 1062 01:20:26,741 --> 01:20:28,629 ... Iike what-- What-- 1063 01:20:28,809 --> 01:20:31,801 What I thought about a war, what I thought a war was-- 1064 01:20:31,979 --> 01:20:34,470 You know, was supposed to be. 1065 01:20:35,650 --> 01:20:37,845 There's the enemy, you kill them. 1066 01:20:38,452 --> 01:20:41,580 I don't think there's any question about it. I mean, we're the best. 1067 01:20:41,756 --> 01:20:43,883 I mean, all that bullshit about the Air Cav.... 1068 01:20:44,058 --> 01:20:46,185 When the shit hits the fan, who do they call? 1069 01:20:46,360 --> 01:20:49,693 They call Mother Green and her killing machine. 1070 01:20:49,864 --> 01:20:52,856 Do I think America belongs in Vietnam? 1071 01:20:53,534 --> 01:20:57,459 I don't know. I belong in Vietnam, I'll tell you that. 1072 01:20:57,638 --> 01:20:59,868 Can I quote LBJ? 1073 01:21:01,409 --> 01:21:04,901 ""l will not send American boys... 1074 01:21:05,079 --> 01:21:07,343 ...8 or 1 0,000 miles around the world... 1075 01:21:07,515 --> 01:21:11,713 ... to do a job that Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves."" 1076 01:21:13,621 --> 01:21:17,944 Personally think they don't really want to be involved in this war... 1077 01:21:18,125 --> 01:21:21,891 ... you know, I mean, like they-- It's sort of like... 1078 01:21:22,430 --> 01:21:25,820 ... they took away our freedom and gave it to the gookers, you know. 1079 01:21:26,000 --> 01:21:27,558 But they don't want it. 1080 01:21:27,735 --> 01:21:30,158 They'd rather be alive than free, I guess, you know. 1081 01:21:30,337 --> 01:21:32,328 Poor, dumb bastards. 1082 01:21:33,207 --> 01:21:37,940 Well, the ones I'm fighting at are some pretty-- Pretty bad boys. 1083 01:21:38,112 --> 01:21:39,875 I'm not real.... 1084 01:21:41,048 --> 01:21:43,881 I'm not real keen on some of these fellas... 1085 01:21:44,051 --> 01:21:47,475 ... that are supposedly on our side. 1086 01:21:47,655 --> 01:21:50,488 I keep meeting them coming the other way. 1087 01:21:52,560 --> 01:21:53,584 Yeah. 1088 01:21:54,161 --> 01:21:56,356 I mean, we're getting killed for these people... 1089 01:21:56,530 --> 01:21:58,691 ... and they don't even appreciate it. 1090 01:21:59,366 --> 01:22:01,288 They think it's a big joke. 1091 01:22:01,936 --> 01:22:03,927 Well, if you ask me... 1092 01:22:04,405 --> 01:22:06,430 ... we're shooting the wrong gooks. 1093 01:22:06,907 --> 01:22:10,434 Well, it depends on the situation. I mean, I'm here to take combat photos. 1094 01:22:10,611 --> 01:22:14,172 But if the shit gets too thick, I mean, I'll go to the rifle. 1095 01:22:15,182 --> 01:22:17,946 What do I think about America's involvement in the war? 1096 01:22:18,119 --> 01:22:19,882 Well, I think we should win. 1097 01:22:20,521 --> 01:22:22,512 I hate Vietnam. 1098 01:22:22,690 --> 01:22:24,715 There's not one horse in this whole country. 1099 01:22:24,892 --> 01:22:27,019 They don't have one horse in Vietnam. 1100 01:22:27,194 --> 01:22:29,788 There's something basically wrong with that. 1101 01:22:31,198 --> 01:22:33,154 Well, if they'd send us more guys, maybe... 1102 01:22:33,334 --> 01:22:37,361 ... and bomb the hell out of the North, they might give up. 1103 01:22:38,139 --> 01:22:43,668 I wanted to see exotic Vietnam, the jewel of Southeast Asia. 1104 01:22:44,278 --> 01:22:48,635 I wanted to meet interesting and stimulating people of an ancient culture... 1105 01:22:48,816 --> 01:22:50,113 ... and kill them. 1106 01:22:50,551 --> 01:22:55,375 I wanted to be the first kid on my block to get a confirmed kill. 1107 01:23:14,074 --> 01:23:16,235 Ten-hut. 1108 01:23:18,045 --> 01:23:19,569 -All right. -My, oh, my. 1109 01:23:19,747 --> 01:23:22,636 -Good morning, little schoolgirl. -Look at this lady. 1110 01:23:22,817 --> 01:23:24,910 I'm a little schoolboy too. 1111 01:23:25,286 --> 01:23:26,583 My, my, my. 1112 01:23:27,154 --> 01:23:30,453 -What you got there, chief? -Do you want number one fucky? 1113 01:23:31,625 --> 01:23:34,458 Hey, any of you boys want number one fucky? 1114 01:23:34,628 --> 01:23:37,017 I'm so horny, I can't even get a piece of hand. 1115 01:23:37,198 --> 01:23:40,395 -Me want sucky. -Sucky, fucky, smoke cigarette in her pussy. 1116 01:23:40,568 --> 01:23:43,128 She give you everything you want, long time. 1117 01:23:43,337 --> 01:23:47,262 Everything you want. Hey, how much there, chief? 1118 01:23:47,441 --> 01:23:49,705 -Fifteen dollars each. -No. 1119 01:23:52,046 --> 01:23:54,708 Fifteen dollar beaucoup money. 1120 01:23:54,882 --> 01:23:56,144 Five dollar each. 1121 01:23:56,317 --> 01:23:58,114 Come on, she love you good. 1122 01:23:58,285 --> 01:23:59,809 Boom-boom long time. 1123 01:23:59,987 --> 01:24:01,682 -Ten dollars. -Five dollars. 1124 01:24:01,856 --> 01:24:03,346 No. Ten dollars. 1125 01:24:03,490 --> 01:24:05,685 Be glad to trade you some ARVlN rifles. 1126 01:24:05,860 --> 01:24:08,693 Ain't never been fired and only dropped once. 1127 01:24:09,597 --> 01:24:11,360 Okay, $5. You give me. 1128 01:24:11,532 --> 01:24:13,864 -Okay, okay. -All right. 1129 01:24:15,135 --> 01:24:16,500 Let's get mounted. 1130 01:24:21,909 --> 01:24:23,467 Something wrong there, chief? 1131 01:24:23,644 --> 01:24:25,600 She says no boom-boom with soul brother. 1132 01:24:25,779 --> 01:24:27,337 What the motherfuck? 1133 01:24:27,514 --> 01:24:30,039 She says soul brother too beaucoup, too beaucoup. 1134 01:24:30,217 --> 01:24:31,548 What is this, man? 1135 01:24:31,719 --> 01:24:36,782 I think what he's trying to tell you is you black boys pack too much meat. 1136 01:24:37,791 --> 01:24:40,487 Too beaucoup, too beaucoup. 1137 01:24:40,661 --> 01:24:42,322 Oh, shit. 1138 01:24:42,496 --> 01:24:46,193 This baby-san looks like she could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch. 1139 01:24:46,367 --> 01:24:49,427 She say too beaucoup, too beaucoup. 1140 01:24:49,603 --> 01:24:51,525 Excuse me, ma'am. 1141 01:24:52,239 --> 01:24:54,230 What we have here, little yellow sister... 1142 01:24:54,408 --> 01:24:58,833 ... is a magnificent specimen of pure Alabama blacksnake. 1143 01:24:59,046 --> 01:25:01,606 But it ain't too goddamn beaucoup. 1144 01:25:02,650 --> 01:25:04,572 Okay, okay. 1145 01:25:05,286 --> 01:25:07,242 Okay, okay. 1146 01:25:08,589 --> 01:25:10,853 All right. Yeah. This is my boogie. 1147 01:25:11,025 --> 01:25:13,220 -Hey, we need a batting order. -I'm going first. 1148 01:25:13,394 --> 01:25:16,784 Back off, white bread. Don't get between a dog and his meat. 1149 01:25:16,964 --> 01:25:20,263 All fucking niggers must fucking hang. 1150 01:25:20,434 --> 01:25:23,562 -Hey, Animal, man. -You son of a-- 1151 01:25:23,737 --> 01:25:27,867 Hey, hey, I won't be long. I'll skip the foreplay. 1152 01:25:28,042 --> 01:25:30,340 -I don't want it after you, man. -Fuck you. 1153 01:26:03,544 --> 01:26:05,842 Intelligence passed the word down... 1154 01:26:06,013 --> 01:26:09,574 ... that during the night the NVA had pulled out of our area... 1155 01:26:09,750 --> 01:26:12,708 ... to positions across the Perfume River. 1156 01:26:12,886 --> 01:26:17,277 Our squad is sent on patrol to check out the report. 1157 01:26:48,756 --> 01:26:51,520 Face outboard and take cover. Do it. 1158 01:27:05,005 --> 01:27:06,529 Shit. 1159 01:27:15,115 --> 01:27:17,003 He ain't gonna make it. 1160 01:27:19,920 --> 01:27:21,547 Shit. 1161 01:27:28,062 --> 01:27:31,327 Hotel One Actual, this is Cowboy. 1162 01:27:32,766 --> 01:27:36,258 Hotel One Actual, this is Cowboy. 1163 01:27:37,137 --> 01:27:38,627 Hotel One. Over. 1164 01:27:38,806 --> 01:27:40,831 Murph, this is Cowboy. 1165 01:27:41,008 --> 01:27:44,341 Crazy's hit. Booby trap. 1166 01:27:45,546 --> 01:27:47,241 Wait, One. 1167 01:27:48,415 --> 01:27:52,875 Okay. You're senior NCO, Cowboy. You're in charge. 1168 01:27:53,187 --> 01:27:54,779 -Continue with the patrol... -Shit. 1169 01:27:54,955 --> 01:27:57,253 -... and call in at the next checkpoint. -Shit. 1170 01:27:57,424 --> 01:28:00,154 Roger. Out. 1171 01:28:06,567 --> 01:28:08,432 I ' m squad leader. 1172 01:28:11,438 --> 01:28:13,827 Follow you anywhere, scumbag. 1173 01:28:14,942 --> 01:28:16,500 All right. 1174 01:28:17,311 --> 01:28:18,869 He's dead. 1175 01:28:59,987 --> 01:29:01,511 Cowboy. 1176 01:29:08,328 --> 01:29:09,590 What's up? 1177 01:29:09,863 --> 01:29:13,094 I think we made a mistake at the last checkpoint. 1178 01:29:13,267 --> 01:29:15,656 Here, see what you think. 1179 01:29:17,771 --> 01:29:20,797 I think we're here... 1180 01:29:21,341 --> 01:29:24,265 ... and we should be here. 1181 01:29:25,879 --> 01:29:28,006 -We're here? -Yeah. 1182 01:29:28,182 --> 01:29:31,447 -We should be here? -Yeah. Yeah, that's right. 1183 01:29:37,591 --> 01:29:39,320 Fuck. 1184 01:29:44,665 --> 01:29:46,292 What do you think? 1185 01:29:47,935 --> 01:29:50,699 Well, I think we should change direction. 1186 01:30:04,651 --> 01:30:06,209 Okay. 1187 01:30:06,853 --> 01:30:08,878 We'll change direction. 1188 01:30:19,533 --> 01:30:21,091 What's up? 1189 01:30:21,268 --> 01:30:23,190 Changing direction. 1190 01:30:23,904 --> 01:30:25,132 What are we, lost? 1191 01:30:25,305 --> 01:30:28,399 Joker, shut the fuck up. 1192 01:30:28,709 --> 01:30:30,836 Okay, listen up. 1193 01:30:31,011 --> 01:30:33,104 -Can you hear me? -Yeah. 1194 01:30:33,280 --> 01:30:35,111 Okay, we're changing direction. 1195 01:30:35,282 --> 01:30:37,011 We're heading over that way. 1196 01:30:37,184 --> 01:30:40,381 Eightball's gonna go over there and see can he find a way through. 1197 01:30:40,887 --> 01:30:43,276 -Got it? -Got it. 1198 01:30:43,991 --> 01:30:46,983 Eightball, let's dance. 1199 01:30:47,561 --> 01:30:49,859 Put a nigger behind the trigger. 1200 01:31:50,957 --> 01:31:52,481 Fuck. 1201 01:32:08,208 --> 01:32:09,607 Cease fire. 1202 01:32:09,776 --> 01:32:11,664 Cease fire, goddamn it. 1203 01:32:11,845 --> 01:32:14,370 Cool it, goddamn it. Cool it. Cease fire. 1204 01:32:14,548 --> 01:32:16,072 -Hold it. -Cease fire. 1205 01:32:16,249 --> 01:32:17,477 -Cease fire. -Cease fire. 1206 01:32:17,651 --> 01:32:21,178 Okay, listen up. Did anybody see a sniper? Did anybody see anything? 1207 01:32:21,355 --> 01:32:23,016 Anybody see a sniper? 1208 01:32:23,190 --> 01:32:24,680 -Nothing. -Negative. 1209 01:32:24,858 --> 01:32:28,749 Okay, then save your ammo. Nobody fire till I tell you. 1210 01:32:29,696 --> 01:32:30,856 Eightball. 1211 01:32:31,031 --> 01:32:33,625 No, no. Cease fire. Cease fire. 1212 01:32:33,800 --> 01:32:35,495 Animal, cease fire. 1213 01:32:35,669 --> 01:32:37,796 Cowboy, it's Sergeant Murphy. 1214 01:32:37,971 --> 01:32:39,461 This is Cowboy. Over. 1215 01:32:39,606 --> 01:32:43,064 This is Murphy. What is your present position? Over. 1216 01:32:43,243 --> 01:32:45,541 Murph, we're receiving enemy sniper fire. 1217 01:32:45,712 --> 01:32:46,974 Eightball is down. 1218 01:32:47,147 --> 01:32:50,036 Our position is about half a klick north of Checkpoint Four. 1219 01:32:50,217 --> 01:32:53,914 Believe possible strong enemy forces occupying buildings in front of us. 1220 01:32:54,087 --> 01:32:57,579 Request immediate tank support. Over. 1221 01:32:58,091 --> 01:32:59,490 Roger. Understand. 1222 01:32:59,659 --> 01:33:02,150 I'll see what I can do. Over. 1223 01:33:02,329 --> 01:33:04,695 Roger. Over and out. 1224 01:33:04,865 --> 01:33:07,163 -Stay close. -Got it. 1225 01:33:07,801 --> 01:33:11,828 Okay, listen up. I think we're being set up for an ambush. 1226 01:33:12,005 --> 01:33:15,566 I think there may be strong enemy forces in those buildings over there. 1227 01:33:15,742 --> 01:33:17,607 I've requested tank support. 1228 01:33:17,778 --> 01:33:21,043 We're gonna sit tight till it comes, but keep your eyes open. 1229 01:33:21,214 --> 01:33:25,241 If they decide to hit us, we'll have to pull back fast. 1230 01:33:26,286 --> 01:33:29,016 Goddamn it. Halt. Cease your fire, Mother. 1231 01:33:29,189 --> 01:33:31,077 -Cease your fucking fire. -Cowboy. 1232 01:33:31,258 --> 01:33:33,021 -What? -We can't leave him out there. 1233 01:33:33,193 --> 01:33:35,957 We're not leaving him, we'll get him when the tank comes up. 1234 01:33:36,129 --> 01:33:38,791 He's hit three fucking times. He can't wait that long. 1235 01:33:38,965 --> 01:33:40,990 I seen this before. 1236 01:33:41,168 --> 01:33:44,399 That sniper's just trying to suck us in, one at a time. 1237 01:33:46,273 --> 01:33:49,436 Goddamn it. No. 1238 01:33:49,609 --> 01:33:52,533 -Goddamn it, cease fire. Cease fire. -Man, fuck this-- 1239 01:33:52,712 --> 01:33:54,805 Fuck this shit. I'm going in to bring him out. 1240 01:33:54,981 --> 01:33:58,542 -No, you sit the fuck down, goddamn it. -Cover me. 1241 01:34:14,468 --> 01:34:18,962 Cease fire, he's there. Cease fire, he's there. 1242 01:34:19,139 --> 01:34:21,403 Cease fire. 1243 01:34:32,786 --> 01:34:34,083 Hold your fire. 1244 01:34:34,254 --> 01:34:36,279 Hold your fire. 1245 01:34:36,456 --> 01:34:38,947 Cease fire, you can't see the sniper. 1246 01:34:39,125 --> 01:34:43,482 Save the ammo. Nobody fire till I tell you. Nobody. 1247 01:34:48,935 --> 01:34:50,732 Hold your fire. 1248 01:34:51,438 --> 01:34:53,929 What the fuck do we do now, Cowboy? 1249 01:34:55,175 --> 01:34:57,166 Give me that fucking radio. 1250 01:35:01,381 --> 01:35:03,975 Murph? This is Cowboy. Over. 1251 01:35:04,150 --> 01:35:05,640 This is Murphy. Over. 1252 01:35:05,785 --> 01:35:08,151 Murph, we're in some deep shit. I got two men down. 1253 01:35:08,355 --> 01:35:11,244 What's the story on that fucking tank? Over. 1254 01:35:12,325 --> 01:35:15,783 Sorry, Cowboy. No luck so far with the tank. 1255 01:35:15,962 --> 01:35:18,226 Will advise. Over. 1256 01:35:19,232 --> 01:35:21,188 Roger. Out. 1257 01:35:21,601 --> 01:35:23,899 Numb-nut bastards. 1258 01:35:24,070 --> 01:35:27,164 -Okay, listen up. -Listen up. 1259 01:35:28,041 --> 01:35:30,100 Can't afford to wait for the tank. 1260 01:35:30,277 --> 01:35:32,199 I think they're gonna hit us any minute. 1261 01:35:32,379 --> 01:35:34,574 When they do, we won't have time to pull out. 1262 01:35:34,748 --> 01:35:37,706 We gotta do it now. Let's get ready to move. 1263 01:35:37,884 --> 01:35:40,148 -Ready to pull out. -Wait a minute. Hold it. 1264 01:35:40,554 --> 01:35:44,342 Hold it, nobody's pulling out. There's only one sniper there. 1265 01:35:44,524 --> 01:35:45,786 Back off, Mother. 1266 01:35:45,959 --> 01:35:48,917 I'm calling the plays. I say we're pulling out. 1267 01:35:49,095 --> 01:35:50,892 Well, what about Doc Jay and Eightball? 1268 01:35:51,064 --> 01:35:54,852 I know it's a shitty thing to do, but we can't refuse to accept the situation. 1269 01:35:55,035 --> 01:35:57,299 We're not leaving Doc Jay and Eightball out there. 1270 01:35:57,470 --> 01:35:59,301 Doc Jay and Eightball are wasted. 1271 01:35:59,472 --> 01:36:02,202 -You know that. -Bullshit. Come on, you guys. 1272 01:36:02,375 --> 01:36:04,866 We gotta bring them back. Let's get them, let's do it. 1273 01:36:05,011 --> 01:36:07,377 Stand down, Mother. That's a direct order. 1274 01:36:11,585 --> 01:36:15,715 Fuck you, Cowboy. Fuck all you assholes. 1275 01:36:17,824 --> 01:36:20,850 -Goddamn it. -Fucking son of a bitch. 1276 01:36:21,027 --> 01:36:23,723 You motherfucker. 1277 01:36:39,379 --> 01:36:42,109 Doc. Doc. Doc. 1278 01:36:43,950 --> 01:36:45,872 Where's the sniper? 1279 01:36:48,855 --> 01:36:52,018 Doc, where's the sniper? 1280 01:37:00,734 --> 01:37:02,463 Shit. 1281 01:37:04,070 --> 01:37:06,595 Shit. Fuck. 1282 01:37:20,920 --> 01:37:22,512 Fuck. 1283 01:37:54,187 --> 01:37:56,314 Hey, Cowboy. 1284 01:37:56,656 --> 01:37:58,419 Yeah? 1285 01:37:59,292 --> 01:38:02,784 Doc Jay and Eightball are wasted. 1286 01:38:03,396 --> 01:38:06,888 There's only one sniper, nothing else. 1287 01:38:07,267 --> 01:38:11,124 Move up the squad, you're clear up to here. 1288 01:38:11,971 --> 01:38:13,461 Come on. 1289 01:38:16,076 --> 01:38:18,271 Son of a bitch. 1290 01:38:22,048 --> 01:38:24,608 -Okay, listen up. -Listen up. 1291 01:38:25,652 --> 01:38:29,884 No-Doze, Stutten, Donlon, Rock, you come with me, we'll take a look. 1292 01:38:30,323 --> 01:38:32,712 The rest of you all stay put and cover our ass. 1293 01:38:32,892 --> 01:38:35,690 We may be coming back in a big hurry. 1294 01:38:36,563 --> 01:38:38,895 -I'm going with you. -I'm coming too. 1295 01:38:39,065 --> 01:38:40,896 Okay. 1296 01:38:41,067 --> 01:38:42,728 -You all set? -Yeah. 1297 01:38:42,902 --> 01:38:43,926 Let's move out. 1298 01:38:44,304 --> 01:38:45,362 Let's do it. 1299 01:39:23,576 --> 01:39:24,907 Hey, Cowboy. 1300 01:39:25,078 --> 01:39:27,569 Top of the black building, around the corner. 1301 01:39:47,333 --> 01:39:50,029 Donlon, give me that radio. 1302 01:39:52,572 --> 01:39:54,301 Murphy, this is Cowboy. Over. 1303 01:40:04,818 --> 01:40:07,207 -Cowboy. -Holy shit. That sniper's got a clean shot. 1304 01:40:07,387 --> 01:40:09,275 Get him the fuck out of here. 1305 01:40:15,995 --> 01:40:18,691 -I ain't got a first aid. -I don't believe this shit. 1306 01:40:18,865 --> 01:40:20,992 -Give me your hand. -Shut up. 1307 01:40:21,167 --> 01:40:22,759 -Take it easy, Cowboy. -Don't move. 1308 01:40:22,936 --> 01:40:24,233 -Shit. -That son of a bitch. 1309 01:40:24,404 --> 01:40:26,269 -You'll be all right. -You're going home. 1310 01:40:26,439 --> 01:40:29,272 -Shut up. -Don't shit me. 1311 01:40:29,442 --> 01:40:33,071 You know I'm not gonna shit you, man. You're my favorite turd. 1312 01:40:33,713 --> 01:40:34,907 Come on. Easy. 1313 01:40:35,315 --> 01:40:36,441 Here you go. 1314 01:40:38,151 --> 01:40:42,042 -Cowboy. -Hang on, man. Hang on. 1315 01:40:45,892 --> 01:40:48,918 I can hack it. I can hack it. 1316 01:40:55,001 --> 01:40:58,425 -I can hack it. -You can hack it, man. 1317 01:41:54,494 --> 01:41:57,054 Let's go get some payback. 1318 01:42:02,969 --> 01:42:04,561 Okay. 1319 01:42:10,710 --> 01:42:12,439 Okay. 1320 01:42:19,886 --> 01:42:21,979 Watch that fucking hole. 1321 01:42:23,256 --> 01:42:24,484 Throw some smoke. 1322 01:42:41,007 --> 01:42:42,804 Okay, ready? 1323 01:43:23,816 --> 01:43:27,547 Donlon, Rock, that way. You two, with me. 1324 01:43:32,625 --> 01:43:35,287 Joker, in there. New guy. 1325 01:45:39,285 --> 01:45:42,209 We got the sniper. 1326 01:46:15,922 --> 01:46:17,446 Joker? 1327 01:46:17,990 --> 01:46:19,480 Yo. 1328 01:46:19,825 --> 01:46:21,383 What's up? 1329 01:46:22,862 --> 01:46:25,023 We got the sniper. 1330 01:46:37,577 --> 01:46:39,533 I saved Joker's ass. 1331 01:46:39,712 --> 01:46:41,509 I got the sniper. 1332 01:46:41,681 --> 01:46:44,343 I fucking blew her away. 1333 01:46:45,184 --> 01:46:47,140 Am I bad? 1334 01:46:47,753 --> 01:46:51,746 Am I a life-taker? Am I a heartbreaker? 1335 01:47:09,308 --> 01:47:11,469 What's she saying? 1336 01:47:15,114 --> 01:47:16,945 She's praying. 1337 01:47:20,820 --> 01:47:24,119 No more boom-boom for this baby-san. 1338 01:47:27,026 --> 01:47:29,449 There's nothing we can do for her. 1339 01:47:31,030 --> 01:47:33,123 She's dead meat. 1340 01:47:37,603 --> 01:47:39,036 Okay. 1341 01:47:40,339 --> 01:47:42,500 Let's get the fuck out of here. 1342 01:47:47,013 --> 01:47:48,878 What about her? 1343 01:47:52,652 --> 01:47:54,313 Fuck her. 1344 01:47:55,655 --> 01:47:57,350 Let her rot. 1345 01:48:13,673 --> 01:48:16,005 We can't just leave her here. 1346 01:48:19,211 --> 01:48:21,099 Hey, asshole. 1347 01:48:21,580 --> 01:48:23,810 Cowboy's wasted. 1348 01:48:24,283 --> 01:48:26,843 You're fresh out of friends. 1349 01:48:27,953 --> 01:48:29,784 I'm running this squad now... 1350 01:48:29,955 --> 01:48:34,221 ... and I say we leave the gook for the mother-loving rats. 1351 01:48:38,064 --> 01:48:41,124 I'm not trying to run this squad. 1352 01:48:42,968 --> 01:48:46,927 I'm just saying we can't leave her like this. 1353 01:48:56,449 --> 01:48:59,407 Shoot me. 1354 01:49:01,354 --> 01:49:03,379 Shoot... 1355 01:49:03,889 --> 01:49:05,481 ... me. 1356 01:49:06,058 --> 01:49:08,151 Shoot... 1357 01:49:08,661 --> 01:49:10,253 ... me. 1358 01:49:10,730 --> 01:49:12,721 Shoot. 1359 01:49:14,400 --> 01:49:16,095 Shoot. 1360 01:49:17,303 --> 01:49:20,602 If you wanna waste her, go on... 1361 01:49:22,475 --> 01:49:24,568 ... waste her. 1362 01:49:24,744 --> 01:49:26,371 Shoot... 1363 01:49:28,547 --> 01:49:29,980 ... me. 1364 01:49:34,086 --> 01:49:36,850 Shoot me. 1365 01:49:38,791 --> 01:49:40,019 Shoot... 1366 01:49:41,293 --> 01:49:43,022 ... me. 1367 01:49:43,396 --> 01:49:45,489 Shoot... 1368 01:49:46,198 --> 01:49:47,631 ... me. 1369 01:49:48,234 --> 01:49:50,429 Shoot. 1370 01:49:52,071 --> 01:49:54,096 Shoot. 1371 01:49:57,743 --> 01:49:59,267 Shoot. 1372 01:50:00,279 --> 01:50:01,871 Shoot. 1373 01:50:39,185 --> 01:50:41,016 Joker... 1374 01:50:41,187 --> 01:50:45,942 ... we're gonna have to put you up for the Congressional Medal of Ugly. 1375 01:50:49,728 --> 01:50:51,855 Hard-core, man. 1376 01:50:53,866 --> 01:50:56,391 Fucking hard-core. 1377 01:51:13,385 --> 01:51:18,448 We have nailed our names in the pages of history enough for today. 1378 01:51:19,058 --> 01:51:23,722 We hump down to the Perfume River to set in for the night. 1379 01:52:02,268 --> 01:52:06,466 My thoughts drift back to erect-nipple wet dreams... 1380 01:52:06,639 --> 01:52:12,771 ... about Mary Jane Rottencrotch and the great homecoming-fuck fantasy. 1381 01:52:13,412 --> 01:52:16,108 I am so happy that I am alive... 1382 01:52:16,282 --> 01:52:19,809 ... in one piece and short. 1383 01:52:20,486 --> 01:52:23,785 I am in a world of shit, yes... 1384 01:52:23,956 --> 01:52:25,912 ... but I am alive. 1385 01:52:26,325 --> 01:52:28,316 And I am not afraid.