1 00:02:06,178 --> 00:02:07,530 Hi, Dad. 2 00:02:07,698 --> 00:02:09,689 Glad you could make it. 3 00:02:10,698 --> 00:02:13,451 My, my, look at all the pretty uniforms. 4 00:02:13,658 --> 00:02:16,377 - We having a parade? - I'm encouraged by the turnout. 5 00:02:16,538 --> 00:02:19,655 They know that we're sitting on a hot piece of weaponry here. 6 00:02:19,858 --> 00:02:21,576 "A hot piece of weaponry. " 7 00:02:21,738 --> 00:02:24,810 Back in the 14th century, they invented the crossbow. 8 00:02:24,978 --> 00:02:26,969 When Pope Gregory heard about it, he said: 9 00:02:27,138 --> 00:02:30,847 "This weapon is so terrible, it will surely end war. " 10 00:02:33,378 --> 00:02:35,016 Children. 11 00:02:38,898 --> 00:02:41,332 - What the hell was that? - That was Dad. 12 00:02:42,938 --> 00:02:45,816 Okay, Mr. Baker, we're ready to proceed. 13 00:02:48,218 --> 00:02:51,972 This is it. Keep your fingers crossed. 14 00:02:53,819 --> 00:02:55,217 Gentlemen. 15 00:02:55,378 --> 00:02:57,812 I think I speak for everyone here at SRT Industries... 16 00:02:57,978 --> 00:02:59,775 ...when I say that we are grateful... 17 00:02:59,938 --> 00:03:04,330 ...for the opportunity to help shape history. 18 00:03:04,539 --> 00:03:07,770 That is how important we feel the L1 gun is going to be. 19 00:03:07,978 --> 00:03:10,094 Portable laser weaponry. 20 00:03:10,258 --> 00:03:13,695 It's a fact. We are standing at the doorway of a revolution. 21 00:03:13,979 --> 00:03:17,654 A revolution in modern warfare. 22 00:03:18,259 --> 00:03:22,012 I don't mind admitting I feel a little the way Winchester must have felt... 23 00:03:22,178 --> 00:03:24,294 ...or Colt... 24 00:03:24,458 --> 00:03:26,494 ...or Nobel. 25 00:03:27,699 --> 00:03:31,213 Well, if you will all don your goggles, please. 26 00:04:13,058 --> 00:04:15,368 Hey, what's going on? 27 00:04:15,779 --> 00:04:18,168 Hey, shut it off! Shut it off! 28 00:04:18,978 --> 00:04:20,378 Come on, move it! 29 00:04:28,578 --> 00:04:30,376 A very impressive show, son. 30 00:04:35,619 --> 00:04:36,892 Blue Moon Detective Agency. 31 00:04:37,059 --> 00:04:39,175 We're here to unravel events that might baffle. 32 00:04:39,339 --> 00:04:41,330 We'll figure it out, and leave you no doubt. 33 00:04:41,499 --> 00:04:44,172 So tell us what's wrong. It won't take us long. 34 00:04:44,339 --> 00:04:45,897 We do our work well. 35 00:04:46,059 --> 00:04:49,131 - Can I talk to Miss Hayes? - There's no need to yell. 36 00:04:49,579 --> 00:04:52,093 Is this the vice president of industrial relations? 37 00:04:52,259 --> 00:04:54,819 - Yes, it is. Who am I speaking with? - Madelyn Hayes- 38 00:04:54,979 --> 00:04:57,447 - Maddie Hayes, the Blue Moon girl? - That Maddie Hayes. 39 00:04:57,619 --> 00:05:00,531 I'm in a security-and-investigation business now... 40 00:05:00,699 --> 00:05:02,655 ...and one of our clients, SRT Industries- 41 00:05:02,819 --> 00:05:05,253 - I'm familiar with them. - You have heard of them. 42 00:05:05,419 --> 00:05:08,252 We handle their internal security needs. It occurred to me... 43 00:05:08,419 --> 00:05:11,092 ...that your business might have the same requirements. 44 00:05:11,259 --> 00:05:13,693 Can I put you on hold? Maddie Hayes. 45 00:05:13,860 --> 00:05:15,611 - This is Brian Bak er. - Yes, Mr. Baker. 46 00:05:15,780 --> 00:05:17,451 - Do you know why I'm calling? - No. 47 00:05:17,619 --> 00:05:21,214 - I want to talk to you now. - Certainly. We'll come right down. 48 00:05:22,179 --> 00:05:24,977 - Where is Addison? - I believe he's at SRT Industries... 49 00:05:25,139 --> 00:05:28,370 - ... doing more psychological testing. - Psychological testing, eh? 50 00:05:32,500 --> 00:05:36,458 I'll see your 20, and raise you another 10. 51 00:05:38,540 --> 00:05:41,976 - Sure you wanna do that, Mr. Nelson? - Sure, I'm sure. 52 00:05:45,299 --> 00:05:47,575 What the hell kind of card game is this? 53 00:05:47,740 --> 00:05:51,653 Mr. Nelson, we are engaged in important psychological testing... 54 00:05:51,819 --> 00:05:56,052 ...that could have a direct impact on your job security at SRT Industries. 55 00:05:56,219 --> 00:05:58,654 You're trying to misrepresent your hand, aren't you? 56 00:05:58,819 --> 00:06:00,457 That's called bluffing. 57 00:06:00,620 --> 00:06:03,975 I don't care what you call it. It's dishonest. 58 00:06:04,139 --> 00:06:05,698 Now... 59 00:06:06,339 --> 00:06:08,489 ...I'm gonna see your 10. 60 00:06:08,779 --> 00:06:11,532 Raise you another 50. 61 00:06:11,699 --> 00:06:13,929 What do you have to say for yourself, Mr. Nelson? 62 00:06:14,100 --> 00:06:16,694 And remember, honesty is the best policy. 63 00:06:17,019 --> 00:06:19,408 I guess I have to fold. I have nothing. 64 00:06:19,619 --> 00:06:23,533 Not true, Mr. Nelson. You have your self-esteem and a pair of treys. 65 00:06:23,820 --> 00:06:26,254 And that concludes our testing for this afternoon. 66 00:06:28,660 --> 00:06:30,252 Come on now, fess up. 67 00:06:30,420 --> 00:06:32,650 You told the truth. You feel better, don't you? 68 00:06:32,819 --> 00:06:34,617 I know I do. 69 00:06:34,820 --> 00:06:38,574 Nothing feels quite as good as telling the truth, huh? Okay, you got me. 70 00:06:38,740 --> 00:06:41,014 That first scratch in the morning feels good too. 71 00:06:41,179 --> 00:06:43,489 You get the gist of things. You're an honest man. 72 00:06:43,659 --> 00:06:45,297 We proved that, and I respect you. 73 00:06:45,460 --> 00:06:49,612 You can go out with my sister anytime. During daylight hours only, of course. 74 00:06:49,780 --> 00:06:51,975 Speak of the devil. Hi, sis. 75 00:06:52,140 --> 00:06:54,415 Relax. This isn't the sister that I meant. 76 00:06:54,580 --> 00:06:58,016 - This woman's a nun. Sister Maddie. - Mr. Addison, I need to speak with you. 77 00:06:58,180 --> 00:07:01,695 We were finishing up our business. He passed his test with flying colours. 78 00:07:01,860 --> 00:07:04,932 You are an honest man. And honest men like you... 79 00:07:05,100 --> 00:07:08,775 ...are what has kept SRT Industries secure for lo these many years. 80 00:07:08,940 --> 00:07:11,374 Hope we can do this again sometime real soon, huh? 81 00:07:11,540 --> 00:07:13,610 Love to the wife and kids. 82 00:07:13,780 --> 00:07:16,772 - I want that man in my lifeboat. - Something is desperately wrong. 83 00:07:16,940 --> 00:07:18,931 Baker called. He wants to see us right away. 84 00:07:19,100 --> 00:07:21,534 Relax. Probably wants to give us a bonus. 85 00:07:21,740 --> 00:07:23,890 Boy, oh, boy, is this a sweet deal or what? 86 00:07:24,060 --> 00:07:26,449 Maddie, I gotta hand it to you, getting us this job. 87 00:07:26,620 --> 00:07:29,373 Consultants. Security consultants. 88 00:07:29,540 --> 00:07:31,496 I like that. I like that a lot. 89 00:07:31,660 --> 00:07:34,128 I like the sound of that. I like the feel of that. 90 00:07:34,340 --> 00:07:36,012 Having SRT Industries as a client... 91 00:07:36,180 --> 00:07:38,899 ...is the cornerstone of my solicitations for new business. 92 00:07:39,060 --> 00:07:41,972 If we lose this... He sounded very upset. 93 00:07:42,180 --> 00:07:44,774 Sure, he sounded upset. Guys like Baker are always upset. 94 00:07:44,940 --> 00:07:48,057 Type A personality. Blood pressure always in the 400's. 95 00:07:48,260 --> 00:07:50,933 Keels over, dies of a heart attack, 38 years old. 96 00:07:51,140 --> 00:07:54,416 Makes way for the next young Turk. Keeps the company young, vital. 97 00:07:54,580 --> 00:07:57,299 It's the natural order of things, what made America strong. 98 00:07:57,501 --> 00:08:00,810 Tell me everything is going well. Tell me you've got it under control. 99 00:08:01,020 --> 00:08:02,932 It's going well. It's under control. 100 00:08:03,140 --> 00:08:04,859 Vivian Baker is one of my best friends. 101 00:08:05,021 --> 00:08:07,580 Convincing her brother to give us this job wasn't easy. 102 00:08:07,740 --> 00:08:10,096 Maddie, Maddie, Maddie. 103 00:08:10,261 --> 00:08:13,218 You're screaming before you've been bitten. Trust me. 104 00:08:13,381 --> 00:08:15,735 He's not upset. He has no reason to be upset. 105 00:08:15,900 --> 00:08:19,018 He wanted us to check this place for security leaks. I've done that. 106 00:08:19,181 --> 00:08:22,217 This place is tight as a drum. I'm doing a great job here. 107 00:08:22,380 --> 00:08:24,018 - You are? - Sure. 108 00:08:24,180 --> 00:08:26,569 Probably wants to just tell us thank you. 109 00:08:26,780 --> 00:08:28,737 Your contract is terminated. 110 00:08:28,901 --> 00:08:30,254 Null and void. 111 00:08:30,460 --> 00:08:32,975 Call me oversensitive, but I detect a little hostility. 112 00:08:33,181 --> 00:08:35,012 Did something happen that we should know? 113 00:08:35,221 --> 00:08:37,052 Holt Aerospace beat us again. 114 00:08:37,261 --> 00:08:39,330 They filed another patent? 115 00:08:39,540 --> 00:08:41,259 Two. 116 00:08:42,621 --> 00:08:47,376 All based on technology developed at SRT under the toughest security. 117 00:08:47,581 --> 00:08:49,173 - I'm sorry. - The only way... 118 00:08:49,341 --> 00:08:51,730 ...Holt could've beaten us is with an inside source. 119 00:08:51,900 --> 00:08:54,495 - That can't be how it happened. - You're sure of that? 120 00:08:54,661 --> 00:08:57,539 I'll stake my professional reputation, such that it is, on it. 121 00:08:57,741 --> 00:09:00,255 Well, slick dick, not only is there an inside source... 122 00:09:00,421 --> 00:09:02,616 ...selling company secrets, but today... 123 00:09:02,781 --> 00:09:06,489 ...the brazen little spy sabotaged a government demonstration. 124 00:09:06,860 --> 00:09:08,533 I may have spoken a tad hastily. 125 00:09:08,741 --> 00:09:10,971 Preston Holt has a pipeline into this company. 126 00:09:11,181 --> 00:09:13,411 A pipeline the two of you were supposed to find. 127 00:09:13,621 --> 00:09:15,134 Well, I sure looked for it. 128 00:09:15,341 --> 00:09:17,696 Oh, good. Well, I know I feel better. 129 00:09:18,261 --> 00:09:20,172 Some of the biggest names in government... 130 00:09:20,341 --> 00:09:24,334 ...watched a man fry because somebody was able to switch a couple of wires. 131 00:09:24,501 --> 00:09:26,537 Do you have any idea what that will cost me? 132 00:09:26,701 --> 00:09:31,138 My father was sitting out there. I can't make a move without his approval. 133 00:09:31,301 --> 00:09:33,576 I spent the last five years trying to drag this... 134 00:09:33,740 --> 00:09:36,130 ...mom-and-pop vacuum-tube business into the '80s... 135 00:09:36,301 --> 00:09:38,690 ...and now between the two of you and Preston Holt... 136 00:09:38,861 --> 00:09:40,658 ...I'm not gonna make it into next week. 137 00:09:40,861 --> 00:09:42,214 We're terribly sorry. 138 00:09:42,421 --> 00:09:44,935 I'm sure you did your best. Brian has this special- 139 00:09:45,101 --> 00:09:47,376 We don't owe these people an explanation. 140 00:09:47,901 --> 00:09:50,779 My sister is good at many things. Business isn't one of them. 141 00:09:50,981 --> 00:09:54,178 And apparently, she's not a terrific judge of character either. 142 00:09:54,501 --> 00:09:57,698 I had hoped the two of you would be able to help us solve our problem. 143 00:09:57,861 --> 00:10:00,329 Apparently, the task was beyond you. 144 00:10:00,541 --> 00:10:02,658 Mr. Baker, Vivian, I know how you must feel- 145 00:10:02,821 --> 00:10:06,257 Miss Hayes, Mr. Addison, the meeting is over. 146 00:10:06,461 --> 00:10:10,057 If you gave that guy a piece of your mind you'd feel better. Who is he? 147 00:10:10,221 --> 00:10:13,179 You gonna let one client get you crazy? It's only money, right? 148 00:10:13,341 --> 00:10:15,775 Money can't buy happiness. Then again... 149 00:10:15,941 --> 00:10:18,933 ...happiness can't buy government-insured CDs. 150 00:10:19,101 --> 00:10:21,569 I'll admit it, I'm torn. 151 00:10:21,741 --> 00:10:23,697 It was a sweet deal. 152 00:10:23,861 --> 00:10:27,775 Well, easy come, easy go. 153 00:10:42,301 --> 00:10:44,099 Maddie. 154 00:10:47,221 --> 00:10:50,213 Maddie. 155 00:10:50,381 --> 00:10:53,931 You're sitting in the dark. 156 00:10:55,301 --> 00:10:56,893 Pretty weird behaviour. 157 00:11:02,301 --> 00:11:03,576 You're upset, aren't you? 158 00:11:06,021 --> 00:11:09,059 Well, you have a right to be. It was a terrific job. 159 00:11:09,222 --> 00:11:12,214 Great cafeteria. Good parking. 160 00:11:12,662 --> 00:11:14,937 Well, there'll be others. 161 00:11:17,421 --> 00:11:19,013 Come here. 162 00:11:23,662 --> 00:11:26,574 - Easy come, easy go? - Maddie- 163 00:11:26,782 --> 00:11:28,977 I went out on a limb to get us this consultancy. 164 00:11:29,142 --> 00:11:30,814 Holt beat them to two patents. 165 00:11:30,981 --> 00:11:33,132 It's not my fault. I did everything I could. 166 00:11:33,302 --> 00:11:36,293 I interviewed every employee, performed body searches. 167 00:11:36,462 --> 00:11:38,657 - When do you get serious? - When do you lighten up? 168 00:11:38,821 --> 00:11:41,461 Did you ask Mr. Holt how he gets these secrets? 169 00:11:41,622 --> 00:11:43,738 - Excuse me? - Did you go to Preston Holt... 170 00:11:43,902 --> 00:11:46,860 ...and ask him how he finds out so much about SRT's research? 171 00:11:47,062 --> 00:11:49,860 Just go to him and ask? Holt is one of the most powerful- 172 00:11:50,022 --> 00:11:51,501 - Did you do it? - No, you got me. 173 00:11:51,662 --> 00:11:54,096 - You call yourself a detective. - You're mad because... 174 00:11:54,262 --> 00:11:57,174 - ... I didn't ask him how he got secrets. - It's common sense! 175 00:11:57,342 --> 00:12:01,051 You accuse a man of espionage, then want him to tell you how it was done? 176 00:12:01,222 --> 00:12:03,417 We owe it to our client and ourselves- 177 00:12:03,582 --> 00:12:07,052 That's the stupidest thing I ever heard. Do you think he's gonna tell you? 178 00:12:07,222 --> 00:12:09,612 - I think it's a worth a try. - Maddie, Maddie, Maddie. 179 00:12:09,782 --> 00:12:11,659 Listen to me. Listen to me. 180 00:12:11,822 --> 00:12:14,939 Your name and reputation are gonna bring us clients. That's great. 181 00:12:15,102 --> 00:12:18,174 - Why don't you leave the detective- - To who? To you? I did that. 182 00:12:18,342 --> 00:12:21,732 And we lost our biggest client. We lost our only client. 183 00:12:22,942 --> 00:12:25,012 - Where are you going? - To call Preston Holt. 184 00:12:25,182 --> 00:12:28,174 - To see if he's free for dinner. - You're gonna ask him to dinner? 185 00:12:28,343 --> 00:12:31,652 The millionaire industrialist playboy. That no-account. That satyr. 186 00:12:31,822 --> 00:12:34,895 - You're gonna call him? - I can look up a number, dial a phone... 187 00:12:35,063 --> 00:12:38,134 - ... and ask for what I want. - You'll make a fool out of yourself. 188 00:12:38,302 --> 00:12:40,691 - This is my area. - I have nothing to say to you. 189 00:12:40,862 --> 00:12:42,500 Maddie, Maddie, Maddie. 190 00:12:42,662 --> 00:12:45,301 Guy to girl, outie to innie. Preston Holt is a barracuda. 191 00:12:45,462 --> 00:12:47,374 Good, I feel like a little seafood. 192 00:12:47,543 --> 00:12:50,261 He's not gonna tell you anything. 193 00:12:50,423 --> 00:12:53,141 Maddie, come on. Don't do this. 194 00:12:55,422 --> 00:12:58,016 Call me afterwards, will you? 195 00:12:59,422 --> 00:13:00,775 Thanks. 196 00:13:07,542 --> 00:13:10,341 - Miss Hayes, pleasure to see you. - Paul, nice to see you. 197 00:13:10,503 --> 00:13:13,539 We reserved the table you requested. Holt arrived and is waiting. 198 00:13:13,702 --> 00:13:15,579 May I take your coat? 199 00:13:15,742 --> 00:13:17,859 Please, follow me. 200 00:13:25,902 --> 00:13:28,019 Hi, I'm Madelyn Hayes. 201 00:13:28,183 --> 00:13:31,333 - Nice to meet you. - Well, it's nice to be met. 202 00:13:31,503 --> 00:13:32,855 I'm Preston Holt. 203 00:13:33,022 --> 00:13:35,856 I was half certain that phone call this afternoon was a prank. 204 00:13:36,062 --> 00:13:39,055 I can't believe that. I'm sure women call you all the time. 205 00:13:39,622 --> 00:13:42,581 Guilty as charged. Would you like to know what they call me? 206 00:13:49,183 --> 00:13:52,619 I remember waiting in the subway station for a train... 207 00:13:52,783 --> 00:13:56,537 ...and just kind of seeing it out of the corner of my eye. 208 00:13:56,703 --> 00:13:59,501 There it was, my first cover. 209 00:13:59,662 --> 00:14:01,972 I went over and I just looked at it. 210 00:14:02,142 --> 00:14:05,260 I wanted to buy about 20 copies, but I didn't have any money. 211 00:14:05,943 --> 00:14:08,537 So I rushed back to my apartment to borrow some. 212 00:14:08,743 --> 00:14:10,734 I remember thinking: 213 00:14:11,263 --> 00:14:13,572 " Now the whole world is different. 214 00:14:13,743 --> 00:14:16,132 I'm 17 and I'm a cover girl. " 215 00:14:16,343 --> 00:14:19,255 And I remember being shocked the next day to discover... 216 00:14:19,463 --> 00:14:21,931 ...that nothing had changed. 217 00:14:22,103 --> 00:14:25,812 That my eggs didn't taste any better. The heat didn't come up any faster. 218 00:14:25,983 --> 00:14:30,738 The dry cleaner still lost my blouses. My mother still didn't understand. 219 00:14:31,663 --> 00:14:35,099 I sound like I'm complaining, I'm not. Modelling was very good to me. 220 00:14:35,903 --> 00:14:37,575 It's just... 221 00:14:38,783 --> 00:14:41,502 I walked away five years ago. 222 00:14:43,783 --> 00:14:47,173 When the bottom fell out, I thought about going back. 223 00:14:47,903 --> 00:14:51,782 But I don't believe in ever going back to anything. 224 00:14:51,944 --> 00:14:54,741 I think that's why our eyes are in the front of our heads. 225 00:14:54,943 --> 00:14:57,298 So now you are a private detective. 226 00:14:58,183 --> 00:15:00,014 And so now I'm a private detective. 227 00:15:00,223 --> 00:15:03,136 - Why did you call me? - Because you're Preston Holt. 228 00:15:05,423 --> 00:15:07,220 Because you're rich and attractive. 229 00:15:10,223 --> 00:15:12,943 And because I just have to know how your company... 230 00:15:13,103 --> 00:15:15,458 ...keeps getting the jump on SRT Industries. 231 00:15:16,784 --> 00:15:18,057 Good for you. 232 00:15:18,263 --> 00:15:20,652 Baker is sure one of his employees is selling secrets. 233 00:15:20,823 --> 00:15:22,654 - Not true. - But we can't figure out who. 234 00:15:22,824 --> 00:15:27,260 So I thought, "Well, why not ask?" So here I am asking. It's not true? 235 00:15:28,823 --> 00:15:32,736 But you admit that you do have access to highly classified information at SRT? 236 00:15:32,903 --> 00:15:36,101 I will admit that from time to time, I have been privy to certain... 237 00:15:36,264 --> 00:15:39,858 ...pieces of information that the SRT people might consider sensitive. 238 00:15:40,063 --> 00:15:43,261 - Well, how do you do it? - If I told you, you wouldn't believe it. 239 00:15:43,463 --> 00:15:44,692 Try me. 240 00:15:58,143 --> 00:15:59,941 Thank you. 241 00:16:00,743 --> 00:16:02,939 This has been a very special dinner for me. 242 00:16:03,103 --> 00:16:07,222 For me too. You're a terrific listener, a wonderful date, and a very nice man. 243 00:16:07,384 --> 00:16:09,897 - You seem surprised. - Well, you do have a reputation. 244 00:16:10,064 --> 00:16:11,815 - Me? - " Barracuda" was the word I heard. 245 00:16:11,984 --> 00:16:13,656 Barracuda. 246 00:16:13,824 --> 00:16:16,895 - Well, anyway, thanks again. - Can I spend the night? 247 00:16:17,064 --> 00:16:19,657 - Excuse me? - I've realized I haven't paid for dinner. 248 00:16:19,823 --> 00:16:21,655 - This must seem out of line. - Actually- 249 00:16:21,824 --> 00:16:24,213 I don't necessarily have to sleep with you, you know? 250 00:16:24,384 --> 00:16:27,262 In fact, I don't really have to stay. You could invite me in... 251 00:16:27,424 --> 00:16:30,018 - ... let me sneak out the back door. - Actually, Mr. Holt- 252 00:16:30,184 --> 00:16:32,414 It's the chauffeur, you see, sitting back there. 253 00:16:32,584 --> 00:16:34,336 I'm Preston Holt, you're Maddie Hayes. 254 00:16:34,504 --> 00:16:36,335 In my mind, this was a business dinner. 255 00:16:36,504 --> 00:16:38,176 Oh, mine too. Mine too. 256 00:16:38,384 --> 00:16:40,295 Do you want me to pay you? 257 00:16:40,664 --> 00:16:43,701 You wanna pay me to come in my house and not sleep with me? 258 00:16:43,864 --> 00:16:47,174 Beat that deal anywhere in town. I did tell you what you wanted to know. 259 00:16:47,344 --> 00:16:49,653 Thought I heard you kids out here. Hi, sweet cakes. 260 00:16:49,824 --> 00:16:51,781 This your business dinner? 261 00:16:51,945 --> 00:16:55,619 Hi, I'm papa bear. Come on in and have some Tang. We just made some fresh. 262 00:16:55,984 --> 00:16:59,579 - Is he yours? - Mine? Him? Sure! 263 00:16:59,744 --> 00:17:02,338 How's my sweetie-weetie? 264 00:17:03,465 --> 00:17:06,820 Going to take a rain check on that Tang, Maddie. 265 00:17:07,224 --> 00:17:08,816 Nice to have met you, Mr...? 266 00:17:09,024 --> 00:17:11,584 Papa bear. I'm papa bear, she's sweet cakes. 267 00:17:11,784 --> 00:17:16,255 Of course. Dinner was an experience. 268 00:17:17,224 --> 00:17:20,297 - You're standing in my doorway. - You don't have to thank me now. 269 00:17:20,464 --> 00:17:22,932 Thank you? For breaking into my house? 270 00:17:23,105 --> 00:17:25,824 Rifling through my things? 271 00:17:27,745 --> 00:17:30,941 - I admit I went through your underwear. - Ruining a wonderful evening? 272 00:17:31,104 --> 00:17:34,063 - Wonderful what? The guy's a dink. - That was an attractive man. 273 00:17:34,225 --> 00:17:37,773 When he was a kid, his parents dressed him up for Halloween as a speed bump. 274 00:17:37,944 --> 00:17:40,175 - You had no business breaking in. - I was worried. 275 00:17:40,344 --> 00:17:43,017 Worried that I would find out what you could not? 276 00:17:43,184 --> 00:17:46,097 Worried that I would discover SRT's security leak? 277 00:17:46,265 --> 00:17:49,222 Worried that with my few weeks of training as an investigator... 278 00:17:49,384 --> 00:17:52,103 - ... I'd be able to do what you haven't? - Repeat that? 279 00:17:52,264 --> 00:17:53,902 - He told me. - I'm listening. 280 00:17:54,064 --> 00:17:55,623 - Omar Gauss. - Gesundheit. 281 00:17:55,824 --> 00:17:58,293 No, Omar Gauss, the psychic! Haven't you heard of him? 282 00:17:58,505 --> 00:18:01,541 - No, has he ever heard of me? - Omar Gauss is one of the world's... 283 00:18:01,704 --> 00:18:04,935 ...foremost psychics. He's consulted by corporation presidents... 284 00:18:05,105 --> 00:18:07,096 ...heads of state, law-enforcement agencies. 285 00:18:07,265 --> 00:18:09,096 - So? - So Omar Gauss... 286 00:18:09,264 --> 00:18:12,893 ...is feeding Preston Holt SRT's technology. 287 00:18:13,104 --> 00:18:15,937 - Holt just told you this. - Why not? It's perfectly legitimate. 288 00:18:16,104 --> 00:18:18,573 Holt's company pays Omar a retainer. Whenever Omar... 289 00:18:18,744 --> 00:18:21,861 ...gets a vision that relates to the electronic-defence business... 290 00:18:22,024 --> 00:18:24,902 - ... one of his assistants calls Holt. - He's some kind of swami? 291 00:18:25,065 --> 00:18:28,579 He's a man with a gift. I believe Preston Holt. 292 00:18:28,744 --> 00:18:30,861 Furthermore, I'm going to call Vivian Baker... 293 00:18:31,025 --> 00:18:33,539 ...and make an appointment so we can tell them. 294 00:18:33,705 --> 00:18:36,503 - You sure you wanna do this? - You don't have to go with me. 295 00:18:36,665 --> 00:18:40,624 - You're gonna go back and tell him- - Omar Gauss is selling his secrets! 296 00:18:40,785 --> 00:18:43,663 I'm gonna look him right in the eye and say... 297 00:18:43,865 --> 00:18:46,857 Your secrets were not sold by a faithless employee. 298 00:18:47,025 --> 00:18:49,334 They were snatched by an unscrupulous interloper... 299 00:18:49,505 --> 00:18:52,577 ...who was taking unfair advantage of his psychic talents. 300 00:18:52,745 --> 00:18:54,019 Friends of yours? 301 00:18:54,264 --> 00:18:56,381 This isn't going to be pretty. 302 00:18:56,585 --> 00:18:59,497 - I can't believe he called me that. - I'm sure he didn't mean it. 303 00:18:59,665 --> 00:19:01,815 He's probably never even met your mother. 304 00:19:01,985 --> 00:19:03,304 Maddie. 305 00:19:04,305 --> 00:19:07,502 I'm sorry about Brian. He's under an extraordinary amount of pressure. 306 00:19:07,665 --> 00:19:10,179 - I believe Preston Holt. - Why don't you just let it go? 307 00:19:10,345 --> 00:19:12,336 There'll be other cases, other clients. 308 00:19:12,505 --> 00:19:15,941 - She's right. - Excuse me. 309 00:19:16,105 --> 00:19:19,654 She gets like this. Too much television. 310 00:19:20,585 --> 00:19:23,258 Your friend was right. The horse is dead, stop beating it. 311 00:19:23,425 --> 00:19:24,700 These people have a problem. 312 00:19:24,866 --> 00:19:28,097 - Why don't they wanna solve it? - You just told the president... 313 00:19:28,265 --> 00:19:30,825 ...that he's being threatened by the Amazing Kreskin. 314 00:19:30,985 --> 00:19:33,818 - I am going to see Omar Gauss. - Why? We're off the case. 315 00:19:33,985 --> 00:19:38,581 This is my case! I got this case. We are not off of it until I say we are off of it. 316 00:19:38,745 --> 00:19:40,383 You were right, you did a good job. 317 00:19:40,545 --> 00:19:44,220 No one in that company is selling secrets. Something else is going on. 318 00:19:44,385 --> 00:19:47,377 And I think it has something to do with Omar Gauss. 319 00:19:47,545 --> 00:19:49,979 I'll let you know what I find out. 320 00:19:53,146 --> 00:19:54,703 Hey. 321 00:19:56,546 --> 00:19:57,864 Can't I come with you? 322 00:19:58,665 --> 00:20:01,418 - You believe me? - No. 323 00:20:01,666 --> 00:20:03,781 But I believe in you. 324 00:20:10,306 --> 00:20:12,660 That was a terrific thing to say. 325 00:20:12,825 --> 00:20:14,100 What does it mean? 326 00:20:15,346 --> 00:20:16,745 I have no idea. 327 00:20:30,026 --> 00:20:31,584 Better. 328 00:20:54,665 --> 00:20:57,419 - What are you doing? - Straightening Omar Gauss's drawers. 329 00:20:57,586 --> 00:21:00,100 Be good and I'll do the same for you. 330 00:21:01,826 --> 00:21:03,418 Appointment book. 331 00:21:03,865 --> 00:21:05,140 Put that back. 332 00:21:05,346 --> 00:21:07,939 Don't you wanna know if he's been seeing Preston Holt? 333 00:21:12,226 --> 00:21:14,376 I explained to Mr. Gauss who you are. 334 00:21:14,546 --> 00:21:16,901 He's very sympathetic to those in law enforcement. 335 00:21:17,066 --> 00:21:20,456 He'll be able to see you, if you just follow me up to the Alpha Room. 336 00:21:20,626 --> 00:21:23,060 - Put that book back. - What for? He's a psychic. 337 00:21:23,226 --> 00:21:25,501 He'll know when he has an appointment. 338 00:21:40,546 --> 00:21:42,457 You are about to enter a world. 339 00:21:42,626 --> 00:21:44,264 A world of wondrous imagination. 340 00:21:44,426 --> 00:21:47,624 Not only of sight and sound, but of mind. Of things and ideas. 341 00:21:47,787 --> 00:21:49,617 You've just crossed over into... 342 00:21:49,786 --> 00:21:52,142 ...moving furniture. 343 00:21:53,906 --> 00:21:56,101 My favourite tune. 344 00:21:57,706 --> 00:21:58,981 Forgive the show. 345 00:21:59,186 --> 00:22:02,178 The dim light calms the eyes, the sound calms the mind. 346 00:22:02,346 --> 00:22:04,622 - I'm Omar Gauss. - I'm Madelyn Hayes and this is... 347 00:22:04,826 --> 00:22:06,578 - ... David Addison. - David Addison. 348 00:22:06,746 --> 00:22:08,338 Can you do this? 349 00:22:08,507 --> 00:22:10,974 We really appreciate you seeing us on short notice. 350 00:22:11,186 --> 00:22:13,655 Oh, I just think I'm extending professional courtesy. 351 00:22:13,826 --> 00:22:16,135 You'd be amazed how many investigators I work with. 352 00:22:16,346 --> 00:22:18,382 Please, have a seat. 353 00:22:21,986 --> 00:22:23,578 Now, how can I help you? 354 00:22:23,786 --> 00:22:27,461 We had a client who hired us to find security leaks in his company. 355 00:22:27,626 --> 00:22:29,662 We tried the usual things and came up dry. 356 00:22:29,866 --> 00:22:31,936 You want me to help you find out who, huh? 357 00:22:32,146 --> 00:22:33,865 We know who, we don't know how. 358 00:22:34,027 --> 00:22:37,656 I don't follow you. If you know who, then why don't you just confront him? 359 00:22:37,826 --> 00:22:39,145 That's what we're doing. 360 00:22:39,546 --> 00:22:44,017 Preston Holt told me that you provided him with highly classified data... 361 00:22:44,187 --> 00:22:46,495 ...relating to SRT Industries' products. 362 00:22:47,227 --> 00:22:49,218 Were you prone when Holt told you that? 363 00:22:49,427 --> 00:22:52,146 - I beg your pardon. - Wait a second, answer the question. 364 00:22:54,106 --> 00:22:56,780 Well, I know Preston Holt. 365 00:22:56,947 --> 00:22:59,939 I know him very well and he's given to exaggeration. 366 00:23:00,146 --> 00:23:03,298 - That may be true but- - Let me explain how I am. 367 00:23:03,507 --> 00:23:07,260 I don't actually read minds. 368 00:23:07,426 --> 00:23:09,815 I see things, pictures. 369 00:23:09,987 --> 00:23:14,503 Sometimes it's a colour, or even just an odour. 370 00:23:15,187 --> 00:23:18,145 Sometimes it's a complete object, fully realised. 371 00:23:18,347 --> 00:23:21,543 I can't explain it, but I understand everything about it. 372 00:23:22,227 --> 00:23:25,981 Sometimes it's a little lost boy in another state. 373 00:23:26,147 --> 00:23:29,583 Sometimes it's a document of policy from another country... 374 00:23:29,747 --> 00:23:33,626 ...whose language I neither read nor write, but I can put it down on paper... 375 00:23:33,787 --> 00:23:35,345 ...for a translator to translate. 376 00:23:35,707 --> 00:23:42,146 Sometimes it's a drawing or a plan that I don't understand. 377 00:23:42,667 --> 00:23:45,784 Some time ago, one of those popped into my mind. 378 00:23:46,227 --> 00:23:48,582 When they come, they're like a fever. 379 00:23:48,747 --> 00:23:51,386 The only way to cure them is to give them to someone else. 380 00:23:51,547 --> 00:23:53,822 Somebody who understands. 381 00:23:54,787 --> 00:23:57,426 You see, I'm just an empty vessel. 382 00:23:57,587 --> 00:24:03,105 I'm a radio with no tuner or volume control. 383 00:24:03,267 --> 00:24:05,462 Sometimes it's silence. 384 00:24:05,667 --> 00:24:07,386 Sometimes it's almost deafening. 385 00:24:07,827 --> 00:24:12,025 Not long ago, an image came to me. 386 00:24:12,187 --> 00:24:16,624 And I searched in vain for someone who could understand it. 387 00:24:16,987 --> 00:24:20,297 And a friend of mine finally directed me to Preston Holt. 388 00:24:20,467 --> 00:24:23,824 Now, I run this institute, and wealthy people like Preston Holt... 389 00:24:23,988 --> 00:24:27,424 ...can be very helpful, very generous. 390 00:24:28,187 --> 00:24:31,020 So I told Mr. Holt everything I could about this... 391 00:24:32,508 --> 00:24:35,386 ...object, and he paid me very handsomely. 392 00:24:35,587 --> 00:24:39,865 Now, that was just one time, and it was several months ago. 393 00:24:40,707 --> 00:24:43,221 I later found out that the object I described to him... 394 00:24:43,387 --> 00:24:45,184 ...turned out to be absolutely worthless. 395 00:24:47,227 --> 00:24:48,661 I'm sorry. 396 00:24:50,387 --> 00:24:52,981 It's my suspicion, young lady, that Mr. Holt... 397 00:24:53,147 --> 00:24:55,536 ...just told you what he needed to... 398 00:24:55,708 --> 00:24:56,981 ...to get what he needed to. 399 00:24:57,868 --> 00:25:00,507 - He didn't get anything. - Well, that's what you say. 400 00:25:00,668 --> 00:25:03,261 This guy can look right into your cranium. 401 00:25:03,987 --> 00:25:06,626 Now, don't beat yourself up. You took a shot and you lost. 402 00:25:06,788 --> 00:25:09,621 - The main thing is you tried. - Brian Baker called me names. 403 00:25:09,787 --> 00:25:12,620 Preston Holt lied to me. Omar Gauss mocked me. 404 00:25:12,787 --> 00:25:16,257 - I don't think I like men anymore. - We still like you. 405 00:25:16,428 --> 00:25:18,736 Wanna see whose brain Omar Gauss has been storming? 406 00:25:18,908 --> 00:25:20,387 Why did you take that thing? 407 00:25:20,587 --> 00:25:22,578 Wanna find out if Mandrake saw Preston Holt? 408 00:25:22,748 --> 00:25:25,308 - Look in his appointment book. - What's the point? 409 00:25:25,468 --> 00:25:27,743 This is weird. Holt's name isn't in here anywhere. 410 00:25:27,908 --> 00:25:29,944 - It's filled with the name Baker. - Our Baker? 411 00:25:30,108 --> 00:25:32,178 Brian Baker. Sounds like our boy. 412 00:25:32,348 --> 00:25:35,100 - He's pencilled in for tomorrow night. - That's strange. 413 00:25:35,268 --> 00:25:37,303 He didn't say a thing when I mentioned Omar. 414 00:25:37,467 --> 00:25:39,424 He acted like I was crazy. What do we do? 415 00:25:39,588 --> 00:25:40,941 - Surveillance. - Sur-what? 416 00:25:41,148 --> 00:25:43,981 Surveillance. It's great, I'll teach you. I know all about it. 417 00:25:44,148 --> 00:25:46,184 You're gonna look great in black. 418 00:25:57,188 --> 00:25:59,543 - Bingo. - Bingo what? Bingo who? 419 00:25:59,707 --> 00:26:01,938 Brian Baker just got out of the car. Take a peek. 420 00:26:02,108 --> 00:26:03,587 You say that like they're yours. 421 00:26:03,748 --> 00:26:05,739 What difference does it make whose they are? 422 00:26:05,908 --> 00:26:09,537 They're opera glasses. "Surveillance. " You made it sound so romantic. 423 00:26:09,708 --> 00:26:12,381 You didn't tell me it was gonna be at night in the cold. 424 00:26:12,548 --> 00:26:16,587 - Must have slipped my mind. - Something else is going on. 425 00:26:20,748 --> 00:26:24,377 Must be family night at the oracle's. They're bringing out Baker, Sr. 426 00:26:24,588 --> 00:26:26,101 - What do we do now? - Sit and wait. 427 00:26:26,268 --> 00:26:28,225 - For what? - For them to go inside... 428 00:26:28,389 --> 00:26:31,778 - ... so we can make our move. - Great. You said this was gonna be fun. 429 00:26:31,949 --> 00:26:35,145 - I said that? Boy, was I wrong. - Yeah. 430 00:26:40,628 --> 00:26:43,017 - They're in. - I know. Just waiting to make sure. 431 00:26:43,188 --> 00:26:45,861 - Addison, the ground is damp. - You're kidding. 432 00:26:46,028 --> 00:26:49,384 Damp ground? I'm taking it back. 433 00:26:49,868 --> 00:26:51,541 Come on, let's go. 434 00:26:52,348 --> 00:26:55,226 Mr. Baker, Brian. It's a good evening, good configuration. 435 00:26:55,388 --> 00:26:56,788 That's what I like to hear. 436 00:26:56,949 --> 00:26:59,940 Mr. Gauss, if you and I might just have a word before... 437 00:27:00,109 --> 00:27:01,428 Certainly. Certainly. 438 00:27:01,749 --> 00:27:04,183 Mr. Baker, Randolph will give you whatever you'd like. 439 00:27:04,349 --> 00:27:06,579 Would you please show him to the Alpha room. 440 00:27:06,789 --> 00:27:08,699 Yes, sir. 441 00:27:17,308 --> 00:27:19,425 I need additional funding for my laser project. 442 00:27:19,589 --> 00:27:22,386 Three, 3.5 million, somewhere in that ballpark. 443 00:27:22,589 --> 00:27:24,181 - I'll tell him. - I would like... 444 00:27:24,389 --> 00:27:26,140 ...to accelerate my appointment to CEO. 445 00:27:26,309 --> 00:27:28,698 It's taking forever, and I'm losing my credibility... 446 00:27:28,869 --> 00:27:32,748 - ... in the financial community. - Betty could suggest a special election. 447 00:27:32,948 --> 00:27:35,223 That's good. Just a suggestion, keep it low-key. 448 00:27:35,389 --> 00:27:37,424 - He buys whatever she says. - I understand. 449 00:27:37,588 --> 00:27:40,227 And something about my sister. 450 00:27:40,589 --> 00:27:43,262 He's starting to listen to my sister again. 451 00:27:43,469 --> 00:27:45,777 - What do you want me to say? - I don't know. 452 00:27:45,988 --> 00:27:49,503 He listens to her and then gets upset. He thinks we should be figuring out... 453 00:27:49,669 --> 00:27:52,502 ...how to grow better plankton instead of defence research. 454 00:27:52,669 --> 00:27:54,978 I'll do what I can. I'd better go, he's waiting. 455 00:27:55,149 --> 00:27:57,219 One more thing. 456 00:27:58,629 --> 00:28:00,745 People have suggested that my security leaks... 457 00:28:00,909 --> 00:28:03,298 ...just might be springing from this pipe here. 458 00:28:03,509 --> 00:28:04,783 So that's what that was. 459 00:28:04,949 --> 00:28:08,624 Some detectives stopped by yesterday. I couldn't imagine what it all meant. 460 00:28:09,189 --> 00:28:13,740 If I ever discover that you are selling any of what is being said here... 461 00:28:15,309 --> 00:28:17,220 That man in there isn't gonna live forever. 462 00:28:17,389 --> 00:28:19,778 And when he stops needing you, I stop needing you. 463 00:28:20,148 --> 00:28:23,505 Wouldn't you prefer that we stay friends, Omar? 464 00:28:23,669 --> 00:28:25,660 - Brian, I swear to you, I- - Just a warning. 465 00:28:25,829 --> 00:28:27,308 Don't make a patsy out of me. 466 00:28:27,469 --> 00:28:31,098 Or you, my dead mother and my father will all be able to talk to each other... 467 00:28:31,269 --> 00:28:33,737 ...and none of you are gonna need a medium to do it. 468 00:28:34,149 --> 00:28:36,299 I understand, Brian. 469 00:28:45,509 --> 00:28:47,818 - What now? - Give me the hook. 470 00:29:03,989 --> 00:29:05,900 You missed the house. 471 00:29:07,669 --> 00:29:10,184 Well, Mr. Baker, I feel very good about this evening. 472 00:29:10,349 --> 00:29:12,738 There's only minor disturbance in the spirit sphere. 473 00:29:12,909 --> 00:29:16,868 There's retrograde influence, but sunspot activity is low. 474 00:29:17,669 --> 00:29:20,059 The damn demons are more excited than we are. 475 00:29:20,869 --> 00:29:22,144 Good and secure. 476 00:29:22,310 --> 00:29:24,187 What's it for-? What's it for? 477 00:29:24,390 --> 00:29:26,426 For? What's it for? 478 00:29:26,629 --> 00:29:28,824 You pull on this and the butler brings you food. 479 00:29:28,989 --> 00:29:32,265 - It's for climbing up on the roof. - Couldn't we just use the pipe? 480 00:29:40,509 --> 00:29:42,739 Do you hear how fast your brain waves are moving? 481 00:29:42,910 --> 00:29:44,901 You're not relaxing, Mr. Baker. 482 00:29:45,070 --> 00:29:47,742 How can we make contact if you can't get through the gate? 483 00:29:47,909 --> 00:29:52,664 I have to talk to Betty. There's so much I need her advice on. 484 00:29:53,750 --> 00:29:55,183 Couldn't we do the other thing? 485 00:29:55,869 --> 00:29:57,986 The medication. 486 00:30:00,590 --> 00:30:02,261 You don't fool me, you know. 487 00:30:02,470 --> 00:30:05,348 You knew I was gonna need that, and you had it all ready. 488 00:30:05,550 --> 00:30:07,427 Oh, come now, Mr. Baker. 489 00:30:07,590 --> 00:30:09,659 Nobody fools you. 490 00:30:13,070 --> 00:30:16,949 - So now we're up here, what do we do? - We figure out where they are. 491 00:30:29,630 --> 00:30:31,427 Come here. 492 00:30:32,790 --> 00:30:34,587 I hear her. 493 00:30:36,030 --> 00:30:37,304 I hear Betty. 494 00:30:45,670 --> 00:30:47,501 - Come and hold my feet. - Hold your feet? 495 00:30:47,670 --> 00:30:49,388 Yes. 496 00:30:49,550 --> 00:30:52,906 - That's Betty, isn't it? - Yes, I'm certain it is. 497 00:30:53,630 --> 00:30:55,666 Lower. 498 00:30:56,110 --> 00:30:57,782 Lower. 499 00:31:00,910 --> 00:31:02,741 Betty's here, Carl. 500 00:31:03,030 --> 00:31:05,498 She wants to talk to you about Brian. 501 00:31:05,670 --> 00:31:07,547 About your son, Brian. 502 00:31:08,230 --> 00:31:10,061 Lower. I can't see or hear anything. 503 00:31:12,950 --> 00:31:14,224 Lower. 504 00:31:14,430 --> 00:31:19,629 Betty wants to talk to you about Brian... 505 00:31:20,111 --> 00:31:21,429 ...and the bright light. 506 00:31:21,631 --> 00:31:24,986 She wants you to help Brian with it. 507 00:31:25,150 --> 00:31:26,903 The laser. 508 00:31:27,310 --> 00:31:29,744 She's talking about the laser. 509 00:31:30,470 --> 00:31:32,620 Are you sure, Betty? 510 00:31:33,151 --> 00:31:34,424 Give me a sign. 511 00:31:35,191 --> 00:31:37,785 - Lower. - Lower? 512 00:31:37,990 --> 00:31:39,628 A symbol, please? 513 00:31:39,830 --> 00:31:41,230 - Lower. - Lower? 514 00:31:41,430 --> 00:31:42,420 Lower. 515 00:31:51,111 --> 00:31:52,429 Betty! 516 00:31:53,191 --> 00:31:57,104 David, David, David. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. 517 00:31:57,831 --> 00:32:00,220 I'm not talking to you. 518 00:32:00,431 --> 00:32:02,467 I'm receiving an impression. 519 00:32:02,631 --> 00:32:03,904 A vibration... 520 00:32:04,591 --> 00:32:07,105 ...about Brian's appointment. 521 00:32:07,311 --> 00:32:11,906 - Does the phrase "special election"- ? - Special election. 522 00:32:12,111 --> 00:32:14,944 Yes, I suppose we should do that. 523 00:32:15,271 --> 00:32:18,308 But only if you think it's wise, Elizabeth. 524 00:32:22,190 --> 00:32:23,510 I didn't see or hear a thing. 525 00:32:23,671 --> 00:32:26,344 You wanna try again? You can hold me. 526 00:32:26,551 --> 00:32:29,782 Elizabeth is saying a name. 527 00:32:29,951 --> 00:32:33,387 She's saying a name. Vivian. 528 00:32:33,551 --> 00:32:38,067 And she is shaking her head, " no. " 529 00:32:38,231 --> 00:32:39,505 Can you see her, Carl? 530 00:32:40,671 --> 00:32:43,629 No, I can't. I'm sorry. 531 00:32:43,791 --> 00:32:45,782 I guess I'll have to rely on you. 532 00:32:46,191 --> 00:32:48,864 The impression is very strong. 533 00:32:49,071 --> 00:32:51,744 Wait, I do see something. 534 00:32:51,951 --> 00:32:54,988 She's telling you in the strongest possible terms... 535 00:32:55,151 --> 00:32:59,063 ...not to communicate with this Vivian. 536 00:32:59,271 --> 00:33:01,466 - She's our daughter. - The message is very plain. 537 00:33:01,671 --> 00:33:04,265 Are you sure, Elizabeth? Our daughter? 538 00:33:04,631 --> 00:33:06,508 Raise me up. 539 00:33:06,711 --> 00:33:08,030 Elizabeth! 540 00:33:08,231 --> 00:33:09,664 - Raise me up. - I'm trying. 541 00:33:09,871 --> 00:33:12,066 - Prowlers! - David! 542 00:33:14,151 --> 00:33:15,504 Randolph, prowlers! 543 00:33:16,191 --> 00:33:18,068 Oh, what do we do now? 544 00:33:18,791 --> 00:33:21,942 Randolph, prowlers on the roof! 545 00:33:24,912 --> 00:33:26,708 What's happening? 546 00:33:26,871 --> 00:33:29,590 - What do we do now? - Come on. 547 00:33:32,511 --> 00:33:33,786 There they are, right there. 548 00:33:37,031 --> 00:33:40,148 - Addison. - I'm thinking, I'm thinking! 549 00:33:44,191 --> 00:33:46,705 - Can you swim? - Isn't the question, " Can you fly?" 550 00:33:46,872 --> 00:33:50,022 - You have to be more positive. - I'm positive we're gonna die. 551 00:33:50,191 --> 00:33:52,308 Could be worse. Could be no pool. 552 00:33:52,472 --> 00:33:55,066 We should be dancing in the streets. 553 00:33:55,232 --> 00:33:57,187 - Undress. - No blindfold and cigarette? 554 00:33:57,351 --> 00:34:00,787 You're gonna want as little on you as possible when you hit the water. 555 00:34:00,951 --> 00:34:05,024 - I don't want to die in my underwear. - If I had known, we could have shopped. 556 00:34:05,232 --> 00:34:06,949 Now get undressed. 557 00:34:07,872 --> 00:34:09,543 Shoes. 558 00:34:16,991 --> 00:34:19,506 Don't pull my hair. 559 00:34:28,272 --> 00:34:30,024 Having fun yet? 560 00:34:53,952 --> 00:34:56,419 What'd I tell you? Piece of cake. 561 00:34:56,592 --> 00:34:58,867 - David! - Everybody out of the pool! 562 00:35:03,112 --> 00:35:04,988 Come on, come on. 563 00:35:05,432 --> 00:35:07,104 They're getting away. 564 00:35:11,152 --> 00:35:13,427 Just for the future... 565 00:35:13,632 --> 00:35:16,226 - ... wet becomes you. - Great. 566 00:35:21,912 --> 00:35:25,951 So you see, Preston Holt was telling the truth. Omar is selling secrets. 567 00:35:26,112 --> 00:35:28,421 Secrets your brother unknowingly provided him with. 568 00:35:28,592 --> 00:35:31,026 - I don't understand. - Brian takes your father to Omar... 569 00:35:31,192 --> 00:35:33,706 ...who tells him anything your brother wants him to hear. 570 00:35:33,872 --> 00:35:36,591 Oh, then Omar double-crosses Brian, calls Holt. 571 00:35:36,792 --> 00:35:38,862 Oh, I understand. 572 00:35:39,072 --> 00:35:42,906 Just what kinds of things is my brother having Mr. Gauss tell our father? 573 00:35:43,112 --> 00:35:45,706 That you shouldn't be listened to, that you're bad, evil. 574 00:35:46,232 --> 00:35:48,587 Brian's working too hard. 575 00:35:49,112 --> 00:35:51,581 Oh, Daddy listens to me all right. 576 00:35:51,752 --> 00:35:53,266 And that's all he does. 577 00:35:53,432 --> 00:35:56,947 We agree on just about everything, except for women in business. 578 00:35:57,112 --> 00:35:58,625 See, that's why you have sons. 579 00:35:58,793 --> 00:36:01,182 To pass along the business to. So they can... 580 00:36:01,352 --> 00:36:04,264 ...lie to you and drug you and defame their siblings. 581 00:36:04,592 --> 00:36:06,628 - I'm sorry. - No, don't be. 582 00:36:07,952 --> 00:36:09,988 You've done a terrific job. I knew you would. 583 00:36:10,193 --> 00:36:13,946 Despite what my brother says, I'm a terrific judge of character. 584 00:36:14,153 --> 00:36:17,145 Well, I'm gonna try to convince my father of what you've told me. 585 00:36:17,313 --> 00:36:18,586 I might need your help. 586 00:36:18,792 --> 00:36:21,432 Naturally, I'll encourage him to reinstate your company... 587 00:36:21,593 --> 00:36:23,548 ...as our security consultants. 588 00:36:37,312 --> 00:36:39,030 We're pretty good at this, aren't we? 589 00:36:39,232 --> 00:36:40,791 Not bad, not bad. 590 00:36:40,992 --> 00:36:43,553 - We solved a mystery. - Send it in to Ripley. 591 00:36:43,712 --> 00:36:46,386 - He wouldn't believe it. - This is okay, this isn't bad. 592 00:36:46,553 --> 00:36:48,987 - I could do this for a living. - Don't get cocky. 593 00:36:49,153 --> 00:36:51,063 I've seen you in your underwear. 594 00:36:51,272 --> 00:36:53,229 Admit it, you're as surprised as I am. 595 00:36:53,393 --> 00:36:55,906 What are you talking about? I knew we'd solve it. 596 00:36:56,072 --> 00:37:00,351 - We make a terrific team. - "The horse is dead, stop beating it. " 597 00:37:00,553 --> 00:37:02,669 - Did I say that? - With great conviction. 598 00:37:02,833 --> 00:37:04,869 I didn't mean it. I knew you wouldn't listen. 599 00:37:05,033 --> 00:37:06,863 - I said it to spur you on. - Spur me on? 600 00:37:07,033 --> 00:37:09,182 Worked, didn't it? 601 00:37:11,712 --> 00:37:14,785 - We're pretty good together. - A regular Herman and Catnip. 602 00:37:15,273 --> 00:37:17,024 Yeah. 603 00:37:18,872 --> 00:37:20,670 - Well... - Yep. 604 00:37:20,833 --> 00:37:22,664 It's getting late. 605 00:37:23,112 --> 00:37:24,546 Thanks for beating that horse. 606 00:37:26,873 --> 00:37:28,704 Thanks for spurring me on. 607 00:37:28,913 --> 00:37:30,710 You're all right, kid. 608 00:37:30,913 --> 00:37:33,143 You're not bad yourself, fella. 609 00:37:33,313 --> 00:37:35,463 Not bad at all. 610 00:37:35,633 --> 00:37:37,589 We solved a mystery. 611 00:37:53,673 --> 00:37:56,631 Hello? Hello. 612 00:37:56,833 --> 00:37:58,186 Who sabotaged the gun? 613 00:37:58,873 --> 00:38:00,943 David, where are you? 614 00:38:01,153 --> 00:38:03,462 Who sabotaged that laser gun? 615 00:38:03,633 --> 00:38:06,022 Carl isn't nuts about how Brian runs the company. 616 00:38:06,193 --> 00:38:09,072 Brian takes Carl to Omar so he can coffee-klatch with his wife. 617 00:38:09,233 --> 00:38:13,465 Omar is greedy, so he sells what Brian and Carl tells him to Holt. I get all that. 618 00:38:13,633 --> 00:38:15,430 Who reversed the wires on that laser? 619 00:38:15,593 --> 00:38:17,026 - Does it matter? - Damn straight. 620 00:38:17,193 --> 00:38:18,751 We're not as smart as we think. 621 00:38:18,913 --> 00:38:22,588 There's another bad guy in this story, and we're not even on to him yet. 622 00:38:24,433 --> 00:38:26,105 Hello. 623 00:38:26,873 --> 00:38:29,592 It's Vivian. 624 00:38:30,113 --> 00:38:33,503 Sure, no problem. In fact, David's right here with me now. 625 00:38:33,673 --> 00:38:37,189 Honestly, really, it's no problem. We'll come right over. 626 00:38:37,754 --> 00:38:41,063 We are as smart as we think we are. That was Vivian. 627 00:38:41,233 --> 00:38:44,669 She said she was explaining to Carl what was going on when Brian burst in. 628 00:38:44,833 --> 00:38:46,745 Apparently, it's a little crazy over there. 629 00:38:46,913 --> 00:38:50,030 She wants us to come right over and explain to Carl what's going on. 630 00:38:50,193 --> 00:38:51,512 She sounded very upset. 631 00:38:51,713 --> 00:38:53,625 - Omar? - What's the motive? 632 00:38:53,794 --> 00:38:55,989 He had no reason to sabotage that demonstration. 633 00:39:00,473 --> 00:39:02,146 Holt? 634 00:39:02,434 --> 00:39:04,264 He's got a motive, but how did he do it? 635 00:39:04,433 --> 00:39:06,628 Why would he volunteer information about Omar... 636 00:39:06,793 --> 00:39:09,262 - ... unless he has nothing to hide? - The old man, Carl? 637 00:39:09,434 --> 00:39:12,152 - He wasn't pleased to be in defence. - Why ruin his business? 638 00:39:12,314 --> 00:39:15,465 All he's gotta do is deny Brian approval for his project. 639 00:39:17,873 --> 00:39:22,311 Well, if it isn't Omar, and it isn't Carl, and if it isn't Brian, who is it? 640 00:39:22,514 --> 00:39:23,833 Hello, Maddie, David. 641 00:39:24,193 --> 00:39:25,546 Vivian. 642 00:39:25,713 --> 00:39:28,865 What are you up to, Viv? A little light housekeeping? 643 00:39:29,034 --> 00:39:32,231 Pretty neat. No cord, no heavy machine to drag around. 644 00:39:32,554 --> 00:39:35,114 That's what I call progress. 645 00:39:35,274 --> 00:39:37,026 Anybody got a light? 646 00:39:37,233 --> 00:39:38,952 David! 647 00:39:42,794 --> 00:39:45,705 Now, that is a serious vacuum. 648 00:39:51,194 --> 00:39:53,264 Vivian, what are you doing? 649 00:39:53,474 --> 00:39:55,192 Sorry, Maddie. 650 00:39:55,353 --> 00:39:57,265 I never anticipated the two of you would... 651 00:39:57,434 --> 00:39:59,629 ...keep on investigating after you were fired. 652 00:39:59,794 --> 00:40:04,265 You were getting too close. It was only a matter of time. 653 00:40:07,354 --> 00:40:10,073 Look who's here. Maddie. Hi, Maddie. 654 00:40:10,234 --> 00:40:12,225 Don't know how to tell you, but Vivian... 655 00:40:12,394 --> 00:40:14,862 ...she's throwing a snit with a big soldering iron. 656 00:40:15,034 --> 00:40:17,423 - What are we gonna do? - I'm gonna take this moment... 657 00:40:17,594 --> 00:40:22,987 ...to contemplate religions. Looking for soft on morality, generous on holidays. 658 00:40:25,554 --> 00:40:27,546 David! 659 00:40:50,554 --> 00:40:51,907 You might as well give up. 660 00:40:52,074 --> 00:40:54,793 You can't run forever, and lasers can burn through anything. 661 00:40:54,994 --> 00:40:57,713 - You sabotaged the gun, didn't you? - Yeah, not only that. 662 00:40:57,874 --> 00:41:00,832 I'm the one who called Holt and offered him Brian's research. 663 00:41:17,074 --> 00:41:20,464 You see, I knew my brother was taking Daddy to see Omar. 664 00:41:20,634 --> 00:41:23,388 So I called Holt, pretending to be Omar's assistant. 665 00:41:23,555 --> 00:41:28,708 - I'm the leak. The leak is me. - Vivian, why? Why? 666 00:41:28,915 --> 00:41:30,553 - Because- - Because... 667 00:41:30,715 --> 00:41:32,990 ...she wants to run this company... 668 00:41:33,155 --> 00:41:35,510 ...and the only chance she has is if I fail. 669 00:41:46,515 --> 00:41:48,904 David! 670 00:41:53,195 --> 00:41:54,468 David! 671 00:42:01,035 --> 00:42:04,232 David, are you all right? 672 00:42:14,715 --> 00:42:16,467 Heavy. 673 00:42:20,795 --> 00:42:22,592 - What do I do now? - Don't do anything. 674 00:42:22,755 --> 00:42:24,154 - I ask you a question. - Like? 675 00:42:24,315 --> 00:42:27,990 - Like, is your name Maddie Hayes? - And I answer? 676 00:42:28,155 --> 00:42:31,511 - And you answer. - Yes, my name is Maddie Hayes. 677 00:42:32,115 --> 00:42:34,675 - And that means I'm telling the truth. - That's the idea. 678 00:42:34,875 --> 00:42:38,868 - Okay, this is fun. - Hey, whatever blows your skirt up. 679 00:42:39,075 --> 00:42:40,349 - Ask me another. - You sure? 680 00:42:40,515 --> 00:42:43,268 - Positive. - Okay. 681 00:42:43,675 --> 00:42:46,951 Let's try something easy, something obvious. 682 00:42:47,595 --> 00:42:51,032 Were your feet on the floor when Holt said Omar was giving him secrets? 683 00:42:51,196 --> 00:42:52,913 - Excuse me? - I'll rephrase. 684 00:42:53,075 --> 00:42:56,624 Did you have a view of the ceiling when this information was imparted? 685 00:42:56,795 --> 00:42:59,628 - I'm not answering these questions. - A simple "yes" or " no. " 686 00:42:59,795 --> 00:43:01,786 - I hate you. - I thought you were having fun. 687 00:43:01,955 --> 00:43:04,072 I know I'm having a good time.