1 00:00:01,000 --> 00:00:04,074 Subtitles downloaded from www.OpenSubtitles.org 2 00:01:19,212 --> 00:01:21,976 Adi Shankaracharya (The Philosopher) 3 00:01:22,615 --> 00:01:25,584 Explanatory note follows The Vedas constitute the oldest... 4 00:01:26,019 --> 00:01:28,783 sacred literature of lndo-Aryans. They contain the spontaneous... 5 00:01:29,222 --> 00:01:32,191 spiritual aspirations of man. The origins of the Vedas... 6 00:01:32,559 --> 00:01:35,756 are shrouded in mystery. They date back to extreme antiquity 7 00:01:36,229 --> 00:01:39,528 The orthodox Hindu regards the Vedas as revealed scripture 8 00:01:39,966 --> 00:01:42,935 The Upanishadas from concluding portion of the Vedas 9 00:01:43,403 --> 00:01:46,566 They belong among the most remarkable literature in world 10 00:01:47,006 --> 00:01:50,203 They expand, in poetic outpourings, the view of man's identity... 11 00:01:50,477 --> 00:01:54,208 ...of "Atman", the individual self, and "Brahman", the universal self... 12 00:01:54,514 --> 00:01:57,608 which pervades the world. This Monism, which is implicit in... 13 00:01:57,984 --> 00:01:59,952 the Upanishadas, was elaborated into a doctrine of non-dualism by... 14 00:02:00,253 --> 00:02:03,552 great lndian Philosopher, Shankara Shankara was born in 780 A.D. 15 00:02:03,990 --> 00:02:05,958 He is referred to as Shankaracharya 16 00:02:06,259 --> 00:02:09,228 "Adi" denotes the "First" in terms of being "the founder" 17 00:02:09,496 --> 00:02:12,624 "Acharya" means "a revered teacher". Not much is known about Shankara's... 18 00:02:13,066 --> 00:02:16,502 personal life except through tradition 19 00:02:17,003 --> 00:02:19,972 lt affirms that Shankara was born... 20 00:02:20,473 --> 00:02:24,034 in Kerala State of South lndia. He renounced the world at... 21 00:02:24,444 --> 00:02:27,777 very young age, to become a religious mendicant 22 00:02:28,281 --> 00:02:31,250 The film is based on detailed research and made in consultation with... 23 00:02:31,684 --> 00:02:34,983 and approval of religious scholars. "Adi Shankaracharya" is also the... 24 00:02:35,188 --> 00:02:39,147 first lndian feature film... ...made in the Sanskrit language 25 00:02:39,859 --> 00:02:43,260 Sanskrit is the literary language of ancient lndia 26 00:02:43,830 --> 00:02:46,264 lt is also the language of Vedas. Even today it is a spoken... 27 00:02:46,633 --> 00:02:49,932 language among some scholars This unique film has been made... 28 00:02:50,303 --> 00:02:53,602 possible by the efforts of... the director, G.V. lyer 29 00:02:54,107 --> 00:02:56,598 And the film's sponsor... 30 00:02:56,876 --> 00:03:00,835 ...the National Film Development Corporation of lndia 31 00:03:52,365 --> 00:03:57,735 River Purna flowing in the town Kaladi of Kerala state, South lndia 32 00:04:11,784 --> 00:04:16,949 Other faiths opposed to Hinduism seek to disturb its disciplines 33 00:04:41,914 --> 00:04:47,375 Shankara's father, Shivaguru offers morning prayers to sun 34 00:05:09,442 --> 00:05:12,934 Shankara's mother, Aryamba, carries pot of water to her home 35 00:05:27,260 --> 00:05:30,423 Traditionally, every house is decorated with colourful motifs 36 00:05:31,397 --> 00:05:34,366 The threshold is decorated with mango leaves. 37 00:05:38,171 --> 00:05:41,140 Meaning of the decoration is visual delight. 38 00:05:42,175 --> 00:05:44,370 Do you know these decorations have an inner meaning? 39 00:05:44,877 --> 00:05:47,038 White denotes truth 40 00:05:47,547 --> 00:05:49,708 Red denotes sacrifice 41 00:05:50,149 --> 00:05:52,447 Green denotes prosperity 42 00:06:12,505 --> 00:06:17,204 A Vedic prayer is performed in the style pertaining to Kerala State 43 00:06:52,278 --> 00:06:54,906 Aryamba waters the sacred Tulsi, a ritual among Hindu wives 44 00:07:15,568 --> 00:07:19,527 Shivaguru,approaching the temple,hears verses from the Bhagwat-Gita 45 00:07:20,840 --> 00:07:24,799 "He who at the time of death, fixes his mind on me attains me" 46 00:07:27,580 --> 00:07:30,549 "And for such a person, there is no rebirth" 47 00:07:42,995 --> 00:07:46,089 Have you finished all your duties? - Yes, indeed 48 00:07:47,600 --> 00:07:52,560 Have you proffered all your duties to the Lord? 49 00:08:02,248 --> 00:08:03,977 Mrityu(death), listen to me. 50 00:08:12,959 --> 00:08:17,692 The Supreme being is the One who created this Universe 51 00:08:19,465 --> 00:08:21,933 The temple epitomises the body 52 00:08:23,102 --> 00:08:28,938 He is formless but can be perceived through the VEDlC 'OM' 53 00:08:46,259 --> 00:08:49,228 Shivaguru realises that his life-span is over 54 00:09:13,886 --> 00:09:15,649 Looking at the flames... 55 00:09:15,821 --> 00:09:20,656 he visualises his own funeral pyre 56 00:09:21,694 --> 00:09:23,855 Holy Fire, the devourer of... 57 00:09:26,098 --> 00:09:30,057 speech, sight and mind ! 58 00:09:41,314 --> 00:09:52,020 Meditate upon that truth... 59 00:09:52,525 --> 00:10:07,031 which creates, sustains and dissolves this universe 60 00:10:12,712 --> 00:10:16,512 Air, fire & water are immortal. 61 00:10:18,050 --> 00:10:20,746 Only this body is mortal. 62 00:10:23,122 --> 00:10:27,081 Oh fire! l will get enlightened with your light. 63 00:10:28,260 --> 00:10:32,128 May my breath mingle with the immortal fire 64 00:10:33,132 --> 00:10:38,092 Oh fire! l'll brighten with your brightness. 65 00:11:03,195 --> 00:11:09,759 Shivaguru visualises the initiation of Shankara into Brahmanism... 66 00:11:20,813 --> 00:11:23,782 ...and his ceremonial seeking of alms from his mother 67 00:11:35,294 --> 00:11:39,128 Son, come here 68 00:11:47,840 --> 00:11:51,799 Son, l am departing. - Where to, Father ? 69 00:11:53,145 --> 00:11:57,605 Unto eternity. - Why? 70 00:11:58,117 --> 00:12:01,814 This body is mortal. - Where is Eternity ? 71 00:12:03,155 --> 00:12:09,116 Within one's own Self - Then you are not really leaving ? 72 00:12:20,806 --> 00:12:24,833 Son, death is a friend 73 00:12:26,112 --> 00:12:29,843 When he arrives, do not be afraid of him 74 00:12:48,901 --> 00:12:51,870 Recite the verse l taught you 75 00:12:52,338 --> 00:12:59,403 Like water that descends from the skies and flows into seas... 76 00:12:59,912 --> 00:13:07,045 ...offerings to all Gods, reach the Supreme Deity 77 00:13:11,457 --> 00:13:14,688 Like water that descends from the skies and flows into seas ... 78 00:13:15,060 --> 00:13:18,223 Every living being finally merges with the Supreme Being 79 00:13:21,934 --> 00:13:26,894 As your father said, look upon Death as a friend 80 00:13:27,439 --> 00:13:29,407 l am Death and your dear friend - Welcome. Abide with me 81 00:13:38,284 --> 00:13:40,582 Still talking to your son! 82 00:13:53,098 --> 00:13:55,066 What has happened? 83 00:14:22,494 --> 00:14:25,463 Handing over grass-shoots signifies transfer of authority... 84 00:14:27,399 --> 00:14:29,959 to perform further rites 85 00:14:36,675 --> 00:14:38,643 Funeral chants 86 00:15:11,176 --> 00:15:14,805 Shankara receives initiation into Brahmanism 87 00:15:15,714 --> 00:15:19,878 This world rests on 'His' shoulders, 88 00:15:20,219 --> 00:15:27,182 Past, present & future are totally under 'His' control 89 00:15:28,594 --> 00:15:34,396 Wisdom in the form of a boy sits and observes 90 00:15:35,868 --> 00:15:38,530 The beginning of learning the nature of 'Self' and 'Universe' 91 00:16:28,120 --> 00:16:31,089 Chanting of "Gayatri", a holy mantra 92 00:16:59,518 --> 00:17:01,315 Shankara recalls his Father's words 93 00:17:01,820 --> 00:17:06,416 The body is mortal. l go unto Eternity 94 00:17:46,198 --> 00:17:50,760 Mother, this is my friend 'Wisdom'. He has come to stay with me 95 00:17:51,537 --> 00:17:55,871 Amidst so many children here, he can be part of us too? 96 00:17:56,408 --> 00:17:58,103 Stay comfortably, son 97 00:18:10,756 --> 00:18:13,384 Shankara, have you forgotten me ? 98 00:18:16,762 --> 00:18:18,730 Not at all. Come along 99 00:18:49,261 --> 00:18:55,666 The Upanishadic imagery of two birds, the crow and the dove 100 00:19:03,008 --> 00:19:06,500 The crow is the doer, the active one 101 00:19:10,782 --> 00:19:19,087 The dove is the "Atman" (inner self), the passive observer 102 00:19:42,814 --> 00:19:45,612 The Sanskrit school located in the Temple grounds 103 00:20:26,692 --> 00:20:29,820 Why are you late today ? Who are these boys ? 104 00:20:31,096 --> 00:20:35,328 My friends, Wisdom and Death 105 00:20:36,301 --> 00:20:38,792 Mother gave me permission. l brought them here. 106 00:20:39,471 --> 00:20:41,735 Alright, be seated 107 00:20:52,384 --> 00:20:55,353 l am Wisdom, sir 108 00:20:56,388 --> 00:20:58,822 l am Death, sir 109 00:21:00,859 --> 00:21:05,091 Well, 'Death' and 'Wisdom' have no physical forms 110 00:21:05,797 --> 00:21:08,265 lf you are so named, so be it. Be seated 111 00:21:15,874 --> 00:21:20,709 The ignorant can only think in terms of a mortal body 112 00:21:24,416 --> 00:21:27,385 A poor man's home 113 00:21:29,554 --> 00:21:31,522 l seek alms... 114 00:21:32,424 --> 00:21:36,383 A verse from the scripture, the Bhagawata, is heard 115 00:21:37,429 --> 00:21:41,388 The wisdom of truth is like the nectar ... 116 00:21:41,833 --> 00:21:44,393 ... of the fruit of the Tree of Veda 117 00:21:46,772 --> 00:21:52,005 People living on earth may drink it for eternity 118 00:22:07,926 --> 00:22:09,518 Mother, give me alms 119 00:22:18,337 --> 00:22:20,430 Mother, give me alms 120 00:22:20,872 --> 00:22:22,840 Wait, l am coming 121 00:22:37,489 --> 00:23:05,307 May the Goddess looking kindly on me shower her blessings in plenty 122 00:23:08,820 --> 00:23:10,788 Why do you weep ? 123 00:23:11,623 --> 00:23:13,591 No son, no 124 00:23:14,192 --> 00:23:17,491 You are like my Mother. Please tell me the truth 125 00:23:17,929 --> 00:23:20,090 My husband brings a mere handful 126 00:23:20,365 --> 00:23:22,094 He believes, "Hoarding food is a sin" 127 00:23:22,367 --> 00:23:27,327 l can't offer you anything, so l'm sad 128 00:23:31,009 --> 00:23:35,776 The one, having the inner vision, truly understands the Universe 129 00:23:36,548 --> 00:23:43,317 And He is the Lord of the past, present and the future 130 00:24:17,956 --> 00:24:20,925 As a tradition, 'initiated' boys seek alms in various houses 131 00:24:32,604 --> 00:24:36,062 Giving alms to young Brahmins was considered a high honour 132 00:25:02,000 --> 00:25:05,265 Take alms, O young Brahmin. - No! Not from your house! 133 00:25:10,642 --> 00:25:13,008 Why ? What's the reason ? 134 00:25:14,946 --> 00:25:17,915 Your very neighbour believes, 'Hoarding even a morsel is a sin' 135 00:25:18,383 --> 00:25:22,342 But here, you have hoarded sin! Hence, l will not take alms 136 00:26:09,234 --> 00:26:11,464 Listern, come here 137 00:26:12,938 --> 00:26:15,668 Looking at this young Brahman's sacrifice 138 00:26:17,442 --> 00:26:19,910 Distribute this food supply to the poor and needy 139 00:26:24,049 --> 00:26:26,347 How am l to believe that the self does not change? 140 00:26:26,718 --> 00:26:29,881 Observe this boy. When he moves, he cannot stand 141 00:26:30,388 --> 00:26:37,692 When he stands, he cannot move. ls that not so, my child ? 142 00:26:39,798 --> 00:26:45,930 l am not aware of my body. l am thinking of the lady we saw 143 00:26:46,738 --> 00:26:51,437 Did you hear ? The boy is here, his mind elsewhere! 144 00:26:52,877 --> 00:26:55,971 Be it so, be it so. We will meet later 145 00:26:58,950 --> 00:27:05,913 Sir, how does a human being attain equanimity ? 146 00:27:07,559 --> 00:27:09,527 By becoming a Sanyasin (a monk) 147 00:27:10,762 --> 00:27:14,061 Shankara decides to renounce the world to become a monk 148 00:27:35,286 --> 00:27:38,255 Mother, l want to become a monk 149 00:27:41,960 --> 00:27:44,758 See, the milk is dripping. Wipe your mouth 150 00:27:50,969 --> 00:27:56,168 Mother, l want to become a monk. - Where is Wisdom ? Go play with him 151 00:28:04,816 --> 00:28:06,784 Mother, l want to become a monk 152 00:28:07,018 --> 00:28:09,486 You think it is a joke? Don't mention it again 153 00:28:13,858 --> 00:28:17,988 Shankara recalls the words of his Teacher 154 00:28:18,530 --> 00:28:23,490 Paths of action and of renunciation are ways sanctioned by scripture 155 00:28:25,837 --> 00:28:30,797 Very few, when young, have renounced to become monks 156 00:28:34,779 --> 00:28:40,479 One such, in the great heritage is the revered teacher, Govinda 157 00:28:42,921 --> 00:28:45,412 Such men are rare 158 00:30:01,199 --> 00:30:04,327 Who are you ? When did you begin to steal ? 159 00:30:04,869 --> 00:30:06,598 Stay where you are. l shall punish you 160 00:30:40,038 --> 00:30:43,599 What is this punishment ? He can't touch the cloth, 161 00:30:43,975 --> 00:30:47,274 nor can he jump over it 162 00:30:48,313 --> 00:30:50,941 Shall l untie it ? 163 00:31:27,018 --> 00:31:28,485 Come down 164 00:31:45,136 --> 00:31:49,004 Vow that you will never steal again 165 00:31:50,708 --> 00:31:53,006 l promise 166 00:31:54,045 --> 00:31:57,014 Eat. lt is for you 167 00:32:07,058 --> 00:32:09,526 These, too, are for you 168 00:32:29,681 --> 00:32:31,842 Call this a punishment ? 169 00:32:32,750 --> 00:32:35,480 Physical punishment is never a lasting one 170 00:32:35,720 --> 00:32:38,450 The psychic one endures 171 00:32:39,090 --> 00:32:42,059 Henceforth he will not steal. - How can you trust him ? 172 00:32:42,927 --> 00:32:47,057 "Trust in Self" is the path of the scriptures... 173 00:32:48,466 --> 00:32:53,199 A noble secret, a great tradition 174 00:32:56,107 --> 00:33:00,635 Alas, a tradition we are fast losing 175 00:33:32,276 --> 00:33:36,235 Shankara, get up. lt is late 176 00:34:16,621 --> 00:34:20,148 Death, why are you here ? - Waiting for you ! 177 00:34:26,397 --> 00:34:28,957 Where is Wisdom ? - Meditating, there 178 00:34:58,029 --> 00:35:00,793 Shankara is drawn to the saffron robe 179 00:35:01,232 --> 00:35:03,598 Saffron denotes renunciation 180 00:35:44,375 --> 00:35:51,838 Shankara, don't swim too far. There are whirlpools, crocodiles! 181 00:36:21,179 --> 00:36:25,275 Shankara wants to be a monk 182 00:36:25,783 --> 00:36:30,277 Let him become one, but let him live long 183 00:37:16,667 --> 00:37:19,135 Shankar, mother is coming 184 00:37:20,905 --> 00:37:22,873 Mother 185 00:37:29,680 --> 00:37:39,112 Mother wished to see you alive, even letting you become a monk 186 00:37:40,858 --> 00:37:43,349 You, indeed are a monk now 187 00:37:43,661 --> 00:37:44,889 Really 188 00:37:45,796 --> 00:37:48,629 l saved him from the jaws of the crocodile 189 00:37:48,933 --> 00:37:52,391 You possess all the virtues. May fortune smile on you 190 00:38:38,683 --> 00:38:40,150 l will get you milk 191 00:39:03,941 --> 00:39:05,909 Drummer proclaiming 192 00:39:20,291 --> 00:39:31,259 "The play "Nachiketha" will be performed in the Krishna Temple" 193 00:40:02,900 --> 00:40:05,494 A ballet in the style of Kerala State 194 00:40:06,704 --> 00:40:10,504 Nachiketha waits for three days in the house of the Lord of Death 195 00:40:13,010 --> 00:40:14,845 The Lord of Death returns 196 00:40:14,845 --> 00:40:18,804 Making a respected guest wait bodes ill for the host 197 00:40:19,350 --> 00:40:25,550 Yama apologises 198 00:40:27,091 --> 00:40:31,551 l made you wait for three days 199 00:40:35,866 --> 00:40:41,827 ln return l grant you 3 boons. Ask for them 200 00:40:44,442 --> 00:40:50,278 'May my father shed his anger against me and welcome me back' 201 00:40:51,348 --> 00:40:52,872 Granted 202 00:40:53,384 --> 00:40:59,584 Reveal the secrets of the holy fire to me 203 00:41:00,591 --> 00:41:02,081 Granted 204 00:41:02,660 --> 00:41:10,294 ls there life after death ? Learned men debate and disagree 205 00:41:10,901 --> 00:41:14,598 This is an age-old question and repeatedly asked 206 00:41:15,139 --> 00:41:18,642 This is the third and most important boon l seek 207 00:41:18,642 --> 00:41:22,874 But please don't ask this question 208 00:41:23,781 --> 00:41:25,248 Ask some other boon 209 00:41:28,152 --> 00:41:31,883 No boon is equalent to it 210 00:41:32,790 --> 00:41:42,631 Dear boy, l shall give you wealth, grant you long life and happiness 211 00:41:55,145 --> 00:41:57,613 l want neither wealth nor pleasures 212 00:41:58,382 --> 00:42:00,873 l wish to know the secret of life 213 00:42:07,925 --> 00:42:10,621 lt can't be learnt through dialectics and logic 214 00:42:12,129 --> 00:42:15,098 But only through individual experience 215 00:42:16,667 --> 00:42:23,368 You have the right aptitude. My blessings to you 216 00:42:38,689 --> 00:42:41,658 Neither the play nor the message made any sense 217 00:42:46,430 --> 00:42:49,661 ln truth, there was neither Nachiketha nor Yama (Death) 218 00:42:50,367 --> 00:42:52,665 What matters is Nachiketha's firmness in seeking the truth 219 00:42:52,970 --> 00:42:54,938 A noble example to be emulated 220 00:43:00,711 --> 00:43:05,671 l am leaving to seek Govindapada. Look after Mother 221 00:43:07,451 --> 00:43:13,185 Should you not inform her ? - l go with her blessings 222 00:43:17,061 --> 00:43:20,690 Who will perform my funeral rites ? lt is the sacred duty of a son 223 00:43:21,131 --> 00:43:23,361 Mother, l will return to perform the rites 224 00:44:25,796 --> 00:44:35,501 Every drop of water from the sky reaches the sea 225 00:44:36,373 --> 00:44:38,773 The Kerala-Karnataka border, South lndia 226 00:45:10,574 --> 00:45:13,543 He must be a sinner. Our Tree-God punished him 227 00:45:13,711 --> 00:45:16,077 Let us bury him under stones 228 00:45:38,869 --> 00:45:41,167 The blind belief of the tribes pains Shankara 229 00:45:41,538 --> 00:45:44,336 Shankara sees social injustice. He views the cosmos in its entirety 230 00:45:46,176 --> 00:45:52,638 "Tell me, who are you ? You, so fierce in form," 231 00:45:54,284 --> 00:45:57,185 "O supreme power, who ever you are" 232 00:45:58,956 --> 00:46:00,856 "l bow before you" 233 00:46:02,593 --> 00:46:05,061 "l know not your purpose" 234 00:46:07,631 --> 00:46:10,862 "l wish to know you, O Primal One. 235 00:46:22,246 --> 00:46:28,879 "Amidst distractions from other heterodox faiths..." 236 00:46:32,923 --> 00:46:36,222 Shankara continues his journey, seeking Govindapada 237 00:46:49,206 --> 00:46:52,903 "For the one in quest of knowledge Vedas will be the shelter..." 238 00:46:53,343 --> 00:46:56,312 "as the ocean is the shelter for all rivers" 239 00:47:06,957 --> 00:47:10,916 Karnataka border, Southern lndia 240 00:50:45,175 --> 00:50:48,144 Gokarna, North Karnataka Southern lndia 241 00:50:52,315 --> 00:50:55,751 Vishnu, an old friend, calls out to Shankara 242 00:51:19,910 --> 00:51:22,538 l became a monk with Mother's consent 243 00:51:23,213 --> 00:51:25,773 Are you going to perform austere penance ? 244 00:51:26,216 --> 00:51:34,180 "Duty is its own reward", is the Lord's saying in Gita 245 00:51:37,227 --> 00:51:39,457 May l follow you ? 246 00:51:40,230 --> 00:51:43,199 lf we are together we will succeed 247 00:52:04,254 --> 00:52:07,553 State of Madhya Pradesh, Central lndia 248 00:52:17,267 --> 00:52:22,899 These symbols of imperfection aspiring for perfection 249 00:52:27,277 --> 00:52:31,577 Are you still awake, shivering with cold ? 250 00:53:19,095 --> 00:53:21,063 Omkareswar, Central lndia 251 00:53:22,065 --> 00:53:25,296 "Sun, the primal force, guiding the destiny of every being... 252 00:53:25,669 --> 00:53:30,629 governs the earth and heaven" 253 00:53:35,345 --> 00:53:38,314 Hindu tradition dictates that one is first a disciple, then a householder 254 00:53:38,748 --> 00:53:43,651 Then comes the practice of austerity, leading finally to renunciation 255 00:53:44,955 --> 00:53:49,415 True. But one can also renounce soon after initiation 256 00:53:49,960 --> 00:53:51,928 l prefer this approach 257 00:54:06,376 --> 00:54:11,336 This is the holy river, Narmada Govindapada's hermitage must be near 258 00:54:35,405 --> 00:54:37,703 The River Narmada turns violent 259 00:54:55,425 --> 00:55:00,385 You are the primal force. Supreme and oldest among all 260 00:55:02,232 --> 00:55:04,598 The root cause of the Universe 261 00:55:06,236 --> 00:55:09,535 You are the Knower, And the Known, too. 262 00:55:10,240 --> 00:55:16,110 Pervader of all and the eternal. The greatest refuge for all 263 00:55:52,282 --> 00:55:56,810 Victory to the boy who quelled the turbulence of Narmada ! 264 00:55:57,520 --> 00:56:07,589 Come and see here is that boy Come quickly, Come... 265 00:56:07,931 --> 00:56:14,666 Victory to the boy who quelled the turbulence of Narmada ! 266 00:56:14,904 --> 00:56:16,872 Where do you wish to go? 267 00:56:17,307 --> 00:56:20,276 l have come seeking the reversed teacher, Govindapada 268 00:56:21,077 --> 00:56:22,806 Welcome, welcome 269 00:56:41,531 --> 00:56:52,305 "To him, the erudite scholar, the knower of all the scriptures..." 270 00:56:53,209 --> 00:56:59,045 "To the revered teacher Govinda, my humble salutation" 271 00:57:06,356 --> 00:57:09,519 My child, what brings you here? - l am Shankara, son of Shivaguru, ... 272 00:57:10,126 --> 00:57:13,789 a brahmin from the South 273 00:57:15,398 --> 00:57:21,530 l come to you seeking refuge, to resolve the enigma of existence 274 00:57:27,577 --> 00:57:33,538 With this mortal body, how can you cross the ocean of existence? 275 00:57:34,617 --> 00:57:37,950 "Body" is subject to birth and death; but not "Atman"(the Self) 276 00:57:38,588 --> 00:57:43,890 "The unreal has no existence; the real never ceases to be" 277 00:57:44,594 --> 00:57:46,562 Come here, my child 278 00:58:00,610 --> 00:58:02,908 You will be an ascetic of the highest order 279 00:58:03,613 --> 00:58:06,582 A chant in praise of the Atman (the inner Self) 280 00:58:11,721 --> 00:58:13,621 "Atman is beneath in the nadir, above in the zenith" 281 00:58:15,859 --> 00:58:17,520 Atman is all-pervading 282 00:58:19,996 --> 00:58:25,832 Realisation of this Truth leads to emancipation 283 00:59:19,422 --> 00:59:22,220 Choose a script which you like 284 00:59:35,305 --> 00:59:37,671 All your wishes will be fulfilled 285 00:59:57,594 --> 01:00:01,360 These are the aphorisms of the sage, Badarayana 286 01:00:10,740 --> 01:00:13,038 Sir, these are all torn 287 01:00:13,910 --> 01:00:22,545 True. No one cares for them. l tried to preserve them but failed 288 01:00:23,152 --> 01:00:33,050 A noble secret. A great tradition. Alas, a tradition fast decaying 289 01:00:33,763 --> 01:00:39,065 Sir, may l restore and edit them ? - l would be happy indeed 290 01:00:40,103 --> 01:00:46,133 Perhaps it is the desire of our great sages that you do so 291 01:00:47,543 --> 01:00:52,742 Comment on these texts and spread their wisdom among the people 292 01:00:53,383 --> 01:00:59,481 You will have my help whenever you need it 293 01:01:58,181 --> 01:02:03,483 Look! Sage Shankara has given a new form to Vedic dialectics 294 01:02:03,853 --> 01:02:05,821 What erudition! 295 01:02:06,723 --> 01:02:09,089 lndeed, a remarkable work 296 01:02:09,459 --> 01:02:12,758 "Everything is Brahman" (the Universal Self)? 297 01:02:12,962 --> 01:02:17,661 But, how can we accept that... 298 01:03:21,531 --> 01:03:37,744 Come, all of you 299 01:03:39,048 --> 01:03:42,916 "Everything is Brahman" How can we accept this? 300 01:03:44,120 --> 01:03:46,315 Let us ask him straight 301 01:04:43,913 --> 01:04:47,178 "Earth" is the unchangeable truth 302 01:05:16,412 --> 01:05:17,743 Come, come quickly 303 01:05:21,050 --> 01:05:27,683 lt is not my opinion. The ancient Seers said so 304 01:05:30,059 --> 01:05:36,487 Listen to the story of Satyakama. He asked his mother, Jabala 305 01:05:37,133 --> 01:05:48,806 l wish to be initiated into Brahminhood. Tell me my lineage 306 01:06:35,458 --> 01:06:39,087 Mother! What is my lineage? 307 01:06:47,703 --> 01:06:51,104 l wish to be initiated into Brahminhood 308 01:06:52,141 --> 01:06:54,769 Please tell me my lineage 309 01:07:13,162 --> 01:07:28,942 My youth was spent serving many a house 310 01:07:32,181 --> 01:07:35,548 My son, l don't know your lineage 311 01:07:36,952 --> 01:07:42,049 All l know is... that l am Jabala. 312 01:07:43,459 --> 01:07:46,485 And you are my son Satyakama 313 01:07:57,940 --> 01:08:01,000 Revered sir, l know not my lineage 314 01:08:01,143 --> 01:08:05,876 When l asked my mother, she said she doesn't know about my lineage 315 01:08:07,216 --> 01:08:10,674 All l know is that l am Satyakama, son of Jabala 316 01:08:11,053 --> 01:08:13,749 So, l am Sathyakam Jabala 317 01:08:25,367 --> 01:08:30,100 None but a learned person can be so forthright 318 01:08:30,873 --> 01:08:39,474 l shall initiate you to Brahminhood 319 01:08:40,382 --> 01:08:46,116 The only wealth of the knowledgeable is unity... 320 01:08:46,655 --> 01:08:50,113 equality and honesty 321 01:08:51,327 --> 01:08:56,026 For the wise, true devotion is ideal for a sanctified life 322 01:08:57,266 --> 01:09:00,235 Please, pardon us 323 01:09:03,706 --> 01:09:05,230 Banares, the holy city 324 01:09:05,541 --> 01:09:07,771 Letters combine to form words. The "letter" is imperishable. 325 01:09:08,544 --> 01:09:18,886 Grammar is essential to understand the meaning of words 326 01:09:20,923 --> 01:09:25,656 Hear the sound of a vessel falling. 327 01:09:25,828 --> 01:09:32,666 This noise Dum is the root of the word Du Krn Karane 328 01:09:34,436 --> 01:09:35,903 Did you ever hear it? 329 01:10:02,031 --> 01:10:03,692 How fortunate l am 330 01:10:13,209 --> 01:10:17,805 Lord, bless me towards ascetism. Accept me as Your disciple 331 01:10:21,483 --> 01:10:23,815 So be it 332 01:10:32,595 --> 01:10:34,825 You will be called Padmapada 333 01:10:39,602 --> 01:10:43,561 Salutations 334 01:10:47,009 --> 01:10:48,567 Truly, a very learned man 335 01:10:48,944 --> 01:10:51,913 lndeed! Even our teacher has great respect for him 336 01:10:52,615 --> 01:10:56,574 At Govindapada's hermitage all have high praise for you 337 01:11:10,065 --> 01:11:14,593 A verse in praise of Shankara. "l fall at your holy feet" 338 01:11:21,043 --> 01:11:26,606 "l seek refuge in you revered Shankara" 339 01:11:30,386 --> 01:11:38,225 "You are the ocean of knowledge, the embodiment of wisdom" 340 01:11:39,161 --> 01:11:43,120 l am quoting what has been explained in the Upanishads 341 01:11:45,401 --> 01:11:50,236 l submit myself to you 342 01:11:52,408 --> 01:11:59,143 Revered Teacher, take me under your wings 343 01:12:02,117 --> 01:12:06,645 "l submit myself to you kindly bless me, O graceful Shankara" 344 01:12:07,690 --> 01:12:10,659 Such fine verse, from the mouth of an illiterate 345 01:12:11,093 --> 01:12:13,653 A sweet verse, in Thotaka metre 346 01:12:15,798 --> 01:12:18,767 Due, of course, to Your blessings 347 01:12:22,371 --> 01:12:24,669 Henceforth you are named Thotaka 348 01:12:25,708 --> 01:12:29,474 When the heart is pure, everything else is pure 349 01:12:30,079 --> 01:12:34,175 What's the use of good grammar, without a good heart? 350 01:12:35,784 --> 01:12:46,422 When death strikes, grammar doesn't save us 351 01:12:49,965 --> 01:12:52,695 "When limbs are weak and..." 352 01:12:55,738 --> 01:12:57,706 "hair become grey..." 353 01:12:59,742 --> 01:13:02,302 "Doddering, old & toothless too..." 354 01:13:03,746 --> 01:13:06,715 "the decrepit moves with the help of a walking-stick" 355 01:13:08,751 --> 01:13:12,118 "Man never gives up desires" 356 01:13:15,557 --> 01:13:16,387 That's why... 357 01:13:18,660 --> 01:13:24,724 "Worship the Lord ! Worship the Lord !" 358 01:13:25,768 --> 01:13:30,728 "O fool! Worship the lord" 359 01:14:21,824 --> 01:14:33,497 "The King of Banaras coming to see his holiness Shankara" 360 01:14:50,185 --> 01:14:53,814 Grace the court by your presence 361 01:14:54,000 --> 01:14:57,135 Best watched using Open Subtitles MKV Player 362 00:00:01,155 --> 00:00:05,615 Thank you. l shall come later. l have a task to complete 363 00:00:06,160 --> 00:00:11,291 l have to convey the message of the scriptures to the people 364 00:00:13,033 --> 00:00:19,962 For your journey, please make use of my chariots, horses and elephants 365 00:00:20,507 --> 00:00:24,807 l prefer to walk while these two legs can support me 366 00:00:29,950 --> 00:00:36,150 Life is but a cycle of birth and death 367 00:00:39,193 --> 00:00:42,959 Life is an ocean, hard to cross 368 00:00:45,599 --> 00:00:49,160 Merciful lord, save me ! 369 00:00:50,000 --> 00:00:53,074 Subtitles downloaded from www.OpenSubtitles.org 370 00:01:32,646 --> 00:01:36,207 He who has inner vision is the Lord of the past, present, future 371 00:01:50,264 --> 00:01:54,223 Every drop of water from the sky merges with the sea 372 00:01:59,273 --> 00:02:02,242 The whole world praises you 373 00:02:03,277 --> 00:02:05,507 Actually, the one to be praised is... 374 00:02:05,879 --> 00:02:11,613 the great Nachiketha and not me 375 00:02:12,286 --> 00:02:14,254 But, your glory excel's everywhere 376 00:02:16,290 --> 00:02:17,552 Don't say so 377 00:02:19,092 --> 00:02:24,257 Dear Death, you can't let me live long, nor do l wish to 378 00:02:25,632 --> 00:02:28,465 l am ever prepared to abandon this body 379 00:02:30,037 --> 00:02:33,006 Let the Lord be praised always 380 00:02:39,079 --> 00:02:41,445 Move away ! An untouchable ! 381 00:02:44,084 --> 00:02:47,315 Move away! Move away! 382 00:02:50,390 --> 00:02:53,052 lt is better that we keep off. He doesn't seem to move... 383 00:02:56,330 --> 00:02:58,389 Keep off! Keep off! 384 00:03:04,371 --> 00:03:07,807 He who has the inner vision is the master of the Universe 385 00:03:13,113 --> 00:03:17,812 Who should keep off? My body or my inner Self (Atman)? 386 00:03:18,452 --> 00:03:23,412 All bodies are made of earth, built alike and hence impure 387 00:03:27,794 --> 00:03:31,753 The inner Self is all pervading, hence immovable and inert 388 00:03:33,533 --> 00:03:36,502 Tell me, who should move away? 389 00:03:49,149 --> 00:03:55,384 Every Self is universal. Becoming aware of this is true knowledge 390 00:03:58,592 --> 00:04:02,392 The world is but an illusion 391 00:04:13,173 --> 00:04:17,633 He who taught me this truth, whatever be his caste... 392 00:04:18,712 --> 00:04:21,146 is my greatest Teacher! 393 00:04:49,276 --> 00:04:53,770 Praise be to this sacred city, Kashi,... 394 00:04:55,749 --> 00:05:00,584 which by its radiant rays of Knowledge 395 00:05:02,722 --> 00:05:08,183 dispelled my ignorance and brought forth enlightenment 396 00:06:11,291 --> 00:06:14,260 The boy is unperturbed by the struggle for life 397 00:06:55,335 --> 00:06:57,633 Earth is the unchangeable truth 398 00:07:07,781 --> 00:07:11,581 The boy is determined to look at the Sun; achieves it 399 00:07:17,357 --> 00:07:20,326 Upanishadic verse on the eye 400 00:07:21,361 --> 00:07:24,660 "The living breath residing in the eye is a Prince..." 401 00:07:25,699 --> 00:07:27,929 "waited upon by several Gods:" 402 00:07:28,835 --> 00:07:32,737 "God of Wrath is in the red of the eye. Rain God is in the eye's moisture" 403 00:07:33,440 --> 00:07:38,901 "God of Light is in the Pupil. God of speech is in the lris" 404 00:07:39,613 --> 00:07:43,344 "God of Life is in the White of the Eye" 405 00:07:50,190 --> 00:07:53,751 "He who knows this Truth is devoid of wants, and liberated" 406 00:08:12,412 --> 00:08:16,371 Revered sir, this boy was born dumb and seems insane at times 407 00:08:18,418 --> 00:08:22,787 My friend, who are you ? Where are you from ? 408 00:08:23,690 --> 00:08:28,718 Where are you going to? Do you remember your old abode? 409 00:08:29,429 --> 00:08:47,872 All pervading, yet unpolluted l am "Atman", the lnner Self 410 00:08:50,450 --> 00:08:56,787 This boy perceives the eternal truth of Self, without effort 411 00:08:58,958 --> 00:09:03,418 He is destined for great things. Please give him to me 412 00:09:38,965 --> 00:09:41,456 He who is determined keeps awake... 413 00:09:42,369 --> 00:09:45,065 while the world is asleep 414 00:09:55,515 --> 00:10:00,817 Are you Shankara, the disciple of Govinda ? 415 00:10:05,525 --> 00:10:10,019 Be seated. What can l do for you ? 416 00:10:21,408 --> 00:10:26,505 l hear that you commented on the aphorisms of Badarayana ? 417 00:10:26,946 --> 00:10:31,508 Explain one of them. - Which one ? 418 00:10:32,552 --> 00:10:37,512 ln the chapter on Sadhana, what is considered important? 419 00:10:38,558 --> 00:10:44,963 The first one. "How is the body linked to the Earth" 420 00:10:46,065 --> 00:10:48,363 Shankara gives an explanation of the origin of man... 421 00:10:48,568 --> 00:10:50,934 Explain it further 422 00:10:52,172 --> 00:10:58,873 The 'self' leaving the previous 'body', acquires a new one 423 00:10:59,379 --> 00:11:08,378 ln the formation of five Oblations: Faith, Soma (Moon), Rain, Food, Seed 424 00:11:09,689 --> 00:11:18,654 ...as put forth in the Upanishadic speculations 425 00:11:19,432 --> 00:11:23,163 Upanishads affirm that in the process 'self' is accompanied by subtle elements 426 00:11:23,603 --> 00:11:31,009 Which leads to the question: How is a 'body' formed? 427 00:11:31,611 --> 00:11:37,572 The answer being; 'body' is formed by element like water 428 00:11:42,889 --> 00:11:50,591 How do you prove that elements like water form the body? 429 00:11:55,301 --> 00:11:57,599 Give an elaborate explanation 430 00:11:58,738 --> 00:12:03,072 Well, let me clear your doubt with the following aphorisms 431 00:12:05,845 --> 00:12:08,609 Shankaracharya recites a verse from the "Chandogya Upanishad" 432 00:12:12,018 --> 00:12:14,987 "The Heaven is Fire" 433 00:12:15,822 --> 00:12:18,120 "The Sun, its Fuel" 434 00:12:18,658 --> 00:12:20,626 "The Rays, its Smoke" 435 00:12:21,060 --> 00:12:22,823 "The Day, its Flame" 436 00:12:23,029 --> 00:12:24,997 "The Moon, its Embers" 437 00:12:26,199 --> 00:12:28,292 "The Stars, its Sparks" 438 00:12:28,735 --> 00:12:32,637 "lnto this Fire the Gods offer the Oblation of Faith" 439 00:12:35,675 --> 00:12:39,304 "Out of this, the divine King Soma, the full moon, arises" 440 00:12:42,682 --> 00:12:46,641 "The Rain God is indeed the Fire, The Wind is its Fuel" 441 00:12:47,387 --> 00:12:50,652 "The Cloud, its Smoke. The Lightning, its Flame" 442 00:12:51,190 --> 00:12:55,456 "The Thunderbolt, its Embers. The Thunder, its Sparks" 443 00:12:56,029 --> 00:13:00,659 "lnto this Fire, the Gods offer the oblation of Soma" 444 00:13:01,701 --> 00:13:04,670 "Out of this Oblation, Rain arises" 445 00:13:10,209 --> 00:13:14,077 "The Earth, its Fire. The Year, its Fuel" 446 00:13:14,948 --> 00:13:18,907 "The Sky, its Smoke. The Night, its Flame" 447 00:13:19,719 --> 00:13:24,088 "The Four Directions, its Embers. The lnter-Directions, its sparks" 448 00:13:25,358 --> 00:13:28,691 "lnto this Fire, the Gods offer the Oblation of Rain" 449 00:13:29,729 --> 00:13:32,698 "Out of this Oblation, arises Food" 450 00:13:36,536 --> 00:13:39,903 "Man indeed is the Fire. Speech, his Fuel" 451 00:13:40,473 --> 00:13:45,035 "Breath, his Smoke. Tongue, his Flame" 452 00:13:45,745 --> 00:13:49,704 "Eyes, his Embers. The Ears, his Sparks" 453 00:13:50,917 --> 00:13:54,717 "lnto this Fire, the Gods offer the Oblation of Food" 454 00:13:56,756 --> 00:13:59,725 "Out of this Oblation... the Semen (Seed) is created" 455 00:14:04,430 --> 00:14:09,891 "Woman is the Fire. Male-organ is the Fuel" 456 00:14:11,771 --> 00:14:15,730 "Copulatory lncitation is the Smoke. Her groin is the Flame" 457 00:14:16,876 --> 00:14:22,746 "Copulation is the Ember. Orgasm is the spark 458 00:14:23,783 --> 00:14:26,911 "lnto this Fire, the Gods offer Semen as an oblation" 459 00:14:27,787 --> 00:14:29,948 "Out of this oblation, Fetus arises" 460 00:14:31,591 --> 00:14:37,359 "These five oblation of Elements, such as Water, give rise to Man" 461 00:14:38,598 --> 00:14:40,566 "The Fetus covered with membrane..." 462 00:14:40,800 --> 00:14:43,098 "lies within the Mother's womb" 463 00:14:43,603 --> 00:14:46,766 "Remains there for a prescribed time and then is born into this world" 464 00:14:59,819 --> 00:15:02,788 Very good. Proceed with your writing 465 00:15:03,089 --> 00:15:05,387 Let it be authentic 466 00:15:05,992 --> 00:15:11,294 When you have doubts, ask other learned men 467 00:15:11,831 --> 00:15:16,530 Let other scholars comment on your work too 468 00:15:16,836 --> 00:15:18,963 A learned man shed his ego to learn and to teach 469 00:15:19,172 --> 00:15:22,801 "Like a ripe mango sheds its stalk when ripe" 470 00:15:23,976 --> 00:15:27,810 "Some fruits drop with their stalk. Others may not drop at all" 471 00:15:27,980 --> 00:15:34,544 Similarly, Some stay away from the World. Some can never stay free 472 00:15:34,854 --> 00:15:41,817 There are others, too, who stay in the world, and yet are free 473 00:15:42,361 --> 00:15:43,589 Prayag, Uttar Pradesh. North lndia 474 00:15:44,063 --> 00:15:46,156 Kumarila, a great scholar and an authority on Vedic rituals,is seen immolating himself 475 00:15:46,332 --> 00:15:53,829 Shankara, l am an expert on orthodoxy and rituals 476 00:15:55,041 --> 00:16:00,843 My aim has been to uphold the Vedas and to thwart the atheists 477 00:16:02,115 --> 00:16:06,347 l tried my best to uphold the Vedas 478 00:16:06,886 --> 00:16:09,252 ln doing so, l erred 479 00:16:09,889 --> 00:16:12,517 Hence this immolation, a self-inflicted punishment 480 00:16:13,226 --> 00:16:15,592 Why? Why must you suffer this way ? 481 00:16:16,896 --> 00:16:23,358 l lived incognito among the Buddhists to learn their philosophy 482 00:16:28,908 --> 00:16:34,107 l learnt many secrets of his religion from teacher Dharampal 483 00:16:35,915 --> 00:16:39,112 My teacher, Dharmapala, decried the Vedic faith 484 00:16:39,919 --> 00:16:43,878 My eyes shed involuntary tears 485 00:16:45,258 --> 00:16:47,624 He then knew my true leanings 486 00:16:49,262 --> 00:16:55,895 Knowing that l had cheated them, l was driven out 487 00:17:14,220 --> 00:17:17,917 The monks pushed me downhill 488 00:17:18,758 --> 00:17:20,726 As they pushed me, l shouted: 489 00:17:20,960 --> 00:17:23,929 "lf Vedas are Eternal, then no harm shall come to me" 490 00:17:24,497 --> 00:17:34,998 l fell into an abyss and lost one of my eyes 491 00:17:35,975 --> 00:17:37,738 lnstead, had l said... 492 00:17:37,977 --> 00:17:41,469 "Eternal Vedas protect me", then no harm would have come to me 493 00:17:44,317 --> 00:17:49,277 l took my revenge by defeating Dharmapala in dialectics 494 00:17:49,989 --> 00:17:54,392 And succeeded in driving them away 495 00:17:54,994 --> 00:17:57,224 lt's victory for Vedic tradition 496 00:17:57,597 --> 00:18:01,556 Yes, indeed. "May Vedic lsm be ever victorious" 497 00:18:03,169 --> 00:18:11,907 But l had sinned against my Buddhist teacher 498 00:18:12,378 --> 00:18:15,973 This self-immolation is my atonement 499 00:18:16,515 --> 00:18:22,317 My ambition has been that you would comment on my work 500 00:18:23,055 --> 00:18:26,286 l'll be a blessed one This is my humble request 501 00:18:27,760 --> 00:18:34,723 l would have loved to comment on your much-praised work 502 00:18:35,301 --> 00:18:40,261 Alas! lt is too late. l have vowed to give up my life 503 00:18:41,374 --> 00:18:46,277 Learned sir, can you please change your decision? 504 00:18:47,046 --> 00:18:52,006 My decision is as firm and final as the Vedas 505 00:18:53,486 --> 00:19:01,018 Let my eyes be blessed by seeing your manuscript 506 00:19:33,559 --> 00:19:37,051 l find you have true knowledge 507 00:19:38,297 --> 00:19:41,061 l request you to meet my disciple Mandana Mishra at Mahishmati 508 00:19:42,101 --> 00:19:48,062 He too is a great scholar. Entrust this work to him 509 00:19:56,549 --> 00:20:00,076 The time has come for me to leave the world 510 00:20:06,125 --> 00:20:12,086 'My salutations to thee, O lord Shiva' 511 00:20:15,468 --> 00:20:21,429 'Thou of unparallel glory, formless, eternal and infinite' 512 00:20:25,878 --> 00:20:46,494 'Thou of many names, My salutations to thee' 513 00:20:56,509 --> 00:20:59,478 Mahishmati, on the banks of the River Narmada 514 00:21:07,186 --> 00:21:11,145 "My salutation to the river Narmada" 515 00:21:27,206 --> 00:21:29,174 Shankara looks for the house of Mandana Misra 516 00:21:33,079 --> 00:21:36,571 Vedas are the final authority, not philosophy 517 00:21:37,349 --> 00:21:40,841 Perform daily rituals and live long 518 00:21:42,755 --> 00:21:46,486 As you sow so you reap 519 00:21:52,231 --> 00:21:55,200 Who knows what is in store for us? 520 00:22:05,244 --> 00:22:09,203 Dear death, don't meet him first 521 00:22:10,249 --> 00:22:12,809 Then there will be no one to comment on my work 522 00:22:13,285 --> 00:22:19,224 There is silence here. Let us look 523 00:22:19,892 --> 00:22:20,722 Please come 524 00:22:26,265 --> 00:22:33,034 Welcome to you, divinity personified 525 00:23:05,638 --> 00:23:06,935 What do you want? 526 00:23:07,973 --> 00:23:11,067 l came here to beg for debate, not for food 527 00:23:11,377 --> 00:23:17,612 A debate? Certainly. But, please eat first 528 00:23:26,792 --> 00:23:28,623 Please come in 529 00:23:47,813 --> 00:23:52,307 The debate lasts for several days... 530 00:23:53,519 --> 00:23:55,817 interspersed with daily rituals 531 00:25:07,426 --> 00:25:11,726 What do you wish ? - l am very hungry 532 00:25:22,474 --> 00:25:23,236 Please have this 533 00:25:35,788 --> 00:25:38,757 What is this diagram for ? 534 00:25:39,458 --> 00:25:42,086 To ensnare you ! 535 00:26:41,520 --> 00:26:50,622 Does your parrot like grapes ? - He likes only pepper 536 00:26:50,963 --> 00:26:52,931 How about you? 537 00:26:55,701 --> 00:26:57,259 You eat 538 00:26:58,837 --> 00:27:03,536 Hail Mandanamisra scholar of mimamsa 539 00:27:41,713 --> 00:27:44,011 You eat only pepper ? 540 00:27:45,651 --> 00:27:48,279 Eat these grapes ! They are sweet 541 00:27:53,926 --> 00:28:00,388 The grapes are really sweet 542 00:28:06,305 --> 00:28:08,637 Sweets fruits are aplenty here 543 00:28:09,308 --> 00:28:18,012 Yet, you prisoner, prefer pepper. When will you be released ? 544 00:28:31,797 --> 00:28:34,459 Liberation is through deeds, l'm told 545 00:28:34,800 --> 00:28:37,894 True, but when? 546 00:28:39,638 --> 00:28:45,270 See these ants! How many births do they need to scale a mountain? 547 00:28:46,645 --> 00:28:55,417 You have wings and can reach the peak of the mountain in a short span of time 548 00:28:55,821 --> 00:29:04,923 You only need to emerge from the cage. Do you want more grapes ? 549 00:29:05,564 --> 00:29:12,436 No, l only want to be released. Please open the cage 550 00:29:16,975 --> 00:29:19,967 "Shankara is the sun of the spiritual sky" 551 00:29:21,113 --> 00:29:26,642 Entire universe is enlightened with the power of your wisdom 552 00:29:27,452 --> 00:29:29,579 And the dark clouds gathered on the mind is vanishing 553 00:29:30,989 --> 00:29:37,451 "Before the rays of knowledge, the ordinary sun is pale as a moon" 554 00:29:38,497 --> 00:29:41,330 "l bow to the Sun of Knowledge, in thought, word and deed" 555 00:29:48,440 --> 00:29:52,672 Revered Sir, guide me on the path of renunciation and accept me as your disciple 556 00:29:55,247 --> 00:29:57,681 So be it. You are named Sureshwara 557 00:29:58,150 --> 00:30:04,988 May the revered one be victorious 558 00:30:07,726 --> 00:30:15,861 Shankara, the unvanquished scholar, uncrowned king of the spiritual world 559 00:30:18,403 --> 00:30:20,701 Sir, would you enter into a debate with me ? 560 00:30:25,544 --> 00:30:32,712 Mother, truth is beyond debate. lt is experienced; not discussed 561 00:30:33,619 --> 00:30:36,053 You have put a stop to my words 562 00:30:37,756 --> 00:30:40,919 Revered Sir, please instruct me in my duties 563 00:30:44,763 --> 00:30:49,393 Be our foster Mother and lead us 564 00:30:49,901 --> 00:30:54,770 May the revered one be victorious 565 00:31:03,448 --> 00:31:10,718 "As the rivers lose their names when they merge with the ocean..." 566 00:31:12,290 --> 00:31:22,723 So do the learned discard their ego to merge with the Supreme Being 567 00:31:51,163 --> 00:31:57,033 virtue and sin "Beyond virtue and sin" 568 00:31:59,071 --> 00:32:03,770 "Beyond pain and pleasure" 569 00:32:06,845 --> 00:32:10,611 "Beyond chants and worships" 570 00:32:12,851 --> 00:32:18,153 "Beyond rituals and sacrifice" 571 00:32:23,862 --> 00:32:34,067 "l am neither the devourer, nor the devoured, nor the offering" 572 00:32:38,877 --> 00:32:48,047 "l am the ultimate knowledge; the Supreme Bliss" 573 00:32:57,896 --> 00:33:00,387 Why is Vedic religion accepted only in lndia ? 574 00:33:00,899 --> 00:33:02,924 lndia is the home of the Vedas 575 00:33:03,368 --> 00:33:08,203 Veda came into existance with the arrival of man and earth 576 00:33:08,774 --> 00:33:13,108 But knowledge of self is open to all 577 00:33:14,012 --> 00:33:19,279 lndia symbolises the mystic wheel (Tantric Chakra) 578 00:33:20,452 --> 00:33:24,684 Kashmir, Kamarup (Assam ) and Kanyakumari are the three corners 579 00:33:25,724 --> 00:33:27,692 Banares is the centre 580 00:33:28,760 --> 00:33:32,287 Hence, Vedic religion is rooted deep in lndia 581 00:34:02,961 --> 00:34:08,922 The octave and consonants are the limbs of Sharada... 582 00:34:13,371 --> 00:34:16,340 The Goddess of learning and the Creator of the Universe 583 00:34:20,779 --> 00:34:25,580 She's Sharada, mother of entire Universe 584 00:34:31,323 --> 00:34:35,555 May this Mother purify our minds 585 00:34:45,003 --> 00:34:47,301 Vedic chants of the ascetics 586 00:35:27,312 --> 00:35:29,280 Why do you always laugh at me ? 587 00:35:29,481 --> 00:35:32,006 l will leave you now. l have work to do 588 00:36:16,094 --> 00:36:20,724 The Sun in the sky, and Shankara in my heart... 589 00:36:21,099 --> 00:36:23,659 both are memorable 590 00:36:28,440 --> 00:36:33,742 This is Sringeri and the Thunga river 591 00:39:39,564 --> 00:39:45,992 Buddhists tried their best to ban animal sacrifices 592 00:39:47,105 --> 00:39:50,268 Now animal forms made out of dough are sacrificed 593 00:39:51,643 --> 00:39:54,612 The very practise is tragic. How does one put an end to it? 594 00:39:55,713 --> 00:39:59,444 You have realised the futility of rituals 595 00:40:00,318 --> 00:40:02,616 You are truly enlightened 596 00:40:03,321 --> 00:40:07,621 You are the deserving one to comment upon my work 597 00:40:08,693 --> 00:40:10,661 Blessed am l 598 00:40:22,273 --> 00:40:24,605 Come, alms is ready 599 00:40:54,372 --> 00:40:56,932 Come. Food is ready 600 00:41:20,098 --> 00:41:23,864 Why is it that none of them wants to eat ? 601 00:41:48,760 --> 00:41:52,196 What is it? Why won't any of you eat? 602 00:41:55,233 --> 00:41:58,532 They resent Sureshwara commenting upon your work 603 00:42:00,772 --> 00:42:03,741 True. We are not happy about it 604 00:42:05,376 --> 00:42:08,072 Why this envy ? 605 00:42:08,746 --> 00:42:09,508 Please forgive me 606 00:42:10,248 --> 00:42:12,546 Hastamalaka is a better scholar 607 00:42:18,389 --> 00:42:23,349 But scholarship is different from experience 608 00:42:24,395 --> 00:42:26,761 Couldn't you think of anyone else? 609 00:42:29,100 --> 00:42:31,898 Padmapada is the senior-most. He could have been chosen 610 00:43:19,784 --> 00:43:26,690 lf l can't find consensus among just the four of you... 611 00:43:27,792 --> 00:43:37,531 then how are we to spread Vedic ideas throughout lndia in one voice? 612 00:44:26,584 --> 00:44:30,452 Our ancestors were liberal in thought 613 00:44:30,855 --> 00:44:34,154 Due to them, Vedas were preserved 614 00:44:34,225 --> 00:44:39,390 But, l now feel that the message of veda will come to an end 615 00:44:39,997 --> 00:44:43,899 Let it get ruined lt deserves to get ruined 616 00:45:17,702 --> 00:45:20,136 Let Padmapada undertake the task 617 00:45:24,175 --> 00:45:26,405 Entrust me with some other work 618 00:45:31,649 --> 00:45:34,618 Pardon us 619 00:45:39,790 --> 00:45:41,758 Let Sureshwara write 620 00:45:42,760 --> 00:45:46,628 My decision is final. Write yourself 621 00:45:53,671 --> 00:45:57,971 We were not jealous. But each one of us aspired to write 622 00:45:59,477 --> 00:46:02,969 Utilise this aspiration to spread Vedic thought 623 00:46:05,683 --> 00:46:07,651 Let us go and eat 624 00:46:28,205 --> 00:46:33,336 "O ever blissful Mother. Protect and purify me" 625 00:46:35,546 --> 00:46:37,411 You are beauty personified 626 00:46:42,053 --> 00:46:48,856 O ever blissful mother, purifier of all sins, you are divinity personified 627 00:46:52,330 --> 00:46:59,532 You are Goddess of Banaras, who turns this country into a heaven 628 00:47:01,138 --> 00:47:05,370 "l seek alms from you. Be my eternal guide and refuge" 629 00:50:53,337 --> 00:50:59,674 Mother, l intend sending Padmapada... 630 00:51:00,244 --> 00:51:04,943 Hastamalaka, Totaka and Sureshwara.... 631 00:51:05,482 --> 00:51:08,940 to the four corners of lndia to propagate Monism 632 00:51:09,987 --> 00:51:17,951 Where should they go ? - Dwarka, Badri, Puri & Sringeri 633 00:51:18,996 --> 00:51:24,628 Send them. Let's see how much they accomplish 634 00:51:27,338 --> 00:51:28,965 Where will you be? 635 00:51:29,440 --> 00:51:32,773 The whole world is my land. 636 00:51:39,149 --> 00:51:41,117 Where am l supposed to be? 637 00:51:41,485 --> 00:51:49,620 You are Sharada in Sringeri, Kamakshi in Kanchipuram... 638 00:51:50,928 --> 00:51:56,628 And Annapurna in Banares! You will be there wherever l go 639 00:51:57,034 --> 00:52:00,868 lndeed, l will follow you wherever you go 640 00:52:07,711 --> 00:52:09,008 What happened ? 641 00:52:09,213 --> 00:52:12,011 l just remembered Mother. l want to see her without delay 642 00:52:15,052 --> 00:52:18,351 Let's go. l too long to see her 643 00:53:09,106 --> 00:53:11,074 His Holiness Shankara is coming 644 00:53:16,280 --> 00:53:21,411 Move away. Let Shankara see his Mother 645 00:53:47,845 --> 00:53:51,474 How is she ? - Waiting only for you 646 00:54:09,299 --> 00:54:18,606 Dear Mother, l am here 647 00:54:24,181 --> 00:54:30,882 "The Supreme being is the one who created this Universe" 648 00:54:34,358 --> 00:54:41,628 "He is formless, but can be perceived through the Vedic 'OM' " 649 00:54:44,201 --> 00:55:00,141 "Meditate upon Him who creates, sustains and destroys" 650 00:55:01,718 --> 00:55:10,353 "Every drop of water from the sky merges with the sea" 651 00:55:30,514 --> 00:55:34,211 She lingered on only for her son's arrival 652 00:55:46,263 --> 00:55:49,562 Prepare for the funeral rites 653 00:55:50,601 --> 00:55:53,570 How can an ascetic perform funeral rites? 654 00:55:56,440 --> 00:55:59,034 But l had promised my Mother. 655 00:55:59,476 --> 00:56:02,240 You may have promised. But tradition prohibits it 656 00:56:02,546 --> 00:56:06,607 The barriers set up by tradition cannot bind an ascetic 657 00:56:09,286 --> 00:56:12,255 You look down on tradition. You are disobeying the elders 658 00:56:13,123 --> 00:56:20,427 You are excommunicated! - Yes!! You are excommunicated! 659 00:56:48,992 --> 00:56:50,960 Nothing is real 660 00:56:51,428 --> 00:56:55,831 Neither Mother nor Father 661 00:56:59,336 --> 00:57:04,296 Neither brother nor relatives 662 00:57:08,011 --> 00:57:11,970 Neither riches nor a dwelling 663 00:57:17,020 --> 00:57:21,116 Everything is but an illusion! Hence, awake! Realise! 664 00:58:18,415 --> 00:58:22,374 Noble ideas are fast decaying 665 00:58:27,524 --> 00:58:37,627 True. No one cares for them. l tried to preserve them but failed 666 00:58:45,442 --> 00:58:48,741 Now starts my real journey to make the masses shed their ignorance 667 00:58:53,450 --> 00:58:55,918 Kanyakumari, Southernmost lndia 668 00:59:02,259 --> 00:59:08,095 Other Gods promise protection and offer boon through signs 669 00:59:10,400 --> 00:59:16,600 But you give a boon without asking for 670 00:59:19,476 --> 00:59:26,439 You grant them at once to the one who falls at your feet 671 00:59:32,489 --> 00:59:35,458 Prayer to Goddess Kanyakumari 672 00:59:44,634 --> 00:59:47,467 Renunciation alone leads to Salvation. 673 00:59:48,505 --> 00:59:51,770 Not by rituals, not by wealth... 674 00:59:52,676 --> 00:59:56,476 The learned attain Salvation through renunciation alone 675 01:00:33,750 --> 01:00:35,843 Study well and gain knowledge 676 01:00:47,164 --> 01:00:48,529 Kanchipuram, South lndia 677 01:00:48,698 --> 01:00:53,397 Upanishads have given highest respect to a Guru 678 01:00:54,704 --> 01:00:57,172 Guru will lead us to salvation 679 01:01:41,952 --> 01:01:48,915 lf 'individual' identity is lost, how can one transmit belief? 680 01:01:49,626 --> 01:01:52,595 To a detached mind, belief is unnecessary 681 01:01:54,164 --> 01:01:58,863 lf God is identified with 'self' why bind Him in an earthly form? 682 01:02:00,370 --> 01:02:04,272 When 'l' and 'He' become 'One' then the 'truth' comes into being 683 01:02:05,242 --> 01:02:08,609 When none exists; the 'truth' remains 684 01:02:52,522 --> 01:02:54,456 This stinking smell 685 01:02:55,392 --> 01:02:59,988 l don't know why king has come here to learn the secrets of life 686 01:03:01,698 --> 01:03:03,666 Raikva of the Upanishadic fame... 687 01:03:07,704 --> 01:03:09,672 who ignores the king but imparts... 688 01:03:09,906 --> 01:03:12,670 Knowledge to the more genuine princess 689 01:03:22,519 --> 01:03:26,455 These chariots, cows, precious stones 690 01:03:27,691 --> 01:03:29,488 How do l get benifited with these? 691 01:03:29,926 --> 01:03:33,987 l'm scratching my body my body is decomposing 692 01:03:34,764 --> 01:03:38,097 Education can never be bought with money 693 01:03:40,003 --> 01:03:42,972 Your daughter is eligible to get education 694 01:03:43,640 --> 01:03:45,608 Her face shows, she is intelligent 695 01:03:46,276 --> 01:03:47,868 That's your good fortune 696 01:03:49,312 --> 01:03:54,875 All sources of power on earth can be brought together with power of man 697 01:03:57,187 --> 01:04:00,884 When the atman sleeps, lt'll get lost in hallucination 698 01:04:02,025 --> 01:04:06,257 Life is fire, Life is ear Life is mind 699 01:04:07,230 --> 01:04:10,063 Life has enchanted everyone 700 01:05:56,539 --> 01:05:58,370 Sir, who are you? 701 01:05:58,608 --> 01:06:00,576 l am a worshiper of Bhairavi 702 01:06:00,877 --> 01:06:02,845 Human sacrifice was offered to this Goddess 703 01:06:03,079 --> 01:06:06,048 Kapalikas, a sect who believed in violent forms of worship... 704 01:06:06,216 --> 01:06:07,843 including human sacrifice 705 01:06:12,889 --> 01:06:14,516 What do you want ? 706 01:06:14,691 --> 01:06:19,185 You speak only about Spirituality. You have no attachment to the body 707 01:06:19,896 --> 01:06:21,864 No. Why? 708 01:06:22,699 --> 01:06:27,193 l need your body. - To what purpose? 709 01:06:28,171 --> 01:06:32,267 l want to sacrifice your body to Mother Kali for my Nirvana 710 01:06:32,976 --> 01:06:35,376 lf you are willing, then come with me 711 01:07:51,521 --> 01:07:56,288 l asked for your body. lnstead, l gave away mine 712 01:08:11,007 --> 01:08:12,975 May all my words be thy praise. 713 01:08:14,310 --> 01:08:16,778 My walking is like circumambulating you 714 01:08:22,418 --> 01:08:27,754 All gestures be thy supplication 715 01:08:29,058 --> 01:08:32,027 Let my sleep be your prayer 716 01:08:33,429 --> 01:08:36,990 All enjoyments be thy dedication. 717 01:08:39,035 --> 01:08:42,994 May all my actions worship thee 718 01:08:43,239 --> 01:08:47,005 Shankara prays to the Goddess. Your will, be done 719 01:09:03,059 --> 01:09:07,018 Shankara in Somnath 720 01:09:30,753 --> 01:09:33,551 Narmada River, Marble rocks 721 01:09:47,103 --> 01:09:51,062 Prayag, Uttar Pradesh 722 01:10:09,859 --> 01:10:14,091 Banaras, Uttar Pradesh 723 01:10:31,714 --> 01:10:33,306 Devaprayag, Himalayas 724 01:10:33,549 --> 01:10:37,110 See how our Teacher hides his ill-health from us 725 01:10:41,157 --> 01:10:48,620 He never rests; always absorbed in his thoughts and work 726 01:10:50,166 --> 01:10:56,105 He travels endlessly. No wonder he is ill 727 01:10:59,175 --> 01:11:02,804 l repeatedly begged him to take rest 728 01:11:03,646 --> 01:11:07,878 l even volunteered to assist him in debates 729 01:11:13,623 --> 01:11:18,686 He doesn't care for bodily pain. He is beyond worries 730 01:11:39,715 --> 01:11:44,914 You always seem to be laughing at me 731 01:11:45,488 --> 01:11:47,183 Strange thing to happen... 732 01:11:47,623 --> 01:11:50,183 Death! You are committed to destroying this body. Aren't you? 733 01:11:51,627 --> 01:11:56,030 And yet, You are trying to protect it. What irony. lt makes me laugh 734 01:11:57,233 --> 01:11:58,325 Very amazing! 735 01:11:59,502 --> 01:12:06,203 Agreed, you are detached from your body. But you should think of others 736 01:12:07,243 --> 01:12:10,212 Humanity needs you. Several tasks are to be accomplished by you 737 01:12:10,713 --> 01:12:11,338 wait 738 01:12:13,249 --> 01:12:15,217 Please drink this milk 739 01:13:52,982 --> 01:13:54,108 What happened? 740 01:13:54,684 --> 01:14:01,317 Do not leave us destitute ! We won't allow it 741 01:14:04,760 --> 01:14:14,499 l'm alright! l feel warm, that's all. Let me bathe in the Ganges 742 01:14:15,638 --> 01:14:16,627 Don't worry 743 01:14:24,313 --> 01:14:27,146 Acharya, give me your upper cloth 744 01:15:00,249 --> 01:15:02,376 Himalayas, the abode of Lord Shiva 745 01:15:11,927 --> 01:15:18,332 "Your forehead is the crescent moon" 746 01:15:20,436 --> 01:15:25,339 "On your head, a crescent too" 747 01:15:27,877 --> 01:15:31,074 "Both uniting with the milky snow..." 748 01:15:32,615 --> 01:15:35,413 "to make the full Moon, lighting up these silvery peaks" 749 01:15:49,198 --> 01:15:52,167 A hymn in praise of Ganga 750 01:15:54,470 --> 01:15:57,234 "Ganga, dear daughter of the Himalayas" 751 01:15:57,640 --> 01:16:04,102 "This pure water is the milk of your breasts" 752 01:16:06,615 --> 01:16:08,845 "Be kind to me..." 753 01:16:09,151 --> 01:16:11,449 "your child from the South. Nourish me" 754 01:16:11,987 --> 01:16:17,948 "Among the great poets who praise you l, your child, am hailed as the greatest" 755 01:16:35,378 --> 01:16:40,441 We can never achieve anything sitting like this 756 01:16:42,118 --> 01:16:48,546 Arise, let the drums beat the glory of Monism 757 01:16:57,933 --> 01:17:00,493 Hymn, in praise of Atman (The Self) 758 01:17:05,941 --> 01:17:09,900 The Supreme Truth is one, which is the all-pervading 'Self' 759 01:17:10,546 --> 01:17:13,913 True knowledge of 'Self' leads to liberation 760 01:17:15,951 --> 01:17:21,514 He who knows the 'Self' controls the gross, the living... 761 01:17:22,558 --> 01:17:25,527 mental, rational and supra-rational being 762 01:17:41,010 --> 01:17:48,473 Shankara is the Sun of the spiritual sky 763 01:17:49,018 --> 01:17:55,981 Before the rays of knowledge, the ordinary Sun is pale as a moon 764 01:18:03,332 --> 01:18:09,999 l bow to the Sun of knowledge, in thought, word and deed 765 01:18:15,611 --> 01:18:18,171 The other faiths log behind 766 01:18:35,030 --> 01:18:39,990 Shankara, you are at the pinnacle. ls there more to be achieved? 767 01:18:42,037 --> 01:18:45,996 l have achieved knowledge. Some are torn by worldly sorrows 768 01:18:53,649 --> 01:19:01,021 For those torn by worldly sorrows and assailed by ignorance... 769 01:19:02,658 --> 01:19:06,617 to the whole world, l wish to reveal the secret of 'Self' 770 01:19:15,671 --> 01:19:18,640 Your philosophy is subtle and complicated 771 01:19:22,845 --> 01:19:29,307 Only through divine grace that comes with devotion... 772 01:19:30,152 --> 01:19:33,144 can one understand Monism. Why lament over it? 773 01:19:41,764 --> 01:19:46,463 Nothing to be lamented about. l don't get lamented like you 774 01:19:46,635 --> 01:19:48,000 l pray that everyone attains true knowledge of his self 775 01:19:48,437 --> 01:19:53,670 Keep lamenting. l can't wait. Things have to come to an end 776 01:19:54,710 --> 01:20:00,671 A threat? l can quaff-off Death. l am the fearless Brahman 777 01:20:01,116 --> 01:20:05,485 l know you are fearless, but l am human. Let me go away 778 01:20:16,732 --> 01:20:22,500 Wisdom, this frozen piece of ice and this flowing water... 779 01:20:23,872 --> 01:20:27,899 actually it is neither ice nor water 780 01:20:29,345 --> 01:20:32,007 They are mere appearances of one reality 781 01:20:32,948 --> 01:20:34,916 This is the one truth; the doctrine of non-dualism 782 01:20:35,751 --> 01:20:38,311 Wisdom! Let us become one 783 01:20:49,965 --> 01:20:52,331 Dear Death. You too come along 784 01:20:52,768 --> 01:20:59,731 You have been with me since birth. Never left me, even when told to 785 01:21:00,776 --> 01:21:04,143 Don't hesitate, dear friend. Let us become one 786 01:21:05,781 --> 01:21:09,547 O Reversed Teacher 787 01:21:16,558 --> 01:21:24,590 Why bemoan? He will be with us, forever in our intellect 788 01:21:29,304 --> 01:21:33,104 Praise be unto Him who conquered other philosophies... 789 01:21:33,809 --> 01:21:35,777 Like Sankhya... 790 01:21:36,045 --> 01:21:37,774 Yoga... 791 01:21:38,147 --> 01:21:42,846 Nyeyayika... Vaisheshika... 792 01:21:44,953 --> 01:21:47,581 Purva Mimamsa... 793 01:21:48,424 --> 01:21:51,985 And became the Master of Uttara Mimamsa 794 01:21:54,830 --> 01:21:59,597 Rightly, he is the uncrowned King of the Spiritual world 795 01:22:00,836 --> 01:22:05,000 l accept every faith 796 01:22:07,009 --> 01:22:13,812 He who has no attachments is verily the Self, the Universal Self 797 01:22:15,851 --> 01:22:18,820 l bow down to the 'Self' which is pure knowledge 798 01:22:21,356 --> 01:22:25,816 Who, with pure intellect and fortitude controls this sensual body 799 01:22:28,030 --> 01:22:32,228 And shuns sensation like sound, will be free from attachment 800 01:22:34,203 --> 01:22:39,436 He whose mind is unattached, subdued in thought, desire-free... 801 01:22:41,744 --> 01:22:47,239 and free from action, through renunciation, attains perfection 802 01:22:52,387 --> 01:22:58,849 Ego-free, possessions proofread, tranquil at heart, devoid of lust, 803 01:22:59,895 --> 01:23:05,265 Humble and pure, then He is worthy of becoming 'Brahman' 804 01:23:11,173 --> 01:23:15,269 Charming! Pleasant! Blissful! 805 01:23:17,312 --> 01:23:21,214 Come along, all of you 806 01:23:42,437 --> 01:23:49,900 Every drop of water from the sky merges with the sea 807 01:23:56,250 --> 01:24:00,209 That (Universal Self) is infinite & this (lndividual Self) is infinite 808 01:24:00,921 --> 01:24:05,221 The lnfinite Universal is created out of lnfinity 809 01:24:06,260 --> 01:24:12,221 Whether added to or subtracted from... 810 01:24:12,533 --> 01:24:16,094 Let there be peace everywhere 811 01:24:17,000 --> 01:24:20,052 Best watched using Open Subtitles MKV Player