1 00:00:00,797 --> 00:00:02,648 I think Barry's in real trouble. 2 00:00:02,680 --> 00:00:04,046 We've gotta find Barry's parrot. 3 00:00:04,071 --> 00:00:05,195 There is no parrot. 4 00:00:05,203 --> 00:00:07,734 You have nothing to worry about. 5 00:00:10,787 --> 00:00:12,607 Well, shiver me timbers... 6 00:00:12,632 --> 00:00:15,958 he's discovered the map to the sunken treasure. 7 00:00:15,980 --> 00:00:18,877 This cross is made of solid gold 8 00:00:18,911 --> 00:00:20,337 We go after the treasure. 9 00:00:20,971 --> 00:00:24,424 You keep that, you'll be doomed for all eternity. 10 00:00:24,492 --> 00:00:25,752 I'll take me chances. 11 00:00:25,784 --> 00:00:28,470 How am I supposed to keep him occupied for 15 minutes? 12 00:00:28,489 --> 00:00:30,556 Hey, this is getting interesting. 13 00:00:31,932 --> 00:00:34,351 In 1972, a crack commando unit... 14 00:00:34,476 --> 00:00:36,103 was sent to prison by a military court... 15 00:00:36,228 --> 00:00:37,688 for a crime they didn't commit. 16 00:00:37,813 --> 00:00:39,022 These men promptly escaped... 17 00:00:39,106 --> 00:00:40,649 from a maximum-security stockade... 18 00:00:40,691 --> 00:00:42,317 to the Los Angeles underground. 19 00:00:42,401 --> 00:00:43,986 Today, still wanted by the government... 20 00:00:44,069 --> 00:00:45,946 they survive as soldiers of fortune. 21 00:00:46,071 --> 00:00:48,532 If you have a problem, if no one else can help... 22 00:00:48,615 --> 00:00:49,867 and if you can find them... 23 00:00:49,908 --> 00:00:52,494 maybe you can hire the A-Team. 24 00:02:41,603 --> 00:02:42,896 Any luck, Barry? 25 00:02:43,063 --> 00:02:44,815 Hey, Mr. Maitland, what are you still doing here? 26 00:02:44,898 --> 00:02:48,902 I thought I'd wait around and see what our prize oceanographer's dug up. 27 00:02:49,027 --> 00:02:50,320 Great news. 28 00:02:51,154 --> 00:02:53,782 I've got a piece of the hull for those tests. 29 00:02:53,991 --> 00:02:56,159 With any luck, I think we can confirm. 30 00:02:56,243 --> 00:02:57,411 Well, that should be some exhibit. 31 00:02:57,536 --> 00:02:59,079 You think we'll be able to keep it, don't you? 32 00:02:59,162 --> 00:03:00,872 I mean, the Smithsonian is not gonna come in and haul it out-- 33 00:03:00,998 --> 00:03:03,166 No, no, no. It belongs in California. 34 00:03:03,292 --> 00:03:05,961 - Now, you let me worry about that. - Yes, sir. 35 00:03:06,086 --> 00:03:08,922 - Have a good evening, Barry. - You, too, Mr. Maitland. 36 00:03:21,852 --> 00:03:23,395 What did you find, Barry? 37 00:03:23,770 --> 00:03:25,314 What're you guys doing here? 38 00:03:25,397 --> 00:03:27,941 You've been taking a boat out every day for a week. 39 00:03:28,066 --> 00:03:29,818 You found something out there. 40 00:03:29,943 --> 00:03:32,946 - Just routine dives. - I don't think so, me young friend. 41 00:03:33,030 --> 00:03:36,700 Now, we're gonna know what you found, one way or another. 42 00:03:37,117 --> 00:03:38,243 Now... 43 00:03:39,244 --> 00:03:41,830 you was gonna answer the question. 44 00:03:44,624 --> 00:03:46,585 I've got to have this thing back in three hours, Face... 45 00:03:46,668 --> 00:03:50,297 or Dr. Richter's gonna be very upset when he finds out that I borrowed his limo. 46 00:03:50,380 --> 00:03:53,383 It's gonna set the trust aspect of our therapy back three years... 47 00:03:53,467 --> 00:03:55,302 not to mention the fact that he's gonna strangle me. 48 00:03:55,385 --> 00:04:00,182 Would you relax, Murdock, you have nothing to worry about, okay? 49 00:04:00,307 --> 00:04:03,518 Besides, you are getting the better end of this little deal. 50 00:04:03,602 --> 00:04:04,770 Oh, you think so? 51 00:04:04,853 --> 00:04:08,315 Trading two plane tickets to Cabo for a night in Richter's limo... 52 00:04:08,398 --> 00:04:12,110 just so you can impress a bunch of people you haven't seen in 20 years! 53 00:04:12,152 --> 00:04:14,404 I'm not trying to impress a bunch of people... 54 00:04:14,488 --> 00:04:16,782 I haven't seen in 20 years, for crying out loud. 55 00:04:16,865 --> 00:04:18,992 I have only one purpose in coming today... 56 00:04:19,868 --> 00:04:22,287 Rebecca Piper. 57 00:04:22,496 --> 00:04:25,957 Of course, she hardly gave me the time a day back then. 58 00:04:26,041 --> 00:04:28,126 Called me a minor league hustler. 59 00:04:28,251 --> 00:04:29,795 - What, you? - Yeah. 60 00:04:29,920 --> 00:04:32,005 You can't imagine how many times... 61 00:04:32,089 --> 00:04:34,966 I asked her to go for a walk by the garden pond. 62 00:04:35,592 --> 00:04:38,470 That was the go signal back then... 63 00:04:38,553 --> 00:04:40,472 go for a walk by the garden pond. 64 00:04:40,597 --> 00:04:42,891 Well, what makes you think that her standards have plunged... 65 00:04:42,974 --> 00:04:44,309 after all these years? 66 00:04:44,434 --> 00:04:46,853 Just don't forget what to do, okay? 67 00:04:46,895 --> 00:04:48,647 Give me 20 minutes to circulate... 68 00:04:48,688 --> 00:04:51,608 lay down the back-story of my stunning career... 69 00:04:51,691 --> 00:04:53,777 and home in on Rebecca Piper. 70 00:04:53,819 --> 00:04:55,529 - Then-- - Yeah, yeah, yeah. 71 00:04:55,612 --> 00:04:59,408 Just try not to spill any champagne back there... 72 00:04:59,533 --> 00:05:01,243 Mr. Bond. 73 00:05:23,890 --> 00:05:25,934 You're not gonna park it here, are you? 74 00:05:26,059 --> 00:05:28,437 I don't want this car parked next to any another vehicle. 75 00:05:28,520 --> 00:05:32,107 I don't even want the exhaust from another vehicle to touch this car. 76 00:05:32,190 --> 00:05:35,318 And you, I want you to stay right where you are. 77 00:05:35,485 --> 00:05:37,654 I will let you out. 78 00:05:46,705 --> 00:05:49,207 Murdock, you sure you don't wanna put a fence up around the car? 79 00:05:49,291 --> 00:05:50,333 No. 80 00:05:53,003 --> 00:05:56,006 - Three hours, Faceman. Three hours. - No problem. 81 00:06:16,234 --> 00:06:19,905 And what do you think is the most direct route from here to the airport? 82 00:06:28,622 --> 00:06:29,873 - Hello. - Hello. 83 00:06:29,956 --> 00:06:33,168 Yes, Peck, Templeton Peck. 84 00:06:33,251 --> 00:06:34,669 Templeton. 85 00:06:34,878 --> 00:06:37,631 Debra. Oh, my gosh. 86 00:06:37,714 --> 00:06:41,468 Debra Garrity? My... You look... 87 00:06:41,816 --> 00:06:43,169 You look great. 88 00:06:43,720 --> 00:06:46,681 Still the same, Templeton? Chasing all the girls? 89 00:06:47,516 --> 00:06:51,770 - Have you seen Rebecca Piper here? - Yes. 90 00:06:51,937 --> 00:06:54,731 As a matter of fact, she was asking about you, Templeton. 91 00:06:54,856 --> 00:06:57,150 Really? Was she alone? 92 00:06:57,234 --> 00:07:00,779 I mean, she wasn't dragging a husband around with her, was she? 93 00:07:00,862 --> 00:07:02,697 I don't think so. Why? 94 00:07:02,906 --> 00:07:04,908 Come on, Debra, you remember me. 95 00:07:04,991 --> 00:07:08,870 I remember you used to like to take a walk by the garden pond. 96 00:07:13,708 --> 00:07:15,043 Oh, I forgot. 97 00:07:15,710 --> 00:07:19,172 Barry Green sent you this letter. I guess he won't be here today. 98 00:07:19,297 --> 00:07:22,842 Well, I'm very sorry, I was looking forward to seeing him. 99 00:07:23,093 --> 00:07:25,470 You wanted to sell him Bobby Moore's bicycle again? 100 00:07:25,554 --> 00:07:29,516 I could explain that. Well, if you'll excuse me, I... 101 00:07:29,599 --> 00:07:31,101 It's been nice seeing you. 102 00:07:31,560 --> 00:07:32,978 Rebecca. 103 00:07:36,189 --> 00:07:38,316 Rebecca Piper. 104 00:07:38,441 --> 00:07:40,652 Templeton Peck. 105 00:07:41,987 --> 00:07:44,281 We sure have grown up, haven't we? 106 00:07:44,614 --> 00:07:47,784 Yes, indeed. Yes. Haven't we? 107 00:07:49,077 --> 00:07:52,414 I remember you used to always wanna take me for a walk by the garden pond. 108 00:07:52,497 --> 00:07:54,583 Yeah, still do. 109 00:07:54,916 --> 00:07:56,876 You should never stop asking. 110 00:07:57,711 --> 00:07:59,337 Excuse me, Templeton Peck? 111 00:07:59,963 --> 00:08:03,675 Me? Oh, no, I'm Teddy Pendleton. I... 112 00:08:05,051 --> 00:08:07,846 Oh, this? I must have picked up the wrong nametag. 113 00:08:07,971 --> 00:08:10,765 Don't let the uniform scare you. I'm just a meter maid. 114 00:08:10,974 --> 00:08:14,686 I'm Barry Green's sister. Barry Green doesn't have a sister. 115 00:08:14,894 --> 00:08:17,272 When he was 16, my family adopted him. 116 00:08:17,564 --> 00:08:18,982 Oh, well, that's great-- 117 00:08:19,065 --> 00:08:21,818 Listen, I came today hoping you'd be here. 118 00:08:21,901 --> 00:08:23,653 I haven't heard from Barry in two weeks. 119 00:08:23,737 --> 00:08:25,572 Well, I haven't heard from Barry in 20 years. 120 00:08:25,655 --> 00:08:27,365 I know he's been working a lot lately... 121 00:08:27,407 --> 00:08:29,367 but it's just not like him to disappear. 122 00:08:29,451 --> 00:08:31,202 I see. Well... 123 00:08:33,705 --> 00:08:36,458 Look, he left this letter for me at the desk there. 124 00:08:36,541 --> 00:08:38,460 See, so he's probably just out of town or something. 125 00:08:38,543 --> 00:08:40,920 Well, could you open it? Maybe it says where he's gone. 126 00:08:42,631 --> 00:08:45,550 If you will excuse me, I'll be back in just a minute, okay? 127 00:08:48,678 --> 00:08:51,389 - Well. - Peck. Templeton Peck. 128 00:08:51,473 --> 00:08:53,475 Good seeing you, Lester. How you been? 129 00:08:53,558 --> 00:08:54,643 - I'm great. - Great. 130 00:08:54,684 --> 00:08:57,979 I was just telling Rebecca here how I've been test flying F-16's for Lockheed. 131 00:08:58,063 --> 00:08:59,814 You know, kind of putting them through their paces... 132 00:08:59,898 --> 00:09:02,108 make sure they're safe for our boys in uniform and all that. 133 00:09:02,161 --> 00:09:04,088 Hey, I had to bail out of one just last week. 134 00:09:04,144 --> 00:09:05,052 Really? 135 00:09:05,111 --> 00:09:08,365 Well, I've been doing a lot of work myself at Cape Canaveral. 136 00:09:08,448 --> 00:09:10,200 Well, didn't I read something about you in Vietnam? 137 00:09:10,283 --> 00:09:11,826 Oh, yeah, yeah. Intelligence work. 138 00:09:11,910 --> 00:09:13,620 I'll tell you all about it, later. 139 00:09:13,703 --> 00:09:16,498 No, no, this was some kind of trouble. Aren't you-- 140 00:09:16,581 --> 00:09:19,292 All this talk about careers is so boring. 141 00:09:19,376 --> 00:09:23,922 I mean, we all go through changes, but the end results are so obvious. 142 00:09:24,089 --> 00:09:25,173 Yeah. 143 00:09:25,507 --> 00:09:27,258 Come on, the pond is waiting. 144 00:09:36,017 --> 00:09:38,770 It's so good to see you after all these years. 145 00:09:39,062 --> 00:09:42,190 Yes, well, you took the words right out of my mouth. 146 00:09:44,192 --> 00:09:45,819 You know what this means to me... 147 00:09:46,444 --> 00:09:49,906 you coming here today and all? Tell me. 148 00:09:50,073 --> 00:09:52,325 It means $10,000. 149 00:09:52,534 --> 00:09:54,077 Ten... 150 00:09:57,789 --> 00:10:00,500 Nothing like a reunion to bring old friends together, huh, Peck? 151 00:10:00,709 --> 00:10:04,379 Yeah, I'm sorry we haven't stayed in touch, General, but... 152 00:10:04,462 --> 00:10:05,922 - Come on. Party's over. - Yeah, yeah. 153 00:10:06,047 --> 00:10:08,591 Look, I understand, Rebecca, they made you do this. 154 00:10:09,134 --> 00:10:10,301 I understand. 155 00:10:13,263 --> 00:10:14,389 Up the stairs. 156 00:10:17,142 --> 00:10:19,144 Temp, I think Barry's in real trouble. 157 00:10:19,227 --> 00:10:21,396 Join the club. Get out of the way, lady. 158 00:10:41,708 --> 00:10:43,042 Got a light, General? 159 00:10:54,512 --> 00:10:56,848 No, not behind the limo! 160 00:11:15,116 --> 00:11:16,493 Come on, Captain. 161 00:11:16,576 --> 00:11:19,871 - I can't leave this car! - Forget the car! 162 00:11:24,709 --> 00:11:25,502 Go! 163 00:11:25,585 --> 00:11:26,753 Come on! 164 00:12:21,266 --> 00:12:22,308 Let's go! 165 00:12:32,360 --> 00:12:34,696 Rich is gonna be here in 24 hours. 166 00:12:34,821 --> 00:12:38,449 I've got to get that limo bonded. I've got to get the tires fixed! 167 00:12:38,533 --> 00:12:40,326 I've got to get it back from the army! 168 00:12:40,451 --> 00:12:44,038 What is the matter with you two? Showing up at a place like that. 169 00:12:44,205 --> 00:12:45,790 I didn't tell him, Face, I didn't. 170 00:12:45,874 --> 00:12:48,918 - He made me do it, Hannibal. - I warned you about going. 171 00:12:49,002 --> 00:12:53,506 And you give me this song and dance about not caring anything about reunions. 172 00:12:53,590 --> 00:12:58,386 Fulbright probably subscribes to your alumni newsletter, Lieutenant. 173 00:12:58,469 --> 00:13:02,265 I can't believe that Fulbright would sink that low. 174 00:13:02,640 --> 00:13:05,476 That he would find an unrequited love, from my youth... 175 00:13:05,560 --> 00:13:07,353 and force her to set me up. That's... 176 00:13:07,437 --> 00:13:09,689 She's after the reward, Face. 177 00:13:09,772 --> 00:13:12,692 Boy, Hannibal, you are so cynical. 178 00:13:13,151 --> 00:13:15,278 I can't believe this. 179 00:13:15,737 --> 00:13:18,948 I mean she... You should've seen the tears in her eyes as Fulbright led me away. 180 00:13:19,032 --> 00:13:20,325 She wanted to warn me. 181 00:13:21,284 --> 00:13:22,952 She'd be in trouble with the government-- 182 00:13:23,036 --> 00:13:24,370 Trouble? I'll give you trouble. 183 00:13:24,454 --> 00:13:26,164 I lost Richter's limo... 184 00:13:26,289 --> 00:13:28,917 and then I get ticketed by some meter maid. 185 00:13:29,042 --> 00:13:31,628 Now, who tickets in front of an orphanage? 186 00:13:32,128 --> 00:13:34,923 Elaine. Oh, you know this meter maid by name, huh? 187 00:13:35,048 --> 00:13:37,133 Yeah. Well, good, you can fix the ticket! 188 00:13:37,216 --> 00:13:39,969 Well, she's Barry's sister. 189 00:13:40,136 --> 00:13:43,473 Now Barry's in trouble, and, well, she needs our help, Hannibal. 190 00:13:43,556 --> 00:13:46,684 - She's a cop, Face. - She's a meter maid. 191 00:13:46,768 --> 00:13:48,269 Look, I really think we should help her. 192 00:13:48,436 --> 00:13:50,229 Sounded like Barry was in a lot of trouble. 193 00:13:50,313 --> 00:13:53,650 Besides, maybe she could fix this. 194 00:13:53,775 --> 00:13:56,819 Look, we'll find the limo, we'll repair it. 195 00:13:56,986 --> 00:13:58,571 Richter will never know the difference. 196 00:13:58,696 --> 00:14:00,406 Hannibal, can you think of something? 197 00:14:01,032 --> 00:14:04,577 Well, maybe we can kill two birds with one stone. 198 00:14:05,703 --> 00:14:07,080 We'll give it a try. 199 00:14:37,360 --> 00:14:39,362 Thank goodness you guys got here. 200 00:14:39,445 --> 00:14:42,407 - You wanna tell us what's going on? - Sure. 201 00:14:46,327 --> 00:14:47,954 You can't park here. 202 00:14:48,079 --> 00:14:51,124 It's illegal to park within 30 feet of a corner. 203 00:14:58,923 --> 00:15:00,091 They took the envelope... 204 00:15:00,174 --> 00:15:01,801 that Barry left for you at the reunion. 205 00:15:01,884 --> 00:15:03,886 Well, what was on it? 206 00:15:04,387 --> 00:15:06,264 A note. Something like... 207 00:15:06,389 --> 00:15:08,099 "A lot of people are after this." 208 00:15:08,266 --> 00:15:10,727 "I'm sure you'll recognize it and know what to do." 209 00:15:10,810 --> 00:15:13,896 - Me? Why would I recognize it? - I don't know. 210 00:15:14,147 --> 00:15:15,982 Well, there was an old map, too. 211 00:15:16,649 --> 00:15:17,900 An old map? 212 00:15:18,401 --> 00:15:22,905 Yeah, like something out of an Errol Flynn movie. 213 00:15:23,114 --> 00:15:26,034 No, it couldn't be. It was 20 years ago. 214 00:15:26,159 --> 00:15:29,537 - Could you draw us this map? - Yeah, I think so. 215 00:15:42,008 --> 00:15:43,801 Wait a second. Wait a second. Wait. Wait a minute. 216 00:15:43,885 --> 00:15:46,387 Did it curve around at the bottom, here, like this? 217 00:15:48,181 --> 00:15:49,557 - Yeah. - Yeah. 218 00:15:49,599 --> 00:15:51,392 And then up here... 219 00:15:51,559 --> 00:15:54,812 this part looked like the boot of Italy turned around backwards? 220 00:15:55,063 --> 00:15:56,856 I think it needs to be colored in over here. 221 00:15:56,939 --> 00:15:58,357 Get out of here, would you? 222 00:15:58,566 --> 00:16:02,070 And then, there was a little square right over here, like that, right? 223 00:16:02,945 --> 00:16:04,822 That's it, that's it! You saw it? 224 00:16:04,947 --> 00:16:07,492 - What is it, Face? - It's a treasure map. 225 00:16:07,575 --> 00:16:08,785 A treasure map? 226 00:16:08,868 --> 00:16:12,080 This is a map to Long John Silver's treasure. 227 00:16:16,084 --> 00:16:17,794 Well, shiver me timbers... 228 00:16:17,877 --> 00:16:21,380 he's discovered the map to the sunken treasure. 229 00:16:21,547 --> 00:16:24,675 Well, it's not the real map, see, I drew it. 230 00:16:24,759 --> 00:16:26,636 You traced it, actually. 231 00:16:26,761 --> 00:16:30,306 From Treasure Island, Scribner's Edition, 1951, I believe. 232 00:16:30,389 --> 00:16:32,141 It had a parrot on the cover. 233 00:16:32,308 --> 00:16:35,895 It just so happens it was Rand McNally, 1916... 234 00:16:36,104 --> 00:16:37,605 but you're right about the parrot. 235 00:16:37,730 --> 00:16:40,024 Yes, but you happen to be mistaken. 236 00:16:40,108 --> 00:16:41,901 Look, I'm the one who traced it. 237 00:16:42,944 --> 00:16:44,695 And gave it to your friend, Barry. 238 00:16:44,862 --> 00:16:47,740 No. Well, I sold it to him. 239 00:16:47,907 --> 00:16:50,868 We were kids. I can't believe it. 240 00:16:50,993 --> 00:16:52,745 He always told me you were his friend. 241 00:16:52,829 --> 00:16:55,081 I was his friend. I am his friend. 242 00:16:55,164 --> 00:16:57,625 You don't sell a map like that to just anybody. 243 00:16:58,751 --> 00:17:00,920 How many times did you con this guy, Face? 244 00:17:01,003 --> 00:17:02,964 I bet he was your number one stooge. 245 00:17:03,047 --> 00:17:05,174 He talked about you constantly. 246 00:17:05,508 --> 00:17:08,845 - Always told me what a great guy you were. - I am a great guy. 247 00:17:08,970 --> 00:17:13,015 Barry was interested in pirates, and for $20, I sold him a treasure map. 248 00:17:13,474 --> 00:17:15,518 I'm glad I didn't know you when I was a kid. 249 00:17:17,311 --> 00:17:19,772 - No, wait. You can't do that! - Oh, no? 250 00:17:19,856 --> 00:17:22,400 I can't believe it. We come to help you, and what do you do? 251 00:17:22,483 --> 00:17:24,902 You fingered my limo right outside a place of worship! 252 00:17:24,986 --> 00:17:26,070 I'm sorry. 253 00:17:26,154 --> 00:17:29,448 I didn't know it was your car, but it was illegally parked. 254 00:17:29,532 --> 00:17:32,316 Yeah, well, maybe now you'll think of retrieving my vehicle... 255 00:17:32,341 --> 00:17:34,328 from the Army Tow Corp. 256 00:17:34,412 --> 00:17:37,206 Look, could we stick to one problem at a time here? 257 00:17:37,874 --> 00:17:41,210 Why would those guys want a phony pirate map... 258 00:17:41,377 --> 00:17:44,005 that Face gave Barry 20 years ago? 259 00:17:56,601 --> 00:17:58,686 You're gonna show us how to read this thing! 260 00:17:58,769 --> 00:18:00,646 You gotta take us to the treasure! 261 00:18:01,105 --> 00:18:03,024 There is no treasure! 262 00:18:03,733 --> 00:18:05,193 That thing is worthless! 263 00:18:05,276 --> 00:18:09,447 I'm getting tired of hearing that tune, laddie. Too bad. 264 00:18:09,572 --> 00:18:12,283 This is where the sharks come to feed, you know? 265 00:18:12,408 --> 00:18:16,204 What do you say we chum up the waters, hey, boys? 266 00:18:39,352 --> 00:18:42,647 Wouldn't you rather come up here and talk to us on the boat? 267 00:18:49,278 --> 00:18:51,239 All right! All right! Pull me up! 268 00:18:51,572 --> 00:18:53,616 Sounds like he's changed his mind. 269 00:18:53,699 --> 00:18:56,327 - Shall we pull him in, Captain? - Pull me up! 270 00:19:05,628 --> 00:19:07,922 Morgan, shall we haul him up? 271 00:19:08,714 --> 00:19:11,133 Hurry up! Hurry up! Pull me up! 272 00:19:12,009 --> 00:19:13,511 All right, pull him up. 273 00:19:22,853 --> 00:19:26,440 Hurry up! Hurry up! Pull me up! Hurry up! 274 00:19:35,157 --> 00:19:37,910 You're gonna take us on a little treasure hunt today. 275 00:19:38,077 --> 00:19:39,745 There is no treasure. 276 00:19:40,162 --> 00:19:42,790 Look, they pay you to catch the fish to feed the dolphins. 277 00:19:42,915 --> 00:19:45,751 They pay me to find the exotic fish for the park. 278 00:19:45,835 --> 00:19:48,129 - That's all that I do. - Don't lie to me, boy! 279 00:19:48,546 --> 00:19:51,424 You went to a great deal of trouble to get that map to your sister. 280 00:19:51,716 --> 00:19:54,302 And when we find her, she won't be a pretty sight. 281 00:19:54,927 --> 00:19:56,512 Put him back in the drink. 282 00:19:57,471 --> 00:19:59,682 No! All right, all right. 283 00:20:00,975 --> 00:20:02,351 I'll take you on your... 284 00:20:02,476 --> 00:20:05,730 I'll take you on your treasure hunt, and I'll show you how to read the map. 285 00:20:05,896 --> 00:20:08,107 And it better be a successful hunt. 286 00:20:08,774 --> 00:20:13,154 Or I'll cut you up and deliver you to the shark tank. 287 00:20:17,742 --> 00:20:19,952 It's in here. It's in here. 288 00:20:20,453 --> 00:20:22,121 Put that book down, fool! 289 00:20:22,538 --> 00:20:24,540 The parrot's never wrong. 290 00:20:26,042 --> 00:20:28,753 You should always listen to the parrot. He has all of the answers. 291 00:20:28,836 --> 00:20:32,256 If you'd asked him, he would tell you to check the Scribner's Edition. 292 00:20:36,093 --> 00:20:38,304 - Does this look familiar? - That's it! 293 00:20:38,387 --> 00:20:39,722 That's exactly what it looked like! 294 00:20:39,805 --> 00:20:42,850 Yeah, yeah, I traced it right out of the book. There, see? Yeah. 295 00:20:42,933 --> 00:20:44,643 Of course, I sort of Californiaized it, you know? 296 00:20:44,727 --> 00:20:46,145 Changed "Here There Be Tygers"... 297 00:20:46,228 --> 00:20:49,273 to "Paradise Cove," and like that. 298 00:20:49,357 --> 00:20:52,443 Face, did you really sell your best friend a fake treasure map? 299 00:20:52,610 --> 00:20:55,279 B.A., I needed the money, okay? 300 00:20:56,364 --> 00:20:58,240 You know, Hannibal, I'm worried about Rebecca. 301 00:20:58,324 --> 00:21:00,493 I mean, what if the military has detained her? 302 00:21:00,618 --> 00:21:01,869 Well, if they detained her... 303 00:21:01,952 --> 00:21:05,289 it's because they wanted to take back the reward they paid her. 304 00:21:05,373 --> 00:21:09,794 Anyway, somebody thinks this is important enough to kidnap for. 305 00:21:09,877 --> 00:21:13,672 Come on, Hannibal. That's right out of fantasyland! You know... 306 00:21:16,008 --> 00:21:17,051 Well... 307 00:21:17,593 --> 00:21:21,764 of course, if there was a treasure, I'd own half of it... 308 00:21:21,889 --> 00:21:23,766 because I sold him the map in the first place. 309 00:21:23,933 --> 00:21:24,892 Face? 310 00:21:25,476 --> 00:21:28,104 Okay, okay, Barry owns the whole thing, okay? 311 00:21:28,604 --> 00:21:31,732 He'd want me to have half 'cause he's a friend of mine, but... 312 00:21:31,816 --> 00:21:34,527 Does this have any legitimacy at all? 313 00:21:34,652 --> 00:21:37,530 I mean, does it pertain to any real place of any kind? 314 00:21:37,655 --> 00:21:39,865 Of course, I was always very accurate. 315 00:21:40,116 --> 00:21:41,951 I measured distances and everything. 316 00:21:42,118 --> 00:21:44,036 Barry was a very sharp kid. 317 00:21:44,370 --> 00:21:47,123 He was just a little gullible. 318 00:21:47,623 --> 00:21:50,709 If only we had a parrot, he'd have all the answers. 319 00:21:50,918 --> 00:21:52,670 We've gotta find Barry's parrot. 320 00:21:53,379 --> 00:21:55,172 I don't think Barry has a parrot. 321 00:21:55,297 --> 00:21:57,341 Long John Silver had a parrot. Blackbeard had a parrot. 322 00:21:57,466 --> 00:22:00,094 Bluebeard had a parrot. He wasn't even a pirate, but he had a parrot. 323 00:22:00,177 --> 00:22:02,221 Hey, man. We ain't got a parrot. 324 00:22:02,513 --> 00:22:04,890 Look. Says it right here, Colonel. Look at that. 325 00:22:05,182 --> 00:22:06,600 Pirates often talked to their parrots... 326 00:22:06,684 --> 00:22:08,519 and the parrots repeated what the pirates pronounced. 327 00:22:08,602 --> 00:22:10,604 Well, that's a great help, Murdock. 328 00:22:12,606 --> 00:22:14,692 What do you wanna do, Captain? 329 00:22:15,067 --> 00:22:17,486 What any self-respecting pirate would do. 330 00:22:18,028 --> 00:22:19,613 We go after the treasure. 331 00:22:33,586 --> 00:22:35,462 All right, the map says... 332 00:22:36,338 --> 00:22:40,634 100 paces from the juncture of the dock... 333 00:22:41,010 --> 00:22:45,306 and the sea wall at 240 degrees. 334 00:22:46,515 --> 00:22:49,977 That's that way, 100 paces would be just beyond that sand dune. 335 00:22:50,144 --> 00:22:51,729 Boy, this is ridiculous. 336 00:22:51,896 --> 00:22:53,856 There were no pirates in California. 337 00:22:54,023 --> 00:22:57,151 It is plain you've never heard of the bloody Frenchman, Bouchard. 338 00:22:57,484 --> 00:22:59,403 You mean we're really gonna dig? 339 00:22:59,862 --> 00:23:02,615 I think Barry was trying to send Face some kind of a message. 340 00:23:02,740 --> 00:23:04,658 I think he wants us to dig in this spot. 341 00:23:05,284 --> 00:23:07,912 Hey! Hey, that's my treasure! 342 00:23:07,995 --> 00:23:09,622 Those are the guys from the house! 343 00:23:19,798 --> 00:23:21,550 Not very friendly, are they? 344 00:23:33,938 --> 00:23:36,815 - Oh, I'm so glad you're all right. - You found them. 345 00:23:36,899 --> 00:23:39,026 Yeah, I went to the reunion, I found your letter. 346 00:23:39,109 --> 00:23:40,319 Thank you. 347 00:23:44,907 --> 00:23:48,577 What are you doing with those, Temp? Hunting for buried treasure? 348 00:24:01,382 --> 00:24:03,634 Sending me that phony map. 349 00:24:03,759 --> 00:24:07,471 Barry, I mean, why didn't you just send me a note telling me you had a problem? 350 00:24:07,972 --> 00:24:09,974 Look, I couldn't take the chance, Temp. 351 00:24:10,057 --> 00:24:12,059 I had those jokers all over my case... 352 00:24:12,142 --> 00:24:14,728 trying to find out where the Santissima was located. 353 00:24:15,646 --> 00:24:19,233 I knew you'd recognize the fake map and realize I needed help. 354 00:24:19,483 --> 00:24:22,027 Wait a minute, what is the Santissima? 355 00:24:23,028 --> 00:24:25,864 It's a 17th century Spanish galleon. 356 00:24:26,949 --> 00:24:29,952 It was on its way back from the Philippines to Spain... 357 00:24:30,077 --> 00:24:34,873 when it was intercepted off Dana Point by a French privateer named Bouchard. 358 00:24:34,957 --> 00:24:37,084 Bouchard? 359 00:24:37,293 --> 00:24:38,961 No, Bouchard. 360 00:24:40,004 --> 00:24:42,673 Now, the Captain scuttled the ship, he sunk it... 361 00:24:42,798 --> 00:24:43,507 Thanks. 362 00:24:43,590 --> 00:24:46,051 ...to keep Bouchard from getting his hands on the treasure. 363 00:24:46,135 --> 00:24:49,305 - What treasure? - The usual, you know, gold, silver... 364 00:24:49,388 --> 00:24:51,807 and something far more important. 365 00:24:52,182 --> 00:24:55,519 - Philip's Cross. - What's Philip's Cross? 366 00:24:55,686 --> 00:24:59,315 It was a birthday present from the governor general of the Philippines... 367 00:24:59,440 --> 00:25:02,109 to his Catholic Majesty, Philip of Spain. 368 00:25:02,234 --> 00:25:03,819 Well, what makes it so valuable? 369 00:25:03,902 --> 00:25:09,033 This cross is made of solid gold encrusted with jewels. 370 00:25:09,158 --> 00:25:11,327 Emeralds, rubies and sapphires-- 371 00:25:11,410 --> 00:25:13,704 - Hey, this is getting interesting. - Come on, Barry. 372 00:25:13,787 --> 00:25:16,206 Where'd you come up with this cockamamie treasure? 373 00:25:16,332 --> 00:25:18,917 I mean, some old sailor sell you a treasure map? 374 00:25:19,251 --> 00:25:22,838 Everything I'm telling you about the Santissima and Philip's Cross... 375 00:25:23,088 --> 00:25:26,925 is absolute historical fact. You can check it out at any library. 376 00:25:27,009 --> 00:25:29,053 I believe you. Makes perfect sense. 377 00:25:29,178 --> 00:25:31,055 Are you gonna eat that pickle? 378 00:25:32,139 --> 00:25:33,891 No. No, help yourself. 379 00:25:34,850 --> 00:25:38,354 Well, if it's so valuable, why hasn't someone gone after it before? 380 00:25:38,520 --> 00:25:42,858 They have. There have been literally hundreds of attempts over the years... 381 00:25:42,941 --> 00:25:44,735 but nobody could ever find the wreck. 382 00:25:44,818 --> 00:25:46,987 And then you come along and, bingo! 383 00:25:47,071 --> 00:25:48,655 Hardly bingo. 384 00:25:49,198 --> 00:25:51,909 It's taken me five years using a computer... 385 00:25:51,992 --> 00:25:55,329 to figure the currents and tidal changes, continental drift... 386 00:25:55,412 --> 00:25:57,998 anything that could shift the position of the wreck. 387 00:25:58,248 --> 00:25:59,333 And... 388 00:26:03,295 --> 00:26:05,339 from the Santissima's timbers. 389 00:26:12,679 --> 00:26:13,764 Guys... 390 00:26:14,598 --> 00:26:16,850 I say we help him find the cross. 391 00:26:16,975 --> 00:26:19,937 Great! Thank you. Thanks. 392 00:26:20,270 --> 00:26:23,232 But you have to realize... 393 00:26:23,524 --> 00:26:26,318 the ship belongs to Marineland once we pull it up. 394 00:26:26,568 --> 00:26:29,363 They want to haul it back and turn it into an exhibit. 395 00:26:29,613 --> 00:26:34,243 As for the cross, I would like to return it to the church. 396 00:26:34,535 --> 00:26:38,122 Actually, to Angels Guardian Orphanage. 397 00:26:38,330 --> 00:26:41,458 Oh, yeah, that's a great idea, Barry. 398 00:26:41,959 --> 00:26:43,335 I guess. 399 00:26:43,752 --> 00:26:44,711 Temp, you know... 400 00:26:44,795 --> 00:26:46,964 I really got to thank you for helping me out. 401 00:26:47,756 --> 00:26:52,052 I feel kind of guilty since I took advantage of you so often when we were kids. 402 00:26:52,553 --> 00:26:55,097 Took advantage of me? You took advantage of me? 403 00:26:55,556 --> 00:26:58,100 What about the time I conned you out of your tennis shoes? 404 00:26:58,183 --> 00:27:02,020 I learned to run barefoot. Set a state record for the 440. 405 00:27:02,354 --> 00:27:04,565 Oh, Bobby Moore's bike? 406 00:27:04,648 --> 00:27:06,358 Bobby and I came out of it great friends. 407 00:27:06,442 --> 00:27:10,154 You know, he's one of LA's top tax lawyers. Does my returns for free. 408 00:27:10,237 --> 00:27:12,239 The phony treasure map? 409 00:27:12,322 --> 00:27:14,158 Ended up saving my life. 410 00:27:14,658 --> 00:27:16,785 You know, I really owe you, buddy. 411 00:27:17,119 --> 00:27:20,164 Yes, you never can tell, Face. 412 00:27:20,622 --> 00:27:24,835 Tell me, do you have a chart showing the location of the wreck? 413 00:27:24,918 --> 00:27:27,463 Sure, it's in my office... 414 00:27:28,464 --> 00:27:32,092 but, you know, Morgan and his goons probably have the place staked out. 415 00:27:32,176 --> 00:27:34,261 That's okay, we'll pick it up. 416 00:27:37,097 --> 00:27:38,682 I bet this Bouchard is real mean. 417 00:27:38,724 --> 00:27:41,185 Black hair, black heart, black beard. 418 00:27:41,310 --> 00:27:43,562 I bet even his parrot is blood-thirsty. 419 00:27:43,687 --> 00:27:45,022 Well, I don't know. 420 00:27:45,189 --> 00:27:48,192 Actually, none of my research turned up any mention of a parrot. 421 00:27:48,358 --> 00:27:51,153 He had a parrot. They all did. 422 00:27:51,403 --> 00:27:53,197 You cool it with this parrot, Murdock. 423 00:27:53,280 --> 00:27:55,824 There is no parrot, and I don't wanna hear another word about it. 424 00:27:55,908 --> 00:27:59,995 Well, actually, that's who has the real treasure map, my parrot. 425 00:28:00,120 --> 00:28:04,082 See, the chart's in the bottom of my parrot's cage in my office. 426 00:28:05,501 --> 00:28:07,002 Enough said. 427 00:28:15,427 --> 00:28:16,803 Damn bird! 428 00:28:16,887 --> 00:28:19,097 If you don't shut your beak, I'll make soup out of you! 429 00:28:19,181 --> 00:28:20,641 Nothing in the desk, Captain. 430 00:28:27,231 --> 00:28:28,357 Hello. 431 00:28:28,982 --> 00:28:30,359 What's going on here? 432 00:28:32,528 --> 00:28:35,822 We was just looking for a clue to finding Barry, Mr. Maitland. 433 00:28:36,114 --> 00:28:39,701 Well, in the future, you'll confine your activities to delivering fish. 434 00:28:59,638 --> 00:29:01,765 Boy, Barry, you were playing an awful long shot... 435 00:29:01,848 --> 00:29:03,517 leaving that note for me at the reunion. 436 00:29:03,642 --> 00:29:07,062 Well, not really. Rebecca Piper kept calling me about trying to find you. 437 00:29:07,145 --> 00:29:09,273 There, you see? Huh? 438 00:29:09,356 --> 00:29:12,484 She seemed to think you'd show up there, but she wanted to make sure. 439 00:29:12,568 --> 00:29:14,027 Kept saying something about having... 440 00:29:14,111 --> 00:29:17,281 tens of thousands of reasons for wanting to find you. 441 00:29:17,990 --> 00:29:20,331 - Well, I'm not going to say a word. - Yeah, well... 442 00:29:20,642 --> 00:29:22,010 Wait a second. 443 00:29:22,183 --> 00:29:25,307 That's the car of the guys who tried to kidnap me. 444 00:29:25,539 --> 00:29:26,790 Are you sure? 445 00:29:26,999 --> 00:29:30,085 Yeah, I remember the right tail light was out. I wanted to tag him. 446 00:29:30,210 --> 00:29:32,462 Good. Maybe you can cut me a citation, tow me a limo today... 447 00:29:32,504 --> 00:29:33,964 since we owe one to Dr. Richter. 448 00:29:34,047 --> 00:29:36,174 Murdock, let's deal with one disaster at a time. 449 00:29:36,258 --> 00:29:38,885 - You know where you're going? - Dolphin Building, 211. 450 00:29:38,927 --> 00:29:42,222 - Map's at the bottom of the parrot cage. - Right. You and Face get the chart. 451 00:29:42,306 --> 00:29:44,933 Elaine and I'll make a couple of calls about Dr. Richter. 452 00:29:45,017 --> 00:29:47,185 That's a good idea, Colonel. Aye-aye, sir. 453 00:29:48,687 --> 00:29:50,504 Well, it looks like they beat us here, Face. 454 00:29:50,543 --> 00:29:52,733 Yeah, as long as they didn't find that chart. 455 00:29:59,865 --> 00:30:01,533 - It's a nice bird. - Nice bird. 456 00:30:01,617 --> 00:30:03,285 - Pretty bird. - Pretty bird. 457 00:30:05,412 --> 00:30:06,622 Here we go. 458 00:30:11,668 --> 00:30:13,962 Hey, hey, hey. Come on, here. 459 00:30:14,463 --> 00:30:16,548 Look, I'm a friend of Barry's, okay? 460 00:30:16,573 --> 00:30:18,425 Yeah, somebody has told him about your relationship. 461 00:30:18,450 --> 00:30:19,503 Very funny. 462 00:30:20,636 --> 00:30:22,471 All right now. Easy, easy. 463 00:30:23,722 --> 00:30:25,098 I think he's carnivorous. 464 00:30:25,182 --> 00:30:27,601 Come off of it, Face. Parrots are not carnivorous. 465 00:30:27,684 --> 00:30:28,769 You just got him all riled up. 466 00:30:28,852 --> 00:30:31,480 - Let the master take over. - Sure. Sure. By all means. 467 00:30:31,730 --> 00:30:35,317 Nice, birdie. Nice birdie, birdie, birdie. 468 00:30:36,318 --> 00:30:39,363 See. You just have to show them that you don't mean them any harm. 469 00:30:39,613 --> 00:30:41,281 He's setting you up. 470 00:30:44,660 --> 00:30:46,244 This parrot is a man-eater. 471 00:30:47,287 --> 00:30:50,624 Tell you what, let's let Barry get the chart out of the cage, huh? 472 00:30:50,707 --> 00:30:52,376 - That's a good idea. - Come on, let's go. 473 00:30:56,338 --> 00:30:59,132 Where are we going? Where are we going? 474 00:31:08,933 --> 00:31:11,385 - And up she goes! - Oh, god! 475 00:31:34,793 --> 00:31:38,088 Keep your eyes on the center of the pool and get your cameras ready. 476 00:31:42,175 --> 00:31:45,095 Here comes Rosie, Gypsy and Noodles. 477 00:31:49,933 --> 00:31:51,351 Around they go! 478 00:31:57,566 --> 00:32:00,068 That concludes our dolphin show, ladies and gentlemen. 479 00:32:00,193 --> 00:32:03,155 Thanks for being such a great audience. Do come back and see us again. 480 00:32:12,831 --> 00:32:14,666 Hey, you brought the whole cage. 481 00:32:14,791 --> 00:32:16,334 - How you doing, Kidd? - Hello, there. 482 00:32:16,418 --> 00:32:17,627 Any word on the limo? 483 00:32:17,711 --> 00:32:19,588 Well, I called the army tow yard. 484 00:32:19,880 --> 00:32:22,007 Bad news, Murdock. They cut it up. 485 00:32:22,090 --> 00:32:24,509 Oh, great, just great. 486 00:32:26,803 --> 00:32:28,555 Hey, you really got him perturbed. 487 00:32:28,638 --> 00:32:31,558 I'm sorry, we didn't have time to make friends. 488 00:32:31,641 --> 00:32:32,893 Let me try. 489 00:32:40,275 --> 00:32:44,112 One wrong move, bird, and you're a feather duster. Got it? 490 00:32:44,946 --> 00:32:46,948 Nice bird, pretty bird. 491 00:32:52,537 --> 00:32:54,122 Now we need a boat. 492 00:32:58,376 --> 00:33:02,088 Please, Lieutenant, you said you would control your temper. 493 00:33:02,380 --> 00:33:06,176 - Yo, Skipper. - Is there a problem? 494 00:33:06,551 --> 00:33:10,931 Is there a problem? I got a dead porpoise at the maritime morgue... 495 00:33:11,014 --> 00:33:13,308 with a Short's beer bottle sticking out of its head... 496 00:33:13,391 --> 00:33:15,352 and you want to know if I got a problem? 497 00:33:15,435 --> 00:33:18,104 Lieutenant, please. Your name, sir? 498 00:33:18,146 --> 00:33:21,650 Don't tell him nothing, Pa. They can't prove it's your bottle that did it. 499 00:33:21,733 --> 00:33:23,360 - Shut up, Alfred. - That's it. 500 00:33:23,443 --> 00:33:25,278 That's it. You, get out of the boat. 501 00:33:25,570 --> 00:33:27,447 Get out of the boat. 502 00:33:27,572 --> 00:33:29,741 Failing to provide identification... 503 00:33:29,825 --> 00:33:31,868 to an officer involved in a legal investigation... 504 00:33:31,952 --> 00:33:33,453 that's coming close to a felony, sir. 505 00:33:33,578 --> 00:33:38,333 It's Gruber. Murray Gruber! Now, how much is a fish like that worth, huh? 506 00:33:38,583 --> 00:33:40,544 $1 a pound, $2? 507 00:33:40,836 --> 00:33:44,631 $500, $1,000, how much is it worth? How much? 508 00:33:44,673 --> 00:33:48,385 One of the most intelligent mammals on the face of the earth. 509 00:33:48,593 --> 00:33:53,056 A protected species. And you offer me a bribe? 510 00:33:53,390 --> 00:33:56,017 That's it! This vessel and its contents... 511 00:33:56,184 --> 00:33:59,312 are hereby impounded by the United States Coast Guard! 512 00:33:59,437 --> 00:34:02,732 - You can't take my boat! - Oh, yeah? 513 00:34:03,222 --> 00:34:04,557 No! 514 00:34:09,698 --> 00:34:11,783 You might like to swim to the harbormaster's office... 515 00:34:11,867 --> 00:34:13,326 where you can contact an attorney. 516 00:34:13,410 --> 00:34:15,579 You might want to press charges against the officer. 517 00:34:29,009 --> 00:34:32,929 The cross is in the captain's cabin which is under the stern castle. 518 00:34:33,138 --> 00:34:35,515 - The tall structure in the back? - You got it. 519 00:34:35,640 --> 00:34:36,766 Good luck. 520 00:36:24,124 --> 00:36:26,543 Yeah, this is a nice bird. 521 00:36:30,422 --> 00:36:31,381 Sorry. 522 00:36:32,215 --> 00:36:36,344 Well, maybe he's getting even with me for everything I did to you as a kid. 523 00:36:37,178 --> 00:36:38,596 Wait. Wait. 524 00:36:39,139 --> 00:36:40,765 Temp, do you remember the day... 525 00:36:40,849 --> 00:36:42,976 that you conned me out of my Allman Brothers tickets? 526 00:36:43,351 --> 00:36:46,771 Listen, Barry, I never realized... 527 00:36:46,855 --> 00:36:48,440 how hard I was on you back then. 528 00:36:48,523 --> 00:36:51,276 And it's just that you were so easy. You were like a proving ground to me. 529 00:36:51,359 --> 00:36:53,028 No, no, see... 530 00:36:53,403 --> 00:36:56,531 that was the day Elaine and her family came to the orphanage. 531 00:36:56,698 --> 00:37:00,201 I had to be you for a couple of hours while you were gone, remember? 532 00:37:00,285 --> 00:37:01,244 Yeah. 533 00:37:01,870 --> 00:37:05,623 They really liked me, and that was the day they decided to adopt me. 534 00:37:05,957 --> 00:37:07,584 I told them the truth later. 535 00:37:08,543 --> 00:37:11,838 You told them you were me, and they adopted you? 536 00:37:11,921 --> 00:37:13,673 Yeah. Well, that was the deal. 537 00:37:13,798 --> 00:37:15,800 That was the switch we made for my tickets. 538 00:37:16,134 --> 00:37:17,218 Oh. 539 00:37:18,803 --> 00:37:20,180 How was the concert? 540 00:38:13,441 --> 00:38:14,651 I've got it! 541 00:38:17,946 --> 00:38:19,823 I'll take that, thank you. 542 00:38:30,792 --> 00:38:33,920 Well, now, ain't that something? 543 00:38:34,295 --> 00:38:36,297 That's a sacred relic, Morgan. 544 00:38:36,673 --> 00:38:40,176 You keep that, you'll be doomed for all eternity. 545 00:38:40,343 --> 00:38:41,886 I'll take me chances. 546 00:38:42,053 --> 00:38:43,429 How did you find us? 547 00:38:43,555 --> 00:38:46,182 I got the location of the wreck out of your computer. 548 00:38:46,266 --> 00:38:47,600 You can work a computer? 549 00:38:47,684 --> 00:38:51,688 No, but Maitland can if you put a gun in his back. 550 00:38:52,105 --> 00:38:55,275 All right, all of you, face down on the deck. 551 00:38:55,859 --> 00:38:57,944 - Move it! - You're gonna kill us? 552 00:38:57,986 --> 00:38:59,487 You and the girl, maybe. 553 00:38:59,571 --> 00:39:02,824 But the others are worth a lot more alive, being the A-Team. 554 00:39:02,907 --> 00:39:06,035 And you got the cross, and you want a reward on top of that? 555 00:39:06,202 --> 00:39:09,664 Gotta live on something before we can bust this thing up and fence it. 556 00:39:09,831 --> 00:39:12,333 I radioed the army, Captain. They'll be waiting at the dock. 557 00:39:12,417 --> 00:39:15,170 Good. After you've delivered them... 558 00:39:15,628 --> 00:39:17,589 meet us back at the salvage yard. 559 00:41:11,619 --> 00:41:12,912 You okay, Colonel? 560 00:41:13,204 --> 00:41:15,540 That bird will eat anything. 561 00:42:08,718 --> 00:42:09,844 Come on! 562 00:42:11,888 --> 00:42:15,266 Well, she doesn't look that great coming out of the shower. 563 00:42:16,059 --> 00:42:18,686 I really don't know what you see in her. 564 00:42:21,939 --> 00:42:23,024 Right. 565 00:43:25,128 --> 00:43:28,923 Melted down, the gold alone ought to be worth over half a million. 566 00:43:29,132 --> 00:43:31,175 On top of that, the jewels. 567 00:44:28,774 --> 00:44:30,985 This belongs to somebody else, pal. 568 00:44:44,957 --> 00:44:46,876 I had to grab this limo from the secretary of the army... 569 00:44:46,918 --> 00:44:48,419 so I want this to go down smooth. 570 00:44:48,586 --> 00:44:50,171 From the time Peck gets in this limo... 571 00:44:50,338 --> 00:44:53,174 we need 15 minutes before we get to the ambush spot, do you understand? 572 00:44:53,382 --> 00:44:54,800 15 minutes? 573 00:44:54,884 --> 00:44:57,637 How am I supposed to keep him occupied for 15 minutes? 574 00:44:57,762 --> 00:45:01,057 Just do anything you gotta do, baby. It's a big reward. 575 00:45:15,821 --> 00:45:18,324 Templeton, I am so sorry. 576 00:45:18,407 --> 00:45:20,910 I knew they made you do it. 577 00:45:21,035 --> 00:45:23,162 I just knew it. 578 00:45:23,454 --> 00:45:27,416 And, Rebecca, I want you to know that I understand. 579 00:45:27,959 --> 00:45:30,086 - Okay? - Well, it's all over now. 580 00:45:30,211 --> 00:45:32,713 And we've got a lot of catching up to do. 581 00:45:33,214 --> 00:45:35,800 Yeah. There's champagne in the limo. 582 00:45:36,884 --> 00:45:38,594 - Okay? - Yeah... 583 00:45:58,531 --> 00:45:59,907 Here we are. 584 00:46:02,660 --> 00:46:05,162 No, I think... I feel really funny about this. 585 00:46:05,412 --> 00:46:07,158 I think you should drop me off. 586 00:46:07,183 --> 00:46:10,126 - Driver-- - No, no, Templeton. No. 587 00:46:10,668 --> 00:46:12,253 I wanna be alone with you. 588 00:46:12,991 --> 00:46:14,624 - Yeah. - Really, I do. 589 00:46:20,636 --> 00:46:22,888 I've been waiting a long time for this. 590 00:46:43,034 --> 00:46:44,744 Was it worth the wait? 591 00:46:45,369 --> 00:46:48,831 More than you can possibly imagine. 592 00:46:50,833 --> 00:46:53,753 - I gotta tell you something. - Hmm. 593 00:46:54,337 --> 00:46:56,172 You're still a minor leaguer. 594 00:47:05,681 --> 00:47:08,893 No reward this time, sweetheart. 595 00:47:18,069 --> 00:47:19,528 How was the ride, Lieutenant? 596 00:47:19,653 --> 00:47:23,616 Well, it's nothing worth writing the alumni newsletter about.