1 00:00:03,304 --> 00:00:06,339 Cheers is filmed before a live studio audience. 2 00:00:06,340 --> 00:00:08,058 ...of J.J. Mikes. 3 00:00:08,059 --> 00:00:09,426 Party till dawn on the Big W. 4 00:00:09,427 --> 00:00:11,728 Tired of your old job? 5 00:00:11,729 --> 00:00:14,231 Looking for something new and exciting? 6 00:00:14,232 --> 00:00:16,733 Then how about a career as a court stenographer? 7 00:00:16,734 --> 00:00:18,735 Through a simple six-week course 8 00:00:18,736 --> 00:00:20,737 at the Emory School of Court Stenography, 9 00:00:20,738 --> 00:00:22,739 you'll learn all the skills required 10 00:00:22,740 --> 00:00:25,242 to become part of this exciting profession. 11 00:00:25,243 --> 00:00:28,195 Meet great people, work flexible hours, 12 00:00:28,196 --> 00:00:30,197 earn top money. 13 00:00:30,198 --> 00:00:33,200 All it takes is a good ear, accuracy and speed. 14 00:00:33,201 --> 00:00:35,703 Contact the Emory School of Court Stenography 15 00:00:36,204 --> 00:00:37,587 for your free aptitude test 16 00:00:37,588 --> 00:00:41,541 by calling 5-double-5-6-1-1-9. 17 00:00:41,542 --> 00:00:43,544 That number again: 18 00:00:47,048 --> 00:00:49,466 To have an exciting career in court stenography, 19 00:00:49,467 --> 00:00:53,970 just call 5-double-5-6-1-1-9, 20 00:00:53,971 --> 00:00:56,439 now. 5-5-5-6... 21 00:00:56,440 --> 00:01:01,779 You're listening to the rockin' sounds of J.J. Mikes. 22 00:01:02,280 --> 00:01:07,785 But first, let's take a look at tomorrow's weather... 23 00:01:11,656 --> 00:01:14,124 ♪ Making your way in the world today ♪ 24 00:01:14,125 --> 00:01:17,127 ♪ Takes everything you've got ♪ 25 00:01:17,128 --> 00:01:20,130 ♪ Taking a break from all your worries ♪ 26 00:01:20,131 --> 00:01:23,134 ♪ Sure would help a lot ♪ 27 00:01:23,634 --> 00:01:28,388 ♪ Wouldn't you like to get away♪ ♪ 28 00:01:28,389 --> 00:01:31,174 ♪ Sometimes you want to go ♪ 29 00:01:31,175 --> 00:01:36,680 ♪ Where everybody knows your name ♪ 30 00:01:36,681 --> 00:01:41,184 ♪ And they're always glad you came ♪ 31 00:01:41,185 --> 00:01:43,687 ♪ You want to be where you can see ♪ 32 00:01:43,688 --> 00:01:46,189 ♪ Our troubles are all the same ♪ 33 00:01:46,190 --> 00:01:51,695 ♪ You want to be where everybody knows your name ♪ 34 00:01:51,696 --> 00:01:54,197 ♪ You want to go where people know ♪ 35 00:01:54,198 --> 00:01:56,700 ♪ People are all the same ♪ 36 00:01:56,701 --> 00:02:01,205 ♪ You want to go where everybody knows your name. ♪ 37 00:02:18,689 --> 00:02:22,025 Of all the stinkin', dirty, rotten, 38 00:02:22,026 --> 00:02:27,397 maggot-sucking, vermin-infested stinkweeds! 39 00:02:27,398 --> 00:02:31,235 Practicing for that Mother of the Year speech again, Carla? 40 00:02:31,736 --> 00:02:34,237 Shut up! 41 00:02:34,238 --> 00:02:35,739 What seems to be the problem? 42 00:02:35,740 --> 00:02:37,741 I've been planning my Elvis pilgrimage 43 00:02:37,742 --> 00:02:40,243 to Memphis for weeks, and now Nick is backing out 44 00:02:40,244 --> 00:02:42,245 of taking care of the kids. 45 00:02:42,246 --> 00:02:43,747 He says his appendix burst. 46 00:02:43,748 --> 00:02:45,549 Well, that seems serious to me. 47 00:02:45,550 --> 00:02:49,085 His appendix bursts every time I need a favor. 48 00:02:49,086 --> 00:02:52,807 Boy, if he was smart, he'd have that removed. 49 00:02:54,642 --> 00:02:56,509 Hello, one and all. 50 00:02:56,510 --> 00:02:57,761 Hello. 51 00:02:57,762 --> 00:02:59,763 How are you, love of my life? Just fine, 52 00:02:59,764 --> 00:03:01,148 pain in my neck. 53 00:03:03,601 --> 00:03:06,102 The most exciting thing has happened. 54 00:03:06,103 --> 00:03:07,103 You'll never guess. 55 00:03:07,104 --> 00:03:09,356 I got a letter 56 00:03:09,357 --> 00:03:10,657 from Syzygy. 57 00:03:10,658 --> 00:03:14,412 Stop it! Yeah! 58 00:03:15,746 --> 00:03:18,248 All right, all right, who's Syzygy? 59 00:03:18,249 --> 00:03:21,751 It's not a who... it's a new literary review, 60 00:03:21,752 --> 00:03:24,754 dedicated to publishing the prose and poetry 61 00:03:24,755 --> 00:03:27,257 that's right on the cutting edge. 62 00:03:27,258 --> 00:03:29,259 Well, I, for one, am excited for you, Diane. 63 00:03:29,260 --> 00:03:31,012 Ah, there, it passed. 64 00:03:32,680 --> 00:03:34,514 Oh... let-let me have a look at it. 65 00:03:34,515 --> 00:03:35,882 What does the letter say? 66 00:03:35,883 --> 00:03:38,351 Well, I submitted one of my poems 67 00:03:38,352 --> 00:03:41,354 for publication, and quite honestly, 68 00:03:41,355 --> 00:03:43,356 I was overwhelmed by the response. 69 00:03:43,357 --> 00:03:46,109 It was more than I could ever have hoped for. 70 00:03:46,110 --> 00:03:48,445 But I blush. Read it. 71 00:03:48,446 --> 00:03:49,947 It speaks for itself. 72 00:03:51,449 --> 00:03:53,950 Oh, uh... 73 00:03:53,951 --> 00:03:55,952 this is a rejection letter. 74 00:03:55,953 --> 00:03:57,955 It's not a rejection letter per se. 75 00:03:58,456 --> 00:04:02,959 It's a "soon and inevitably to be accepted" letter. 76 00:04:02,960 --> 00:04:04,828 Listen to this. 77 00:04:04,829 --> 00:04:08,298 "Your work is not entirely without promise." 78 00:04:08,299 --> 00:04:10,801 They're almost begging for another submission. 79 00:04:12,303 --> 00:04:13,553 Boy, you know, I... 80 00:04:13,554 --> 00:04:16,840 I hope you don't get your hopes up there too high, 81 00:04:16,841 --> 00:04:19,843 because that looks like a form letter to me. 82 00:04:19,844 --> 00:04:22,228 Poor Sam. 83 00:04:22,229 --> 00:04:23,981 This really threatens you, doesn't it? 84 00:04:24,482 --> 00:04:25,982 Let me assure you that I can heed 85 00:04:25,983 --> 00:04:28,485 my man as well as my muse. 86 00:04:28,486 --> 00:04:31,489 Syzygy would not even have bothered to respond to my letter 87 00:04:31,989 --> 00:04:36,493 if they hadn't perceived me as an up-and-coming literary talent. 88 00:04:36,494 --> 00:04:37,995 You know, this is just like you. 89 00:04:38,496 --> 00:04:40,864 You-you turn every defeat into a victory. 90 00:04:40,865 --> 00:04:42,165 It's like the time when I said 91 00:04:42,166 --> 00:04:43,667 that I didn't want to see you anymore, 92 00:04:43,668 --> 00:04:45,669 and you all of a sudden start making wedding plans. 93 00:04:45,670 --> 00:04:48,422 Sam, we can talk about the wedding later... I have work to do. 94 00:04:50,508 --> 00:04:54,594 You know, I bet I could, uh, send a poem to that magazine 95 00:04:54,595 --> 00:04:56,880 and get the same letter back that you did. 96 00:04:56,881 --> 00:04:59,883 Oh, Sam, you don't want to write a poem. 97 00:04:59,884 --> 00:05:02,886 Poetry is very, very difficult. 98 00:05:02,887 --> 00:05:05,772 What's the big deal? All you got to do is rhyme. 99 00:05:05,773 --> 00:05:09,442 Most great modern poetry 100 00:05:09,443 --> 00:05:11,227 doesn't necessarily have to rhyme. 101 00:05:11,228 --> 00:05:12,730 Well, that's even easier, isn't it? 102 00:05:14,899 --> 00:05:18,234 Fine. Fine, fine, fine. 103 00:05:18,235 --> 00:05:21,621 Go ahead, write your little poem. 104 00:05:21,622 --> 00:05:24,457 You don't think I can even write a stupid poem. 105 00:05:24,458 --> 00:05:25,959 Of course you can. 106 00:05:25,960 --> 00:05:28,329 Don't forget to capitalize the first letter. 107 00:05:29,246 --> 00:05:31,247 I'm gonna do this. 108 00:05:31,248 --> 00:05:34,751 I'm gonna show you that I can be as much of a reject as you. 109 00:05:34,752 --> 00:05:38,138 I told you, I was not rejected. 110 00:05:38,139 --> 00:05:39,839 Whatever. Now, if you'll excuse me, 111 00:05:39,840 --> 00:05:43,177 I have a little creating to do. 112 00:05:51,435 --> 00:05:53,486 Coffee... 113 00:05:53,487 --> 00:05:57,273 Any of you guys know how to write poetry? 114 00:05:57,274 --> 00:05:59,776 Uh, I know how to make fun of 'em. 115 00:05:59,777 --> 00:06:01,278 No. 116 00:06:06,584 --> 00:06:09,369 Great, Nick. That's wonderful. 117 00:06:09,370 --> 00:06:14,340 You're not as much of a scum bucket as I thought you were. 118 00:06:14,341 --> 00:06:17,093 No, that's not an attempt at reconciliation. 119 00:06:17,094 --> 00:06:19,929 Hey, Nick's gonna take care of the kids. 120 00:06:19,930 --> 00:06:21,431 Graceland, here I come. 121 00:06:21,432 --> 00:06:22,932 Hey, all right. Hey, all right. 122 00:06:22,933 --> 00:06:24,801 Didn't you go to Graceland last year? 123 00:06:24,802 --> 00:06:27,137 Yeah, but this is special... I mean, how many times 124 00:06:27,138 --> 00:06:29,639 does the tenth anniversary of Elvis's death roll around? 125 00:06:29,640 --> 00:06:33,027 Don't ask me. I wasn't a fan. 126 00:06:37,281 --> 00:06:39,282 Hi, Sam. 127 00:06:39,283 --> 00:06:41,284 Hello. 128 00:06:41,285 --> 00:06:44,287 Sam, have you received that rejection letter 129 00:06:44,288 --> 00:06:45,789 for your poem yet? 130 00:06:45,790 --> 00:06:48,124 No, I haven't. 131 00:06:48,125 --> 00:06:49,993 Hmm. 132 00:06:49,994 --> 00:06:53,880 The letter I received arrived within two weeks 133 00:06:53,881 --> 00:06:55,632 of my submission, and here it is, 134 00:06:55,633 --> 00:06:58,301 three weeks, and nothing for you. 135 00:06:58,302 --> 00:07:00,670 Isn't that odd? 136 00:07:00,671 --> 00:07:02,672 Odd. 137 00:07:02,673 --> 00:07:04,674 What's this? 138 00:07:04,675 --> 00:07:07,478 It's that magazine you couldn't get your poetry into. 139 00:07:10,397 --> 00:07:11,898 Thank you, Woody. 140 00:07:11,899 --> 00:07:14,851 I mean, what is it doing here? 141 00:07:14,852 --> 00:07:17,354 Well, I decided if I'm gonna try to write, 142 00:07:17,855 --> 00:07:20,356 I might as well read some of that poetry stuff. 143 00:07:20,357 --> 00:07:23,359 Sam, that's very commendable. 144 00:07:23,360 --> 00:07:24,861 I didn't realize 145 00:07:24,862 --> 00:07:27,363 the new issue was out. Yeah, it's not bad, either. 146 00:07:27,364 --> 00:07:29,115 They got one I really like. 147 00:07:29,116 --> 00:07:31,451 Page 37, I believe. 148 00:07:31,452 --> 00:07:33,453 Yeah, read it out loud. 149 00:07:33,454 --> 00:07:35,455 It'd be good for me to hear. 150 00:07:35,456 --> 00:07:36,457 All right. 151 00:07:36,957 --> 00:07:39,844 "Nocturne" by Sam Mal... oh! 152 00:07:54,608 --> 00:07:57,560 Now... ooh, Diane, come on, please, 153 00:07:57,561 --> 00:07:59,446 books are our friends. 154 00:08:03,233 --> 00:08:05,734 The page is 37 there. 155 00:08:05,735 --> 00:08:07,736 Yes, thank you. Yeah. 156 00:08:07,737 --> 00:08:09,738 Well... 157 00:08:09,739 --> 00:08:13,742 Diane Chambers is nothing if not open-minded. 158 00:08:13,743 --> 00:08:15,744 Perhaps you... 159 00:08:15,745 --> 00:08:17,129 you do have some 160 00:08:17,130 --> 00:08:18,581 spark of talent. 161 00:08:18,582 --> 00:08:19,465 They published your poem, huh? 162 00:08:19,466 --> 00:08:20,916 All right! 163 00:08:20,917 --> 00:08:22,418 Hey, don't let it get out, though, 164 00:08:22,419 --> 00:08:23,419 that I'm a sensitive guy. 165 00:08:23,420 --> 00:08:25,304 Oh, yeah, yeah! 166 00:08:25,305 --> 00:08:27,307 Hey, Sammy! 167 00:08:29,759 --> 00:08:33,145 Very well, I've arrived at my objective opinion. 168 00:08:33,146 --> 00:08:35,814 All right. This is one of the most... 169 00:08:35,815 --> 00:08:38,651 amateurish, hackneyed, odious pieces of effluvium 170 00:08:38,652 --> 00:08:40,520 ever to wash down the pike. 171 00:08:41,771 --> 00:08:43,023 Listen to this drivel. 172 00:08:45,492 --> 00:08:47,943 "I fly through a puckish arena, 173 00:08:47,944 --> 00:08:49,945 "where echoes dance, where echoes dance, 174 00:08:49,946 --> 00:08:53,449 where echoes dance..." 175 00:08:53,450 --> 00:08:55,334 This sounds familiar. 176 00:08:55,335 --> 00:08:57,671 Well, you said it three times. 177 00:09:01,174 --> 00:09:03,042 This poem is plagiarized. 178 00:09:03,043 --> 00:09:04,460 Oh, now I stole it? 179 00:09:04,461 --> 00:09:06,962 And a minute ago, you said it stunk. 180 00:09:06,963 --> 00:09:07,963 It does stink. 181 00:09:07,964 --> 00:09:09,882 Leave it to you to not have the sense 182 00:09:09,883 --> 00:09:11,383 to steal something worthwhile. 183 00:09:11,384 --> 00:09:12,768 Aw, you know, I realize 184 00:09:12,769 --> 00:09:15,137 that it's tough to have somebody come along 185 00:09:15,138 --> 00:09:16,639 and swipe your dreams of glory, 186 00:09:16,640 --> 00:09:19,024 so I will not take offense at that remark. 187 00:09:19,025 --> 00:09:21,477 That poem is fraudulent, 188 00:09:21,478 --> 00:09:24,113 and I intend to find its true source, 189 00:09:24,114 --> 00:09:26,900 even if I have to search through every greeting card to do so. 190 00:09:28,902 --> 00:09:32,655 Believe me, Sam Malone, I will not rest until today, 191 00:09:32,656 --> 00:09:34,990 the blackest day in the history of literature, 192 00:09:34,991 --> 00:09:37,376 is blotted out for all eternity. 193 00:09:37,377 --> 00:09:39,662 Diane, I think you're getting overexcited. 194 00:09:39,663 --> 00:09:41,547 Uh, why don't you just calm down? 195 00:09:41,548 --> 00:09:43,165 I tell you, I've just come 196 00:09:43,166 --> 00:09:44,466 from my Coping With Anxiety Group, 197 00:09:44,467 --> 00:09:45,968 and I have just the trick. 198 00:09:45,969 --> 00:09:48,220 Now, here. 199 00:09:48,221 --> 00:09:49,661 Put this over your head and breathe. 200 00:09:52,392 --> 00:09:55,344 I assure you, I am in complete control. 201 00:09:55,345 --> 00:09:58,314 I think the bag's a good idea anyhow. 202 00:10:04,070 --> 00:10:05,854 It's been proven time and time again 203 00:10:05,855 --> 00:10:08,857 that reincarnation breaks no physical laws as we know 'em. 204 00:10:08,858 --> 00:10:11,360 You know, I was thinking about this the other day, 205 00:10:11,361 --> 00:10:13,862 and, uh, I think in my next life 206 00:10:13,863 --> 00:10:17,249 I'd like to come back as the president of France. 207 00:10:17,250 --> 00:10:19,034 Why is that, Wood? 208 00:10:19,035 --> 00:10:22,539 Well, I think it'd attract a lot of business to the bar. 209 00:10:28,928 --> 00:10:30,796 Coffee, Woody. 210 00:10:30,797 --> 00:10:33,049 Oh, sure thing, Miss Chambers. 211 00:10:34,050 --> 00:10:35,935 I'll take the pot. 212 00:10:37,854 --> 00:10:40,606 Say, what's with Diane there? 213 00:10:40,607 --> 00:10:43,275 She's still searching for Sam's poem. 214 00:10:43,276 --> 00:10:45,728 Dr. Crane, I think you ought to talk to her. 215 00:10:45,729 --> 00:10:48,230 I mean, all she does is read, read, read. 216 00:10:48,231 --> 00:10:50,617 I bet she goes through a book a week. 217 00:10:56,956 --> 00:10:57,956 Uh... 218 00:10:57,957 --> 00:10:59,792 Diane, uh, 219 00:10:59,793 --> 00:11:01,660 Diane, you don't smoke. 220 00:11:01,661 --> 00:11:03,163 What's your point? 221 00:11:07,667 --> 00:11:09,168 Hey, there! 222 00:11:09,169 --> 00:11:12,172 Still looking for that poem, huh? 223 00:11:14,174 --> 00:11:16,425 I'm sure it's a post-war piece. 224 00:11:16,426 --> 00:11:18,227 It's not British. The syntax is wrong. 225 00:11:18,228 --> 00:11:21,146 I have a hunch it might be regional. 226 00:11:21,147 --> 00:11:23,565 You may not believe this, but, uh, 227 00:11:23,566 --> 00:11:25,567 I do sympathize with you. 228 00:11:25,568 --> 00:11:27,319 It's not easy 229 00:11:27,320 --> 00:11:30,105 to watch those people you scoffed at 230 00:11:30,106 --> 00:11:34,109 run past you while you remain stuck in the mud 231 00:11:34,110 --> 00:11:35,995 like a weighted-down elephant. 232 00:11:36,913 --> 00:11:39,415 Made that up. 233 00:11:40,917 --> 00:11:43,919 Does this mean that you've stopped trying 234 00:11:43,920 --> 00:11:45,921 to get your poetry published? 235 00:11:45,922 --> 00:11:47,422 Not at all. 236 00:11:47,423 --> 00:11:48,924 Oh... 237 00:11:48,925 --> 00:11:51,927 I'm diligently producing new work. 238 00:11:51,928 --> 00:11:53,428 Well, that-that's good. 239 00:11:53,429 --> 00:11:56,431 Uh, I'd love to talk to you about it. 240 00:11:56,432 --> 00:11:58,300 Uh, how's it goin', Diane? 241 00:11:58,301 --> 00:12:00,636 Would you like to know how it's going? 242 00:12:00,637 --> 00:12:01,638 Yeah. 243 00:12:04,140 --> 00:12:06,142 This is how it's going. 244 00:12:06,643 --> 00:12:08,143 I'm totally blocked. 245 00:12:08,144 --> 00:12:09,645 I can't write another word. 246 00:12:09,646 --> 00:12:10,946 Hmm. 247 00:12:10,947 --> 00:12:13,782 "Hurricane of Wills," unfinished. 248 00:12:13,783 --> 00:12:18,287 "The Death of a Shallow Man," unfinished. 249 00:12:18,288 --> 00:12:23,792 "A Bartender Dismembered," 250 00:12:23,793 --> 00:12:24,661 unfinished. 251 00:12:26,496 --> 00:12:30,999 I suffer failure after failure while you, a despoiler 252 00:12:31,000 --> 00:12:31,917 of the English language 253 00:12:31,918 --> 00:12:34,420 are lionized in front of the world. 254 00:12:38,925 --> 00:12:41,427 That's how it's going. 255 00:12:41,928 --> 00:12:44,429 Well, maybe this little literary chat 256 00:12:44,430 --> 00:12:46,431 wasn't such a good idea. 257 00:12:46,432 --> 00:12:47,934 Wanna make out? 258 00:12:51,187 --> 00:12:52,688 Well... 259 00:12:52,689 --> 00:12:55,691 Make out? 260 00:12:55,692 --> 00:12:57,192 Diane, now listen, uh, listen, 261 00:12:57,193 --> 00:12:59,194 I think the joke's gone far enough, don't you? 262 00:12:59,195 --> 00:13:01,196 You haven't eaten a decent meal in a week. 263 00:13:01,197 --> 00:13:03,448 You're living off of cigarettes and coffee. 264 00:13:03,449 --> 00:13:04,783 I mean, for God's sake, 265 00:13:04,784 --> 00:13:08,170 this little literary magazine's circulation must be what, 600. 266 00:13:08,171 --> 00:13:09,621 That's just the beginning. 267 00:13:09,622 --> 00:13:12,007 You see, 268 00:13:12,008 --> 00:13:15,761 the original 600 readers drop their copies on buses, 269 00:13:15,762 --> 00:13:20,048 in taxicabs and doctors' offices. 270 00:13:20,049 --> 00:13:22,050 And another 600 people pick them up 271 00:13:22,051 --> 00:13:24,052 and take them to the airport, 272 00:13:24,053 --> 00:13:25,938 where they go all over the country. 273 00:13:25,939 --> 00:13:28,774 And then they get taken on international flights. 274 00:13:28,775 --> 00:13:30,726 Tierra del Fuego, Sierra Leone; 275 00:13:30,727 --> 00:13:32,611 All the remotest parts of the world. 276 00:13:32,612 --> 00:13:35,280 And soon, I defy you to find me a house, 277 00:13:35,281 --> 00:13:38,233 a hut, an igloo or a wickiup 278 00:13:38,234 --> 00:13:41,738 that doesn't have a copy on the coffee table. 279 00:13:42,622 --> 00:13:44,122 Diane... 280 00:13:44,123 --> 00:13:45,123 And then, then, then 281 00:13:45,124 --> 00:13:46,575 everyone in the world, 282 00:13:46,576 --> 00:13:50,462 every living thing will be laughing at me! 283 00:13:50,463 --> 00:13:54,250 Because he got published, and I did not! 284 00:13:56,552 --> 00:13:58,553 Hi, everybody, I'm back! 285 00:13:58,554 --> 00:14:00,555 Hey, Carla! 286 00:14:00,556 --> 00:14:02,057 How was the trip? 287 00:14:02,058 --> 00:14:06,061 Greatest vacation I have ever taken in my life. 288 00:14:06,062 --> 00:14:08,563 Graceland does not disappoint. 289 00:14:08,564 --> 00:14:11,433 And to commemorate the special anniversary, 290 00:14:11,434 --> 00:14:14,269 I had this picture taken of me and Elvis. 291 00:14:14,270 --> 00:14:16,271 Oh, look at that. 292 00:14:16,272 --> 00:14:17,272 How do they do that? 293 00:14:17,273 --> 00:14:19,157 They use cardboard cutouts. 294 00:14:19,158 --> 00:14:22,912 Wow, you know, you look almost lifelike here. 295 00:14:26,666 --> 00:14:29,835 So do you, Woody. 296 00:14:29,836 --> 00:14:32,621 Woody, more coffee. 297 00:14:32,622 --> 00:14:35,374 Okay, Miss Chambers. 298 00:14:35,375 --> 00:14:38,260 I've got something to cheer ya up. 299 00:14:38,261 --> 00:14:40,679 I sent in a poem to that magazine of yours. 300 00:14:40,680 --> 00:14:45,467 Oh, my God, don't tell me that they published yours, too? 301 00:14:45,468 --> 00:14:48,804 No, I got one of your 302 00:14:48,805 --> 00:14:52,308 "soon and inevitably to be accepted" letters. 303 00:14:54,811 --> 00:14:59,231 Huh? That's pretty exciting. 304 00:14:59,232 --> 00:15:01,233 Oh, my God. 305 00:15:01,234 --> 00:15:02,902 Sam was right. 306 00:15:04,737 --> 00:15:07,540 Sam the Bard. 307 00:15:11,995 --> 00:15:14,746 It was a form letter all along. 308 00:15:14,747 --> 00:15:18,583 We two were sent a condescending form letter. 309 00:15:18,584 --> 00:15:20,586 I'm framing mine. 310 00:15:34,901 --> 00:15:36,402 Hi. 311 00:15:38,404 --> 00:15:39,906 You okay? 312 00:15:41,908 --> 00:15:43,775 You win, Sam. 313 00:15:43,776 --> 00:15:47,079 I've struggled so hard for so long 314 00:15:47,080 --> 00:15:49,998 to keep my dreams alive, 315 00:15:49,999 --> 00:15:52,367 and I haven't fooled anyone but myself. 316 00:15:52,368 --> 00:15:56,671 I know all along you all considered me 317 00:15:56,672 --> 00:16:01,343 a pretentious, self-deluded windbag 318 00:16:01,344 --> 00:16:05,347 and apparently, you've all been right. 319 00:16:05,348 --> 00:16:08,850 I'm never going to be Diane Chambers, the great poet, 320 00:16:08,851 --> 00:16:10,769 the world-famous novelist, 321 00:16:10,770 --> 00:16:13,972 the revered artist. 322 00:16:13,973 --> 00:16:17,976 I've gone as high as I'm going to go. 323 00:16:17,977 --> 00:16:20,229 I'm a waitress in a beer hall... 324 00:16:22,398 --> 00:16:25,701 ...and not a very good one. 325 00:16:28,404 --> 00:16:29,789 A waitress. 326 00:16:31,741 --> 00:16:33,242 A waitress. 327 00:16:35,244 --> 00:16:37,245 A waitress. 328 00:16:37,246 --> 00:16:38,997 Miss, 329 00:16:38,998 --> 00:16:40,166 could you take our order? 330 00:16:44,971 --> 00:16:47,472 Come on. Let's go have a talk in my office. 331 00:16:47,473 --> 00:16:48,974 Come on. 332 00:16:48,975 --> 00:16:50,476 Sweetheart? 333 00:17:01,938 --> 00:17:03,438 Okay, come on, sweetheart. Come on. 334 00:17:03,439 --> 00:17:05,942 Sit in the big chair there. 335 00:17:11,447 --> 00:17:14,449 Okay, I have something, uh, I have to say here. 336 00:17:14,450 --> 00:17:16,251 And, uh, I just want you to promise 337 00:17:16,252 --> 00:17:18,620 before I say it 338 00:17:18,621 --> 00:17:21,373 that you, uh, won't go crazy. 339 00:17:21,374 --> 00:17:22,674 Don't worry. 340 00:17:22,675 --> 00:17:24,176 I've hit rock bottom. 341 00:17:24,177 --> 00:17:26,678 I have no emotions left. 342 00:17:26,679 --> 00:17:30,682 Oh, all right. Um... 343 00:17:30,683 --> 00:17:35,054 I, uh, I did copy that poem. 344 00:17:36,889 --> 00:17:38,724 You are scum. 345 00:17:41,194 --> 00:17:44,446 I tried to make one up myself, but I-I just couldn't, 346 00:17:44,447 --> 00:17:47,065 and so I-I copied one. 347 00:17:47,066 --> 00:17:49,985 I never thought it would be published, I promise. 348 00:17:49,986 --> 00:17:54,207 What could you possibly have been thinking of, Sam? 349 00:17:55,458 --> 00:17:57,742 It obviously had been published to begin with. 350 00:17:57,743 --> 00:18:00,629 No, no, no, it hadn't. 351 00:18:00,630 --> 00:18:02,297 Well, then please tell me. 352 00:18:02,298 --> 00:18:04,082 I think you owe me that much. 353 00:18:04,083 --> 00:18:05,467 Where did it come from? 354 00:18:05,468 --> 00:18:09,387 Well, actually, it, uh, came from a letter 355 00:18:09,388 --> 00:18:12,892 that you wrote to me. 356 00:18:16,812 --> 00:18:18,647 One of my letters? 357 00:18:18,648 --> 00:18:20,432 Mm-hmm. 358 00:18:20,433 --> 00:18:22,434 And when you didn't recognize it out there, 359 00:18:22,435 --> 00:18:25,437 I decided to play it out, 360 00:18:25,438 --> 00:18:29,324 and rub your smug little nose in it. 361 00:18:29,325 --> 00:18:33,412 I'm sorry. I probably went too far. 362 00:18:34,614 --> 00:18:39,367 Oh, my God, it's one of mine. 363 00:18:39,368 --> 00:18:43,339 How could I not recognize this exquisite fluidity? 364 00:18:45,791 --> 00:18:47,760 The characteristic Chambers' grace 365 00:18:48,261 --> 00:18:49,511 in the face of hard imagery? 366 00:18:49,512 --> 00:18:51,930 Come on. You told me that it stunk. 367 00:18:51,931 --> 00:18:54,717 Sam, I'm a poet, not a critic. 368 00:18:56,552 --> 00:18:58,553 Oh... 369 00:18:58,554 --> 00:18:59,554 I'm published! 370 00:18:59,555 --> 00:19:00,556 Yeah! 371 00:19:01,057 --> 00:19:02,557 I'm published! 372 00:19:02,558 --> 00:19:04,059 Oh, this is so exciting! 373 00:19:04,060 --> 00:19:07,529 This is like... like the first time I ever... 374 00:19:07,530 --> 00:19:10,031 rode a bicycle. 375 00:19:10,032 --> 00:19:11,950 Oh, this is great. 376 00:19:11,951 --> 00:19:12,951 You're-you're not mad. 377 00:19:12,952 --> 00:19:16,238 Mad? I'm elated. 378 00:19:16,239 --> 00:19:18,623 Hey, all... I'm elated, too. 379 00:19:18,624 --> 00:19:22,127 Oh, what a glorious day. 380 00:19:22,128 --> 00:19:24,130 I'm going to go do what poets do... 381 00:19:24,880 --> 00:19:26,582 ...drink myself stinky. 382 00:19:31,420 --> 00:19:33,922 Wait a minute. 383 00:19:33,923 --> 00:19:36,424 This always happens. 384 00:19:36,425 --> 00:19:40,929 You always squirm out of these things unscathed. 385 00:19:40,930 --> 00:19:42,764 You did a terrible thing! 386 00:19:42,765 --> 00:19:44,599 I know it. 387 00:19:44,600 --> 00:19:46,569 No, you don't. 388 00:19:48,070 --> 00:19:51,523 You put me through hell. 389 00:19:51,524 --> 00:19:54,526 This time it's going to be different. 390 00:19:54,527 --> 00:19:56,027 I'm going to make you suffer. 391 00:19:56,028 --> 00:19:58,364 What-what're you going to do? 392 00:19:59,865 --> 00:20:02,367 I don't know. 393 00:20:02,368 --> 00:20:03,368 Yes, I do. 394 00:20:03,369 --> 00:20:06,371 You're going out there and admit to everyone 395 00:20:06,372 --> 00:20:08,873 that you stole this poem from me. 396 00:20:08,874 --> 00:20:11,876 Oh, come on, you mean I have to go out 397 00:20:11,877 --> 00:20:14,880 and tell the whole bar that I'm not a poet? 398 00:20:16,766 --> 00:20:17,766 You sure do, mister. 399 00:20:17,767 --> 00:20:19,518 Let's go. 400 00:20:28,311 --> 00:20:29,812 What? What? What? What? What? Mm... 401 00:20:33,816 --> 00:20:35,318 What are you doin'? 402 00:20:39,322 --> 00:20:41,824 Oh, yeah, I've heard about this. 403 00:20:45,328 --> 00:20:46,829 Mm-mm. 404 00:20:49,298 --> 00:20:53,219 You wanna go back to my place and ride a bike? 405 00:20:57,723 --> 00:21:00,225 Don't you ever, ever again try to tell me 406 00:21:00,226 --> 00:21:02,227 that you don't love me. 407 00:21:02,228 --> 00:21:04,596 Oh, God, every time I think I'm about 408 00:21:04,597 --> 00:21:05,564 to get my hedge clipped, 409 00:21:05,905 --> 00:21:07,065 you start talkin' about love, 410 00:21:07,066 --> 00:21:08,566 and it's just not fair. 411 00:21:08,567 --> 00:21:10,852 You saved my love letters. 412 00:21:10,853 --> 00:21:14,105 I was so excited about being a published poet, 413 00:21:14,106 --> 00:21:15,607 it didn't sink in at first. 414 00:21:15,608 --> 00:21:16,608 This proves it. 415 00:21:16,609 --> 00:21:19,110 You love me now as you always did, 416 00:21:19,111 --> 00:21:20,612 madly and completely. 417 00:21:20,613 --> 00:21:22,113 Hey, wait, listen to me. 418 00:21:22,114 --> 00:21:23,866 I did not save your letters. 419 00:21:24,367 --> 00:21:25,867 Where did this come from? 420 00:21:25,868 --> 00:21:27,619 I found it in my apartment. 421 00:21:27,620 --> 00:21:29,421 I got pizza boxes that old 422 00:21:29,422 --> 00:21:32,424 that have more meaning. Come on. 423 00:21:32,425 --> 00:21:33,925 Sam Malone, look me in the eyes 424 00:21:33,926 --> 00:21:35,927 and tell me you don't love me. 425 00:21:35,928 --> 00:21:36,928 If you can do that, 426 00:21:36,929 --> 00:21:39,432 then I have no choice but to believe you. 427 00:21:42,351 --> 00:21:44,854 Oh, boy, I'm sorry, but... 428 00:21:46,856 --> 00:21:49,858 ...I don't love you, Diane. 429 00:21:49,859 --> 00:21:51,643 Uh, I thought I did once, 430 00:21:51,644 --> 00:21:53,645 but I was wrong. 431 00:21:53,646 --> 00:21:57,148 There's nothin' goin' on between us here. 432 00:21:57,149 --> 00:21:58,651 I mean, it's all over. 433 00:22:03,656 --> 00:22:05,658 Very well. 434 00:22:06,158 --> 00:22:08,660 That was in the eyes, wasn't it? 435 00:22:08,661 --> 00:22:09,661 I guess I'll go 436 00:22:09,662 --> 00:22:12,665 before I make a bigger fool of myself. 437 00:22:40,910 --> 00:22:43,412 Aha! 438 00:22:44,413 --> 00:22:46,282 What the hell are you doing? 439 00:22:48,667 --> 00:22:50,668 I came to catch you in a lie, and I did. 440 00:22:50,669 --> 00:22:53,172 Don't I know my darling better than anyone else? 441 00:22:55,174 --> 00:22:57,175 Okay, so I kept some of your letters. Big deal. 442 00:22:57,176 --> 00:22:59,177 I mean, that doesn't prove anything. 443 00:22:59,178 --> 00:23:00,545 I mean, I got lots of junk in here. 444 00:23:00,546 --> 00:23:01,346 Look at this. 445 00:23:01,347 --> 00:23:02,847 I save all sorts of things. 446 00:23:02,848 --> 00:23:04,349 Look-look at that. Where is it? 447 00:23:04,350 --> 00:23:05,850 A warranty for my toaster. 448 00:23:05,851 --> 00:23:07,852 Look at that, huh? 449 00:23:07,853 --> 00:23:09,854 My letters. 450 00:23:09,855 --> 00:23:10,855 A ticket... here-here it is... 451 00:23:10,856 --> 00:23:13,358 a ticket to, uh, 1980 boat show. 452 00:23:13,359 --> 00:23:14,859 Your protests only prove my point. 453 00:23:14,860 --> 00:23:17,362 There, poker chips. Three poker chips. 454 00:23:17,363 --> 00:23:18,863 You know, Sam, Each one of these poker chips 455 00:23:18,864 --> 00:23:20,865 I was thinking. Means more to me than your letters. 456 00:23:20,866 --> 00:23:22,867 You know when we finally do get married, A key. 457 00:23:22,868 --> 00:23:24,369 We could move to the country. A whistle. 458 00:23:24,370 --> 00:23:25,870 Not too far away Look at that... a whistle. 459 00:23:25,871 --> 00:23:27,372 Because I couldn't be far from the theater. 460 00:23:27,373 --> 00:23:29,693 A double-C battery. And I know how much you love the ocean. 461 00:23:29,875 --> 00:23:32,377 Sam... 462 00:23:32,378 --> 00:23:35,130 Four paper clips.