1 00:04:17,260 --> 00:04:19,971 Though the dust will returneth to the earth as it must, 2 00:04:21,723 --> 00:04:26,311 the spirit returneth unto God, David. 3 00:04:40,491 --> 00:04:45,829 Mary, you'll be left alone. 4 00:04:53,002 --> 00:04:54,253 They will run the shop. 5 00:05:00,718 --> 00:05:09,309 Jesus, we have always known. It was not for us that Jesus came to earth. 6 00:05:17,401 --> 00:05:20,987 If only I could've stayed a little longer. 7 00:05:28,202 --> 00:05:29,787 God's will be done. 8 00:05:34,208 --> 00:05:35,375 Peace, Joseph. 9 00:05:42,799 --> 00:05:47,053 To thine end, I command my spirit. 10 00:06:08,239 --> 00:06:12,285 Out of my distress, I cried to the Lord and He answered me. 11 00:06:13,202 --> 00:06:14,996 I cried and He heard my voice. 12 00:06:17,874 --> 00:06:20,501 I went down into the cities underneath the earth, 13 00:06:22,378 --> 00:06:24,087 to the people of the past, 14 00:06:27,132 --> 00:06:33,430 but He lifted my life from the grave. 15 00:06:36,183 --> 00:06:43,147 Here, O Israel, the Lord thy God, the Lord is one. 16 00:06:46,567 --> 00:06:53,991 Here, O Israel, the Lord, our God, the Lord is one. 17 00:07:28,856 --> 00:07:32,277 You are born into a new light through your repentance! 18 00:07:33,069 --> 00:07:36,114 And the Lord forwards his blessings on you! 19 00:07:37,073 --> 00:07:39,325 The Lord rejoices in your kind. 20 00:07:41,661 --> 00:07:42,870 Go in peace. 21 00:07:45,205 --> 00:07:47,666 He will forgive you, if you truly mean it in your heart. 22 00:07:52,963 --> 00:07:56,091 Open up your eyes, be ready for the coming of the kingdom. 23 00:08:02,138 --> 00:08:03,639 Let your heart now be cleansed. 24 00:08:06,392 --> 00:08:09,979 Forgive me, I have sinned. Help me to be strong. 25 00:08:10,688 --> 00:08:11,439 Be strong. 26 00:08:49,349 --> 00:08:52,226 It is I who need baptism from you. 27 00:08:58,024 --> 00:08:59,150 And yet you come to me. 28 00:09:02,320 --> 00:09:03,321 Let it be so. 29 00:09:06,114 --> 00:09:08,075 We must fulfill all righteousness. 30 00:09:27,927 --> 00:09:33,474 Lord, Eternal Father, I hear your voice. 31 00:09:37,936 --> 00:09:39,479 "This is my beloved Son, 32 00:09:43,233 --> 00:09:44,693 in whom I am well pleased." 33 00:10:06,380 --> 00:10:10,425 You are born into a new life, true to your repentance. 34 00:10:11,509 --> 00:10:15,179 And the Lord pours His blessings on you. 35 00:10:16,222 --> 00:10:19,392 The Lord rejoices in repented hearts. 36 00:10:20,518 --> 00:10:22,353 This water cleanses you. 37 00:10:36,283 --> 00:10:38,327 Andrew. Phillip. 38 00:10:43,331 --> 00:10:53,424 Behold, the lamb of God, who takes unto Himself the sins of the world. 39 00:11:03,391 --> 00:11:05,310 It is Him you must follow now, not me. 40 00:11:13,360 --> 00:11:18,155 He must increase as I must decrease. 41 00:11:47,766 --> 00:11:49,559 He has come to take us, come with us please! 42 00:11:55,440 --> 00:11:56,400 My time is over. 43 00:12:21,840 --> 00:12:29,723 Please please! Mary! Mary! Mary! Mary! 44 00:12:30,682 --> 00:12:34,185 Hurry! Hurry! Mary! Mary! Mary! 45 00:12:36,729 --> 00:12:39,189 Your son is back! He's at the synagogue. 46 00:12:41,317 --> 00:12:43,360 He went straight to the synagogue! I saw him! 47 00:12:53,411 --> 00:12:57,290 And now our reading from the prophets. 48 00:12:58,499 --> 00:13:01,711 The prophet Isaiah. Now, who is, who is our reader? 49 00:13:02,545 --> 00:13:03,713 It is my turn today, Rabbi. 50 00:13:12,262 --> 00:13:13,347 Isn't that Joseph's son? 51 00:13:14,097 --> 00:13:17,726 - Yes, Joseph the carpenter. - The carpenter, God rest his soul. 52 00:13:34,408 --> 00:13:35,910 The spirit of the Lord is upon me, 53 00:13:38,246 --> 00:13:41,206 because He has anointed me to give good tidings to the poor. 54 00:13:44,125 --> 00:13:46,336 He has sent me to heal the broken hearted, 55 00:13:48,255 --> 00:13:52,717 to preach deliverance to the captives, to give sight to the blind. 56 00:13:55,387 --> 00:13:57,346 To set at liberty them that are bruised. 57 00:13:59,765 --> 00:14:02,393 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. 58 00:14:02,851 --> 00:14:03,936 Amen. 59 00:14:21,911 --> 00:14:36,383 Today, in your hearing, the scriptures are fulfilled. 60 00:14:37,426 --> 00:14:38,635 The scriptures are fulfilled? 61 00:14:41,430 --> 00:14:45,267 - Did he say fulfilled? - How can he dare to say such a thing? 62 00:14:46,767 --> 00:14:47,685 What do you mean? 63 00:14:48,978 --> 00:14:52,982 The prophecy you have read can only be fulfilled by the coming of the messiah. 64 00:14:53,357 --> 00:14:55,735 Yes, he's right, by the coming of the kingdom of God. 65 00:14:57,194 --> 00:14:59,864 The kingdom of God comes not in a way foreseen by men. 66 00:15:01,574 --> 00:15:04,826 Repent and believe the good news. 67 00:15:07,871 --> 00:15:15,670 The kingdom of heaven, behold, is suddenly upon you. 68 00:15:16,671 --> 00:15:17,714 What? 69 00:15:22,718 --> 00:15:25,346 John the Baptist! Rabbi, take the scriptures away from him! He is a blasphemer! 70 00:15:26,555 --> 00:15:29,600 He shouldn't touch them with his unclean hands! 71 00:15:40,777 --> 00:15:44,739 I've heard things about you. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. 72 00:15:47,450 --> 00:15:49,410 A prophet is never accepted in his own country! 73 00:15:49,869 --> 00:15:53,372 Who do you think you are? John the Prophet? 74 00:15:53,956 --> 00:15:55,958 You should be thrown out of this holy place! 75 00:15:59,544 --> 00:16:01,922 Blessed is he who is not ashamed of me! 76 00:16:02,881 --> 00:16:05,759 Take this man out of here! Don't let him touch the holy scriptures! 77 00:16:11,639 --> 00:16:19,730 Today, in our hearing, the scriptures are fulfilled. 78 00:16:22,567 --> 00:16:24,359 What? What's happened inside the synagogue? 79 00:16:24,985 --> 00:16:25,944 Come see! 80 00:16:36,580 --> 00:16:40,416 Rabbi! You must stop them! You cannot let this happen! 81 00:16:40,833 --> 00:16:45,588 Rabbi! They do not understand who this man is! Andrew! 82 00:16:56,931 --> 00:16:59,559 Go away, go away! Never come back to Israel! 83 00:16:59,934 --> 00:17:01,936 Don't let him go! Blasphemer! 84 00:17:02,437 --> 00:17:04,564 Stone him to death! 85 00:17:05,440 --> 00:17:06,524 Blasphemer! 86 00:17:07,066 --> 00:17:10,612 That's what he deserves! That's what he deserves... 87 00:17:12,905 --> 00:17:14,031 Don't let him go! 88 00:17:19,411 --> 00:17:21,538 Master! Master! 89 00:17:24,541 --> 00:17:25,375 Master! 90 00:17:31,631 --> 00:17:33,424 We were told to make ourselves known to you. 91 00:17:34,967 --> 00:17:38,554 I am Andrew of Capernaum, a fisherman by trade. 92 00:17:41,307 --> 00:17:43,392 I am your follower now, if you'll take me. 93 00:17:46,478 --> 00:17:47,354 This is Phillip. 94 00:17:48,063 --> 00:17:51,608 We were sent by John the prophet, the Baptist. 95 00:17:54,778 --> 00:17:57,864 He has just been imprisoned by King Herod Antipas. 96 00:18:12,336 --> 00:18:13,504 Andrew. 97 00:18:26,641 --> 00:18:27,642 Phillip. 98 00:18:33,480 --> 00:18:34,439 Come with me. 99 00:18:36,441 --> 00:18:37,568 Come on! 100 00:18:40,612 --> 00:18:44,575 - Tell me, when was John arrested? - As soon as he set foot in Galilee. 101 00:18:44,992 --> 00:18:48,828 He had to return. Too many people were waiting for him... 102 00:18:54,125 --> 00:18:58,838 There it is. The sea of Galilee and Capernaum, where I was born. 103 00:19:00,423 --> 00:19:04,385 It's a town of fishermen, but it also has the greatest synagogue in Israel. 104 00:19:05,927 --> 00:19:07,137 You can stay at my brother's house. 105 00:19:08,847 --> 00:19:11,933 He's a good man, Simon Peter. 106 00:19:30,117 --> 00:19:37,082 The commandments God gave to Moses so long ago must not remain dead stone for the reverence of unthinking minds. 107 00:19:37,790 --> 00:19:41,211 Dead stone? The tablets of the law? Dead stone? 108 00:19:41,628 --> 00:19:43,713 - What do you mean? - Stone is what the law is written on, 109 00:19:44,672 --> 00:19:46,049 but the law itself is alive! 110 00:19:48,092 --> 00:19:50,053 And living things now are constantly changing. 111 00:19:50,637 --> 00:19:56,725 But the law is eternal you cannot change law of Moses. No! That's right, the law is here. 112 00:19:57,059 --> 00:20:00,020 The man is made of flesh and blood, and he changes. 113 00:20:02,481 --> 00:20:03,607 Doesn't he remain the same man? 114 00:20:06,193 --> 00:20:08,195 God wants to write the law on your hearts. 115 00:20:09,488 --> 00:20:12,782 Rabbi, you said you have come here to give us the good news. 116 00:20:14,200 --> 00:20:19,121 Is this it? The good news? That the law is living like a man? 117 00:20:20,456 --> 00:20:25,253 The good news I bring you is this, Your captivity is over. 118 00:20:26,127 --> 00:20:30,507 What does that mean, our captivity is over? What captivity? 119 00:20:30,799 --> 00:20:32,050 Captivity in sin! 120 00:20:35,971 --> 00:20:38,848 God fulfills the promise He made to our people Israel, 121 00:20:40,809 --> 00:20:42,560 and reconciles Himself to man. 122 00:20:48,232 --> 00:20:49,567 God is coming to you. 123 00:20:53,070 --> 00:20:57,950 To all of you, even the most wretched. 124 00:21:02,912 --> 00:21:04,247 Do not shut the door in His face. 125 00:21:40,990 --> 00:21:46,037 Rabbi! The demon has always tried to burn him into fire, and to what he has triumphed! 126 00:21:48,163 --> 00:21:52,542 If you do anything, have mercy, help my poor son! 127 00:22:07,723 --> 00:22:08,974 Satan! 128 00:22:33,581 --> 00:22:35,541 Leave him! 129 00:23:37,141 --> 00:23:39,018 Son! Son! 130 00:23:48,109 --> 00:23:49,819 Praise be the Lord! 131 00:24:08,877 --> 00:24:12,422 Yes, we're all fishermen in our family. Andrew here knows us well, 132 00:24:13,339 --> 00:24:14,757 but I was sent off to learn. 133 00:24:15,633 --> 00:24:16,759 That's all that you were fit for, perhaps. 134 00:24:17,635 --> 00:24:18,636 And what have you learned? 135 00:24:19,887 --> 00:24:23,015 That two and two make four, sometimes. 136 00:24:24,850 --> 00:24:30,188 But most people seem to be here to be pushed about, that getting on is a fine thing, 137 00:24:31,814 --> 00:24:33,358 that birth is the beginning to death. 138 00:24:36,277 --> 00:24:40,156 But there must be something more for man between birth and death. 139 00:24:42,283 --> 00:24:49,998 Today, when I heard you preaching, I began to understand, and it gave me hope. 140 00:24:52,292 --> 00:24:56,129 Through your words, the old scriptures seemed to be coming alive. 141 00:24:58,215 --> 00:25:03,135 That's all we want, we want the Lord to be alive, 142 00:25:04,345 --> 00:25:08,140 written in our hearts, not carved in stone. 143 00:25:16,816 --> 00:25:17,858 What is your name? 144 00:25:20,026 --> 00:25:22,487 John, son of Zebedi. 145 00:25:24,948 --> 00:25:25,824 John. 146 00:25:28,869 --> 00:25:29,953 Stay with us. 147 00:25:32,372 --> 00:25:36,333 Back, back! This way, you idiots! 148 00:25:38,085 --> 00:25:39,920 That's my brother now, Simon Peter. 149 00:25:40,880 --> 00:25:42,214 And there's my brother, James. 150 00:25:43,966 --> 00:25:45,718 He's shouting again, angry as usual. 151 00:25:46,093 --> 00:25:47,386 If anyone's drunk, it's you! 152 00:25:49,346 --> 00:25:50,972 He doesn't mean it. He's a good man. 153 00:25:52,181 --> 00:25:54,183 What's the matter, brother? Poor catch? 154 00:25:54,392 --> 00:25:59,898 Poor catch?! Nothing! The only things we catch these days are Roman taxes! 155 00:26:00,690 --> 00:26:04,194 And while we're out sweating, working our hands raw with the nets, 156 00:26:04,777 --> 00:26:08,780 the stinking tax gatherers take half and give it to the Romans! 157 00:26:09,364 --> 00:26:10,407 Bloodsuckers! The lake. 158 00:26:11,408 --> 00:26:19,041 Hello brother, go and tell that leach, that two faced tax collector of ours, Matthew, 159 00:26:19,416 --> 00:26:22,501 that if he wants more money out of me, to put more fish in 160 00:26:23,878 --> 00:26:26,297 Simon, this is the man I told you about. 161 00:26:27,840 --> 00:26:30,843 The man John spoke of. John the Baptist. 162 00:26:31,802 --> 00:26:33,763 What? Another holy man? 163 00:26:35,014 --> 00:26:37,516 Are you another of those that tells us to be patient 164 00:26:38,226 --> 00:26:40,852 and promise us better times will be ahead? 165 00:26:41,478 --> 00:26:44,981 What about now? What about our children? 166 00:26:45,899 --> 00:26:47,067 Who will fill their bellies? 167 00:26:49,194 --> 00:26:52,072 A lot of talk these days while we all starve! 168 00:26:53,990 --> 00:26:58,160 Find a holy man who can put an end to that. Then maybe I'll listen. 169 00:27:02,540 --> 00:27:03,499 Go out again. 170 00:27:05,000 --> 00:27:05,960 I shall come with you. 171 00:27:06,335 --> 00:27:09,338 We've just pulled in! Get that net off the boat! 172 00:27:10,839 --> 00:27:12,173 Please Simon, do as he says! 173 00:27:12,382 --> 00:27:14,968 Why do you always listen to these people who knows the lake better than I? 174 00:27:15,843 --> 00:27:16,469 Please! 175 00:27:18,846 --> 00:27:19,430 Please! 176 00:27:53,462 --> 00:27:54,547 What are you staring at? 177 00:28:04,848 --> 00:28:08,935 Come. You can preach to the fish. 178 00:28:12,814 --> 00:28:14,274 Cast off! We're going out again. 179 00:29:55,034 --> 00:30:01,165 We've been out all day and we caught nothing! We go out again and we catch all this fish! 180 00:30:02,542 --> 00:30:03,376 It's a miracle! 181 00:30:04,002 --> 00:30:07,338 It's not a miracle! Only God can work miracles. 182 00:30:08,464 --> 00:30:10,632 They speak these profanities, they believe it! 183 00:30:11,383 --> 00:30:12,926 We must go and speak! 184 00:30:25,938 --> 00:30:33,446 My house will not hold anymore people! Please! Please! Please! 185 00:30:43,997 --> 00:30:45,582 Help me out! I can't get up! 186 00:31:23,919 --> 00:31:27,840 It was amazing! I've been fishing for four years, I've never seen a catch so big... 187 00:31:29,091 --> 00:31:30,008 More... 188 00:31:33,427 --> 00:31:36,556 So, there were miracles were they? 189 00:31:38,141 --> 00:31:42,854 And a big catch inspired by a prophet, what's his name, Jesus? Get out! 190 00:31:43,479 --> 00:31:46,149 He's staying with Simon Peter, you know him? The fisherman? 191 00:31:47,315 --> 00:31:50,652 Yes, he owes me back taxes, doesn't he? 192 00:31:52,487 --> 00:31:53,405 Move! 193 00:32:00,328 --> 00:32:01,580 Well, well, well... 194 00:32:06,584 --> 00:32:10,129 Well, if there's been a big catch, he can pay, can't he? 195 00:32:14,592 --> 00:32:17,052 The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field. 196 00:32:18,471 --> 00:32:23,308 A man finds it, and in his joy spends everything he has to buy that field. 197 00:32:25,101 --> 00:32:27,270 It's like a merchant in search of fine pearls. 198 00:32:27,937 --> 00:32:33,401 He finds one pearl of great value, and sells everything to have that pearl. 199 00:32:36,278 --> 00:32:37,488 You, you're all fisherman. 200 00:32:39,072 --> 00:32:44,203 Well, the kingdom of heaven is like a net. A great net thrown into the sea. 201 00:32:48,624 --> 00:32:52,543 Suddenly it is filled, it's almost bursting! 202 00:32:55,004 --> 00:33:00,259 You have to call to the other boats to come and help! Everyone is working together, happy, excited! 203 00:33:02,595 --> 00:33:07,517 It's a time for joy, for rejoicing in what God has freely given. 204 00:33:13,480 --> 00:33:20,821 But one day, God will ask you to account for the gift he has given. 205 00:33:27,076 --> 00:33:28,202 Be prepared. 206 00:33:31,789 --> 00:33:33,415 The kingdom is at hand. 207 00:33:34,083 --> 00:33:38,462 Rabbi. You say that the kingdom of heaven is at hand, 208 00:33:39,505 --> 00:33:41,172 but when exactly will it come? 209 00:33:41,548 --> 00:33:43,550 When you see the clouds moving from the East, 210 00:33:44,676 --> 00:33:47,428 you say the rain is coming, and so it is. 211 00:33:49,264 --> 00:33:55,311 When the desert wind blows, you say it will be hot, and it is. 212 00:33:57,563 --> 00:34:00,566 All of you can read the signs of the earth and the sky. 213 00:34:05,154 --> 00:34:08,407 How is it you can't read the signs of the times? 214 00:34:11,785 --> 00:34:16,122 The kingdom of heaven is here, now. 215 00:34:22,837 --> 00:34:26,632 What's he doing here? It's Matthew, the tax collector! Get him out! 216 00:34:27,008 --> 00:34:29,426 - Peter, your friend Matthew is here! - Get out! 217 00:34:29,843 --> 00:34:33,597 Bloodsucking tax collector! There's no place for you here! 218 00:34:38,268 --> 00:34:42,606 Out of my house! You scum! Filth! 219 00:34:42,939 --> 00:34:45,858 No Simon, don't! Simon, look! I will not have it defiled by you! 220 00:34:47,568 --> 00:34:49,320 I hear you've had a big catch Simon! 221 00:34:50,779 --> 00:34:52,072 We'll talk about it later, shall we. 222 00:34:56,118 --> 00:35:01,539 But what about this friend of yours? This new preacher or teacher or whatever he is. 223 00:35:02,957 --> 00:35:04,667 Am I allowed to speak with him? 224 00:35:05,335 --> 00:35:07,629 Get out of my house. 225 00:35:13,635 --> 00:35:15,094 You seem to be most unwelcome here. 226 00:35:17,471 --> 00:35:21,099 I don't know your name, but I know what you do. 227 00:35:23,519 --> 00:35:26,772 Levi, or Matthew, I'm known by both names. 228 00:35:27,147 --> 00:35:28,524 And by others... 229 00:35:29,983 --> 00:35:32,820 I see you and I must meet in a place where both of us are welcome. 230 00:35:33,611 --> 00:35:34,612 Is your own house far? 231 00:35:38,491 --> 00:35:39,116 Why do you ask? 232 00:35:40,785 --> 00:35:42,370 I should like to have supper with you tonight. 233 00:35:53,421 --> 00:35:54,798 You would enter the house of a sinner? 234 00:35:56,049 --> 00:35:57,884 I would enter any house where I am welcome... 235 00:36:03,056 --> 00:36:04,641 He's here! 236 00:36:23,992 --> 00:36:27,120 Wait! What are you doing? Be careful! That's my property! 237 00:36:37,881 --> 00:36:41,425 Help me. I've been this way for 20 years. 238 00:36:42,009 --> 00:36:48,098 It is the curse of God-punishment for my sins and my parents' sins. 239 00:36:54,770 --> 00:36:56,022 Your sins are forgiven you. 240 00:36:57,106 --> 00:36:58,733 Rabbi, you must not speak so! 241 00:37:00,109 --> 00:37:04,030 That's blasphemy, only God can forgive sins. 242 00:37:09,535 --> 00:37:10,702 Which of these is easier, 243 00:37:12,454 --> 00:37:17,167 to say your sins are forgiven, or to rise up and walk home? 244 00:37:23,673 --> 00:37:25,759 The Son of Man has the power to forgive sins. 245 00:37:51,993 --> 00:37:53,912 Rise and walk home. 246 00:39:05,175 --> 00:39:09,137 He doesn't seem to realize the scandal it would cause! Peter, you tell him! 247 00:39:10,430 --> 00:39:13,850 - I've told him... - Well, tell him again! The whole place is talking about it! 248 00:39:14,142 --> 00:39:16,561 - Meeting some Pharisees, I suppose. - Who evaded the law! 249 00:39:17,521 --> 00:39:22,316 Tax collectors cannot even enter the synagogue. And anyone who associates with them is as defiled as they are. 250 00:39:22,525 --> 00:39:24,527 - Yes, according to the Pharisees! - But yes... 251 00:39:25,027 --> 00:39:27,488 That's their argument. Peter, tell him again. 252 00:39:27,863 --> 00:39:29,949 I've told him! What do you want from me? 253 00:39:31,283 --> 00:39:34,578 I said Matthew was my bloodsucking enemy. I hate Matthew! But all 254 00:39:35,037 --> 00:39:38,331 Jesus would say was, "Well, why don't you join us as well." 255 00:39:43,795 --> 00:39:44,838 Andrew. 256 00:39:48,883 --> 00:39:50,093 Andrew, I'm not like you. 257 00:39:52,429 --> 00:39:54,305 I'm not a follower of priests and prophets. 258 00:39:58,183 --> 00:40:02,062 I'm a fisherman. I have my family to think of. 259 00:40:03,397 --> 00:40:05,316 You followed the Baptist, now follow this one. 260 00:40:05,607 --> 00:40:08,444 - Peter! - Just leave me alone! Why did you bring him here to me? 261 00:40:13,948 --> 00:40:14,949 This is my life. 262 00:40:25,083 --> 00:40:25,959 My nets. 263 00:40:32,591 --> 00:40:33,592 My boat. 264 00:40:37,262 --> 00:40:39,848 Go on! Follow him! 265 00:40:41,265 --> 00:40:42,391 But leave me! 266 00:40:44,060 --> 00:40:48,022 Come on. You can't talk to him when he's like this. 267 00:40:49,982 --> 00:40:50,941 Come on, Phillip. 268 00:41:06,289 --> 00:41:07,374 This is where I belong. 269 00:41:13,546 --> 00:41:14,380 Master! 270 00:41:15,464 --> 00:41:18,550 It's a scandal for you to eat with these people! Don't you know who they are? 271 00:41:19,009 --> 00:41:21,470 We've lived our lives honorably. Made sacrifices to keep the law. 272 00:41:22,137 --> 00:41:25,683 They are thieves, whores. Violent and godless people. 273 00:41:26,308 --> 00:41:30,144 And now you sit and eat with such people, who spend their lives in orgies and perversions! 274 00:41:30,895 --> 00:41:33,564 I've not come to call the virtuous to repentance, but the sinners, 275 00:41:34,440 --> 00:41:36,526 and they might enter the kingdom of heaven before you... 276 00:41:37,235 --> 00:41:40,446 Listen, Master! If you go and eat with these people they will contaminate you. 277 00:41:41,030 --> 00:41:42,448 The whole town will abandon you! 278 00:41:44,659 --> 00:41:49,079 James, the heart of the Lord is mercy. 279 00:42:11,392 --> 00:42:12,310 He's here. 280 00:42:18,357 --> 00:42:19,399 Quiet! 281 00:42:21,568 --> 00:42:22,736 Peace be with you. 282 00:42:33,747 --> 00:42:34,581 Thank you, 283 00:42:36,957 --> 00:42:38,042 for coming to my house. 284 00:42:42,212 --> 00:42:45,257 Rabbi, you are welcome. 285 00:42:47,635 --> 00:42:48,636 Welcome Rabbi. 286 00:42:58,227 --> 00:43:00,438 - Move! - No, no, no, don't move. I prepared. 287 00:43:02,607 --> 00:43:07,444 Why? This is my brother James. He's in the same business I am. 288 00:43:08,111 --> 00:43:09,738 I drink to you and all here. 289 00:43:44,604 --> 00:43:46,648 Rabbi, we want to hear your words. 290 00:43:47,315 --> 00:43:48,817 Please speak to us! 291 00:43:49,317 --> 00:43:50,819 No, no, no, no, no! Let's eat first! 292 00:43:51,361 --> 00:43:53,113 No! Let him decide. 293 00:44:03,539 --> 00:44:05,040 No, no. 294 00:44:07,084 --> 00:44:08,252 I'd like to tell you a story. 295 00:44:10,212 --> 00:44:11,213 Sit down! Sit down! 296 00:44:19,554 --> 00:44:22,807 A certain man had two sons. 297 00:44:25,810 --> 00:44:28,437 And one day the younger of these sons said to his father, 298 00:44:30,105 --> 00:44:32,065 Give me my share of your estate now. 299 00:44:34,234 --> 00:44:36,611 So his father divided his wealth between his two sons. 300 00:44:38,697 --> 00:44:44,535 And a few days later, this younger son set off for a distant land, 301 00:44:45,745 --> 00:44:50,166 and there he squandered all the money he had on riotous living. 302 00:44:53,544 --> 00:44:59,759 Now, not long after this, a great famine swept over the land, 303 00:45:02,135 --> 00:45:03,386 and the boy began to starve. 304 00:45:05,639 --> 00:45:08,141 He persuaded a farmer to hire him to feed his pigs, 305 00:45:09,184 --> 00:45:12,812 but he was so hungry that even the husks he fed the swine began to look good to him. 306 00:45:14,439 --> 00:45:17,358 And still, nobody gave him anything. 307 00:45:21,737 --> 00:45:26,158 Finally, the boy came to his senses. 308 00:45:28,535 --> 00:45:36,751 At home, even my father's servants had enough food, and to spare. 309 00:45:39,545 --> 00:45:41,297 And here I am starving to death. 310 00:45:43,508 --> 00:45:50,305 "I will go home, and ask my father to hire me as one of his servants." 311 00:45:55,602 --> 00:45:58,689 And so, he set off. 312 00:46:02,401 --> 00:46:08,823 Now he was still some distance from his home when his father saw him coming, 313 00:46:12,201 --> 00:46:14,620 and he was so filled with compassion, 314 00:46:17,415 --> 00:46:24,796 that he ran towards his son and embraced him and kissed him. 315 00:46:26,673 --> 00:46:30,593 The boy said, "Father! I have sinned against Heaven and you. 316 00:46:31,594 --> 00:46:33,471 I am not worthy to be called your son." 317 00:46:35,557 --> 00:46:38,726 But his father called for the servants and said, 318 00:46:39,310 --> 00:46:42,229 Bring me the finest robe in the house and put it on him. 319 00:46:42,896 --> 00:46:45,858 Put rings on his hands and shoes on his feet! 320 00:46:46,984 --> 00:46:50,321 Kill the fattest calf, we must celebrate with a feast. 321 00:46:53,949 --> 00:46:59,746 My son was dead and is alive again! 322 00:47:07,462 --> 00:47:15,761 Now, the older brother at this time was working in the fields, 323 00:47:18,055 --> 00:47:23,352 and as he came back to the house, he heard the noise of music and dancing. 324 00:47:25,312 --> 00:47:30,816 He called for one of the servants and asked what was happening, and he was told. 325 00:47:34,320 --> 00:47:41,327 At this, the older brother became very angry and he refused to go into the house. 326 00:47:42,827 --> 00:47:46,289 The father came out, tried to plead with him, but he wouldn't listen. 327 00:47:47,540 --> 00:47:52,712 I have worked for you all this time, all these years, and never once have I disobeyed you! 328 00:47:54,547 --> 00:47:58,884 And in all that time, you've never even gave me so much as a goat so that I could have a feast with my friends. 329 00:48:01,345 --> 00:48:05,808 My younger brother comes back, having spent all your money on harlots 330 00:48:06,892 --> 00:48:08,936 and for him you kill the fattest calf! 331 00:48:10,396 --> 00:48:13,482 Please, said the father. 332 00:48:17,360 --> 00:48:21,030 Please. Try to understand. 333 00:48:24,867 --> 00:48:29,789 You are always with me, everything I have is yours. 334 00:48:33,041 --> 00:48:34,751 But it is right to celebrate. 335 00:48:37,879 --> 00:48:44,386 Your brother was dead and is alive again. 336 00:48:53,102 --> 00:48:57,565 "He was lost, and is found." 337 00:49:16,124 --> 00:49:17,042 Forgive me master. 338 00:49:20,586 --> 00:49:21,712 I am... 339 00:49:36,976 --> 00:49:38,102 I'm just a stupid man. 340 00:50:25,647 --> 00:50:27,440 Free the man! He is innocent! 341 00:50:28,024 --> 00:50:29,192 He's a man of God! 342 00:50:30,026 --> 00:50:31,653 Free John the Prophet! 343 00:50:47,751 --> 00:50:48,502 Free the man! 344 00:51:05,224 --> 00:51:06,017 John! 345 00:51:07,977 --> 00:51:08,853 John? 346 00:51:12,898 --> 00:51:14,524 What is it you want from me? 347 00:51:17,861 --> 00:51:22,240 Is it just a matter of my violating the marriage vows? 348 00:51:24,659 --> 00:51:25,619 Is that it? 349 00:51:27,912 --> 00:51:31,290 Because I don't mind to repent that, John. 350 00:51:34,043 --> 00:51:36,128 Hmm... Will that satisfy you? 351 00:51:42,968 --> 00:51:50,683 You think it makes me happy to see you rotting away in the dark in there with a howling gang outside the walls? 352 00:51:52,769 --> 00:51:54,520 Why don't you listen to reason? 353 00:51:57,315 --> 00:52:02,527 There's work for you here in this wretched kingdom. 354 00:52:04,613 --> 00:52:06,740 If it's power you want, you can have power. 355 00:52:09,117 --> 00:52:12,120 Power to build, not to break. 356 00:52:21,295 --> 00:52:28,302 My task has been to prepare the way for the one who shall wear the crown. 357 00:52:28,886 --> 00:52:33,307 Who is this man? This prophet from Galili? Is he the one I ought to be talking to? 358 00:52:36,685 --> 00:52:39,354 Do not fear the toppling of your throne. 359 00:52:42,148 --> 00:52:49,197 Before kingdoms change, men must change. 360 00:52:49,948 --> 00:52:54,201 Ah, you say that, yes, but I've been listening to those fools outside. 361 00:52:55,411 --> 00:52:59,331 What leaders intend and what their followers are after are not one and the same thing. 362 00:53:00,416 --> 00:53:03,961 That crowd of yours needs someone to control it. 363 00:53:06,255 --> 00:53:10,383 John, if I set you free, 364 00:53:14,679 --> 00:53:17,390 what would you do with your freedom? 365 00:53:23,103 --> 00:53:26,231 I would follow the one whose way I have prepared, 366 00:53:27,316 --> 00:53:29,860 just like many others who already follow him. 367 00:53:37,868 --> 00:53:39,744 But you will not set me free. 368 00:54:19,156 --> 00:54:20,074 Herod! 369 00:54:21,408 --> 00:54:22,451 I was wrong. 370 00:54:23,827 --> 00:54:24,745 Yes. 371 00:54:26,455 --> 00:54:27,414 I was wrong. 372 00:54:28,957 --> 00:54:30,708 The curse of God is upon us. 373 00:54:34,087 --> 00:54:35,088 Release John. 374 00:54:38,466 --> 00:54:42,720 Yes, send him away. Send him away. Send him to Egypt. You're right. 375 00:54:43,721 --> 00:54:46,265 What harm can he do us there, after all. 376 00:54:49,017 --> 00:54:51,228 Yes, tomorrow. 377 00:54:52,854 --> 00:54:54,398 Yes, tomorrow on your birthday. 378 00:54:56,066 --> 00:54:59,027 What better present could you give yourself to your people? 379 00:55:00,111 --> 00:55:02,238 A great gesture of clemency. 380 00:55:36,270 --> 00:55:38,147 I see, I see! 381 00:55:39,815 --> 00:55:43,360 Oh, what a remarkable woman you are! How quickly your heart changes! 382 00:55:45,362 --> 00:55:51,576 Once he was free, and had gone to Egypt, he just might meet with a some unfortunate accident. 383 00:55:58,875 --> 00:56:04,255 What imagination, by seeing how fast your thoughts travel. 384 00:56:06,089 --> 00:56:09,593 Imagination? You know I can always read your mind. 385 00:56:10,302 --> 00:56:12,387 Don't forget I can read your mind too, my lord. 386 00:56:16,350 --> 00:56:17,309 Herod. 387 00:56:19,269 --> 00:56:22,355 What present shall you give on your birthday? 388 00:56:25,816 --> 00:56:27,151 What do you think I would like most? 389 00:56:32,531 --> 00:56:33,574 Salome? 390 00:56:45,252 --> 00:56:48,171 You see, I can read your mind. 391 00:56:56,887 --> 00:56:59,515 Welcome to our shores! Come save us! 392 00:57:02,017 --> 00:57:03,143 He's here! 393 00:58:41,402 --> 00:58:44,948 Take her away. Back to Capernaum. 394 00:59:17,561 --> 00:59:20,188 Do no think that I have come to bring peace on earth. 395 00:59:22,357 --> 00:59:23,733 I've come not to bring peace 396 00:59:28,530 --> 00:59:29,489 but a sword. 397 00:59:34,202 --> 00:59:37,413 I have come to sow discord between a man and his father, 398 00:59:38,497 --> 00:59:40,082 between a daughter and her mother. 399 00:59:42,209 --> 00:59:48,215 A man's enemies will be members of his own family. 400 00:59:56,139 --> 00:59:59,100 You may say, "We have left our belongings to become your followers." 401 01:00:00,268 --> 01:00:03,605 I tell you this, anyone who has left home, 402 01:00:05,690 --> 01:00:14,114 or father, mother, wife, children, land for the kingdom of God 403 01:00:16,491 --> 01:00:23,290 shall be rewarded a hundred times over on earth, and inherit the kingdom of God. 404 01:00:26,375 --> 01:00:28,628 Whoever wants to save his life will lose it, 405 01:00:29,420 --> 01:00:34,342 but if a man will lose his life for my sake and for the gospel I bring you, he will save it. 406 01:00:37,178 --> 01:00:38,763 For many that are first will be last, 407 01:00:42,515 --> 01:00:43,642 and the last first. 408 01:00:46,228 --> 01:00:48,730 So do not store up for yourself treasure on earth, 409 01:00:49,522 --> 01:00:52,817 where it grows rusty and moth eaten and thieves break in to steal it. 410 01:00:53,860 --> 01:00:55,195 Store your treasure in Heaven, 411 01:00:56,196 --> 01:00:58,739 for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. 412 01:01:00,574 --> 01:01:04,453 My name is Girus. I am one of the elders of the synagogue here. 413 01:01:05,579 --> 01:01:07,164 My little daughter is dying. 414 01:01:08,332 --> 01:01:15,213 I beg you, come and lay your hands on her so she may be cured and live. 415 01:01:27,433 --> 01:01:28,518 Take me to her. 416 01:01:42,781 --> 01:01:44,157 You're daughter is dead. 417 01:01:52,415 --> 01:01:53,291 Do not weep. 418 01:01:55,293 --> 01:01:56,460 The child is not dead. 419 01:02:00,339 --> 01:02:01,257 Only sleeping. 420 01:02:05,760 --> 01:02:07,929 Who are you to come here with your jokes? 421 01:02:09,222 --> 01:02:11,308 We've seen that she's dead, you haven't! 422 01:02:12,475 --> 01:02:14,352 Please Thomas, please. 423 01:03:21,666 --> 01:03:22,791 Rise, little girl. 424 01:04:06,916 --> 01:04:07,917 Give her something to eat. 425 01:04:11,795 --> 01:04:15,257 She's alive! She's alive! She's alive! 426 01:04:52,500 --> 01:04:54,502 Rabbi, I want to apologize. 427 01:04:56,421 --> 01:04:57,464 I didn't know who you were. 428 01:04:59,757 --> 01:05:01,383 I thought the child was dead. 429 01:05:03,969 --> 01:05:07,348 Well, she was dead! I saw her with my own eyes. 430 01:05:09,516 --> 01:05:11,602 Can't you believe without seeing, Thomas? 431 01:05:15,022 --> 01:05:16,147 Sometimes I do. 432 01:05:18,358 --> 01:05:22,612 Sometimes I think I know what I believe, but 433 01:05:23,780 --> 01:05:28,076 something happens... my mind gets blurred. 434 01:05:30,995 --> 01:05:32,454 I don't know. 435 01:05:34,748 --> 01:05:36,708 You doubt so much, you must want to be certain. 436 01:05:38,460 --> 01:05:39,503 I do! 437 01:05:42,422 --> 01:05:43,549 Then follow me. 438 01:05:49,762 --> 01:05:53,057 You mean, give up my work and... 439 01:05:53,641 --> 01:05:54,725 Yes. 440 01:05:56,686 --> 01:06:00,064 Girus, will you give me your servant to be one of my disciples? 441 01:06:01,899 --> 01:06:04,901 With gladness, master. I am happy for him. 442 01:06:12,867 --> 01:06:14,869 Do you have doubts about following me, Thomas? 443 01:06:17,956 --> 01:06:18,999 No. 444 01:06:22,585 --> 01:06:24,753 I don't believe I have. 445 01:06:52,812 --> 01:06:53,813 Women. 446 01:06:58,024 --> 01:07:00,985 I ask you, why would they listen? 447 01:07:02,904 --> 01:07:04,739 I told my wife I won't be away for long. 448 01:07:08,201 --> 01:07:10,286 In any case, the fishing is hopeless why not go away. 449 01:07:13,122 --> 01:07:18,168 I told her I said, I'll come back in spring. 450 01:07:20,045 --> 01:07:23,132 Don't lie to her, and to yourself. 451 01:07:25,134 --> 01:07:26,051 Lie? 452 01:07:26,802 --> 01:07:30,054 Yes. You know very well. 453 01:07:31,764 --> 01:07:32,765 You'll never go back. 454 01:07:40,481 --> 01:07:41,274 I will. 455 01:07:43,942 --> 01:07:44,901 No you won't. 456 01:07:48,780 --> 01:07:49,823 Never. 457 01:07:52,451 --> 01:07:53,452 You'll never fish again. 458 01:07:56,121 --> 01:07:57,247 You'll never get drunk again. 459 01:08:03,127 --> 01:08:04,754 And you'll never go back to Capernaum again. 460 01:08:08,048 --> 01:08:08,966 None of us. 461 01:08:12,136 --> 01:08:13,220 We'll never be the same. 462 01:08:17,766 --> 01:08:20,477 And neither will the lives of everyone in the whole world. 463 01:08:27,108 --> 01:08:28,318 We know why, Simon. 464 01:08:40,287 --> 01:08:43,832 We're the first to know. 465 01:09:26,247 --> 01:09:28,874 The ruthless shall be no more! 466 01:09:29,917 --> 01:09:31,794 The arrogant shall speak to me! 467 01:09:32,586 --> 01:09:35,172 Remember the words of the scriptures! 468 01:09:35,881 --> 01:09:39,342 Vanity of vanities. All is vanity! 469 01:09:41,094 --> 01:09:48,101 Woe unto them that seek to do evil! Woe unto them who call evil good, and good evil. 470 01:09:48,852 --> 01:09:52,230 Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes! 471 01:10:20,799 --> 01:10:21,925 Have you not known? 472 01:10:22,968 --> 01:10:24,594 Have you not heard? 473 01:10:25,552 --> 01:10:28,472 Have you not been told from the beginning? 474 01:10:29,348 --> 01:10:33,394 Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth? 475 01:10:40,651 --> 01:10:56,541 Have you... and spread them... 476 01:10:57,625 --> 01:11:01,712 And make rules of the earth, and nothing! 477 01:11:03,880 --> 01:11:07,509 Music! Music! Huh... music! 478 01:11:45,962 --> 01:11:48,505 Woo him. Woo him. 479 01:11:49,715 --> 01:11:50,799 Remember. 480 01:12:22,537 --> 01:12:23,247 Dance, 481 01:12:24,998 --> 01:12:25,958 Salome. 482 01:12:29,211 --> 01:12:30,087 Dance. 483 01:12:34,967 --> 01:12:38,803 When I've danced, what will you give me? 484 01:12:42,557 --> 01:12:44,267 Whatever thou shall ask of me, 485 01:12:46,769 --> 01:12:51,274 I shall give to thee, unto thy half of my kingdom. 486 01:13:20,050 --> 01:13:21,051 My friends! 487 01:13:23,720 --> 01:13:25,972 The princess is going to dance. 488 01:16:43,366 --> 01:16:45,409 Was that anything? 489 01:16:46,953 --> 01:16:47,787 Yes. 490 01:16:50,998 --> 01:16:51,999 Anything. 491 01:16:56,336 --> 01:17:00,799 I want death of the Baptist. 492 01:17:06,930 --> 01:17:10,392 Oh... no! 493 01:17:13,060 --> 01:17:14,144 You promised. 494 01:17:15,771 --> 01:17:19,984 Yes, you promised! You promised, yes! 495 01:17:21,902 --> 01:17:23,320 You swore, my Lord, 496 01:17:25,030 --> 01:17:27,115 before all your guests. 497 01:17:28,575 --> 01:17:31,578 Shall it be said that the king Herod does not keep his promises? 498 01:17:43,255 --> 01:17:49,219 King Herod, you said anything. Yes, you promised! Yes, you promised! 499 01:17:53,603 --> 01:18:01,068 A king will rule in righteousness, and princes will rule in justice 500 01:18:02,403 --> 01:18:07,366 and the eyes of those that will not see will not be closed, 501 01:18:08,242 --> 01:18:14,206 and they comes in the dark and they say, "Who sees us? Who knoweth us?" 502 01:18:14,790 --> 01:18:19,168 Oh woe unto them! Woe unto them! 503 01:18:52,501 --> 01:18:55,087 His head, sheared off like a rabbit, 504 01:18:57,173 --> 01:18:59,133 and given as a present to a dancing girl. 505 01:19:00,718 --> 01:19:04,387 Only by killing him could Herod hope to silence his voice, 506 01:19:07,015 --> 01:19:08,266 but I can still hear him. 507 01:19:11,102 --> 01:19:12,145 We must avenge him. 508 01:19:13,104 --> 01:19:15,482 Revenge, bad politics my friends. 509 01:19:17,108 --> 01:19:18,734 Suppose we kill Herod, who will replace him? 510 01:19:20,361 --> 01:19:25,282 I'll tell you, another servant of Tiberius, a Roman procurate like Pontius Pilate. 511 01:19:26,200 --> 01:19:27,743 So what should we do then? Submit? 512 01:19:28,452 --> 01:19:30,663 Or become soldiers of Rome like the Syrians and Greeks? 513 01:19:33,582 --> 01:19:37,460 No the Romans must know that they can never rule Galilee with ease. 514 01:19:38,628 --> 01:19:44,467 Oh, I know but at present we strike in the dark, but the time will come when God shall send us our leader. 515 01:19:45,301 --> 01:19:46,678 Then we shall make open war. 516 01:19:52,349 --> 01:19:53,684 You mean a real war? 517 01:19:55,435 --> 01:19:59,147 The people of Israel, alone, against the Roman empire? 518 01:20:01,316 --> 01:20:04,027 Brothers, this is Judas lscariot. 519 01:20:04,528 --> 01:20:06,488 You should here what he has to say about Jesus of Nazareth. 520 01:20:07,072 --> 01:20:09,323 Jesus of Nazareth? Do you know him? 521 01:20:11,409 --> 01:20:18,666 Oh, I've heard him preach, many times and I have seen the kind of power he has. 522 01:20:24,879 --> 01:20:27,382 Is he the man to place our hopes on? 523 01:20:28,383 --> 01:20:30,302 Why do you ask me this question? John answered it. 524 01:20:31,469 --> 01:20:32,679 Remember what the Baptist said? 525 01:20:34,055 --> 01:20:36,349 I bear witness that this is the man. 526 01:20:38,435 --> 01:20:40,686 Tell all my friends and disciples to follow him. 527 01:20:41,729 --> 01:20:44,231 And proclaim in His name the kingdom of heaven. 528 01:20:44,606 --> 01:20:46,150 We know that, we know that. 529 01:20:47,484 --> 01:20:54,241 But could he be the one priest and king who will lead our people Israel? 530 01:20:54,742 --> 01:20:57,410 Could he be the messiah promised by our Lord? 531 01:20:57,785 --> 01:21:04,626 I believe that if one day the people of Israel do find a messiah. 532 01:21:07,879 --> 01:21:11,090 Oh yes, it will be him. 533 01:21:14,760 --> 01:21:19,264 But, no... I beg of you, let him fulfill his mission. 534 01:21:21,391 --> 01:21:22,476 That is my advice. 535 01:21:26,188 --> 01:21:27,230 I intend to follow him, 536 01:21:29,106 --> 01:21:34,737 and I hope, if he will accept me, to become a disciple. 537 01:21:37,615 --> 01:21:41,619 Very well, Judas. Will you keep in touch with us? 538 01:21:47,707 --> 01:21:48,667 If you wish... 539 01:22:05,641 --> 01:22:09,937 Peace be on you, John. Though your blood cries out for revenge, 540 01:22:10,813 --> 01:22:13,941 may your soul find rest in the glory of the righteous. 541 01:22:18,486 --> 01:22:19,654 May peace be with you John. 542 01:22:20,613 --> 01:22:21,823 Rest in peace, John. 543 01:22:23,283 --> 01:22:24,742 Rest in peace, John. 544 01:22:25,660 --> 01:22:27,453 May your soul find peace. 545 01:22:28,538 --> 01:22:30,873 We shall not forget you, John. 546 01:22:39,548 --> 01:22:40,799 Peace be on you, John. 547 01:23:27,343 --> 01:23:29,887 You stupid idiots! Go on, get away! 548 01:23:30,512 --> 01:23:33,557 Mind your mother's business crazy and your sister's! 549 01:23:38,645 --> 01:23:40,563 Get out of here! Get out! 550 01:23:42,065 --> 01:23:44,692 - Get away! Get out of here. - Can't I come in for a minute? 551 01:23:51,950 --> 01:23:53,326 Can I come in for a minute, too? 552 01:23:57,746 --> 01:23:58,622 Come. 553 01:24:15,930 --> 01:24:20,351 You pigs! Don't you come near me anymore! I'll kill you! 554 01:24:20,685 --> 01:24:22,353 What is it? What's going on? 555 01:24:22,770 --> 01:24:25,982 Ask those pigs over there, those big, brave sons of yours. 556 01:24:28,733 --> 01:24:29,693 And go on! 557 01:24:31,027 --> 01:24:34,656 There's no peace in this neighborhood since you came here. Noise and filth. 558 01:24:35,865 --> 01:24:37,325 The curse of God is on you. 559 01:24:45,749 --> 01:24:48,711 Don't worry, Mary. They're only boys' games. 560 01:24:49,128 --> 01:24:53,048 Ah, boys! They would only burn my house down. The father! 561 01:24:56,343 --> 01:24:57,594 They're all against me. 562 01:24:58,137 --> 01:25:02,056 Not all, Mary. There's a friend of yours in town today. 563 01:25:02,890 --> 01:25:04,934 - I have no friends. - Oh yes, you have! 564 01:25:05,602 --> 01:25:09,897 Jesus, the prophet! Friend of our God, forgiver of sins, hmm?? 565 01:25:10,565 --> 01:25:12,817 Hey, according to him, 566 01:25:14,569 --> 01:25:16,737 the sins of the flesh are nothing compared to the sins of the soul. 567 01:25:25,120 --> 01:25:31,375 Man will always forgive a man, but a woman's sin, that's another story. 568 01:25:32,460 --> 01:25:34,003 For most people, but not for him. 569 01:25:35,004 --> 01:25:36,422 I've never seen anybody like him. 570 01:25:37,632 --> 01:25:38,674 Have you seen him often? 571 01:25:39,675 --> 01:25:41,844 If you go around on business like me, you can't help seeing him. 572 01:25:42,762 --> 01:25:45,931 Turn a corner, cross a square, go into camp, there he is! 573 01:25:48,099 --> 01:25:48,892 Go on. 574 01:25:50,977 --> 01:25:54,064 He might be here another year. I'm sure you'll come across him. 575 01:25:54,564 --> 01:25:56,066 Oh, I sleep during the daytime, don't I? 576 01:25:57,984 --> 01:25:58,985 Sorry, I forgot. 577 01:26:00,028 --> 01:26:05,491 Well, a big crowd is following him everywhere. Sometimes so big he has to sleep in the field. 578 01:26:07,952 --> 01:26:10,996 He thinks nothing of eating and sleeping with thieves and whores. 579 01:26:12,081 --> 01:26:13,999 Any scum of the earth is good enough for him, eh? 580 01:26:15,668 --> 01:26:21,005 One of his disciples, as they call themselves, was a, was a tax collector, devious one. 581 01:26:22,840 --> 01:26:23,758 But this Jesus, 582 01:26:26,177 --> 01:26:32,809 well, he says it's not the righteous that need him, it's the sinners. So you see, you have got a friend. 583 01:26:46,238 --> 01:26:47,489 I'll be over next week. 584 01:28:02,264 --> 01:28:03,098 Look! 585 01:28:04,141 --> 01:28:07,269 There's Joseph of Arimathea. One of the leading Pharisees in Jerusalem. 586 01:28:08,646 --> 01:28:16,569 Which of you, for all his worrying, can add one day to his life, one inch to his stature. 587 01:28:18,071 --> 01:28:21,699 So don't concern yourself so much with the means of life, 588 01:28:23,034 --> 01:28:31,124 what you shall eat or drink, or with your bodies and how they should be clothed. 589 01:28:34,169 --> 01:28:36,338 Life is more than clothing. 590 01:28:38,882 --> 01:28:44,054 Consider the birds of the air, they did not sow or reap or gather into bonds 591 01:28:44,638 --> 01:28:46,180 but our Heavenly Father feeds them, 592 01:28:47,682 --> 01:28:52,561 who all the more feed you, a you not worth more than they. 593 01:28:56,232 --> 01:29:02,696 Consider the lilies of the field, they do not spin, 594 01:29:04,864 --> 01:29:06,116 they do not weave, 595 01:29:08,952 --> 01:29:14,207 but not even Solomon, in all his glory, was so lead as one of these. 596 01:29:15,667 --> 01:29:21,338 Now if God so clothed the grass and the field which is here today and tomorrow thrown into the fire, 597 01:29:22,756 --> 01:29:29,680 will he not all the more clothe you who have so little faith? 598 01:29:36,728 --> 01:29:40,356 Therefore do not ask, "What shall we eat? 599 01:29:43,192 --> 01:29:44,235 What shall we drink? 600 01:29:46,779 --> 01:29:48,406 "How shall we dress ourselves?" 601 01:29:51,950 --> 01:29:54,870 It is only the faithless who set their hearts on these things. 602 01:29:57,205 --> 01:30:02,961 You must first seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and everything will be added freely unto to you. 603 01:30:04,463 --> 01:30:07,006 So do not be anxious about tomorrow. 604 01:30:11,344 --> 01:30:13,429 Tomorrow will be anxious for itself. 605 01:30:19,685 --> 01:30:23,271 Let the day's own trouble be sufficient for the day. 606 01:30:29,110 --> 01:30:33,365 Extraordinary. But isn't that taking it too far? 607 01:30:34,824 --> 01:30:38,203 Well, surely our religion isn't opposed to honest hard work. 608 01:30:39,037 --> 01:30:43,332 Imagine, what he's said has been said by the prophets, but not like this. 609 01:30:43,999 --> 01:30:45,084 I agree with you. 610 01:30:46,669 --> 01:30:50,005 But we can't be sure until we meet with him face to face. 611 01:30:51,340 --> 01:30:52,883 Why not invite him to eat with us? 612 01:30:54,176 --> 01:30:56,052 - Would he come? - I'm sure he would. 613 01:30:56,344 --> 01:31:01,349 Such a man must be willing to discuss his ideas with people who are open-minded. 614 01:31:42,096 --> 01:31:43,097 Good master! 615 01:31:48,101 --> 01:31:52,063 Please, tell me, master, what must I do to have eternal life? 616 01:32:01,822 --> 01:32:06,827 Go and Sell all you have and give it to the poor, 617 01:32:09,288 --> 01:32:10,956 and you shall have treasure in Heaven. 618 01:32:13,167 --> 01:32:15,753 Then, come and follow me. 619 01:32:17,211 --> 01:32:21,424 Sell Everything? Everything I own? 620 01:32:23,301 --> 01:32:25,470 Everything my father slaved for? 621 01:32:28,264 --> 01:32:34,144 Everything. You cannot have two masters, God and money. 622 01:32:55,039 --> 01:33:03,005 You see, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God. 623 01:33:40,081 --> 01:33:43,418 Master. May I speak with you. 624 01:33:55,887 --> 01:33:57,139 What is your name, my son? 625 01:33:58,265 --> 01:33:59,891 My name is Judas lscariot. 626 01:34:02,019 --> 01:34:07,149 People call me a scholar. They say I find things useful. I read and write... Hebrew, Greek, Latin. I... 627 01:34:07,649 --> 01:34:09,026 I translate documents. 628 01:34:13,279 --> 01:34:15,114 Well, this has become a country of many tongues. 629 01:34:26,499 --> 01:34:34,925 Now I have never beaten copper, nor carved wood nor caught fish as your men have, but 630 01:34:37,469 --> 01:34:38,428 I know your men. 631 01:34:49,605 --> 01:34:56,362 My father was a prosperous builder who said, "My son must never have calluses on his hands, nor brick dust in his hair. 632 01:34:56,737 --> 01:34:59,364 My money must make my son into a scholar." 633 01:35:03,409 --> 01:35:07,622 Well, behold, a scholar who wishes to serve you. 634 01:35:21,051 --> 01:35:24,554 But do you need a man like me? 635 01:35:43,281 --> 01:35:45,700 A tree is known by it's fruit. 636 01:35:49,744 --> 01:35:53,999 Come, stay with us.