1 00:00:32,960 --> 00:00:35,600 MUSIC PLAYS 2 00:00:55,160 --> 00:00:57,800 Beautiful, Lollia. Where did you find her? 3 00:00:57,800 --> 00:01:01,960 We saw her first in Antioch a year ago when Titus was on duty there. 4 00:01:01,960 --> 00:01:06,600 We thought her so superb that I just paid for her to tour through the provinces, 5 00:01:06,600 --> 00:01:10,040 and now, my dear friends, the entertainment is over. 6 00:01:10,040 --> 00:01:13,560 She was w-w-wonderful, and a beautiful dinner. 7 00:01:13,560 --> 00:01:16,720 Thank you, Claudius, but I wasn't inviting a compliment. 8 00:01:16,720 --> 00:01:21,000 It's just that I have something to perform, and I brought you here 9 00:01:21,000 --> 00:01:24,040 as some of our dearest friends to be with me when I do it. 10 00:01:24,040 --> 00:01:26,400 What's this, Lollia? A surprise for me, too? 11 00:01:26,400 --> 00:01:28,240 Yes, my dear, it is. 12 00:01:28,240 --> 00:01:30,040 She never tells me anything. 13 00:01:30,040 --> 00:01:34,960 Very naughty, my dear, to plan a surprise for our guests and not tell your husband. 14 00:01:34,960 --> 00:01:37,680 You know that I love you very much. 15 00:01:37,680 --> 00:01:40,560 Now I'm really worried. This is going to cost a fortune! 16 00:01:40,560 --> 00:01:43,320 What have you bought? How much have you spent? Nothing. 17 00:01:43,320 --> 00:01:45,920 For once I have spent nothing. 18 00:01:45,920 --> 00:01:51,320 You may remember that a week ago tonight we went to a dinner at the palace given by the Emperor. 19 00:01:51,320 --> 00:01:56,440 Of course. You may also remember, although perhaps you didn't notice, 20 00:01:56,440 --> 00:01:59,320 that Tiberius was fascinated by our daughter. 21 00:01:59,320 --> 00:02:03,120 I must admit I saw him looking at Camilla once or twice. 22 00:02:03,120 --> 00:02:05,240 What you don't know 23 00:02:05,240 --> 00:02:09,160 is that she received a summons to the palace the next day. 24 00:02:09,160 --> 00:02:11,440 A summons? You never told me. 25 00:02:11,440 --> 00:02:15,520 No, I thought it best not to put you in a position where you would object. 26 00:02:15,520 --> 00:02:18,680 What is this, Lollia? What are you telling me? 27 00:02:18,680 --> 00:02:22,600 A summons to the Emperor is not something to be refused. 28 00:02:22,600 --> 00:02:27,560 But naturally I wouldn't let my daughter go alone, knowing his reputation. 29 00:02:27,560 --> 00:02:29,080 So I went with her. 30 00:02:30,600 --> 00:02:35,920 We were admitted into a room I imagine he keeps for such receptions. 31 00:02:35,920 --> 00:02:38,960 I'd never been into that room before, 32 00:02:38,960 --> 00:02:41,880 nor met anyone who had. 33 00:02:41,880 --> 00:02:48,280 Walls were hung with what I suppose the Emperor imagines is erotic art. 34 00:02:48,280 --> 00:02:50,520 They depict scenes of... 35 00:02:50,520 --> 00:02:52,800 incredible beastliness. 36 00:02:52,800 --> 00:02:56,000 Not fit for anyone to look at, let alone a young girl. 37 00:02:56,000 --> 00:03:00,520 What's the matter with you? Why are you telling me now in front of all our friends? 38 00:03:00,520 --> 00:03:06,400 These are not just friends, they are all in their different ways important people in Rome. 39 00:03:06,400 --> 00:03:08,040 That's why they're here tonight. 40 00:03:09,640 --> 00:03:13,440 He took Camilla up to the wall to show her the paintings, 41 00:03:13,440 --> 00:03:17,720 and talked about them as if they were works of art. 42 00:03:17,720 --> 00:03:22,080 But when I objected and told him he should be ashamed of himself for 43 00:03:22,080 --> 00:03:27,840 trying to corrupt a young girl, he simply smiled and said, "And what about an old one?" He... 44 00:03:27,840 --> 00:03:29,440 No, Titus, please. 45 00:03:30,960 --> 00:03:33,440 Then he clapped his hands 46 00:03:33,440 --> 00:03:37,960 and a slave appeared from another room, carrying a tray of wine. 47 00:03:40,040 --> 00:03:41,880 The slave was naked. 48 00:03:44,520 --> 00:03:49,520 And while Tiberius spoke to her, he... 49 00:03:49,520 --> 00:03:52,520 stroked the slave. 50 00:03:52,520 --> 00:03:55,280 I suppose in his twisted way he... 51 00:03:55,280 --> 00:03:59,200 thought it might inflame my daughter's passions. 52 00:03:59,200 --> 00:04:02,520 But Camilla burst into tears and begged to be allowed to leave. 53 00:04:04,040 --> 00:04:06,080 He then pretended to be upset 54 00:04:06,080 --> 00:04:10,440 and complained that she'd given a different impression on the night of the dinner. 55 00:04:12,960 --> 00:04:15,960 He then turned to me and told me to go home. 56 00:04:15,960 --> 00:04:20,520 I won't have you repeat any more. No, Titus, please. Enough! Let me finish! 57 00:04:23,120 --> 00:04:27,360 If I had had this with me then, I'd have used it on him. 58 00:04:30,640 --> 00:04:34,640 Instead, I begged a moment with him alone. 59 00:04:34,640 --> 00:04:36,160 He granted it. 60 00:04:39,360 --> 00:04:40,880 And there, 61 00:04:42,600 --> 00:04:45,360 I offered myself in my daughter's place. 62 00:04:46,920 --> 00:04:50,160 Yes, Titus, my husband, 63 00:04:50,160 --> 00:04:54,520 to save my daughter I offered myself in her place. 64 00:04:54,520 --> 00:04:56,240 And he accepted. 65 00:04:58,000 --> 00:05:00,960 My dear, that was nothing for me to save her. 66 00:05:03,280 --> 00:05:05,000 I took her to the gate 67 00:05:06,520 --> 00:05:09,680 and warned her not to say anything to anyone. 68 00:05:11,200 --> 00:05:13,760 And then return. Lollia, please, please... 69 00:05:13,760 --> 00:05:15,320 I've nearly finished. 70 00:05:17,520 --> 00:05:21,800 I said that to prostitute myself for my daughter was nothing. 71 00:05:21,800 --> 00:05:24,560 What wouldn't we do to save our children? 72 00:05:26,840 --> 00:05:28,680 I should have gone to the gate. 73 00:05:31,000 --> 00:05:33,840 Into the room and out again. 74 00:05:36,680 --> 00:05:38,600 No-one would have been the wiser. 75 00:05:40,400 --> 00:05:42,360 I did go into that room. 76 00:05:44,240 --> 00:05:46,760 I was there subjected to... 77 00:05:50,160 --> 00:05:51,680 ..acts of... 78 00:05:53,280 --> 00:05:56,000 ..such... 79 00:05:56,000 --> 00:05:57,720 abominable filth. 80 00:05:59,360 --> 00:06:03,240 To bestial obscenities. 81 00:06:04,920 --> 00:06:09,400 With him and his slaves of both sexes, 82 00:06:09,400 --> 00:06:15,040 that mere prostitution seems like a blessed state compared to... 83 00:06:17,000 --> 00:06:21,000 You must forget, Lollia, you must put it from your mind. 84 00:06:21,000 --> 00:06:24,440 You've saved your husband and your daughter, that's enough. 85 00:06:24,440 --> 00:06:27,800 No, Agrippina, that is not possible. 86 00:06:27,800 --> 00:06:33,600 If there had been just one part of me befouled by his lust I should have come home and cut it out. 87 00:06:35,120 --> 00:06:36,880 With this knife! 88 00:06:39,280 --> 00:06:41,920 I can't live with the memory of what he did to me. 89 00:06:43,560 --> 00:06:46,160 Nor can I get into my husband's bed again. 90 00:06:47,680 --> 00:06:49,800 Nor have his arms round me. 91 00:06:49,800 --> 00:06:55,120 Nor feel the love he's had for me all these years without... 92 00:06:55,120 --> 00:06:57,160 Without the memory of... 93 00:06:57,160 --> 00:06:59,840 that beast 94 00:06:59,920 --> 00:07:03,680 and his beast coming between us. 95 00:07:07,040 --> 00:07:09,080 If I... could... 96 00:07:09,080 --> 00:07:13,040 cut... 97 00:07:13,040 --> 00:07:14,280 from my mind... 98 00:07:21,440 --> 00:07:23,280 THUD 99 00:07:23,280 --> 00:07:25,280 Lollia! 100 00:07:29,480 --> 00:07:31,000 Lollia! 101 00:07:33,520 --> 00:07:35,560 LOUD CROWD NOISES 102 00:07:37,920 --> 00:07:43,800 Make way there! Move aside for the Emperor. Don't block the road! 103 00:07:44,200 --> 00:07:46,440 Make way there. Stand aside. 104 00:07:46,440 --> 00:07:48,160 Clear the road for the Emperor. 105 00:07:49,680 --> 00:07:51,200 Make way. 106 00:07:53,040 --> 00:07:56,360 Well, well, 107 00:07:56,360 --> 00:08:00,920 is it my son who greets his mother with such affection and eagerness? 108 00:08:00,920 --> 00:08:03,120 Good day, mother. In a hurry, are you? 109 00:08:03,120 --> 00:08:06,680 What is it, another treason trial? Who is it today? 110 00:08:06,680 --> 00:08:11,080 There will be no trials today, mother. Slipped up, have you? Run out of people to prosecute? 111 00:08:11,080 --> 00:08:15,920 Perhaps you'll have more time to spend with your mother. There is no need to shout, I'm not deaf. 112 00:08:15,920 --> 00:08:18,040 You've been deaf to me for years. 113 00:08:18,040 --> 00:08:23,080 Why did you refuse the ambassadors from Spain permission to erect a temple to me? 114 00:08:23,080 --> 00:08:27,920 I will not discuss such matters in the street. Good day, mother. Move on. Good day. 115 00:08:27,920 --> 00:08:29,880 It's my birthday next month. 116 00:08:29,880 --> 00:08:32,480 What are you going to buy me? 117 00:08:32,480 --> 00:08:35,120 I heard about Lollia - disgusting! 118 00:08:35,120 --> 00:08:38,200 Your brother Drusus was worth 10 of you! 119 00:08:38,200 --> 00:08:39,760 Thrasyllus! 120 00:08:39,760 --> 00:08:41,680 Where is that damned astrologer? 121 00:08:43,200 --> 00:08:46,760 Coming, Excellency, coming. I want you to cast my mother's horoscope. 122 00:08:46,760 --> 00:08:48,320 Your mother's... What for? 123 00:08:48,320 --> 00:08:51,760 I want to know how much longer I have to put up with her, that's what for. 124 00:08:51,760 --> 00:08:54,400 Do you know the exact time of her birth? Of course not. 125 00:08:54,400 --> 00:08:56,760 Then I can only do a rough calculation. 126 00:08:56,760 --> 00:08:59,320 Why don't you ask her? It's her birthday soon. 127 00:08:59,320 --> 00:09:03,360 You could tell her her son wants to make her a present of her horoscope. She'd like that. 128 00:09:03,360 --> 00:09:07,200 She's admired you ever since you prophesised she'd outlive her husband. 129 00:09:07,200 --> 00:09:10,760 That was obvious. I could see she had every intention of doing so. 130 00:09:10,760 --> 00:09:13,920 Still, I'll...go and ask her for an interview. 131 00:09:15,440 --> 00:09:17,560 What is she? Leo! 132 00:09:17,560 --> 00:09:22,000 That's helpful. There's a bad time coming up for Leos soon. 133 00:09:22,000 --> 00:09:24,240 I'll go and see her. 134 00:09:24,240 --> 00:09:27,000 Wish I'd stayed in Rhodes. 135 00:09:27,000 --> 00:09:29,600 I wish I'd never returned. 136 00:09:29,600 --> 00:09:31,400 Someone must govern. 137 00:09:32,920 --> 00:09:36,200 Rome is fortunate that she has you. 138 00:09:36,200 --> 00:09:38,480 Yes. 139 00:09:38,480 --> 00:09:41,560 And I am fortunate in you, Sejanus, you are my eyes and ears. 140 00:09:41,560 --> 00:09:45,600 If it wasn't for you to relieve me of some of my burdens... 141 00:09:45,600 --> 00:09:49,800 What have we here? Verbatim reports of conversations taken down by my agents. 142 00:09:49,800 --> 00:09:52,960 Some are merely vicious, others are treasonable. 143 00:09:52,960 --> 00:09:57,080 Doesn't anybody in the city ever say anything that isn't either vicious or treasonable? 144 00:09:57,080 --> 00:10:00,920 The last two years we've had more treason trials than the whole of the previous 10! 145 00:10:00,920 --> 00:10:03,360 There is one I think you should look at. 146 00:10:09,040 --> 00:10:11,320 Silius Caecina? Mm. 147 00:10:13,200 --> 00:10:16,080 Wasn't he the commander on the Upper Rhine? 148 00:10:16,080 --> 00:10:17,640 That's the point. 149 00:10:21,960 --> 00:10:27,600 "Had it not been for the way I handled my four regiments, they would have mutinied, too." 150 00:10:27,600 --> 00:10:30,880 He said that? At a dinner party. What did he mean by it? 151 00:10:30,880 --> 00:10:38,000 What he went on to say - that if his regiments had joined the mutiny, Tiberius would not be Emperor now. 152 00:10:38,000 --> 00:10:41,600 He implies, of course, that you owe your position to him. 153 00:10:41,600 --> 00:10:44,560 Well, he'd have too much wine. 154 00:10:44,560 --> 00:10:48,720 These old soldiers like to fight over all their old battles after dinner. 155 00:10:48,720 --> 00:10:51,880 I think there may be more to it than that. 156 00:10:51,880 --> 00:10:54,600 But perhaps it's not important. What do you mean? 157 00:10:54,600 --> 00:10:58,640 He went on to say, as you'd have seen lower down, that the regiments that did mutiny 158 00:10:58,640 --> 00:11:01,160 were the ones that were under your command. 159 00:11:01,160 --> 00:11:06,640 But he probably only said it because Agrippina was there, an after-dinner compliment to her late husband 160 00:11:06,640 --> 00:11:08,840 whose regiments of course remained loyal. 161 00:11:08,840 --> 00:11:10,680 Agrippina was at the dinner? 162 00:11:10,680 --> 00:11:12,280 Uh-huh. Agrippina? 163 00:11:12,280 --> 00:11:15,680 The noble Gaius Caligula to see the Emperor. What do you want? 164 00:11:15,680 --> 00:11:17,200 Can't you see that I'm busy? 165 00:11:19,400 --> 00:11:21,320 I have brought you a present. 166 00:11:21,320 --> 00:11:24,520 Present? What sort of a present? 167 00:11:24,520 --> 00:11:26,880 It took me a year to find it. 168 00:11:26,880 --> 00:11:32,400 When I heard about it, I said, "That is for my great uncle Tiberius." 169 00:11:34,120 --> 00:11:35,960 Happy anniversary. 170 00:11:35,960 --> 00:11:40,760 What of? What difference does it make? Can't you think of something? 171 00:11:46,320 --> 00:11:48,040 That's nothing. 172 00:11:48,040 --> 00:11:50,000 Wait till you see the others. 173 00:11:51,600 --> 00:11:53,800 Where did you get this? 174 00:11:53,800 --> 00:11:56,520 Elephantis. A merchant I know who travels 175 00:11:56,520 --> 00:12:00,560 between Egypt and Rome told me about it and I asked him to get it for me. 176 00:12:00,560 --> 00:12:03,040 It cost quite a lot. 177 00:12:03,040 --> 00:12:07,200 To tell the truth, it cost so much I had to borrow part of it from uncle Claudius! 178 00:12:08,720 --> 00:12:10,640 It's 200 years old. 179 00:12:13,560 --> 00:12:16,480 It was very thoughtful of you. 180 00:12:16,480 --> 00:12:19,520 I knew you'd like it. 181 00:12:19,520 --> 00:12:22,520 In fact, I'd like to borrow it myself some time. 182 00:12:22,520 --> 00:12:24,680 I mean, when you're not using it. 183 00:12:28,120 --> 00:12:30,600 I would like you to examine the evidence to see if there's 184 00:12:30,600 --> 00:12:33,880 a case for impeaching Silius Caecina in the Senate. 185 00:12:33,880 --> 00:12:35,920 On a charge of treason? Yes. 186 00:12:35,920 --> 00:12:38,680 For insulting references towards the Emperor? 187 00:12:40,560 --> 00:12:42,160 Why not? 188 00:12:42,160 --> 00:12:47,840 Well, I agree, why not, but blasphemies against Augustus have been held to be treason, but against 189 00:12:47,840 --> 00:12:50,640 Tiberius, there's no precedent for it. 190 00:12:50,640 --> 00:12:54,360 The emperor's noble son Tiberius Drusus Caesar. 191 00:12:54,360 --> 00:12:57,120 Castor, how nice to see you. Welcome back. 192 00:12:57,120 --> 00:13:00,000 I'm Castor to my friends, Sejanus. 193 00:13:00,000 --> 00:13:04,080 I had hoped you'd count me among your friends. Perhaps you will one day. 194 00:13:04,080 --> 00:13:05,800 That seems to me unlikely. 195 00:13:05,800 --> 00:13:07,640 Your father doesn't wish to be disturbed. 196 00:13:10,320 --> 00:13:14,960 Announce me, you filthy German pig, or I'll have you flogged and sent 197 00:13:14,960 --> 00:13:17,360 back to the mud huts from which you came! 198 00:13:31,400 --> 00:13:36,000 Never mind precedent, I want Silius Caecina impeached on a charge of treason. 199 00:13:36,000 --> 00:13:42,160 He has a great war record and he has powerful friends, the Lady Agrippina, for one. 200 00:13:42,160 --> 00:13:44,000 Would you prefer if I found someone else to prosecute him? No, no... 201 00:13:44,000 --> 00:13:45,520 Then you will take the case. 202 00:13:45,520 --> 00:13:49,560 Of course. I was to some extent just clearing my mind. 203 00:13:49,560 --> 00:13:51,720 Germanicus was never your enemy! 204 00:13:51,720 --> 00:13:53,640 I tell you, he was my enemy. 205 00:13:53,640 --> 00:13:55,640 I know what his ambitions were. 206 00:13:55,640 --> 00:14:01,480 I have the proof here in the files, and I know how his widow conspires against me now. 207 00:14:01,480 --> 00:14:03,120 Proof, from Sejanus? 208 00:14:03,120 --> 00:14:05,400 Yes, from Sejanus. 209 00:14:05,400 --> 00:14:09,400 And he at least, unlike my son, keeps me informed of what goes on in this city. 210 00:14:09,400 --> 00:14:11,560 Oh, Father, open your eyes! 211 00:14:11,560 --> 00:14:13,640 The man is using you. 212 00:14:13,640 --> 00:14:18,200 You know nothing he doesn't want you to know and you see no one he doesn't want you to see. 213 00:14:18,200 --> 00:14:20,520 He is the partner of my labours. 214 00:14:20,520 --> 00:14:24,760 Yes, and soon he'll be your colleague, but even that won't be enough for him. 215 00:14:24,760 --> 00:14:29,160 That man has an appetite for power unknown to you and me. 216 00:14:29,160 --> 00:14:31,440 Envy. Envy! 217 00:14:31,440 --> 00:14:36,640 You envy him because for years he worked while you and that Judean friend of yours, 218 00:14:36,640 --> 00:14:42,000 Herod, spent your days and nights whoring around the city, he worked to relieve me of some of my labour. 219 00:14:42,000 --> 00:14:46,160 That's true, but if you think he's working for you, you're mistaken. 220 00:14:46,160 --> 00:14:50,200 He is working for himself, and how hard he works! Have you finished? 221 00:14:50,200 --> 00:14:52,120 No, I have not finished! 222 00:14:52,120 --> 00:14:57,920 His statue is now to be seen in Pompey theatre and replicas of it are to be found all over Rome. 223 00:14:57,920 --> 00:15:02,960 He's built a network of spies that have spread like an infection through the city. 224 00:15:02,960 --> 00:15:04,680 Don't you see? 225 00:15:04,680 --> 00:15:09,040 He's building a prison here, stone by stone, and one day when you're gone, 226 00:15:09,040 --> 00:15:13,000 we'll all wake up and find the doors locked and the bolts down. 227 00:15:13,000 --> 00:15:17,520 Did you have a report to make on the coastal defences? 228 00:15:17,520 --> 00:15:19,640 Yes. Well then... 229 00:15:19,640 --> 00:15:21,160 Make it! 230 00:15:28,920 --> 00:15:33,920 'He's interested in nothing nowadays except treason trials and pornographic books.' 231 00:15:33,920 --> 00:15:37,000 He had one with him. I think Caligula had bought it for him. 232 00:15:37,000 --> 00:15:40,840 They seem to get on well, those two. Yes, that young man gives me the shudders. 233 00:15:40,840 --> 00:15:44,120 How Germanicus and Agrippina could have produced him, I don't know. 234 00:15:44,120 --> 00:15:49,480 Did you quarrel with your father? We had an argument over Sejanus. 235 00:15:49,480 --> 00:15:53,200 He's blind to that man's ambition. Don't you think you're exaggerating? 236 00:15:53,200 --> 00:15:55,680 No. What can he aspire to? 237 00:15:55,680 --> 00:15:57,440 A commander of the guard? 238 00:15:57,440 --> 00:16:02,040 I sometimes think he aspires to sit where my father sits. 239 00:16:02,040 --> 00:16:05,160 He doesn't realise how much he's grown to depend on him. 240 00:16:05,160 --> 00:16:07,480 He seeks his advice on everything. 241 00:16:10,000 --> 00:16:14,800 Why don't you go to sleep? I don't know why I'm so tired. 242 00:16:14,800 --> 00:16:16,440 You've had a long journey. 243 00:16:20,240 --> 00:16:22,720 I came to say goodnight, Father. 244 00:16:22,720 --> 00:16:25,200 Goodnight. 245 00:16:25,200 --> 00:16:29,920 I'm glad you're back. I'm sorry I was so tired. I really can't keep awake. 246 00:16:29,920 --> 00:16:31,800 You'll feel better in the morning. 247 00:16:31,800 --> 00:16:34,040 Goodnight, Mother. Goodnight, Helen. 248 00:16:35,560 --> 00:16:37,400 She's becoming very beautiful. 249 00:16:37,400 --> 00:16:38,920 Yes. 250 00:16:38,920 --> 00:16:42,240 Her skin's not all that it should be, though. 251 00:16:42,240 --> 00:16:46,000 You, too, are looking beautiful. Thank you. 252 00:16:46,000 --> 00:16:47,560 Why don't you stay? 253 00:16:47,560 --> 00:16:50,800 Not tonight. You're tired. 254 00:16:50,800 --> 00:16:52,880 You'll sleep better alone. 255 00:16:52,880 --> 00:16:55,520 Yes, you're right. 256 00:16:55,520 --> 00:16:57,440 I really can't keep my eyes open. 257 00:17:01,280 --> 00:17:03,000 'Is he asleep?' 258 00:17:03,000 --> 00:17:04,520 Yes. Is the fast asleep? Yes. 259 00:17:12,680 --> 00:17:14,680 Quick! 260 00:17:14,680 --> 00:17:16,400 No, wait. 261 00:17:16,400 --> 00:17:18,760 Why are you in such a hurry? 262 00:17:18,760 --> 00:17:20,800 It's much better if you were... 263 00:17:23,400 --> 00:17:25,120 Did you do as I say? Yes. 264 00:17:25,120 --> 00:17:28,680 You put it in his wine? Yes, it worked. He'll sleep until morning. 265 00:17:37,960 --> 00:17:39,480 I thought you'd never get here. 266 00:17:51,360 --> 00:17:54,000 What are we going to do? Do? 267 00:17:54,000 --> 00:17:56,520 We're going to make love... 268 00:17:56,520 --> 00:17:58,560 For the last time. 269 00:17:58,560 --> 00:18:00,200 Last time? Mm. 270 00:18:01,800 --> 00:18:06,840 No! I couldn't bear it. I couldn't bear it if you go away again. 271 00:18:06,840 --> 00:18:10,440 It's too much of a risk. If we go on like this we're bound to be discovered. 272 00:18:10,440 --> 00:18:12,320 It's too dangerous. Be sensible. 273 00:18:12,320 --> 00:18:14,600 How can you be sensible? 274 00:18:14,600 --> 00:18:17,080 I don't think you love me, not really. 275 00:18:18,680 --> 00:18:24,160 I love you too much to risk exposing you to a charge of adultery. 276 00:18:24,160 --> 00:18:26,560 Don't tempt me, my darling. 277 00:18:26,560 --> 00:18:28,080 Help me. 278 00:18:31,640 --> 00:18:33,920 We could still meet. How? 279 00:18:33,920 --> 00:18:36,720 I could do what I did tonight. Drug his wine? 280 00:18:36,720 --> 00:18:40,200 He'll begin to grow suspicious if he falls asleep every night. 281 00:18:40,200 --> 00:18:42,720 Besides, his body will grow accustomed to it. 282 00:18:42,720 --> 00:18:47,520 It'll gradually cease to have an effect. And then, my darling, 283 00:18:47,520 --> 00:18:50,800 one night, in your eagerness to see him sleep, 284 00:18:50,800 --> 00:18:52,320 you might kill him. 285 00:19:05,200 --> 00:19:07,960 Would a large dose really kill him? 286 00:19:07,960 --> 00:19:11,440 What are you saying? I can't live without you. 287 00:19:11,440 --> 00:19:14,040 I can't. 288 00:19:15,280 --> 00:19:18,560 I can't. I'd die if you didn't come into my bed every night. 289 00:19:21,200 --> 00:19:26,240 Such a little step to take from making him sleep at night to making him sleep forever. 290 00:19:26,240 --> 00:19:30,600 You'll need something stronger. Something that's used in small doses will never be detected. 291 00:19:30,600 --> 00:19:32,480 Get it for me. Are you sure? Yes! 292 00:19:32,480 --> 00:19:36,000 Yes! Are you? If you are. 293 00:19:36,000 --> 00:19:39,040 And afterwards? I'll divorce my wife and we'll get married. 294 00:19:40,000 --> 00:19:42,560 And then I'll have you all to myself. 295 00:19:45,040 --> 00:19:48,080 No lovers for you then. 296 00:19:48,080 --> 00:19:49,880 You'll have to behave. 297 00:19:51,960 --> 00:19:53,600 And if I don't? 298 00:19:53,600 --> 00:19:56,480 If you don't? 299 00:19:56,480 --> 00:19:59,680 I'll lock you in a room without any clothes. 300 00:19:59,680 --> 00:20:03,400 And I'll visit you three or four times a day. 301 00:20:03,400 --> 00:20:05,680 Perhaps you'll be too tired. 302 00:20:05,680 --> 00:20:08,080 Perhaps you'll only manage once. 303 00:20:08,080 --> 00:20:11,200 Then I'll send my guard to stand in for me. 304 00:20:11,200 --> 00:20:14,320 Would you really? Yes. 305 00:20:14,320 --> 00:20:16,000 How many? 306 00:20:16,000 --> 00:20:18,840 Three or four. 307 00:20:18,840 --> 00:20:21,280 I might not let them. 308 00:20:21,280 --> 00:20:23,520 You'd be forced. 309 00:20:23,520 --> 00:20:26,480 Against my will? Yes. 310 00:20:26,480 --> 00:20:29,000 While you were there? Yes. 311 00:20:30,680 --> 00:20:33,520 I'd struggle and scream. 312 00:20:33,520 --> 00:20:35,040 But no use. 313 00:20:36,960 --> 00:20:38,000 You'd like that... 314 00:20:40,600 --> 00:20:42,080 ..wouldn't you? 315 00:20:57,560 --> 00:20:59,080 Claudius! 316 00:21:05,320 --> 00:21:08,040 Castor! What's your hurry? 317 00:21:09,560 --> 00:21:12,520 Look at this. It came this morning. 318 00:21:12,520 --> 00:21:16,560 Lady Livia Augusta expects her dear grandson Tiberius Claudius Drusus 319 00:21:16,560 --> 00:21:20,880 to dine with her on the occasion of her birthday. She hopes he's in good health. 320 00:21:20,880 --> 00:21:23,600 What could it mean? What it says, I imagine. 321 00:21:23,600 --> 00:21:25,600 I'd take your own wine, if I were you. 322 00:21:25,600 --> 00:21:28,000 Don't joke, Herod, I'm very nervous. 323 00:21:28,000 --> 00:21:29,800 She never invites me. 324 00:21:29,800 --> 00:21:32,040 We haven't even spoken for seven years. 325 00:21:32,040 --> 00:21:35,880 The last time she spoke to me was when Caligula burned the house down. 326 00:21:35,880 --> 00:21:39,000 Then all she said was, "If you haven't got a bucket, 327 00:21:39,000 --> 00:21:41,120 "piss on it." I remember. 328 00:21:41,120 --> 00:21:44,080 Your family are all lunatics. You know that, don't you? 329 00:21:44,080 --> 00:21:47,280 In that case, why don't you go back to your own family in Judea? 330 00:21:47,280 --> 00:21:50,160 Because I prefer the lunatics I know to the ones I don't. 331 00:21:50,160 --> 00:21:53,520 Where are you off to now? I must get a present for grandmother. 332 00:21:55,760 --> 00:21:58,440 Well, what about one of these? 333 00:21:59,960 --> 00:22:02,560 I know that face. Who is it? 334 00:22:02,560 --> 00:22:05,600 He knows that face! Wonderful! 335 00:22:05,600 --> 00:22:10,640 Claudius, people know that face better than they know their own. Is it Sejanus? 336 00:22:10,640 --> 00:22:14,640 It's a replica of the head of the statue they've erected to him at Pompey theatre. 337 00:22:14,640 --> 00:22:18,280 Everyone's buying them. Everybody had better buy them. 338 00:22:18,280 --> 00:22:20,400 Here, have one. 339 00:22:20,400 --> 00:22:23,120 No, thanks, I've got nowhere to put it. 340 00:22:23,120 --> 00:22:24,640 Don't be obvious, Herod. 341 00:22:24,640 --> 00:22:27,960 You're very tedious when you're obvious. I must go. 342 00:22:27,960 --> 00:22:29,840 Castor, you're not looking well. 343 00:22:29,840 --> 00:22:32,600 I don't feel well. I've not been well since I returned. 344 00:22:32,600 --> 00:22:38,600 How's my sister? I invited her to a public reading of my work while you were away but she never came. 345 00:22:38,600 --> 00:22:42,200 Livilla's tastes have never been literary. You never came either! 346 00:22:42,200 --> 00:22:44,640 That's because mine always were. 347 00:22:44,640 --> 00:22:47,920 Herod, you're talented but dull. 348 00:22:47,920 --> 00:22:50,480 I must go. 349 00:22:50,480 --> 00:22:53,880 What a dear, divine fool my cousin is. 350 00:22:53,880 --> 00:22:59,200 How nervous everyone makes him. If I'd been asked to dinner with your grandmother, I'd be nervous, too! 351 00:22:59,200 --> 00:23:01,760 He's right, you really don't look well. 352 00:23:01,760 --> 00:23:03,840 Oh, it'll pass. 353 00:23:03,840 --> 00:23:05,520 You worry so much. 354 00:23:17,240 --> 00:23:18,760 Halt! 355 00:23:20,760 --> 00:23:23,160 Silius Caecina? 356 00:23:23,160 --> 00:23:24,800 What's this? 357 00:23:24,800 --> 00:23:27,200 I'm to be arrested, it seems. 358 00:23:27,200 --> 00:23:31,760 By whose order? By order of the state senate. 359 00:23:31,760 --> 00:23:33,360 On what grounds? 360 00:23:33,360 --> 00:23:35,080 On the grounds of treason. 361 00:23:35,080 --> 00:23:38,480 Gaius Silius Caecina is to be impeached before the senate. 362 00:23:38,480 --> 00:23:43,400 It seems I have made some defamatory remarks about your father. 363 00:23:43,400 --> 00:23:45,360 I don't recall them. 364 00:23:46,880 --> 00:23:49,640 This must be some sort of joke, Varro. 365 00:23:49,640 --> 00:23:52,840 You'll be laughed out of the house. 366 00:23:52,840 --> 00:23:56,000 I don't think so. 367 00:23:56,000 --> 00:23:58,520 Please stand aside, sir. 368 00:23:58,520 --> 00:24:05,080 I'm on state business and may not be interfered with, even by the emperor's son. 369 00:24:09,720 --> 00:24:11,240 Forward! 370 00:24:23,120 --> 00:24:25,640 Oh divine Augustus, 371 00:24:25,640 --> 00:24:28,720 take these offerings, I beg, poor as they are, and help me, 372 00:24:28,720 --> 00:24:32,040 your unworthy successor, to rule wisely in your place. 373 00:24:32,040 --> 00:24:36,000 Help me too, oh my father, divine ruler of the world, 374 00:24:36,000 --> 00:24:39,440 to calm the raging spirit inside me 375 00:24:39,440 --> 00:24:42,840 and lighten the dark shadows in my soul. 376 00:24:42,840 --> 00:24:44,920 And bring me peace... 377 00:24:46,000 --> 00:24:46,720 peace. 378 00:24:46,720 --> 00:24:49,280 Hypocrite. 379 00:24:49,280 --> 00:24:52,160 Hypocrite. 380 00:24:52,160 --> 00:24:56,720 You sacrifice to Augustus but you persecute his grandchildren. 381 00:24:56,720 --> 00:25:01,080 Grandchildren of Augustus do I persecute that he himself did not persecute? 382 00:25:01,080 --> 00:25:04,800 I am not talking of my brother Postumus, I'm talking of me. 383 00:25:04,800 --> 00:25:06,840 Of me! 384 00:25:06,840 --> 00:25:11,240 All my friends, one by one, you either banish or you charge 385 00:25:11,240 --> 00:25:15,280 them with treason, and their only crime is friendship for me. 386 00:25:15,280 --> 00:25:18,440 Even Lollia, whom you could find nothing against you, 387 00:25:18,440 --> 00:25:21,600 degraded and humiliated till she took her own life. 388 00:25:21,600 --> 00:25:24,200 Now you've arrested Silius Caecina. 389 00:25:24,200 --> 00:25:26,560 If you are not Queen, have I done you wrong? 390 00:25:26,560 --> 00:25:31,160 Oh, why do you persist in this childish belief that I want to be Queen? 391 00:25:31,160 --> 00:25:36,080 Is it because you need to find reasons for the way you treat me? And how do I treat you? 392 00:25:36,080 --> 00:25:39,280 You persecute me! 393 00:25:39,280 --> 00:25:43,360 I will not be screamed at even by the granddaughter of Augustus. 394 00:25:43,360 --> 00:25:48,160 Silius Caecina is charged with treasonable utterances. Utterances? 395 00:25:48,160 --> 00:25:51,800 What brings the emperorship into disrepute... 396 00:25:51,800 --> 00:25:55,160 undermines the foundations of the state! 397 00:25:58,320 --> 00:26:00,960 Tiberius... 398 00:26:00,960 --> 00:26:06,720 perhaps I do you wrong in thinking you persecute me because of my friends. 399 00:26:06,720 --> 00:26:10,440 But you too do me wrong in thinking me ambitious. 400 00:26:12,800 --> 00:26:15,400 I'm tired. 401 00:26:15,400 --> 00:26:20,640 Since Germanicus died, I've hardly known what to do with myself. 402 00:26:20,640 --> 00:26:25,120 All I want is to be left alone. 403 00:26:25,120 --> 00:26:26,840 And... 404 00:26:26,840 --> 00:26:28,440 And? 405 00:26:29,960 --> 00:26:32,720 Be good to my children. 406 00:26:32,720 --> 00:26:34,280 Have I not been good to them? 407 00:26:34,280 --> 00:26:36,520 Oh, to Caligula perhaps. 408 00:26:36,520 --> 00:26:41,280 But to Nero and Drusus you're cold and never enquire after them. 409 00:26:41,280 --> 00:26:46,560 Oh Tiberius, let's not fight one another all the time. 410 00:26:48,080 --> 00:26:50,080 As for your children, 411 00:26:50,080 --> 00:26:52,920 they are guiltless of any crime. 412 00:26:52,920 --> 00:26:54,920 I will look upon them as friends. 413 00:26:57,360 --> 00:26:59,720 As for you, 414 00:26:59,720 --> 00:27:03,960 I will never forget what you made me do to Piso. 415 00:27:14,080 --> 00:27:18,560 Tiberius Claudius Drusus Nero Germanicus. 416 00:27:18,560 --> 00:27:22,240 Happy b-b-birthday, grandmother. 417 00:27:24,040 --> 00:27:26,400 Oh, is that for me? 418 00:27:26,400 --> 00:27:30,040 Yes. It's a...vase. 419 00:27:30,040 --> 00:27:32,840 From India. How very pretty. 420 00:27:32,840 --> 00:27:35,120 And from such a distant place. 421 00:27:35,120 --> 00:27:37,160 It's a pity we never got that far. 422 00:27:37,160 --> 00:27:39,880 So many fine things we could have picked up cheap. 423 00:27:39,880 --> 00:27:41,920 Sit down, my dear, and eat something. 424 00:27:41,920 --> 00:27:43,600 C-C-Caligula... 425 00:27:43,600 --> 00:27:45,120 Uncle. 426 00:27:52,720 --> 00:27:55,200 T-T-To you, grandmother. 427 00:28:26,320 --> 00:28:31,280 Staking everything on one throw, uncle Claudius? Hold your tongue. 428 00:28:31,280 --> 00:28:37,120 It was a very polite gesture of confidence in me and was much appreciated. 429 00:28:37,120 --> 00:28:41,240 Have you had lots of lovely presents, grandmother? Several, my dear. 430 00:28:41,240 --> 00:28:45,600 And Thrasyllus has drawn me the most detailed horoscope for my birthday. 431 00:28:45,600 --> 00:28:47,760 Such work has gone into it, amazing. 432 00:28:47,760 --> 00:28:50,280 A horoscope full of incident and prophecy. 433 00:28:50,280 --> 00:28:53,440 I was amazed at it myself. It was a present from Tiberius. 434 00:28:53,440 --> 00:28:58,000 Wasn't that nice? Of course, what he really wants to know is how much longer I'm going to live. 435 00:28:58,000 --> 00:28:59,800 Are you sure...? Oh, shut up. 436 00:28:59,800 --> 00:29:02,880 It's a foolish mother who doesn't know her own son. 437 00:29:02,880 --> 00:29:04,800 And d-d-did he find out? Oh yes. 438 00:29:04,800 --> 00:29:07,360 Yes. I shall die soon. 439 00:29:07,360 --> 00:29:09,080 Next year sometime. 440 00:29:09,080 --> 00:29:10,800 My son will be relieved. 441 00:29:10,800 --> 00:29:15,480 I shall tell him nothing. It would be an unforgivable breach of professional ethics. 442 00:29:15,480 --> 00:29:19,360 You're a liar. Like all good astrologers, you're a liar. 443 00:29:19,360 --> 00:29:21,640 You can go now. 444 00:29:21,640 --> 00:29:26,320 They tell the truth about the future but they lie their way out of the present. 445 00:29:26,320 --> 00:29:28,960 Lady, let me reassure you, I could be wrong. 446 00:29:28,960 --> 00:29:32,400 If your mother was mistaken over the exact time of your birth 447 00:29:32,400 --> 00:29:36,840 by so much as a fraction, it could mean another 10 years of life. 448 00:29:36,840 --> 00:29:39,240 You see? He can't resist it. 449 00:29:39,240 --> 00:29:42,360 They're all so insecure, these astrologers. 450 00:29:42,360 --> 00:29:47,200 They all so want to be loved. Go away Thrasyllus, you'll get no love here. 451 00:29:47,200 --> 00:29:49,600 What are you grinning at, monster? 452 00:29:49,600 --> 00:29:52,120 You are a monster, aren't you? 453 00:29:52,120 --> 00:29:56,920 Whatever you say, great-grandmother. Did you know your nephew was a monster, Claudius? 454 00:29:56,920 --> 00:29:59,280 Is he old enough to have acquired that title? 455 00:29:59,280 --> 00:30:02,080 Oh, he started very young. 456 00:30:02,080 --> 00:30:04,680 Didn't you, monster? 457 00:30:04,680 --> 00:30:12,600 I searched his room one day and I found a little green talisman that told me a very remarkable story. 458 00:30:12,600 --> 00:30:17,240 Or rather confirmed one I'd heard from another quarter. Green talisman? 459 00:30:17,240 --> 00:30:19,360 Like my brother wore? 460 00:30:19,360 --> 00:30:22,080 The one your brother wore. 461 00:30:22,080 --> 00:30:26,680 Do you think it's safe that uncle Claudius should be told my secret? 462 00:30:26,680 --> 00:30:29,000 Or are you going to poison him? 463 00:30:29,000 --> 00:30:30,840 Oh, he's quite safe. 464 00:30:30,840 --> 00:30:36,760 And remember this, monster - your uncle Claudius here is a phenomenon. 465 00:30:36,760 --> 00:30:43,040 He's so old-fashioned that because he's sworn to protect his brother's children, he will never harm you. 466 00:30:43,040 --> 00:30:44,680 And remember this too. 467 00:30:44,680 --> 00:30:50,440 Thrasyllus has prophesied that he will avenge your death, so you cannot harm him. 468 00:30:50,440 --> 00:30:53,040 I didn't think much of that prophecy. 469 00:30:53,040 --> 00:30:56,040 Never mind what you thought about it, just remember it. 470 00:30:56,040 --> 00:30:57,880 Now, you may kiss me and go. 471 00:30:57,880 --> 00:31:00,040 I want to talk to Claudius in private. 472 00:31:27,040 --> 00:31:28,880 Goodnight, great-grandmother. 473 00:31:32,840 --> 00:31:35,320 Goodnight, uncle. 474 00:31:35,320 --> 00:31:40,000 My body fascinates him because it's so old. 475 00:31:40,000 --> 00:31:42,440 You'd think it would repel him, wouldn't you? 476 00:31:42,440 --> 00:31:45,920 Why do you allow him such f-f-familiarity? 477 00:31:45,920 --> 00:31:48,000 Because it pleases me. 478 00:31:49,520 --> 00:31:51,560 And because he will be the next emperor. 479 00:31:53,720 --> 00:31:55,880 You don't believe me, do you? 480 00:31:57,840 --> 00:32:01,240 If... if you say so, grandmother. 481 00:32:01,240 --> 00:32:05,360 You know I don't concern myself with high politics. 482 00:32:05,360 --> 00:32:06,960 But still, what about Castor? 483 00:32:06,960 --> 00:32:09,280 And Caligula has two older brothers. 484 00:32:09,280 --> 00:32:11,840 Castor is ill and Thrasyllus says he won't recover. 485 00:32:11,840 --> 00:32:17,280 He also says that Tiberius will choose Caligula to succeed him. 486 00:32:17,280 --> 00:32:19,040 Why? 487 00:32:19,040 --> 00:32:20,680 Vanity. 488 00:32:20,680 --> 00:32:26,720 Tiberius wants to be loved, at least after his death, if not before. 489 00:32:26,720 --> 00:32:28,960 And the best way to ensure that... 490 00:32:28,960 --> 00:32:32,120 Is to have someone worse to follow him, naturally. 491 00:32:32,120 --> 00:32:34,000 He's certainly no fool. 492 00:32:34,000 --> 00:32:36,400 He's the biggest fool in my family. 493 00:32:36,400 --> 00:32:39,520 I always thought that that was you. 494 00:32:39,520 --> 00:32:42,800 But I think now I was wrong. 495 00:32:46,760 --> 00:32:52,080 Grandmother, after all these years, you didn't invite me to dinner just to tell me this. 496 00:32:52,080 --> 00:32:55,120 Wine has made you bold, hasn't it? You said you'd kept in with Caligula 497 00:32:55,120 --> 00:32:57,520 because he was to be the next emperor. 498 00:32:57,520 --> 00:33:02,720 Lost your stutter too, I see. But if by then you're dead, what difference can it make to you? 499 00:33:02,720 --> 00:33:05,920 Oh, it makes a lot of difference. 500 00:33:08,120 --> 00:33:10,880 And that's really why you're here. 501 00:33:13,560 --> 00:33:15,960 I want to be a goddess, Claudius. 502 00:33:18,360 --> 00:33:22,680 Thrasyllus says he's sure I will be, which means he's not sure at all. 503 00:33:22,680 --> 00:33:24,560 He just thinks I will. 504 00:33:24,560 --> 00:33:27,000 Why are you so anxious to become a goddess? 505 00:33:27,000 --> 00:33:29,000 Oh, don't you understand? 506 00:33:30,520 --> 00:33:35,560 Claudius, do you believe that the souls of great criminals suffer eternal torment? Certainly. 507 00:33:35,560 --> 00:33:40,600 But the immortal gods, whatever crimes they've committed, are free from any fear of punishment? 508 00:33:40,600 --> 00:33:46,680 Of course. Jove deposed his father, killed one of his grandsons and incestuously married his own sister. 509 00:33:46,680 --> 00:33:48,480 He's the greatest god of all. 510 00:33:50,480 --> 00:33:55,600 I've done many terrible things, Claudius. 511 00:33:55,600 --> 00:33:57,880 Well, no ruler could do otherwise. 512 00:33:57,880 --> 00:34:02,840 But I've always put the good of the empire above all else. 513 00:34:02,840 --> 00:34:05,560 Who saved Rome from civil war again? 514 00:34:05,560 --> 00:34:13,560 I did. Augustus would have plunged us into it time and again with his ridiculous favouritism. 515 00:34:13,560 --> 00:34:16,560 He set Agrippa against Marcellus. 516 00:34:16,560 --> 00:34:19,920 Gaius against Tiberius. Tiberius against Postumus. 517 00:34:19,920 --> 00:34:22,600 There was no end to his follies. 518 00:34:22,600 --> 00:34:25,680 And it fell to me to... 519 00:34:25,680 --> 00:34:27,880 remove them, 520 00:34:27,880 --> 00:34:30,520 one by one. 521 00:34:30,520 --> 00:34:33,320 Don't say you never suspected. 522 00:34:33,320 --> 00:34:36,480 That's why I tolerate Caligula. 523 00:34:36,480 --> 00:34:40,840 He's sworn that if I keep his secret, 524 00:34:40,840 --> 00:34:46,000 he'll make me a goddess as soon as he becomes emperor. 525 00:34:46,000 --> 00:34:51,560 Now you two must swear that you'll do everything you can to see that it happens. 526 00:34:51,560 --> 00:34:53,520 Don't you see? 527 00:34:53,520 --> 00:34:57,320 If he doesn't make me a goddess I will be in hell. 528 00:34:57,320 --> 00:35:03,000 Hell. Suffering torments day and night, year after year 529 00:35:03,000 --> 00:35:04,960 after year. 530 00:35:04,960 --> 00:35:08,600 G-G-Grandmother... please, don't distress yourself. 531 00:35:08,600 --> 00:35:12,040 Of course I'll do what I can. 532 00:35:12,040 --> 00:35:14,160 On one small condition. 533 00:35:14,160 --> 00:35:17,000 There's so much I want to know. 534 00:35:17,000 --> 00:35:20,680 I'm an historian and I want to know the truth. 535 00:35:20,680 --> 00:35:27,640 When people die, so much dies with them. And all that's left is just pieces of paper. They're lies. 536 00:35:27,640 --> 00:35:29,600 Lies, lies! 537 00:35:29,600 --> 00:35:33,200 He wants to know the truth and he calls it a small condition! 538 00:35:35,400 --> 00:35:37,840 Grandmother, who killed Marcellus? 539 00:35:41,920 --> 00:35:43,440 I did. 540 00:35:44,960 --> 00:35:49,600 The empire needed Agrippa more than it needed Marcellus. 541 00:35:51,200 --> 00:35:54,200 And then I poisoned Agrippa later, 542 00:35:54,200 --> 00:35:58,480 because I knew that his wife was in love with Tiberius. 543 00:35:58,480 --> 00:36:02,480 And if Tiberius married her, Augustus would make him emperor. 544 00:36:02,480 --> 00:36:05,320 My son botched that up, of course. 545 00:36:05,320 --> 00:36:08,520 And Julia's sons, by Agrippa, 546 00:36:08,520 --> 00:36:11,360 how did they die? 547 00:36:11,360 --> 00:36:15,400 Gaius I had poisoned when he was in Syria. 548 00:36:17,480 --> 00:36:19,320 You have a long reach! 549 00:36:19,320 --> 00:36:21,640 The Empire is very large, I need one. 550 00:36:23,160 --> 00:36:28,640 Lucius was drowned in a boating accident arranged by his friend Plautius. 551 00:36:31,040 --> 00:36:32,680 And Postumus? 552 00:36:34,200 --> 00:36:36,440 You were very fond of him, weren't you? 553 00:36:36,440 --> 00:36:39,480 Yes, I was. He was useless. 554 00:36:39,480 --> 00:36:43,120 I had to get rid of Postumus, he was a threat to Tiberius. 555 00:36:43,120 --> 00:36:46,160 Besides, he knew I'd had his mother banished. 556 00:36:49,120 --> 00:36:56,560 What about my father, who was your son, and Germanicus, who was my dear brother? Did you poison them? 557 00:36:56,560 --> 00:36:58,680 No. 558 00:36:58,680 --> 00:37:01,880 Your father died of his wound, 559 00:37:01,880 --> 00:37:06,640 and Plancina poisoned Germanicus without instructions from me. 560 00:37:08,160 --> 00:37:11,800 But I had marked them both down for death. 561 00:37:11,800 --> 00:37:13,680 Why? 562 00:37:13,680 --> 00:37:20,040 They were both infected with that infantile disorder known as republicanism. 563 00:37:20,040 --> 00:37:21,680 So was I. 564 00:37:21,680 --> 00:37:27,240 Yes, but you didn't count. If I ever had the opportunity, 565 00:37:27,240 --> 00:37:29,080 do you know the first thing I'd do? 566 00:37:29,080 --> 00:37:32,240 It would be to restore the Republic. 567 00:37:32,240 --> 00:37:34,400 Then you are a fool after all. 568 00:37:36,960 --> 00:37:39,720 What about Augustus? 569 00:37:39,720 --> 00:37:41,720 Did you poison him? 570 00:37:46,320 --> 00:37:47,840 Yes. 571 00:37:49,880 --> 00:37:51,840 Yes, I did. 572 00:37:53,240 --> 00:37:58,400 I smeared the poison on the figs while they were still on the tree. 573 00:37:58,400 --> 00:38:00,280 I had no choice. 574 00:38:00,280 --> 00:38:03,480 He would only eat them if he picked them himself. 575 00:38:05,160 --> 00:38:07,520 It took me all night to do it. 576 00:38:07,520 --> 00:38:10,920 How could you have done that, grandmother? 577 00:38:10,920 --> 00:38:14,040 You lived with him for so long. 578 00:38:14,040 --> 00:38:16,640 Yes. 579 00:38:16,640 --> 00:38:19,160 That was hard. 580 00:38:19,160 --> 00:38:20,680 Very hard. 581 00:38:22,480 --> 00:38:25,960 That was the hardest thing I ever had to do. 582 00:38:31,360 --> 00:38:36,320 Oh, you've made me tired with all your questions. You must go. 583 00:38:41,160 --> 00:38:42,680 Take this. 584 00:38:44,960 --> 00:38:47,160 Read it some time. 585 00:38:47,160 --> 00:38:52,840 That is a collection of Sibylline verses rejected from the official book. 586 00:38:52,840 --> 00:38:55,560 Why? 587 00:38:55,560 --> 00:38:58,480 Because it is prophesied there 588 00:38:58,480 --> 00:39:00,880 that you will one day 589 00:39:00,880 --> 00:39:02,400 be emperor. 590 00:39:06,800 --> 00:39:09,360 Yes. 591 00:39:09,360 --> 00:39:12,200 You. 592 00:39:12,200 --> 00:39:14,480 You're making it easier, grandmother. 593 00:39:16,400 --> 00:39:18,600 You won't forget your promise? 594 00:39:18,600 --> 00:39:20,840 No, I won't. 595 00:39:24,240 --> 00:39:29,520 If I can become emperor, you can certainly become the Queen of Heaven! 596 00:39:31,120 --> 00:39:34,160 'The noble Tiberius Claudius Drusus Nero Germanicus.' 597 00:39:34,160 --> 00:39:35,880 Claudius! 598 00:39:35,880 --> 00:39:38,000 My dear fellow, how nice to see you. 599 00:39:38,000 --> 00:39:42,160 I was on my way to see Castor. I was told he is very bad. 600 00:39:42,160 --> 00:39:44,800 Yes, but he will recover, I'm sure. 601 00:39:44,800 --> 00:39:48,000 Your sister is taking such good care of him. 602 00:39:48,000 --> 00:39:50,280 Actually, I wanted to have a word with you. 603 00:39:52,200 --> 00:39:54,240 What about? 604 00:39:54,240 --> 00:39:59,920 This may seem an odd question to put to a husband, but did you know your wife was pregnant? 605 00:40:01,720 --> 00:40:04,520 No. 606 00:40:04,520 --> 00:40:07,480 N-n-no I d-d-didn't. 607 00:40:07,480 --> 00:40:10,320 How do you know? I know. 608 00:40:10,320 --> 00:40:13,320 Well, it's nothing to do with me. 609 00:40:13,320 --> 00:40:16,600 We haven't even spoken for a long time. 610 00:40:16,600 --> 00:40:18,560 You'll have to divorce her now. 611 00:40:18,560 --> 00:40:22,600 Why? You can't be married to a woman who's carrying someone else's child. 612 00:40:22,600 --> 00:40:24,000 How eccentric you are! 613 00:40:24,000 --> 00:40:26,240 Your uncle will expect you to divorce her. 614 00:40:26,240 --> 00:40:29,080 Oh! 615 00:40:29,080 --> 00:40:31,680 O-o-of course I'll divorce her. 616 00:40:34,040 --> 00:40:36,400 Whom will you marry? M-m-marry? 617 00:40:36,400 --> 00:40:38,800 I'm just getting d-d-divorced! 618 00:40:38,800 --> 00:40:40,880 Yes, but you won't want to live alone, will you? 619 00:40:40,880 --> 00:40:43,800 I was living alone all the t-t-time I was married. 620 00:40:43,800 --> 00:40:47,760 Then it doesn't matter whether you marry or not. 621 00:40:47,760 --> 00:40:49,320 I'd rather not. 622 00:40:49,320 --> 00:40:51,040 Nonsense. 623 00:40:51,040 --> 00:40:54,200 I have just the woman for you. 624 00:40:54,200 --> 00:40:59,320 She's beautiful, independent, she'll leave you alone as much as you like. 625 00:40:59,320 --> 00:41:01,040 W-w-w-who is it? 626 00:41:01,040 --> 00:41:03,080 My sister. 627 00:41:03,080 --> 00:41:04,600 Aelia. 628 00:41:06,160 --> 00:41:09,560 Would she... Would she want to marry 629 00:41:09,560 --> 00:41:11,400 a... 630 00:41:11,400 --> 00:41:14,440 fool like me? Oh, she wouldn't mind. 631 00:41:14,440 --> 00:41:18,160 Besides, you're the Emperor's nephew. That's a good alliance. 632 00:41:18,160 --> 00:41:19,840 On your side, 633 00:41:19,840 --> 00:41:22,480 you'll be my brother-in-law! 634 00:41:22,480 --> 00:41:26,480 I have spoken to the Emperor and he has given his consent. 635 00:41:26,480 --> 00:41:28,520 Oh, in that case, 636 00:41:28,520 --> 00:41:30,520 yes, Sejanus. 637 00:41:30,520 --> 00:41:33,040 Good, well, that's settled, then. 638 00:41:33,040 --> 00:41:35,480 Very decent of you, Sejanus. 639 00:41:35,480 --> 00:41:37,000 Thanks a lot. 640 00:41:39,680 --> 00:41:42,240 Ti? 641 00:41:42,240 --> 00:41:43,760 Ti? 642 00:42:29,000 --> 00:42:32,800 ..to see the Emperor to convey my sympathies on the death of his son. 643 00:42:32,800 --> 00:42:35,840 He sent word he never wanted to see me again. 644 00:42:35,840 --> 00:42:38,440 A nod is as good as a wink from that direction. 645 00:42:38,440 --> 00:42:42,480 Where will you go, Herod? Back to Judea? 646 00:42:42,480 --> 00:42:46,640 No, to Edom. My grandfather, Herod the Great, came from there. 647 00:42:46,640 --> 00:42:50,280 It was your father, lady, Mark Antony, who made him king of the Jews. 648 00:42:50,280 --> 00:42:52,440 He did them no favour, believe me! 649 00:42:52,440 --> 00:42:55,240 On the other hand, he did my grandfather no favour either, 650 00:42:55,240 --> 00:42:59,880 for the Jews are a quarrelsome people and drive all their rulers mad. What will you do in Edom? 651 00:42:59,880 --> 00:43:01,720 I understand there is nothing there! 652 00:43:01,720 --> 00:43:03,600 Oh, I shall... you know? 653 00:43:05,120 --> 00:43:09,360 My grandfather's remains were divided among his three surviving sons. 654 00:43:09,360 --> 00:43:12,440 That he had three left is a miracle, for he murdered all the rest. 655 00:43:12,440 --> 00:43:14,360 Can only think he overlooked them. 656 00:43:14,360 --> 00:43:16,320 Sounds a colourful character. 657 00:43:16,320 --> 00:43:19,040 If black is colourful, he was colourful. 658 00:43:19,040 --> 00:43:26,080 From there, I shall decide which of my three uncles is the safest touch and make my plans accordingly. 659 00:43:26,080 --> 00:43:29,120 You must marry, Herod. I have someone in mind. 660 00:43:29,120 --> 00:43:31,160 A Roman? No, lady. 661 00:43:31,160 --> 00:43:34,040 We Jews believe in marrying only among ourselves. 662 00:43:34,040 --> 00:43:37,120 Then you're a very arrogant people. Well, practical. 663 00:43:37,120 --> 00:43:42,560 There are so many things we can't eat, no gentile woman would stand it for a moment. 664 00:43:42,560 --> 00:43:45,360 And what is this, Claudius, about a marriage for you? 665 00:43:45,360 --> 00:43:48,320 Claudius? He's already married. 666 00:43:48,320 --> 00:43:51,920 He is getting a divorce to marry Sejanus's sister. Isn't that right? 667 00:43:54,920 --> 00:43:57,760 < Is this true? 668 00:43:57,760 --> 00:44:00,600 Well... 669 00:44:00,600 --> 00:44:02,960 C... C... C... Sejanus... 670 00:44:05,000 --> 00:44:06,080 Oh, get it out! 671 00:44:06,080 --> 00:44:11,800 Well, my wife is apparently having a baby and it is not mine. 672 00:44:11,800 --> 00:44:13,400 I shouldn't think it is. You never see her. 673 00:44:13,400 --> 00:44:21,960 That is the point, so Sejanus suggested I divorce her and marry his sister. 674 00:44:21,960 --> 00:44:27,640 I have never heard anything so monstrously wicked in all my life. 675 00:44:27,640 --> 00:44:30,280 You are an even bigger fool than I thought. 676 00:44:30,280 --> 00:44:32,720 What difference does it make to me? 677 00:44:32,720 --> 00:44:34,560 I shan't be seeing her either. 678 00:44:34,560 --> 00:44:37,760 You're a fool, Claudius and Germanicus would have had no patience with you. 679 00:44:39,280 --> 00:44:42,760 Probably. Can't you see the vile ambition that drives that man? 680 00:44:42,760 --> 00:44:45,000 Can't you see it's just another step on the way? 681 00:44:45,000 --> 00:44:48,520 By that marriage he relates himself to the imperial family. 682 00:44:48,520 --> 00:44:50,840 And then what, Livilla? Does he plan to marry her? 683 00:44:50,840 --> 00:44:54,000 - What is he to do with Livilla? - He's her lover! 684 00:44:54,000 --> 00:44:56,160 But Sejanus is married and has two children! 685 00:44:56,160 --> 00:44:58,960 For heaven's sake, what kind of world do you think we're living in? 686 00:45:03,400 --> 00:45:05,640 I'm sorry. 687 00:45:05,640 --> 00:45:08,240 I'm upset. 688 00:45:08,240 --> 00:45:10,640 Castor's dead. 689 00:45:10,640 --> 00:45:15,520 Silius Caecina committed suicide this morning even before the trial had ended. 690 00:45:15,520 --> 00:45:18,160 One by one, my friends vanish. 691 00:45:19,840 --> 00:45:22,800 Where will it end? 692 00:45:22,800 --> 00:45:25,320 You've betrayed us! 693 00:45:25,320 --> 00:45:27,640 Oh... 694 00:45:27,640 --> 00:45:29,440 Why did you agree to it? 695 00:45:32,040 --> 00:45:35,160 Well, he asked me. 696 00:45:35,160 --> 00:45:37,720 Is that all you can say? 697 00:45:39,240 --> 00:45:41,520 You blockhead! 698 00:45:41,520 --> 00:45:43,960 No. 699 00:45:43,960 --> 00:45:47,080 He's not a blockhead. 700 00:45:47,080 --> 00:45:49,600 It's we who are the blockheads. 701 00:45:49,600 --> 00:45:54,640 If Sejanus had come to us with a proposal like that, we'd have given him his marching orders. 702 00:45:54,640 --> 00:45:56,240 But Claudius knows better. 703 00:45:57,760 --> 00:46:02,200 Claudius sways and bends with each little wind that blows. 704 00:46:02,200 --> 00:46:04,160 By which you mean he's weak and cowardly. 705 00:46:04,160 --> 00:46:07,200 Perhaps, but at least he's still here! 706 00:46:08,720 --> 00:46:12,040 Mm, but at least he's still here. 707 00:46:12,040 --> 00:46:15,080 'Here, still here, 708 00:46:15,080 --> 00:46:19,480 'and they've all gone, every one of them. 709 00:46:19,480 --> 00:46:21,880 'It is like a dream. 710 00:46:21,880 --> 00:46:26,840 'Dreamed by Livia sweeping fitfully down into hell. 711 00:46:30,520 --> 00:46:34,120 'No, Livia is dying. 712 00:46:34,120 --> 00:46:37,040 'Dying. 713 00:46:37,040 --> 00:46:40,720 'The mother of the nation is dying.' 714 00:46:43,040 --> 00:46:45,320 Livia is dying. 715 00:46:45,320 --> 00:46:47,000 She sent for you. 716 00:46:47,000 --> 00:46:49,320 She wants to see you. 717 00:46:49,320 --> 00:46:52,400 Why, I can't imagine. 718 00:46:52,400 --> 00:46:53,280 Dying? 719 00:46:53,280 --> 00:46:55,000 Yes. 720 00:46:55,000 --> 00:46:57,240 But it was only a cold. 721 00:46:57,240 --> 00:47:00,280 It settled on her lungs. She is sinking fast 722 00:47:00,280 --> 00:47:02,040 and she's asked to see you. 723 00:47:04,800 --> 00:47:05,880 Well? 724 00:47:05,880 --> 00:47:08,560 Are you going to sit there all night? 725 00:47:08,560 --> 00:47:11,480 I hear you're dying, great-grandmother. 726 00:47:13,640 --> 00:47:15,520 You won't forget your promise, 727 00:47:17,160 --> 00:47:19,160 will you? 728 00:47:19,160 --> 00:47:20,920 You mean to make you a goddess? 729 00:47:23,680 --> 00:47:27,640 And what makes you think that a filthy, smelly old woman like you could become a goddess? 730 00:47:29,400 --> 00:47:33,360 I don't need you any more, you see, great-grandmother. 731 00:47:33,360 --> 00:47:36,240 My secret will die with you. 732 00:47:36,240 --> 00:47:39,000 You are going to stew in hell for ever and ever. 733 00:47:42,680 --> 00:47:44,360 Let me tell you something. 734 00:47:52,480 --> 00:47:56,200 Thrasyllus has made another prophecy. 735 00:47:56,200 --> 00:47:58,880 He told Tiberius. 736 00:47:58,880 --> 00:48:04,880 He said one who is going to die soon will become the greatest god the world has ever known. 737 00:48:04,880 --> 00:48:09,280 No temples will be dedicated to anyone but him in the whole Roman world. 738 00:48:10,800 --> 00:48:12,800 Not even to Augustus. 739 00:48:14,320 --> 00:48:16,280 But you know that one is? 740 00:48:17,800 --> 00:48:19,320 Me. 741 00:48:21,320 --> 00:48:22,840 Me! 742 00:48:24,680 --> 00:48:28,400 I shall become the greatest god of all. 743 00:48:28,400 --> 00:48:33,440 And I shall look down on you suffering all the torments of hell and I shall say... 744 00:48:36,080 --> 00:48:37,880 leave her there. 745 00:48:38,560 --> 00:48:41,120 Leave her there for ever and ever and ever. 746 00:48:52,040 --> 00:48:53,800 Goodbye, great-grandmother. 747 00:48:55,720 --> 00:48:57,840 How are you, grandmother? 748 00:49:02,720 --> 00:49:04,240 Don't cry! 749 00:49:07,080 --> 00:49:09,320 He was here. 750 00:49:11,360 --> 00:49:13,240 Caligula was here. 751 00:49:15,080 --> 00:49:16,640 He said... 752 00:49:18,920 --> 00:49:21,720 ..he wouldn't make me a goddess. 753 00:49:23,840 --> 00:49:28,920 I will see that he does, grandmother. 754 00:49:28,960 --> 00:49:30,240 He said... 755 00:49:31,200 --> 00:49:32,960 He said... 756 00:49:32,960 --> 00:49:37,000 he would leave me to stew in hell. 757 00:49:38,360 --> 00:49:41,960 I want to be a goddess, Claudius. 758 00:49:42,760 --> 00:49:45,120 I deserve it. 759 00:49:46,400 --> 00:49:48,440 You shall be queen of Heaven. 760 00:49:50,240 --> 00:49:53,160 I promise you. 761 00:49:53,160 --> 00:49:54,600 Really? 762 00:49:54,600 --> 00:49:57,480 Yes. 763 00:49:59,400 --> 00:50:03,840 Go on playing the fool, Claudius. 764 00:50:07,800 --> 00:50:09,840 Stay with me... 765 00:50:09,840 --> 00:50:11,400 till I go. 766 00:50:14,000 --> 00:50:17,840 Put a coin in my mouth... 767 00:50:17,840 --> 00:50:20,200 to pay the ferry man. 768 00:50:21,160 --> 00:50:22,680 For the journey. 769 00:50:51,520 --> 00:50:53,040 G-Goodbye, grandmother. 770 00:50:55,680 --> 00:50:58,120 Safe journey. 771 00:51:53,640 --> 00:51:56,160 Subtitles by Red Bee Media Ltd, 2006