1 00:00:37,480 --> 00:00:40,120 CLATTERING 2 00:00:40,120 --> 00:00:42,320 HE MUTTERS 3 00:00:50,680 --> 00:00:53,280 Right, now, where is it? 4 00:00:53,280 --> 00:00:55,000 Where is it? Ooh! 5 00:00:58,480 --> 00:01:00,000 Oh, where is it? 6 00:01:01,520 --> 00:01:03,040 No! 7 00:01:04,680 --> 00:01:07,880 I had it yesterday. What? 8 00:01:07,880 --> 00:01:10,320 Oh, damn secretaries. 9 00:01:10,320 --> 00:01:12,520 You've no system, none of your... 10 00:01:12,520 --> 00:01:14,760 Oh, they just shove it anywhere. 11 00:01:14,760 --> 00:01:18,720 I mean, what do they care? It's just another piece of paper to them. Ooh! 12 00:01:18,720 --> 00:01:20,240 Ooh. 13 00:01:23,360 --> 00:01:26,200 I'm sure I had it yesterday. 14 00:01:26,200 --> 00:01:27,800 Um... 15 00:01:27,800 --> 00:01:29,920 Yes, she wrote him a letter... 16 00:01:29,920 --> 00:01:32,360 after Gaius died. 17 00:01:32,360 --> 00:01:34,000 Um...what is it? 18 00:01:34,000 --> 00:01:36,960 The answer, I'm afraid, is no. 19 00:01:36,960 --> 00:01:39,280 Yes, that was it. 20 00:01:46,480 --> 00:01:50,600 "My dear Tiberius, the answer, I'm afraid, is no..." This is the one! 21 00:01:50,600 --> 00:01:53,720 Yes, yes, this is it! 22 00:01:53,720 --> 00:01:58,760 Yes. "My dear Tiberius, the answer, I'm afraid, is no..." 23 00:01:58,760 --> 00:02:00,440 "..Which is what I expected. 24 00:02:00,440 --> 00:02:04,200 "Augustus refuses to allow you to return to Rome. 25 00:02:04,200 --> 00:02:06,440 "He refuses even to discuss it. 26 00:02:06,440 --> 00:02:12,920 "Despite the sudden and unexplained death of his beloved Gaius, and despite my pleading with him, 27 00:02:12,920 --> 00:02:16,000 "he is adamant that you will stay where you are. 28 00:02:16,000 --> 00:02:19,840 "He has, of course, never forgiven you for what you did to Julia. 29 00:02:19,840 --> 00:02:22,080 "And, frankly, I'm not surprised." 30 00:02:26,560 --> 00:02:28,720 Well? Hm? 31 00:02:28,720 --> 00:02:32,920 Oh, it's very promising, Excellency, very promising, indeed. 32 00:02:32,920 --> 00:02:35,080 You've been saying that for years. 33 00:02:35,080 --> 00:02:40,720 Perhaps if you found some disasters 34 00:02:35,080 --> 00:02:40,720 there, my life might take a turn for the better. But it has, Excellency! 35 00:02:40,720 --> 00:02:44,240 The planets are in a most favourable conjunction. 36 00:02:44,240 --> 00:02:49,720 For instance, I'm sure that the letter I brought you from Rome 37 00:02:44,240 --> 00:02:49,720 contained good news. Am I not right? 38 00:02:49,720 --> 00:02:53,720 You might have known that from my mother when she gave it to you. Excellency! 39 00:02:53,720 --> 00:02:56,800 Your mother is not the most scrutible of women. 40 00:02:56,800 --> 00:02:59,640 One may read her letters, but never her face. 41 00:02:59,640 --> 00:03:03,080 I'd stake my life there was good news in that letter. 42 00:03:03,080 --> 00:03:06,000 Come, my calculations prove it. 43 00:03:06,000 --> 00:03:10,160 I'm to stay here and rot if it has anything to do with Augustus. 44 00:03:10,160 --> 00:03:12,200 But there's more? 45 00:03:12,200 --> 00:03:14,280 I'm sure there must be more. 46 00:03:15,800 --> 00:03:19,000 Well, she promises now to work for my return. 47 00:03:19,000 --> 00:03:22,480 Excellent! I knew it, it's all here. 48 00:03:22,480 --> 00:03:24,000 The chart doesn't lie. 49 00:03:25,560 --> 00:03:28,560 But it counsels patience, too. 50 00:03:28,560 --> 00:03:30,480 Nothing will happen overnight. 51 00:03:30,480 --> 00:03:32,280 What else did you learn in Rome? 52 00:03:32,280 --> 00:03:36,320 Augustus has taken the death of Gaius pretty hard. 53 00:03:36,320 --> 00:03:40,520 Is there any more news about how he died? No, it's very mysterious. 54 00:03:40,520 --> 00:03:44,400 Unfortunately the body was burned before an autopsy was ordered. 55 00:03:44,400 --> 00:03:48,520 When you die in the east, they, uh, don't keep you hanging about long. 56 00:03:48,520 --> 00:03:51,560 HE LAUGHS 57 00:03:48,520 --> 00:03:51,560 I shan't shed any tears for him. 58 00:03:52,800 --> 00:03:54,480 What else did you learn? 59 00:03:54,480 --> 00:03:59,400 That Augustus intends to appoint your other stepson to command the armies in Spain. 60 00:03:59,400 --> 00:04:00,960 Lucius? 61 00:04:02,480 --> 00:04:05,000 He couldn't fight his way out of a harem! 62 00:04:07,160 --> 00:04:08,800 What else? 63 00:04:08,800 --> 00:04:13,640 Only that your wife's behaviour is a scandal known to all except her father. 64 00:04:13,640 --> 00:04:16,080 Suppose you finish that horoscope? 65 00:04:16,080 --> 00:04:17,680 Of course, Excellency. 66 00:04:21,280 --> 00:04:23,960 HE CLEARS HIS THROAT 67 00:04:23,960 --> 00:04:25,880 Is there anything to drink? 68 00:04:25,880 --> 00:04:28,760 My mouth is quite dry. 69 00:04:28,760 --> 00:04:30,880 It's such a long climb up this hill. 70 00:04:30,880 --> 00:04:36,720 It will be a lot shorter on the way down if you don't find something 71 00:04:30,880 --> 00:04:36,720 to my liking in that chart of yours! 72 00:04:40,120 --> 00:04:42,520 Why does everyone hate me so? 73 00:04:43,640 --> 00:04:45,760 What have I done to them? 74 00:04:45,760 --> 00:04:48,480 You could stay a few more days. What's the hurry? 75 00:04:48,480 --> 00:04:50,720 Oh, no hurry, really. 76 00:04:50,720 --> 00:04:52,920 Rome is like a sewer in summer. 77 00:04:52,920 --> 00:04:57,800 I wasn't going back to Rome. I was thinking of taking the children down to the house in Austria. 78 00:04:57,800 --> 00:05:02,440 What for?! The sea's the sea, one wave is like another - you might as well stay here. 79 00:05:02,440 --> 00:05:06,640 I thought perhaps you might like to be on your own for a while. 80 00:05:06,640 --> 00:05:10,080 When have I ever wanted to be on my own? 81 00:05:10,080 --> 00:05:12,560 Well, that's what I meant, really. 82 00:05:12,560 --> 00:05:15,480 Oh! No, you don't put me out. 83 00:05:15,480 --> 00:05:18,440 I have to behave myself when the children are around. 84 00:05:18,440 --> 00:05:20,720 Well, up to a point. 85 00:05:20,720 --> 00:05:25,920 You're always sewing or weaving or doing something. Why don't you let the slaves do it for you? 86 00:05:25,920 --> 00:05:29,480 They never do things properly. No, that's quite true. 87 00:05:29,480 --> 00:05:33,440 They eat you out of house and home, then can't get up in the morning! 88 00:05:33,440 --> 00:05:38,920 It's not easy to buy good slaves. 89 00:05:33,440 --> 00:05:38,920 You need to be a very good judge of character. You pick your own? Yes! 90 00:05:38,920 --> 00:05:44,680 Don't you? I used to when I lived 91 00:05:38,920 --> 00:05:44,680 with Tiberius. It was one of those things I thought I ought to do. 92 00:05:44,680 --> 00:05:47,560 You know me - I was all right with the girls, 93 00:05:47,560 --> 00:05:52,120 but when it came to the male slaves, I used to pick all the good-looking ones. 94 00:05:52,120 --> 00:05:54,400 I ended up doing the work myself! 95 00:05:54,400 --> 00:05:56,200 Julia, how could you? 96 00:05:56,200 --> 00:06:00,960 Living with Tiberius was not the fulfilling experience I'd expected. 97 00:06:00,960 --> 00:06:03,320 Mother! > 98 00:06:00,960 --> 00:06:03,320 I was seldom filled and never full. 99 00:06:03,320 --> 00:06:08,120 Mother, Mother! What is it? Look what he did, look what he did. 100 00:06:08,120 --> 00:06:10,040 Who did? Germanicus! 101 00:06:10,040 --> 00:06:14,200 He threw sand all over me! In my 102 00:06:10,040 --> 00:06:14,200 face, in my hair, it's everywhere. 103 00:06:14,200 --> 00:06:16,640 Germanicus? How could you? 104 00:06:16,640 --> 00:06:18,960 I was only teasing. 105 00:06:18,960 --> 00:06:20,920 She threw it in mine. 106 00:06:22,440 --> 00:06:25,040 Oh, come on, Pina. I'm sorry! 107 00:06:25,040 --> 00:06:28,240 You did it on purpose! I'll never speak to you again. 108 00:06:28,240 --> 00:06:31,920 Now come here and let me wipe it off and stop being so dramatic. 109 00:06:31,920 --> 00:06:33,440 Germanicus... 110 00:06:35,320 --> 00:06:38,120 You mustn't be so rough. 111 00:06:38,120 --> 00:06:40,520 I...I... I'm sorry. 112 00:06:40,520 --> 00:06:42,240 She's perfectly all right. > 113 00:06:42,240 --> 00:06:44,640 There. > 114 00:06:44,640 --> 00:06:48,160 How's Claudius? He's all right. He's looking for shells. 115 00:06:48,160 --> 00:06:53,240 Make sure the slaves keep an eye 116 00:06:48,160 --> 00:06:53,240 on him, and don't leave him out of the games. We won't. Come on, Pina, 117 00:06:53,240 --> 00:06:59,880 I'm sorry.... And don't be too long down there! It's time you came in out of the sun. 118 00:07:02,760 --> 00:07:05,080 They'll be getting married soon. 119 00:07:05,080 --> 00:07:07,040 Hm. 120 00:07:07,040 --> 00:07:10,960 What worries me is, who's going to marry Claudius? 121 00:07:10,960 --> 00:07:12,560 With his foot. 122 00:07:12,560 --> 00:07:14,720 And his stammer. 123 00:07:14,720 --> 00:07:17,000 There's always somebody. 124 00:07:17,000 --> 00:07:22,080 To tell you the truth, Julia, I find it very hard to be affectionate to him. 125 00:07:22,080 --> 00:07:27,200 I suppose, really, I ought to love him more because of his afflictions but...I don't. 126 00:07:27,200 --> 00:07:30,160 I think he's sweet. You're not his mother. 127 00:07:30,160 --> 00:07:33,600 It's not easy 128 00:07:30,160 --> 00:07:33,600 living with a child who's so stupid. 129 00:07:33,600 --> 00:07:37,040 Everything you tell him, you have to repeat half a dozen times. 130 00:07:37,040 --> 00:07:42,520 What Drusus would have made of him, I don't know. Ah, Drusus. 131 00:07:42,520 --> 00:07:45,080 You had something wonderful there, my dear. 132 00:07:46,200 --> 00:07:50,520 Tell me, 133 00:07:46,200 --> 00:07:50,520 did you never wonder about his death? 134 00:07:50,520 --> 00:07:52,880 I mean, did it never strike you as odd 135 00:07:52,880 --> 00:07:56,840 that it happened when Livia's personal physician was looking after him? 136 00:07:56,840 --> 00:07:59,360 You said something like that to me once before. 137 00:07:59,360 --> 00:08:03,840 I said that I thought that Livia had a hand in it, and I still think so, 138 00:08:03,840 --> 00:08:07,000 and I know Tiberius thought so. I can't believe that. 139 00:08:07,000 --> 00:08:12,680 People say that Tiberius didn't mind being banished because he was glad to get away from me. 140 00:08:12,680 --> 00:08:14,680 That wasn't all of it. 141 00:08:14,680 --> 00:08:17,840 I think he was pleased to get away from his mother. 142 00:08:17,840 --> 00:08:21,280 She used to invite him to dinner too often! 143 00:08:21,280 --> 00:08:23,040 Julia, don't joke. 144 00:08:23,040 --> 00:08:24,560 I'm not! 145 00:08:24,560 --> 00:08:28,360 I've seen his face often enough when she's poured wine for him. 146 00:08:28,360 --> 00:08:31,600 And, anyway, I don't dine there happily myself. 147 00:08:34,280 --> 00:08:40,320 You've upset me, you really have. It's a terrible thing to accuse 148 00:08:34,280 --> 00:08:40,320 someone of poisoning without proof. 149 00:08:40,320 --> 00:08:46,160 Well, she accuses me of all sorts of things without proof. Make sure she doesn't get any, then. 150 00:08:47,920 --> 00:08:52,560 Are you leaving, Lucius? Yes, Mother. 151 00:08:47,920 --> 00:08:52,560 If we leave now, we'll be in Rome before nightfall. 152 00:08:52,560 --> 00:08:56,040 It's been so pleasant here. I love your house. 153 00:08:56,040 --> 00:08:57,720 Then you must come again. 154 00:08:57,720 --> 00:09:00,920 I've got a little present for you in my study. 155 00:09:00,920 --> 00:09:03,720 A memento of your visit. We shan't be long. 156 00:09:03,720 --> 00:09:07,480 Nothing for me, Mother? You don't 157 00:09:03,720 --> 00:09:07,480 deserve anything, leaving so soon. 158 00:09:10,440 --> 00:09:13,200 When are you leaving for Spain? In a few months. 159 00:09:13,200 --> 00:09:15,840 Augustus must have great confidence in you. 160 00:09:15,840 --> 00:09:18,320 Yes. Yes, I think so. 161 00:09:22,160 --> 00:09:23,680 Deserter. 162 00:09:26,880 --> 00:09:28,640 I shall be here all summer. 163 00:09:30,720 --> 00:09:33,320 Ooh, I could eat you. 164 00:09:34,600 --> 00:09:37,960 Here comes your brother. Postumus! I'm leaving. 165 00:09:37,960 --> 00:09:41,160 Hey, what's the matter? Have you lost something? 166 00:09:41,160 --> 00:09:44,120 No. Are you going back to Rome? Yes. 167 00:09:44,120 --> 00:09:45,680 May I come with you? 168 00:09:45,680 --> 00:09:48,440 You'll have to ask Mother, but I'm sure she'll say no. 169 00:09:48,440 --> 00:09:52,560 What's the matter? Nothing. 170 00:09:48,440 --> 00:09:52,560 He's had a quarrel with Livilla! 171 00:09:52,560 --> 00:09:57,440 Oh, shut up. I don't know why you children quarrel so much. Why can't you be nice to each other? 172 00:09:57,440 --> 00:09:59,480 Look who's called to visit us. 173 00:09:59,480 --> 00:10:01,000 Now he is to meet you. 174 00:10:02,840 --> 00:10:05,880 I was on my way to Fornii. 175 00:10:05,880 --> 00:10:08,400 I felt I must call upon you, lady. 176 00:10:08,400 --> 00:10:11,360 Do you know my son, Lucius? 177 00:10:11,360 --> 00:10:13,160 Ah, an honour, sir. 178 00:10:13,160 --> 00:10:19,440 I took the auspices for your brother Gaius before he left for Syria. They were most favourable. 179 00:10:19,440 --> 00:10:22,280 I've never seen the liver of a ewe so clear. 180 00:10:22,280 --> 00:10:25,120 One could almost see through it. 181 00:10:25,120 --> 00:10:28,160 His death is inexplicable to me. 182 00:10:28,160 --> 00:10:29,680 And to us all. 183 00:10:29,680 --> 00:10:31,480 My youngest, Postumus. 184 00:10:31,480 --> 00:10:33,080 Ah, mmm. 185 00:10:33,080 --> 00:10:34,640 We must go, Mother. 186 00:10:34,640 --> 00:10:37,640 Take care on the journey. 187 00:10:34,640 --> 00:10:37,640 May I go with them, Mother? 188 00:10:37,640 --> 00:10:39,240 Whatever for?! 189 00:10:39,240 --> 00:10:40,920 Certainly not! 190 00:10:40,920 --> 00:10:42,440 Goodbye, Antonia. 191 00:10:44,720 --> 00:10:49,520 Go and make it up with Livilla. You'll feel better. Shut up! Sir. 192 00:10:49,520 --> 00:10:51,600 Come, Plautius, we'll make a start. 193 00:10:53,120 --> 00:10:55,200 Goodbye. Goodbye. 194 00:10:56,600 --> 00:10:59,360 CHILDREN'S VOICES APPROACH 195 00:10:59,360 --> 00:11:05,760 Here come the children. Let's go in. It sounds as if they're quarrelling. 196 00:10:59,360 --> 00:11:05,760 I don't think I could stand that. 197 00:11:05,760 --> 00:11:09,840 Eagles, they're fighting! Look at the eagles! 198 00:11:05,760 --> 00:11:09,840 SCREECHING 199 00:11:09,840 --> 00:11:12,760 What are they fighting for? 200 00:11:12,760 --> 00:11:14,720 One of them's got something, see? 201 00:11:14,720 --> 00:11:16,240 In its claws there. 202 00:11:16,240 --> 00:11:18,640 Which one? I don't know. 203 00:11:18,640 --> 00:11:20,160 The eagles are fighting! 204 00:11:22,920 --> 00:11:24,440 Look out! 205 00:11:27,040 --> 00:11:28,560 What is it, Claudius? 206 00:11:31,200 --> 00:11:38,080 It's a wolf cub. Mother, it dropped, right from its claws. Let me have him! Let ME have him! 207 00:11:38,080 --> 00:11:41,320 Leave it be. It fell to Claudius, leave it be. 208 00:11:41,320 --> 00:11:43,600 Look at the blood. 209 00:11:43,600 --> 00:11:45,600 Ye gods, what does it mean? 210 00:11:45,600 --> 00:11:47,560 Demetrius, tell us what it means? 211 00:11:49,680 --> 00:11:53,760 Lady, I... You know what it means! I can see from your face. 212 00:11:53,760 --> 00:11:55,720 Tell us, I beg you. 213 00:11:55,720 --> 00:11:59,240 Children, go into the house. No! Let them stay. 214 00:11:59,240 --> 00:12:01,240 The sign was given to you all. 215 00:12:01,240 --> 00:12:03,000 And given now, 216 00:12:03,000 --> 00:12:05,920 perhaps because I'm here to read it. 217 00:12:05,920 --> 00:12:08,520 But they must be sworn to secrecy. 218 00:12:08,520 --> 00:12:12,600 Who are the gods that watch over this house? Jupiter and Mars. 219 00:12:12,600 --> 00:12:17,960 Then do you swear, all of you, by these, your gods? 220 00:12:17,960 --> 00:12:21,880 That no word of what you're about to hear shall ever pass your lips? 221 00:12:21,880 --> 00:12:23,440 ALL: Yes, we do. 222 00:12:26,240 --> 00:12:29,480 The wolf cub is Rome. 223 00:12:29,480 --> 00:12:31,800 No doubt of it. 224 00:12:31,800 --> 00:12:35,600 Romulus was suckled by a wolf as her own cub, 225 00:12:35,600 --> 00:12:38,280 and Romulus was Rome. 226 00:12:40,160 --> 00:12:42,560 But look at it... 227 00:12:42,560 --> 00:12:45,320 all torn about the neck... 228 00:12:45,320 --> 00:12:48,840 and shivering with fear! 229 00:12:48,840 --> 00:12:50,560 A wretched sight. 230 00:12:52,080 --> 00:12:55,240 Rome will be wretched one day. 231 00:12:58,080 --> 00:13:00,400 But he... 232 00:13:00,400 --> 00:13:03,040 will protect it. 233 00:13:03,040 --> 00:13:06,160 He...and no other. 234 00:13:06,160 --> 00:13:08,320 < GIGGLING 235 00:13:08,320 --> 00:13:10,400 Claudius as protector of Rome! 236 00:13:10,400 --> 00:13:12,920 I hope I shall be dead by then. 237 00:13:12,920 --> 00:13:17,080 Go to your room! You shall have nothing to eat for the rest of the day! 238 00:13:18,200 --> 00:13:19,920 Children, come in. 239 00:13:19,920 --> 00:13:21,440 Come inside. 240 00:13:26,080 --> 00:13:28,960 May I ke...keep the cub? 241 00:13:28,960 --> 00:13:31,200 Please, Mother? 242 00:13:32,800 --> 00:13:34,880 Please, may I? 243 00:13:34,880 --> 00:13:37,040 Well, is it true? 244 00:13:37,040 --> 00:13:39,760 Have I heard right? 245 00:13:39,760 --> 00:13:42,160 Are you having my daughter-in-law? 246 00:13:45,200 --> 00:13:48,120 Come, you can be frank with me. 247 00:13:48,120 --> 00:13:53,920 As a matter of fact, it would be better for you to be frank with me. 248 00:13:55,080 --> 00:13:58,400 She... She took a fancy to me. 249 00:13:58,400 --> 00:14:00,880 I'm sure she did. 250 00:14:00,880 --> 00:14:05,000 What could I do? She is, after all, Caesar's daughter. 251 00:14:05,000 --> 00:14:06,960 You were wise not to refuse her. 252 00:14:08,480 --> 00:14:11,400 Would you do as much for me? 253 00:14:11,400 --> 00:14:14,520 I am, after all, Caesar's wife. 254 00:14:29,320 --> 00:14:32,280 Quite a stud, aren't you? 255 00:14:32,280 --> 00:14:36,400 You find me utterly repulsive but you'd try all the same. 256 00:14:36,400 --> 00:14:38,040 I like that. 257 00:14:38,040 --> 00:14:40,040 I like a trier. 258 00:14:41,560 --> 00:14:43,600 You're a very beautiful woman. 259 00:14:43,600 --> 00:14:45,840 I'm an old one. 260 00:14:45,840 --> 00:14:50,520 Still, that wouldn't stop you, would it, if you thought I could do something for you? 261 00:14:50,520 --> 00:14:54,240 Well...perhaps I can. 262 00:14:57,040 --> 00:15:02,400 Yours is a noble family but poor, I believe. 263 00:15:02,400 --> 00:15:04,160 They've been unfortunate. 264 00:15:04,160 --> 00:15:07,560 But not in you, clearly not in you. No, no, no. 265 00:15:07,560 --> 00:15:11,040 In you, I would say they have been very fortunate. 266 00:15:11,040 --> 00:15:12,560 Come closer. 267 00:15:14,760 --> 00:15:17,760 How long have you known my daughter-in-law? 268 00:15:17,760 --> 00:15:21,040 Not long. Er...a month or so. 269 00:15:21,040 --> 00:15:25,760 And did you meet her through her son? Or her son through her? 270 00:15:25,760 --> 00:15:28,400 I was Lucius' friend first. 271 00:15:28,400 --> 00:15:31,360 I stayed at the house in Antium for a few days. 272 00:15:31,360 --> 00:15:33,520 What a lovely time you must have had. 273 00:15:33,520 --> 00:15:36,480 Have you been there since? Yes. 274 00:15:36,480 --> 00:15:38,120 Then tell me, 275 00:15:38,120 --> 00:15:43,640 does Lucius know you're ploughing his mother's furrow with such ferocious skill and energy? 276 00:15:46,280 --> 00:15:49,800 Well...I don't know. 277 00:15:49,800 --> 00:15:52,360 Perhaps he... 278 00:15:52,360 --> 00:15:54,120 Perhaps he... 279 00:15:54,120 --> 00:15:56,800 Guesses? 280 00:15:56,800 --> 00:15:58,680 It wouldn't be hard, would it? 281 00:15:58,680 --> 00:16:01,960 I would imagine all Rome apart from her father guesses. 282 00:16:03,840 --> 00:16:06,200 How much does Lucius mean to you? 283 00:16:07,720 --> 00:16:09,480 He means more than I can say. 284 00:16:09,480 --> 00:16:12,120 Oh, not more than you can say, surely? 285 00:16:13,640 --> 00:16:15,440 Try. 286 00:16:15,440 --> 00:16:19,040 I'm his best friend. 287 00:16:19,040 --> 00:16:21,960 SHE LAUGHS 288 00:16:23,640 --> 00:16:25,720 Lady, what do you want of me? 289 00:16:25,720 --> 00:16:29,080 I want to help you in your career. 290 00:16:30,760 --> 00:16:34,840 You'd like to be helped, wouldn't you? Of course. 291 00:16:34,840 --> 00:16:36,800 And what must I do in exchange? 292 00:16:36,800 --> 00:16:38,440 Stop seeing the Lady Julia? 293 00:16:38,440 --> 00:16:40,320 SHE LAUGHS 294 00:16:40,320 --> 00:16:44,760 Oh, you've a mighty high opinion of yourself, haven't you? 295 00:16:44,760 --> 00:16:51,560 Do you imagine that I would stoop to buying you off when I could swat you like a fly if I wanted to? 296 00:16:51,560 --> 00:16:56,920 I'm sorry, I meant... Hold your tongue. I will tell you what I want and you will provide it. 297 00:16:56,920 --> 00:17:00,040 I want a catalogue of my daughter-in-law's activities. 298 00:17:00,040 --> 00:17:02,600 I want names, dates, places. 299 00:17:03,640 --> 00:17:07,400 And far from breaking with her, you may encourage her all you like. 300 00:17:08,640 --> 00:17:12,000 Well, she... needs little encouragement. 301 00:17:12,000 --> 00:17:14,200 Less work for you, then, isn't it? 302 00:17:15,720 --> 00:17:18,560 Yes, I can see the attraction. 303 00:17:20,360 --> 00:17:22,160 You should go far... 304 00:17:22,160 --> 00:17:24,400 if you manage to keep your head. 305 00:17:24,400 --> 00:17:26,960 You may go now. 306 00:17:29,800 --> 00:17:31,720 Oh, Plautius! 307 00:17:31,720 --> 00:17:35,440 You need not of course 308 00:17:31,720 --> 00:17:35,440 include your own name on that list... 309 00:17:36,960 --> 00:17:38,480 ..for the moment. 310 00:17:44,680 --> 00:17:46,640 Caesar. 311 00:17:46,640 --> 00:17:48,320 Caesar. 312 00:17:48,320 --> 00:17:50,240 Caesar. Caesar. Caesar. 313 00:18:02,320 --> 00:18:04,640 Praxis, look at this. 314 00:18:04,640 --> 00:18:06,760 They've just delivered it. 315 00:18:06,760 --> 00:18:09,000 It's a bust of, er... 316 00:18:09,000 --> 00:18:11,560 my late adopted son, Gaius. 317 00:18:11,560 --> 00:18:14,360 What a beautiful face, Caesar. 318 00:18:14,360 --> 00:18:17,320 Such a noble brow. 319 00:18:17,320 --> 00:18:19,200 What a tragic loss for Rome. 320 00:18:19,200 --> 00:18:21,160 Thank you, Praxis, thank you. 321 00:18:22,680 --> 00:18:27,680 Caesar, the representatives of the Noble Order of Knights are here. 322 00:18:27,680 --> 00:18:30,800 Hm? You asked to see them in here. 323 00:18:30,800 --> 00:18:34,440 To address them on the subject of the marriage laws. 324 00:18:34,440 --> 00:18:36,480 Oh, yes! 325 00:18:36,480 --> 00:18:37,640 Yes. 326 00:18:37,640 --> 00:18:40,120 I'll see them out there. 327 00:18:43,680 --> 00:18:46,320 CAESAR CLAPS HIS HANDS 328 00:18:58,960 --> 00:19:01,760 Hey, hey, boy! Boy, come here, come! 329 00:19:01,760 --> 00:19:03,280 Come. Stay with me. 330 00:19:06,320 --> 00:19:10,280 I've called you here because I'm sick and tired... 331 00:19:14,360 --> 00:19:18,600 ..of constant complaints that I've been getting from you, and others, 332 00:19:18,600 --> 00:19:22,240 about the severity of the laws that I've made against bachelors. 333 00:19:22,240 --> 00:19:26,560 Do you know what I say to that? Stop complaining and get married! 334 00:19:26,560 --> 00:19:32,200 Because your complaints, if they don't impress me that much, then who in Hades do you think you are? 335 00:19:32,200 --> 00:19:36,640 Vestal virgins?! You make me sick, the lot of you. 336 00:19:36,640 --> 00:19:38,160 Look at that. 337 00:19:38,160 --> 00:19:44,840 Do you know what that is? That is a child, a Roman child, and how in Hades do you think he got there? 338 00:19:44,840 --> 00:19:49,240 By Roman man and a Roman woman coming together in the same bed, 339 00:19:44,840 --> 00:19:49,240 that's how. 340 00:19:49,240 --> 00:19:53,040 THAT is a fine product of a proper Roman union! 341 00:19:53,040 --> 00:19:54,680 Can't you stop that twitching? 342 00:19:54,680 --> 00:19:56,360 I... Oh, never mind. 343 00:19:56,360 --> 00:19:59,160 LAUGHTER 344 00:19:59,160 --> 00:20:01,640 Oh, I hear some titters. 345 00:20:01,640 --> 00:20:03,520 You can do better, can't you? 346 00:20:03,520 --> 00:20:05,960 You murderers of your own posterity? 347 00:20:05,960 --> 00:20:08,600 Well, damn well go and do it. Now! 348 00:20:08,600 --> 00:20:14,080 Quick as boiled asparagus or, by thunder, I'll bring in some laws you won't like, I can tell you. 349 00:20:14,080 --> 00:20:16,840 And that's all I've got to say to you! 350 00:20:18,360 --> 00:20:24,200 And don't think you can get round it by getting engaged to nine-year-old 351 00:20:18,360 --> 00:20:24,200 girls. I know that dodge. 352 00:20:24,200 --> 00:20:27,600 A radish may know no Greek, but I do. 353 00:20:27,600 --> 00:20:29,120 Now, which one are you? 354 00:20:31,320 --> 00:20:33,520 I'm Claudius. Oh, yes, Drusus' boy. 355 00:20:33,520 --> 00:20:35,880 Hey, hey, shouldn't you be at your lessons? 356 00:20:35,880 --> 00:20:42,040 Come! Don't you like your lessons? I didn't think you did. I don't 357 00:20:35,880 --> 00:20:42,040 like mine. But you can't do nothing! 358 00:20:42,040 --> 00:20:45,400 What are you doing here, child? Get back to your lessons at once. 359 00:20:45,400 --> 00:20:50,680 He's been helping me with the Knights. I used him as a model. 360 00:20:45,400 --> 00:20:50,680 A model of what? Idiocy? No, no. 361 00:20:50,680 --> 00:20:53,160 Oh, never mind. Off you go. 362 00:20:55,600 --> 00:20:58,840 That child should have been exposed at birth. 363 00:20:58,840 --> 00:21:01,280 We don't do that sort of thing any more. 364 00:21:01,280 --> 00:21:04,360 No, more's the pity. He twitches, he stutters and he limps. 365 00:21:04,360 --> 00:21:09,480 He's an embarrassment. Even his mother can't stand him. We can keep him out of the way. He's harmless. 366 00:21:09,480 --> 00:21:12,080 He gets on my nerves. I bump into him in corridors. 367 00:21:12,080 --> 00:21:15,360 He talks to himself and irritates people. 368 00:21:15,360 --> 00:21:17,000 I want to talk to you. 369 00:21:17,000 --> 00:21:18,800 Oh... What about? Marriage. 370 00:21:18,800 --> 00:21:23,400 That's just what I've been talking about. There's not enough of it. 371 00:21:23,400 --> 00:21:27,960 Which is why this family should set a good example. Yes. 372 00:21:27,960 --> 00:21:31,720 You remember how early Gaius and Lucius were betrothed? 373 00:21:31,720 --> 00:21:34,360 And Tiberius, too. 374 00:21:34,360 --> 00:21:39,000 On the subject of Tiberius... Livia, leave me alone on the subject of Tiberius! 375 00:21:39,000 --> 00:21:44,160 My dear, what harm would it do if he came back to Rome as a private citizen? 376 00:21:44,160 --> 00:21:48,240 I know he's your son. I understand your feelings. They're natural in a mother. 377 00:21:48,240 --> 00:21:51,080 But we've had this out before, and so many times. 378 00:21:51,080 --> 00:21:54,120 After what he did to Julia, I shall never forgive him. 379 00:21:54,120 --> 00:21:58,320 Perhaps the fault was not all on one side. Perhaps he was provoked? 380 00:21:58,320 --> 00:22:00,480 No, I can't accept that. 381 00:22:00,480 --> 00:22:04,280 I know what you're going to say. 382 00:22:00,480 --> 00:22:04,280 I'm her father, she can do no wrong. 383 00:22:04,280 --> 00:22:07,440 But be fair. If she's done wrong, let someone prove it. 384 00:22:07,440 --> 00:22:11,400 Black and white, chapter and verse, and not sly, backstairs gossip. 385 00:22:11,400 --> 00:22:14,720 Let's not talk about it again. On that subject my mind is closed. 386 00:22:14,720 --> 00:22:17,360 Now, on the subject of marriage... 387 00:22:17,360 --> 00:22:21,240 What do you suggest? Agrippina and Germanicus, that's obvious. 388 00:22:21,240 --> 00:22:25,520 Yes, we should arrange the betrothal ceremony as soon as possible. 389 00:22:25,520 --> 00:22:28,640 And Castor and Livilla, too. 390 00:22:28,640 --> 00:22:32,400 Castor and Levilla? Are you sure? I thought Postumus. 391 00:22:32,400 --> 00:22:35,840 Oh, he's a little monster. Besides, Livilla can't stand him. 392 00:22:35,840 --> 00:22:39,920 Well, if you say so. She's a bit 393 00:22:35,840 --> 00:22:39,920 of a flirt. She teases him a lot. 394 00:22:39,920 --> 00:22:43,880 Well, that's natural in a girl. Yes, I suppose so. What about Claudius? 395 00:22:43,880 --> 00:22:46,360 Who's going to marry Claudius? 396 00:22:46,360 --> 00:22:48,600 I'll find someone. 397 00:22:48,600 --> 00:22:52,280 It won't be easy, but I'll find someone. 398 00:22:52,280 --> 00:22:56,160 Most women marry fools, but it takes them a while to find out. 399 00:22:56,160 --> 00:23:00,040 Unfortunately, with Claudius, it's as plain as the nose on his face. 400 00:23:00,040 --> 00:23:02,640 HE PLAYS MOURNFUL TUNE 401 00:23:31,520 --> 00:23:33,560 Why didn't you save me 402 00:23:33,560 --> 00:23:35,640 from this beast? 403 00:24:45,680 --> 00:24:50,080 So father asked me to see his own personal physician 404 00:24:45,680 --> 00:24:50,080 and, just to please him, I did. 405 00:24:50,080 --> 00:24:52,000 And do you know what he told me? 406 00:24:52,000 --> 00:24:53,600 He told me not to eat so much. 407 00:24:53,600 --> 00:24:57,400 He said if I stopped eating so much the palpitations would disappear. 408 00:24:57,400 --> 00:25:00,080 I mean, I ask you! Am I a big eater? 409 00:25:00,080 --> 00:25:03,640 No. I can't live on a lettuce leaf. I'm not a caterpillar! 410 00:25:05,400 --> 00:25:08,680 Hello, Aunt...Julia. 411 00:25:08,680 --> 00:25:10,720 Hello, dear. 412 00:25:10,720 --> 00:25:14,200 Who's that you got there? His n...name's Herod. 413 00:25:14,200 --> 00:25:17,640 His grandfather is King of the...Jews. 414 00:25:19,360 --> 00:25:21,840 Really? What's he doing here? 415 00:25:21,840 --> 00:25:27,680 He's been sent to be educated in...in Rome, and he's been put in my class. How nice! 416 00:25:27,680 --> 00:25:30,600 He's a handsome lad, isn't he? 417 00:25:30,600 --> 00:25:35,520 Thank you, lady. Do I have the honour of addressing the former wife of the great Agrippa? 418 00:25:35,520 --> 00:25:37,160 Oh! 419 00:25:37,160 --> 00:25:39,120 Yes, dear, you do. 420 00:25:39,120 --> 00:25:41,080 My name is Herod Agrippa. 421 00:25:41,080 --> 00:25:45,280 I was named after your 422 00:25:41,080 --> 00:25:45,280 illustrious husband, Marcus Agrippa. 423 00:25:45,280 --> 00:25:47,360 Really?! 424 00:25:47,360 --> 00:25:50,440 Well, wasn't that nice of your father to do that? 425 00:25:50,440 --> 00:25:54,080 No, it was my grandfather who did that. 426 00:25:54,080 --> 00:25:56,880 Well, it was nice of him, then. 427 00:25:56,880 --> 00:25:59,520 He's not very nice, lady. 428 00:25:59,520 --> 00:26:03,040 He had my father executed soon after I was born. 429 00:26:03,040 --> 00:26:05,920 Oh, dear. 430 00:26:05,920 --> 00:26:09,200 I am sorry. Yes, so was my father. 431 00:26:09,200 --> 00:26:11,480 This is my... 432 00:26:11,480 --> 00:26:12,760 mother. 433 00:26:12,760 --> 00:26:18,960 The great Lady Antonia, daughter of Mark Antony 434 00:26:12,760 --> 00:26:18,960 and wife of the noble Drusus. 435 00:26:18,960 --> 00:26:22,880 My, you do know a lot about us! 436 00:26:22,880 --> 00:26:28,000 I have studied you all. You are all known throughout the world. 437 00:26:22,880 --> 00:26:28,000 You are very famous. 438 00:26:28,000 --> 00:26:31,920 Well! You may come and visit us whenever you like. 439 00:26:31,920 --> 00:26:35,600 Have you introduced him to Germanicus and Livilla yet? 440 00:26:35,600 --> 00:26:37,360 N-Not yet. 441 00:26:39,640 --> 00:26:41,160 C-Come on...Herod. 442 00:26:42,840 --> 00:26:47,040 Thank you for receiving a mere provincial so generously. 443 00:26:48,920 --> 00:26:53,360 What a polite boy, and how well he speaks Latin. 444 00:26:53,360 --> 00:26:56,720 Julia, not another fig. 445 00:26:56,720 --> 00:26:59,480 Figs are good for you! 446 00:26:59,480 --> 00:27:01,280 You sound just like Lucius. 447 00:27:01,280 --> 00:27:05,600 I suppose you'll miss him when he goes to Spain. Mmm. 448 00:27:05,600 --> 00:27:09,040 I shall miss that good-looking friend of his even more. 449 00:27:10,560 --> 00:27:13,720 What a collection! 450 00:27:13,720 --> 00:27:17,440 Certainly doesn't lack variety, does it? 451 00:27:17,440 --> 00:27:20,400 I hope these names will stand up to examination. 452 00:27:20,400 --> 00:27:23,960 There's nothing there that can't be verified. 453 00:27:23,960 --> 00:27:26,200 Who, for example, 454 00:27:26,200 --> 00:27:28,240 is Gershom? 455 00:27:28,240 --> 00:27:32,200 One of the house slaves... from Africa. 456 00:27:32,200 --> 00:27:37,360 Scandalous! Are there any other slaves on this list? 457 00:27:37,360 --> 00:27:39,120 One or two. 458 00:27:39,120 --> 00:27:42,640 But the rest are mainly Romans of good birth and family. 459 00:27:42,640 --> 00:27:45,160 Not quite good enough, it appears. 460 00:27:49,040 --> 00:27:52,160 You've done well. Thank you. 461 00:27:52,160 --> 00:27:56,520 You've no qualms about betraying your friend's mother? 462 00:27:58,040 --> 00:27:59,960 In matters of state... 463 00:27:59,960 --> 00:28:02,800 Oh, you do learn fast, don't you? 464 00:28:02,800 --> 00:28:07,880 And what about your friend as distinct from his mother? 465 00:28:11,080 --> 00:28:13,440 You are ambitious. 466 00:28:15,120 --> 00:28:20,120 When you tell Caesar Augustus... Oh, I shan't tell him. 467 00:28:20,120 --> 00:28:23,040 He wouldn't appreciate it coming from me. 468 00:28:23,040 --> 00:28:26,840 You see, he would question in his mind my motives. 469 00:28:26,840 --> 00:28:30,120 No, I must find someone else to do that. 470 00:28:30,120 --> 00:28:33,360 But you needn't worry. Your name won't be mentioned. 471 00:28:36,040 --> 00:28:39,640 I may have another little assignment for you. 472 00:28:39,640 --> 00:28:41,440 Oh, if I can be of service. 473 00:28:41,440 --> 00:28:44,240 It may not be quite so enjoyable. 474 00:28:44,240 --> 00:28:48,800 One can't always combine business with pleasure. 475 00:28:50,320 --> 00:28:52,000 No. 476 00:28:52,000 --> 00:28:53,800 And usually... 477 00:28:53,800 --> 00:28:55,320 it's better not to. 478 00:28:58,240 --> 00:29:00,400 You may go now. 479 00:29:02,560 --> 00:29:04,480 You knew about it! 480 00:29:06,000 --> 00:29:10,000 You knew all along but you did nothing! Nothing! 481 00:29:10,000 --> 00:29:14,200 What could I do? I'm not her keeper. You could have gone to Augustus. 482 00:29:14,200 --> 00:29:18,880 I thought, like everybody else, he 483 00:29:14,200 --> 00:29:18,880 knew and had closed his eyes to it. 484 00:29:18,880 --> 00:29:21,200 Shame on you! 485 00:29:21,200 --> 00:29:27,040 Shame that you should think him such a man when he thinks so highly of YOU! 486 00:29:27,040 --> 00:29:31,640 She's my mother! Would you have me inform on her? You could have come to ME! 487 00:29:31,640 --> 00:29:33,760 You could have come to me! 488 00:29:33,760 --> 00:29:36,960 Do you think if I'd known I'd have stood by and done nothing? 489 00:29:36,960 --> 00:29:41,880 Don't you think I'd have tried to save her for her own sake? Now it's too late to save either of you! 490 00:29:44,800 --> 00:29:46,320 Gods! 491 00:29:49,840 --> 00:29:52,440 I should have told you, it's true. 492 00:29:52,440 --> 00:29:55,360 You should have told him, that's what he'll say. 493 00:29:55,360 --> 00:29:58,360 But it's not for that alone that he'll condemn you. 494 00:29:58,360 --> 00:30:00,640 That you did nothing is bad enough. 495 00:30:00,640 --> 00:30:02,440 But you did more. 496 00:30:02,440 --> 00:30:04,840 You aided and abetted... 497 00:30:04,840 --> 00:30:06,400 No! 498 00:30:06,400 --> 00:30:09,600 No! You acted as her pimp and her procurer. 499 00:30:09,600 --> 00:30:12,080 That's not true! Liar! 500 00:30:12,080 --> 00:30:17,840 Do you deny that you introduced your friend Plautius to her for that purpose? Plautius? 501 00:30:17,840 --> 00:30:20,480 Do you deny he's been her lover? 502 00:30:20,480 --> 00:30:25,280 Do you deny he was the chief 503 00:30:20,480 --> 00:30:25,280 organiser of the disgusting orgies at the house in Antium and here in Rome? 504 00:30:25,280 --> 00:30:30,960 And he's not the first one of your friends to have wound up in her bed. 505 00:30:25,280 --> 00:30:30,960 It may look that way to you... 506 00:30:30,960 --> 00:30:33,280 How will it look to Augustus? 507 00:30:33,280 --> 00:30:36,360 Like mother, like son - that's how it'll look. 508 00:30:37,480 --> 00:30:39,400 Oh! 509 00:30:39,400 --> 00:30:42,240 What a blow this will be to him. 510 00:30:43,760 --> 00:30:47,600 Not enough that his daughter is revealed as the town prostitute 511 00:30:47,600 --> 00:30:51,840 but that her son, whom he groomed for the highest office, 512 00:30:51,840 --> 00:30:54,840 has connived with her, encouraged her, 513 00:30:54,840 --> 00:30:58,760 and even supplied her with lovers. 514 00:31:06,440 --> 00:31:08,440 What can I do? Nothing! 515 00:31:08,440 --> 00:31:11,000 There's nothing you can do. 516 00:31:11,000 --> 00:31:16,600 Between you and your mother, you will have destroyed the two dearest things in his life. 517 00:31:17,600 --> 00:31:20,480 And to think that I, his wife, 518 00:31:20,480 --> 00:31:24,040 should have to expose the corruption in his own family. 519 00:31:27,480 --> 00:31:30,080 Let me do it. Please! 520 00:31:30,080 --> 00:31:36,480 Give me this one chance to make good. It's not as it seems, I swear it. You? Please. 521 00:31:36,480 --> 00:31:38,800 My sin was one of omission, nothing else. 522 00:31:38,800 --> 00:31:43,040 Give me this chance to redeem myself. Give me the list. 523 00:31:54,920 --> 00:31:57,080 Very well. 524 00:31:57,080 --> 00:32:00,040 Let it be your doing and not mine. 525 00:32:44,520 --> 00:32:46,280 You? 526 00:32:46,280 --> 00:32:49,280 You, Laius Sextus Balbus? 527 00:32:49,280 --> 00:32:51,080 Is it true? 528 00:32:51,080 --> 00:32:53,080 Have you slept with my daughter? 529 00:32:54,880 --> 00:32:56,400 Caesar, I... 530 00:32:56,400 --> 00:32:57,920 Answer the question. 531 00:33:00,000 --> 00:33:01,520 Yes, Caesar. 532 00:33:03,480 --> 00:33:05,640 And you, 533 00:33:05,640 --> 00:33:08,560 Marcus Volusius Saternis? 534 00:33:08,560 --> 00:33:10,360 Have you slept with my daughter? 535 00:33:12,880 --> 00:33:15,520 Caesar... Just answer the question. 536 00:33:19,080 --> 00:33:20,600 Yes, Caesar. 537 00:33:22,680 --> 00:33:24,480 And you? 538 00:33:24,480 --> 00:33:27,080 Have you? 539 00:33:27,080 --> 00:33:29,120 And you, 540 00:33:29,120 --> 00:33:31,320 Publius Novanus Flaccus? 541 00:33:32,840 --> 00:33:34,880 Once, Caesar. 542 00:33:34,880 --> 00:33:39,000 Ah, only once, that's all. 543 00:33:46,600 --> 00:33:49,440 Not slept, Caesar. 544 00:33:49,440 --> 00:33:55,720 Not slept(?) You mean it happened standing up perhaps, or in the street or on a bench? 545 00:33:55,720 --> 00:33:57,240 Not slept(!) 546 00:34:26,840 --> 00:34:31,120 Is there anyone in Rome who 547 00:34:26,840 --> 00:34:31,120 has not slept with my daughter?! 548 00:34:34,160 --> 00:34:35,960 Take them out! 549 00:34:35,960 --> 00:34:37,600 I'll decide what to do with them later! 550 00:34:43,600 --> 00:34:46,840 Father... No, no, I'm all right. 551 00:34:46,840 --> 00:34:52,360 This must have been hard for you. 552 00:34:46,840 --> 00:34:52,360 It's a wonderful thing you've done, coming to me. I'm proud of you. 553 00:35:12,880 --> 00:35:17,920 You punish her. Punish her for life. Don't tell me where she's gone. 554 00:35:17,920 --> 00:35:20,720 Don't ever mention her name, but let her... 555 00:35:20,720 --> 00:35:25,240 Let her be all alone, all alone until she dies. 556 00:35:25,240 --> 00:35:27,240 She's not fit for human company! 557 00:35:27,240 --> 00:35:30,120 Father... 558 00:35:31,040 --> 00:35:34,400 Father! 559 00:35:35,120 --> 00:35:38,360 Please! Please let me in! 560 00:35:38,360 --> 00:35:41,160 Let me talk to you! 561 00:35:41,160 --> 00:35:43,240 Let me explain! 562 00:35:46,480 --> 00:35:48,080 Father? 563 00:35:49,440 --> 00:35:51,520 Father! 564 00:35:51,520 --> 00:35:55,040 Please! Please don't send me away! 565 00:35:55,040 --> 00:35:57,440 Please, please, please, 566 00:35:57,440 --> 00:35:59,440 don't send me away! 567 00:35:59,440 --> 00:36:01,480 I couldn't bear it! 568 00:36:01,480 --> 00:36:04,720 I couldn't bear it... 569 00:36:04,720 --> 00:36:06,680 Not alone. 570 00:36:06,680 --> 00:36:09,080 Please. 571 00:36:09,080 --> 00:36:10,600 Please... 572 00:36:13,560 --> 00:36:16,040 BANGING ON THE DOOR CONTINUES 573 00:36:16,040 --> 00:36:18,000 Please. 574 00:36:18,000 --> 00:36:21,320 Please! Father! 575 00:36:21,320 --> 00:36:23,400 Please... 576 00:36:30,160 --> 00:36:32,440 Father, please. 577 00:36:33,720 --> 00:36:35,920 Please. 578 00:36:35,920 --> 00:36:38,960 Give me another chance. 579 00:36:38,960 --> 00:36:40,480 Please. 580 00:36:40,480 --> 00:36:43,480 SHE SOBS 581 00:36:43,480 --> 00:36:45,320 Please. 582 00:36:57,400 --> 00:37:00,560 This is you're doing, isn't it? 583 00:37:00,560 --> 00:37:02,760 Don't think I don't know. 584 00:37:03,880 --> 00:37:06,400 You think you're very clever. 585 00:37:06,400 --> 00:37:10,680 You think that by discrediting me he'll bring your son back from Rhodes. 586 00:37:10,680 --> 00:37:12,240 You're so transparent. 587 00:37:13,880 --> 00:37:19,720 You want that precious son of yours to follow him when he dies so that you can come into your own. 588 00:37:19,720 --> 00:37:24,320 But I have two sons, and they both come before yours. 589 00:37:25,960 --> 00:37:29,160 So make your mind up to it, Livia. 590 00:37:29,160 --> 00:37:31,600 When my father dies... 591 00:37:31,600 --> 00:37:33,800 you won't be wanted any more. 592 00:37:36,000 --> 00:37:38,720 So take my advice 593 00:37:38,720 --> 00:37:41,400 and climb on the funeral pyre with him! 594 00:37:49,800 --> 00:37:51,840 DOOR RATTLES 595 00:38:02,120 --> 00:38:06,280 So...you've come out of your room at last. 596 00:38:18,520 --> 00:38:20,480 I'm cursed, Livia. 597 00:38:22,760 --> 00:38:24,800 I'm cursed. 598 00:38:24,800 --> 00:38:26,960 First Gaius, then this. 599 00:38:28,520 --> 00:38:30,840 What have I done to deserve this? 600 00:38:30,840 --> 00:38:32,680 Yes... 601 00:38:32,680 --> 00:38:37,240 It's a hard thing to see a child banished. 602 00:38:37,240 --> 00:38:38,960 HE SOBS 603 00:38:38,960 --> 00:38:41,600 Don't I know that. 604 00:38:41,600 --> 00:38:47,920 But how much harder, my dear, when one knows the banishment is undeserved. 605 00:38:47,920 --> 00:38:49,960 Have you thought of that? 606 00:38:49,960 --> 00:38:53,400 Have you thought how I have felt all these years? 607 00:39:02,640 --> 00:39:04,720 Yes. 608 00:39:04,720 --> 00:39:07,560 You must let my son come home. 609 00:39:08,880 --> 00:39:12,200 With Lucius in Spain, we need him here in Rome. 610 00:39:12,200 --> 00:39:18,160 And, besides, can't you see now what has been plain to me for so many years? 611 00:39:18,160 --> 00:39:21,440 That it was her wickedness that drove him away? 612 00:39:26,880 --> 00:39:29,480 I'll never bring him back. Never! 613 00:39:29,480 --> 00:39:33,080 He drove her to it. He was the one who set her on that road. 614 00:39:33,080 --> 00:39:34,920 None of this would have happened but for him! 615 00:39:34,920 --> 00:39:36,640 I'll never bring him back, never! 616 00:39:36,640 --> 00:39:38,640 He can stay there and rot! 617 00:40:00,920 --> 00:40:03,280 Excellency, there's a ship in the harbour. 618 00:40:03,280 --> 00:40:08,480 I know, I have seen it. I believe it comes from Rome. I'm sure it'll 619 00:40:03,280 --> 00:40:08,480 bring important letters for you! 620 00:40:08,480 --> 00:40:11,120 I thought they might already have arrived. 621 00:40:11,120 --> 00:40:13,640 No, Thrasyllus, nothing has arrived. 622 00:40:13,640 --> 00:40:15,560 What do you see in your horoscope? 623 00:40:15,560 --> 00:40:17,240 It must be good news. 624 00:40:17,240 --> 00:40:20,360 I'm not looking at my horoscope, Thrasyllus, I'm looking at yours. 625 00:40:20,360 --> 00:40:21,840 At mine?! 626 00:40:21,840 --> 00:40:23,480 You must be joking! 627 00:40:23,480 --> 00:40:27,440 If there's good news on that boat, you'll find it in YOUR horoscope. 628 00:40:27,440 --> 00:40:29,760 Mine has been so indecisive lately, 629 00:40:29,760 --> 00:40:33,120 I thought it'd make more sense if I examined yours. 630 00:40:33,120 --> 00:40:37,120 But why? What could that possibly tell you? 631 00:40:37,120 --> 00:40:41,920 Let me put it this way. I decided this morning that if nothing pleasing came off that boat, 632 00:40:41,920 --> 00:40:45,680 I would have you thrown down the face of the cliff into the bay. 633 00:40:51,800 --> 00:40:54,040 That's very funny. Very funny. 634 00:40:55,560 --> 00:40:58,560 What exactly does it say? 635 00:40:58,560 --> 00:41:00,400 Can you see anything? 636 00:41:00,400 --> 00:41:02,720 Oh, yes, it's very clear. 637 00:41:02,720 --> 00:41:05,640 It confirms my worst fears for your safety. 638 00:41:07,160 --> 00:41:10,960 Extraordinary how accurate these things are, isn't it? 639 00:41:10,960 --> 00:41:14,680 Who'd have thought I could have made a decision about you this morning 640 00:41:14,680 --> 00:41:17,280 and seen in it in the chart this afternoon. 641 00:41:17,280 --> 00:41:19,720 Perhaps... Perhaps you've cast it wrong? 642 00:41:19,720 --> 00:41:22,000 Not as wrong as you've been casting mine. 643 00:41:22,000 --> 00:41:25,920 Excellency, there's news coming from that boat. I'm sure of it. 644 00:41:25,920 --> 00:41:29,240 Didn't you see the eagle perched on your roof this morning? 645 00:41:29,240 --> 00:41:31,520 There are no eagles in Rhodes. 646 00:41:31,520 --> 00:41:33,800 Exactly! 647 00:41:33,800 --> 00:41:36,640 Yet why was it there? The whole town was pointing at it. 648 00:41:36,640 --> 00:41:39,200 It could mean only one thing - good news. 649 00:41:39,200 --> 00:41:41,440 Alas, but not for you. 650 00:41:41,440 --> 00:41:44,640 Sentor! Excellency, let me look at the chart. 651 00:41:44,640 --> 00:41:47,680 A man's destiny is not so easily read, believe me. 652 00:41:47,680 --> 00:41:51,560 Yours is. I wrote it myself this morning. 653 00:41:51,560 --> 00:41:55,440 Sentor, escort my friend down the cliff path. 654 00:41:55,440 --> 00:41:58,480 And take care. I have a terrible feeling he may slip. 655 00:41:58,480 --> 00:42:01,880 The stars speak of nothing but disasters. Yes, master. 656 00:42:01,880 --> 00:42:05,720 An imperial courier has arrived with dispatches. Show him out. 657 00:42:05,720 --> 00:42:07,440 My friend can wait a while. 658 00:42:11,400 --> 00:42:13,120 You see, Excellency? 659 00:42:13,120 --> 00:42:16,840 A horoscope, like the heart of a man, is not so easy to read. 660 00:42:16,840 --> 00:42:20,360 Let's see what dispatches say, shall we? 661 00:42:20,360 --> 00:42:24,280 Your prophecies haven't inspired much confidence lately. 662 00:42:26,880 --> 00:42:31,640 Imperial dispatch from Augustus Caesar for the noble Tiberius Claudius Nero. 663 00:42:57,600 --> 00:42:59,440 Lucius is dead. 664 00:42:59,440 --> 00:43:01,440 I am to return to Rome. 665 00:43:01,440 --> 00:43:03,440 Dead? 666 00:43:04,640 --> 00:43:06,240 Dead. 667 00:43:08,480 --> 00:43:10,200 Dead? 668 00:43:10,200 --> 00:43:12,320 Dead! 669 00:43:27,600 --> 00:43:30,960 Sir, all Rome is drowned in grief! 670 00:43:30,960 --> 00:43:35,680 Well, of course they are, it's only natural! 671 00:43:38,000 --> 00:43:40,080 What happened? 672 00:43:40,080 --> 00:43:41,680 It was terrible. 673 00:43:41,680 --> 00:43:43,600 A boating accident. 674 00:43:43,600 --> 00:43:46,000 A boating accident! 675 00:43:48,680 --> 00:43:50,440 Where? 676 00:43:50,440 --> 00:43:52,040 In Marseilles. 677 00:43:52,040 --> 00:43:54,600 He was on his way to Spain. He and his friend. 678 00:43:54,600 --> 00:43:58,400 His friend? Caius Plautius Silvanus. 679 00:43:54,600 --> 00:43:58,400 They were travelling together. 680 00:43:58,400 --> 00:44:04,520 They were waiting for the boat to take them to Spain. While they 681 00:43:58,400 --> 00:44:04,520 waited, they went fishing. Fishing(!) 682 00:44:09,160 --> 00:44:11,200 I don't understand! 683 00:44:11,200 --> 00:44:15,720 Why are you laughing? It's...it's nervous laughter. 684 00:44:17,480 --> 00:44:20,160 Go on with your story. 685 00:44:20,160 --> 00:44:23,600 LAUGHTER BECOMES LOUDER 686 00:44:24,640 --> 00:44:26,200 Well, go on, go on! 687 00:44:26,200 --> 00:44:29,440 The boat overturned. 688 00:44:29,440 --> 00:44:32,600 Overturned? Yes! Shall I go on? 689 00:44:34,680 --> 00:44:36,480 Plautius behaved like a hero. 690 00:44:36,480 --> 00:44:41,040 He swam for two miles, holding on to his friend in a desperate effort to save him, 691 00:44:41,040 --> 00:44:46,840 but when he got to the shore, his friend was dead, and he himself in a state of total exhaustion. 692 00:44:46,840 --> 00:44:49,080 What a terrible thing. 693 00:44:49,080 --> 00:44:51,840 Gaius and Lucius... 694 00:44:51,840 --> 00:44:53,960 within 18 months 695 00:44:53,960 --> 00:44:56,720 and their mother banished in between. 696 00:44:58,280 --> 00:45:00,400 You know, that family... 697 00:45:00,400 --> 00:45:03,320 is beginning to resemble a Greek tragedy. 698 00:45:04,480 --> 00:45:06,240 Is your ship returning to Rome? 699 00:45:06,240 --> 00:45:08,120 Yes, sir, tomorrow. 700 00:45:08,120 --> 00:45:11,520 We'll join it. You may go now. 701 00:45:20,480 --> 00:45:23,240 Curious the fates are! 702 00:45:23,240 --> 00:45:25,920 My exile ended, AND you predicted it. 703 00:45:27,000 --> 00:45:28,800 Brave Thrasyllus. 704 00:45:30,920 --> 00:45:33,400 I never lost faith in you. 705 00:45:54,600 --> 00:45:57,480 So...you've come home. 706 00:45:57,480 --> 00:45:59,160 Yes, Caesar. 707 00:46:00,680 --> 00:46:03,000 I'm here to do whatever you want. 708 00:46:03,000 --> 00:46:05,200 Mm. 709 00:46:05,200 --> 00:46:07,720 Well, let bygones be bygones, eh? 710 00:46:07,720 --> 00:46:10,520 Families quarrel, they make it up. 711 00:46:10,520 --> 00:46:12,360 That's in the nature of things. 712 00:46:17,640 --> 00:46:19,920 My two grandsons... 713 00:46:19,920 --> 00:46:21,440 are dead. 714 00:46:26,680 --> 00:46:29,160 My daughter... 715 00:46:29,160 --> 00:46:33,600 People say, "Bring her back." They shout at me in the street. 716 00:46:33,600 --> 00:46:36,000 Do you know that? Mm. 717 00:46:36,000 --> 00:46:38,880 "Wicked," they say. "Bring her back." 718 00:46:38,880 --> 00:46:40,840 But no, no, no, no, no, no. 719 00:46:40,840 --> 00:46:43,360 She's not my daughter any more. 720 00:46:43,360 --> 00:46:44,880 I've forgotten. 721 00:46:48,600 --> 00:46:51,880 Anyway, we'll talk later. 722 00:46:51,880 --> 00:46:53,520 There's a lot to be done. 723 00:46:53,520 --> 00:46:56,840 Trouble in Germany. The Parthians are at it again. 724 00:46:56,840 --> 00:46:59,680 That king of theirs, always stirring up trouble. 725 00:46:59,680 --> 00:47:02,720 I've got his son as a hostage. I swore I'd execute him. 726 00:47:04,480 --> 00:47:06,680 But he's such a likeable little chap. 727 00:47:09,040 --> 00:47:12,160 Anyway, we'll, um... We'll talk later. 728 00:47:13,680 --> 00:47:15,200 Later... 729 00:47:22,080 --> 00:47:28,760 That likeable little chap he talks about is, in fact, now the king who's causing all the trouble. 730 00:47:28,760 --> 00:47:30,600 His mind is going. 731 00:47:30,600 --> 00:47:31,800 Yes. 732 00:47:33,160 --> 00:47:35,560 But mine isn't. 733 00:47:35,560 --> 00:47:38,480 You'll dine with me tonight, and we'll talk. 734 00:47:40,200 --> 00:47:41,960 Yes, Mother. 735 00:47:46,880 --> 00:47:50,440 Ch...ch...cheer up, Postumus. 736 00:47:50,440 --> 00:47:52,360 Come and play nuts. 737 00:47:57,640 --> 00:48:00,960 What's the m...m...matter? 738 00:48:02,400 --> 00:48:04,360 Nothing. 739 00:48:04,360 --> 00:48:07,920 You, sir, be cheerful. 740 00:48:07,920 --> 00:48:12,120 Caesar has adopted you into his family, and made you his heir! 741 00:48:12,120 --> 00:48:13,960 That is an honour! 742 00:48:13,960 --> 00:48:16,080 It means you'll succeed him! 743 00:48:17,600 --> 00:48:19,120 Yes, Herod. 744 00:48:21,120 --> 00:48:23,680 But he's adopted my step-father, too. 745 00:48:25,200 --> 00:48:29,640 And we both can't succeed him... can we? 746 00:48:36,000 --> 00:48:37,640 I'm frightened. 747 00:48:39,560 --> 00:48:41,280 I want my mother. 748 00:48:42,800 --> 00:48:44,680 I want my brothers. 749 00:48:46,200 --> 00:48:47,720 Where are they? 750 00:48:49,600 --> 00:48:51,280 Where are they? 751 00:49:50,240 --> 00:49:53,280 Subtitles by Red Bee Media Ltd 2006 752 00:49:53,280 --> 00:49:57,640 E-mail subtitling@bbc.co.uk