1 00:00:04,000 --> 00:00:09,000 The Devil's Brigade (1968) Sub ENG by dopitak Synced: Marc2008, The Netherlands. 2 00:03:45,875 --> 00:03:48,244 Lt. Col. Frederick, good morning, sir. 3 00:03:48,244 --> 00:03:52,237 We're a bit late, sir. Could you hurry, please, sir? 4 00:03:53,449 --> 00:03:55,485 The Allies were in trouble... 5 00:03:55,485 --> 00:03:59,455 ...and so was I, that summer of 1942, when I arrived in England... 6 00:03:59,455 --> 00:04:02,425 ...on what I was sure was a fool's errand. 7 00:04:02,425 --> 00:04:06,029 I'd come from Washington to explain the US Army's strong opposition... 8 00:04:06,029 --> 00:04:09,665 ...to one of Lord Mountbatten's favorite projects. 9 00:04:09,665 --> 00:04:13,658 I'd written the army's critical report in what I thought was plain English. 10 00:04:13,870 --> 00:04:17,863 I was puzzled and annoyed at being sent 4,000 miles to say it all over again... 11 00:04:19,475 --> 00:04:22,578 ...particularly to Lord Mountbatten himself. 12 00:04:22,578 --> 00:04:25,048 You've never held a field command, have you? 13 00:04:25,048 --> 00:04:29,041 - No, sir. - No combat experience? 14 00:04:29,385 --> 00:04:32,355 No, sir. 15 00:04:32,355 --> 00:04:33,990 By virtue of what special knowledge... 16 00:04:33,990 --> 00:04:36,793 ...do you so dogmatically damn our plan of action? 17 00:04:36,793 --> 00:04:38,961 You propose, in a period of four months... 18 00:04:38,961 --> 00:04:41,531 ...to recruit a unit, half-Canadian, half-American... 19 00:04:41,531 --> 00:04:45,068 ...and drop them in Norway in the middle of winter. 20 00:04:45,068 --> 00:04:47,804 You have a new snow machine. 21 00:04:47,804 --> 00:04:50,039 What kind of officers and men will you recruit? 22 00:04:50,039 --> 00:04:52,408 How will they be trained, organized and equipped? 23 00:04:52,408 --> 00:04:53,943 Your plan doesn't say. 24 00:04:53,943 --> 00:04:56,579 The most important thing is, once you get them there... 25 00:04:56,579 --> 00:04:58,481 ...how are you going to get them out? 26 00:04:58,481 --> 00:05:00,583 There's been no provision made for that. 27 00:05:00,583 --> 00:05:03,119 We're not unaware of the problems, Colonel. 28 00:05:03,119 --> 00:05:05,788 Nevertheless, we're going ahead with the project. 29 00:05:05,788 --> 00:05:08,791 If you've already made your decision, what am I doing here? 30 00:05:08,791 --> 00:05:12,784 - Thank you, Colonel. - Let's go, Bob. 31 00:05:23,573 --> 00:05:26,709 Gentlemen, I think we've found our commanding officer. 32 00:05:26,709 --> 00:05:28,644 If he'll take it. 33 00:05:28,644 --> 00:05:32,637 He's more likely to throw it right back in your face. 34 00:05:33,549 --> 00:05:37,542 Care to bet? 35 00:05:47,096 --> 00:05:51,089 So you left Washington for this, Colonel? 36 00:06:39,081 --> 00:06:43,074 Don't move, Colonel. 37 00:06:49,959 --> 00:06:52,528 Why in the hell did you have to shoot him? 38 00:06:52,528 --> 00:06:56,521 You see, sir, we didn't feel like waiting around till it starved to death. 39 00:06:56,766 --> 00:06:57,900 Now, look, Captain. 40 00:06:57,900 --> 00:07:01,003 That kind of smart-ass talk don't go good with me at all. 41 00:07:01,003 --> 00:07:04,996 You just be careful of that kind of talk. 42 00:07:08,010 --> 00:07:11,514 Col. Frederick. Maj. Cliff Bricker, sir. 43 00:07:11,514 --> 00:07:14,050 I started to collect snakes, caught one yesterday. 44 00:07:14,050 --> 00:07:17,520 I've got 'em in my footlocker in my room. 45 00:07:17,520 --> 00:07:20,723 You're interested in herpetology. 46 00:07:20,723 --> 00:07:22,058 You like snakes. 47 00:07:22,058 --> 00:07:26,051 I hate 'em. Scared to death of them. That's the reason I joined the paratroops. 48 00:07:26,762 --> 00:07:29,632 See, I hated to fly. Scared to death of jumping. 49 00:07:29,632 --> 00:07:32,068 But after 50 jumps, I just loved it. 50 00:07:32,068 --> 00:07:35,137 Danger, Colonel, that's the best tonic there is. 51 00:07:35,137 --> 00:07:37,240 That's the reason I put in for Special Forces. 52 00:07:37,240 --> 00:07:41,233 Major, when you address me, take the cigar out of your mouth. 53 00:07:46,515 --> 00:07:50,508 This is my office, Major. 54 00:08:02,598 --> 00:08:05,668 The name of this outfit is the First Special Service Force. 55 00:08:05,668 --> 00:08:08,871 - Where were you when I arrived? - There was nothing to do here, sir. 56 00:08:08,871 --> 00:08:12,074 We decided to go in town and look around. 57 00:08:12,074 --> 00:08:15,578 A blind man could see a thousand things to do. 58 00:08:15,578 --> 00:08:19,571 Sir, you being in Washington, you haven't been around like me. 59 00:08:19,749 --> 00:08:23,286 You see, I've been in nine different camps. 60 00:08:23,286 --> 00:08:25,254 I've got to tell you this, sir. 61 00:08:25,254 --> 00:08:28,190 Never have I seen anything so out-of-the-question hopeless... 62 00:08:28,190 --> 00:08:29,592 ...as this joint is. 63 00:08:29,592 --> 00:08:32,561 There's absolutely nothing it doesn't need. 64 00:08:32,561 --> 00:08:34,597 "Hopeless." 65 00:08:34,597 --> 00:08:37,266 That's why we've got it, Major. 66 00:08:37,266 --> 00:08:39,802 And that's why I've got you. 67 00:08:39,802 --> 00:08:41,637 You've been in and out of camps... 68 00:08:41,637 --> 00:08:45,630 ...because you're the biggest hustler and scrounger in the US Army. 69 00:08:45,708 --> 00:08:49,278 In exactly 10 days, our first recruits and volunteers arrive. 70 00:08:49,278 --> 00:08:52,281 Whatever they and this camp need, you're going to supply. 71 00:08:52,281 --> 00:08:54,917 How you do it, I don't care. 72 00:08:54,917 --> 00:08:58,910 Just start hustling. Cardwell? 73 00:09:17,306 --> 00:09:21,299 Move it! Come on! 74 00:09:26,148 --> 00:09:29,251 Line them up on the double! Move! 75 00:09:29,251 --> 00:09:31,987 Come on! This is no Sunday school picnic! 76 00:09:31,987 --> 00:09:35,980 Move it! Come on! 77 00:09:39,829 --> 00:09:43,822 You think maybe somebody somewhere has it in for our peerless leader here? 78 00:09:44,767 --> 00:09:48,760 The summer I worked in a fish cannery, we threw away better material than this. 79 00:09:56,979 --> 00:09:59,048 Come on, you men, move! 80 00:09:59,048 --> 00:10:03,041 Hate to break up the game, fellas, but when my country calls... 81 00:10:04,620 --> 00:10:05,621 Cut it out! 82 00:10:05,621 --> 00:10:08,691 - Trouble, grease ball? - I told you, don't call me that. 83 00:10:08,691 --> 00:10:12,684 What would you like me to call you? "Hotshot hustler," "Senor sharpshooter"... 84 00:10:12,828 --> 00:10:14,897 ...or just plain "punk"? 85 00:10:14,897 --> 00:10:16,632 Watch it. Here he comes. 86 00:10:16,632 --> 00:10:19,001 - You heard him. Line up! - What's going on here? 87 00:10:19,001 --> 00:10:21,804 Not a thing, buddy boy. Not a blessed thing. 88 00:10:21,804 --> 00:10:24,440 Pick up that hat and put it on, soldier! 89 00:10:24,440 --> 00:10:27,643 And I warn you, don't you give me any trouble. 90 00:10:27,643 --> 00:10:31,636 Break it up! 91 00:10:50,900 --> 00:10:54,870 Get that man! 92 00:10:54,870 --> 00:10:58,741 Break it up! 93 00:10:58,741 --> 00:11:02,734 We're going to try to make some kind of a company formation out of this. 94 00:11:31,440 --> 00:11:35,211 What are we doing up there? 95 00:11:35,211 --> 00:11:38,047 I got stomach gas real bad. 96 00:11:38,047 --> 00:11:42,040 I think I can cure that. 97 00:11:47,389 --> 00:11:51,126 Ten hut! 98 00:11:51,126 --> 00:11:55,119 Thanks for waiting, fellas. Sorry I'm late. 99 00:11:55,197 --> 00:11:59,190 Don't you know how to fall in, soldier? Fill up this spot. 100 00:11:59,768 --> 00:12:03,761 Ten hut! 101 00:12:04,840 --> 00:12:07,009 Detail all present and accounted for, sir. 102 00:12:07,009 --> 00:12:10,379 I regret their behavior, but that's the nature of the beast. 103 00:12:10,379 --> 00:12:12,281 "Beast." 104 00:12:12,281 --> 00:12:14,450 That's why they were transported like cattle? 105 00:12:14,450 --> 00:12:17,286 Sir, some them are so fouled up, they must have emptied... 106 00:12:17,286 --> 00:12:18,921 ...every stockade in the country. 107 00:12:18,921 --> 00:12:22,914 If I were you, I'd ship them right back. What the hell's the army doing? 108 00:12:23,559 --> 00:12:26,061 Just about what I expected. Since you're not me... 109 00:12:26,061 --> 00:12:28,230 ...would you see that they get to camp, please? 110 00:12:28,230 --> 00:12:32,223 Yes, sir. Captain. 111 00:12:34,904 --> 00:12:37,239 A-ten hut! 112 00:12:37,239 --> 00:12:38,908 - Lieutenant. - Yes, sir. 113 00:12:38,908 --> 00:12:41,911 We're told that men evolved from lower animals. 114 00:12:41,911 --> 00:12:45,904 Apparently, you think it should be the other way around. That's all. 115 00:12:46,348 --> 00:12:49,285 Right face! 116 00:12:49,285 --> 00:12:52,421 Forward! March! 117 00:12:52,421 --> 00:12:56,414 Hut, two, three, four! 118 00:13:00,930 --> 00:13:04,923 Your left. 119 00:13:11,874 --> 00:13:15,867 Soldier, get those dark glasses off. 120 00:13:19,381 --> 00:13:23,374 - Where's your gear, fly boy? - Seems I neglected to bring it with me. 121 00:13:24,587 --> 00:13:28,390 Listen to the sugar plum. He neglected to bring it with him. 122 00:13:28,390 --> 00:13:32,383 You look a mite neglected yourself. How come I didn't see you on the train? 123 00:13:33,862 --> 00:13:35,931 I'm the inconspicuous type. 124 00:13:35,931 --> 00:13:39,001 - Listen to him. Ain't he cute? - Leave him alone, lard ass. 125 00:13:39,001 --> 00:13:42,994 - You're asking for it, dago, you really are. - Knock off the chatter, and get in step! 126 00:13:45,307 --> 00:13:48,077 How about it? Got a cure for that, Sergeant? 127 00:13:48,077 --> 00:13:52,070 Yes, sir. Double time! March! 128 00:14:15,471 --> 00:14:19,241 - That's the name of the game. - What's your name, Luckhouse Louie? 129 00:14:19,241 --> 00:14:22,878 Listen, we're not sharks in the game. Luck's got nothing to do with it. 130 00:14:22,878 --> 00:14:26,382 - Talkin' about luck, know how I got here? - Who cares? 131 00:14:26,382 --> 00:14:30,285 A sweet young thing in San Jose says I raped her... 132 00:14:30,285 --> 00:14:33,288 ...takes all my money, every cent, and blows the whistle on me. 133 00:14:33,288 --> 00:14:37,192 They give me five years in Leavenworth, or join this fearless fighting outfit. 134 00:14:37,192 --> 00:14:39,895 - How's that for luck? - Yeah, it's a great country. 135 00:14:39,895 --> 00:14:43,399 Every slob can get clipped, whipped, and double dipped at the same time. 136 00:14:43,399 --> 00:14:47,392 Beat your gums, dago. Beat 'em till they bleed. 137 00:14:48,637 --> 00:14:51,573 I'm out $6. 138 00:14:51,573 --> 00:14:54,677 Now, come on, deal the cards, damn it. 139 00:14:54,677 --> 00:14:58,414 The only way out of here is over. 140 00:14:58,414 --> 00:15:02,407 By balloon or P-38? 141 00:15:07,289 --> 00:15:11,282 Did you ever hear of Bernheimer's world-renowned circus? 142 00:15:11,527 --> 00:15:15,520 What about the Flying Greco Brothers? 143 00:15:22,037 --> 00:15:26,030 Hold still, right? 144 00:15:35,384 --> 00:15:38,520 - I'll be damned. - Omar Greco. 145 00:15:38,520 --> 00:15:40,456 - They call me Bronc. - All right, Bronc. 146 00:15:40,456 --> 00:15:43,292 My real name's Bronco Billy Guthrie. 147 00:15:43,292 --> 00:15:47,285 - How many times you made it out? - About five. 148 00:15:48,297 --> 00:15:51,734 Bronc, I got a system, but I need a partner. 149 00:15:51,734 --> 00:15:54,636 Let's hear about your system... 150 00:15:54,636 --> 00:15:55,671 ...partner. 151 00:15:55,671 --> 00:15:57,973 All right. Come on. 152 00:15:57,973 --> 00:16:01,966 If I'm gonna make it... 153 00:16:17,192 --> 00:16:20,429 - Anybody question the requisitions? - No, sir. It was a breeze. 154 00:16:20,429 --> 00:16:24,422 We even got a wave-on from the guard. 155 00:16:26,301 --> 00:16:29,104 Beautiful. 156 00:16:29,104 --> 00:16:33,097 That's just fine. Great. You guys get them around back fast. 157 00:16:33,408 --> 00:16:37,401 Next trip, the toilet bowls. 158 00:16:49,825 --> 00:16:53,695 All right, big mouth, that did it. 159 00:16:53,695 --> 00:16:56,198 - Wait a minute. It was all my fault. - Butt out! 160 00:16:56,198 --> 00:17:00,191 Get him! 161 00:17:00,803 --> 00:17:04,796 On your feet, dago. You got more comin'. 162 00:19:45,367 --> 00:19:49,360 Change direction right! 163 00:19:49,738 --> 00:19:53,731 Right wheel. 164 00:20:26,475 --> 00:20:28,844 Mark time in front. 165 00:20:28,844 --> 00:20:30,979 Canadian company... 166 00:20:30,979 --> 00:20:33,048 ...halt. 167 00:20:33,048 --> 00:20:37,041 Left turn. 168 00:20:45,394 --> 00:20:49,387 Maj. Crown, sir. Canadian army. Reporting for duty. 169 00:20:49,431 --> 00:20:53,424 Glad to have you with us, Crown. 170 00:20:58,573 --> 00:21:02,566 Ready, company... 171 00:21:03,345 --> 00:21:06,915 Capt. Cardwell, get these men into formation on the double. 172 00:21:06,915 --> 00:21:10,018 Sergeant, company formation on the double. 173 00:21:10,018 --> 00:21:14,011 Company formation over here and on the double, let's go! 174 00:21:15,824 --> 00:21:19,817 Come on, move it. On the double. 175 00:21:29,004 --> 00:21:31,873 God save the King. 176 00:21:31,873 --> 00:21:35,866 God save us all. 177 00:21:39,481 --> 00:21:43,474 Parade rest! 178 00:21:46,021 --> 00:21:49,024 Welcome to the First Special Service Force. 179 00:21:49,024 --> 00:21:53,017 There's only one really important thing to know and remember about the force. 180 00:21:54,629 --> 00:21:58,467 It's the easiest combat unit in the army... 181 00:21:58,467 --> 00:22:01,336 ...to get out of. 182 00:22:01,336 --> 00:22:05,329 All you have to do is fail to measure up. 183 00:22:06,141 --> 00:22:09,144 You'll be returned immediately to your former unit... 184 00:22:09,144 --> 00:22:11,613 ...or predicament. 185 00:22:11,613 --> 00:22:15,606 It's entirely up to you. 186 00:22:16,651 --> 00:22:18,386 You Canadians, I'm told... 187 00:22:18,386 --> 00:22:22,157 ...are the handpicked best of the best-trained army in the world. 188 00:22:22,157 --> 00:22:26,150 We'll soon find out about that. 189 00:22:28,063 --> 00:22:30,599 You Americans, for the most part... 190 00:22:30,599 --> 00:22:34,569 ...have an entirely different reputation. 191 00:22:34,569 --> 00:22:38,562 I've been supplied with full details on your military and moral delinquencies... 192 00:22:39,774 --> 00:22:42,844 ...prison records, how many times you've been drunk... 193 00:22:42,844 --> 00:22:45,981 ...AWOL or both. 194 00:22:45,981 --> 00:22:48,517 I know all about you... 195 00:22:48,517 --> 00:22:52,510 ...and I couldn't care less. 196 00:22:56,057 --> 00:22:59,060 I want men that are tough... 197 00:22:59,060 --> 00:23:03,053 ...Iove to fight, fight to win, and would rather die than quit. 198 00:23:05,667 --> 00:23:07,769 Now, that's asking a lot... 199 00:23:07,769 --> 00:23:11,762 ...but no more than you're capable of if you'll accept the challenge. 200 00:23:13,141 --> 00:23:17,134 We'll soon find out about that, too. 201 00:23:17,712 --> 00:23:21,705 Good luck to you all. Dismiss your men. 202 00:23:24,019 --> 00:23:27,122 Company, ten hut! 203 00:23:27,122 --> 00:23:31,115 - Fall out! - Cpl. Peacock! 204 00:23:34,629 --> 00:23:38,622 - Fall out the Canadians. - Yes, sir! 205 00:23:45,040 --> 00:23:49,033 Canadian company dismissed! 206 00:23:54,015 --> 00:23:58,008 - Can you believe that? - Lend me your hat. I may vomit. 207 00:24:00,555 --> 00:24:04,548 - Sir... - You, soldier. 208 00:24:04,859 --> 00:24:07,662 - Where are you going? - Sir, I've got to see the Colonel. 209 00:24:07,662 --> 00:24:10,065 If you ever hope to see the outside world again... 210 00:24:10,065 --> 00:24:11,733 ...get back where you belong. 211 00:24:11,733 --> 00:24:15,103 I don't belong anywhere. I'm AWOL from Camp Gillam. 212 00:24:15,103 --> 00:24:19,096 I escaped from the stockade. I didn't arrive on the train, I walked. 213 00:24:20,008 --> 00:24:22,244 - I want to transfer to this outfit. - Get! 214 00:24:22,244 --> 00:24:26,237 Soldier! 215 00:24:29,951 --> 00:24:33,944 - In my office. - Thank you, sir. 216 00:24:37,092 --> 00:24:39,928 Phone his camp. Find out all about him. 217 00:24:39,928 --> 00:24:43,921 I'll be in Communications. Let me know. 218 00:24:45,233 --> 00:24:48,737 - Excuse me, haven't we met before? - Get the hell outta here! 219 00:24:48,737 --> 00:24:51,940 It's just that you remind me of a sweet young thing I used to know. 220 00:24:51,940 --> 00:24:55,210 I won't tell you again, mate. 221 00:24:55,210 --> 00:24:59,203 Even sound like her. 222 00:25:01,950 --> 00:25:05,287 Corporal, sir, you've got a beautiful group of handpicked men here. 223 00:25:05,287 --> 00:25:08,089 - You really do. - Bugger off. 224 00:25:08,089 --> 00:25:10,692 Where I come from, the only thing we pick by hand... 225 00:25:10,692 --> 00:25:14,685 ...is little yellow daffodils. 226 00:25:14,796 --> 00:25:18,789 Where we come from, we pick the rotten apples from the barrel... 227 00:25:19,301 --> 00:25:21,536 ...and feed them to the hogs. 228 00:25:21,536 --> 00:25:25,529 Listen. One of them's a frog! Go ahead. Say something, froggy! 229 00:25:26,641 --> 00:25:27,976 Merde. 230 00:25:27,976 --> 00:25:30,211 Just exactly what does that mean? 231 00:25:30,211 --> 00:25:32,847 To most people, it's an insult. 232 00:25:32,847 --> 00:25:36,840 But to you, I'd say it was a compliment. 233 00:25:38,019 --> 00:25:42,012 - Peacock! - Sir! 234 00:25:42,724 --> 00:25:46,717 - Yes, sir. - Peacock! 235 00:25:58,073 --> 00:26:00,875 - At ease. - Thank you, sir. 236 00:26:00,875 --> 00:26:04,212 Long walk from Camp Gillam. 237 00:26:04,212 --> 00:26:08,205 You must be more than ordinarily eager to join the First Special Service Force. 238 00:26:08,583 --> 00:26:09,784 Any job that's open, sir. 239 00:26:09,784 --> 00:26:13,388 Or get out of any trouble that you happen to be in. 240 00:26:13,388 --> 00:26:17,292 You know, the one thing I have excess of here is the troublemaker. 241 00:26:17,292 --> 00:26:18,693 Yes, sir. 242 00:26:18,693 --> 00:26:22,364 But if I heard your speech correctly, sir, I think you've got the answer. 243 00:26:22,364 --> 00:26:26,301 Incite border warfare, so to speak... 244 00:26:26,301 --> 00:26:29,738 ...between the Americans and Canadians. 245 00:26:29,738 --> 00:26:33,731 I only assume that was your intention, sir. 246 00:26:37,712 --> 00:26:41,705 - What kind of trouble do you make? - I play the piano, sir. 247 00:26:43,918 --> 00:26:47,911 When I washed out as a flier, I was assigned to Capt. Quill. 248 00:26:48,423 --> 00:26:51,192 He runs the Officers' Club. 249 00:26:51,192 --> 00:26:54,396 I was to clean up during the day and play piano at night. 250 00:26:54,396 --> 00:26:58,389 I didn't much fancy sitting out the war playing I'll Never Smile Again... 251 00:26:59,401 --> 00:27:03,371 ...so I asked to be transferred to Intelligence. 252 00:27:03,371 --> 00:27:06,141 That should be a perfect spot for you. 253 00:27:06,141 --> 00:27:10,134 You're obviously intelligent, perceptive, adroit. 254 00:27:10,879 --> 00:27:12,714 Thank you, sir. 255 00:27:12,714 --> 00:27:16,707 ...and calculating. 256 00:27:19,320 --> 00:27:23,313 How did Capt. Quill fancy your playing around with his girlfriend? 257 00:27:24,959 --> 00:27:27,896 The girl he thought was his girlfriend, sir. 258 00:27:27,896 --> 00:27:31,366 I thought otherwise. He won the argument. 259 00:27:31,366 --> 00:27:33,868 - So he beat you up. - Not all by himself... 260 00:27:33,868 --> 00:27:35,804 Don't lie to me! 261 00:27:35,804 --> 00:27:38,339 I have all the facts. 262 00:27:38,339 --> 00:27:41,242 You're charged with striking an officer. 263 00:27:41,242 --> 00:27:45,235 Capt. Quill asked you to stay away from his girl, you attacked him... 264 00:27:46,714 --> 00:27:49,083 ...and his men had to use clubs to subdue you. 265 00:27:49,083 --> 00:27:51,820 I'm not crazy enough to strike an officer. 266 00:27:51,820 --> 00:27:55,813 Sir, if you send me back, Quill could keep me in prison for the rest of my life. 267 00:27:55,924 --> 00:27:57,826 Yes, I know. 268 00:27:57,826 --> 00:28:01,819 Don't calculate that you can con your way in here. 269 00:28:02,197 --> 00:28:05,500 - You read me correctly? - Yes, sir. 270 00:28:05,500 --> 00:28:09,493 I'm sorry to have bothered you, sir. Thank you, sir. 271 00:28:10,839 --> 00:28:14,832 Ransom, did I give you permission to leave? 272 00:28:15,443 --> 00:28:19,436 No, sir. 273 00:28:23,351 --> 00:28:25,019 What's this? 274 00:28:25,019 --> 00:28:29,012 When you beat somebody up, that's a good way to play safe, isn't it? 275 00:28:30,124 --> 00:28:34,117 Tie his hands behind his back. 276 00:28:35,430 --> 00:28:39,423 Bricker! 277 00:28:40,101 --> 00:28:42,470 - Yes, sir? - Get this man a uniform. 278 00:28:42,470 --> 00:28:45,907 You've got to be kidding! 279 00:28:45,907 --> 00:28:48,376 The uniforms have been ordered, sir. But nobody knows... 280 00:28:48,376 --> 00:28:50,812 Get him something decent to wear. He smells. 281 00:28:50,812 --> 00:28:52,547 Yes, sir. 282 00:28:52,547 --> 00:28:56,540 That's all. 283 00:28:58,186 --> 00:29:00,154 Sir. 284 00:29:00,154 --> 00:29:03,758 I promise you, you won't be sorry. 285 00:29:03,758 --> 00:29:07,751 If I am, I promise you, you'll be a lot more sorry. 286 00:29:08,763 --> 00:29:12,756 Yes, sir. 287 00:29:28,049 --> 00:29:30,084 Those bastards! 288 00:29:30,084 --> 00:29:33,488 - Something on your mind, Major? - Yes, sir, there sure is. 289 00:29:33,488 --> 00:29:37,481 We're making a big mistake going soft on the kind of gorillas we got here. 290 00:29:38,893 --> 00:29:42,886 - Did you say "gorillas"? - Not the Canucks, the Americans. 291 00:29:43,498 --> 00:29:47,491 "Canucks," Major, is a term we consider disparaging. 292 00:29:49,203 --> 00:29:52,507 Do you have a specific complaint, Major? 293 00:29:52,507 --> 00:29:54,509 Yes, sir, I sure as hell do. 294 00:29:54,509 --> 00:29:57,579 One of those stupid jerks out there broke into my room... 295 00:29:57,579 --> 00:30:00,081 ...and stole my rattlesnake. 296 00:30:00,081 --> 00:30:02,817 - Your what? - Rattlesnake. 297 00:30:02,817 --> 00:30:05,453 Maybe they don't allow them in Canada. 298 00:30:05,453 --> 00:30:07,522 We destroy them, we don't sleep with them. 299 00:30:07,522 --> 00:30:11,515 Nobody likes a promiscuous rattlesnake, Captain. 300 00:30:12,961 --> 00:30:15,897 I can assure you, none of my men would steal a rattlesnake... 301 00:30:15,897 --> 00:30:17,365 ...or anything else. 302 00:30:17,365 --> 00:30:19,534 My men are under strict orders. 303 00:30:19,534 --> 00:30:23,527 Anyone discrediting the Canadian uniform is subject to immediate court-martial. 304 00:30:24,839 --> 00:30:28,832 Among other restrictions, they're specifically forbidden to fight. 305 00:30:30,078 --> 00:30:34,071 I suggest, sir, you consider a similar order. 306 00:30:35,116 --> 00:30:38,853 - Do you have a complaint, Major? - I don't mean to belittle the Americans. 307 00:30:38,853 --> 00:30:42,256 What do you mean? 308 00:30:42,256 --> 00:30:46,249 There have been numerous attempts by your men to provoke my men. 309 00:30:46,394 --> 00:30:50,387 And unless they're ordered to stop, there could be serious trouble. 310 00:30:50,565 --> 00:30:54,558 - You really think so? - I know so, sir. 311 00:30:54,636 --> 00:30:58,629 - We'll have to watch that, won't we? - Yes, sir. 312 00:31:06,080 --> 00:31:09,651 How did a friendly little fellow like you get the name of "Ornery"? 313 00:31:09,651 --> 00:31:13,644 Henri. It's French for Henry. 314 00:31:17,258 --> 00:31:20,395 You got yourself a nice little piece here, Ornery. 315 00:31:20,395 --> 00:31:22,964 They say them French girls know all kinds of tricks. 316 00:31:22,964 --> 00:31:25,533 Give me that, you espece de salaud! 317 00:31:25,533 --> 00:31:27,702 Ain't that a purty language? 318 00:31:27,702 --> 00:31:31,695 Sure is marvelous sharing quarters with you Canucks. 319 00:31:33,408 --> 00:31:37,145 - Yeah, what's so marvelous about it? - Now, let me think... 320 00:31:37,145 --> 00:31:41,138 Bronc, this man is one of the handpicked best, right, Corporal? 321 00:31:41,416 --> 00:31:43,951 Thank God they're our friends. 322 00:31:43,951 --> 00:31:46,721 Imagine what would happen if we fought against them. 323 00:31:46,721 --> 00:31:49,557 We could take Canada in two weeks, if we wanted it. 324 00:31:49,557 --> 00:31:53,550 - Right, Manella? - More like two days. 325 00:31:54,495 --> 00:31:56,431 Is that a fact? 326 00:31:56,431 --> 00:32:00,424 - Just you try it, mate! - Back! 327 00:32:13,181 --> 00:32:17,118 Good thing your wife wasn't under there. 328 00:32:17,118 --> 00:32:20,121 Now, you listen to me, you dirty-mouthed buggers! 329 00:32:20,121 --> 00:32:23,624 I'm not one to pull rank, but if there's any more of your filthy talk... 330 00:32:23,624 --> 00:32:27,617 ...or your foul, rotten tricks, you'll pay for it. 331 00:32:28,029 --> 00:32:30,531 Now, is that clear? 332 00:32:30,531 --> 00:32:34,268 Right. This man is right. Let's cut it out. 333 00:32:34,268 --> 00:32:38,261 - Very sorry, Corporal. - It won't happen again, Corporal. 334 00:32:39,674 --> 00:32:43,667 Very well, then. 335 00:32:51,219 --> 00:32:55,212 Sweet dreams, Corporal. 336 00:32:58,793 --> 00:33:02,786 Fall in. 337 00:33:03,231 --> 00:33:07,068 We have very little time to determine... 338 00:33:07,068 --> 00:33:10,471 ...who is and who is not qualified... 339 00:33:10,471 --> 00:33:14,464 ...for the difficult job assigned to this unit. 340 00:33:15,543 --> 00:33:19,536 The training continues today with a 30-mile hike. 341 00:33:20,381 --> 00:33:23,551 Normally, you would carry a full pack and a rifle. 342 00:33:23,551 --> 00:33:26,821 I regret to say that our weapons and much of our equipment... 343 00:33:26,821 --> 00:33:28,823 ...have not yet arrived. 344 00:33:28,823 --> 00:33:31,826 We shall therefore have to do without them. 345 00:33:31,826 --> 00:33:35,129 However, we do have rucksacks... 346 00:33:35,129 --> 00:33:37,565 ...which are loaded with 50 pounds of rocks. 347 00:33:37,565 --> 00:33:40,234 Each man, each officer, and each unit... 348 00:33:40,234 --> 00:33:44,227 - He's got to be kidding. - Don't you wish? 349 00:34:09,096 --> 00:34:13,089 Corporal. 350 00:34:27,415 --> 00:34:31,408 "Yankee doodle went to town, riding on a pony 351 00:34:31,752 --> 00:34:35,745 "Stuck a feather in his hat, and he called it macaroni" 352 00:34:36,724 --> 00:34:39,360 - Peacock? - Yes, sir. 353 00:34:39,360 --> 00:34:43,264 Your stripes are not a license to behave like an ass. 354 00:34:43,264 --> 00:34:46,434 No more derogatory behavior or insulting remarks to the Yanks. 355 00:34:46,434 --> 00:34:50,271 - Is that clear? - Yes, sir. 356 00:34:50,271 --> 00:34:54,264 There will be no more derogatory insults about the Yanks! 357 00:34:54,508 --> 00:34:55,776 Is that clear? 358 00:34:55,776 --> 00:34:59,769 Would ordinary insults be acceptable, sir? 359 00:35:04,385 --> 00:35:08,378 Sir, what am I going to do about my men? They're a bunch of eight balls. 360 00:35:08,522 --> 00:35:12,526 Half of them, if they don't belong in jail, should be put in a loony bin. 361 00:35:12,526 --> 00:35:16,519 - How many of them keep pet rattlesnakes? - Sir? 362 00:35:17,265 --> 00:35:21,258 How many of them have been in and out of nine different camps? 363 00:35:21,402 --> 00:35:25,395 Would you like to try for 10, Major? It's very easy. 364 00:35:32,313 --> 00:35:36,306 All right, now, look alive. I know this is in route-step, but shape up. 365 00:35:52,366 --> 00:35:56,359 I see you circling up there, and I know who you're following, too. 366 00:35:56,938 --> 00:36:00,931 Fifteen miles back. 367 00:36:07,882 --> 00:36:11,875 "The contents of this can are not fit for human consumption." 368 00:36:22,697 --> 00:36:26,690 - Maj. Crown? - Sir? 369 00:36:28,402 --> 00:36:31,973 The Canadians seem to be in better condition than I expected. 370 00:36:31,973 --> 00:36:34,542 That's very good of you to say so, sir. 371 00:36:34,542 --> 00:36:38,535 "Very good of you to say so, sir. Thank you, sir." 372 00:36:38,846 --> 00:36:42,839 Bunch of gung-ho volunteers, they give me the galloping trots. 373 00:37:32,967 --> 00:37:36,570 I can't make it. 374 00:37:36,570 --> 00:37:40,563 - I just can't make it. - The hell you can't. 375 00:37:40,975 --> 00:37:44,968 Anybody quits gets his head broke. 376 00:37:49,383 --> 00:37:51,786 - What's wrong with him? - Nothing, sir. 377 00:37:51,786 --> 00:37:54,455 Double hernia, slight heart attack, otherwise he's fine. 378 00:37:54,455 --> 00:37:56,657 Don't be smart, pretty boy. 379 00:37:56,657 --> 00:38:00,650 - Everybody's fine, sir. - Just don't drop out. 380 00:38:08,536 --> 00:38:12,529 Canadian company, double time! 381 00:38:13,407 --> 00:38:15,910 American company, attention! 382 00:38:15,910 --> 00:38:19,903 Double time! Hard! 383 00:38:21,816 --> 00:38:24,118 Come on, faster. 384 00:38:24,118 --> 00:38:28,111 Keep up with them. Don't let them win. 385 00:38:36,730 --> 00:38:40,568 Come on, get that bugger! 386 00:38:40,568 --> 00:38:44,561 Run, boy, run! 387 00:38:45,906 --> 00:38:49,899 Go get him, Omar. 388 00:39:14,535 --> 00:39:18,528 - Well done, lad. Good try. - You all right? 389 00:39:31,552 --> 00:39:34,855 You! Runt! 390 00:39:34,855 --> 00:39:38,848 That was great work, soldier. 391 00:39:45,866 --> 00:39:48,536 That was a silly-ass thing to do. 392 00:39:48,536 --> 00:39:52,529 I was just trying to return your favor, sir. 393 00:40:21,235 --> 00:40:25,228 Now? 394 00:40:25,606 --> 00:40:29,599 - You mean about getting out? - Yeah. 395 00:40:30,477 --> 00:40:34,048 Look, Bronc, I've been doing a lot of thinking. 396 00:40:34,048 --> 00:40:38,052 You said it yourself, remember, that they always get you? 397 00:40:38,052 --> 00:40:41,755 This time, they could put me away for the duration. 398 00:40:41,755 --> 00:40:45,748 It's just not worth it. 399 00:40:45,926 --> 00:40:49,919 You've got your knife, I'll give you half of this. 400 00:40:50,064 --> 00:40:53,901 You won it. You keep it. 401 00:40:53,901 --> 00:40:57,894 When you get it lighted, I'll tell you what to do with it. 402 00:41:03,544 --> 00:41:07,537 Bronc, listen, what if I help you get out? 403 00:41:07,881 --> 00:41:10,751 What good'll that do? 404 00:41:10,751 --> 00:41:13,887 Bronc, will you take this? 405 00:41:13,887 --> 00:41:16,624 I don't even smoke. 406 00:41:16,624 --> 00:41:20,617 It's very bad for the wind. 407 00:41:26,033 --> 00:41:30,026 - Who is it? - Maj. Crown, sir. 408 00:41:36,310 --> 00:41:38,646 Come in. 409 00:41:38,646 --> 00:41:42,639 Our chemists came up with this, sir. It's the best thing I know of for sore feet. 410 00:41:44,051 --> 00:41:47,054 Thank you. I don't need it. 411 00:41:47,054 --> 00:41:49,189 Is that all? 412 00:41:49,189 --> 00:41:52,860 You paid our men a compliment today, sir. I'd like to reciprocate. 413 00:41:52,860 --> 00:41:54,928 Your men performed better than I expected. 414 00:41:54,928 --> 00:41:57,298 - My men? - The Yanks, sir. 415 00:41:57,298 --> 00:42:00,701 Major, please understand, I command the entire brigade... 416 00:42:00,701 --> 00:42:03,003 ...Canadians and Americans. 417 00:42:03,003 --> 00:42:04,605 Yes, sir. 418 00:42:04,605 --> 00:42:06,740 What I don't understand is, sir... 419 00:42:06,740 --> 00:42:10,733 ...why are you pitting them against each other? 420 00:42:11,312 --> 00:42:15,316 I have less than four months left to convert this misbegotten outfit... 421 00:42:15,316 --> 00:42:17,985 ...into the Army's finest combat unit. 422 00:42:17,985 --> 00:42:21,978 I haven't time to explain or justify every move I make. 423 00:42:22,589 --> 00:42:23,891 Yes, sir. 424 00:42:23,891 --> 00:42:27,884 But I might point out, sir, that many of my men fought... 425 00:42:28,128 --> 00:42:30,898 Many of the Canadian unit fought at Dunkirk. 426 00:42:30,898 --> 00:42:32,166 So? 427 00:42:32,166 --> 00:42:35,336 So, it's just possible, sir, you might want to learn a lesson... 428 00:42:35,336 --> 00:42:39,329 ...from their combat experience. 429 00:42:39,573 --> 00:42:42,009 Yes, I might... 430 00:42:42,009 --> 00:42:45,679 ...if you'd won at Dunkirk. You lost. 431 00:42:45,679 --> 00:42:49,672 I'm training this outfit to win. Good night, Major. 432 00:42:55,155 --> 00:42:57,291 We lost, yes. 433 00:42:57,291 --> 00:43:00,728 In a most bloody awful fashion, we lost. 434 00:43:00,728 --> 00:43:03,864 But from that loss, I learned a lesson... 435 00:43:03,864 --> 00:43:07,868 ...the danger of assuming the role of almighty God. 436 00:43:07,868 --> 00:43:11,872 When the day of reckoning arrives, as mine arrived at Dunkirk... 437 00:43:11,872 --> 00:43:15,865 ...I can assure you, Colonel, it can be a most sorry day, indeed. 438 00:43:29,189 --> 00:43:33,182 That's it, boys. 439 00:43:57,418 --> 00:44:00,954 Come on, move it. Let's go. 440 00:44:00,954 --> 00:44:04,024 Keep it moving. Faster than that. That's it. 441 00:44:04,024 --> 00:44:08,017 That's it, Canadians. Keep it moving. Don't get your feet wet, soldiers. 442 00:44:12,299 --> 00:44:16,292 Get going, Americans. 443 00:44:17,137 --> 00:44:21,130 Bronco, you got a sharp knife? 444 00:44:21,308 --> 00:44:25,301 Sharp enough. 445 00:44:35,789 --> 00:44:39,793 What do you say, Peacock? You ready? Nobody can see your stripes now. 446 00:44:39,793 --> 00:44:42,963 - I know you're yellow. - Cpl. Peacock. 447 00:44:42,963 --> 00:44:46,200 Sir? 448 00:44:46,200 --> 00:44:49,837 You never looked better, Peacock. 449 00:44:49,837 --> 00:44:52,473 - All right, next man on the line. - All right, soldier. 450 00:44:52,473 --> 00:44:55,442 Heard enough out of you, let's go. Move it. 451 00:44:55,442 --> 00:44:59,435 Keep it going. Come on, move out. 452 00:45:04,017 --> 00:45:08,010 Capt. Cardwell tells me you spoke to him about a man named O'Neill. 453 00:45:08,455 --> 00:45:12,448 - Is he capable? - He's capable enough to recommend, sir. 454 00:45:12,826 --> 00:45:16,819 However, if you question my judgment, you could try him. 455 00:45:30,777 --> 00:45:34,770 I'm a new man here. You'll not object if I join you? 456 00:45:37,050 --> 00:45:38,919 You don't need all that space... 457 00:45:38,919 --> 00:45:42,912 ...even with that enormous fat behind of yours. 458 00:45:47,261 --> 00:45:51,254 God in heaven, you're not going to eat that entire nauseating mess? 459 00:45:51,565 --> 00:45:55,558 Small wonder you're such a monstrous tub of lard. 460 00:45:58,305 --> 00:46:02,298 Is it true that all you Yanks are thieves and murderers? 461 00:46:03,377 --> 00:46:06,246 There's one of you that's worse than all the rest... 462 00:46:06,246 --> 00:46:09,216 ...a villainous clod who never ceases... 463 00:46:09,216 --> 00:46:12,019 ...derogatory remarks about the Canadians. 464 00:46:12,019 --> 00:46:16,012 Mind the elbow, lad. 465 00:46:16,323 --> 00:46:19,326 Would one of you be kind enough to point out... 466 00:46:19,326 --> 00:46:23,319 ...the contemptible swine named Rocky Rockman? 467 00:46:25,198 --> 00:46:29,169 You have just two seconds to make a public apology. 468 00:46:29,169 --> 00:46:31,338 - What? - Time's up. 469 00:46:31,338 --> 00:46:32,873 You can't. We're under orders. 470 00:46:32,873 --> 00:46:35,375 If you disgrace your uniform, you'll be court-martialed. 471 00:46:35,375 --> 00:46:37,844 Lad, it's his uniform I propose to disgrace. 472 00:46:37,844 --> 00:46:41,837 Now, sit down. 473 00:46:43,350 --> 00:46:47,343 The human body has numerous vulnerable points: 474 00:46:48,021 --> 00:46:52,014 The elbow, the ribs, the neck... 475 00:46:57,164 --> 00:46:59,032 ...including... 476 00:46:59,032 --> 00:47:03,036 ...the solar plexus and many other points. 477 00:47:03,036 --> 00:47:07,029 It's true, you're a great, powerful beast. 478 00:47:08,909 --> 00:47:11,211 But you'll note how his own size and weight... 479 00:47:11,211 --> 00:47:15,204 ...can be used against him. 480 00:47:20,587 --> 00:47:23,423 Name: Sgt. Patrick O'Neill. 481 00:47:23,423 --> 00:47:27,060 Title: Hand-to-hand combat instructor. 482 00:47:27,060 --> 00:47:29,162 Further instruction will commence tomorrow... 483 00:47:29,162 --> 00:47:33,155 ...07:00, on the parade ground. 484 00:47:45,212 --> 00:47:49,205 Could you pass the salt, please? 485 00:47:49,616 --> 00:47:52,552 Thank you. 486 00:47:52,552 --> 00:47:55,022 You're right, he's capable. 487 00:47:55,022 --> 00:47:59,015 I hope, Major, that you won't punish him for disobeying orders. 488 00:47:59,092 --> 00:48:03,085 It was my impression he was following your orders, sir. 489 00:48:05,298 --> 00:48:08,468 More coffee? 490 00:48:08,468 --> 00:48:12,461 I don't mind if I do. Thank you. 491 00:48:19,046 --> 00:48:21,148 And twist. 492 00:48:21,148 --> 00:48:25,141 Try it. 493 00:48:29,423 --> 00:48:33,416 All right, let's have a go at it. 494 00:48:36,430 --> 00:48:40,333 In a situation like that, you do this, you see? 495 00:48:40,333 --> 00:48:44,326 The collarbones are very easy to break. Now watch. 496 00:48:45,939 --> 00:48:49,932 See? Try that. 497 00:48:51,178 --> 00:48:55,171 Good. 498 00:49:05,358 --> 00:49:07,027 Your stance is more like this. 499 00:49:07,027 --> 00:49:09,196 Look, Major, this is what I understand. 500 00:49:09,196 --> 00:49:13,189 - Whatever you understand. - You really want me to stick you? 501 00:49:13,467 --> 00:49:15,202 Whatever you want to do. 502 00:49:15,202 --> 00:49:19,195 - I wasn't quite ready. - I already did it once. 503 00:49:19,372 --> 00:49:23,365 - Try that again, Major. - You gotta be... 504 00:49:35,055 --> 00:49:39,048 As you can see, Maj. Crown's an expert, sir. 505 00:49:40,160 --> 00:49:43,797 Put your hands up like this. 506 00:49:43,797 --> 00:49:46,032 Move your feet a little bit the other way. 507 00:49:46,032 --> 00:49:50,025 That's the way. All right, now. 508 00:50:06,219 --> 00:50:10,212 - Good work, Greco, keep it up. - Keep it up? Keep what up? 509 00:50:18,431 --> 00:50:21,434 No! 510 00:50:21,434 --> 00:50:24,104 You clumsy moose! 511 00:50:24,104 --> 00:50:27,808 Listen, you smart dago, you ran into me. 512 00:50:27,808 --> 00:50:31,801 - Great, man. Just great. - Show them the way, Canadians. 513 00:50:38,118 --> 00:50:40,420 Well done, Crown. 514 00:50:40,420 --> 00:50:44,424 I can't say the same for your men, Major. What are you gonna do about it? 515 00:50:44,424 --> 00:50:48,417 - The men are tired, sir. They need a rest. - They can rest after the war is over. 516 00:50:49,129 --> 00:50:51,398 Keep going until they're as good as the Canadians. 517 00:50:51,398 --> 00:50:53,633 You want a weekend pass, you'll work for it. 518 00:50:53,633 --> 00:50:57,626 Let's go back up the hill one more time. Now, let's see if we can do it right. 519 00:50:58,205 --> 00:51:01,341 I've never seen anything so lousy in my entire life. 520 00:51:01,341 --> 00:51:04,644 Competition has its use, sir, but doesn't it concern you? 521 00:51:04,644 --> 00:51:07,781 The men may hate each other more than they do the enemy. 522 00:51:07,781 --> 00:51:11,774 Major, your concern and mine is to get them ready to meet the enemy. 523 00:51:13,520 --> 00:51:17,513 Yes, sir. 524 00:51:25,165 --> 00:51:27,801 Proud beauty, why don't you sit down and have a drink... 525 00:51:27,801 --> 00:51:29,836 ...with some nice, clean-cut American boys? 526 00:51:29,836 --> 00:51:31,605 Where are they? I don't see them. 527 00:51:31,605 --> 00:51:35,598 Fraternizing with the Canucks comes under the heading of treason. 528 00:51:39,246 --> 00:51:41,348 All right. 529 00:51:41,348 --> 00:51:44,284 - You can't fight nature. - Just what's that supposed to mean? 530 00:51:44,284 --> 00:51:45,819 Miss Kleinschmidt's a lady. 531 00:51:45,819 --> 00:51:49,812 Ladies associate with gentlemen, not baboons. 532 00:51:55,595 --> 00:51:59,566 Take it easy, man-mountain. You've got all night, my friend. 533 00:51:59,566 --> 00:52:00,834 I'm in a hurry. 534 00:52:00,834 --> 00:52:02,435 When this bottle is empty... 535 00:52:02,435 --> 00:52:06,428 ...I'm gonna break it over his head, and then I'm gonna wipe him out. 536 00:52:07,307 --> 00:52:10,577 How come a big man like you thinks so small? 537 00:52:10,577 --> 00:52:12,746 Let's wipe out the whole mother-Ioving bunch. 538 00:52:12,746 --> 00:52:13,847 Now you're talking. 539 00:52:13,847 --> 00:52:16,750 - All right! - Come on, let's do it! 540 00:52:16,750 --> 00:52:19,686 I got dibs on Peacock. 541 00:52:19,686 --> 00:52:23,679 That pretty Peacock is mine. 542 00:52:33,633 --> 00:52:37,626 Wunderbar. 543 00:52:41,441 --> 00:52:45,434 Somebody put a nickel in the jukebox, and turn off that dame. 544 00:52:55,522 --> 00:52:59,515 I love you. 545 00:53:27,721 --> 00:53:31,725 Now you owe me a drink. 546 00:53:31,725 --> 00:53:34,260 Fellas. We better beat it. 547 00:53:34,260 --> 00:53:38,253 - What do you speak? Eskimo? - I said, "You owe me a drink." 548 00:53:39,265 --> 00:53:42,268 You'll get that drink, Eskimo, the minute hell freezes. 549 00:53:42,268 --> 00:53:43,903 Who do you think you are? 550 00:53:43,903 --> 00:53:46,740 All right, Henri, let it pass. Come on, move down the bar. 551 00:53:46,740 --> 00:53:50,733 Give them some room now. 552 00:53:54,547 --> 00:53:58,540 Get over here. 553 00:54:09,763 --> 00:54:11,931 Look who we got here. 554 00:54:11,931 --> 00:54:15,268 - Millie, baby! - Here, your petticoat's showing. 555 00:54:15,268 --> 00:54:18,004 Millie, who's your girlfriend? Who does what to who? 556 00:54:18,004 --> 00:54:21,274 - It's optional, mate. - Shut your big, ugly face. 557 00:54:21,274 --> 00:54:23,710 - Come on! - Look, now you put me down! 558 00:54:23,710 --> 00:54:26,780 - Don't be so particular. - Can't you take a hint, mate? 559 00:54:26,780 --> 00:54:29,015 I can eat a dozen chickens like you alive. 560 00:54:29,015 --> 00:54:31,651 Look, we're here for a good time, the same as you. 561 00:54:31,651 --> 00:54:35,644 Let's not spoil it. What're you gonna have to drink? Bartender! 562 00:54:37,590 --> 00:54:39,325 We'll buy our own drinks. 563 00:54:39,325 --> 00:54:42,595 You've got a hell of a nerve barging in here, takin' our broads. 564 00:54:42,595 --> 00:54:44,864 - Any of you guys invite 'em? - No! 565 00:54:44,864 --> 00:54:47,467 - I can't stand Canucks. - So you weren't invited. 566 00:54:47,467 --> 00:54:49,903 So what do we do about that? 567 00:54:49,903 --> 00:54:52,072 Give me another drink. 568 00:54:52,072 --> 00:54:55,608 You clear out, or we throw you out. Now what's it gonna be? 569 00:54:55,608 --> 00:54:57,043 Don't waste your time with him. 570 00:54:57,043 --> 00:54:59,679 All right, we'll find another bar. Finish your drinks. 571 00:54:59,679 --> 00:55:02,849 We'll finish your drink. 572 00:55:02,849 --> 00:55:06,842 - Let's go. - You made a wise decision. 573 00:55:08,421 --> 00:55:10,323 Now, wait just a minute. 574 00:55:10,323 --> 00:55:13,526 Excuse me, but I'd like to clear up a little misunderstanding. 575 00:55:13,526 --> 00:55:17,519 You see, the Canadians would be happy to accommodate you... 576 00:55:17,831 --> 00:55:21,824 ...but they can't because they're under orders, and they're not allowed to fight. 577 00:55:23,103 --> 00:55:27,096 Am I getting through? 578 00:55:30,510 --> 00:55:34,503 Where are you going to now, frog face? 579 00:55:47,527 --> 00:55:50,697 You said nobody invited the Canucks. 580 00:55:50,697 --> 00:55:54,690 But what burns me, big mouth, is just who the hell invited you? 581 00:55:57,937 --> 00:56:01,930 Splendid, Rocky! 582 00:56:20,560 --> 00:56:24,553 All right, Canadians, don't disgrace your uniforms! 583 00:56:24,898 --> 00:56:28,891 Join the Yanks! 584 00:56:35,708 --> 00:56:39,701 One for Millie! 585 00:57:10,777 --> 00:57:14,770 Are you all right, Rocky? 586 00:57:15,548 --> 00:57:19,541 Ten hut! 587 00:57:25,592 --> 00:57:29,585 Break it up! 588 00:57:35,134 --> 00:57:39,127 Good! Good! That was good! 589 00:57:43,910 --> 00:57:47,903 Break it up! 590 00:57:47,947 --> 00:57:51,940 All right! Break it up! 591 00:58:06,132 --> 00:58:10,125 - How are you? - Doing fine. 592 00:59:27,380 --> 00:59:30,383 What are you going to do about them? I tried to warn you. 593 00:59:30,383 --> 00:59:32,885 I'll take care of it. 594 00:59:32,885 --> 00:59:35,121 - Cardwell, Rose. - Sir? 595 00:59:35,121 --> 00:59:39,114 Line 'em up. 596 00:59:42,362 --> 00:59:45,231 Heads up in there! Come on! 597 00:59:45,231 --> 00:59:47,400 Let's go! Come on! 598 00:59:47,400 --> 00:59:51,393 Fall in! 599 00:59:55,341 --> 00:59:58,745 The Lieutenant informs me... 600 00:59:58,745 --> 01:00:01,748 ...that 35 lumberjacks... 601 01:00:01,748 --> 01:00:05,284 ...and 17 MPs were injured... 602 01:00:05,284 --> 01:00:07,754 ...and six hospitalized... 603 01:00:07,754 --> 01:00:11,747 ...and that property damage was in excess of $3,000. 604 01:00:12,825 --> 01:00:16,262 Now, every man, regardless of uniform... 605 01:00:16,262 --> 01:00:20,255 ...is equally guilty, and will be equally punished. 606 01:00:22,769 --> 01:00:25,438 Until the damage is settled... 607 01:00:25,438 --> 01:00:29,431 ...every man will have deducted $1 a month from his pay. 608 01:00:30,877 --> 01:00:34,870 From this point on, the entire brigade is restricted to barracks... 609 01:00:36,282 --> 01:00:40,275 ...for a period of eight hours. 610 01:00:41,320 --> 01:00:45,191 Any additional singing... 611 01:00:45,191 --> 01:00:49,184 ...drinking, or celebrating... 612 01:00:49,862 --> 01:00:53,855 ...will be conducted with proper restraint. 613 01:00:54,033 --> 01:00:58,026 That's all. 614 01:00:58,304 --> 01:01:02,297 Dismissed! 615 01:01:04,877 --> 01:01:08,214 "For he's a jolly good fellow 616 01:01:08,214 --> 01:01:12,207 "For he's a jolly good fellow 617 01:01:13,352 --> 01:01:16,856 "Which nobody can deny 618 01:01:16,856 --> 01:01:20,159 "Which nobody can deny 619 01:01:20,159 --> 01:01:23,362 "Which nobody can deny 620 01:01:23,362 --> 01:01:27,355 "For he's a jolly good..." 621 01:01:39,178 --> 01:01:42,215 Come in. 622 01:01:42,215 --> 01:01:44,183 Sir. 623 01:01:44,183 --> 01:01:48,176 May I presume to offer you a drink? 624 01:01:51,090 --> 01:01:55,083 Sit down. 625 01:02:02,969 --> 01:02:03,970 Come on, lads. 626 01:02:03,970 --> 01:02:07,273 I'll take a snap of you. Send a copy of this to the Krauts. 627 01:02:07,273 --> 01:02:08,808 They'll bloody surrender. 628 01:02:08,808 --> 01:02:11,844 Come on, big smiles. There you are. 629 01:02:11,844 --> 01:02:13,212 Hugh, just one more. 630 01:02:13,212 --> 01:02:15,982 My father always wanted me to graduate from something. 631 01:02:15,982 --> 01:02:19,975 Right you are. That's beautiful. 632 01:02:25,758 --> 01:02:29,751 Gorgeous, Rocky. Just gorgeous. 633 01:02:31,197 --> 01:02:35,190 You're still a big baboon. 634 01:02:50,516 --> 01:02:54,509 First Special Service Force pass in review. 635 01:02:54,554 --> 01:02:58,547 Number 1 company, right turn! 636 01:03:00,560 --> 01:03:04,497 - Number 2 company, right face! - Number 3 company, fall in. 637 01:03:04,497 --> 01:03:08,134 First platoon, forward march. 638 01:03:08,134 --> 01:03:11,203 Second platoon, forward... 639 01:03:11,203 --> 01:03:12,371 ...march! 640 01:03:12,371 --> 01:03:16,364 First platoon, forward march. 641 01:03:29,488 --> 01:03:33,481 Eyes right! 642 01:03:53,245 --> 01:03:57,238 Maj. Bricker, Maj. Crown, take over. 643 01:04:22,141 --> 01:04:24,477 But I can't believe it, sir. 644 01:04:24,477 --> 01:04:26,612 I just don't believe it. 645 01:04:26,612 --> 01:04:29,649 Bob, it's no satisfaction to me, but I knew it. 646 01:04:29,649 --> 01:04:32,351 I smelled it. I warned you. 647 01:04:32,351 --> 01:04:34,220 I'm very sorry. 648 01:04:34,220 --> 01:04:38,213 That's comforting. Good-bye. 649 01:04:41,661 --> 01:04:45,654 Come in. 650 01:04:49,001 --> 01:04:52,338 - Project's been canceled. - Canceled? 651 01:04:52,338 --> 01:04:54,940 God, why? 652 01:04:54,940 --> 01:04:58,644 The commando raid on Norway is an entirely English project. 653 01:04:58,644 --> 01:05:02,637 We're out of it. Well, we'll be getting orders soon. 654 01:05:03,549 --> 01:05:06,152 What kind of orders, sir? 655 01:05:06,152 --> 01:05:10,145 Disbanding the brigade. The men will be assigned to other units. 656 01:05:10,556 --> 01:05:13,492 Son of a bitch. 657 01:05:13,492 --> 01:05:15,594 Don't tell me I'm nuts. 658 01:05:15,594 --> 01:05:19,587 I tell you, I just heard. They're bustin' up the force. 659 01:05:20,666 --> 01:05:24,537 What did we break our asses for? Why? 660 01:05:24,537 --> 01:05:27,339 "Ours is not to reason why." 661 01:05:27,339 --> 01:05:31,110 Damn the reasons. I want more than reasons. 662 01:05:31,110 --> 01:05:35,103 I'm going to Washington. Tell the men it's just a routine trip. 663 01:05:36,582 --> 01:05:38,718 Give everybody a 10-day Christmas leave. 664 01:05:38,718 --> 01:05:42,354 Is there a chance, sir? Have you got friends up there? 665 01:05:42,354 --> 01:05:44,356 No. 666 01:05:44,356 --> 01:05:48,349 But at this point, I don't care about making any more enemies. 667 01:05:48,594 --> 01:05:50,329 We don't need your unit. 668 01:05:50,329 --> 01:05:54,166 What we desperately need are replacements for other units. 669 01:05:54,166 --> 01:05:58,159 Anyhow, orders have been issued. It's out of my hands. Gentlemen. 670 01:05:59,105 --> 01:06:01,207 Sir, may I have permission to see Gen. Cullen? 671 01:06:01,207 --> 01:06:05,200 Why, George, he doesn't mean to imply he's going over your head. 672 01:06:05,745 --> 01:06:09,115 He's not implying anything. He's saying it. 673 01:06:09,115 --> 01:06:13,108 - You've got time to waste, go ahead. - Thank you, sir. 674 01:06:13,619 --> 01:06:16,455 Thank you, George. 675 01:06:16,455 --> 01:06:18,758 Look, Bob, I understand, I sympathize. 676 01:06:18,758 --> 01:06:22,128 But you keep on this way, you're gonna retire a Lieutenant Colonel. 677 01:06:22,128 --> 01:06:23,996 General... 678 01:06:23,996 --> 01:06:27,199 ...I have men who care more about the one stripe they've earned... 679 01:06:27,199 --> 01:06:29,735 ...than I'd care if you buried me in brass. 680 01:06:29,735 --> 01:06:33,728 Why do I help you? Why do I even bother talking to you? 681 01:06:34,707 --> 01:06:38,700 - It's your funeral, Bob. Enjoy it. - Walter? 682 01:06:38,811 --> 01:06:42,281 I want to thank you for your help... 683 01:06:42,281 --> 01:06:46,274 ...and your friendship. 684 01:06:48,487 --> 01:06:52,480 Col. Frederick to see Gen. Cullen. 685 01:06:53,492 --> 01:06:56,228 I don't believe you have an appointment, Colonel. 686 01:06:56,228 --> 01:06:59,064 May I ask the nature of your business? 687 01:06:59,064 --> 01:07:02,334 Would you tell the General that it's very urgent? 688 01:07:02,334 --> 01:07:04,436 Gen. Cullen's in a staff meeting. 689 01:07:04,436 --> 01:07:07,606 I don't expect him back before 7:00 at the earliest. 690 01:07:07,606 --> 01:07:10,442 Where can we reach you? 691 01:07:10,442 --> 01:07:14,435 Right here. 692 01:07:16,248 --> 01:07:20,241 You're a lucky dago. 693 01:07:21,620 --> 01:07:25,624 - Joy to the world. - Lf it ain't old handsome Ransom. 694 01:07:25,624 --> 01:07:27,459 What brings you back so soon? 695 01:07:27,459 --> 01:07:31,452 Sir, I found the old homestead intolerably oppressive. 696 01:07:32,097 --> 01:07:34,600 Not the heat, the humility. 697 01:07:34,600 --> 01:07:38,593 - Pull up a bayonet, and you sit down. - Home is where the heart is... 698 01:07:38,804 --> 01:07:42,741 ...also the liver, spleen, and the lower intestine. 699 01:07:42,741 --> 01:07:45,377 - What you need is a drink. - True. 700 01:07:45,377 --> 01:07:46,712 Come on, ante up. 701 01:07:46,712 --> 01:07:49,715 - Who dealt this one? - Come on, get your money in. 702 01:07:49,715 --> 01:07:53,219 This horse should have his kidneys checked. 703 01:07:53,219 --> 01:07:56,589 And why aren't you all partaking of the blessings of home and family? 704 01:07:56,589 --> 01:08:00,582 - What's to go home to? - I went home. Stupid sister's. 705 01:08:01,093 --> 01:08:02,761 That draft dodger she married... 706 01:08:02,761 --> 01:08:04,763 ...you know what he called me? 707 01:08:04,763 --> 01:08:06,866 "Sucker." I didn't say nothin'. 708 01:08:06,866 --> 01:08:10,859 I just broke his jaw and walked out. Deal the cards, Hopalong. 709 01:08:11,570 --> 01:08:14,607 - Any word from Washington? - Nothing. Not even a peep. 710 01:08:14,607 --> 01:08:16,242 High muckety-muck Generals. 711 01:08:16,242 --> 01:08:18,844 Jesus Christ was satisfied with just one star. 712 01:08:18,844 --> 01:08:20,846 Some of those brass hats gotta have four. 713 01:08:20,846 --> 01:08:24,516 You know how they get 'em? By screwin' things up. 714 01:08:24,516 --> 01:08:26,852 All right, cowboy, we gonna play cards or not? 715 01:08:26,852 --> 01:08:28,187 All right, I'm in. 716 01:08:28,187 --> 01:08:32,180 - Ante up. - Come in, boys. 717 01:08:35,828 --> 01:08:38,197 Thank you. 718 01:08:38,197 --> 01:08:42,190 My sister's children. Their father's off somewhere in the Pacific. 719 01:08:42,234 --> 01:08:44,336 Hasn't been home in over a year. 720 01:08:44,336 --> 01:08:48,329 I guess the least I can do is make their packages look nice. 721 01:08:48,507 --> 01:08:52,211 Do you have a family, Colonel? 722 01:08:52,211 --> 01:08:53,512 Yes. 723 01:08:53,512 --> 01:08:57,505 Not much of a Christmas for you either, is it? 724 01:08:59,551 --> 01:09:02,755 Gen. Cullen's office. Gen. Cullen. 725 01:09:02,755 --> 01:09:04,690 Sir, there's a Col. Frederick here. 726 01:09:04,690 --> 01:09:08,683 Been waiting since 3:30. Says it's very urgent. 727 01:09:13,866 --> 01:09:16,402 I see. 728 01:09:16,402 --> 01:09:19,838 And a very merry Christmas to you, General. 729 01:09:19,838 --> 01:09:22,474 Gen. Cullen won't be back to the office. 730 01:09:22,474 --> 01:09:26,467 He says he's fully aware of your situation, but there's absolutely nothing he can do. 731 01:09:27,279 --> 01:09:31,272 I'm sorry. 732 01:09:43,262 --> 01:09:46,932 Colonel. 733 01:09:46,932 --> 01:09:50,925 From Gen. Walter Naylor. He just phoned. Can you read it? 734 01:09:55,574 --> 01:09:59,567 Merry Christmas. 735 01:10:03,749 --> 01:10:06,585 Gen. Mark Clark, Gen. Hunter, Col. Frederick. 736 01:10:06,585 --> 01:10:08,253 - Colonel. - General. 737 01:10:08,253 --> 01:10:12,246 Thank you. 738 01:10:12,391 --> 01:10:16,384 - Gen. Naylor informs me you need men. - That's right. 739 01:10:19,932 --> 01:10:22,468 In Italy, we're facing a solid wall of mountain... 740 01:10:22,468 --> 01:10:25,537 ...defended by the best troops in the German army. 741 01:10:25,537 --> 01:10:28,440 As you've doubtless heard, we're getting nowhere. 742 01:10:28,440 --> 01:10:31,043 Have your boys had any mountain training? 743 01:10:31,043 --> 01:10:34,513 I promise you, sir, whatever the job is, we can handle it. 744 01:10:34,513 --> 01:10:37,783 That's quite a promise coming from a man with no combat experience... 745 01:10:37,783 --> 01:10:40,252 ...commanding an outfit that nobody wants. 746 01:10:40,252 --> 01:10:43,522 Gen. Hunter's been making some inquiries. He's a little dubious. 747 01:10:43,522 --> 01:10:45,491 One misfit can foul up a whole company... 748 01:10:45,491 --> 01:10:48,027 ...and one fouled-up company can ruin a whole attack. 749 01:10:48,027 --> 01:10:52,020 A lot of your men are chronic misfits, that's the word I get. 750 01:10:52,064 --> 01:10:55,067 I don't know where the General got his information, sir... 751 01:10:55,067 --> 01:10:56,502 ...but I can guess. 752 01:10:56,502 --> 01:10:59,471 Probably from the people who sent us the misfits. 753 01:10:59,471 --> 01:11:03,464 As of now, man for man, they're the best combat unit in the world. 754 01:11:03,642 --> 01:11:07,635 And that's a fact, sir, not a promise. If you doubt it, let us prove it. 755 01:11:09,648 --> 01:11:13,552 Unfortunately, there's no luxury in war. 756 01:11:13,552 --> 01:11:17,545 Gen. Hunter won't agree with me, but this is no time to be conservative. 757 01:11:18,290 --> 01:11:20,826 I do need your men, Colonel. 758 01:11:20,826 --> 01:11:24,819 - When can they be ready? - Right now, sir. 759 01:11:27,633 --> 01:11:31,626 Attention! 760 01:11:31,904 --> 01:11:34,106 As you were. 761 01:11:34,106 --> 01:11:38,099 Sorry to interrupt your religious services, but good news requires a drink... 762 01:11:39,078 --> 01:11:41,513 ...and I detest drinking alone. 763 01:11:41,513 --> 01:11:43,515 Yes! 764 01:11:43,515 --> 01:11:46,385 You've heard from the Colonel. We're still alive! 765 01:11:46,385 --> 01:11:48,554 Very much alive. 766 01:11:48,554 --> 01:11:50,556 I knew it. 767 01:11:50,556 --> 01:11:53,926 A merry Christmas to him, to us... 768 01:11:53,926 --> 01:11:56,995 ...and to the brigade. 769 01:11:56,995 --> 01:12:00,988 We're alive, I knew it! 770 01:12:11,110 --> 01:12:15,103 Follow that stream up ahead. 771 01:12:47,446 --> 01:12:50,048 Lower! Get lower. 772 01:12:50,048 --> 01:12:54,041 Sir, we're gonna get our ass shot off. 773 01:13:05,564 --> 01:13:09,557 - All right, let's head back. - Yes, sir. 774 01:13:21,079 --> 01:13:25,072 Colonel, my first impression of you was a whole lot less than favorable. 775 01:13:26,151 --> 01:13:29,755 This daredevil flight of yours... I don't want any officer around me... 776 01:13:29,755 --> 01:13:32,191 ...who takes unnecessary or unauthorized risks. 777 01:13:32,191 --> 01:13:36,061 - Is that understood? - Not entirely, sir. 778 01:13:36,061 --> 01:13:40,054 - Depends on how you define unnecessary. - Never mind the definitions. 779 01:13:40,432 --> 01:13:43,769 Your outfit is being sent on an ordinary, routine patrol. 780 01:13:43,769 --> 01:13:46,705 You were given maps and reconnaissance photos, right? 781 01:13:46,705 --> 01:13:50,698 All of which fail to indicate that the entire route is under enemy fire. 782 01:13:51,877 --> 01:13:55,870 Sure, enemy fire. Would you like to be relieved? 783 01:13:56,048 --> 01:14:00,041 No, sir. But I think I've found a safer route. 784 01:14:03,455 --> 01:14:06,925 Show me. 785 01:14:06,925 --> 01:14:10,918 Sir, if we could enter the stream two miles above or below the bridge... 786 01:14:11,129 --> 01:14:15,033 ...around Hill 418, and then enter Santa Elia from the south... 787 01:14:15,033 --> 01:14:18,103 Take your men two miles through ice-cold water... 788 01:14:18,103 --> 01:14:20,672 ...arriving, if they arrive, behind the town... 789 01:14:20,672 --> 01:14:23,141 ...in a position to be cut off, captured, wiped out. 790 01:14:23,141 --> 01:14:26,578 - Very good. - Not if they perform as expected, sir. 791 01:14:26,578 --> 01:14:30,482 What do you think Santa Elia is, a Boy Scout camp? 792 01:14:30,482 --> 01:14:33,819 It's a key German supply line to the mountains and heavily fortified. 793 01:14:33,819 --> 01:14:37,256 - Here it is. - Yes, sir, you're right. 794 01:14:37,256 --> 01:14:39,491 Now, listen to me. 795 01:14:39,491 --> 01:14:41,827 You've got to take Santa Elia sooner or later... 796 01:14:41,827 --> 01:14:44,229 ...but I've gotta know what we're up against. 797 01:14:44,229 --> 01:14:48,222 Now, frankly, I don't know what to expect from your men. 798 01:14:49,301 --> 01:14:53,038 I'm hoping they'll scout the area and bring back a few prisoners. 799 01:14:53,038 --> 01:14:55,240 That's what I want from you. Is that clear? 800 01:14:55,240 --> 01:14:59,233 Do I gather, sir, you're trying to test us? 801 01:14:59,778 --> 01:15:02,914 You can stop worrying right now, sir. Let me tell you... 802 01:15:02,914 --> 01:15:06,907 No, sir, we understand. You're quite clear, sir. 803 01:15:08,687 --> 01:15:10,789 I'm glad of it. 804 01:15:10,789 --> 01:15:13,125 When your outfit comes back from the patrol... 805 01:15:13,125 --> 01:15:15,527 ...you report to me immediately. 806 01:15:15,527 --> 01:15:19,520 Yes, sir. Very good, sir. 807 01:15:19,765 --> 01:15:23,758 Yeah, all right. 808 01:15:28,140 --> 01:15:31,209 I must say, sir, you accepted his insults graciously. 809 01:15:31,209 --> 01:15:35,047 You get a great idea, he doesn't like it. So you just forget about it, right? 810 01:15:35,047 --> 01:15:37,282 Do it by the book. 811 01:15:37,282 --> 01:15:40,752 That's what he thinks. What do you think? 812 01:15:40,752 --> 01:15:44,745 He wants prisoners, we give him prisoners. 813 01:16:10,816 --> 01:16:13,752 Damn, why does this guy love water so much? 814 01:16:13,752 --> 01:16:15,854 Why? He's nuts. 815 01:16:15,854 --> 01:16:19,157 Who ever heard of a Colonel on a patrol? 816 01:16:19,157 --> 01:16:21,827 A daddy wants to take care of his little kiddies. 817 01:16:21,827 --> 01:16:25,820 - Right, pretty boy? - Right. 818 01:16:29,401 --> 01:16:33,105 - There goes my chance to be a daddy. - Don't worry about it, frog. 819 01:16:33,105 --> 01:16:36,908 Keep quiet. Pass it on to the other morons. 820 01:16:36,908 --> 01:16:40,901 Quiet up there! 821 01:17:49,848 --> 01:17:53,841 It's only a mailman. 822 01:21:32,003 --> 01:21:35,996 Peacock. You, McDonald, Bronc... 823 01:22:59,758 --> 01:23:03,228 You know what to do. Kill if you have to. 824 01:23:03,228 --> 01:23:07,221 But the most important thing is prisoners. We've got to get 'em. 825 01:23:09,100 --> 01:23:13,093 In an hour, the whole town'll be awake, so we have to move fast. 826 01:23:13,772 --> 01:23:16,141 In Deutsch. 827 01:23:16,141 --> 01:23:20,134 "Silence, or you're dead." 828 01:23:26,184 --> 01:23:28,286 No mistakes. 829 01:23:28,286 --> 01:23:32,279 One mistake, we're all dead. 830 01:23:32,624 --> 01:23:34,425 You stay here. 831 01:23:34,425 --> 01:23:38,418 Drag these bodies. Hide 'em someplace. But you stay here. Let's go. 832 01:25:42,487 --> 01:25:45,757 - Move. - Keep it quiet. Don't let up. 833 01:25:45,757 --> 01:25:48,793 - Come on. - Come on. Keep going. 834 01:25:48,793 --> 01:25:52,786 Keep it quiet. Get a move on. 835 01:26:56,661 --> 01:26:59,797 Move! 836 01:26:59,797 --> 01:27:03,790 - Get a move on. - Let's go. 837 01:27:10,641 --> 01:27:14,634 Move! 838 01:28:25,616 --> 01:28:29,609 Once more! How many men? What is your objective? 839 01:28:30,488 --> 01:28:32,890 Rockwell W. Rockman, Corporal. 840 01:28:32,890 --> 01:28:36,761 Serial number: 15359... 841 01:28:36,761 --> 01:28:40,754 Once more! How many men? What is your objective? 842 01:28:41,099 --> 01:28:44,836 Rockwell W. Rockman, Corporal. Serial number... 843 01:28:44,836 --> 01:28:46,504 You bastard. 844 01:28:46,504 --> 01:28:50,374 Another one? Maybe he can be persuaded. 845 01:28:50,374 --> 01:28:54,045 At least he is looking more intelligent than this one. 846 01:28:54,045 --> 01:28:56,981 Rocky, lad. 847 01:28:56,981 --> 01:29:00,974 What have they done to you? 848 01:29:11,796 --> 01:29:15,789 Peacock! 849 01:29:16,033 --> 01:29:20,026 Gunter! 850 01:30:28,105 --> 01:30:30,074 We took it, sir. 851 01:30:30,074 --> 01:30:34,067 - Now what the hell do we do with it? - We keep it. 852 01:31:41,178 --> 01:31:45,171 Does this answer your question? 853 01:32:04,101 --> 01:32:08,094 At ease. 854 01:32:10,875 --> 01:32:14,045 Absolutely everything you did, from beginning to end... 855 01:32:14,045 --> 01:32:16,547 ...was directly contrary to my orders. 856 01:32:16,547 --> 01:32:19,884 Sir, I recall a lecture, some advice... 857 01:32:19,884 --> 01:32:23,054 ...some criticism of our ability, but I don't recall any orders. 858 01:32:23,054 --> 01:32:25,956 How's your recollection concerning unnecessary risks? 859 01:32:25,956 --> 01:32:27,558 Why did you lead that patrol? 860 01:32:27,558 --> 01:32:30,861 If you will recall, sir, I hadn't had any combat experience. 861 01:32:30,861 --> 01:32:32,330 I wanted to see what it was like. 862 01:32:32,330 --> 01:32:36,323 You've never been killed, either. Do you want to find out what that's like? 863 01:32:37,802 --> 01:32:41,672 - How many men did you lose? - None, sir. Six wounded, not bad. 864 01:32:41,672 --> 01:32:45,665 There's no doubt, sir, that we were lucky that it worked out as well as it did. 865 01:32:46,143 --> 01:32:50,136 Yeah. As well as can be expected, sir. 866 01:32:53,684 --> 01:32:57,677 Come over here. 867 01:33:00,658 --> 01:33:02,860 What'll you have? 868 01:33:02,860 --> 01:33:06,853 Sir, I'd like about a dozen cases for the men if you can spare it. 869 01:33:07,131 --> 01:33:11,124 - You're an insolent bastard, aren't you? - You're right, sir. 870 01:33:11,302 --> 01:33:15,295 Two hundred German prisoners will tell you that. 871 01:33:15,673 --> 01:33:19,666 - You want a drink or not? - No thank you, sir. 872 01:33:21,946 --> 01:33:25,939 - Dismissed. - Yes, sir. 873 01:33:29,954 --> 01:33:32,022 Sir, you must come now. It's very important. 874 01:33:32,022 --> 01:33:36,015 - You won't believe what we just found out. - It's an emergency, sir. 875 01:33:36,761 --> 01:33:40,754 Emergency? 876 01:33:45,736 --> 01:33:47,705 What kind of an emergency? Make sense. 877 01:33:47,705 --> 01:33:50,908 The clerk was going over personnel records. There's no denying it. 878 01:33:50,908 --> 01:33:52,643 No doubt about it. We got proof. 879 01:33:52,643 --> 01:33:54,378 Proof of what? What are you talking about? 880 01:33:54,378 --> 01:33:57,148 It's your birthday. Happy birthday, sir. 881 01:33:57,148 --> 01:34:01,141 Happy birthday, sir! 882 01:34:21,972 --> 01:34:23,174 Give me a drink! 883 01:34:23,174 --> 01:34:25,342 "For he's a jolly good fellow 884 01:34:25,342 --> 01:34:28,078 "For he's a jolly good fellow 885 01:34:28,078 --> 01:34:32,071 "For he's a jolly good fellow 886 01:34:32,116 --> 01:34:35,352 "Which nobody can deny 887 01:34:35,352 --> 01:34:37,988 "Which nobody can deny" 888 01:34:37,988 --> 01:34:41,981 Okay, knock it off! All right. Pipe down. 889 01:34:42,259 --> 01:34:46,252 Listen. If you guys can hold off gettin' drunk for a couple of seconds... 890 01:34:46,497 --> 01:34:49,934 ...you're gonna hear a few well-chosen pearls of wisdom... 891 01:34:49,934 --> 01:34:53,204 ...from that distinguished Irishman and eminent scholar... 892 01:34:53,204 --> 01:34:57,197 ...Maj. Crown. 893 01:35:02,046 --> 01:35:05,382 Today I had the pleasure... 894 01:35:05,382 --> 01:35:08,986 ...of interrogating some German prisoners. 895 01:35:08,986 --> 01:35:11,422 They said some flatterin' things about us... 896 01:35:11,422 --> 01:35:15,415 Gangsters, murderers, savages... 897 01:35:16,393 --> 01:35:19,864 But the most memorable compliment... 898 01:35:19,864 --> 01:35:23,857 ...came from their commanding officer. 899 01:35:24,134 --> 01:35:28,127 And he referred to us as... 900 01:35:32,009 --> 01:35:36,002 ...members of the Devil's brigade. 901 01:35:36,480 --> 01:35:39,783 Long life... 902 01:35:39,783 --> 01:35:43,776 ...to the devil! 903 01:35:51,061 --> 01:35:53,130 - Give me a drink. - You organize this? 904 01:35:53,130 --> 01:35:55,566 No, sir. It was a popular uprising. 905 01:35:55,566 --> 01:35:58,903 Cast your bread on the waters, it comes back a testimonial dinner. 906 01:35:58,903 --> 01:36:02,896 But where it comes from, I wouldn't be askin'. 907 01:36:14,818 --> 01:36:18,322 It's done my heart a world of good the way you guys have shaped up. 908 01:36:18,322 --> 01:36:22,315 I couldn't have done a better job myself. 909 01:36:22,927 --> 01:36:26,096 Attention! 910 01:36:26,096 --> 01:36:28,832 - General. - General. 911 01:36:28,832 --> 01:36:32,825 - Frederick. - What is going on here? 912 01:36:33,537 --> 01:36:35,272 Little celebration, sir. 913 01:36:35,272 --> 01:36:38,108 - May I offer you a drink? - Certainly. 914 01:36:38,108 --> 01:36:41,445 No, later. Is there someplace we can talk, Colonel? 915 01:36:41,445 --> 01:36:45,438 This way, sir. 916 01:36:47,384 --> 01:36:49,620 Mount la Difensa. 917 01:36:49,620 --> 01:36:53,157 It's on the road to Rome, flanked all around by mountains. 918 01:36:53,157 --> 01:36:56,260 Mount la Difensa's the key point to this entire sector. 919 01:36:56,260 --> 01:36:58,829 We've been trying for weeks to take it from them. 920 01:36:58,829 --> 01:37:02,166 We've had total failure. And we've had heavy casualties. 921 01:37:02,166 --> 01:37:04,068 But we've got to get it. 922 01:37:04,068 --> 01:37:07,404 For good behavior in prison, you're rewarded with time off. 923 01:37:07,404 --> 01:37:11,397 In the army, double time, and a swift kick in the rear. 924 01:37:12,276 --> 01:37:15,145 Your reward, Colonel, is la Difensa. 925 01:37:15,145 --> 01:37:19,138 Study the maps, send out scouting patrols, give me a plan of attack. 926 01:37:19,883 --> 01:37:22,653 General, this fellow doesn't send out patrols. 927 01:37:22,653 --> 01:37:26,646 - He leads 'em. - Full Colonels are not expendable. 928 01:37:27,291 --> 01:37:31,284 Sir, how low in rank does a man have to be before he's expendable? 929 01:37:32,963 --> 01:37:36,956 Good night, Colonel. Enjoy your celebration. 930 01:37:37,534 --> 01:37:41,527 Night, Colonel. 931 01:37:48,646 --> 01:37:52,639 "Around her leg she wore a purple garter 932 01:37:53,150 --> 01:37:57,143 "She wore it in the springtime and in the month of May 933 01:37:57,421 --> 01:38:01,414 "And when you asked her why the hell she wore it 934 01:38:01,692 --> 01:38:05,696 "She wore it for her parents who were far, far, away 935 01:38:05,696 --> 01:38:07,698 "Far away, far away 936 01:38:07,698 --> 01:38:10,334 "Far away, far away 937 01:38:10,334 --> 01:38:14,327 "She wore it for her parents, who were far, far away..." 938 01:38:20,010 --> 01:38:21,378 Our reconnaissance has shown... 939 01:38:21,378 --> 01:38:25,371 ...that the German guns are facing west and south. 940 01:38:25,983 --> 01:38:29,920 That's why I propose that we attack from the east. 941 01:38:29,920 --> 01:38:33,913 What I need from you, sir, is an artillery barrage, all you've got... 942 01:38:34,391 --> 01:38:36,727 ...on the forward slopes. 943 01:38:36,727 --> 01:38:39,997 That'll give 'em the idea that we're attacking from here. 944 01:38:39,997 --> 01:38:43,600 In the meantime, at 06:00, I can be here... 945 01:38:43,600 --> 01:38:46,136 ...at 09:00, here. 946 01:38:46,136 --> 01:38:49,606 By reaching this point, we'll be above them, holding the high ground. 947 01:38:49,606 --> 01:38:52,309 For us, it'll be a downhill fight all the way. 948 01:38:52,309 --> 01:38:56,302 If we can drive them beyond these big rocks, they'll have no cover. 949 01:38:56,447 --> 01:38:58,382 They'll have to surrender or die. 950 01:38:58,382 --> 01:39:02,386 It sounds good, Colonel, but your attack force up that cliff in three hours... 951 01:39:02,386 --> 01:39:05,656 ...with weapons, ammunition, food? 952 01:39:05,656 --> 01:39:07,991 You must have remarkable faith in your men. 953 01:39:07,991 --> 01:39:10,160 Yes, sir, I have. 954 01:39:10,160 --> 01:39:14,153 Faith moves mountains, it doesn't take them. 955 01:39:15,099 --> 01:39:17,668 How would you know until we try? 956 01:39:17,668 --> 01:39:21,661 Overlooking your disrespect, there's no sense trying what can't be done. 957 01:39:24,441 --> 01:39:28,112 I hope the Germans have the same sensible attitude. 958 01:39:28,112 --> 01:39:32,015 Lf, in their opinion, it can't be done, they won't be expecting us. 959 01:39:32,015 --> 01:39:36,008 That'll give us a chance to get from here to here without being discovered. 960 01:39:36,587 --> 01:39:40,424 I tell you, that's the only way it can be done... 961 01:39:40,424 --> 01:39:44,417 ...with all respect. 962 01:39:57,674 --> 01:40:00,444 Any further comments? 963 01:40:00,444 --> 01:40:04,437 You'll get your artillery support, Colonel. Good luck. 964 01:40:05,149 --> 01:40:09,142 Thank you, sir. General. 965 01:40:24,501 --> 01:40:28,105 They're giving us artillery until 09:00. 966 01:40:28,105 --> 01:40:31,141 By that time, we have to be on top. 967 01:40:31,141 --> 01:40:33,677 Our one and only chance is surprise. 968 01:40:33,677 --> 01:40:37,670 - How much of a chance is that? - Ask me tomorrow. 969 01:40:38,515 --> 01:40:41,051 Ask me now. 970 01:40:41,051 --> 01:40:43,487 This'll be their Dunkirk. 971 01:40:43,487 --> 01:40:45,656 We'll whip 'em this time. 972 01:40:45,656 --> 01:40:49,660 There'll be nothing stopping us but a white flag. 973 01:40:49,660 --> 01:40:52,696 I'd settle to be alive tomorrow night. 974 01:40:52,696 --> 01:40:54,832 - Wonder how many... - 20 minutes. 975 01:40:54,832 --> 01:40:58,825 Pass the word, 20 minutes. 976 01:41:12,883 --> 01:41:16,876 That's quite a load, soldier. 977 01:41:20,858 --> 01:41:24,851 Good luck, son. 978 01:41:29,867 --> 01:41:33,860 Double-check all weapons, Captain. 979 01:41:40,210 --> 01:41:42,479 Ornery... 980 01:41:42,479 --> 01:41:44,481 ...send my love to your wife. 981 01:41:44,481 --> 01:41:48,474 If you don't make it out of here, I'll give it to her myself, in person. 982 01:41:50,220 --> 01:41:52,756 I didn't mean it, you know me better than that. 983 01:41:52,756 --> 01:41:56,749 - I know you. - You all packed up? 984 01:41:57,861 --> 01:41:59,496 How is everybody? In good shape? 985 01:41:59,496 --> 01:42:03,166 - Fine, thanks, sir. - Great. 986 01:42:03,166 --> 01:42:07,159 - Leave something for the mules. - I will, sir. 987 01:42:08,639 --> 01:42:11,541 Be sure everyone has a sweater on. It's gonna be cold. 988 01:42:11,541 --> 01:42:15,479 Sweater, yes, sir. I'll check 'em out. 989 01:42:15,479 --> 01:42:17,347 You okay? 990 01:42:17,347 --> 01:42:20,884 - As well as could be expected, sir. - Need anything? 991 01:42:20,884 --> 01:42:24,755 Yes, sir, an honorable discharge. 992 01:42:24,755 --> 01:42:27,457 Stick around. You'll get one if you deserve it. 993 01:42:27,457 --> 01:42:28,759 - Sgt. Peacock? - Sir. 994 01:42:28,759 --> 01:42:31,461 - How are your men? - The best, sir. 995 01:42:31,461 --> 01:42:35,454 - Take care. - Will do, sir. 996 01:42:35,532 --> 01:42:37,968 How about that? 997 01:42:37,968 --> 01:42:41,605 What's eating him? 998 01:42:41,605 --> 01:42:45,598 Have you never heard a man say good-bye? 999 01:43:30,287 --> 01:43:33,457 Holy cow. It's straight up. 1000 01:43:33,457 --> 01:43:37,450 What's the beef? It's only a mile high. 1001 01:44:55,672 --> 01:44:59,665 Greco, Guthrie, Gatling, Smith. 1002 01:45:01,511 --> 01:45:05,504 Three hours of artillery. Three hours only. Let's go. 1003 01:45:46,056 --> 01:45:49,593 Batteries ready. 1004 01:45:49,593 --> 01:45:53,586 Batteries fire! 1005 01:47:33,163 --> 01:47:34,764 This is as far as we can go. 1006 01:47:34,764 --> 01:47:35,932 - Overhang? - Yeah. 1007 01:47:35,932 --> 01:47:39,925 Give me your grappling hook. 1008 01:48:15,605 --> 01:48:19,598 No, Bronc. This is my part of the act, right? 1009 01:49:25,975 --> 01:49:29,968 We're okay. There was only one guard on this side. 1010 01:49:31,915 --> 01:49:35,908 Move. Get the ropes over fast. 1011 01:49:52,068 --> 01:49:56,061 Secure the ropes. Let's get moving fast. 1012 01:52:11,374 --> 01:52:15,367 Keep your head down. 1013 01:52:16,946 --> 01:52:20,939 - Keep down. - They're over the ridge, sir. 1014 01:52:22,519 --> 01:52:26,512 Stay low. Fix your gear. 1015 01:52:42,939 --> 01:52:46,932 Spread out. Keep down. 1016 01:55:12,221 --> 01:55:16,214 Keep down. 1017 01:56:33,035 --> 01:56:35,471 - Give 'em hell! - Cover fire! 1018 01:56:35,471 --> 01:56:39,464 Come on, you don't live forever. 1019 01:57:00,229 --> 01:57:02,565 Bastards! 1020 01:57:02,565 --> 01:57:06,558 - Move out. - Come on! Let's go! 1021 01:57:46,876 --> 01:57:50,869 Look out, Bronc! 1022 01:58:17,273 --> 01:58:21,266 - We made it. By God, we made it. - Not yet. Keep the fire up. 1023 01:58:21,544 --> 01:58:25,537 Damn right. We'll keep it up. 1024 01:59:06,589 --> 01:59:10,582 Medic! 1025 01:59:21,570 --> 01:59:23,906 - Help me. - Don't worry. 1026 01:59:23,906 --> 01:59:27,899 I fix you good. Don't worry, bad boy. 1027 01:59:29,178 --> 01:59:33,171 Give my love to your wife. 1028 01:59:44,226 --> 01:59:48,219 Cover me, Colonel! 1029 02:00:33,843 --> 02:00:35,678 Damn it to hell. Medic! 1030 02:00:35,678 --> 02:00:37,346 - Keep moving. - Shove it! 1031 02:00:37,346 --> 02:00:39,949 - Keep moving! - Medic! 1032 02:00:39,949 --> 02:00:41,417 Come on. 1033 02:00:41,417 --> 02:00:45,410 I can't... 1034 02:00:48,491 --> 02:00:52,484 All right! Come on! 1035 02:01:07,476 --> 02:01:11,469 Keep down over there. Fan out and keep moving. 1036 02:01:20,289 --> 02:01:24,282 Medic! 1037 02:01:33,335 --> 02:01:37,328 There you are, my friend. The pain will be gone in one minute. 1038 02:01:42,978 --> 02:01:46,882 Be right back. 1039 02:01:46,882 --> 02:01:50,486 - How 'bout the bullet? - We have no doctor here. 1040 02:01:50,486 --> 02:01:52,588 We'll get him down the hill as soon as we can. 1041 02:01:52,588 --> 02:01:53,923 How soon? 1042 02:01:53,923 --> 02:01:57,916 When we have men to carry him, if he's still alive. 1043 02:02:01,831 --> 02:02:04,467 Tony, I need a big crowd to help carry a wounded man. 1044 02:02:04,467 --> 02:02:07,103 - Take your pick. - You. Get up. 1045 02:02:07,103 --> 02:02:09,004 You speak English? 1046 02:02:09,004 --> 02:02:12,997 Never mind. It don't matter. Come on. 1047 02:02:20,883 --> 02:02:24,876 Pick him up. Up! 1048 02:02:28,791 --> 02:02:32,784 Easy. 1049 02:03:15,638 --> 02:03:17,640 What? 1050 02:03:17,640 --> 02:03:21,633 - Put me down. - Okay. Over there. 1051 02:03:27,783 --> 02:03:31,776 Water. 1052 02:03:32,188 --> 02:03:34,657 Don't be stupid. You got a belly wound. 1053 02:03:34,657 --> 02:03:38,650 You get no water, so just go to sleep. 1054 02:03:47,636 --> 02:03:51,629 Rocky! 1055 02:04:02,151 --> 02:04:06,144 Peacock! 1056 02:04:09,858 --> 02:04:13,851 No! 1057 02:04:24,907 --> 02:04:27,943 Come on. Let's go. 1058 02:04:27,943 --> 02:04:31,936 - Keep 'em covered. - Let's do it. Let's go. 1059 02:04:32,047 --> 02:04:36,040 Get going. 1060 02:05:09,018 --> 02:05:12,855 Hold the mortars! 1061 02:05:12,855 --> 02:05:15,791 Cease fire. 1062 02:05:15,791 --> 02:05:19,784 Keep 'em covered. 1063 02:05:42,251 --> 02:05:45,054 Major, this is your white flag. 1064 02:05:45,054 --> 02:05:49,047 Thank you, sir. Thank you very much, indeed. 1065 02:06:02,971 --> 02:06:05,974 I'm ready to discuss surrender under the following conditions... 1066 02:06:05,974 --> 02:06:08,310 You'll discuss nothing. 1067 02:06:08,310 --> 02:06:12,303 You'll keep your mouth shut and listen while I tell you the conditions. 1068 02:06:17,353 --> 02:06:20,122 Keep me covered. Watch them. 1069 02:06:20,122 --> 02:06:22,624 Come on out of there. Come out! 1070 02:06:22,624 --> 02:06:26,617 Come on! Move it! 1071 02:06:30,799 --> 02:06:33,635 He's dead, sir. Come on. 1072 02:06:33,635 --> 02:06:36,972 There may be a counterattack. We've got to be ready. 1073 02:06:36,972 --> 02:06:38,707 See that we are. 1074 02:06:38,707 --> 02:06:41,910 How about reporting to Gen. Hunter? Shall I do that? 1075 02:06:41,910 --> 02:06:45,903 No, I will. Take care of him. Come on out of there. Come out! 1076 02:06:46,148 --> 02:06:50,141 - Keep 'em covered. - Hands over your head! 1077 02:06:54,857 --> 02:06:58,850 Keep moving. 1078 02:07:01,363 --> 02:07:03,298 Keep going. 1079 02:07:03,298 --> 02:07:05,667 Come on. Close it up. 1080 02:07:05,667 --> 02:07:09,660 Hands over your head! 1081 02:07:11,206 --> 02:07:15,199 Keep your hands up. 1082 02:07:24,453 --> 02:07:28,056 We didn't surprise them as completely as I had hoped. 1083 02:07:28,056 --> 02:07:32,049 Our losses were more than I... 1084 02:07:33,195 --> 02:07:36,064 ...made allowance for... 1085 02:07:36,064 --> 02:07:39,835 ...including my top-ranking Canadian. 1086 02:07:39,835 --> 02:07:43,828 A fine officer. I'll miss him. 1087 02:07:46,175 --> 02:07:49,144 We're getting some artillery fire. 1088 02:07:49,144 --> 02:07:52,381 If there's a counterattack, we'll be ready. 1089 02:07:52,381 --> 02:07:56,051 We're prepared to hold until relieved. 1090 02:07:56,051 --> 02:07:58,987 That's all from here, sir. Over. 1091 02:07:58,987 --> 02:08:01,423 That's not all from here. 1092 02:08:01,423 --> 02:08:04,827 We tried for three weeks to take what you took in three hours. 1093 02:08:04,827 --> 02:08:08,397 I want to tell you, it's absolutely fantastic, and it's magnificent. 1094 02:08:08,397 --> 02:08:10,999 I'm going to recommend the entire unit for a citation. 1095 02:08:10,999 --> 02:08:13,969 I want to say to you, Colonel, I couldn't be more delighted... 1096 02:08:13,969 --> 02:08:17,406 ...that I was absolutely wrong, and you were 100% right. 1097 02:08:17,406 --> 02:08:18,740 I'm pretty happy. 1098 02:08:18,740 --> 02:08:22,733 I want you to give my congratulations to every officer and man in the brigade. 1099 02:08:22,845 --> 02:08:26,838 They've unlocked the whole front and got us moving again. 1100 02:08:45,033 --> 02:08:49,026 They say you find out what something is worth when you pay for it. 1101 02:08:50,239 --> 02:08:53,308 Well, la Difensa was ours now. 1102 02:08:53,308 --> 02:08:55,777 Not much of a mountain, really. 1103 02:08:55,777 --> 02:08:59,047 But I never knew that a mountain could be so tall... 1104 02:08:59,047 --> 02:09:03,040 ...or plain rock cost so much. 1105 02:09:17,199 --> 02:09:20,969 We'd won a battle, but the war went on. 1106 02:09:20,969 --> 02:09:25,262 Beyond la Difensa lay more peaks, more Germans, more bloody fights. 1107 02:09:26,408 --> 02:09:30,801 Mount Remetanea, Sammucro, Radicosa, Anzio... 1108 02:09:31,980 --> 02:09:33,916 ...and finally Rome. 1109 02:09:33,916 --> 02:09:36,852 As the men fought, their legend grew. 1110 02:09:36,952 --> 02:09:39,755 In all its history, the force never retreated... 1111 02:09:39,855 --> 02:09:43,000 ...never surrendered an inch of ground. 1112 02:09:43,091 --> 02:09:45,360 But the price was high. 1113 02:09:45,460 --> 02:09:48,030 The American misfits and the proud Canadians... 1114 02:09:48,130 --> 02:09:51,900 ...lay dead in a hundred fields and crossroads. 1115 02:09:52,000 --> 02:09:54,403 Together they had built a myth. 1116 02:09:54,503 --> 02:09:58,396 Too many died to keep it true. 1117 02:11:10,000 --> 02:11:15,000 Synchro for Warforum by dopitak Synced: Marc2008, The Netherlands. 1118 02:11:55,000 --> 02:12:00,000 The.Devils.Brigade.1968.REPACK.720p.BluRay.x264-PSYCHD http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0062886/ Frame Rate: 23.976Fps.