1 00:00:00,726 --> 00:00:11,703 American International Television 2 00:00:34,710 --> 00:00:38,370 But the day of the Lord will come 3 00:00:38,370 --> 00:00:41,140 as a thief in the night, 4 00:00:41,210 --> 00:00:45,160 in which the heavens shall pass away 5 00:00:45,160 --> 00:00:48,030 with a great noise. 6 00:00:48,030 --> 00:00:51,230 And the elements shall melt 7 00:00:51,230 --> 00:00:53,490 with fervent heat. 8 00:00:53,880 --> 00:00:55,740 The Earth also, 9 00:00:55,740 --> 00:00:59,200 and the works that are therein, 10 00:00:59,200 --> 00:01:02,330 shall be burned up. 11 00:01:04,023 --> 00:01:08,811 IN THE YEAR 2889 12 00:01:41,680 --> 00:01:44,780 The geiger counter here in the studio 13 00:01:44,780 --> 00:01:50,790 reads 632 Renchens. That's six times more than enough to kill a man. 14 00:01:51,250 --> 00:01:55,475 Down through the ages, the prophets have forewarned us that in one day 15 00:01:55,480 --> 00:01:58,300 thousands of years of accomplishments could be 16 00:01:58,300 --> 00:02:01,960 wiped away by the destructive hand of power. 17 00:02:02,020 --> 00:02:03,890 Now that day has come. 18 00:02:04,050 --> 00:02:07,280 All communication with the outside world has stopped, 19 00:02:07,310 --> 00:02:12,240 just 15 hours after the first nuclear bomb fell on Formosa. 20 00:02:12,240 --> 00:02:14,630 The whole world has been silenced, 21 00:02:14,630 --> 00:02:17,600 annihilated by nuclear bombs. 22 00:02:17,830 --> 00:02:24,230 Three billion people murdered by a thousand nuclear bombs and the lethal fallout. 23 00:02:24,950 --> 00:02:27,920 Maybe there's no one left to hear my voice, 24 00:02:27,920 --> 00:02:32,590 no living human being to record the end of the world. 25 00:02:33,140 --> 00:02:41,670 Now, this is Ted Johnson for K.B.G.E. - Radio. 26 00:03:12,560 --> 00:03:16,280 He didn't come, Dad. Larry didn't come. 27 00:03:20,130 --> 00:03:22,840 He's lost. They're all lost. 28 00:03:22,940 --> 00:03:25,260 Not a sign of life: 29 00:03:25,450 --> 00:03:30,120 New York, Paris, Moscow... All's quiet now. 30 00:03:35,220 --> 00:03:39,070 Look, Joanna! It's holding at 47! 31 00:03:39,660 --> 00:03:43,380 Why, we may be saved! Just as I planned it. 32 00:03:46,940 --> 00:03:49,450 I'm not sure I want to, Dad... 33 00:03:50,110 --> 00:03:52,160 not without Larry. 34 00:03:54,350 --> 00:03:58,400 I'm sorry, honey. I'm afraid he didn't make it. 35 00:03:59,090 --> 00:04:03,660 But there's always hope. Come, let's go inside. 36 00:04:28,470 --> 00:04:30,760 I planned it right, Joanna. 37 00:04:31,090 --> 00:04:36,770 Our house out here, miles from any city. The cliffs. The updrafts of air to fight back the radiation. 38 00:04:36,770 --> 00:04:39,670 And provisions for the three of us for months. 39 00:04:40,690 --> 00:04:43,230 There's only two of us now, Dad. 40 00:04:43,850 --> 00:04:45,190 Honey... 41 00:04:46,400 --> 00:04:52,280 I couldn't very well order Larry to come out here and stay with us, even though you are engaged to him. 42 00:04:58,810 --> 00:05:02,170 There's someone at the door, Dad. It's Larry - he's made it! 43 00:05:06,490 --> 00:05:11,740 - Wait! Don't open that door until you're sure it's Larry! - It is Larry! He's hurt! 44 00:05:11,740 --> 00:05:14,740 - He'll contaminate us! - Larry! Larry! 45 00:05:14,840 --> 00:05:19,120 - Don't! Don't open that door. We can't take the chance! - Let me go! 46 00:05:20,070 --> 00:05:22,160 I've got to open that door! 47 00:05:27,310 --> 00:05:29,340 Wait! Don't touch him! 48 00:05:29,440 --> 00:05:31,850 He's red-hot with radioactivity! 49 00:05:32,080 --> 00:05:34,070 It's not Larry! 50 00:05:35,220 --> 00:05:38,450 - We've got to help him, whoever he is. - Wait. 51 00:05:38,550 --> 00:05:40,730 We'd better check the geiger counter. 52 00:05:52,910 --> 00:05:57,520 740 Renchens? And he's still breathing! 53 00:05:58,430 --> 00:06:01,080 Why, he should be dead! 54 00:06:01,270 --> 00:06:05,810 But he's still breathing! Nobody can take that much and still live. 55 00:06:09,140 --> 00:06:12,410 Don't touch him. He's my responsibility. 56 00:06:15,540 --> 00:06:17,990 - Who are you? - I'm Steve Marlin. 57 00:06:18,420 --> 00:06:20,110 He's my brother. 58 00:06:20,310 --> 00:06:22,330 Better keep away from him. 59 00:06:22,890 --> 00:06:26,160 Granger? 60 00:06:26,580 --> 00:06:28,340 It's OK, it's OK. 61 00:06:30,470 --> 00:06:32,360 God, he's still alive. 62 00:06:32,950 --> 00:06:36,600 - Don't know why, but he's still alive! - He must be dying. 63 00:06:36,900 --> 00:06:40,100 The counter showed 740 Renchens. 64 00:06:41,830 --> 00:06:42,910 Where are the bedrooms? 65 00:06:42,910 --> 00:06:44,960 - Upstairs. Come with me. - No. 66 00:06:45,130 --> 00:06:46,690 They can't stay here! 67 00:06:46,920 --> 00:06:49,760 - Yes, they can, Dad. - But they're contaminated. 68 00:06:49,760 --> 00:06:52,340 It's too late for them. But not us. 69 00:06:54,630 --> 00:06:57,240 I'll get you some water and clean clothes. 70 00:08:28,020 --> 00:08:31,710 - Get out of here or I'll kill you. - Don't shoot! There's a girl out here. 71 00:08:31,710 --> 00:08:33,470 Throw your weapon on the floor. 72 00:08:33,760 --> 00:08:35,270 I warn you. 73 00:08:35,590 --> 00:08:39,090 - This gun's loaded! - OK, OK! 74 00:08:39,120 --> 00:08:41,090 Stop it, Dad! Don't! 75 00:08:41,990 --> 00:08:45,550 Move on into the room, here. Come in where I can see you. 76 00:08:52,310 --> 00:08:53,810 - Are you all right? - Yeah, I guess so. 77 00:08:53,880 --> 00:08:57,140 - Is... is it OK if we stay? - Of course you can't stay! 78 00:08:57,140 --> 00:09:02,240 - I've got provisions for only three people. - Mac, we're staying, so forget the sob story. 79 00:09:04,390 --> 00:09:06,090 Please, mister, help us. 80 00:09:06,090 --> 00:09:11,510 You can't stay here! It isn't the way I planned it. I have provisions for three people only. 81 00:09:15,200 --> 00:09:20,620 I'm Joanna Ramsey. Please, bring your suitcase upstairs and I'll get you some fresh water. 82 00:11:24,870 --> 00:11:26,200 Wait! 83 00:11:26,560 --> 00:11:28,000 I didn't mean nothin'. 84 00:11:30,190 --> 00:11:33,060 I was just looking to see if anyone was alive in the house. 85 00:11:33,490 --> 00:11:34,430 What's your name? 86 00:11:34,860 --> 00:11:38,640 I'm Tim Henderson. I'm a rancher. I live up on the cliff. 87 00:11:39,820 --> 00:11:42,630 - Sorry I roughed you up. - Sure. 88 00:11:43,510 --> 00:11:47,100 Come on! ...How'd I knock you down? 89 00:11:47,590 --> 00:11:49,810 - Come on up the house. - No! 90 00:11:50,200 --> 00:11:51,800 He can't stay! 91 00:11:56,830 --> 00:12:00,520 Oh, let the worthless old coot stay. We're all gonna die anyway. 92 00:12:16,560 --> 00:12:21,190 It looks like we're stuck with each other, so let's understand the rules. 93 00:12:22,240 --> 00:12:26,420 Now, I'm the ranking officer - I mean, person. I'm in command. 94 00:12:26,710 --> 00:12:30,200 If we're votin', I vote for me. 95 00:12:30,500 --> 00:12:35,330 - Oh, don't be funny. This is serious! - Shut up, Jada. 96 00:12:36,670 --> 00:12:39,710 My second-in-command will be Steve. 97 00:12:40,980 --> 00:12:44,470 This counter is registering 47 Renchens 98 00:12:44,570 --> 00:12:46,330 of radioactivity now. 99 00:12:46,500 --> 00:12:49,670 50 is considered dangerous. 500, fatal. 100 00:12:49,990 --> 00:12:54,530 But that depends on the individual. Different people have different absorption rates and capacities. 101 00:12:54,890 --> 00:12:57,470 We may live, and we may not. 102 00:12:57,830 --> 00:12:59,690 There's a lot we don't know about it. 103 00:12:59,980 --> 00:13:02,170 Some of us may be dying now. 104 00:13:02,630 --> 00:13:06,060 - Well, how long before we can leave this museum? - Yeah. 105 00:13:06,060 --> 00:13:11,440 I've got some things working for me in L.A. - big things. So how long before we can get out of here? 106 00:13:11,770 --> 00:13:13,990 There is no Los Angeles. 107 00:13:14,250 --> 00:13:16,440 No Los Angeles? You're kidding. 108 00:13:16,870 --> 00:13:18,530 I don't believe you. 109 00:13:19,120 --> 00:13:24,050 There are no radio signals, long or shortwave, from any city in the world. 110 00:13:24,240 --> 00:13:25,220 She's right. 111 00:13:25,650 --> 00:13:29,440 The six of us in this house may be the beginning of a new era. 112 00:13:29,670 --> 00:13:31,270 A new civilization. 113 00:13:31,660 --> 00:13:34,500 Seven. My brother's still alive. 114 00:13:34,760 --> 00:13:36,950 But not for long, I'm afraid. 115 00:13:37,310 --> 00:13:42,430 But be that as it may, I've spent ten years getting ready for this day. 116 00:13:48,380 --> 00:13:51,510 I'll brief you as to why we're still alive. 117 00:13:53,370 --> 00:13:57,320 This is my house, with its own generators and food supply. 118 00:13:58,200 --> 00:14:01,890 These cliffs, surrounding the house on three sides, 119 00:14:02,020 --> 00:14:06,920 are full of lead-bearing ore that acts as a barrier against radioactivity. 120 00:14:08,390 --> 00:14:13,490 The lake here on the fourth side is heated from an underground heat source, 121 00:14:13,620 --> 00:14:16,330 probably an old volcano 122 00:14:16,720 --> 00:14:19,430 or maybe a crack in the Earth's crust. 123 00:14:19,660 --> 00:14:24,030 Anyway, the warm air from the lake's waters creates an updraft. 124 00:14:24,290 --> 00:14:26,450 And it's strong enough, I might add, 125 00:14:26,550 --> 00:14:30,300 to carry radioactive contamination out of the valley. 126 00:14:30,730 --> 00:14:34,810 As long as it doesn't rain. If the rains come too soon, 127 00:14:35,040 --> 00:14:38,200 we'll all be contaminated and die. 128 00:14:38,790 --> 00:14:44,080 That is, if we don't let other forces destroy us before that time. 129 00:14:44,410 --> 00:14:45,840 What other forces? 130 00:14:46,300 --> 00:14:47,840 Never mind that now. 131 00:14:48,230 --> 00:14:51,330 But make no mistake about it: You're not welcome here. 132 00:14:51,890 --> 00:14:56,200 This was planned for just three people. That's how much food we have. 133 00:14:56,420 --> 00:15:01,710 If we divide that among the six of us, we'll soon have empty stomachs and rebellion. 134 00:15:03,280 --> 00:15:05,600 I have the keys to the storeroom. 135 00:15:05,700 --> 00:15:09,710 I, and I alone, will say when and how much food we eat. 136 00:15:10,330 --> 00:15:14,320 Any argument about that, and I'll settle it with this. 137 00:15:15,400 --> 00:15:18,960 Oh, you're a big man, packin' that gun. 138 00:15:19,120 --> 00:15:21,270 Just don't you let go of it. 139 00:15:21,440 --> 00:15:23,070 I don't intend to. 140 00:15:25,130 --> 00:15:26,690 Where are you going with that? 141 00:15:27,120 --> 00:15:29,370 - My brother. - Save the food. 142 00:15:29,440 --> 00:15:31,790 Your brother's a casualty, face it. 143 00:15:33,160 --> 00:15:34,600 Take it to him. 144 00:15:35,740 --> 00:15:38,320 Dad, I've never seen you like this before. 145 00:15:38,480 --> 00:15:42,820 We can't become animals. We're still human, and we've got to act like it! 146 00:15:43,250 --> 00:15:46,870 That's just what I'm afraid of. We're all human. 147 00:15:59,930 --> 00:16:02,510 Granger? How ya doin'? 148 00:16:05,190 --> 00:16:06,920 I'm not gonna die. 149 00:16:07,970 --> 00:16:11,980 I thought I was, but I'm not. I know I'm not, now. 150 00:16:12,340 --> 00:16:15,510 Well, it's a miracle. You soaked up 700 Renchens. 151 00:16:15,610 --> 00:16:17,470 I don't understand it, but I'm glad. 152 00:16:17,730 --> 00:16:20,410 - Here. Try something to eat. - I don't want that. 153 00:16:20,670 --> 00:16:23,800 I need fresh meat. Raw meat. 154 00:16:24,390 --> 00:16:26,780 Well, I'll put your order in with the chef. 155 00:16:27,660 --> 00:16:31,090 I don't know, but... I think it'll do me good. 156 00:16:32,420 --> 00:16:36,180 - Well, why don't you wash up and get into some clean clothes, huh? - No. No water. 157 00:16:37,000 --> 00:16:38,790 Just let me rest. 158 00:16:39,350 --> 00:16:41,630 I'll be OK just the way I am. 159 00:16:47,020 --> 00:16:50,810 You didn't tell me how you two happened to be near this valley yesterday. 160 00:16:51,070 --> 00:16:53,650 Uh, we're not exactly on the main highway. 161 00:16:54,860 --> 00:16:57,400 We were camped on the other side of the lake. 162 00:16:57,530 --> 00:17:00,020 That's not too far off the highway. 163 00:17:00,380 --> 00:17:05,110 We were on our way to California. I thought it'd be a kick to sleep out. 164 00:17:05,210 --> 00:17:08,670 Yeah. Then her old car wouldn't start, and we were stranded. 165 00:17:09,520 --> 00:17:11,350 You two married? 166 00:17:15,920 --> 00:17:18,430 She's an old friend of the family. 167 00:17:19,800 --> 00:17:23,270 Look, kid, you can be a friend of my family anytime you want. 168 00:17:24,700 --> 00:17:27,020 Jada's a performer, a dancer. 169 00:17:27,380 --> 00:17:28,650 I'm her manager. 170 00:17:40,180 --> 00:17:43,180 I... I guess it was stuck. 171 00:17:44,290 --> 00:17:47,950 Now you know why she can't work with a fan. 172 00:17:53,110 --> 00:17:56,050 Nice looking guy. Your brother? 173 00:17:57,490 --> 00:17:58,820 My fiance. 174 00:18:00,330 --> 00:18:02,610 He was supposed to be here yesterday. 175 00:18:06,760 --> 00:18:08,590 You were gonna marry him. 176 00:18:10,250 --> 00:18:13,520 I'm sorry. Really sorry. 177 00:18:24,420 --> 00:18:25,830 What's the matter? 178 00:18:29,030 --> 00:18:30,200 Strange... 179 00:18:32,720 --> 00:18:35,820 I felt like I heard someone calling. 180 00:18:36,930 --> 00:18:38,560 But not really calling. 181 00:18:39,740 --> 00:18:41,240 Just something strange. 182 00:18:43,790 --> 00:18:45,580 Come on, snap out of it. 183 00:18:46,270 --> 00:18:49,700 Let's go to your father's storeroom and see if we can find some canned beef for my brother, huh? 184 00:18:49,700 --> 00:18:53,880 Steve, come with me. I want to check the radioactivity outside. 185 00:18:54,760 --> 00:18:57,270 Go ahead, Steve. I'll get the canned beef. 186 00:19:12,260 --> 00:19:13,830 How we doing, John? 187 00:19:15,820 --> 00:19:19,090 It's at 49. That's up 2 since last night. 188 00:19:22,060 --> 00:19:25,780 It's as if some magic force is holding those clouds up out of this valley. 189 00:19:25,910 --> 00:19:30,220 - That's the warm air from the lake. Creates an updraft. - Yes, I know. 190 00:19:30,780 --> 00:19:34,660 - Oh yes, I told you this morning. - I've known about this valley for a long time. 191 00:19:34,660 --> 00:19:36,980 The lake, too. Read about it in college, in Geology. 192 00:19:37,210 --> 00:19:39,760 - Oh, you a geologist? - Mm-hmm. 193 00:19:39,760 --> 00:19:42,690 I worked for an oil company about 100 miles south of here. 194 00:19:42,730 --> 00:19:45,890 Then you just didn't stumble in here yesterday by accident? 195 00:19:47,660 --> 00:19:50,630 No, my brother and I headed here the minute we heard about the bombings. 196 00:19:51,280 --> 00:19:53,210 Smart thinking on your part. 197 00:19:57,650 --> 00:19:58,920 Do you know 198 00:19:59,350 --> 00:20:03,000 the real force of the atom has never been fully calculated? 199 00:20:04,700 --> 00:20:07,090 Well, I think it reached its fulfillment yesterday. 200 00:20:07,250 --> 00:20:10,640 Yes, but only as we know it affects our present form of life... 201 00:20:10,640 --> 00:20:15,150 or life as we knew it, before this nuclear inferno covered the Earth. 202 00:20:15,840 --> 00:20:18,380 You think some other form of life could have survived? 203 00:20:18,710 --> 00:20:23,250 I'm only saying that its true force has never been fully understood. 204 00:20:24,100 --> 00:20:26,120 You're confusing me now, John. 205 00:20:26,840 --> 00:20:31,610 - Do you remember the H-bomb test at Matsuo some years ago? - Sure. 206 00:20:31,770 --> 00:20:33,760 I captained one of those ships. 207 00:20:33,930 --> 00:20:38,330 5 days after the blast, I towed the animal ship out of target zero. 208 00:20:38,530 --> 00:20:41,570 The outside world never had a true account of that test. 209 00:20:41,700 --> 00:20:43,570 What are you trying to say, John? 210 00:20:46,560 --> 00:20:48,950 Coyote. In the daytime. 211 00:20:50,090 --> 00:20:52,240 Hm. Must be a lot of game in this valley now. 212 00:20:53,060 --> 00:20:57,630 Contaminated game. Fighting for life, just the way we are. 213 00:21:53,010 --> 00:21:54,450 What's the matter, Granger? 214 00:21:55,230 --> 00:21:57,030 There's live game outside. 215 00:21:57,390 --> 00:21:58,630 I can tell. 216 00:21:58,920 --> 00:22:00,850 Yes, we heard a coyote during the day. 217 00:22:01,470 --> 00:22:04,240 I can feel it. And I need meat. 218 00:22:05,290 --> 00:22:09,180 Granger, that game's contaminated. If you ate that, you'd die. 219 00:22:09,890 --> 00:22:11,230 You would die, 220 00:22:11,850 --> 00:22:13,230 but not me. 221 00:22:20,210 --> 00:22:23,670 I can't eat that canned junk. I've gotta have some meat! 222 00:22:23,800 --> 00:22:25,500 Fresh, do you hear? 223 00:22:26,250 --> 00:22:28,600 That's all you're gonna get for a long time. 224 00:22:29,710 --> 00:22:31,250 That's what you think. 225 00:22:32,230 --> 00:22:34,710 That's just what you think. 226 00:23:42,170 --> 00:23:45,630 Three weeks. Thought we'd all be dead by now. 227 00:23:45,630 --> 00:23:48,110 Even Granger got out of bed yesterday. 228 00:23:49,320 --> 00:23:50,470 Steve... 229 00:23:51,090 --> 00:23:53,860 - I know he's your brother, but - - But what? 230 00:23:55,560 --> 00:23:59,480 Well, he - he gives me a funny feeling. 231 00:24:00,460 --> 00:24:03,000 Logically, he should have been dead long ago, but... 232 00:24:03,100 --> 00:24:06,470 There's no such thing as logic anymore. 233 00:24:06,760 --> 00:24:08,690 What's so illogical about my brother? 234 00:24:08,820 --> 00:24:12,510 You know as well as I do, he hasn't taken food or water in three weeks. 235 00:24:12,510 --> 00:24:14,300 Not since he's been here. 236 00:24:14,690 --> 00:24:16,460 He says he doesn't need food. 237 00:24:16,460 --> 00:24:20,340 And last night, he slipped out of the house and didn't come back until dawn. 238 00:24:22,110 --> 00:24:24,290 The radiation must have affected his mind. 239 00:24:24,420 --> 00:24:27,270 He's a mutation, Steve. Face it. 240 00:24:27,330 --> 00:24:30,470 He's a freak of this new atomic world of ours. 241 00:24:51,040 --> 00:24:52,700 I'm going outside. 242 00:24:54,630 --> 00:24:56,230 For a walk. 243 00:24:57,180 --> 00:25:01,450 Well, uh, don't go too far. Stay inside of the house. 244 00:25:02,790 --> 00:25:03,800 Why? 245 00:25:05,040 --> 00:25:07,330 Because I say so, that's why. 246 00:25:08,110 --> 00:25:12,260 - Aren't you tired, Grange? You need more sleep. - I'm not tired. 247 00:25:13,400 --> 00:25:15,820 I'm not afraid of anything out there. 248 00:25:16,470 --> 00:25:19,120 In fact, I like it. 249 00:25:20,910 --> 00:25:23,270 Would you like to go with me? 250 00:25:24,280 --> 00:25:27,250 Oh, no, I have things to do. 251 00:25:52,330 --> 00:25:54,160 I think he's dangerous. 252 00:25:54,320 --> 00:25:56,110 No, I don't think so. 253 00:25:56,410 --> 00:25:58,170 He should be destroyed. 254 00:26:01,760 --> 00:26:04,110 Destroyed? My brother? 255 00:26:04,770 --> 00:26:07,090 Yes. For our safety. 256 00:26:07,280 --> 00:26:13,130 You can't do that, John! Well, not just because he's my brother, but don't you see... it's important to us that he live. 257 00:26:13,650 --> 00:26:15,480 I don't see why. 258 00:26:16,460 --> 00:26:17,760 I'm not sure yet. 259 00:26:18,810 --> 00:26:20,380 We have to study him. 260 00:26:28,280 --> 00:26:31,180 If it doesn't rain in the next few weeks, I think we're gonna live. 261 00:26:31,180 --> 00:26:35,400 Somehow I knew we wouldn't die. My father always seemed so positive. 262 00:26:36,210 --> 00:26:39,480 You know, after the bombs came, I didn't much care if I lived or died. 263 00:26:39,480 --> 00:26:41,480 Don't talk like that. 264 00:26:42,680 --> 00:26:44,310 It's true, Joanna. 265 00:26:46,560 --> 00:26:49,110 But these past few weeks with you... 266 00:26:57,830 --> 00:27:00,770 Now I feel I've got a big reason to live. 267 00:27:01,420 --> 00:27:03,180 Me too, Steve. 268 00:27:04,490 --> 00:27:05,800 Joanna - 269 00:27:19,150 --> 00:27:20,390 What's wrong? 270 00:27:21,040 --> 00:27:22,710 Did I misunderstand? 271 00:27:23,130 --> 00:27:24,570 Didn't you hear it? 272 00:27:25,060 --> 00:27:26,110 Hear what? 273 00:27:28,000 --> 00:27:29,440 Something out there - 274 00:27:29,600 --> 00:27:33,260 That strange feeling, sound, something - 275 00:27:33,260 --> 00:27:35,740 Stronger than the last time I felt it! 276 00:27:37,340 --> 00:27:39,920 It's just some harmless animal in the bushes, that's all. 277 00:27:39,980 --> 00:27:42,470 No, Steve! It's more! 278 00:27:42,990 --> 00:27:45,370 Let's go back in the house. Please. 279 00:29:33,940 --> 00:29:35,310 These bones are still moist! 280 00:29:36,620 --> 00:29:38,060 Look at the footprints! 281 00:29:38,870 --> 00:29:40,210 They're Granger's. 282 00:29:41,880 --> 00:29:44,070 You think he ate that rabbit? 283 00:29:45,040 --> 00:29:49,160 He must have. He spends most of his nights prowling around in these woods. 284 00:29:54,120 --> 00:29:55,660 49 Renchens. 285 00:29:56,150 --> 00:29:59,180 You think a man could eat that poisoned meat and live? 286 00:29:59,770 --> 00:30:01,960 No. No human could. 287 00:30:02,320 --> 00:30:04,930 It defies all the laws of man and God. 288 00:30:05,710 --> 00:30:07,930 There may be a new set of laws, John. 289 00:30:08,390 --> 00:30:11,400 Laws for post-nuclear life we know nothing about. 290 00:30:11,560 --> 00:30:13,810 Out with it, Steve. Say what you mean. 291 00:30:14,010 --> 00:30:18,910 Well, I'm only guessing, but - We know that even small amounts of radiation can produce change. 292 00:30:19,100 --> 00:30:23,380 Now if, for some reason, a man could survive complete saturation, 293 00:30:23,440 --> 00:30:27,590 a thousand generations of change could take place in a matter of weeks. 294 00:30:29,910 --> 00:30:31,770 The Matsuo test. 295 00:30:32,390 --> 00:30:33,570 What do you mean? 296 00:30:33,830 --> 00:30:35,890 Nothing. Go on with your theory. 297 00:30:35,950 --> 00:30:39,930 I'm afraid there are more Grangers out here. And even worse than him. 298 00:30:40,200 --> 00:30:44,670 All of us have survived more cumulative exposure than we ever thought possible. 299 00:30:46,270 --> 00:30:52,640 You mean we all might become like your brother? Stalking these woods at night? Eating raw meat? 300 00:30:52,930 --> 00:30:54,010 It's possible. 301 00:30:54,330 --> 00:30:58,380 - Any bright theories as to what to do in this situation? - No. 302 00:31:00,730 --> 00:31:05,500 You know, when my brother couldn't find the answer to something, he looked it up in the Bible. 303 00:31:06,020 --> 00:31:08,930 He believed that it held the answers to everything. 304 00:31:10,890 --> 00:31:15,890 "For I am with thee to save thee and deliver thee, sayeth the Lord." 305 00:31:16,380 --> 00:31:20,950 "I will deliver thee out of the hand of the wicked." 306 00:31:21,600 --> 00:31:26,330 "I will redeem thee out of the land of the terrible." 307 00:31:26,400 --> 00:31:29,500 Look, I had enough of that Bible when I was a kid. 308 00:31:29,600 --> 00:31:33,680 Well, it's easy to see it had no effect on you, Mickey. 309 00:31:36,260 --> 00:31:37,800 I'm gonna go look for Granger. 310 00:31:45,800 --> 00:31:46,810 What was that? 311 00:31:51,580 --> 00:31:55,270 Maybe you'd better tell us what the Bible says about rain. 312 00:31:56,020 --> 00:31:59,900 In our situation, we'd better pray that it doesn't rain. 313 00:31:59,900 --> 00:32:01,570 Not for weeks, anyway. 314 00:32:01,990 --> 00:32:04,020 Because if it does rain in this valley, 315 00:32:04,180 --> 00:32:09,040 it'll be coming down through clouds saturated with nuclear death. 316 00:32:09,930 --> 00:32:11,330 Maybe we'll be safe, 317 00:32:11,460 --> 00:32:13,360 like Noah and the Ark. 318 00:32:13,710 --> 00:32:17,210 Right now, there's about 40 Renchens of activity in this room. 319 00:32:17,440 --> 00:32:22,040 If it rains, that will move up into the hundreds of Renchens in a matter of hours. 320 00:32:22,200 --> 00:32:24,880 And we'll all be dead. Or, 321 00:32:25,530 --> 00:32:28,180 like Granger. If we're unlucky. 322 00:32:28,540 --> 00:32:29,420 But, 323 00:32:29,980 --> 00:32:33,570 maybe the updrafts from the lake will hold the clouds back. 324 00:32:34,160 --> 00:32:37,520 They will, Dad. We've been lucky so far. 325 00:32:37,520 --> 00:32:39,930 We're gonna live. I just feel it. 326 00:32:39,930 --> 00:32:42,380 I hope you're right, sweetheart. 327 00:32:42,740 --> 00:32:47,900 And if the weather does clear, starting tomorrow, we'll have to go on half rations. 328 00:32:49,140 --> 00:32:50,910 How much is half of nothing? 329 00:32:50,910 --> 00:32:56,100 I've stored some seeds and grain. And I have books and materials 330 00:32:56,100 --> 00:32:59,530 on every craft necessary to sustain life. 331 00:33:00,960 --> 00:33:04,230 Mickey Brown: farmer and craftsman. 332 00:33:04,910 --> 00:33:06,350 Oh, another thing - 333 00:33:06,350 --> 00:33:08,700 We're about out of fresh water. But 334 00:33:08,700 --> 00:33:12,360 there's a spring-fed pool not so far from the cliffs. 335 00:33:13,180 --> 00:33:16,800 Hey, Joanna - maybe we could take a swim in the pool. 336 00:33:16,800 --> 00:33:18,600 Well, if Dad says it's all right. 337 00:33:18,760 --> 00:33:21,310 Oh, it's safe. I checked it today. 338 00:33:21,310 --> 00:33:24,900 And starting tomorrow, we can all take turns bathing there. 339 00:33:24,900 --> 00:33:26,860 Well, I'm telling you one thing. 340 00:33:27,540 --> 00:33:30,510 I've taken more baths in the past two months 341 00:33:30,740 --> 00:33:34,070 than I have in all my born days together. 342 00:33:34,470 --> 00:33:36,850 Maybe that's why you're still alive, Tim. 343 00:34:12,670 --> 00:34:15,150 - Grange? - Don't let it touch me! 344 00:34:15,180 --> 00:34:19,360 - Don't let the rain touch me! - It's OK, Grange, the clouds aren't gonna come in the valley! 345 00:34:19,490 --> 00:34:22,690 You're lying to me! It's gonna rain! 346 00:34:22,690 --> 00:34:25,370 Come on. Come on. Come on back to the house. 347 00:34:25,630 --> 00:34:26,940 Gonna touch me! 348 00:34:30,560 --> 00:34:32,910 Grange, come on back to the house! 349 00:35:24,310 --> 00:35:28,950 - This place is spooky even in sunshine. - It feels great, though. 350 00:35:29,670 --> 00:35:31,460 So quiet. 351 00:35:32,050 --> 00:35:35,090 I'd give anything to hear that downtown traffic again. 352 00:35:35,740 --> 00:35:38,780 I didn't realize how isolated it would be from the house. 353 00:35:44,260 --> 00:35:45,730 You are good looking. 354 00:35:47,230 --> 00:35:49,000 Clean-cut, and that bit. 355 00:35:50,300 --> 00:35:52,360 That's something new for Mickey. 356 00:35:53,270 --> 00:35:54,380 Mickey? 357 00:35:54,740 --> 00:35:57,360 Oh, he's all eyes for you. 358 00:35:59,050 --> 00:36:01,760 He isn't even giving me the time of day anymore. 359 00:36:02,450 --> 00:36:04,800 I'm not interested in Mickey. 360 00:36:04,800 --> 00:36:06,330 Well, you'd better not be. 361 00:36:07,580 --> 00:36:10,020 Otherwise, well... 362 00:36:10,810 --> 00:36:12,930 I'd have to make a play for Steve! 363 00:36:14,200 --> 00:36:17,670 That would be unfair competition for you. 364 00:36:18,780 --> 00:36:21,710 Yes, I... I see what you mean. 365 00:36:22,200 --> 00:36:24,720 Mickey always comes back to mama. 366 00:36:28,310 --> 00:36:29,810 Hey, what's the matter, kid? 367 00:36:31,640 --> 00:36:34,480 Somebody's watching us, I can feel it! 368 00:36:35,620 --> 00:36:37,580 I didn't hear anything! 369 00:36:38,890 --> 00:36:41,630 Something's moving over there in the bushes! 370 00:36:41,890 --> 00:36:45,780 It's probably one of the fellas. It's probably old Timothy. 371 00:36:45,940 --> 00:36:48,330 Hey, Timothy! 372 00:36:54,920 --> 00:36:57,440 Hurry up. Let's get out of here! 373 00:37:13,210 --> 00:37:15,660 Granger's not the only one hunting game. 374 00:37:16,830 --> 00:37:21,310 And, after they've finished off the game, we'll be next! 375 00:37:23,790 --> 00:37:25,290 This place is cursed. 376 00:37:25,580 --> 00:37:27,870 Steve, we've got to get rid of your brother. 377 00:37:28,000 --> 00:37:32,310 John! He's the only way to find out what we're up against! Don't you see that? 378 00:37:33,290 --> 00:37:36,780 The animals on the ship. The Matsuo test. 379 00:37:36,910 --> 00:37:39,490 They forewarned of something like this. 380 00:37:39,490 --> 00:37:43,740 - You know, you keep mentioning that. You gonna keep up the mystery, or you gonna tell me about it? - Tonight. 381 00:37:44,100 --> 00:37:48,900 Back at the house, I'll show you, after the others have gone to bed. I have the evidence. 382 00:37:54,090 --> 00:37:55,720 What you looking at? 383 00:37:56,440 --> 00:38:01,500 You said I didn't see anything at the pool. You said it was just my imagination. 384 00:38:01,530 --> 00:38:04,380 That's right. You just became upset. 385 00:38:05,000 --> 00:38:09,270 Steve, somebody was looking at me, tried to talk to me. 386 00:38:09,440 --> 00:38:10,680 What'd he say? 387 00:38:11,360 --> 00:38:13,420 Nothing you'd understand. 388 00:38:14,170 --> 00:38:17,010 Nothing I'd understand, for that matter. 389 00:38:17,670 --> 00:38:21,220 Well, you won't go swimming alone in the pool anymore. I'll stand guard. 390 00:38:23,180 --> 00:38:27,170 My skin was tingling, my pulse was pounding... 391 00:38:27,430 --> 00:38:30,820 You're still upset. Come on, let's go back to the house. 392 00:38:32,690 --> 00:38:35,360 Do you believe in mental telepathy? 393 00:38:36,020 --> 00:38:39,050 I'm afraid I'm reading your thoughts, if that's what you mean. 394 00:38:40,260 --> 00:38:41,860 What am I thinking? 395 00:38:42,870 --> 00:38:46,500 It's not the same way you were thinking about me a few days ago. 396 00:38:48,520 --> 00:38:50,580 I'm sorry, Steve. 397 00:38:51,660 --> 00:38:54,630 I just feel like I'd like to be alone right now. 398 00:38:55,640 --> 00:38:57,830 I'm sorry too, Joanna. 399 00:39:14,480 --> 00:39:17,810 Mickey! Don't scare me like that. 400 00:39:17,940 --> 00:39:23,590 I just wanna talk to you, that's all. You know, I bet I haven't said a dozen words to you since I got here. 401 00:39:25,160 --> 00:39:29,570 Hey, look, what's so bad about me? I don't drink, I don't smoke... 402 00:39:29,570 --> 00:39:34,430 And once I even gave some money to a drunken bum. My old man! 403 00:39:35,480 --> 00:39:39,980 Come on. Don't give me that hard-to-get stuff - come on! 404 00:39:40,470 --> 00:39:43,510 Don't! You belong to Jada. 405 00:39:45,180 --> 00:39:47,980 I belong to me! Get it? 406 00:39:48,150 --> 00:39:49,710 Me! 407 00:39:58,010 --> 00:39:59,510 Hey buddy! 408 00:40:00,100 --> 00:40:04,770 Oh, it's you, Miss Jada. Care for a taste of some of the best whiskey in these mountains? 409 00:40:07,180 --> 00:40:10,840 It is whiskey! Hey, where'd you get it? 410 00:40:11,300 --> 00:40:16,330 Made it myself, that's where. I make it by the barrels back at my place. 411 00:40:23,090 --> 00:40:25,470 That is awful, Tim! 412 00:40:26,020 --> 00:40:28,870 The first taste is never good, Miss Jada. 413 00:40:29,090 --> 00:40:32,910 It's that long, second one that puts hair on your chest! 414 00:40:42,060 --> 00:40:43,100 Better? 415 00:41:23,920 --> 00:41:25,000 Grange! 416 00:41:39,300 --> 00:41:44,620 You won't believe this, but I just saw Granger walk up the mountain trail through that fog, and it didn't faze him. 417 00:41:47,660 --> 00:41:51,180 Do you remember anything about the Matsuo bomb test? 418 00:41:51,510 --> 00:41:54,680 Yeah, there were some vague rumors right after that, weren't there? 419 00:41:55,430 --> 00:41:57,940 There's something I have to show you. 420 00:41:59,380 --> 00:42:04,080 As I told you, my job was to tow the animal ship out of Target Zero. 421 00:42:04,510 --> 00:42:06,960 I got the first look at those animals. 422 00:42:07,640 --> 00:42:11,360 - The newspapers said they were all destroyed. - The newspapers lied. 423 00:42:11,490 --> 00:42:13,710 Three of those animals lived through it. 424 00:42:14,660 --> 00:42:16,330 Lived through an H-bomb? 425 00:42:16,330 --> 00:42:18,580 There was a law against taking photographs. 426 00:42:18,580 --> 00:42:22,500 But no law against sketching what we'd seen. 427 00:42:22,500 --> 00:42:25,930 There were over a thousand animals on that ship. 428 00:42:27,720 --> 00:42:31,150 - That was a chipmunk. - This was alive? 429 00:42:31,510 --> 00:42:34,090 Yes. It lived for three days. 430 00:42:43,460 --> 00:42:46,040 Our third survivor was a monkey. 431 00:42:46,240 --> 00:42:48,130 Its skin looked like rubber, 432 00:42:48,330 --> 00:42:50,550 but it felt more like metal. 433 00:42:52,380 --> 00:42:54,070 Armor-plated. 434 00:42:54,790 --> 00:42:57,960 Nature's answer to complete nuclear radiation. 435 00:42:58,550 --> 00:43:01,940 Why, that's a million years of evolution with one bomb! 436 00:43:04,230 --> 00:43:08,600 - You say they lived for three days? - When we got back to the inspection ship, they were dead. 437 00:43:09,000 --> 00:43:13,310 - Well, if we could figure out what killed them, it may help us. - We never knew. 438 00:43:13,860 --> 00:43:17,060 After we washed them down, we went down to inspect. 439 00:43:17,750 --> 00:43:20,520 They were normal, except for their appearance. 440 00:43:20,820 --> 00:43:23,660 But they refused food and water. 441 00:43:25,520 --> 00:43:27,870 - New species. - Yes. 442 00:43:29,040 --> 00:43:32,180 They were the forerunners of whatever it is we have out there. 443 00:43:33,390 --> 00:43:36,690 Sometimes I have a feeling of doom. 444 00:43:38,220 --> 00:43:39,660 Well, I know this much: 445 00:43:40,470 --> 00:43:44,460 There are two forms of life fighting for survival in this valley, and only one can win. 446 00:43:44,720 --> 00:43:46,460 John, it's got to be us. 447 00:43:47,660 --> 00:43:49,780 You know, I started this thing 448 00:43:49,780 --> 00:43:51,780 just to stay alive. 449 00:43:51,970 --> 00:43:56,700 But you've given me a deep feeling of responsibility toward the welfare of mankind. 450 00:43:57,000 --> 00:43:58,370 Our kind. 451 00:44:02,740 --> 00:44:05,260 I think I'll turn in now. Goodnight, John. 452 00:44:06,140 --> 00:44:10,160 Yes. I'll tell the girls the first thing in the morning. 453 00:44:10,610 --> 00:44:12,470 - The girls? - Yes. 454 00:44:13,580 --> 00:44:16,720 They should bear children as soon as possible. 455 00:45:20,560 --> 00:45:21,830 Steve! 456 00:45:25,160 --> 00:45:26,500 That's enough! 457 00:45:29,700 --> 00:45:32,210 Now, Mickey - we've had enough of you. 458 00:45:32,240 --> 00:45:34,430 Get your things and get out of this house! 459 00:45:35,510 --> 00:45:37,990 You wouldn't do that to an animal, Dad. 460 00:45:38,350 --> 00:45:41,580 - He stays. - Are you all right, love? 461 00:45:42,760 --> 00:45:44,850 Get out of my life! 462 00:45:46,940 --> 00:45:48,380 Mickey! 463 00:45:50,110 --> 00:45:54,780 A sea captain can perform the marriage ceremony in case of an emergency. 464 00:45:55,230 --> 00:46:00,520 Joanna, I want you to marry Steve. I want you to have... children. 465 00:46:02,450 --> 00:46:05,880 There'll be no wedding, Dad, and no children. 466 00:46:06,960 --> 00:46:09,890 You have a responsibility to the future. 467 00:46:10,190 --> 00:46:14,730 - What would Mother say? - Your mother? - And Larry, what would he say? 468 00:46:15,770 --> 00:46:17,630 They're both dead. 469 00:46:19,950 --> 00:46:22,040 I'm the only one who knows. 470 00:46:22,690 --> 00:46:25,530 Knows? Knows what? 471 00:46:25,930 --> 00:46:28,670 - Have you been listening to me? - Yes, Dad. 472 00:46:32,330 --> 00:46:35,100 I'll marry Steve in a week. 473 00:46:35,920 --> 00:46:39,770 If he's still alive. And I am. 474 00:46:53,880 --> 00:46:55,510 What are you doing, love? 475 00:46:57,440 --> 00:46:59,300 This little gadget's 476 00:46:59,300 --> 00:47:02,330 gonna open that storeroom for me. 477 00:47:07,330 --> 00:47:09,940 Can you imagine us having a kid? 478 00:47:10,370 --> 00:47:12,620 'Course, we won't tell him his mother was a - 479 00:47:12,620 --> 00:47:14,220 exotic dancer. 480 00:47:15,430 --> 00:47:17,520 I wonder what's wrong with Joanna? 481 00:47:18,170 --> 00:47:20,850 She goes around in her own little world now. 482 00:47:21,730 --> 00:47:24,960 She slipped off her rocker. 483 00:47:25,940 --> 00:47:29,470 - Maybe we all are. - Not me, baby. 484 00:47:31,890 --> 00:47:33,520 You still go for her, don't you? 485 00:47:34,760 --> 00:47:38,450 You're just plain dirt to her, but you still want her! 486 00:47:39,950 --> 00:47:44,460 All I want is a key to open that storeroom! 487 00:47:45,830 --> 00:47:49,320 All this time you've been saying it was you and me! 488 00:47:49,810 --> 00:47:53,370 But you meant her! You liar! 489 00:47:53,370 --> 00:47:56,510 OK, OK. So I lied a little. 490 00:47:57,450 --> 00:47:59,310 A little! 491 00:47:59,770 --> 00:48:03,040 The only friend you ever had in this world was me! 492 00:48:03,040 --> 00:48:07,640 The only one who ever loved you was me! Me, me! 493 00:48:08,460 --> 00:48:10,910 Now listen, you cheap hood! 494 00:48:11,360 --> 00:48:13,880 A present from the hood... lover! 495 00:48:15,020 --> 00:48:16,290 Now beat it! 496 00:48:16,980 --> 00:48:18,640 I wanna finish this key. 497 00:48:21,220 --> 00:48:23,900 We can't go up there for at least two more months. 498 00:48:24,520 --> 00:48:26,290 And we're running out of supplies. 499 00:48:27,300 --> 00:48:29,620 Only enough for about two more weeks. 500 00:49:30,510 --> 00:49:32,900 Don't touch him - he's hot. 501 00:49:35,150 --> 00:49:36,590 Food. 502 00:49:38,060 --> 00:49:40,510 They wouldn't give me any. 503 00:49:40,830 --> 00:49:44,160 "They?" There's more of you up there? 504 00:49:47,200 --> 00:49:48,670 Stronger... 505 00:49:49,810 --> 00:49:54,090 - Much... stronger. - How many? How many more? 506 00:49:56,150 --> 00:50:00,290 Uhh... stronger... uuhh... 507 00:50:00,950 --> 00:50:02,250 Food! 508 00:50:09,040 --> 00:50:11,300 He won't be needing food now, poor devil. 509 00:50:12,180 --> 00:50:15,480 Look at the head. The strange bone structure. 510 00:50:15,580 --> 00:50:17,480 It's like those animals at Matsuo. 511 00:50:18,350 --> 00:50:21,260 And the same mutated skin the animals had. 512 00:50:21,840 --> 00:50:26,480 And... there's more like him up there! Stronger! 513 00:50:28,510 --> 00:50:34,220 Stage 2, this one. Stage 3, stronger. Stage 4, maybe invulnerable. 514 00:50:34,910 --> 00:50:37,420 How about Stage 1? Who's that? 515 00:50:37,750 --> 00:50:40,950 That's Granger. My brother is Stage 1. 516 00:51:13,310 --> 00:51:14,970 There's no doubt about it. 517 00:51:15,200 --> 00:51:17,810 They're coming closer to the house every night. 518 00:51:18,730 --> 00:51:21,270 We'll have to take turns standing guard, Steve. 519 00:51:21,470 --> 00:51:26,370 I'd use Mickey, but we can't trust him with a gun in his hand. I know his kind - 520 00:51:26,600 --> 00:51:28,620 spawned in bilgewater. 521 00:51:41,550 --> 00:51:45,110 Timothy, sometimes you're a lifesaver. 522 00:51:45,630 --> 00:51:49,260 Jada, we're like two peas in a pod. 523 00:51:49,260 --> 00:51:53,180 Sometimes, we're feelin' low as a have-no-well, 524 00:51:53,180 --> 00:51:57,750 - but give us a whack of this stuff - - Yeah! Give us a whack of this! 525 00:51:57,750 --> 00:52:01,860 ...and we're high as a silk hat on Sunday! 526 00:52:02,020 --> 00:52:04,600 Come on, ya big lug! 527 00:52:06,270 --> 00:52:10,350 Hey... quit it! Quit pouring so fast! 528 00:52:18,740 --> 00:52:21,360 Come with Jada, Timothy baby! 529 00:52:22,140 --> 00:52:24,460 I wanna pay you back for 530 00:52:24,780 --> 00:52:27,890 all that ever-lovin' kindness! 531 00:52:43,820 --> 00:52:47,580 Request permission to come aboard, Captain! 532 00:52:48,690 --> 00:52:50,580 Permission granted, sailor. 533 00:53:19,440 --> 00:53:24,930 And when I come out, they start to whistle and shout "Take it off!" 534 00:53:30,680 --> 00:53:33,030 And once I got my motor running, 535 00:53:33,190 --> 00:53:36,230 all you could hear was their breathing! 536 00:53:39,560 --> 00:53:41,780 That near scared me to death! 537 00:53:42,300 --> 00:53:43,740 One time, 538 00:53:43,740 --> 00:53:46,610 I, like, ran off stage! 539 00:53:46,970 --> 00:53:49,000 But Mickey baby, 540 00:53:49,750 --> 00:53:55,000 he just kicked my little backside and - ! On I went! 541 00:53:56,960 --> 00:54:00,100 Now wasn't that sweet of Mickey baby? 542 00:54:01,760 --> 00:54:04,900 One of these days I'm gonna return that favor. 543 00:54:08,230 --> 00:54:11,000 Now, here it comes! 544 00:54:11,000 --> 00:54:14,300 This is where I start to peel! 545 00:54:24,130 --> 00:54:29,220 Kick me under that blue spot, daddy, 'cause I'm comin' on for the clincher! 546 00:54:36,730 --> 00:54:39,800 N-no! Don't break my jug, please! 547 00:54:44,280 --> 00:54:47,510 That was the last drop I had! 548 00:54:48,070 --> 00:54:52,410 Good! Then we'll have no more of this disgusting behavior. 549 00:54:52,770 --> 00:54:53,880 Right? 550 00:54:54,330 --> 00:54:55,580 "Sailor"? 551 00:54:56,490 --> 00:54:59,790 There's one like you in every crowd! 552 00:55:08,510 --> 00:55:11,090 Now I'll never make it! 553 00:55:17,320 --> 00:55:19,050 But I, uh... 554 00:55:26,660 --> 00:55:29,500 Well? What have you got to say about it? 555 00:55:31,070 --> 00:55:33,650 Personally, I hate the stuff. 556 00:55:48,540 --> 00:55:49,940 Have a nice nap? 557 00:55:50,690 --> 00:55:53,140 Caught me. I must have dozed off. 558 00:55:54,420 --> 00:55:57,320 Say, have you seen Tim? He's not in the house anyplace. 559 00:55:57,620 --> 00:56:00,130 He's probably sleeping it off in the woods somewhere. 560 00:56:01,180 --> 00:56:04,770 You know, I'm really worried about that old coot. You shouldn't have broken his jug. 561 00:56:04,930 --> 00:56:09,010 You're right. I had no idea he was an alcoholic. 562 00:56:09,400 --> 00:56:12,570 Well, if he doesn't show up by daybreak, I'll go out and find him. 563 00:56:12,570 --> 00:56:15,120 I'll go with you. It was my mistake. 564 00:56:17,530 --> 00:56:21,090 You don't suppose he tried to get back up over those cliffs, do you? 565 00:56:21,550 --> 00:56:26,420 Well, he better not. If he does, it'll be the end of him. 566 00:56:27,850 --> 00:56:29,550 Goodnight. 567 00:57:17,360 --> 00:57:19,250 Easy, Timothy... 568 00:57:20,910 --> 00:57:22,640 It's... just a little rabbit. 569 00:57:39,100 --> 00:57:40,830 My god! 570 00:58:23,580 --> 00:58:25,010 Tim! 571 00:58:29,710 --> 00:58:33,270 Tim, don't! Don't go into that fog! 572 00:58:56,390 --> 00:59:00,670 Don't go into that fog! You'll be killed sure! 573 00:59:20,070 --> 00:59:21,310 John! 574 00:59:22,610 --> 00:59:23,760 Steve! 575 00:59:24,600 --> 00:59:28,160 - What happened? - Oh, I've sprained my ankle. 576 00:59:28,850 --> 00:59:31,690 - Where's Tim? - Back up over the cliff. 577 00:59:31,920 --> 00:59:33,940 He went back to his whiskey still. 578 00:59:35,310 --> 00:59:36,780 Did you go after him? 579 00:59:38,680 --> 00:59:40,280 Through that vapor? 580 00:59:41,940 --> 00:59:43,250 How long were you up there? 581 00:59:43,840 --> 00:59:47,660 A minute. Hour. What difference does it make? 582 00:59:48,020 --> 00:59:50,430 Steve, I've had the course. 583 00:59:50,860 --> 00:59:52,780 Well, come on. We'll get you washed up. 584 00:59:55,400 --> 00:59:59,770 Don't tell Joanna. I've just got a sprained ankle, understand? 585 00:59:59,900 --> 01:00:02,840 Sure, John. Come on. Let's get back to the house. 586 01:00:20,440 --> 01:00:21,750 He's dead. 587 01:00:23,250 --> 01:00:26,810 Believe me, Steve, it's better this way. 588 01:00:30,110 --> 01:00:32,030 Poor Granger. 589 01:00:33,110 --> 01:00:34,740 Now my whole family's gone. 590 01:00:34,740 --> 01:00:38,600 No, Steve. You and Joanna are the new family now. 591 01:00:39,150 --> 01:00:41,990 Perhaps for the whole human race. 592 01:00:45,030 --> 01:00:46,960 Look at those punctures! 593 01:00:48,030 --> 01:00:50,940 It's like - like three steel claws! 594 01:00:53,160 --> 01:00:55,150 Steel claws... 595 01:00:55,710 --> 01:00:58,610 It's like the hand of the monkey in your drawings! 596 01:01:00,540 --> 01:01:02,370 Matsuo. 597 01:01:30,550 --> 01:01:34,370 - Steve! - What is it, Joanna? 598 01:01:34,370 --> 01:01:39,070 - In there! In the bushes! - Where? What is it? 599 01:01:39,070 --> 01:01:40,830 Someone was calling to me! 600 01:01:40,830 --> 01:01:44,520 It's just your imagination! I wasn't 40 feet away from you and I didn't hear a thing! 601 01:01:44,520 --> 01:01:47,590 Oh, please, Steve, take me home! Please! 602 01:02:00,100 --> 01:02:03,360 Joanna insists this thing tried to talk to her. 603 01:02:03,360 --> 01:02:05,360 How about the way it looked? 604 01:02:06,370 --> 01:02:08,910 She said it looked like an ape. 605 01:02:10,020 --> 01:02:12,540 The sketches of Matsuo. The monkey! 606 01:02:12,870 --> 01:02:14,560 But this thing is man-sized. 607 01:02:14,560 --> 01:02:16,880 That means it's a man, not an ape. 608 01:02:17,630 --> 01:02:20,380 How do we fight it? How do we kill it? 609 01:02:21,320 --> 01:02:24,070 You're the one who said we'd come up with an answer. 610 01:02:24,200 --> 01:02:28,800 But how? It eats contaminated flesh, breathes contaminated air... 611 01:02:28,800 --> 01:02:31,510 The things that kill a man, it thrives on. 612 01:02:32,290 --> 01:02:35,330 What's the point? You're driving at something. 613 01:02:35,890 --> 01:02:39,050 Just that in order to kill it, we must first understand it. 614 01:02:39,350 --> 01:02:44,870 Now, we know it has fears. It was close enough to Joanna to attack her, but it wouldn't follow her into the pool. 615 01:03:22,910 --> 01:03:25,520 Don't scream. I mean it! 616 01:03:29,670 --> 01:03:31,100 What do you want? 617 01:03:32,110 --> 01:03:36,420 I never had time for your kind of woman. You're something new in my life. 618 01:03:36,420 --> 01:03:38,380 No... No! 619 01:03:39,100 --> 01:03:43,770 Girl, you won't hate me when there's just the two of us - there'd be no point to it, get what I mean? 620 01:03:46,160 --> 01:03:49,390 Mickey! Let the kid alone! 621 01:03:54,610 --> 01:03:56,310 Joanna, go back to the house. 622 01:03:56,540 --> 01:04:00,100 I have a few words for this child molester here! 623 01:04:02,290 --> 01:04:04,930 You don't know when you're through, do ya? 624 01:04:05,910 --> 01:04:08,070 You said the two of us, 625 01:04:08,820 --> 01:04:13,260 - but all along, you meant her! - Yeah, that's right. Now you know. 626 01:04:13,520 --> 01:04:15,970 You and your dimestore stuff. 627 01:04:16,200 --> 01:04:18,290 You're cheap! A cheapie! 628 01:04:18,450 --> 01:04:22,010 I didn't know how cheap you are 'til I met her! 629 01:04:23,180 --> 01:04:25,760 She hates your guts! 630 01:04:25,930 --> 01:04:30,790 You're cheap to her! She'd rather kill herself first! 631 01:04:35,040 --> 01:04:36,340 Come on. 632 01:04:37,880 --> 01:04:40,360 Let's not fight like a couple of kids. 633 01:04:43,760 --> 01:04:47,120 - Let's go take a moonlight swim, huh? - Beat it! 634 01:04:48,000 --> 01:04:50,420 I don't want any part of you. 635 01:06:30,370 --> 01:06:31,670 Well. 636 01:06:32,070 --> 01:06:34,250 You decided to come back to Jada. 637 01:07:38,580 --> 01:07:40,150 What's the gun for, Cap'n? 638 01:07:41,390 --> 01:07:42,960 Where's Jada? 639 01:07:43,970 --> 01:07:47,000 Well, we had a little beef. She didn't come back. 640 01:07:47,330 --> 01:07:49,680 Stayed outside to cool off, I guess. 641 01:07:49,910 --> 01:07:52,980 OK, Mickey. I got something to settle with you. 642 01:07:52,980 --> 01:07:55,000 Tomorrow, maybe. I'm beat right now. 643 01:07:55,000 --> 01:07:57,940 - You go next to Joanna again and I'm gonna kill you. - Kill me! 644 01:07:58,330 --> 01:08:00,390 I haven't had a laugh all day. 645 01:08:04,930 --> 01:08:07,770 Why he was spared by the bombs, I'll never know. 646 01:08:08,130 --> 01:08:10,120 He'll kill you, Steve. 647 01:08:10,350 --> 01:08:12,870 Get him first. Now! 648 01:08:13,030 --> 01:08:14,790 Here, take this! 649 01:08:18,420 --> 01:08:21,190 Just sneak up on Mickey and empty it into him, huh? 650 01:08:23,050 --> 01:08:24,820 John, you know me better than that. 651 01:08:25,890 --> 01:08:28,410 It's the same feeling that made you go up that mountain for Tim. 652 01:08:28,410 --> 01:08:30,370 But there's so much at stake. 653 01:08:30,920 --> 01:08:33,800 At least carry a gun. Here, 654 01:08:34,680 --> 01:08:37,450 get one. Out of the storeroom. 655 01:08:37,810 --> 01:08:40,850 Get it now. And be ready to use it. 656 01:08:49,930 --> 01:08:52,540 Hey, how long before a guy can get out of here? 657 01:08:52,870 --> 01:08:56,200 As far as I'm concerned, you can leave now. 658 01:08:58,710 --> 01:09:02,630 You know, this reminds me of that kids' song. Ten Little Indians. 659 01:09:02,890 --> 01:09:05,440 ...That got knocked off one at a time. 660 01:09:06,160 --> 01:09:09,320 Same way with us. First there were seven. 661 01:09:09,620 --> 01:09:13,140 Now there's... Now there's... 662 01:09:14,020 --> 01:09:18,240 "3 little 2 little 1 little Indians..." 663 01:09:18,500 --> 01:09:20,420 And then there was none. 664 01:09:22,020 --> 01:09:23,460 Try that again. 665 01:09:23,950 --> 01:09:26,920 Please. Try that again. 666 01:09:27,050 --> 01:09:28,880 Not me, Cap'n. 667 01:09:28,880 --> 01:09:33,000 I know when to cool it. Like right now. 668 01:12:41,960 --> 01:12:42,970 Joanna! 669 01:12:43,690 --> 01:12:45,000 Joanna! 670 01:12:45,750 --> 01:12:50,810 - I heard her screaming, but she's not in her room! - I have a strange feeling. She's in danger, Steve. 671 01:12:51,300 --> 01:12:52,570 That thing... 672 01:12:52,800 --> 01:12:56,000 - The thing out there has got my baby! - I'm going after her. - Wait! 673 01:12:56,290 --> 01:12:58,610 There's a special Luger. In the storeroom. 674 01:12:58,610 --> 01:13:01,130 With a 30-round magazine. Get it. 675 01:13:01,580 --> 01:13:05,960 Steve - put your revolver under my pillow. You won't need it. 676 01:13:09,580 --> 01:13:13,470 If there's no other way, use that Luger on Joanna. 677 01:13:21,370 --> 01:13:22,640 Joanna! 678 01:13:48,700 --> 01:13:52,000 Now! That's better, Cap'n. 679 01:13:52,880 --> 01:13:57,090 If there's two men and only one gun, I like to have it. 680 01:13:58,430 --> 01:14:01,180 Looks like your ship's falling apart, don't it? 681 01:14:01,240 --> 01:14:03,950 Well, you've been no help. 682 01:14:04,600 --> 01:14:06,330 You wouldn't find Jada. 683 01:14:06,430 --> 01:14:10,870 You wouldn't help Steve look for Joanna. Oh, you're lower than scum. 684 01:14:12,150 --> 01:14:13,550 I'm a coward. 685 01:14:14,040 --> 01:14:17,700 I only fight when I have to. And on my own conditions. 686 01:14:17,730 --> 01:14:21,220 And one of 'em is that I know what I'm fighting. 687 01:14:25,400 --> 01:14:26,320 Joanna! 688 01:14:31,670 --> 01:14:37,810 "3 little 2 little 1 little Indian..." You know, you're a sucker. 689 01:14:38,240 --> 01:14:41,370 I know you went after ol' Tim, into that fog. 690 01:14:41,370 --> 01:14:44,670 Killed yourself for that worthless old coot. 691 01:14:45,390 --> 01:14:48,820 So, that's why you're acting so brave. 692 01:14:48,910 --> 01:14:51,720 - That's why you're moving in. - Moving in? 693 01:14:53,910 --> 01:14:55,410 I'm taking over. 694 01:14:55,540 --> 01:14:58,970 The works, the house. Your daughter. 695 01:14:59,820 --> 01:15:01,130 If she gets back. 696 01:15:02,560 --> 01:15:06,910 I'd make a better old man for her kids than Steve would. They'd be tough, like me. 697 01:15:11,870 --> 01:15:14,250 Looks like it will rain after all. 698 01:15:15,360 --> 01:15:17,290 Still think that rain will kill us all? 699 01:15:18,140 --> 01:15:19,930 You'll know soon enough. 700 01:15:39,530 --> 01:15:40,830 Joanna! 701 01:16:23,150 --> 01:16:25,960 Here, Steve! Over here! 702 01:16:31,640 --> 01:16:34,870 The water! It's afraid of the water! 703 01:17:01,160 --> 01:17:04,160 Well, there's your rain, Cap'n! But good! 704 01:17:05,400 --> 01:17:07,400 How long do you think we'll live now? 705 01:17:07,660 --> 01:17:13,340 Well, here. Get me a sample of the rainwater and I'll test it. 706 01:17:33,000 --> 01:17:34,530 Why, it doesn't register! 707 01:17:35,900 --> 01:17:37,470 That's pure water! 708 01:17:38,020 --> 01:17:40,930 Well, what do you know. 709 01:17:41,320 --> 01:17:43,410 Just plain old rainwater! 710 01:17:44,520 --> 01:17:46,320 That's it! 711 01:17:46,810 --> 01:17:50,300 Water! It's afraid of water! 712 01:17:50,990 --> 01:17:53,800 Joanna and Steve may be safe! 713 01:17:53,800 --> 01:17:55,620 What's afraid, Cap'n? 714 01:17:56,150 --> 01:17:58,860 - You crackin' up on me? - Don't you see, you idiot? 715 01:17:58,860 --> 01:18:03,360 That thing out there, that atomic fiend. It's afraid of pure water. 716 01:18:03,360 --> 01:18:05,780 That's why it wouldn't go in the pool! 717 01:18:28,280 --> 01:18:31,350 What are you thinking in that sick mind of yours? 718 01:18:32,100 --> 01:18:33,040 Simple. 719 01:18:33,500 --> 01:18:36,960 I'm gonna shoot Steve, right between the eyes. 720 01:18:36,960 --> 01:18:39,440 In God's name, why? 721 01:18:40,030 --> 01:18:42,810 Well, I thought you knew, smart man. 722 01:18:43,890 --> 01:18:46,070 I want Joanna. 723 01:18:50,090 --> 01:18:51,820 I don't hear it anymore. 724 01:18:52,110 --> 01:18:53,320 Hear what? 725 01:18:54,300 --> 01:18:56,070 The weird sound. 726 01:18:58,060 --> 01:19:00,440 It tried to speak to me. 727 01:19:02,400 --> 01:19:03,510 Steve? 728 01:19:04,620 --> 01:19:08,180 It was Larry. What killed him? 729 01:19:09,520 --> 01:19:13,080 He was created to live in a contaminated atmosphere. 730 01:19:13,570 --> 01:19:15,530 Guess the rain must be pure. 731 01:19:17,390 --> 01:19:18,860 He couldn't stand it. 732 01:19:19,350 --> 01:19:23,460 I guess that means that all the other people like Larry will be killed by the rain, too. 733 01:19:23,920 --> 01:19:25,940 Then there is a future. 734 01:19:27,410 --> 01:19:28,910 Yes, Joanna. 735 01:19:32,050 --> 01:19:33,030 Mickey! 736 01:19:40,647 --> 01:19:43,350 The Beginning