1 00:01:22,291 --> 00:01:25,124 They call me Mac. The name's not important. 2 00:01:25,294 --> 00:01:27,091 It's January 1942. 3 00:01:27,262 --> 00:01:30,095 Marine outposts around the world have fallen to the Japanese. 4 00:01:30,265 --> 00:01:33,291 Our ranks are empty and ill-equipped. We need help. 5 00:01:33,468 --> 00:01:36,869 From every part of the country, kids are answering our call. 6 00:01:37,039 --> 00:01:39,166 This is Baltimore, Maryland. 7 00:01:39,341 --> 00:01:41,241 Detail, halt! 8 00:01:41,410 --> 00:01:43,469 Left face! 9 00:01:44,746 --> 00:01:48,910 You men have got a few minutes to see your folks. Fall out! 10 00:01:50,419 --> 00:01:52,614 Ma and Pa's over here. 11 00:01:52,788 --> 00:01:56,121 Hey, lady, my brother's a Marine. 12 00:01:56,325 --> 00:02:00,591 If your father had listened to me, you wouldn't be going to war at 19. 13 00:02:00,762 --> 00:02:03,890 - Mom, let's not go over that again. - I'm proud of you, son. 14 00:02:04,199 --> 00:02:05,689 Danny! 15 00:02:05,867 --> 00:02:08,392 Hi, Danny. I'm sorry I'm late. 16 00:02:08,570 --> 00:02:10,697 - Scared? - A little. 17 00:02:11,273 --> 00:02:13,901 Look, suppose I'm gone a year or two years. 18 00:02:14,076 --> 00:02:16,169 Suppose you want to change your mind. 19 00:02:16,345 --> 00:02:18,438 Well, we'd both be awfully hurt then. 20 00:02:18,614 --> 00:02:20,411 I won't change my mind. 21 00:02:20,582 --> 00:02:23,142 I just want to go on being your girl. 22 00:02:23,318 --> 00:02:25,309 Kathy... 23 00:02:33,061 --> 00:02:36,861 I guess this kind of makes us engaged, huh? 24 00:02:37,032 --> 00:02:38,124 Yes. 25 00:02:38,300 --> 00:02:40,598 All right, Section 5, all aboard! 26 00:02:41,136 --> 00:02:43,263 Section 5! 27 00:02:44,306 --> 00:02:46,740 Let's go, on the double, come on! 28 00:02:46,908 --> 00:02:50,708 - Good luck, son. - All right, all aboard, let's go. 29 00:02:50,879 --> 00:02:54,315 If they don't treat you right, you come right back. 30 00:03:08,930 --> 00:03:12,832 How long can we go on like this, sneaking around, meeting in cheap joints? 31 00:03:13,001 --> 00:03:15,094 - You'd get to hate me. - I could never hate you. 32 00:03:15,270 --> 00:03:19,969 But your old man hates me. I won't be able to get a decent job in this lousy town. 33 00:03:20,142 --> 00:03:23,043 Sue, can't you see I'd rot here? I couldn't take it! 34 00:03:23,211 --> 00:03:26,374 Ski, what's gonna happen if you can't get me to California? 35 00:03:26,548 --> 00:03:29,745 Baby, I'll save every nickel, and I'll send for you. 36 00:03:29,918 --> 00:03:32,148 We'll be away from Philly and your old man. 37 00:03:32,321 --> 00:03:34,516 - All aboard! - Oh, honey! 38 00:03:34,690 --> 00:03:36,920 All right, men. Get aboard. 39 00:03:37,092 --> 00:03:38,525 Come on now, hurry up! 40 00:03:38,694 --> 00:03:41,390 - I've got to go, baby. - Get aboard! 41 00:03:41,563 --> 00:03:44,327 Scenes like this are played all over the land... 42 00:03:44,499 --> 00:03:48,595 ... as boys from the cities and from the farms rush to fill our ranks. 43 00:03:48,770 --> 00:03:51,967 All trains head west. Destination, San Diego. 44 00:03:52,140 --> 00:03:55,109 This bunch looks like any other group we're getting. 45 00:03:55,277 --> 00:03:58,007 Politics and wars make strange bedfellows. 46 00:03:58,180 --> 00:04:01,877 In almost every car, you'll find a Texan with a guitar... 47 00:04:02,050 --> 00:04:04,382 ... an all-American boy... 48 00:04:05,287 --> 00:04:07,585 ... the farmer... 49 00:04:07,923 --> 00:04:09,914 ... the pride of the Navajos. 50 00:04:10,659 --> 00:04:13,059 Then there's the slum kid... 51 00:04:13,562 --> 00:04:15,427 ... the bookworm... 52 00:04:15,997 --> 00:04:18,329 ... the lumberjack. 53 00:04:19,801 --> 00:04:22,361 And there's one in every outfit. 54 00:04:42,958 --> 00:04:46,394 And you'll usually find a troublemaker. 55 00:04:47,429 --> 00:04:51,126 - Put it back. You didn't make your point. - What do you mean? 56 00:04:51,299 --> 00:04:54,860 - You accusing me of something dishonest? - Put it back. 57 00:04:56,571 --> 00:05:00,667 I was only kidding. Let's be buddies. 58 00:05:06,448 --> 00:05:08,780 - Spanish Joe's a troublemaker. - Yeah. 59 00:05:08,950 --> 00:05:11,544 He'll learn. The hard way. 60 00:05:12,187 --> 00:05:16,590 - I wish we were in San Diego already. - We'll be there soon enough. 61 00:05:17,426 --> 00:05:20,361 You're a couple of nice guys. I hope we stick together. 62 00:05:20,529 --> 00:05:22,258 Be okay. 63 00:05:25,000 --> 00:05:27,730 - Got a gal, Marion? - No. 64 00:05:27,903 --> 00:05:29,029 How about you, Andy? 65 00:05:29,204 --> 00:05:31,638 Do I got a gal? I got hundreds of them. 66 00:05:31,807 --> 00:05:34,537 Every broad in the north woods knows old Andy. 67 00:05:34,709 --> 00:05:37,075 Not me. I got one, that's all I need. 68 00:05:37,245 --> 00:05:38,769 One? 69 00:05:38,947 --> 00:05:41,040 This guy's nuts. 70 00:05:42,918 --> 00:05:44,852 San Diego, the end of the line. 71 00:05:45,020 --> 00:05:48,786 As they arrive at boot camp, the door to their past shuts behind them. 72 00:05:48,957 --> 00:05:51,858 Get off that truck. Get off. 73 00:05:55,096 --> 00:05:56,757 Quickly. 74 00:06:03,472 --> 00:06:06,930 Get back in there! 75 00:06:07,108 --> 00:06:08,871 Get going. 76 00:06:24,125 --> 00:06:27,856 All right, you guys, follow that white line over there. 77 00:06:31,233 --> 00:06:34,396 - My head feels like a prickly pear! - I've been scalped! 78 00:06:34,569 --> 00:06:37,060 Gonna let my eyebrows grow out and throw them back! 79 00:06:39,508 --> 00:06:41,135 Move it in, you guys! 80 00:06:41,309 --> 00:06:42,970 Come on! Move out! 81 00:06:43,144 --> 00:06:44,873 Over there, you skinheads! 82 00:06:45,046 --> 00:06:48,243 The rest of you get in there and get deloused. 83 00:07:04,232 --> 00:07:07,167 All right, you people. My name is Sergeant Beller. 84 00:07:07,335 --> 00:07:10,361 You guys are going to hate the day you met me. 85 00:07:10,539 --> 00:07:15,033 As far as I'm concerned, you are not human beings anymore. 86 00:07:15,377 --> 00:07:18,346 And don't get the idea you're Marines! 87 00:07:18,513 --> 00:07:20,811 You're recruits! Meatheads! 88 00:07:20,982 --> 00:07:24,645 The lowest form of animal in this here universe. 89 00:07:24,819 --> 00:07:27,845 You will refer to me as "sir." 90 00:07:28,290 --> 00:07:29,279 All right. 91 00:07:29,457 --> 00:07:34,360 You'll eat no candy, read no papers, hear no radios... 92 00:07:34,529 --> 00:07:37,657 ...and speak only when spoken to. 93 00:07:37,832 --> 00:07:43,566 You will salute everything moving above the rank of private. 94 00:07:46,274 --> 00:07:49,539 - What's your name, son? - I.Q. Jones. 95 00:07:51,613 --> 00:07:56,016 "My name is Private Jones, I.Q., sir!" 96 00:07:56,184 --> 00:07:59,676 My name is Private I.Q. Jones, sir. 97 00:07:59,854 --> 00:08:00,878 Your Honor. 98 00:08:01,056 --> 00:08:04,287 - Where are you from, meathead? - Cotton Plant, sir. 99 00:08:04,459 --> 00:08:06,654 - Cotton Plant, what? - Arkansas. 100 00:08:06,828 --> 00:08:09,592 It ain't no more than a wide spot in a thin road... 101 00:08:09,864 --> 00:08:11,092 Shut up! 102 00:08:11,266 --> 00:08:13,791 Who said you could talk? 103 00:08:14,736 --> 00:08:17,296 - You chewing gum, son? - Yes, sir. 104 00:08:17,472 --> 00:08:19,497 Swallow it. 105 00:08:22,043 --> 00:08:26,207 All right, you people, from now on, it's gonna be double-time. 106 00:08:26,381 --> 00:08:27,905 No more walking. 107 00:08:28,083 --> 00:08:30,847 All right, you're gonna get fed now. 108 00:08:31,019 --> 00:08:34,011 Personally, I think it's a waste of government money. 109 00:08:34,189 --> 00:08:36,054 Right face! 110 00:08:36,224 --> 00:08:38,556 Forward march! 111 00:08:39,561 --> 00:08:42,029 After the cordial welcome to the Corps... 112 00:08:42,197 --> 00:08:44,825 ... comes the job of turning boys into men. 113 00:08:45,000 --> 00:08:46,797 About face! 114 00:08:47,969 --> 00:08:49,800 Face left. 115 00:08:51,239 --> 00:08:53,707 Ready, front! 116 00:08:55,310 --> 00:08:56,937 Let's get that hat down! 117 00:08:57,112 --> 00:08:58,807 Cut down that belt! 118 00:08:58,980 --> 00:09:01,608 Pull up your pants, son! 119 00:09:04,285 --> 00:09:07,220 - You want that button? - Yes, sir. 120 00:09:11,559 --> 00:09:14,357 - Did you shave this morning? - I shaved twice, sir. 121 00:09:14,529 --> 00:09:17,828 You didn't slip up and put a blade in the razor, did you? 122 00:09:17,999 --> 00:09:20,263 A blade, sir? No, sir. 123 00:09:20,635 --> 00:09:23,695 Us full-blooded Indians never shave. 124 00:09:24,773 --> 00:09:29,176 The Marine Corps says you gotta shave every morning whether you need it or not! 125 00:09:33,181 --> 00:09:34,443 The Indian love call. 126 00:09:34,616 --> 00:09:36,846 We've got a wise guy in our midst. 127 00:09:37,018 --> 00:09:39,452 You guys must need some exercise. 128 00:09:39,621 --> 00:09:43,853 All right. Right face! 129 00:09:44,025 --> 00:09:46,357 Forward, hut! 130 00:09:46,528 --> 00:09:48,860 Double-time, hut! 131 00:09:49,030 --> 00:09:50,895 Lift them up! Hut! 132 00:09:51,766 --> 00:09:53,700 Come on, step it up, you guys. Move! 133 00:09:53,868 --> 00:09:57,668 So it goes from sunup to sundown. Days turn into weeks. 134 00:09:57,839 --> 00:10:01,605 They learn that the price of the green uniform comes high. 135 00:10:01,776 --> 00:10:04,336 Move! Get the lead out, you meatheads! 136 00:10:04,512 --> 00:10:06,104 Move! 137 00:10:06,915 --> 00:10:12,046 Then suddenly, you're beginning to learn the lesson the instructor has been pounding in. 138 00:10:12,220 --> 00:10:15,018 There's no place for stragglers in the Marine Corps. 139 00:10:16,157 --> 00:10:18,625 Forward. 140 00:10:18,793 --> 00:10:20,556 Left oblique! Huh! 141 00:10:21,429 --> 00:10:23,226 File out, file out. 142 00:10:23,398 --> 00:10:25,491 Right oblique! Huh! 143 00:10:25,667 --> 00:10:27,498 To the rear. Huh! 144 00:10:27,669 --> 00:10:32,197 And you're sure that yours is the best outfit in boot camp. 145 00:10:32,907 --> 00:10:34,670 Dear 146 00:10:37,212 --> 00:10:41,239 Ten weeks have passed, and tomorrow we finish boot camp. 147 00:10:41,416 --> 00:10:46,080 We hope we can stick together and go to radio school from here. 148 00:10:49,591 --> 00:10:54,290 Man, this living in tents behind closed gates is tough on me. 149 00:10:54,929 --> 00:10:57,329 I can't even remember what a woman looks like. 150 00:10:57,499 --> 00:11:00,935 It's tougher on me. I can remember. 151 00:11:02,670 --> 00:11:06,401 I'm gonna kill that Beller, I'm gonna rip him apart with my bare hands. 152 00:11:06,574 --> 00:11:10,908 - Tell us your side of the story. - They got a picture tonight about Marines. 153 00:11:11,079 --> 00:11:13,343 And I hate pictures about Marines. 154 00:11:13,515 --> 00:11:16,348 I thought it was a cowboys-and-lndians picture. 155 00:11:16,518 --> 00:11:18,452 I know that picture, cousin. 156 00:11:18,620 --> 00:11:21,453 This here Marine private gets a set of dress blues... 157 00:11:21,623 --> 00:11:23,250 Yeah, The Real Marine. 158 00:11:23,424 --> 00:11:26,916 Isn't that the one where the broad flips her lid for the private? 159 00:11:27,262 --> 00:11:30,459 That's it. He's a Marine because his daddy was a Marine. 160 00:11:30,632 --> 00:11:34,398 He hates the Corps, but learns to love it just like we do. 161 00:11:34,569 --> 00:11:37,129 Ends up saving the life of his drill instructor. 162 00:11:37,305 --> 00:11:40,763 - What a dumb jerk. - Know what that stupid Beller says to me? 163 00:11:40,942 --> 00:11:44,810 He says, "Private Jones, the Marine Corps says you all got to be entertained. 164 00:11:44,979 --> 00:11:46,674 It's good for your morale. 165 00:11:46,848 --> 00:11:50,181 All right, you dumb Yankees, ain't you ever gonna learn? 166 00:11:50,351 --> 00:11:54,185 Jones, throw out that chest! Jones, ain't you got no chest? 167 00:11:54,355 --> 00:11:55,822 All right, you dumb Yankees! 168 00:11:55,990 --> 00:11:58,481 Can't you understand American when it's spoke? 169 00:11:58,660 --> 00:12:01,356 Mr. Christian, 10 lashes for them Yankees! 170 00:12:01,529 --> 00:12:02,928 Lick the deck! Lick the..." 171 00:12:03,097 --> 00:12:06,066 Don't bother me right now, boy. 172 00:12:06,234 --> 00:12:08,600 "I'll make you boys feel sorry for the day..." 173 00:12:08,770 --> 00:12:10,738 Attention! 174 00:12:13,675 --> 00:12:17,577 Gentlemen, don your buckets. 175 00:12:22,083 --> 00:12:24,551 All right, what are you people? 176 00:12:24,719 --> 00:12:26,414 We're skinheads. 177 00:12:26,588 --> 00:12:28,283 - What? - Skinheads! 178 00:12:28,456 --> 00:12:31,448 And stupid Yankees too! 179 00:12:34,162 --> 00:12:36,027 And who do you love? 180 00:12:36,197 --> 00:12:38,358 We love our Sergeant Beller! 181 00:12:38,533 --> 00:12:40,865 Yes, sir! 182 00:12:46,574 --> 00:12:51,136 - There's that Indian love call again. - It's the chow, sarge. 183 00:12:51,312 --> 00:12:56,181 In all my 10 years in the Marine Corps, this is the first time I've been stumped. 184 00:12:56,351 --> 00:12:59,081 I still don't know who the bird is. 185 00:12:59,254 --> 00:13:01,017 Well, I give up. 186 00:13:01,189 --> 00:13:03,657 All right, take them off. 187 00:13:09,330 --> 00:13:11,059 At ease. 188 00:13:13,034 --> 00:13:15,594 I just came over to tell you skinheads... 189 00:13:15,770 --> 00:13:17,965 ...that they're sending a bunch of you out... 190 00:13:18,139 --> 00:13:19,970 ...to radio school. 191 00:13:24,312 --> 00:13:26,405 All right, one more thing. 192 00:13:28,149 --> 00:13:30,845 You're gyrenes now. 193 00:13:31,019 --> 00:13:33,249 And when you pass in review tomorrow... 194 00:13:33,421 --> 00:13:35,821 ...and do an eyes right... 195 00:13:35,990 --> 00:13:38,720 ...let me hear them eyeballs click. 196 00:13:43,131 --> 00:13:45,656 Just call me Jim. 197 00:14:13,661 --> 00:14:15,185 This was the day. 198 00:14:15,363 --> 00:14:19,197 To a man, their hearts pound, nearly bursting with pride. 199 00:14:19,367 --> 00:14:23,963 They had paid in sweat, humiliation and a few tears for the name they now carried. 200 00:14:24,138 --> 00:14:27,699 They were Marines now, and they would be till the day they died. 201 00:15:16,190 --> 00:15:18,852 This is me, Mac, with the six chevrons. 202 00:15:19,027 --> 00:15:21,723 I'm communicator for this outfit. 203 00:15:21,896 --> 00:15:24,194 Major Wellman, the executive officer. 204 00:15:24,365 --> 00:15:29,098 He gave up an ulcer job in civilian life for another ulcer job in the Marine Corps. 205 00:15:29,270 --> 00:15:32,899 Little Ziltch, a new kid, the commander's orderly. 206 00:15:33,074 --> 00:15:38,239 And this is Major Sam Huxley, known throughout the Corps as High Pockets. 207 00:15:38,413 --> 00:15:40,779 He's now in command of the 2nd Battalion. 208 00:15:40,948 --> 00:15:43,314 I've served with Huxley off and on for years. 209 00:15:43,484 --> 00:15:48,421 If there's one man who can build a fighting battalion, you're looking at him. 210 00:15:48,589 --> 00:15:50,819 - Mac. - Yes, sir. 211 00:15:50,992 --> 00:15:53,927 - Take charge. Get them squared away. - Yes, sir. 212 00:15:56,297 --> 00:15:58,094 Bob, get them bedded down. 213 00:15:58,266 --> 00:16:00,666 Left face! 214 00:16:01,536 --> 00:16:03,697 Arms, huh! 215 00:16:04,739 --> 00:16:07,469 Forward, huh! 216 00:16:07,642 --> 00:16:10,509 Rest easy. The smoking lamp's lit. 217 00:16:10,678 --> 00:16:14,705 I called you men together because I know we're all thinking the same thing. 218 00:16:15,249 --> 00:16:17,217 These new boys we're getting... 219 00:16:17,385 --> 00:16:20,286 ...they may look like Marines and talk like Marines... 220 00:16:20,455 --> 00:16:22,685 ...but we know the truth. 221 00:16:24,025 --> 00:16:26,459 In other words, we've got problems. 222 00:16:26,627 --> 00:16:28,959 We've also got a war on our hands. 223 00:16:29,530 --> 00:16:33,432 Now, we all have buddies on wait in the Philippines and Shanghai. 224 00:16:34,502 --> 00:16:37,562 It's gonna be a long road back. 225 00:16:38,806 --> 00:16:41,969 And we can't get back without them. 226 00:16:42,643 --> 00:16:45,077 You know I'm going to train them... 227 00:16:45,246 --> 00:16:49,876 ...so that every private in this battalion can take command if he has to. 228 00:16:50,351 --> 00:16:53,752 The only way I can do that is with your help. 229 00:16:54,188 --> 00:16:56,986 Thank you. That will be all. 230 00:17:03,030 --> 00:17:06,591 The man said he wanted communicators, and I said he'd have them. 231 00:17:06,767 --> 00:17:10,498 Every minute they weren't in the field, I had them at the practice table. 232 00:17:10,671 --> 00:17:15,734 Inside three weeks, they could read code in their sleep. And probably did. 233 00:17:28,022 --> 00:17:30,786 Come on, snap out of it. What, you got the blues? 234 00:17:30,958 --> 00:17:33,483 This place gives me the creeps on Sunday. 235 00:17:33,661 --> 00:17:34,889 Forget about it, Danny. 236 00:17:35,062 --> 00:17:38,361 Monkey with a broad, you wind up on the short end of the stick. 237 00:17:38,533 --> 00:17:41,434 - None of them are worth it. - Save the advice, chaplain. 238 00:17:41,602 --> 00:17:43,900 Thought I'd give the benefit of my experience. 239 00:17:44,071 --> 00:17:46,972 I want to be there when you fall for some nice girl. 240 00:17:47,141 --> 00:17:50,372 A broad ain't been made yet that'll make old Andy fall. 241 00:17:50,545 --> 00:17:55,039 - Let's go ashore and get out of this hole. - Good idea. 242 00:17:55,316 --> 00:17:57,944 We're going on liberty. How about coming along? 243 00:17:58,119 --> 00:18:00,110 I gotta finish ironing these shirts. 244 00:18:00,288 --> 00:18:03,621 Ski, they've got a town out here full of beautiful tomatoes. 245 00:18:03,791 --> 00:18:06,589 You ain't been on liberty since we've been in the Corps. 246 00:18:06,761 --> 00:18:09,457 I got a chance to pick up extra bucks pressing. 247 00:18:09,630 --> 00:18:11,962 I've gotta save my dough to get Susan out here. 248 00:18:12,133 --> 00:18:15,296 If it's a dame you want out here, I'll lend you the dough. 249 00:18:15,469 --> 00:18:18,097 Thanks anyway, but I don't want no charity. 250 00:18:18,272 --> 00:18:20,365 It's your life. 251 00:18:20,541 --> 00:18:24,739 Eat your heart out, feather merchant, eat your heart out. 252 00:18:26,314 --> 00:18:30,307 I'll murder Mac and Huxley. They got no respect for communicators. 253 00:18:30,484 --> 00:18:33,783 That lousy Mac had me shoveling garbage again today. 254 00:18:33,955 --> 00:18:36,082 Me! I'm writing my congressman. 255 00:18:36,257 --> 00:18:40,489 Me and the Corps have split the blanket. That's Navajo for finished, done. 256 00:18:40,661 --> 00:18:44,358 That's right. Huxley's trying to kill us. Ten straight 15-mile hikes. 257 00:18:44,532 --> 00:18:47,467 You know what they call this outfit? "Huxley's Harlots." 258 00:18:47,635 --> 00:18:52,038 And if we ain't hiking, we're getting dit-happy on that signal key. 259 00:18:53,307 --> 00:18:57,004 Maybe I should learn Mac how to use smoke signals. 260 00:19:01,682 --> 00:19:03,809 What's Crazy Horse beefing about? 261 00:19:03,985 --> 00:19:08,388 He says he's a son of a Indian chief, and he wants to go back to the reservation. 262 00:19:08,556 --> 00:19:11,616 Tell that man there'll be no swearing here on Sunday. 263 00:19:11,792 --> 00:19:14,124 I wonder who's stuck with guard duty tonight. 264 00:19:16,864 --> 00:19:19,765 I think I see your name up there. 265 00:19:21,502 --> 00:19:23,993 Put it back, Joseph. 266 00:19:24,639 --> 00:19:26,368 I was just going to borrow it. 267 00:19:26,540 --> 00:19:30,237 The last time you borrowed something, I never saw it again. 268 00:19:33,981 --> 00:19:38,179 Hey, you accusing me of something dishonest? 269 00:19:38,352 --> 00:19:41,082 Just put it back, please. 270 00:19:45,059 --> 00:19:48,654 You think you're so smart because you read all the time. 271 00:19:50,097 --> 00:19:53,032 I ain't liked you since boot camp. 272 00:19:54,068 --> 00:19:56,832 I've got a notion to loosen you from a few teeth... 273 00:19:57,004 --> 00:19:59,234 ...Sister Mary. 274 00:20:06,681 --> 00:20:09,878 Now, wait a minute. I was only fooling with you. 275 00:20:24,131 --> 00:20:25,860 What'd you go and do that for? 276 00:20:26,033 --> 00:20:29,696 I saw what happened to one fellow who tried to shake your hand. 277 00:20:46,887 --> 00:20:50,118 That was a lucky punch. You know that, huh? 278 00:20:51,692 --> 00:20:54,991 You're the only guy alive who can do that to old Spanish Joe... 279 00:20:55,162 --> 00:20:57,630 ...and live to tell about it. 280 00:21:02,136 --> 00:21:03,626 What you reading? 281 00:21:03,804 --> 00:21:05,738 Plato. 282 00:21:05,906 --> 00:21:09,842 You mean they wrote a whole big book about Mickey Mouse's dog? 283 00:21:11,512 --> 00:21:12,672 You know something? 284 00:21:12,847 --> 00:21:14,678 I like you, Mary. 285 00:21:14,849 --> 00:21:18,285 You stick with me and I'll get you over the rough spots. 286 00:21:18,452 --> 00:21:21,649 What you think of old Spanish Joe now? 287 00:21:21,822 --> 00:21:25,417 I think you're the most obnoxious person I ever met. 288 00:21:27,728 --> 00:21:29,821 What's that, obnoxious? 289 00:21:29,997 --> 00:21:31,589 You stink. 290 00:21:33,467 --> 00:21:36,300 That's because I was eating garlic. 291 00:21:36,737 --> 00:21:39,706 Hey, kid, you got guts. 292 00:21:39,874 --> 00:21:42,866 You and me's going to be buddy-buddy. 293 00:22:00,127 --> 00:22:02,061 Thanks, Mac. 294 00:22:15,109 --> 00:22:17,907 Don't do that with my hat! What's the matter with you? 295 00:22:18,078 --> 00:22:21,070 Miss, would you please pick it up for me? 296 00:22:24,652 --> 00:22:26,119 All right. What'll you have? 297 00:22:26,287 --> 00:22:28,653 Give me a cheeseburger and a cup of coffee. 298 00:22:28,823 --> 00:22:32,224 And how about a piece of that apple pie too? 299 00:22:34,595 --> 00:22:35,653 What's yours? 300 00:22:35,830 --> 00:22:38,424 I think I'll have something different. 301 00:22:38,599 --> 00:22:41,966 My name's Andy. What time you getting off duty? 302 00:22:42,136 --> 00:22:43,933 I have just two words for you. 303 00:22:44,104 --> 00:22:47,130 Remind me to tell you what they are later. 304 00:22:47,374 --> 00:22:48,932 Why not now? 305 00:22:49,109 --> 00:22:51,543 Later's always better. 306 00:22:53,347 --> 00:22:55,178 - What are you doing? - Looking for Ski. 307 00:22:55,349 --> 00:22:56,680 - He cracked up. - What happened? 308 00:22:56,851 --> 00:23:01,481 - He got a letter and tore the barracks apart. - He went crazy and threw his bed at me. 309 00:23:01,655 --> 00:23:06,524 He drew all the money he had stashed away, over $400, and headed into San Diego. 310 00:23:06,694 --> 00:23:09,094 Mac's looking for him. He told us to wait here. 311 00:23:09,263 --> 00:23:11,823 Something must've gone wrong with his girl, Susan. 312 00:23:11,999 --> 00:23:14,934 - We found him. Come on. - Let's go. 313 00:23:17,872 --> 00:23:21,035 Here's a couple of bucks. I'll see you later. 314 00:23:31,819 --> 00:23:33,116 Is he still in there? 315 00:23:33,287 --> 00:23:35,152 Okay. 316 00:23:37,825 --> 00:23:41,727 That's the kind of joint this is. If he ain't in the bar, he's upstairs. 317 00:23:41,896 --> 00:23:45,354 We don't want no trouble. But, just in case, get your belts ready. 318 00:23:45,533 --> 00:23:47,558 Let's go, sailors. 319 00:23:50,004 --> 00:23:52,438 Can I help you fellows? 320 00:23:52,806 --> 00:23:55,741 We're looking for a buddy of ours, a Marine PFC. 321 00:23:55,910 --> 00:23:58,708 - He's a little loaded. You seen him? - He ain't here. 322 00:23:58,879 --> 00:24:01,905 He come in here 10 minutes ago, and he ain't come out yet. 323 00:24:02,082 --> 00:24:03,913 - Mind if we take a look? - Wait! 324 00:24:04,084 --> 00:24:06,052 I said he ain't here! 325 00:24:12,359 --> 00:24:15,021 - I guess maybe we made a mistake. - Yeah. 326 00:24:15,195 --> 00:24:17,288 Thanks a lot. 327 00:24:55,035 --> 00:24:58,334 Excuse me, please. Thank you, thank you. 328 00:25:15,189 --> 00:25:16,816 - Let's go, kid. Get up. - Hold on. 329 00:25:16,991 --> 00:25:20,154 - Come on, you gotta get out of here. - Leave me alone! 330 00:25:20,327 --> 00:25:23,763 - This is my life. I'll do what I want with it! - Come on. 331 00:25:29,403 --> 00:25:32,600 - She rolled him. - Where's his dough? 332 00:25:32,773 --> 00:25:34,263 Where's his dough? 333 00:25:34,441 --> 00:25:35,840 I got it. 334 00:25:36,010 --> 00:25:39,707 - She's gone. - It's all right. It's all right. 335 00:25:43,517 --> 00:25:46,953 Dear John letter. She's gonna have a baby. She got married. 336 00:25:47,121 --> 00:25:49,715 See what happens when you fall for one broad? 337 00:25:49,890 --> 00:25:52,290 Let's get him out of here. Come on, come on! 338 00:25:54,128 --> 00:25:55,595 She's gone. 339 00:26:05,406 --> 00:26:06,668 Sir. 340 00:26:07,541 --> 00:26:09,304 We lost contact with Fox Company. 341 00:26:09,476 --> 00:26:12,377 Soon as the boys finish chow, I'll have them run a line up. 342 00:26:12,546 --> 00:26:14,138 All right. 343 00:26:14,314 --> 00:26:18,011 - You got your Indians working? - Yes, sir. Right over here. 344 00:26:39,540 --> 00:26:41,804 Lighttower and his all-Navajo network. 345 00:26:41,975 --> 00:26:43,738 That Huxley's really a smart boy. 346 00:26:43,911 --> 00:26:46,903 He's gonna foul up the Japs so they can't intercept our messages. 347 00:26:47,081 --> 00:26:51,142 Seems that he read someplace that they used Sioux talkers in World War I. 348 00:26:51,318 --> 00:26:54,754 You can stop. We know you're reading High Pockets the Riot Act. 349 00:26:54,922 --> 00:26:57,857 Mr. Jones, I hate to interrupt your meal hour... 350 00:26:58,025 --> 00:27:04,123 ...but when you finish feeding your face, I want you to run a line up to Fox Company. 351 00:27:04,298 --> 00:27:08,564 Yes, sir. Right, sir. On the double, sir. 352 00:27:08,736 --> 00:27:13,070 Come on. If I don't get this dame's sister a date, I'll be out in the cold. 353 00:27:13,240 --> 00:27:14,707 No, thanks. 354 00:27:14,875 --> 00:27:18,140 Man, you're the limit. You gotta loosen up sometimes. 355 00:27:18,312 --> 00:27:20,644 I enjoy myself on liberty. 356 00:27:20,814 --> 00:27:24,215 - What do you do? - Ride the San Diego Coronado Ferryboat. 357 00:27:25,185 --> 00:27:26,618 You what? 358 00:27:26,787 --> 00:27:28,220 Take a boat ride. 359 00:27:28,388 --> 00:27:31,289 You ought to try it sometime, Andy. It's very pleasant. 360 00:27:31,458 --> 00:27:33,551 It gives me a chance to think. 361 00:27:35,129 --> 00:27:38,621 I might write a book about all this one of these days. 362 00:27:38,799 --> 00:27:41,962 You ride the Coronado Ferry. 363 00:27:42,369 --> 00:27:46,305 Marion, believe me, I think you will write that book. 364 00:28:05,793 --> 00:28:09,593 Excuse me. I don't seem to have a light. 365 00:28:13,066 --> 00:28:14,693 Thanks. 366 00:28:17,571 --> 00:28:20,404 Don't think I'm forward, but I've seen you here before. 367 00:28:20,574 --> 00:28:24,510 I travel to Coronado every night. You're almost getting to be a fixture. 368 00:28:24,678 --> 00:28:26,805 I was curious. 369 00:28:26,980 --> 00:28:29,676 It's quiet here. I can think. 370 00:28:29,850 --> 00:28:31,215 Lonesome? 371 00:28:31,385 --> 00:28:33,012 No, not really. 372 00:28:33,187 --> 00:28:36,054 I'll bet you're thinking about a girl. 373 00:28:36,423 --> 00:28:38,755 I haven't got a girl. 374 00:28:38,992 --> 00:28:43,395 No man has a girl back home when he's talking to a girl in San Diego. 375 00:28:43,664 --> 00:28:46,690 Look, lady, I'm not one of those guys. 376 00:28:46,867 --> 00:28:50,325 There are things that mean more to me than a brief conversation. 377 00:28:50,504 --> 00:28:52,665 I'll bet you really don't have a girl. 378 00:28:52,840 --> 00:28:54,671 I said I didn't. 379 00:28:54,842 --> 00:28:57,936 Forgive me. I shouldn't have bothered you. 380 00:28:58,111 --> 00:28:59,544 Miss? 381 00:28:59,947 --> 00:29:03,713 I'm sorry. It's sort of hard to explain. 382 00:29:03,884 --> 00:29:08,344 But being out here, for me, well, I can think. Things make sense. 383 00:29:08,522 --> 00:29:11,685 That rat race back there's almost another world. 384 00:29:13,694 --> 00:29:15,662 What do you think about, Marine? 385 00:29:17,130 --> 00:29:22,033 I think about how I'd like to write about the war and this city and the guys. 386 00:29:23,303 --> 00:29:26,238 I suppose you think I'm off my rocker. 387 00:29:26,406 --> 00:29:28,966 - How old are you? - Nineteen. 388 00:29:29,142 --> 00:29:31,406 A completely honest gyrene. 389 00:29:31,578 --> 00:29:34,911 You're one for the books. You should have said 25 to impress me. 390 00:29:35,082 --> 00:29:36,947 Is it a crime to be 19? 391 00:29:40,587 --> 00:29:41,713 Miss? 392 00:29:42,155 --> 00:29:44,851 My name's Marion, Marion Hotchkiss. 393 00:29:45,025 --> 00:29:49,052 You said you take this boat often. Maybe I'll see you again. 394 00:29:49,229 --> 00:29:51,094 Could be. 395 00:30:09,483 --> 00:30:11,951 Try your skill here. Ten shots for a quarter. 396 00:30:12,119 --> 00:30:16,249 Everybody wins here. Ten shots for a quarter here. 397 00:30:36,944 --> 00:30:40,072 - Give me a bourbon and Scotch. - What? 398 00:30:40,247 --> 00:30:43,842 Well, just give me what that guy's got. 399 00:31:16,149 --> 00:31:17,707 I'm gonna tell you, buddy. 400 00:31:17,884 --> 00:31:21,012 I'm gonna tell you, I don't like Huxley. 401 00:31:21,455 --> 00:31:25,824 He's a nice guy, I know, I know, but I don't like him, see? 402 00:31:25,993 --> 00:31:28,257 You know, I don't like this lousy town. 403 00:31:28,428 --> 00:31:30,896 I don't like the people in it, see? 404 00:31:31,064 --> 00:31:32,622 I like people. 405 00:31:34,534 --> 00:31:37,799 I like people who likes me, see? 406 00:31:37,971 --> 00:31:42,840 All the people here cares about is your money. Lousy, rotten money. 407 00:31:43,176 --> 00:31:46,077 Did I ever tell you about Kathy? 408 00:31:46,246 --> 00:31:51,240 She's my girl. She's a character, but she's cute. 409 00:32:14,041 --> 00:32:15,770 Feeling better? 410 00:32:17,377 --> 00:32:18,742 Where am I? 411 00:32:21,982 --> 00:32:24,314 You'd better take this. 412 00:32:28,822 --> 00:32:31,154 - How did I get here? - You're at the USO. 413 00:32:31,324 --> 00:32:34,157 Some Marines dropped you off. 414 00:32:34,895 --> 00:32:37,056 Never again. 415 00:32:39,433 --> 00:32:41,628 Thanks a lot for... 416 00:32:41,802 --> 00:32:43,099 ...for taking me in. 417 00:32:43,503 --> 00:32:46,939 You'd better get back to camp. Sleep it off. 418 00:32:52,479 --> 00:32:54,879 I guess I'd better. 419 00:32:56,850 --> 00:32:58,374 Thanks again, Ms...? 420 00:32:58,552 --> 00:33:00,679 Mrs. Yarborough. 421 00:33:03,824 --> 00:33:05,382 Thanks. 422 00:33:12,699 --> 00:33:15,429 - Mrs. Yarborough? - Yes? 423 00:33:16,970 --> 00:33:20,633 I was wondering if you'd walk me to the bus depot. 424 00:33:24,644 --> 00:33:27,636 I'm sorry. I'm terribly busy. 425 00:33:28,482 --> 00:33:30,541 Can I ask you something? 426 00:33:30,717 --> 00:33:34,676 I know working one of these clubs you hear this all the time... 427 00:33:35,222 --> 00:33:38,487 ...but I haven't talked to a woman for almost six months. 428 00:33:38,658 --> 00:33:40,853 I just thought that... 429 00:33:46,099 --> 00:33:47,862 Wash up. 430 00:33:48,034 --> 00:33:49,797 I'll get my coat. 431 00:34:01,081 --> 00:34:04,539 I had a crush on a football player one time. 432 00:34:05,051 --> 00:34:08,714 How come you live in San Diego and run the USO club? 433 00:34:08,889 --> 00:34:10,754 The USO keeps me busy. 434 00:34:10,924 --> 00:34:14,826 Vernon... Mr. Yarborough's what you call a dollar-a-year man. 435 00:34:14,995 --> 00:34:16,326 He tours the Pacific. 436 00:34:16,496 --> 00:34:19,397 He only gets in a couple of days a month. 437 00:34:19,799 --> 00:34:23,599 I found commuting from Illinois pretty difficult these days... 438 00:34:23,770 --> 00:34:28,173 ...so I've sort of become a Navy wife till the war's over. 439 00:34:28,341 --> 00:34:32,437 Guess you have a pretty fancy place in Arlington Heights. 440 00:34:32,612 --> 00:34:35,581 It wasn't always that way, I can tell you. 441 00:34:35,749 --> 00:34:39,185 I come from a family of nine girls. 442 00:34:39,886 --> 00:34:41,911 Well, let's not fall into a dirge. 443 00:34:42,088 --> 00:34:46,422 Say, young man, USO has a hayride every Friday night. 444 00:34:46,593 --> 00:34:49,892 I highly recommend it instead of getting drunk. 445 00:34:50,063 --> 00:34:51,530 Cigarette? 446 00:34:52,632 --> 00:34:55,965 - I shouldn't smoke on the street. - Go on. 447 00:35:22,195 --> 00:35:23,958 I'd better go back. 448 00:35:24,698 --> 00:35:27,667 You're not sorry. Neither am I. 449 00:35:28,168 --> 00:35:31,899 I don't know what got into me. I've got to go back. 450 00:35:32,806 --> 00:35:34,865 I'll see you Friday. 451 00:35:44,517 --> 00:35:47,953 - All right, try it. - Nothing coming in. 452 00:35:49,489 --> 00:35:52,049 I tell you, it's completely gone, Mac. 453 00:35:52,225 --> 00:35:55,285 - Fix it. - Fix it?! 454 00:35:57,764 --> 00:36:00,198 Sir, the TD Y's on the blink again. 455 00:36:00,367 --> 00:36:02,892 - Keep some runners handy. - They're standing by. 456 00:36:03,069 --> 00:36:06,197 Them radios aren't worth the tubes they're made of. 457 00:36:06,373 --> 00:36:09,831 Do you feel you're incapable of operating with the present equipment? 458 00:36:10,010 --> 00:36:12,843 None of my equipment would've helped Custer at Little Bighorn. 459 00:36:13,013 --> 00:36:17,177 Sergeant, we're also carrying small arms from World War I. 460 00:36:17,350 --> 00:36:20,717 Now, I'm not going through our present equipment roster. 461 00:36:20,887 --> 00:36:23,185 But you keep one thing in 462 00:36:23,356 --> 00:36:26,325 Until we're issued new gear, we'll get 100% efficiency... 463 00:36:26,493 --> 00:36:28,688 ...out of every last piece we have now. 464 00:36:28,862 --> 00:36:33,162 And we'll train these men in such a manner as to overcome faults in the equipment. 465 00:36:33,600 --> 00:36:35,397 - Is that clear? - Very clear. 466 00:36:35,568 --> 00:36:37,866 - Are you the communicator on this lash-up? - Yes, sir. 467 00:36:38,038 --> 00:36:41,007 Well, then start communicating. 468 00:36:52,285 --> 00:36:54,048 That's it. 469 00:36:55,021 --> 00:36:57,512 It's a beautiful story, Marion. 470 00:36:57,691 --> 00:36:59,352 Do you really like it? 471 00:36:59,526 --> 00:37:01,551 Very much. 472 00:37:03,229 --> 00:37:06,357 I like meeting you here every liberty. 473 00:37:06,533 --> 00:37:08,501 I like talking to you. 474 00:37:08,668 --> 00:37:10,158 Me too. 475 00:37:13,373 --> 00:37:17,241 Let me tell you something about my writing these stories. 476 00:37:17,677 --> 00:37:20,237 Just being with you, it's untied a lot of knots. 477 00:37:20,413 --> 00:37:21,846 Don't. 478 00:37:22,949 --> 00:37:26,612 Don't stop me now. I don't get this brave very often. 479 00:37:27,987 --> 00:37:31,787 Rae, I just never could write until I met you. 480 00:37:31,958 --> 00:37:33,220 Does that sound funny? 481 00:37:35,662 --> 00:37:38,893 You're a sweet kid. You'll be a big writer someday. 482 00:37:40,233 --> 00:37:41,632 Yeah. 483 00:37:43,303 --> 00:37:46,170 Rae, how about our meeting in San Diego next liberty? 484 00:37:46,506 --> 00:37:48,974 We can have dinner and take in a show. 485 00:37:49,142 --> 00:37:51,440 Couldn't we go on just meeting here? 486 00:37:51,611 --> 00:37:55,775 We've been seeing each other for a month, but it's always here on the ferry. 487 00:37:55,949 --> 00:37:57,974 I can't. 488 00:37:58,151 --> 00:38:00,312 What do you mean you can't? 489 00:38:00,487 --> 00:38:02,546 I just can't. 490 00:38:04,391 --> 00:38:06,825 I thought you liked me. 491 00:38:06,993 --> 00:38:09,427 Of course I like you, Marion. 492 00:38:09,596 --> 00:38:13,828 Would I sit here until dawn every time you were in if I didn't? 493 00:38:14,334 --> 00:38:15,858 Yeah. 494 00:38:17,570 --> 00:38:20,596 If you want to make a big secret of it, I... 495 00:38:21,541 --> 00:38:24,704 - I guess I'd better shove. - Marion? 496 00:38:25,645 --> 00:38:28,409 Will you be here next liberty? 497 00:38:30,049 --> 00:38:31,311 Yes. 498 00:38:33,620 --> 00:38:36,020 I'll be here. 499 00:38:49,903 --> 00:38:51,530 Goodness, that was fun. 500 00:38:51,704 --> 00:38:54,639 I haven't been on a hayride in years. 501 00:38:57,644 --> 00:38:58,975 Come on in. 502 00:39:04,551 --> 00:39:08,487 - May I fix you a drink? - I gave it up for hayrides, remember? 503 00:39:08,655 --> 00:39:10,122 Oh, yes. 504 00:39:10,290 --> 00:39:13,817 If you'll excuse me a minute, I think I'll freshen up. 505 00:39:33,213 --> 00:39:35,477 This darn hay is driving me nuts. 506 00:39:35,648 --> 00:39:39,516 Sorry. I felt kind of itchy. 507 00:39:42,055 --> 00:39:45,183 A buddy of mine back at the base reads a lot. 508 00:39:45,358 --> 00:39:48,122 I'll bet he's read all those books. 509 00:39:49,963 --> 00:39:52,431 Nice place you've got here. 510 00:39:52,632 --> 00:39:54,862 Got a pool too, huh? 511 00:39:55,034 --> 00:39:57,901 Won't you change your mind about that drink? 512 00:40:00,607 --> 00:40:03,633 I guess I better shove off for camp. 513 00:40:09,582 --> 00:40:11,345 Will I...? 514 00:40:11,518 --> 00:40:14,146 Will I see you tomorrow night? 515 00:40:15,788 --> 00:40:17,346 I shouldn't. 516 00:40:21,494 --> 00:40:24,258 Oh, all right. I'll see you. 517 00:40:25,765 --> 00:40:28,962 You should have fun like this more often. 518 00:40:29,402 --> 00:40:31,597 I've been too busy. 519 00:40:32,639 --> 00:40:35,005 With all this, I... 520 00:40:35,174 --> 00:40:38,007 I guess you have everything. 521 00:40:39,178 --> 00:40:41,772 I have everything I want, Danny. 522 00:40:41,948 --> 00:40:45,042 I had nothing before I met my husband. 523 00:40:47,687 --> 00:40:49,848 Everything? 524 00:41:16,082 --> 00:41:17,982 Do you know, I... 525 00:41:18,151 --> 00:41:20,210 I think I will take that drink. 526 00:41:23,990 --> 00:41:27,118 This darn hay is driving me nuts. 527 00:41:29,996 --> 00:41:32,897 I know how we can get rid of it. 528 00:41:33,333 --> 00:41:35,733 Let's take a dip in the pool. 529 00:41:36,436 --> 00:41:38,700 I haven't got a suit. 530 00:41:38,938 --> 00:41:40,371 Besides... 531 00:41:40,540 --> 00:41:42,098 Here. 532 00:41:43,576 --> 00:41:47,273 Those are Vernon's. Put them on. I'll be out in a jiffy. 533 00:41:51,451 --> 00:41:53,715 Listen, I gotta get back to the base. 534 00:41:53,886 --> 00:41:55,353 I'll drive you back. 535 00:41:58,691 --> 00:42:01,421 Don't forget my drink. 536 00:42:01,594 --> 00:42:03,186 Scotch over ice. 537 00:42:04,130 --> 00:42:07,657 If I don't get back on time, I'll be peeling spuds for two years. 538 00:42:08,368 --> 00:42:10,393 What is it, dear? 539 00:42:11,337 --> 00:42:13,202 I said... 540 00:42:14,440 --> 00:42:16,237 Never mind. 541 00:42:30,556 --> 00:42:33,150 - Ready? - All clear. 542 00:42:42,001 --> 00:42:46,370 For a dollar-a-year man, I'd say Vernon eats pretty well. 543 00:42:47,440 --> 00:42:48,930 Come on. 544 00:42:49,409 --> 00:42:52,845 Wait a minute, not so fast! I'm liable to lose these. 545 00:42:56,049 --> 00:42:57,744 I'll call you. 546 00:42:59,919 --> 00:43:01,352 I'm in. 547 00:43:03,756 --> 00:43:05,519 All right. 548 00:43:05,692 --> 00:43:07,557 Three aces. 549 00:43:08,094 --> 00:43:09,686 Who owns this deck of cards? 550 00:43:09,862 --> 00:43:11,659 I do. 551 00:43:12,565 --> 00:43:14,726 You accusing me of something dishonest? 552 00:43:14,901 --> 00:43:17,461 You got three aces, I got three aces. 553 00:43:17,637 --> 00:43:19,662 And I got one too. 554 00:43:20,840 --> 00:43:23,400 - Catch him! - Catch him! 555 00:43:23,576 --> 00:43:26,010 - Catch him! - Catch him! 556 00:43:39,425 --> 00:43:43,122 All right, Forrester, you're relieved. Wait a minute. 557 00:43:46,065 --> 00:43:48,659 I want to talk to you. 558 00:43:49,202 --> 00:43:52,968 You know, it took me four years to make PFC. 559 00:43:53,139 --> 00:43:55,266 You made it in three months. 560 00:43:55,441 --> 00:43:57,966 I had you figured for a bright boy. 561 00:43:58,144 --> 00:44:02,774 But for the last month, you've smelled up every radio you've operated. 562 00:44:03,082 --> 00:44:06,643 Now, do you want to tell me what's going on in San Diego? 563 00:44:06,819 --> 00:44:10,585 - It's none of your business. - It is when it affects your work. 564 00:44:10,757 --> 00:44:13,453 And when you go into town on fake liberty passes. 565 00:44:13,626 --> 00:44:15,924 Who do you think you're snowing? 566 00:44:16,095 --> 00:44:17,892 All right. I'll do better. 567 00:44:18,064 --> 00:44:19,429 You'll have to. 568 00:44:19,966 --> 00:44:22,662 The major got a letter from your father. 569 00:44:22,835 --> 00:44:25,929 You haven't written your family in over a month. 570 00:44:26,539 --> 00:44:31,101 It might be a good idea to let them know whether you're alive or dead. 571 00:44:31,277 --> 00:44:33,745 Are you ordering me to write? 572 00:44:35,414 --> 00:44:40,511 The major's arranged for you to talk to your family long distance tonight at 8:30. 573 00:44:40,686 --> 00:44:43,280 Sharp. Be there. 574 00:44:46,893 --> 00:44:49,259 Now, go get some chow. 575 00:45:02,608 --> 00:45:04,098 Hello? 576 00:45:05,378 --> 00:45:07,107 - Hello? - Son. 577 00:45:07,280 --> 00:45:09,714 - Hello, son. - Hello, Dad. 578 00:45:09,882 --> 00:45:13,943 - Are you all right? - Dad, I'm fine, just fine. 579 00:45:14,120 --> 00:45:17,851 - Well, is anything wrong out there? - No. No. 580 00:45:18,024 --> 00:45:20,720 I'm sorry about not writing. 581 00:45:20,893 --> 00:45:22,622 I'll get a letter off tonight. 582 00:45:22,795 --> 00:45:25,127 We were kind of worried. 583 00:45:25,631 --> 00:45:27,724 - Is Mother there? - I sent her to a show. 584 00:45:27,900 --> 00:45:30,232 I wanted to be sure everything was all right. 585 00:45:30,403 --> 00:45:33,930 Son, there's someone here who wants to talk to you. 586 00:45:34,774 --> 00:45:36,537 Hello, Danny. 587 00:45:38,110 --> 00:45:39,805 Kathy? 588 00:45:41,480 --> 00:45:42,913 Kathy, I... 589 00:45:43,082 --> 00:45:44,982 Danny, I... 590 00:45:45,151 --> 00:45:48,177 It's still the same way with me. 591 00:45:49,522 --> 00:45:51,752 Kitten, honey... 592 00:45:53,559 --> 00:45:56,119 Kitten, I love you. 593 00:45:56,629 --> 00:45:59,359 I love you too, Danny. 594 00:46:02,902 --> 00:46:04,802 Major Huxley, sir? 595 00:46:04,971 --> 00:46:06,199 Come in, Mac. 596 00:46:06,372 --> 00:46:10,331 Forrester's furlough papers are ready for your signature, sir. 597 00:46:13,079 --> 00:46:14,569 Thank you. 598 00:46:21,053 --> 00:46:24,079 You don't like this, do you? Giving this boy a furlough? 599 00:46:24,624 --> 00:46:27,092 That's not for me to decide, sir. 600 00:46:29,395 --> 00:46:30,987 Sit down, Mac. 601 00:46:33,099 --> 00:46:35,966 You and I have been soldiering for a long time. 602 00:46:36,135 --> 00:46:40,299 Long enough to know that we're in the loneliest business in the world. 603 00:46:41,274 --> 00:46:43,401 But these kids... 604 00:46:44,844 --> 00:46:48,211 Mac, a lonely boy can get into trouble. 605 00:46:48,381 --> 00:46:51,680 I know that a few weeks at home can straighten him out. 606 00:46:51,851 --> 00:46:56,117 - I think it will too, sir. - Remember, these kids aren't professionals. 607 00:46:56,289 --> 00:47:00,385 Their reason for being here is different than ours. They're wartime people. 608 00:47:00,660 --> 00:47:04,460 But I believe we can make them the kind of Marines we've got to have. 609 00:47:04,630 --> 00:47:06,962 It's not the furlough, sir. 610 00:47:09,235 --> 00:47:11,032 Let's have it, Mac. 611 00:47:11,604 --> 00:47:13,367 Sure, major. 612 00:47:13,539 --> 00:47:15,268 May I speak freely? 613 00:47:16,375 --> 00:47:18,570 Please do. 614 00:47:18,744 --> 00:47:22,612 I've been soldiering long enough to know a commander can't get involved... 615 00:47:22,782 --> 00:47:26,513 ...in the personal lives of his men. Nobody's that strong. 616 00:47:26,686 --> 00:47:29,484 You're going to end up tearing your heart out. 617 00:47:34,093 --> 00:47:37,620 - Process these papers. - Yes, sir. 618 00:47:54,046 --> 00:47:56,014 I'm sorry I'm late. 619 00:47:57,883 --> 00:47:59,942 I should be angry. 620 00:48:00,886 --> 00:48:05,482 I waited last night too. An hour at the gate. 621 00:48:05,658 --> 00:48:07,990 It was impossible for me to get liberty. 622 00:48:10,363 --> 00:48:12,388 Is anything wrong? 623 00:48:16,669 --> 00:48:19,137 I said, is anything wrong? 624 00:48:22,375 --> 00:48:25,037 Why didn't you come last night? 625 00:48:25,411 --> 00:48:27,572 I had to study. 626 00:48:28,014 --> 00:48:29,675 Besides, I... 627 00:48:29,849 --> 00:48:33,842 - I was broke. - You know that doesn't make any difference. 628 00:48:34,653 --> 00:48:36,746 It does to me. 629 00:48:39,625 --> 00:48:42,116 We're washed-up, aren't we? 630 00:48:48,868 --> 00:48:51,132 It completes the circle. 631 00:48:52,571 --> 00:48:56,598 Danny Forrester, all-American boy. 632 00:48:57,510 --> 00:49:00,809 I knew you'd catch up to yourself sooner or later. 633 00:49:01,680 --> 00:49:03,341 The little girl back home? 634 00:49:03,516 --> 00:49:05,245 Kathy? 635 00:49:06,485 --> 00:49:07,509 Yes. 636 00:49:10,423 --> 00:49:14,052 - You think I'm a tramp, don't you, Danny? - No. 637 00:49:14,226 --> 00:49:15,625 Don't be nice. 638 00:49:16,729 --> 00:49:20,426 Any guy in the world would be lucky to have you for a wife. 639 00:49:21,033 --> 00:49:22,830 It's just one of those things... 640 00:49:23,002 --> 00:49:26,768 ...that wouldn't have happened if the world was in its right senses. 641 00:49:27,339 --> 00:49:29,204 Right senses. 642 00:49:30,342 --> 00:49:32,970 That's the trouble with me. 643 00:49:33,312 --> 00:49:36,907 I've always been in my right senses. 644 00:49:37,483 --> 00:49:40,919 I'm a clubwoman in her right senses. 645 00:49:43,556 --> 00:49:46,286 Know what I was going to do when you told me this? 646 00:49:46,492 --> 00:49:49,928 I was going to make a fight for you. 647 00:49:52,131 --> 00:49:54,258 For a while there, nothing mattered to 648 00:49:54,433 --> 00:49:56,663 My home. My husband. The life I've trained for. 649 00:49:56,836 --> 00:49:59,304 Elaine, please don't. 650 00:50:05,211 --> 00:50:06,940 Tonight? 651 00:50:08,647 --> 00:50:10,774 It's farewell? 652 00:50:18,357 --> 00:50:21,952 Maybe I'll go out and get drunk. 653 00:50:22,862 --> 00:50:27,094 Maybe some other Marine will take pity on me. 654 00:50:53,458 --> 00:50:57,019 - How about a cup of coffee? - You're up early this morning. 655 00:50:57,195 --> 00:50:59,220 I came in to see you. 656 00:50:59,397 --> 00:51:01,297 Didn't think you'd make it. 657 00:51:01,466 --> 00:51:04,867 - Hey, where's your good-looking buddy? - You mean Danny? 658 00:51:05,036 --> 00:51:08,665 The jerk got lonesome for his gal and went back to Baltimore. 659 00:51:08,840 --> 00:51:11,070 Oh, yeah. Baltimore. 660 00:51:11,243 --> 00:51:13,734 That's where the oysters come from, isn't it? 661 00:51:13,912 --> 00:51:16,642 You know what oysters are good for, don't you? 662 00:51:16,815 --> 00:51:18,544 Vitamins. 663 00:51:19,184 --> 00:51:20,879 Too bad we haven't got any. 664 00:51:21,052 --> 00:51:23,782 Try some eggs. They're just as good. 665 00:51:31,029 --> 00:51:35,227 Ruby, why don't you and me go to Mission Beach? I'll teach you how to dive. 666 00:51:35,400 --> 00:51:38,733 - More tricks? - Yeah. 667 00:51:46,444 --> 00:51:47,911 That sure was good, Mom. 668 00:51:48,079 --> 00:51:50,775 I've heard terrible stories about what they fed you. 669 00:51:50,949 --> 00:51:53,281 It's a wonder you gained weight. 670 00:51:54,853 --> 00:51:56,753 I'll gather these dishes. 671 00:51:56,922 --> 00:51:58,981 I've got to show the kids my Marine hat... 672 00:51:59,157 --> 00:52:02,649 ...and tell them you rode home in a Flying Fortress. 673 00:52:02,828 --> 00:52:06,662 - Well, are you smoking now, son? - I'm full of vices. 674 00:52:06,832 --> 00:52:11,565 - It sure is great to be home, Dad. - Well, good to have you back. 675 00:52:13,905 --> 00:52:17,466 - Kathy know you're home yet? - She wasn't expecting me till tomorrow. 676 00:52:17,642 --> 00:52:20,611 My catching a plane hop was kind of lucky. 677 00:52:20,779 --> 00:52:24,613 Here. Why don't you take the car and run over and see her. 678 00:52:24,783 --> 00:52:26,546 Thanks, Dad. 679 00:52:32,457 --> 00:52:35,654 - Danny, I do love you. - Kathy... 680 00:52:40,532 --> 00:52:44,059 It's all right, darling. It's all right. 681 00:52:46,805 --> 00:52:48,534 I'm sorry. 682 00:52:48,707 --> 00:52:51,039 We just got carried away. 683 00:52:55,447 --> 00:52:59,975 Remember the night we drove out this way and went swimming in the moonlight? 684 00:53:04,923 --> 00:53:07,221 Come on. Let's take a walk along the beach. 685 00:53:07,392 --> 00:53:11,089 - It looks wonderful! - Kathy, come back. Stop acting like a baby. 686 00:53:11,263 --> 00:53:13,060 Fine Marine you turned out to be. 687 00:53:13,231 --> 00:53:16,894 - What, afraid to get your feet wet? - Act your age, will you? 688 00:53:17,068 --> 00:53:20,469 Come on in. It's wonderful. You big sissy! 689 00:53:20,639 --> 00:53:23,073 You're a coward! You're yellow! 690 00:53:24,309 --> 00:53:27,005 - Hey! You got me all wet! - Chicken! 691 00:53:27,178 --> 00:53:29,544 I'll show you. You'll be sorry! 692 00:53:31,016 --> 00:53:33,712 You've got to catch me first! 693 00:53:42,093 --> 00:53:46,826 Kitten, it's getting late. We'd better go now. 694 00:53:46,998 --> 00:53:49,558 I don't want to go. 695 00:53:50,035 --> 00:53:52,435 I don't ever want to go. 696 00:53:54,005 --> 00:53:56,872 Danny, we'll be so happy. 697 00:53:58,410 --> 00:54:00,674 You're beautiful. 698 00:54:00,845 --> 00:54:03,336 I just love to look at you. 699 00:54:05,984 --> 00:54:08,214 Am I really beautiful? 700 00:54:08,386 --> 00:54:11,378 I always want to look nice for you. 701 00:54:12,190 --> 00:54:14,590 Keep on dreaming, will you? 702 00:54:16,361 --> 00:54:19,489 - Danny? - What? 703 00:54:20,699 --> 00:54:24,533 Do you like me as well as that girl in San Diego? 704 00:54:25,537 --> 00:54:27,368 It's all right, darling. 705 00:54:27,539 --> 00:54:30,372 I've known about it all the time. 706 00:54:30,542 --> 00:54:33,170 I knew when you didn't write. 707 00:54:33,712 --> 00:54:35,509 And I don't care. 708 00:54:35,680 --> 00:54:38,274 I've got you now. 709 00:54:38,717 --> 00:54:41,618 There will never be another girl anymore, Kathy. 710 00:54:41,786 --> 00:54:44,380 Never anyone but you. 711 00:54:44,556 --> 00:54:46,888 I love you. 712 00:54:47,058 --> 00:54:49,288 I love you. 713 00:55:10,315 --> 00:55:13,512 Hector, if you had any gumption, you'd go get your shotgun. 714 00:55:13,685 --> 00:55:14,879 Be quiet, Martha. 715 00:55:15,053 --> 00:55:19,046 I'm gonna see that the military authorities take care of your son, Forrester! 716 00:55:19,224 --> 00:55:22,421 They may have been in an accident. 717 00:55:22,594 --> 00:55:25,085 It's my daughter. Remember that. My daughter! 718 00:55:25,263 --> 00:55:27,231 Here they come now, he's kissing her! 719 00:55:27,399 --> 00:55:30,766 Bud, go on upstairs now. Get ready for school. 720 00:55:33,104 --> 00:55:34,594 Where have you two been? 721 00:55:34,773 --> 00:55:37,469 What have you done, son? Shame, shame, shame! 722 00:55:37,642 --> 00:55:40,634 - How could you have done this? - I'll see you behind bars! 723 00:55:40,812 --> 00:55:44,407 - I suggest we all lower our voices. - I'm taking this to court! 724 00:55:44,582 --> 00:55:46,447 We didn't do anything wrong. 725 00:55:46,618 --> 00:55:48,813 No? You and your mother wait in the car. 726 00:55:48,987 --> 00:55:51,217 Mom, Dad, please! 727 00:55:51,389 --> 00:55:53,357 - We were married in Upton. - What?! 728 00:55:53,525 --> 00:55:55,755 - We were married in Upton. - Married? 729 00:55:55,927 --> 00:55:59,886 - You're not even dry behind the ears yet! - But, Daddy, I love him. 730 00:56:00,065 --> 00:56:02,431 Heaven help us! 731 00:56:02,600 --> 00:56:04,261 Oh, Mom. 732 00:56:16,581 --> 00:56:19,550 - You sent for me, sir. - Yes, I sent for you. 733 00:56:19,884 --> 00:56:23,513 What have you got in that radio platoon of yours, the battalion clowns? 734 00:56:23,688 --> 00:56:28,125 - I'm afraid I don't understand the major. - Then the major will explain. 735 00:56:28,293 --> 00:56:33,356 On every field problem, your boys get the 3rd Battalion to lay miles of wire... 736 00:56:33,531 --> 00:56:36,523 ...and then they just sit back and tap the lines... 737 00:56:36,701 --> 00:56:39,261 ...let the other guys do the work. 738 00:56:39,437 --> 00:56:43,168 Not only that, but they've fieldstripped the 1 st Battalion's radio shack... 739 00:56:43,341 --> 00:56:45,707 ...taken everything that wasn't nailed down. 740 00:56:45,877 --> 00:56:50,246 While the rest of the regiment transmits dull, routine military messages... 741 00:56:50,415 --> 00:56:53,782 ...your boys want to liven up the party by sending limericks. 742 00:56:53,952 --> 00:56:57,080 They seem to be under the impression we hold field problems... 743 00:56:57,255 --> 00:57:00,122 ...just to allow them to express their poetic souls. 744 00:57:00,291 --> 00:57:04,091 Now, listen to this. This was decoded yesterday. 745 00:57:04,262 --> 00:57:08,995 Here's the answer Weapons Company got when they sent an ammunition 746 00:57:09,167 --> 00:57:12,364 There was an old sheep from Algiers 747 00:57:12,537 --> 00:57:15,768 Who said to his harem, "My dears 748 00:57:15,940 --> 00:57:17,771 You may..." 749 00:57:18,676 --> 00:57:21,736 There's nothing funny about this, this is just plain filth! 750 00:57:21,913 --> 00:57:26,407 I know it is. The first time I received that message was in Shanghai in '31. 751 00:57:26,584 --> 00:57:31,248 A young 2nd lieutenant sent it to me. I believe his name was Huxley, sir. 752 00:57:32,891 --> 00:57:36,520 Well, you ought to have him show a little discretion. 753 00:57:36,694 --> 00:57:38,355 Tell him to use a better code. 754 00:57:38,530 --> 00:57:42,125 If Regiment got ahold of this, I might have trouble explaining it. 755 00:57:42,467 --> 00:57:46,233 - I'll square them away, sir. - Okay, Mac. 756 00:57:50,108 --> 00:57:55,569 They're shaping into a real outfit. Beginning to look like Marines. 757 00:57:55,813 --> 00:57:57,474 Yes, sir. 758 00:58:02,287 --> 00:58:04,687 - Shipping orders? - That's it. 759 00:58:04,856 --> 00:58:07,586 Looks like we'll be shoving off any day now. 760 00:58:07,759 --> 00:58:09,056 What do you think? 761 00:58:09,227 --> 00:58:12,628 Well, they've come a long way in the last 30 days. 762 00:58:12,797 --> 00:58:15,231 Of course, we could always use more time. 763 00:58:15,400 --> 00:58:18,426 Time is something we're not going to be able to buy. 764 00:58:18,603 --> 00:58:21,163 The reports from Guadalcanal look very bad. 765 00:58:21,339 --> 00:58:22,328 Yeah. 766 00:58:22,507 --> 00:58:24,702 Well, get your working parties organized. 767 00:58:24,876 --> 00:58:27,777 - Give them all the liberty they can handle. - Right. 768 00:58:27,946 --> 00:58:32,212 I guess I ought to run in to San Diego a few hours, see the wife. 769 00:58:38,856 --> 00:58:40,687 You better produce broads. 770 00:58:40,858 --> 00:58:44,885 You think I'm dishonest? Don't worry about it, I'll get them there. 771 00:58:45,997 --> 00:58:49,125 The boys are really gonna start celebrating. 772 00:58:49,601 --> 00:58:52,627 I wish I could go in and get crocked with them. 773 00:58:52,804 --> 00:58:58,003 Sometimes I'd like to take off these oak leaves and be a human being. 774 00:59:03,281 --> 00:59:06,978 Maybe you and I could just shove off together, Sam. 775 00:59:07,151 --> 00:59:11,918 It's not the same thing as being surrounded by your buddies. 776 00:59:12,090 --> 00:59:15,321 You know, Wellman, this uniform is the only thing... 777 00:59:15,493 --> 00:59:20,590 ...that's ever really meant anything to me, except Jean. 778 00:59:21,566 --> 00:59:24,034 I haven't been able to give her much of a life. 779 00:59:24,202 --> 00:59:26,898 She's married to a Marine, Sam. 780 00:59:28,606 --> 00:59:31,336 It's these last days I hate. 781 00:59:31,709 --> 00:59:35,907 The anticipation starts, and we both get quiet. 782 00:59:36,581 --> 00:59:41,041 I'll come in, she'll set the table. 783 00:59:41,219 --> 00:59:45,053 We'll talk of small things, pretending nothing's wrong. 784 00:59:46,557 --> 00:59:49,390 And then when the ship's loaded... 785 00:59:50,161 --> 00:59:52,356 ...standing by... 786 00:59:55,233 --> 00:59:57,724 Every morning when I leave her... 787 00:59:57,902 --> 01:00:01,861 ...neither of us knowing whether maybe this is the last time. 788 01:00:02,540 --> 01:00:06,101 And then I go back again that evening. 789 01:00:07,111 --> 01:00:09,272 That look on her face when I open the door... 790 01:00:12,680 --> 01:00:16,207 Then we start pretending all over again. 791 01:00:16,851 --> 01:00:19,513 Pretending that nothing's happening. 792 01:00:21,189 --> 01:00:24,283 But in the middle of the night, she'll... 793 01:00:25,259 --> 01:00:27,591 She'll cry. 794 01:00:28,729 --> 01:00:32,893 She'll go into the next room so I won't hear her. 795 01:00:35,970 --> 01:00:39,167 I guess we should be used to it by now. 796 01:00:41,509 --> 01:00:46,970 What is it that makes a woman go on loving a man... 797 01:00:47,148 --> 01:00:51,016 ...that she can't even claim belongs to her? 798 01:01:06,267 --> 01:01:07,598 Hold on a minute, honey. 799 01:01:07,768 --> 01:01:11,329 Quiet, you guys! This dame will think we're drunk! 800 01:01:11,506 --> 01:01:15,408 Why don't you pick up a couple of gals and come over to the club? 801 01:01:16,010 --> 01:01:20,071 I want to propose a toast to the best outfit in the Marine Corps. 802 01:01:20,248 --> 01:01:22,682 Huxley's Hookers! Come on! 803 01:01:27,021 --> 01:01:28,454 Now you're a real outfit. 804 01:01:28,623 --> 01:01:32,218 And a toast to the girl who ain't with us on our last beer 805 01:01:32,393 --> 01:01:34,384 Good old Danny Forrester! 806 01:01:34,562 --> 01:01:37,087 - I'll drink to that! - I'm not gonna drink to that jerk! 807 01:01:37,265 --> 01:01:40,723 - Why not? - Getting married! Wouldn't listen to Andy. 808 01:01:40,902 --> 01:01:44,065 - Wait till he gets in tomorrow! - You should try it. 809 01:01:44,238 --> 01:01:48,368 Me and my faithful Indian companion here have a terrific idea. 810 01:01:48,543 --> 01:01:52,775 We think we should all make a vow to have a reunion when this here war is over! 811 01:01:52,947 --> 01:01:55,040 That's the most beautiful idea I ever heard. 812 01:01:55,216 --> 01:01:59,880 We also think that we should be blood brothers. Real blood brothers. 813 01:02:00,054 --> 01:02:04,115 Because blood brothers is thicker than, than beer brothers. 814 01:02:04,292 --> 01:02:06,988 - Most beautiful idea I ever heard. - Speedy, the knife. 815 01:02:07,361 --> 01:02:11,855 So's we can all cut our thumbs and shake like a Navajo. 816 01:02:12,200 --> 01:02:16,796 - Right in the meaty part. - Cut it up. Cut it, cut it. 817 01:02:18,839 --> 01:02:23,333 I guess it's not gonna work. It's a good idea, but it's just... 818 01:02:24,045 --> 01:02:26,275 Okay, brother, let's have some blood. 819 01:02:28,683 --> 01:02:31,846 Let's do it first thing tomorrow. 820 01:02:35,122 --> 01:02:36,589 Come on right over. 821 01:02:37,692 --> 01:02:40,752 - Bartender, bring them brews! - Did you get those broads? 822 01:02:40,928 --> 01:02:43,226 Did I get them? They'll be right over. 823 01:02:43,397 --> 01:02:47,163 But remember, you guys, lay off my personal babe. She's mine. 824 01:02:47,335 --> 01:02:50,827 Wait'll you see this number. She's as good as she looks. 825 01:02:51,005 --> 01:02:52,666 Marion, come on, drink up. 826 01:02:52,840 --> 01:02:57,300 Joe's got some broads coming over with his personal recommendation. 827 01:02:57,478 --> 01:03:00,538 He don't drink, smoke or go out with women. What's he live for? 828 01:03:00,715 --> 01:03:03,650 He lives for the Marine Corps, kid. 829 01:03:03,818 --> 01:03:05,376 Live it up, live it up! 830 01:03:06,988 --> 01:03:09,149 The broads are finally here! 831 01:03:09,323 --> 01:03:11,985 Hi, baby, how are you? 832 01:03:13,227 --> 01:03:15,889 Sit down, I'll get you a bottle of bourbon. 833 01:03:16,063 --> 01:03:18,861 Harry, double bourbon. 834 01:03:21,936 --> 01:03:25,531 This here is the only gal that can make a Jerry lose his marbles. 835 01:03:25,706 --> 01:03:28,300 Spanish Joe's babe! 836 01:03:31,812 --> 01:03:33,712 Rae! 837 01:03:35,049 --> 01:03:36,676 Marion. 838 01:03:47,228 --> 01:03:51,255 - Now what's the matter with him? - Shut up! 839 01:04:06,347 --> 01:04:09,009 See what happens when you fall for one dame? 840 01:04:09,183 --> 01:04:11,811 Easy, Marion. Take it easy. 841 01:04:20,761 --> 01:04:24,527 November 1942, 11 months after Pearl Harbor... 842 01:04:24,699 --> 01:04:27,497 ... our battalion dropped anchor in Wellington Bay. 843 01:04:27,668 --> 01:04:32,469 The fighting men of New Zealand were far away in the Middle East... 844 01:04:32,640 --> 01:04:36,872 ... while their courageous country was armed with not much more than pitchforks. 845 01:04:37,044 --> 01:04:43,449 And it was, quote, "Condition Black, enemy invasion anticipated, " unquote. 846 01:05:35,403 --> 01:05:39,169 At Camp McKay, 30 miles outside of Wellington, we set up for business. 847 01:05:39,340 --> 01:05:42,275 From here on out, we would be racing against the clock. 848 01:05:42,443 --> 01:05:45,879 For on another island miles to the north, the 1 st Marine Division... 849 01:05:46,046 --> 01:05:48,606 ... had taken the first step of the long road back. 850 01:05:52,186 --> 01:05:55,087 Major, whoever drew up this training schedule is wacky. 851 01:05:55,256 --> 01:05:57,952 It calls for a hike tonight and a 25-mile hike tomorrow. 852 01:05:58,125 --> 01:06:01,253 That's right, I drew up that schedule. 853 01:06:01,429 --> 01:06:06,332 But these boys have been cooped up aboard ship for three weeks. That's a bit rough. 854 01:06:06,500 --> 01:06:08,764 It's gonna get rougher where we're going. 855 01:06:08,936 --> 01:06:11,564 First we're gonna get this camp shipshape... 856 01:06:11,739 --> 01:06:15,539 ...then we're gonna work out the kinks before anybody gets liberty. 857 01:06:20,848 --> 01:06:25,217 High Pockets promised he'd work the kinks out of us, and he kept his promise. 858 01:06:25,386 --> 01:06:27,911 The field problems ran day and night. 859 01:06:28,088 --> 01:06:32,218 We were on the move from dawn to dusk and back to dawn. 860 01:06:35,463 --> 01:06:39,229 - Ready to move out, sir. - Let's go. 861 01:06:55,883 --> 01:06:59,319 And it was 10 long days before he eased up and gave us liberty. 862 01:06:59,487 --> 01:07:02,547 The wonderful people of New Zealand loved the kids in green... 863 01:07:02,723 --> 01:07:06,489 ... and to us, well, it was almost like home. 864 01:07:16,504 --> 01:07:18,529 He's full of whiskey and donuts. 865 01:07:18,706 --> 01:07:21,675 You gotta stop acting like this, you'll get shipped out. 866 01:07:21,842 --> 01:07:23,332 Marion snapped out of it. 867 01:07:23,511 --> 01:07:27,277 You smell up the network every time you're on radio. Wise up to yourself! 868 01:07:27,448 --> 01:07:31,680 Go on. You guys slobber over me like I'm a 10-year-old. Leave me alone. 869 01:07:31,852 --> 01:07:35,447 Sober him up on that stuff before the MPs get to him. 870 01:07:46,867 --> 01:07:49,461 - What would you like, please? - A cup of joe... 871 01:07:49,637 --> 01:07:52,162 ...and one of them crumpet things. 872 01:07:52,339 --> 01:07:55,240 My name's Andy Hookens. I didn't catch yours. 873 01:07:55,409 --> 01:07:56,433 I didn't throw it. 874 01:07:56,911 --> 01:07:58,674 Nice country you got here. 875 01:07:58,846 --> 01:08:02,748 I'm from Washington state. Not to be confused with the capitol. 876 01:08:02,917 --> 01:08:05,010 I know. Lots of trees in Washington. 877 01:08:05,185 --> 01:08:07,619 I'm the boy who chopped most of them down. 878 01:08:07,788 --> 01:08:11,121 A modest Yank. Well, well. Excuse me. 879 01:08:11,292 --> 01:08:14,489 Don't flit off again, honey. I'd like some more coffee. 880 01:08:14,662 --> 01:08:17,859 - Are you persistent too? - I never let go. 881 01:08:18,032 --> 01:08:22,264 - You're fighting a losing battle, you know. - The story of my life. 882 01:08:24,905 --> 01:08:29,365 - You can't score with that one, buddy. - Just move over and give me some room. 883 01:08:29,543 --> 01:08:35,140 - That's Pat Rogers. Mrs. Pat Rogers. - You shouldn't let that scare you, junior. 884 01:08:37,918 --> 01:08:40,045 Are you still here? 885 01:08:40,220 --> 01:08:44,281 You know, you're hurting my morale. I've met nothing but nice people here. 886 01:08:44,458 --> 01:08:46,949 Aren't you gonna be nice to me too? 887 01:08:47,127 --> 01:08:49,789 - You're fresh. - And lonesome too. 888 01:08:49,964 --> 01:08:53,058 I was just thinking of a nice, quiet evening of... 889 01:08:53,233 --> 01:08:54,860 ...of movies and dancing. 890 01:08:55,035 --> 01:08:57,094 Does that ring a bell? 891 01:08:57,271 --> 01:09:00,638 But there are lots of girls about the canteen dying to know... 892 01:09:00,808 --> 01:09:02,969 ...what you could do with a tree. 893 01:09:03,143 --> 01:09:06,408 - Would you like me to introduce you to one? - No, I've met one. 894 01:09:06,580 --> 01:09:10,414 Hey, Andy. We're shoving off. Come on. 895 01:09:11,285 --> 01:09:15,745 - You better go. You'll miss your train. - You seem to know the schedule. 896 01:09:15,923 --> 01:09:18,483 Well, nice try, Andy. No harm done, huh? 897 01:09:18,659 --> 01:09:20,354 No harm done. 898 01:09:20,527 --> 01:09:22,620 Nice knowing you, Pat. 899 01:09:22,796 --> 01:09:25,663 Coffee's cheaper than beer. I'll make another try next liberty. 900 01:09:25,833 --> 01:09:27,994 It won't do you any good. 901 01:09:33,907 --> 01:09:35,898 Let's go. Come on. 902 01:09:43,717 --> 01:09:45,582 You guys get him back to camp. 903 01:09:45,753 --> 01:09:49,519 - What are you gonna do? - I'll tell you about it later. 904 01:10:04,171 --> 01:10:06,662 - Hey, slow down. - Softy! 905 01:10:06,840 --> 01:10:08,467 Andy, I had a wonderful time. 906 01:10:08,642 --> 01:10:12,100 I haven't been to the cinema in weeks. We'll do it again soon. 907 01:10:12,279 --> 01:10:16,716 - Mind if I come up for a cup of coffee? - It's awfully late. 908 01:10:17,251 --> 01:10:19,276 Andy! Please don't ruin it. 909 01:10:19,453 --> 01:10:22,047 - Come on, cut the act. - I beg your pardon? 910 01:10:22,222 --> 01:10:24,349 We've been sparring around long enough. 911 01:10:24,525 --> 01:10:26,686 - I think you'd better go. - Really? 912 01:10:26,860 --> 01:10:28,953 What do you take me for? 913 01:10:29,129 --> 01:10:32,724 - You're no different than any other woman. - Please go. 914 01:10:32,900 --> 01:10:34,834 You're putting on a good show, Pat. 915 01:10:35,002 --> 01:10:37,334 What have you been doing with the Marines in town? 916 01:10:37,504 --> 01:10:41,531 Pining your heart out for your husband while he's sweating it away in Africa? 917 01:10:41,709 --> 01:10:43,233 I know you're married. 918 01:10:43,410 --> 01:10:46,072 My husband was killed in El Alamein. 919 01:11:08,001 --> 01:11:09,935 Topeka white. 920 01:11:10,104 --> 01:11:12,436 Fox Company? Yes, sir. 921 01:11:20,881 --> 01:11:23,850 - Who's Pat Rogers? - What? 922 01:11:24,318 --> 01:11:26,479 I read code, you know. 923 01:11:27,488 --> 01:11:31,549 Danny, I want to ask you something. You ever apologize to anyone? 924 01:11:32,159 --> 01:11:34,457 What kind of a stupid question is that? 925 01:11:34,628 --> 01:11:36,687 What I mean to say is... 926 01:11:36,864 --> 01:11:41,460 ...you do something you're real sorry for, and go and say you're real sorry. 927 01:11:41,635 --> 01:11:43,603 You know what I mean? 928 01:11:45,606 --> 01:11:48,370 You ever apologize to a broad? 929 01:11:48,542 --> 01:11:51,568 Sure, lots of times. Why? 930 01:11:51,745 --> 01:11:55,545 Nothing. Nothing, I just wondered. 931 01:11:55,883 --> 01:11:58,374 I'm just wondering. 932 01:12:05,058 --> 01:12:07,083 - Good night. - Good night. 933 01:12:09,863 --> 01:12:13,094 - I'm warning you, keep away from me. - I'd like to talk to you. 934 01:12:13,267 --> 01:12:16,168 I don't want anything to do with you. Leave me alone. 935 01:12:16,336 --> 01:12:20,500 I came here to say something to you, and I'd like to say it. I want you to listen. 936 01:12:21,275 --> 01:12:23,072 Well, make it quick. 937 01:12:23,243 --> 01:12:29,079 Pat, I never apologized to anyone for anything as long as I've lived. 938 01:12:29,249 --> 01:12:32,810 I've never said I'm sorry for anything. 939 01:12:33,353 --> 01:12:36,379 But I'm saying I'm sorry to you. 940 01:12:37,257 --> 01:12:39,225 I feel real bad. 941 01:12:39,393 --> 01:12:42,123 And I couldn't rest easy. 942 01:12:42,496 --> 01:12:47,126 I'm very, very sorry, Pat. That's all I wanted to say. 943 01:12:48,836 --> 01:12:53,296 Well, that was nice, Andy. We all make mistakes, you know. 944 01:12:55,142 --> 01:12:58,543 I don't expect you'd care to go out with me again. 945 01:12:58,712 --> 01:13:01,146 I don't blame you. 946 01:13:02,182 --> 01:13:04,810 I won't bother you anymore. 947 01:13:09,223 --> 01:13:10,383 Andy...? 948 01:13:13,327 --> 01:13:16,626 There's a good film at the Majestic. 949 01:13:36,717 --> 01:13:38,184 Talk about your iron men. 950 01:13:38,352 --> 01:13:42,721 These kids are tougher, they're a new metal. We ought to call it Huxley's Harlots. 951 01:13:42,890 --> 01:13:45,757 I think they'll be able to take care of themselves now. 952 01:13:45,926 --> 01:13:48,190 Excuse me, sir. 953 01:13:48,362 --> 01:13:50,592 Request permission to dismiss the troops. 954 01:13:50,764 --> 01:13:53,528 - What's your rush? - Liberty train leaves in 30 minutes. 955 01:13:53,700 --> 01:13:56,897 You gonna go with the kids or stay in camp with us old men? 956 01:13:57,070 --> 01:14:01,063 I think I'll go with the kids. Maybe I can scare up an old woman. 957 01:14:01,241 --> 01:14:04,039 All right, turn them loose. 958 01:14:05,646 --> 01:14:07,580 Dismissed! 959 01:14:28,602 --> 01:14:31,867 Marion, there's that book you lent me. 960 01:14:32,039 --> 01:14:33,597 I couldn't go it. 961 01:14:33,774 --> 01:14:37,540 Hamlet reminds me of an uncle of mine in Dayton... 962 01:14:37,711 --> 01:14:40,043 You know. 963 01:14:40,647 --> 01:14:42,774 Is that a letter from home? 964 01:14:42,950 --> 01:14:44,975 No, it's from Rae. 965 01:14:45,152 --> 01:14:49,555 The girl on the ferryboat? I didn't know you two were writing. 966 01:14:50,724 --> 01:14:52,214 I haven't. 967 01:14:52,392 --> 01:14:55,486 She has ever since we left the States. 968 01:14:56,063 --> 01:14:59,931 Almost like I'm the guy that really counts. 969 01:15:00,434 --> 01:15:02,265 She even left San Diego. 970 01:15:02,436 --> 01:15:06,395 She's a secretary in a defense plant up near San Francisco now. 971 01:15:06,707 --> 01:15:10,768 Mac, you've kicked around a long time. 972 01:15:10,944 --> 01:15:13,879 What would you do in my shoes? 973 01:15:16,450 --> 01:15:20,978 I don't know, Marion. You're the only guy that can answer that. 974 01:15:21,555 --> 01:15:24,388 I've seen a lot of funny things happen on this lash-up. 975 01:15:24,558 --> 01:15:27,083 I've seen girls like Rae... 976 01:15:27,260 --> 01:15:31,162 And I know Marines that took a chance on them and married them. 977 01:15:31,832 --> 01:15:34,801 Most of the time it worked out okay. 978 01:15:36,636 --> 01:15:39,434 They're a funny breed, kid. 979 01:15:39,606 --> 01:15:42,097 If they find the right man... 980 01:15:42,275 --> 01:15:45,244 ...they can give him the love and the understanding... 981 01:15:45,412 --> 01:15:48,609 ...that all of us want but few of us get. 982 01:15:49,683 --> 01:15:51,708 But the guy has to be a big man. 983 01:15:53,553 --> 01:15:58,581 He's gotta erase an awful lot of ugly pictures from his mind. 984 01:16:07,167 --> 01:16:10,295 Gomez, come here. Where'd you get them ribbons? 985 01:16:10,470 --> 01:16:15,032 - Army-Navy store. - Take them off before you get locked up. 986 01:16:16,643 --> 01:16:18,975 Strike me, look at the medals on the bloke. 987 01:16:19,146 --> 01:16:21,410 He must have been everywhere, eh, Marine? 988 01:16:21,581 --> 01:16:23,606 This boy's been around, buddy. 989 01:16:23,784 --> 01:16:25,046 You see this one here? 990 01:16:25,218 --> 01:16:28,813 Silver Star. Won it for gallantry on Guadalcanal. 991 01:16:28,989 --> 01:16:31,924 I'll never forget that day as long as I live. 992 01:16:32,092 --> 01:16:34,151 Me and my boys were on this patrol... 993 01:16:34,327 --> 01:16:37,125 ...over the Kokumbona River near Tassafaronga Point. 994 01:16:37,297 --> 01:16:40,892 And what happens? I get lost from the rest of the men. 995 01:16:41,068 --> 01:16:43,559 So I come to this clearing. It's blazing hot... 996 01:16:43,737 --> 01:16:46,934 ...120 in the shade, sweat gushing off me... 997 01:16:47,107 --> 01:16:50,167 ...when all of a sudden, boom! Everything hit the fan. 998 01:16:50,343 --> 01:16:52,777 They must have thought I was a general. 999 01:16:52,946 --> 01:16:55,073 Japs popped up from everywhere. 1000 01:16:56,650 --> 01:16:59,016 I peer over to my left, and what do I see? 1001 01:16:59,186 --> 01:17:00,585 - What was it? - What was it? 1002 01:17:00,754 --> 01:17:03,621 A Jap machine gun looking right down my throat. 1003 01:17:03,790 --> 01:17:06,520 - Blimey! What do you do? - So I look for a fast exit. 1004 01:17:06,693 --> 01:17:09,184 But in back of me, three Japs with rifles. 1005 01:17:09,362 --> 01:17:11,660 Gracious goodness! Go on! Go on! 1006 01:17:11,832 --> 01:17:15,199 And to top it off, a Jap sniper sat in a treetop. 1007 01:17:15,368 --> 01:17:18,166 - Makes me shudder to think of it. - What happened? 1008 01:17:18,338 --> 01:17:19,805 So I say to myself, "Joe... 1009 01:17:19,973 --> 01:17:23,431 ...a hundred broads from Chicago to St. Louis will be grieving today." 1010 01:17:23,610 --> 01:17:26,977 There was nothing for me to do but to lower my head and charge! 1011 01:17:27,481 --> 01:17:32,612 - Out with it! What happened? - What happened? I got killed! 1012 01:17:36,990 --> 01:17:38,480 I've been had. 1013 01:17:55,208 --> 01:17:58,541 - Well, I'll see you, kid. - Mac? 1014 01:18:00,380 --> 01:18:02,109 Thanks. 1015 01:18:07,687 --> 01:18:12,488 Dear Rae, it was good to hear from you again... 1016 01:18:14,361 --> 01:18:17,228 On Thanksgiving, the whole outfit got three-day passes... 1017 01:18:17,397 --> 01:18:21,163 ... and we headed for Wellington. All except Andy. He disappeared. 1018 01:18:21,334 --> 01:18:27,034 We found out later that Pat had invited him to her father's farm outside Masterton. 1019 01:18:27,207 --> 01:18:30,335 Well, now, has my daughter shown you all of the farm? 1020 01:18:30,510 --> 01:18:33,911 Oh, yes, and I never knew there could be a place like this. 1021 01:18:34,080 --> 01:18:36,878 Come with me. I've got something I want to show you. 1022 01:18:37,050 --> 01:18:40,042 - Do you want to come along? - I'll help Mama with dinner. 1023 01:18:40,220 --> 01:18:41,915 Come on, Hank. 1024 01:18:43,490 --> 01:18:45,287 What do you think of him, Mother? 1025 01:18:45,458 --> 01:18:47,858 Why, he's built like a bull. 1026 01:18:48,028 --> 01:18:51,828 - What kind of a soldier is he? - He's not a soldier, he's a Marine. 1027 01:18:51,998 --> 01:18:54,865 A Marine? Oh, yes, they call them roughnecks. 1028 01:18:55,035 --> 01:18:57,196 No, no, leathernecks. 1029 01:18:57,370 --> 01:19:01,033 You'd need a horse's collar to get around him. 1030 01:19:05,078 --> 01:19:07,911 Patty is touchy about what I'm going to show you... 1031 01:19:08,081 --> 01:19:11,608 ...but she loves this land as all of us Rogers do. That I know. 1032 01:19:11,785 --> 01:19:15,619 Running off to Wellington proved nothing to the contrary. 1033 01:19:15,789 --> 01:19:18,849 When the wire came about her husband, she just left us... 1034 01:19:19,025 --> 01:19:21,152 ...just couldn't get adjusted to herself. 1035 01:19:21,328 --> 01:19:25,992 Then when her brother Timmy was killed, she didn't seem to want to ever return. 1036 01:19:26,166 --> 01:19:28,532 This land was bought for Timmy. 1037 01:19:28,702 --> 01:19:33,366 I suppose the land belongs to Patty now. 1038 01:19:34,507 --> 01:19:37,340 My son planted that ax before he went away. 1039 01:19:37,510 --> 01:19:41,310 He said he'd return one day and clear this land. 1040 01:19:46,253 --> 01:19:49,279 I'm afraid the ax is frozen, Andy. 1041 01:20:13,346 --> 01:20:17,077 You handle that ax just like my son Timmy. 1042 01:20:26,092 --> 01:20:29,061 As I was saying, Andy, life here is simple. 1043 01:20:29,229 --> 01:20:30,719 Not much like your America. 1044 01:20:30,897 --> 01:20:33,661 A good wife, a good pipe, a good dog... 1045 01:20:33,833 --> 01:20:36,597 ...and a piece of land. It's the only way to live. 1046 01:20:36,770 --> 01:20:39,898 I hope you don't mind the whole clan busting in tonight... 1047 01:20:40,073 --> 01:20:42,507 ...but we haven't seen Patty in a long time... 1048 01:20:42,676 --> 01:20:45,372 ...and we need cause to gather now and then. 1049 01:20:45,545 --> 01:20:48,105 They were all wonderful. I hope they liked me. 1050 01:20:48,281 --> 01:20:50,772 Yank, they loved you. 1051 01:20:51,051 --> 01:20:53,315 It's not a happy lot for us, Andy. 1052 01:20:53,486 --> 01:20:55,954 So many of our boys gone. 1053 01:20:58,758 --> 01:21:00,623 Come along, old girl. 1054 01:21:00,794 --> 01:21:05,322 Let's turn in and give the young folks a chance before the log dies out. 1055 01:21:05,498 --> 01:21:07,466 - Good night. - Good night. 1056 01:21:18,078 --> 01:21:22,538 Pat, we're leaving New Zealand soon, and I want you to know one thing. 1057 01:21:22,716 --> 01:21:27,119 I'm glad I came here, and I'm glad I found you. 1058 01:21:27,854 --> 01:21:31,517 You don't know how fouled up I am inside me. 1059 01:21:31,991 --> 01:21:35,449 It's the kind of a thing a guy can't shake overnight. 1060 01:21:36,763 --> 01:21:41,700 The only women I ever knew were in the halls of the lumber towns. 1061 01:21:43,436 --> 01:21:45,870 Maybe it's a good thing about us leaving. 1062 01:21:46,039 --> 01:21:49,133 Maybe I can get myself squared away. 1063 01:21:49,976 --> 01:21:54,743 I know how scared you are over losing your husband and your brother. 1064 01:21:57,183 --> 01:21:59,981 Do you suppose you'll ever come back to New Zealand? 1065 01:22:00,153 --> 01:22:03,350 You can never tell about the Marines. Here today, gone tomorrow. 1066 01:22:03,523 --> 01:22:05,388 Andy, stop. 1067 01:22:05,558 --> 01:22:08,288 We both know you'll never come back. 1068 01:22:08,461 --> 01:22:10,986 Oh, this rotten war. 1069 01:22:11,164 --> 01:22:16,101 Look, I know we're just friends, but would you write me? 1070 01:22:17,270 --> 01:22:20,398 I never get letters like the other guys. 1071 01:22:20,573 --> 01:22:22,438 Would you write me? 1072 01:22:22,609 --> 01:22:24,668 I mean, nothing to tie you down. 1073 01:22:24,844 --> 01:22:29,838 Just stuff about the farm and your family, things like that. 1074 01:22:30,016 --> 01:22:31,643 Would you? 1075 01:22:32,252 --> 01:22:33,844 I'll write to you. 1076 01:22:36,389 --> 01:22:39,847 Pat, I never knew there could be a place like this... 1077 01:22:40,026 --> 01:22:44,019 ...or people so nice. Like your family. 1078 01:22:49,436 --> 01:22:51,495 Honey, could I...? 1079 01:23:04,851 --> 01:23:07,649 No, Andy, no. 1080 01:23:07,821 --> 01:23:11,917 We mustn't. We mustn't. 1081 01:23:12,692 --> 01:23:14,853 Don't be angry with me, Andy. 1082 01:23:15,028 --> 01:23:19,260 I'm not angry, Pat. I understand, honey. 1083 01:23:19,699 --> 01:23:22,259 - Good night. - Good night. 1084 01:24:21,394 --> 01:24:23,089 Time had run out. 1085 01:24:23,263 --> 01:24:28,291 Christmas Eve 1942 services were held in a warehouse on the Wellington docks. 1086 01:25:16,182 --> 01:25:19,879 Afterwards we boarded the transports known as the Unholy Four... 1087 01:25:20,053 --> 01:25:22,681 ... and steamed from Wellington Bay full of fight... 1088 01:25:22,855 --> 01:25:26,814 ... and confident that we would soon be storming a beachhead. 1089 01:25:35,868 --> 01:25:38,701 A week later we dropped anchor in Skylark Channel... 1090 01:25:38,871 --> 01:25:41,396 ... off an island known as Guadalcanal. 1091 01:25:41,574 --> 01:25:43,565 And then we got the word. 1092 01:25:43,743 --> 01:25:46,974 There would be no beachhead here for Huxley's battalion. 1093 01:25:47,146 --> 01:25:50,411 Our A dirty mop-up campaign. 1094 01:25:50,583 --> 01:25:52,881 As Marines, we took it like any other order... 1095 01:25:53,052 --> 01:25:56,886 ... but it was a blow to the pride of Huxley's Harlots. 1096 01:26:07,867 --> 01:26:11,394 Weary Marines of the 1 st Division, after five months fighting... 1097 01:26:11,571 --> 01:26:14,904 ... stood by on the beach to be relieved. 1098 01:26:34,093 --> 01:26:37,620 - Say, what town is this, cousin? - Guadalcanal, buster. 1099 01:26:37,797 --> 01:26:40,527 I didn't catch the name of your fine-looking outfit. 1100 01:26:40,700 --> 01:26:42,827 The fighting 6th Marines. 1101 01:26:43,002 --> 01:26:45,596 Well, well, well. 1102 01:26:45,772 --> 01:26:48,263 Hey, boys! Strike up the band! 1103 01:26:48,441 --> 01:26:52,104 Huxley's Hookers finally got here! 1104 01:26:53,346 --> 01:26:55,940 Sarge, where's the nearest gin mill? 1105 01:26:56,115 --> 01:27:01,985 What do you guys think this is?! Fall in on the double! Column of three! Snap it up! 1106 01:27:54,407 --> 01:27:56,875 - Get off the road! - Get off the road! 1107 01:28:09,188 --> 01:28:11,247 We've had some casualties, sir. 1108 01:28:11,424 --> 01:28:13,984 Evacuate them to the beach. 1109 01:28:16,662 --> 01:28:20,655 - Call them in, Mac. - On the road! Let's go! 1110 01:28:21,601 --> 01:28:25,059 There were only a few actual skirmishes with the elusive Japanese. 1111 01:28:25,538 --> 01:28:27,665 Our main enemy became the jungle. 1112 01:28:27,840 --> 01:28:31,833 The mosquitoes and the land crabs. Malaria. Yellow jaundice and fungus. 1113 01:28:32,011 --> 01:28:35,139 The blistering sun and the tropical downpours. 1114 01:28:35,314 --> 01:28:39,216 For a month we played cat and mouse with the remnants of the Japanese force. 1115 01:28:39,385 --> 01:28:42,320 And then at last we cornered them on an end of the island... 1116 01:28:42,488 --> 01:28:46,356 ... and brought an end to organized resistance on Guadalcanal. 1117 01:28:46,526 --> 01:28:49,256 We boarded ship again and sailed for Wellington. 1118 01:28:49,428 --> 01:28:53,694 We were a dog-tired crew, but there hadn't been much of a fight to talk about. 1119 01:28:53,866 --> 01:28:56,960 Perhaps the greatest wound of all had been to our pride. 1120 01:28:57,436 --> 01:28:59,700 As New Zealand appeared on the horizon... 1121 01:28:59,872 --> 01:29:02,739 ... we eagerly anticipated renewing old friendships. 1122 01:29:02,909 --> 01:29:06,936 And for some, seeing loved ones again. 1123 01:29:13,753 --> 01:29:15,812 Hello, Pat. 1124 01:29:15,988 --> 01:29:18,616 I went down to the canteen, but you weren't there. 1125 01:29:18,791 --> 01:29:21,453 Well, don't stand there, come on in. 1126 01:29:21,627 --> 01:29:25,063 We knew you were back, but it was so difficult to get information... 1127 01:29:25,231 --> 01:29:27,495 ...I didn't know when to expect you. 1128 01:29:27,667 --> 01:29:30,329 Andy, do sit down. I have some tea ready. 1129 01:29:30,503 --> 01:29:34,997 We no sooner than dumped our gear than they gave us 10 days leave. 1130 01:29:35,274 --> 01:29:38,801 I got myself a hotel room here in Wellington. 1131 01:29:44,584 --> 01:29:46,449 You don't look well. 1132 01:29:46,619 --> 01:29:49,087 It's the heat. I'm all right. 1133 01:29:49,255 --> 01:29:51,951 The battalion lost a couple of dozen guys. 1134 01:29:52,124 --> 01:29:54,684 Remember Ski? He got it. 1135 01:29:54,861 --> 01:29:58,126 I guess he didn't want to live anyhow, though. 1136 01:29:58,297 --> 01:30:00,595 A lot of the guys are sick and wounded. 1137 01:30:00,766 --> 01:30:03,599 We'll be okay in a couple of weeks, though. 1138 01:30:05,471 --> 01:30:07,735 I shouldn't have filled it so full. 1139 01:30:07,907 --> 01:30:10,967 I'm all right, just a little shaky. 1140 01:30:11,143 --> 01:30:15,204 Guadalcanal must have been frightful. I shan't ask you about it. 1141 01:30:15,381 --> 01:30:18,646 Well, I got me a leave. 1142 01:30:18,818 --> 01:30:22,777 Three months furlough. I mean three months back pay. 1143 01:30:22,955 --> 01:30:25,423 I think I'll take me in some of the country. 1144 01:30:25,591 --> 01:30:28,253 You look as though you could do with some rest. 1145 01:30:28,427 --> 01:30:32,523 - Why don't you go to the farm? - I don't want to go to the farm. 1146 01:30:36,135 --> 01:30:39,901 - I feel so hot. - Andy... 1147 01:30:41,774 --> 01:30:44,174 I think you might have malaria, Andy. 1148 01:30:44,343 --> 01:30:46,607 No, I'd know malaria. 1149 01:30:46,779 --> 01:30:48,474 You're burning up. 1150 01:30:48,648 --> 01:30:52,106 - Let me get you to a hospital. - I'm not going to a hospital. 1151 01:30:52,285 --> 01:30:53,912 Don't be so obstinate. 1152 01:30:54,086 --> 01:30:56,714 I'm not gonna spend my furlough in a hospital. 1153 01:30:56,889 --> 01:31:00,381 Call me a cab, I'll go to my hotel and sweat it out. 1154 01:31:00,559 --> 01:31:04,188 I'll call you in a couple of days. I'll be all right. 1155 01:31:04,363 --> 01:31:07,799 Please let me take you to a hospital. 1156 01:31:08,935 --> 01:31:10,926 I'm freezing, honey. 1157 01:31:11,103 --> 01:31:13,799 I'm getting those chills again. 1158 01:31:15,608 --> 01:31:19,977 I'm freezing. Get me a blanket. 1159 01:31:22,715 --> 01:31:25,411 Ski! Ski! 1160 01:31:25,584 --> 01:31:28,314 Run for it! Ski! 1161 01:31:28,487 --> 01:31:32,651 Run for it, Ski! Run for it. 1162 01:31:33,526 --> 01:31:35,426 Run for it, Ski! 1163 01:31:35,995 --> 01:31:38,793 Run for it, Ski! 1164 01:31:46,505 --> 01:31:51,442 Run for it! Ski! Run for it! Run for it, Ski! 1165 01:31:54,747 --> 01:31:59,309 Ski, Ski! Run, run! 1166 01:32:24,543 --> 01:32:26,238 How long have I been here? 1167 01:32:26,412 --> 01:32:28,380 Three days. 1168 01:32:29,415 --> 01:32:31,383 I'm sorry, honey. 1169 01:32:32,051 --> 01:32:35,782 I must say, you gave me a bit of a fright. 1170 01:32:35,955 --> 01:32:38,389 You look all beat. Did you get any sleep? 1171 01:32:38,557 --> 01:32:41,219 I caught a wink or two. 1172 01:32:41,794 --> 01:32:44,456 You've been through hell. 1173 01:32:47,500 --> 01:32:51,368 Nobody's ever done anything like this for me before. 1174 01:32:57,543 --> 01:33:00,910 Andy, I was so frightened. 1175 01:33:01,480 --> 01:33:04,074 I'm not keeping any more lamps in the window... 1176 01:33:04,250 --> 01:33:07,413 ...or waiting for any more ships in the bay. 1177 01:33:07,586 --> 01:33:10,953 This war has done me in. 1178 01:33:11,123 --> 01:33:15,082 I want you while you're here. That's all that matters, that's all. 1179 01:33:15,261 --> 01:33:18,628 It's not right for you to talk like that. 1180 01:33:18,798 --> 01:33:23,394 Andy, you're here and you're safe. I can have you for a little while. 1181 01:33:23,569 --> 01:33:28,973 That's all that matters to me, is this day and this minute. 1182 01:33:29,375 --> 01:33:34,870 I'm tired, Andy. I'm tired of living in fear. 1183 01:33:52,364 --> 01:33:54,332 Congratulations. 1184 01:33:55,935 --> 01:33:57,903 I can thank my boys for these. 1185 01:33:58,070 --> 01:34:00,095 One sour note. 1186 01:34:00,272 --> 01:34:04,299 Mac's boys are acting up again. More limericks. 1187 01:34:07,847 --> 01:34:11,112 - Fox Company. - Get Mac up here, please. 1188 01:34:14,253 --> 01:34:16,278 What are you trying to hide? 1189 01:34:16,455 --> 01:34:20,687 - We decided we wouldn't let you see this. - Let's have it. 1190 01:34:21,894 --> 01:34:24,988 "Report on the 8th Marines' Hike to Foxton." 1191 01:34:25,164 --> 01:34:26,791 Let's see, now. 1192 01:34:26,966 --> 01:34:31,027 "Sixty miles to Foxton. Concrete highway. 1193 01:34:31,203 --> 01:34:34,229 Bivouac in the field. Trucks drove them back to camp. 1194 01:34:34,406 --> 01:34:37,000 Twenty hours marching time." 1195 01:34:37,176 --> 01:34:41,840 Great Scott, that's no record. Our battalion can cut hours off of that time. 1196 01:34:42,014 --> 01:34:43,481 I knew you'd say that. 1197 01:34:43,649 --> 01:34:47,915 Get this to Message Center to inform all company commanders. 1198 01:34:48,087 --> 01:34:50,453 The 1 st Battalion's already scheduled a hike... 1199 01:34:50,623 --> 01:34:54,889 ...but I think it's a bit soon for us to attempt a 60-mile hike with full packs. 1200 01:34:55,060 --> 01:34:57,620 If you ask me, it's just what the doctor ordered. 1201 01:34:57,796 --> 01:35:01,254 We'll crack the record. And as far as the 1 st Battalion goes... 1202 01:35:01,433 --> 01:35:05,335 ...they haven't seen the day we couldn't hike them into the ground. Come in. 1203 01:35:05,504 --> 01:35:09,941 Get with Operations on that. They can start typing it up. 1204 01:35:12,378 --> 01:35:15,643 I understand those boys of yours have been getting poetic again. 1205 01:35:15,814 --> 01:35:18,783 And just because I gave permission to build a clubhouse... 1206 01:35:18,951 --> 01:35:21,784 ...I didn't okay your stealing every loose board in camp. 1207 01:35:21,954 --> 01:35:25,321 I guess they're just red-blooded American boys, colonel. 1208 01:35:26,258 --> 01:35:29,819 How did you find out I made lieutenant colonel? I just heard myself. 1209 01:35:29,995 --> 01:35:33,260 Communicator's job is to communicate, sir. 1210 01:35:35,134 --> 01:35:38,103 Well, you tell those red-blooded American boys of yours... 1211 01:35:38,270 --> 01:35:41,433 ...they better enjoy that dance tonight, because after that... 1212 01:35:41,607 --> 01:35:44,235 We know all about that too, sir. 1213 01:35:44,843 --> 01:35:47,869 - You know all about what? - The 60-mile hike to Foxton. 1214 01:35:48,047 --> 01:35:50,811 My outfit handles Message Center too. 1215 01:35:52,851 --> 01:35:55,786 - Get out of here. - Yes, sir. 1216 01:36:08,334 --> 01:36:10,632 Colonel Huxley. 1217 01:36:10,803 --> 01:36:14,899 Your Honor, I'd like to have you meet some of the ladies we're dancing with. 1218 01:36:15,074 --> 01:36:16,564 This is... 1219 01:36:17,710 --> 01:36:22,579 I've forgotten their names, but make yourself at home. I'll get us some beer. 1220 01:36:31,056 --> 01:36:32,717 Hello, Pedro. 1221 01:36:32,891 --> 01:36:36,725 Incidentally, congratulations on your Silver Star. 1222 01:36:36,895 --> 01:36:39,693 Gracias, my storywriting friend. 1223 01:36:40,899 --> 01:36:44,232 Like I was saying, we've got the best sergeant, the best outfit... 1224 01:36:44,403 --> 01:36:47,839 ...and the best colonel in the Marine Corps. - Excuse me, colonel. 1225 01:36:48,007 --> 01:36:50,498 Have you seen the view from the terrace, sir? 1226 01:36:50,676 --> 01:36:53,042 I'd like to have you see it, sir. 1227 01:36:54,513 --> 01:36:56,845 If you'll excuse me. 1228 01:36:58,884 --> 01:37:02,945 - What is this, Mac? - The view's best from over here, sir. 1229 01:37:06,158 --> 01:37:09,924 Compliments of those red-blooded American boys of yours, sir. 1230 01:37:10,462 --> 01:37:13,488 - A little fuel for Foxton. - Yes, sir. 1231 01:37:13,666 --> 01:37:16,032 Sir! Colonel Huxley! 1232 01:37:16,201 --> 01:37:20,069 Colonel Huxley, Mrs. Rogers. Sergeant Mac, Mrs. Rogers. 1233 01:37:20,239 --> 01:37:24,972 Beautiful night, isn't it? Nice dance we're having. 1234 01:37:26,378 --> 01:37:30,940 Mac, Andy, come on! These girls want to hear our marching song! Let's go. 1235 01:37:31,116 --> 01:37:33,812 Excuse me, sir. Excuse me, Pat. 1236 01:37:38,057 --> 01:37:40,355 So you're Andy's girl. 1237 01:37:41,894 --> 01:37:44,488 I've heard an awful lot about you. 1238 01:37:44,663 --> 01:37:49,623 I'll never know how that big lumberjack ever ran into such a wonderful streak of luck. 1239 01:37:49,802 --> 01:37:51,360 And you're High Pockets. 1240 01:37:53,238 --> 01:37:56,799 - Oh, excuse me, Colonel Huxley. - That's all right. 1241 01:37:56,975 --> 01:38:00,433 I don't mind High Pockets as long as they don't call me the old man. 1242 01:38:00,612 --> 01:38:03,513 I should be very angry if they called you the old man. 1243 01:38:03,682 --> 01:38:06,651 As a matter of fact, your men adore you. 1244 01:38:06,819 --> 01:38:12,086 Well, I don't think I'd go quite that far, Mrs. Rogers, but thank you. 1245 01:38:12,257 --> 01:38:14,452 - My name is Pat. - Thank you, Pat. 1246 01:38:14,626 --> 01:38:17,993 No, don't go in just yet. Please. 1247 01:38:18,163 --> 01:38:21,291 I don't get an opportunity like this very often... 1248 01:38:21,467 --> 01:38:24,868 ...to talk to such an attractive young lady. 1249 01:38:25,304 --> 01:38:29,434 Must be wretched having to keep yourself isolated from your men. 1250 01:38:31,410 --> 01:38:35,210 I see you have a knack for reading people's minds. 1251 01:38:35,381 --> 01:38:37,645 You must be a very wise girl, Pat. 1252 01:38:38,283 --> 01:38:40,478 It's not hard to see a lonely person... 1253 01:38:40,652 --> 01:38:44,144 ...even though he is surrounded by 900 Marines. 1254 01:38:44,323 --> 01:38:47,850 I imagine you know what it's like to be homesick. 1255 01:38:49,128 --> 01:38:52,495 I didn't realize it showed. 1256 01:38:52,664 --> 01:38:55,565 - Would you like to see...? - Your children? 1257 01:38:55,734 --> 01:38:58,999 No, we have no children. This is my wife. 1258 01:39:02,574 --> 01:39:04,769 She's lovely. 1259 01:39:04,943 --> 01:39:06,843 I know how you must miss her. 1260 01:39:07,012 --> 01:39:11,108 Jean has a lot in common with you New Zealand girls. 1261 01:39:11,283 --> 01:39:13,410 This war has done that. 1262 01:39:13,585 --> 01:39:16,213 You're all soldiers' wives here. 1263 01:39:16,388 --> 01:39:21,758 It's funny, she could always read my mind too. 1264 01:39:22,060 --> 01:39:25,689 In a great many ways, you remind me of my wife. 1265 01:39:30,369 --> 01:39:32,530 Well, I'm sorry, did...? 1266 01:39:32,704 --> 01:39:34,638 Did I say something wrong? 1267 01:39:34,807 --> 01:39:37,970 I'm not fit to remind you of your wife, colonel. 1268 01:39:38,143 --> 01:39:40,407 I'm so ashamed. 1269 01:39:41,380 --> 01:39:44,247 I can't use the war as an excuse anymore, I know that. 1270 01:39:44,416 --> 01:39:47,613 But this chance with Andy, I thought it would mean happiness. 1271 01:39:47,786 --> 01:39:50,584 It was a straw, and I grabbed for it. 1272 01:39:50,856 --> 01:39:52,517 I see. 1273 01:39:52,691 --> 01:39:54,750 Well, I didn't... 1274 01:39:56,495 --> 01:40:00,659 You're not the only person in this world who ever grabbed for a straw. 1275 01:40:00,833 --> 01:40:03,768 We all do it sometime in our lives. 1276 01:40:03,936 --> 01:40:06,598 But in our mind, in our conscience... 1277 01:40:06,772 --> 01:40:12,176 ...we have to find out for ourselves what we can live with and what we can't. 1278 01:40:12,344 --> 01:40:15,836 You're the only one who can make that decision. 1279 01:40:33,565 --> 01:40:35,863 Nice dance, wasn't it, honey? 1280 01:40:36,034 --> 01:40:39,470 I won't be able to see you for a few days. We're hiking to Foxton. 1281 01:40:39,638 --> 01:40:43,631 - We've got something to talk about. - It'll keep till morning. I'm tired. 1282 01:40:43,809 --> 01:40:46,004 It won't keep, Andy. 1283 01:40:46,178 --> 01:40:49,045 I'm calling it off between us. 1284 01:40:49,314 --> 01:40:52,147 What'd you say? I don't think I get you. 1285 01:40:52,818 --> 01:40:54,877 It's all over, Andy. 1286 01:40:55,053 --> 01:40:57,681 Honey, what are you talking about? Are you nuts? 1287 01:40:57,856 --> 01:40:59,517 What have I done? 1288 01:40:59,691 --> 01:41:04,094 - I don't want a scene. Please. - Pat, you're talking crazy. 1289 01:41:04,263 --> 01:41:06,390 I know what you may think of me. 1290 01:41:06,565 --> 01:41:09,625 I can't do anything about it, it's too late now. 1291 01:41:09,801 --> 01:41:12,599 But I'm just not cut out for this sort of thing. 1292 01:41:12,771 --> 01:41:15,740 I was miserably mistaken to think I could live like this. 1293 01:41:15,908 --> 01:41:18,433 Whatever you may think is right... 1294 01:41:19,378 --> 01:41:21,938 It just doesn't matter anymore. 1295 01:41:22,114 --> 01:41:25,015 - I'm crazy about you! - Andy, please... 1296 01:41:25,183 --> 01:41:29,620 I don't want a showdown. I'm not asking anything from you, I just want you to go. 1297 01:41:29,788 --> 01:41:32,484 I can't stay in this country and not be able to see you. 1298 01:41:32,658 --> 01:41:33,955 Don't shout! 1299 01:41:34,226 --> 01:41:36,592 I know this is sudden. You're shocked and hurt. 1300 01:41:36,762 --> 01:41:41,165 - You're liable to say something you'll regret. - I'm regretting nothing. I love you! 1301 01:41:41,333 --> 01:41:44,166 Don't say that, you know you don't mean it. 1302 01:41:44,336 --> 01:41:47,362 Honey, I could never leave you, I love you. 1303 01:41:48,206 --> 01:41:51,073 I got an idea. Let's get married. 1304 01:41:51,243 --> 01:41:53,871 Let's get married when I get back from Foxton. 1305 01:41:54,046 --> 01:41:58,278 I know how you feel about the war, but us Swedes are tough. I know I'll make it. 1306 01:41:58,450 --> 01:42:00,714 We've got to take a chance. 1307 01:42:00,886 --> 01:42:02,786 Oh, Andy... 1308 01:42:03,922 --> 01:42:06,152 Andy, I'm so frightened! 1309 01:42:06,325 --> 01:42:11,194 I'll see the chaplain. It's a lot of red tape, but I'll get it squared away. 1310 01:42:11,363 --> 01:42:16,426 Pat, I ain't never been so happy in my life. 1311 01:42:17,069 --> 01:42:20,436 - Andy. - What, honey? 1312 01:42:21,840 --> 01:42:24,673 If we have a little boy... 1313 01:42:25,844 --> 01:42:29,644 ...would you mind terribly if we named him Timmy... 1314 01:42:29,815 --> 01:42:31,305 ...after my brother? 1315 01:42:34,086 --> 01:42:37,078 Are we gonna have a baby? 1316 01:42:38,290 --> 01:42:39,917 We're gonna have a baby? 1317 01:42:40,926 --> 01:42:43,918 - Yes, Andy. - Why didn't you tell me, honey? 1318 01:42:44,096 --> 01:42:46,189 I didn't want to hold you that way. 1319 01:42:46,365 --> 01:42:48,560 You'd have let me go? 1320 01:42:48,734 --> 01:42:52,170 You'd have sent me away, you'd have done that for me? 1321 01:42:52,337 --> 01:42:58,572 Andy, I've loved you a long, long time. What other decision could I make? 1322 01:42:59,011 --> 01:43:04,313 At least I knew I had something this war couldn't take away from me. 1323 01:43:12,658 --> 01:43:16,992 Hut, two, three, four. Hut, two, three, four. 1324 01:43:17,162 --> 01:43:19,960 Column, right, huh! 1325 01:43:21,566 --> 01:43:24,330 - How far we going? - About 60 miles. 1326 01:43:24,503 --> 01:43:28,940 - I wonder where we'll bed down tonight. - Wherever it is, you'll be alone. 1327 01:43:52,030 --> 01:43:55,488 From the moment we left the camp, we knew High Pockets meant business. 1328 01:43:55,667 --> 01:44:00,104 The pace never slackened through a torrent of rain and a long, black night. 1329 01:44:04,643 --> 01:44:07,806 The sun felt good the next morning, but the rain had taken its toll. 1330 01:44:07,979 --> 01:44:10,345 Wet feet and hard dirt aren't teammates. 1331 01:44:10,515 --> 01:44:13,245 There must have been 10,000 blisters in the column. 1332 01:44:50,922 --> 01:44:55,450 In 17 hours' marching time, the column stood on a hill overlooking Foxton. 1333 01:44:55,627 --> 01:44:56,616 Hold up the column! 1334 01:44:56,795 --> 01:45:01,494 And it would be a cold day in July before anyone cracked this record. 1335 01:45:04,102 --> 01:45:07,663 There's the 1 st Battalion. Looks like they just got in. 1336 01:45:07,839 --> 01:45:10,330 Didn't they leave camp the day before we did? 1337 01:45:11,409 --> 01:45:14,071 - That's right. - We just radioed the 1 st Battalion. 1338 01:45:14,246 --> 01:45:16,271 We beat their time by five hours. 1339 01:45:16,448 --> 01:45:19,747 And it looks like we beat the 8th Marines' record by three. 1340 01:45:19,918 --> 01:45:23,149 Their trucks are coming tomorrow to take them back to McKay. 1341 01:45:23,321 --> 01:45:25,448 Don't you think maybe we rate priority? 1342 01:45:25,624 --> 01:45:30,459 Our boys should ride back first after the job they turned in. 1343 01:45:34,099 --> 01:45:35,760 Company commanders, take charge! 1344 01:45:35,934 --> 01:45:38,732 Meiskar, Clark, Kreb, out! Hookens, over here. 1345 01:45:38,904 --> 01:45:42,601 - Gomez, set up there. - Smoking lamp is lit! 1346 01:45:43,375 --> 01:45:47,471 Corporal Forrester requests permission to speak to you. 1347 01:45:47,646 --> 01:45:49,511 All right. 1348 01:45:49,681 --> 01:45:51,205 What's on your mind? 1349 01:45:51,383 --> 01:45:54,477 I know this is out of line, but we haven't got much time... 1350 01:45:54,653 --> 01:45:56,450 Get to the point. 1351 01:45:56,621 --> 01:45:59,454 Well, PFC Andy Hookens is in bad shape. 1352 01:45:59,624 --> 01:46:02,889 His feet are all bloody, and I think he's got a touch of the bug. 1353 01:46:03,061 --> 01:46:04,961 He refuses to turn in. 1354 01:46:05,130 --> 01:46:07,963 Could you send him back with the 1 st Battalion? 1355 01:46:08,433 --> 01:46:11,129 You're out of line. That's for Sick Bay to decide. 1356 01:46:11,403 --> 01:46:14,964 - I don't grant special favors to any man. - Colonel Huxley... 1357 01:46:15,140 --> 01:46:16,607 Just a minute, Mac. 1358 01:46:16,775 --> 01:46:19,938 You know this is out of order. Let's have the real reason. 1359 01:46:20,111 --> 01:46:22,545 Hookens and Pat Rogers want to get married. 1360 01:46:22,948 --> 01:46:26,213 The scuttlebutt has it we're shipping out as soon as we get back. 1361 01:46:26,384 --> 01:46:30,548 If he waits for those trucks to come back for us, he ain't gonna have time. 1362 01:46:30,722 --> 01:46:33,816 Not with all the red tape they have to go through. 1363 01:46:34,092 --> 01:46:36,526 Request denied. 1364 01:46:44,903 --> 01:46:47,133 - Thank you, sir. - Mac. 1365 01:46:47,739 --> 01:46:51,539 Tell Major Wellman to form up the battalion. We're moving out. 1366 01:46:52,811 --> 01:46:54,506 Yes, sir. 1367 01:47:06,324 --> 01:47:07,689 Have you gone mad? 1368 01:47:07,859 --> 01:47:10,384 I've stood by through all your torture sessions... 1369 01:47:10,562 --> 01:47:12,587 ...but I'm putting my foot down. 1370 01:47:12,764 --> 01:47:15,528 Don't put it down too hard. It's probably sore. 1371 01:47:15,700 --> 01:47:19,466 Why won't you wait for the trucks? You can't hike these men back to McKay. 1372 01:47:19,638 --> 01:47:22,004 They've only had three hours' rest. 1373 01:47:22,173 --> 01:47:26,337 Twenty men dropped out coming up here. You'll hospitalize the entire battalion. 1374 01:47:27,779 --> 01:47:31,306 So I'm just a wartime officer, but I know where humanity ends. 1375 01:47:31,483 --> 01:47:35,010 I watched you hike these boys back from Guadalcanal... 1376 01:47:35,186 --> 01:47:37,347 ...because you wanted to prove how tough you were. 1377 01:47:37,522 --> 01:47:41,481 I'm not only gonna hike them back, but we're gonna break our own record. 1378 01:47:41,660 --> 01:47:45,926 What are you trying to prove? You haven't got a drop of human blood in your veins. 1379 01:47:46,097 --> 01:47:49,191 Do you think that enemy is gonna show us any humanity? 1380 01:47:49,367 --> 01:47:51,801 We're in a war, Wellman. 1381 01:47:51,970 --> 01:47:54,200 I'll drive them, and I'll drive myself. 1382 01:47:54,372 --> 01:47:58,206 When we go into battle again, not one of my boys will die because he's a straggler. 1383 01:47:58,376 --> 01:48:00,776 Not one's gonna die because he's weak. 1384 01:48:00,946 --> 01:48:03,312 Get out of my outfit if you can't take it. 1385 01:48:03,848 --> 01:48:06,874 I'll make it back if you will. 1386 01:48:08,253 --> 01:48:11,745 Company commander, get your men on their feet. We're moving out. 1387 01:48:11,923 --> 01:48:15,518 - Pass the word to the other companies. - Aye, aye, sir. On your feet! 1388 01:48:15,694 --> 01:48:18,219 - Saddle up! - On your feet! 1389 01:48:43,521 --> 01:48:47,150 Boy, I could sure go for a cold glass of beer. 1390 01:48:47,325 --> 01:48:48,849 Shut up! 1391 01:49:00,605 --> 01:49:02,072 Why don't we keep going? 1392 01:49:02,240 --> 01:49:04,834 Every time I stop, I get these shooting pains. 1393 01:49:05,010 --> 01:49:08,446 At least I'm good and numb while we're hiking. 1394 01:49:08,613 --> 01:49:11,548 I'm going to keep on my feet as long as Huxley does. 1395 01:49:11,716 --> 01:49:15,379 Same here. We're only one day from McKay. 1396 01:49:15,553 --> 01:49:17,214 Speak to me. 1397 01:49:17,789 --> 01:49:20,155 All right. Let's hit the road! 1398 01:49:20,325 --> 01:49:22,259 On your feet! 1399 01:49:26,131 --> 01:49:27,723 Count up! 1400 01:49:31,102 --> 01:49:33,229 Come on, kid. On your feet. 1401 01:49:33,405 --> 01:49:36,340 You ain't gonna get married out here. 1402 01:49:42,080 --> 01:49:44,048 Our feet were pounded into numbness. 1403 01:49:44,215 --> 01:49:46,149 The packs cut deep into our shoulders. 1404 01:49:46,317 --> 01:49:48,444 But the murderous cadence never let up. 1405 01:49:48,620 --> 01:49:52,420 The stronger ones kept the weaker ones going. 1406 01:49:52,590 --> 01:49:54,285 Pass the word back. 1407 01:49:54,459 --> 01:49:56,552 We're picking up the pace. 1408 01:49:58,696 --> 01:50:01,824 All right! Pass the word back! We're speeding up the pace! 1409 01:50:02,000 --> 01:50:07,063 - Keep it closed up back there! - High Pockets has gone crazy. 1410 01:50:07,238 --> 01:50:09,138 Bet he drops before we do. 1411 01:50:09,307 --> 01:50:11,639 You laying any odds on that, cousin? 1412 01:50:11,810 --> 01:50:16,270 Then, as a man, the whole battalion became obsessed with a single 1413 01:50:16,448 --> 01:50:22,114 To keep marching, pushing Huxley until he fell flat on his face. 1414 01:50:30,495 --> 01:50:34,363 Ten kilometers from Camp McKay. It might as well have been 100. 1415 01:50:34,532 --> 01:50:36,864 We were whipped. 1416 01:50:38,503 --> 01:50:40,698 If we hit that road again, I'm dropping out. 1417 01:50:40,872 --> 01:50:43,067 That makes two of us. How about you? 1418 01:50:43,241 --> 01:50:45,607 I honestly don't know. 1419 01:50:45,777 --> 01:50:49,042 I think I'll sit right here and wait for them big buses. 1420 01:50:49,214 --> 01:50:52,445 I ain't blaming any man in this squad for dropping out now. 1421 01:50:52,617 --> 01:50:56,781 But I'm getting back to McKay if I gotta go on my hands and knees. 1422 01:50:57,822 --> 01:50:59,016 We're finished, Sam. 1423 01:50:59,190 --> 01:51:03,718 If we try this last 10 kilometers, we'll lose half the battalion. 1424 01:51:04,596 --> 01:51:06,962 I know what's held them up. 1425 01:51:07,132 --> 01:51:09,828 They'll hike because they're mad. 1426 01:51:10,001 --> 01:51:13,129 And what's more, they won't quit because they're mad. 1427 01:51:13,304 --> 01:51:15,568 We'll make that last piece on our feet. 1428 01:51:15,740 --> 01:51:18,766 You're mistaken, we'll need a miracle. 1429 01:51:18,943 --> 01:51:21,605 We may have that too in just about a minute. 1430 01:51:54,012 --> 01:51:57,948 Well, if you men want to sit and cry with the 1 st Battalion tonight... 1431 01:51:58,116 --> 01:52:01,108 ...l'll have them send back those trucks for you. 1432 01:52:01,286 --> 01:52:04,517 A lot of people in this division don't believe we can make it. 1433 01:52:04,689 --> 01:52:06,953 What do you think? 1434 01:52:12,197 --> 01:52:14,358 When we hit that camp gate... 1435 01:52:14,532 --> 01:52:17,558 ...let's give them a look at the best outfit in the Corps! 1436 01:52:17,735 --> 01:52:21,603 Left face! 1437 01:52:23,441 --> 01:52:26,433 Column left! Hut! 1438 01:53:20,999 --> 01:53:22,660 Come in. 1439 01:53:22,834 --> 01:53:24,768 - Hello, Mac! - Sir, how are you? 1440 01:53:24,936 --> 01:53:26,995 What are you doing, spying for Father McHale? 1441 01:53:27,171 --> 01:53:29,196 No, sir, I leave that to G-2. 1442 01:53:29,374 --> 01:53:33,743 I want you to meet two men from my outfit, Corporal Forrester and PFC Hookens. 1443 01:53:33,911 --> 01:53:38,041 - Hookens has got a little problem. - That's what I'm here for. Sit down, boys. 1444 01:53:39,584 --> 01:53:41,108 What seems to be your problem? 1445 01:53:41,286 --> 01:53:44,551 Well, sir, that picture on the bulletin board out there... 1446 01:53:44,722 --> 01:53:47,156 ...it's a dead ringer for my girl. 1447 01:53:49,027 --> 01:53:50,995 Hookens, of course. 1448 01:53:51,162 --> 01:53:53,392 Colonel Huxley called me from Foxton. 1449 01:53:53,564 --> 01:53:56,931 He said you'd be around. He also said that girl's too good for you. 1450 01:53:57,101 --> 01:54:00,764 - I won't argue that, sir. - Looks like I've been blackmailed. 1451 01:54:00,938 --> 01:54:04,738 The colonel said if I didn't get you two hitched without this red tape... 1452 01:54:04,909 --> 01:54:07,139 ...he'd take his battalion to Father McHale. 1453 01:54:07,312 --> 01:54:10,509 Everything's been arranged. Three-day passes for your squad. 1454 01:54:10,682 --> 01:54:13,879 Man in the loan office said just sign there. 1455 01:54:14,052 --> 01:54:17,886 You've got orders from the colonel to get to Wellington on the double. 1456 01:54:18,056 --> 01:54:19,887 - Yes, sir! - Okay. 1457 01:54:20,058 --> 01:54:21,923 Thank you, sir. 1458 01:54:34,439 --> 01:54:37,533 - Blood brother. - Thanks. 1459 01:54:41,346 --> 01:54:44,747 Ladies and gentlemen, please wait a minute. 1460 01:54:44,916 --> 01:54:48,511 A Marine toast to Pat and Andy. 1461 01:54:51,022 --> 01:54:54,253 Come on, let's go! Come on, boy! 1462 01:55:05,136 --> 01:55:07,730 It was a wonderful wedding and a wonderful party. 1463 01:55:07,905 --> 01:55:10,635 And a terrible headache the next morning. 1464 01:55:10,808 --> 01:55:15,211 Two days later we were ordered to break camp and board ship. 1465 01:55:21,486 --> 01:55:23,181 Wait a minute. 1466 01:55:23,354 --> 01:55:25,754 - Mac wants you on a work detail. - Take the detail. 1467 01:55:25,923 --> 01:55:28,448 Don't blow your top. Who do you think you are? 1468 01:55:28,626 --> 01:55:33,586 This outfit's been knocking itself out for you, giving up liberty so you could get ashore. 1469 01:55:33,765 --> 01:55:37,428 - Remind me to send them medals. - What's the matter? Are you yellow? 1470 01:55:37,602 --> 01:55:40,935 - Want me to break you in half? - Stop feeling sorry for yourself. 1471 01:55:41,105 --> 01:55:43,403 I've been living with letters for 13 months. 1472 01:55:43,574 --> 01:55:47,476 - There's nothing we can do about it. - That's what you think. 1473 01:55:54,719 --> 01:55:57,415 May I come in? Please. 1474 01:55:57,822 --> 01:56:01,053 I should've phoned you, but I didn't have time. 1475 01:56:01,526 --> 01:56:03,357 Pat, we've got a problem. 1476 01:56:03,528 --> 01:56:06,622 It's been reported to me Andy plans to desert. 1477 01:56:06,798 --> 01:56:09,460 I didn't stop him from jumping ship. I could have. 1478 01:56:09,634 --> 01:56:13,468 I can have him taken back in irons now, but I don't want that. 1479 01:56:13,638 --> 01:56:17,472 I want that boy to come back to his ship on his own two feet. 1480 01:56:17,742 --> 01:56:21,701 It's been extremely difficult, but I've had to discipline myself... 1481 01:56:21,879 --> 01:56:24,643 ...never to interfere in the personal affairs of my men. 1482 01:56:24,816 --> 01:56:27,341 This is one time I'm forced to. I have no choice. 1483 01:56:27,885 --> 01:56:30,115 I like you too much. 1484 01:56:30,288 --> 01:56:34,691 As Andy's commanding officer, I certainly can't sanction this behavior. 1485 01:56:35,092 --> 01:56:37,026 As a man, I do understand it. 1486 01:56:40,331 --> 01:56:42,822 Pat, you've done a lot for this boy. 1487 01:56:43,000 --> 01:56:45,025 You've given him his place in life. 1488 01:56:45,203 --> 01:56:47,967 You can't let him betray himself now. 1489 01:56:48,139 --> 01:56:51,040 Betray him to what, Colonel Huxley, his grave? 1490 01:56:51,209 --> 01:56:53,769 I haven't forgotten about another boy... 1491 01:56:53,945 --> 01:56:56,379 ...a boy who was buried at El Alamein. 1492 01:56:56,547 --> 01:57:00,415 Do you think you and Andy could ever live in peace? 1493 01:57:00,985 --> 01:57:04,978 This would destroy both of you, even if you got away with it. 1494 01:57:05,156 --> 01:57:07,886 I knew this was going to happen. Why did I let it? 1495 01:57:08,125 --> 01:57:10,116 Colonel, where is our war? 1496 01:57:10,294 --> 01:57:12,353 Tell me, why do I have to give him up? 1497 01:57:12,530 --> 01:57:16,296 - Tell me. - He's a man. He has a job to do. 1498 01:57:16,467 --> 01:57:20,096 You're no different than millions of other women in this war. 1499 01:57:20,271 --> 01:57:23,035 You know what you have to do. 1500 01:57:48,266 --> 01:57:49,961 Andy, hold me. 1501 01:57:50,434 --> 01:57:52,698 Hold me tightly, darling. Hold me. 1502 01:57:52,870 --> 01:57:56,704 Honey, you're all upset. I'm here now. I'm here. 1503 01:58:01,479 --> 01:58:03,174 I'm not going back to the ship. 1504 01:58:05,550 --> 01:58:07,916 I said I'm not going back. 1505 01:58:08,920 --> 01:58:10,649 I expected it. 1506 01:58:10,821 --> 01:58:13,688 We can make it. I got it all figured out. 1507 01:58:13,858 --> 01:58:17,419 I got a place in Ngaio where I can hide. Then we'll make a run for it. 1508 01:58:17,595 --> 01:58:20,758 Fly to a south island, maybe Australia. 1509 01:58:20,932 --> 01:58:23,901 Three or four years, we can come back. 1510 01:58:24,068 --> 01:58:26,559 All right, Andy. 1511 01:58:26,737 --> 01:58:28,932 You mean it, honey? 1512 01:58:29,440 --> 01:58:31,908 - You really mean it? - Yes, Andy. 1513 01:58:32,710 --> 01:58:35,611 We'd best pack right away. 1514 01:58:35,780 --> 01:58:38,943 - I'd better not take your radio. - What do you mean? 1515 01:58:39,116 --> 01:58:42,108 You don't want to hear it when your battalion lands. 1516 01:58:42,286 --> 01:58:44,151 What will we call the baby? 1517 01:58:44,322 --> 01:58:46,415 We should have a nice, common name. 1518 01:58:46,591 --> 01:58:49,822 We won't be able to give him our own, you know. 1519 01:58:51,028 --> 01:58:54,691 - Let's not worry about that too much. - Cut it out. 1520 01:58:55,900 --> 01:58:58,698 We'll have to change our own name every month anyway. 1521 01:58:59,503 --> 01:59:02,028 We should start out with Smith. 1522 01:59:02,206 --> 01:59:04,606 We'll call the baby Joe Smith. 1523 01:59:04,775 --> 01:59:08,677 - It's a pretty name, isn't it? - You're just trying to get me riled up. 1524 01:59:08,846 --> 01:59:11,781 - No, I'll go with you. - What do we owe this lousy war? 1525 01:59:11,949 --> 01:59:15,510 - What do we owe the Marines? - Each other. 1526 01:59:15,686 --> 01:59:18,154 You don't care any for me. 1527 01:59:18,322 --> 01:59:20,756 You'll have your baby. That's all you want. 1528 01:59:20,925 --> 01:59:24,019 How dare you speak to me like that? How dare you? 1529 01:59:25,529 --> 01:59:27,656 I didn't mean it, Pat. 1530 01:59:27,832 --> 01:59:30,323 I didn't mean it. I'm just going out of my mind. 1531 01:59:30,501 --> 01:59:34,870 - I didn't mean it. - Andy, if that's what you want, I'll go. 1532 01:59:53,324 --> 01:59:55,485 I must be crazy, Pat. 1533 01:59:55,660 --> 01:59:59,027 Crazy to even ask for something like this. 1534 02:00:00,231 --> 02:00:03,962 I'd never be able to look my kid in the face. 1535 02:00:04,135 --> 02:00:06,603 I'd lose you too. 1536 02:00:07,872 --> 02:00:10,568 I don't know why I ever asked. 1537 02:00:13,110 --> 02:00:15,044 I better get back to the ship. 1538 02:00:16,313 --> 02:00:20,647 - I'll go with you. - No, I better go alone. 1539 02:00:22,386 --> 02:00:24,718 Do you love me, Pat? 1540 02:00:26,190 --> 02:00:29,421 Very much, Andy, very, very much. 1541 02:00:29,593 --> 02:00:32,153 You'll write to me, won't you? 1542 02:00:32,930 --> 02:00:36,957 Don't worry none if you don't hear from me, being aboard ship and all. 1543 02:00:37,868 --> 02:00:41,031 Take good care of yourself and the baby. 1544 02:00:41,205 --> 02:00:43,173 Get up to the farm. 1545 02:00:45,476 --> 02:00:48,673 If we're lucky, we'll get back here soon. 1546 02:00:49,547 --> 02:00:52,812 But I'll be back as soon as I can. 1547 02:00:54,185 --> 02:00:57,882 - You're not sorry about us? - No. 1548 02:01:01,425 --> 02:01:04,553 Just tell me once more how you love me. 1549 02:01:06,030 --> 02:01:08,794 I love you, Andy. 1550 02:01:08,966 --> 02:01:11,127 I love you. 1551 02:01:44,635 --> 02:01:49,868 Tarawa. A name to go down with Bunker Hill, Gettysburg and the Alamo. 1552 02:01:50,040 --> 02:01:52,406 Every man in Huxley's battalion had been positive... 1553 02:01:52,576 --> 02:01:55,044 ... that this time we'd lead the division into the beach. 1554 02:01:55,212 --> 02:01:56,873 And then the word came through. 1555 02:01:57,047 --> 02:02:00,210 We were being used as the mop-up boys again, the also-rans... 1556 02:02:00,384 --> 02:02:04,115 ... sealed in our ships while the rest of the division fought the battle. 1557 02:02:04,288 --> 02:02:07,223 When the smoke cleared and what was left of the division limped off... 1558 02:02:07,391 --> 02:02:11,555 ... they again told Huxley that he must find the elusive Japanese garrison... 1559 02:02:11,729 --> 02:02:15,392 ... who, this time, were hidden in 45 miles of island atolls. 1560 02:02:15,566 --> 02:02:17,932 We cornered them after a four-day chase... 1561 02:02:18,102 --> 02:02:21,265 ... and in a brief skirmish, we closed the chapter on Tarawa. 1562 02:02:21,438 --> 02:02:25,238 Our casualties were light, but we left behind... 1563 02:02:25,409 --> 02:02:28,344 ... the kid who might have written the great American war novel... 1564 02:02:28,512 --> 02:02:32,312 ... Corporal Marion Hotchkiss, Sister Mary. 1565 02:02:41,525 --> 02:02:46,792 Then, January 1944, we made a 2500-mile voyage to rejoin the division. 1566 02:02:46,964 --> 02:02:49,694 Huxley's Harlots, the orphans of the Marine Corps. 1567 02:02:49,867 --> 02:02:52,563 Always a bridesmaid, but never a bride. 1568 02:02:52,736 --> 02:02:57,469 On one of the remote islands of Hawaii we were dumped on a desolate camp... 1569 02:02:57,641 --> 02:03:02,806 ... and for all practical purposes, disappeared from the face of the earth. 1570 02:03:05,416 --> 02:03:07,145 - Good morning, sir. - Jim. 1571 02:03:07,952 --> 02:03:10,853 Sir, we just received word from Headquarters. 1572 02:03:11,021 --> 02:03:14,184 The 1 st and 3rd Battalions move out with the rest of the division. 1573 02:03:14,358 --> 02:03:18,317 We're to stand by, break camp, and follow in five days... 1574 02:03:18,495 --> 02:03:20,554 ...which means we're in reserve again. 1575 02:03:20,731 --> 02:03:23,894 We take this battalion in reserve again over my dead body. 1576 02:03:24,068 --> 02:03:27,265 - Jim, get my jeep for me, please. - Yes, sir. 1577 02:03:32,877 --> 02:03:36,074 You didn't waste any time in getting over here. 1578 02:03:37,882 --> 02:03:40,510 You requested permission. What's on your mind? 1579 02:03:40,684 --> 02:03:44,848 General, the rest of the division is getting ready to move out. 1580 02:03:45,022 --> 02:03:48,458 My outfit is ordered to stand by in Hawaii. 1581 02:03:48,626 --> 02:03:51,823 - We won't leave them there. - No, sir. 1582 02:03:51,996 --> 02:03:55,454 But if you have us scheduled as reserves again in this campaign... 1583 02:03:55,633 --> 02:03:57,430 Just a minute, Huxley. 1584 02:03:57,601 --> 02:04:00,399 You don't like your assignment? 1585 02:04:01,639 --> 02:04:03,004 No, sir, I don't. 1586 02:04:05,509 --> 02:04:09,502 Then I see no reason to carry this conversation on any further. 1587 02:04:09,980 --> 02:04:12,540 Will the general listen to my request? 1588 02:04:15,085 --> 02:04:17,986 You're getting quite a reputation as a troublemaker. 1589 02:04:18,889 --> 02:04:21,289 You went out of channels on Guadalcanal... 1590 02:04:21,458 --> 02:04:25,519 ...to try to get your battalion reassigned to a beachhead. 1591 02:04:26,430 --> 02:04:31,060 Sir, no man in this Corps loves it any more than I do. 1592 02:04:31,235 --> 02:04:35,103 No one has a greater respect for military custom. 1593 02:04:35,639 --> 02:04:37,504 But those boys of mine have worked hard. 1594 02:04:37,675 --> 02:04:39,870 I have the greatest bunch of boys in the world... 1595 02:04:40,044 --> 02:04:43,070 ...but they've got to have a chance to prove themselves. 1596 02:04:43,247 --> 02:04:46,011 You can't train a champion to a fighting edge... 1597 02:04:46,183 --> 02:04:49,209 ...and then just throw him away on exhibition matches. 1598 02:04:49,386 --> 02:04:54,255 We've sat in reserve and mopped up while the war went past us. 1599 02:04:54,425 --> 02:04:57,588 This may be our last chance, sir. 1600 02:04:58,829 --> 02:05:00,729 Give it to us. 1601 02:05:06,670 --> 02:05:08,535 Come here, Huxley. 1602 02:05:10,908 --> 02:05:12,637 Ever see one of these? 1603 02:05:12,810 --> 02:05:15,870 The complete plan for the Saipan Operation. 1604 02:05:16,280 --> 02:05:18,612 Hundreds and thousands of pages. 1605 02:05:18,782 --> 02:05:20,750 Intelligence. Naval gunfire. 1606 02:05:20,918 --> 02:05:25,412 Communications. Artillery. Landing plan. Engineer. 1607 02:05:25,589 --> 02:05:29,184 The personal history of the enemy commander. 1608 02:05:29,360 --> 02:05:32,227 Name it, you'll find it there. 1609 02:05:38,302 --> 02:05:39,894 Three divisions. 1610 02:05:40,070 --> 02:05:44,268 Sixty-thousand men are storming Saipan... 1611 02:05:44,708 --> 02:05:49,645 ...to give us a base to bomb the Japanese land round the clock. 1612 02:05:50,381 --> 02:05:53,942 But you're ready to question the labor that went into that plan... 1613 02:05:54,118 --> 02:05:58,316 ...just because you don't like your assignment. Who do you think you are? 1614 02:05:59,390 --> 02:06:03,156 You can take that book and throw it in the ocean. 1615 02:06:03,327 --> 02:06:07,491 You know as well as I do the book is dead when the first shot's fired. 1616 02:06:07,664 --> 02:06:10,428 It wasn't a book that won us Guadalcanal. 1617 02:06:10,601 --> 02:06:14,594 It wasn't a book that kept those boys coming through the lagoon in Tarawa. 1618 02:06:14,772 --> 02:06:20,335 It's those men with the rifles and the guts that's gonna win your war for you. 1619 02:06:20,511 --> 02:06:22,604 We want that beachhead. 1620 02:06:24,048 --> 02:06:27,814 Once upon a time, we used to think you were a bright young man. 1621 02:06:27,985 --> 02:06:31,045 There is such a thing as insubordination. 1622 02:06:32,589 --> 02:06:36,548 When I came to you, I knew I'd leave here one of two 1623 02:06:37,628 --> 02:06:41,223 In command of my battalion or by the brig. 1624 02:06:41,899 --> 02:06:47,337 You might as well court-martial me, sir, because I'm not going back to my boys... 1625 02:06:47,504 --> 02:06:51,600 ...and tell them that they're gonna carry a broom and dustpan again. 1626 02:06:54,378 --> 02:06:57,404 You stuck your neck out a long way. 1627 02:07:00,984 --> 02:07:03,976 Stand by until I can put through a change in these orders. 1628 02:07:04,154 --> 02:07:07,885 I'm sending your battalion in on the exposed left flank of Red Beach. 1629 02:07:08,358 --> 02:07:11,850 It's the hot spot of the Saipan Campaign. 1630 02:07:12,062 --> 02:07:14,326 You can be proud of your victory. 1631 02:07:16,333 --> 02:07:19,063 That's all. Get out of here. 1632 02:07:24,174 --> 02:07:25,163 Sam... 1633 02:07:27,177 --> 02:07:31,841 Sometimes I think myself it's a hell of a way to make a living. 1634 02:07:42,326 --> 02:07:47,195 And so on June 14, 1944, our task force of the 5th Fleet... 1635 02:07:47,364 --> 02:07:52,495 ... the mightiest armada ever assembled, edged close to the enemy bastion of Saipan. 1636 02:07:52,669 --> 02:07:54,330 The dawn would bring D-day. 1637 02:07:54,505 --> 02:07:58,703 Through the long night, more than 100,000 men made their peace with God. 1638 02:07:58,876 --> 02:08:01,674 No longer orphans, Huxley's Harlots were at last... 1639 02:08:01,845 --> 02:08:04,040 ... being given the chance to prove themselves. 1640 02:08:04,214 --> 02:08:06,842 The chance they'd worked for since boot camp. 1641 02:08:07,017 --> 02:08:11,351 We were to spearhead the invasion that could tip the balance of the war. 1642 02:08:11,522 --> 02:08:14,082 Then the most intricate of all military operations... 1643 02:08:14,258 --> 02:08:16,419 ... an amphibious invasion, was begun. 1644 02:08:16,593 --> 02:08:20,085 Every man on every ship was at his station. Every man knew his job. 1645 02:08:20,497 --> 02:08:23,466 The assault teams formed up smoothly and moved to rendezvous. 1646 02:08:23,634 --> 02:08:25,932 As H-hour approached, the tension grew. 1647 02:08:26,103 --> 02:08:30,904 The men who had planned and lived with Operation Granite on paper for months... 1648 02:08:31,074 --> 02:08:32,837 ... had no choice but to wait. 1649 02:08:33,010 --> 02:08:35,205 The final seconds ticked off. 1650 02:09:22,292 --> 02:09:24,055 - Get Major Wellman. - Yes, sir. 1651 02:09:24,228 --> 02:09:25,661 Put on Texas-5. 1652 02:09:26,496 --> 02:09:28,964 This is Texas-5. 1653 02:09:29,433 --> 02:09:31,196 Wilco. Out. 1654 02:09:41,945 --> 02:09:46,109 - Approaching the beach. - All right, stand by to hit the beach! 1655 02:09:46,283 --> 02:09:47,978 Secure your gear. 1656 02:09:48,151 --> 02:09:50,119 When we hit it, take cover! 1657 02:10:12,576 --> 02:10:17,172 Red Beach. We pushed inland immediately. The battalion was in trouble. 1658 02:10:17,347 --> 02:10:19,042 Our casualties were heavy. 1659 02:10:19,216 --> 02:10:21,616 The Japs were on a mountain, looking down. 1660 02:10:21,785 --> 02:10:25,277 They threw everything in the book. And things that weren't in the book. 1661 02:10:25,455 --> 02:10:28,447 The enemy was staging a counterattack from our left. 1662 02:10:28,625 --> 02:10:31,890 Our right flank was threatened. A shuttle service from ship to shore... 1663 02:10:32,062 --> 02:10:36,522 ... poured men, guns, tanks and supplies in behind us to secure our toehold before dark. 1664 02:10:36,700 --> 02:10:40,295 - Get off this beach! Let's go! - Get off the beach! 1665 02:10:54,618 --> 02:10:56,347 All right, let's go! 1666 02:12:18,168 --> 02:12:20,068 Hit the deck! 1667 02:12:24,741 --> 02:12:28,802 Tell Regiment the enemy artillery fire is increasing. 1668 02:12:28,979 --> 02:12:33,109 Ohio, Ohio, this is Texas, over. 1669 02:12:33,283 --> 02:12:37,481 Enemy artillery fire is increasing, out. 1670 02:12:45,629 --> 02:12:51,431 - Tell 8-G, field is quick, charge thick. - 2750, 6700. 1671 02:12:55,472 --> 02:12:59,738 Ohio, this is Texas. Texas command post open 13-20. 1672 02:12:59,910 --> 02:13:04,347 Map coordinates 39-54.8. 1673 02:13:05,482 --> 02:13:07,040 - Hi, Mac. - Hello, chief. 1674 02:13:07,217 --> 02:13:09,447 - How's it going, colonel? - Not very good. 1675 02:13:09,619 --> 02:13:12,486 We've lost contact with the battalion on our right flank. 1676 02:13:12,656 --> 02:13:16,387 I told George Company to see if they can get through to them. 1677 02:13:19,596 --> 02:13:21,587 Get on this generator! 1678 02:13:24,334 --> 02:13:27,132 - Give me George Company. - George Company. Yes, sir. 1679 02:13:27,304 --> 02:13:29,397 Get the company commander. 1680 02:13:41,485 --> 02:13:45,444 - This is George-6. - How are things up there? 1681 02:13:45,622 --> 02:13:48,056 - Can you hold? - I don't think so. 1682 02:13:48,225 --> 02:13:50,785 We're receiving heavy mortar fire on our right. 1683 02:13:50,961 --> 02:13:52,451 All right. 1684 02:13:52,629 --> 02:13:56,963 Jim, let's get some mortar fire at TA-4606-yolk. 1685 02:13:57,133 --> 02:13:58,623 George Company will observe. 1686 02:13:58,802 --> 02:14:02,203 Heavy mortars, target area 4807-item. 1687 02:14:13,917 --> 02:14:17,785 - Japs still trying to tap our lines? - Yes, but it won't do them no good. 1688 02:14:17,954 --> 02:14:23,221 They don't savvy Navajo. Get in touch with them. See what the situation is. 1689 02:14:46,049 --> 02:14:48,017 Japs' buildup is increasing. 1690 02:14:48,184 --> 02:14:51,210 Let's get that back to the command ship. 1691 02:14:53,690 --> 02:14:56,420 Granite. Granite, this is Texas. 1692 02:14:58,295 --> 02:15:01,696 A message from Texas. Red Beach, sir. 1693 02:15:04,834 --> 02:15:07,826 Huxley's battalion is isolated. 1694 02:15:09,573 --> 02:15:11,268 Yes, sir? Yes, sir. 1695 02:15:11,441 --> 02:15:13,909 Fox Company, Colonel Huxley. 1696 02:15:17,180 --> 02:15:20,672 Yes, Bill. I'll be right there. 1697 02:15:21,217 --> 02:15:24,812 The Japs are pulling out of Garapan. They'll hit that position anytime. 1698 02:15:24,988 --> 02:15:27,786 - I'm going over to Fox Company. Mac! - Sir? 1699 02:15:27,958 --> 02:15:31,416 - Give me one of your boys. - Hookens, take off. 1700 02:15:51,414 --> 02:15:53,905 - We'll cross here one at a time. - Yes, sir. 1701 02:16:22,579 --> 02:16:25,810 Get a corpsman. Get a corpsman! 1702 02:16:29,386 --> 02:16:31,581 Don't waste time. 1703 02:16:32,756 --> 02:16:35,850 Get to the command post... 1704 02:16:36,026 --> 02:16:38,893 ...and tell Wellman he's got himself a battalion. 1705 02:16:39,062 --> 02:16:42,828 - I'll carry you out, sir. - I gave you an order. 1706 02:16:42,999 --> 02:16:45,194 Now, get to it. 1707 02:16:47,437 --> 02:16:49,962 You're bleeding to death, sir! 1708 02:16:51,307 --> 02:16:53,138 Get out of here. 1709 02:16:54,544 --> 02:16:55,806 Yes, sir. 1710 02:17:09,592 --> 02:17:12,459 The colonel's badly hit. He's ordered you to take over. 1711 02:17:12,629 --> 02:17:16,963 - Notify command. - Where is he? Pedro, come on. 1712 02:19:11,181 --> 02:19:12,580 Corpsman! Corpsman! 1713 02:19:45,515 --> 02:19:47,710 - Kathy. - Danny's dead! 1714 02:19:47,884 --> 02:19:50,910 - He's dead! I know he's dead! - It's just a nightmare. 1715 02:19:51,087 --> 02:19:55,456 - No, he's dead. I know it! I saw him! - Baby, you're just dreaming. 1716 02:19:55,625 --> 02:19:58,890 Everything will be all right. It'll be all right. 1717 02:19:59,062 --> 02:20:02,156 If you like, I'll stay here with you. 1718 02:20:02,932 --> 02:20:05,127 All right. 1719 02:20:08,037 --> 02:20:12,440 High Pockets was dead, but his spirit had crushed the counterattack. 1720 02:20:12,876 --> 02:20:15,606 "Sam Huxley!" had been our battle cry. 1721 02:20:15,778 --> 02:20:19,509 When the last shot had been fired, they moved us to a rest camp. 1722 02:20:19,682 --> 02:20:21,479 We're leaving Saipan. 1723 02:20:21,651 --> 02:20:23,346 - We're going stateside. - When? 1724 02:20:23,519 --> 02:20:25,680 About two days, I figure. 1725 02:20:26,256 --> 02:20:28,656 I think I'll go to the hospital and say goodbye to Andy. 1726 02:20:28,825 --> 02:20:32,727 Won't do no good. We was over there this morning, but Andy threw us out. 1727 02:20:32,896 --> 02:20:35,592 Had a letter from Pat, but he wouldn't look at it... 1728 02:20:35,765 --> 02:20:37,824 ...wouldn't even let us read it to him. 1729 02:20:38,001 --> 02:20:40,993 - Where's the letter? - I got it right here. 1730 02:20:46,542 --> 02:20:47,873 Just like a grizzly bear. 1731 02:20:51,581 --> 02:20:54,141 - Hey, Mac. - Hi, Charlie, how are you? 1732 02:20:54,317 --> 02:20:57,343 Remember that Japanese watch I had? Somebody copped it. 1733 02:20:57,520 --> 02:21:00,011 - No kidding, when? - Last night. 1734 02:21:16,072 --> 02:21:18,666 - Joe, how are you? - Hi, Mac. 1735 02:21:21,244 --> 02:21:24,042 I can't hear you, Mac. I'm a very sick boy. 1736 02:21:24,681 --> 02:21:27,946 The watch. The watch. 1737 02:21:28,117 --> 02:21:29,744 Watch. 1738 02:21:32,488 --> 02:21:35,855 What, are you accusing me of something dishonest? 1739 02:21:36,025 --> 02:21:37,617 Yeah. 1740 02:21:39,395 --> 02:21:42,762 You gonna open up a hockshop when you get home? 1741 02:21:43,666 --> 02:21:45,258 How did that get there? 1742 02:21:56,746 --> 02:21:58,236 Hi, buddy. How's it going? 1743 02:21:58,414 --> 02:22:00,780 If you're preaching, pray with somebody else. 1744 02:22:00,950 --> 02:22:03,817 I've just come to say goodbye. We're shipping out. 1745 02:22:03,987 --> 02:22:06,148 All right. Goodbye. 1746 02:22:06,322 --> 02:22:09,519 - You know you're way off base, don't you? - Sure. 1747 02:22:09,692 --> 02:22:11,626 They'll get me a pretty, new leg. 1748 02:22:11,794 --> 02:22:16,959 You can do anything with Chop down trees, plow fields. 1749 02:22:17,133 --> 02:22:19,601 Maybe I can even get a job in a sideshow. 1750 02:22:20,103 --> 02:22:22,731 You got a home and a wife. 1751 02:22:22,905 --> 02:22:25,533 A letter come from Pat today. 1752 02:22:25,708 --> 02:22:29,906 - Fellas said you wouldn't even read it. - Leave her out of it. I got nothing. 1753 02:22:30,413 --> 02:22:33,246 They'll have you squared away as good as new in no time. 1754 02:22:33,416 --> 02:22:34,713 Sure. 1755 02:22:34,884 --> 02:22:38,786 They get me fixed up with a pretty, new leg, then they rehabilitate me. 1756 02:22:38,955 --> 02:22:41,480 Knit doilies and make leather handbags. 1757 02:22:41,758 --> 02:22:43,851 Cut it out, will you? 1758 02:22:44,027 --> 02:22:47,190 They gonna give Spanish Joe new eardrums? 1759 02:22:47,363 --> 02:22:50,662 They going to put new life into Pedro and High Pockets? 1760 02:22:51,000 --> 02:22:53,525 Why don't you try doing a little living for them? 1761 02:22:53,703 --> 02:22:55,136 Get out of here. 1762 02:22:55,304 --> 02:22:59,502 No. I ain't going. Not until I tell you something, kid. 1763 02:22:59,675 --> 02:23:03,236 You ain't got the guts to deserve to live. 1764 02:23:03,413 --> 02:23:08,976 As for High Pockets, don't even talk about him. You ain't even in his league. 1765 02:23:14,390 --> 02:23:16,620 - I'm sorry, kid. - Forget it. 1766 02:23:16,793 --> 02:23:19,284 - I'm sorry. - Forget it, Mac. 1767 02:23:20,063 --> 02:23:23,260 - I'm sorry because it ain't true. - Look... 1768 02:23:23,433 --> 02:23:25,901 Lots of luck when you get home. 1769 02:23:26,335 --> 02:23:29,827 Tell all the guys old Andy says goodbye. 1770 02:23:30,006 --> 02:23:32,736 - Will you do that? - Yeah. 1771 02:23:44,687 --> 02:23:46,450 " 1772 02:23:46,622 --> 02:23:48,715 You have a son. 1773 02:23:50,560 --> 02:23:54,223 It's rather hard to say what Timmy looks like. 1774 02:23:54,397 --> 02:23:59,528 Poor little dear, what a horrible mixture he is. 1775 02:23:59,735 --> 02:24:03,432 New Zealand, American, Scotch and Swede. 1776 02:24:03,606 --> 02:24:08,305 He bellows like a Marine and eats like a lumberjack. 1777 02:24:08,478 --> 02:24:10,105 I think I'll keep him. 1778 02:24:10,279 --> 02:24:12,474 Andy, we know where you are. 1779 02:24:12,648 --> 02:24:16,175 Our prayers are with you every second of every minute. 1780 02:24:16,352 --> 02:24:21,312 I know it'll be a long time before you return to us, but remember... 1781 02:24:21,491 --> 02:24:24,983 ...all that Timmy and I live for... 1782 02:24:25,495 --> 02:24:28,828 ...is the day that you'll come back forever." 1783 02:25:57,587 --> 02:25:59,987 Yes, Andy came home. 1784 02:26:00,156 --> 02:26:03,683 And those of us who were left, we went home too. 1785 02:26:03,859 --> 02:26:07,852 I fell heir to the unpleasant job of seeing the folks of those left behind. 1786 02:26:08,030 --> 02:26:11,466 Pedro's mother. Jean Huxley. Marion's family. 1787 02:26:11,634 --> 02:26:15,900 The Maryland countryside was just the way Danny had told me time and time again. 1788 02:26:16,072 --> 02:26:18,404 I seemed to be familiar with every landmark. 1789 02:26:18,574 --> 02:26:21,099 I was glad the journey was nearly over. 1790 02:26:21,277 --> 02:26:24,007 As we neared Baltimore, I remembered High Pockets' 1791 02:26:24,180 --> 02:26:25,875 "Make Marines out of them." 1792 02:26:26,048 --> 02:26:28,983 Well, we made Marines out of them. 1793 02:26:29,151 --> 02:26:31,483 And they led us on the long road back. 1794 02:26:31,654 --> 02:26:36,523 Baltimore. Next stop, Baltimore. 1795 02:26:41,998 --> 02:26:43,795 You're home. 1796 02:26:47,103 --> 02:26:48,400 It go to sleep on you? 1797 02:26:48,571 --> 02:26:52,337 Doc says it'll keep doing this till they get all the shrapnel out. 1798 02:26:52,508 --> 02:26:55,409 - Sure you won't stay over a few days? - No, thanks, kid. 1799 02:26:55,578 --> 02:26:58,445 I got to get up to Philly and see Ski's folks... 1800 02:26:58,614 --> 02:27:01,913 ...then I got to report to Brooklyn Navy Yard Monday. 1801 02:27:02,084 --> 02:27:03,984 Thanks anyway. 1802 02:27:15,197 --> 02:27:17,256 - So long, Mac. - Yeah. 1803 02:27:17,433 --> 02:27:19,333 So long, Marine. 1804 02:27:23,839 --> 02:27:25,466 Danny! 1805 02:27:32,181 --> 02:27:34,172 Dad! Bud! 1806 02:27:34,350 --> 02:27:38,548 Marines on lwo Jima! Read all about it. 1807 02:27:38,721 --> 02:27:40,621 Marines on lwo Jima! 1808 02:27:45,094 --> 02:27:46,857 All aboard! 1809 02:27:47,029 --> 02:27:49,930 For Danny Forrester, the war was over. For me... 1810 02:27:50,099 --> 02:27:51,828 You know how us old-timers are. 1811 02:27:52,001 --> 02:27:55,596 There will always be boys to be trained and battles to be won. 1812 02:27:55,771 --> 02:27:57,398 And like I 1813 02:27:57,573 --> 02:28:01,532 Politics and wars make strange bedfellows.