1 00:02:51,754 --> 00:02:55,591 They'll catch the truck, question the driver, search the barrels. 2 00:02:56,134 --> 00:02:58,927 Inside five minutes they'll be starting back this way, slow... 3 00:02:59,429 --> 00:03:01,597 Combing the road, looking sharp. 4 00:03:02,223 --> 00:03:03,557 Take maybe 10 minutes. 5 00:03:04,267 --> 00:03:08,312 See that? Gives me 15 minutes. Fifteen minutes. 6 00:03:09,147 --> 00:03:11,440 I've got to start taking chances. 7 00:03:18,239 --> 00:03:20,657 What I wouldn't give for some ice water or a smoke. 8 00:03:20,950 --> 00:03:23,869 I've got to get out of here. Hope I buried my shirt deep enough. 9 00:03:24,329 --> 00:03:26,079 It's a dead giveaway. 10 00:03:31,127 --> 00:03:34,463 Here comes something. I've got to take that chance now. 11 00:03:42,847 --> 00:03:45,891 How did you get your feet wet? Been wading? 12 00:03:46,309 --> 00:03:49,978 Crossed the stream back there. Couldn't see a bridge, so I waded across. 13 00:03:54,817 --> 00:03:57,069 - Where you going? - San Francisco. 14 00:03:58,238 --> 00:04:00,739 - Whereabouts in Frisco? - Civic Center. 15 00:04:03,159 --> 00:04:04,493 In your undershirt? 16 00:04:05,495 --> 00:04:06,995 I like to be comfortable. 17 00:04:11,209 --> 00:04:14,169 - Where did you get them pants? - What do you want to know for? 18 00:04:15,421 --> 00:04:17,256 Never saw any like them before. 19 00:04:17,423 --> 00:04:19,967 What's funny about them? They suit me. 20 00:04:20,218 --> 00:04:22,970 They give me a lot of wear for the money. 21 00:04:23,680 --> 00:04:25,806 - Where you from? - Arizona. 22 00:04:26,599 --> 00:04:29,184 - Whereabouts in Arizona? - Maricopa. 23 00:04:31,020 --> 00:04:32,980 Very fancy seat cover you got here. 24 00:04:33,690 --> 00:04:35,607 That's a piece of a carnival tent. 25 00:04:35,775 --> 00:04:37,526 You know what? Seems to me you'd be more sunburned 26 00:04:37,694 --> 00:04:39,361 not wearing a shirt than you are. 27 00:04:41,531 --> 00:04:43,824 As I was saying, you ought to be more sunburned. 28 00:04:44,450 --> 00:04:47,369 How come you're not? Lose your shirt? 29 00:04:48,538 --> 00:04:49,579 Why are you going to Frisco? 30 00:04:49,747 --> 00:04:52,499 What is this, a quiz program? Stop this jalopy and let me out. 31 00:04:52,667 --> 00:04:53,917 I'll hitch another ride. 32 00:04:55,295 --> 00:04:56,878 Don't get excited, pal. All I said was-- 33 00:04:57,046 --> 00:04:58,255 Stop the car. I'll hitch a ride 34 00:04:58,423 --> 00:05:00,173 where I don't have to tell my life history. 35 00:05:00,341 --> 00:05:01,925 Flash! We interrupt this program 36 00:05:02,093 --> 00:05:04,052 to warn all listeners in the North Bay Area. 37 00:05:04,220 --> 00:05:07,597 Be on lookout for a convict who escaped from San Quentin 15 minutes ago, 38 00:05:07,807 --> 00:05:09,391 probably on an outbound truck. 39 00:05:09,600 --> 00:05:10,892 His description follows. 40 00:05:11,311 --> 00:05:15,605 The escaped convict is 5' 10". Hair, dark brown. Eyes, brown. 41 00:05:15,815 --> 00:05:18,775 Last seen wearing gray prison trousers, black shoes. 42 00:05:19,152 --> 00:05:21,278 His name is Vincent Parry, sentenced for life 43 00:05:21,487 --> 00:05:23,113 for the murder of his wife three years ago. 44 00:05:24,407 --> 00:05:25,615 Well, what do you know? 45 00:05:27,076 --> 00:05:29,369 Please! Please, stop! I won't tell ! 46 00:05:31,247 --> 00:05:32,372 Stop! 47 00:06:13,915 --> 00:06:16,708 All right, climb in my car and get out of here, fast. 48 00:06:16,876 --> 00:06:18,293 What is this? 49 00:06:18,503 --> 00:06:21,797 You're lucky he's still alive. Let's go. I want to help you. 50 00:06:22,256 --> 00:06:23,256 Why? 51 00:06:23,466 --> 00:06:25,300 Please, we haven't much time, Vincent. 52 00:06:25,551 --> 00:06:27,469 -How did you know my name? -Does that matter? 53 00:06:28,846 --> 00:06:31,306 -You're with the police? -If I was, I'd have a gun. 54 00:06:32,141 --> 00:06:34,601 Look, I'm trying to give you a chance. 55 00:06:35,770 --> 00:06:38,480 I don't get it. But all right, let's go. 56 00:06:48,074 --> 00:06:51,493 Get under here. I was out painting. I heard the flash on my radio. 57 00:06:51,744 --> 00:06:53,703 Don't worry about the painting stuff, I'll fix it. 58 00:06:59,502 --> 00:07:00,544 Where are we? 59 00:07:00,795 --> 00:07:03,296 In the tunnel leading to the Golden Gate Bridge. 60 00:07:03,756 --> 00:07:07,217 - Where are you taking me? - San Francisco, to my place. 61 00:07:20,523 --> 00:07:21,565 It's a roadblock. 62 00:07:21,732 --> 00:07:24,109 Don't move, Vincent. Don't make a sound. 63 00:07:26,863 --> 00:07:28,405 Got your license, miss? 64 00:07:28,698 --> 00:07:31,992 What's the matter, Officer? Have I done something wrong? 65 00:07:32,368 --> 00:07:35,203 I don't know yet, miss. Where are you going? 66 00:07:35,413 --> 00:07:36,663 San Francisco. 67 00:07:37,290 --> 00:07:38,623 What have you got here in back? 68 00:07:39,250 --> 00:07:41,877 Just my painting stuff. I'm an amateur landscape painter. 69 00:07:42,211 --> 00:07:45,046 -I'll have a look if you don't mind. -Go right ahead. 70 00:07:48,718 --> 00:07:52,220 But don't get the oil paints on your sleeve, they're still wet. 71 00:08:05,568 --> 00:08:06,902 Okay, miss. 72 00:08:22,793 --> 00:08:24,336 You can start breathing again. 73 00:08:25,338 --> 00:08:26,796 You told them to go ahead and look. 74 00:08:27,131 --> 00:08:29,716 I knew they would anyway. I had to take the chance. 75 00:08:29,967 --> 00:08:31,218 What were you doing near San Quentin? 76 00:08:31,427 --> 00:08:32,427 Painting in the hills. 77 00:08:33,054 --> 00:08:34,471 How did you know I'd be on that road? 78 00:08:34,764 --> 00:08:36,431 The radio said the truck was headed south. 79 00:08:36,641 --> 00:08:38,558 I figured you'd head for the county road. 80 00:08:38,851 --> 00:08:40,810 Then I passed the empty car with the door open, 81 00:08:41,103 --> 00:08:43,104 so I turned around and came back. 82 00:08:43,314 --> 00:08:45,649 And there I was. I'm supposed to believe that? 83 00:08:45,942 --> 00:08:49,152 All right, don't believe it. But I got you past the police. 84 00:08:49,362 --> 00:08:50,445 If you'd taken that jalopy 85 00:08:50,613 --> 00:08:53,573 you'd be on your way back to San Quentin by now. That's one thing. 86 00:08:53,824 --> 00:08:55,867 If he'd lifted that tarp another 3 inches, 87 00:08:56,118 --> 00:08:58,286 I'd be letting myself in for a few years of prison. 88 00:08:58,496 --> 00:09:00,205 That's another thing. 89 00:09:01,457 --> 00:09:04,376 Right now, I'm letting myself in for a broken jaw. 90 00:09:04,585 --> 00:09:05,961 What do you mean, "a broken jaw"? 91 00:09:06,546 --> 00:09:08,505 You're all set to clip me one, aren't you? 92 00:09:09,215 --> 00:09:10,840 I can't afford to make mistakes. 93 00:09:13,636 --> 00:09:16,054 -Maybe I've made one. -Why? 94 00:09:16,973 --> 00:09:18,807 There's a motorcycle cop coming up behind us. 95 00:09:32,530 --> 00:09:33,863 He's dead ahead of us now. 96 00:09:37,034 --> 00:09:38,577 He's stopping at the tollgate. 97 00:09:39,996 --> 00:09:41,329 Lie still. 98 00:09:41,998 --> 00:09:43,999 Hold your breath and cross your fingers. 99 00:09:50,673 --> 00:09:52,716 Hear there's a roadblock on the other side. 100 00:09:52,967 --> 00:09:54,259 A killer's loose. 101 00:09:55,136 --> 00:09:56,386 So they say. 102 00:10:19,076 --> 00:10:20,827 We're at my place. You ready? 103 00:10:21,037 --> 00:10:22,954 - What's next? - You're going to stay here. 104 00:10:23,205 --> 00:10:25,915 -That's no good. -Can you think of something better? 105 00:10:27,001 --> 00:10:28,960 Then get ready, count 10. 106 00:10:29,420 --> 00:10:32,130 By that time I'll be inside and have the elevator ready to go up. 107 00:10:32,632 --> 00:10:34,341 It's one of those pushbutton kinds. 108 00:10:34,884 --> 00:10:38,345 When you've counted 10, get out, walk in fast, but don't run. 109 00:10:38,596 --> 00:10:40,221 I'll be waiting inside, on your right. 110 00:10:41,015 --> 00:10:42,766 Okay, start counting. 111 00:10:47,271 --> 00:10:49,522 ...eight, nine, 10. 112 00:11:40,116 --> 00:11:42,659 When we get to my floor, let me go on ahead. 113 00:11:42,952 --> 00:11:45,620 - I'll make sure nobody's coming. - All right. 114 00:11:57,007 --> 00:11:58,717 - Wait here. - Okay. 115 00:12:07,810 --> 00:12:09,978 You just make yourself at home. 116 00:12:10,146 --> 00:12:11,479 I don't get this. 117 00:12:12,189 --> 00:12:14,899 Why are you doing this for me? I have no money, nothing. 118 00:12:15,151 --> 00:12:18,069 There can't be anything in it for you except a jail sentence. 119 00:12:18,654 --> 00:12:21,114 Wait here. I want to show you something. 120 00:12:27,705 --> 00:12:29,497 Oh, and turn on the music if you like. 121 00:12:42,011 --> 00:12:45,930 - I see you like swing music. - Yes, legitimate swing. 122 00:12:46,098 --> 00:12:47,348 I wanted you to see this. 123 00:12:47,600 --> 00:12:49,809 It was printed in the Record at the time of your trial. 124 00:12:50,352 --> 00:12:51,352 Huh. 125 00:12:52,146 --> 00:12:53,313 "Letters to the Editor." 126 00:12:53,898 --> 00:12:57,400 "I think it's time someone spoke up on behalf of Vincent Parry. 127 00:12:58,027 --> 00:13:00,904 "The prosecution daily steers away from the facts of the case, 128 00:13:01,197 --> 00:13:03,114 "makes every effort to picture Parry 129 00:13:03,365 --> 00:13:05,533 "as an unfaithful husband, a vicious killer. 130 00:13:06,368 --> 00:13:08,661 "I know nothing of Parry's marital difficulties 131 00:13:08,829 --> 00:13:11,581 "or the finality of the evidence of murder. 132 00:13:11,874 --> 00:13:14,918 "But I do know he is being treated shamefully in the papers. 133 00:13:15,211 --> 00:13:20,006 "I don't know this man, but I, for one, protest your scandal-sheet tactics." 134 00:13:20,341 --> 00:13:23,551 Signed, Irene Jansen. 135 00:13:23,928 --> 00:13:26,137 -Why, that's you. -Yes. 136 00:13:26,722 --> 00:13:30,600 -Why did you write this? -I suspected you were getting a raw deal. 137 00:13:31,185 --> 00:13:33,978 When I get excited about something, I give it everything I have. 138 00:13:34,271 --> 00:13:35,563 I'm funny that way. 139 00:13:36,065 --> 00:13:38,691 Yeah, but this is no good for you, and it's certainly no good for me. 140 00:13:38,984 --> 00:13:41,152 The police will be busy while I'm doing nothing. 141 00:13:41,445 --> 00:13:43,154 - But you have a little time, Vincent. 142 00:13:48,494 --> 00:13:49,536 - Hello? - It's Bob. 143 00:13:49,745 --> 00:13:51,287 -Oh, hello, Bob. -Like to have dinner? 144 00:13:51,580 --> 00:13:53,039 I'm sorry, not tonight. 145 00:13:53,249 --> 00:13:54,290 Got a date with someone else? 146 00:13:54,542 --> 00:13:57,460 No, not a date. I just want to finish some sketches. 147 00:13:57,711 --> 00:14:00,338 -Somebody there to help? -No, just alone. 148 00:14:01,507 --> 00:14:03,216 You're making me jealous. I'll bet-- 149 00:14:03,425 --> 00:14:05,760 Don't talk like that, Bob. It's not true. 150 00:14:07,304 --> 00:14:08,930 Call me tomorrow night, about 7:00. 151 00:14:09,181 --> 00:14:10,640 -Okay. Bye. -Bye. 152 00:14:14,728 --> 00:14:16,855 I'm getting out. That phone call did it. 153 00:14:17,064 --> 00:14:18,606 But I didn't want to see him, anyway. 154 00:14:18,858 --> 00:14:21,025 Yeah, but there'll be times you will, and I'll be in the way. 155 00:14:21,277 --> 00:14:24,654 -I'm going. -Wait until tonight, please, Vincent. 156 00:14:25,614 --> 00:14:29,284 You can't go out dressed like that. Let me get you some good clothes. 157 00:14:29,535 --> 00:14:31,870 The police won't look so closely at a well-dressed man. 158 00:14:32,872 --> 00:14:34,289 Now, what size suit? 159 00:14:35,207 --> 00:14:36,457 Forty, I guess. 160 00:14:36,625 --> 00:14:39,210 -Shirt? -Fifteen and a half, 34 sleeve. 161 00:14:40,379 --> 00:14:42,005 -Shoes? -8B. 162 00:14:43,173 --> 00:14:44,716 -Hat? -Seven. 163 00:14:46,093 --> 00:14:47,552 That's a lucky number. 164 00:14:48,220 --> 00:14:49,846 I'll be back soon. 165 00:14:50,639 --> 00:14:52,181 You'll have to get rid of those clothes. 166 00:14:52,474 --> 00:14:54,100 There's some wrapping paper in the kitchen. 167 00:14:54,393 --> 00:14:57,145 Wrap them up in tight bundles and throw them down the incinerator chute. 168 00:14:57,980 --> 00:14:59,981 Treat yourself to a hot shower. 169 00:15:00,774 --> 00:15:02,358 And you'll need a shave. 170 00:15:30,054 --> 00:15:31,346 Irene, let me in. 171 00:15:31,597 --> 00:15:33,348 That's Madge's voice. 172 00:15:33,682 --> 00:15:36,976 You know I'm out here. Are you going to let me in? 173 00:15:39,229 --> 00:15:42,523 Irene, is someone in there with you? 174 00:15:43,484 --> 00:15:45,234 Yes, someone's in here with her. Now, go away. 175 00:16:17,726 --> 00:16:19,477 Take another good look, Madge. 176 00:16:28,904 --> 00:16:31,614 Shouldn't have dropped those stinking clothes down the chute. 177 00:16:33,158 --> 00:16:34,951 Couldn't get far in a Turkish towel. 178 00:16:41,917 --> 00:16:45,378 Everything in order. Neat. Clean. 179 00:17:01,311 --> 00:17:04,647 "Calvin Jansen, sentenced four years ago 180 00:17:04,857 --> 00:17:07,859 "to life imprisonment for the murder of his wife, 181 00:17:08,068 --> 00:17:11,946 "died last night in San Quentin still claiming his innocence. 182 00:17:13,949 --> 00:17:15,992 "Jansen, wealthy architect, was accused..." 183 00:17:21,290 --> 00:17:23,041 Thought I heard somebody talking in here. 184 00:17:23,292 --> 00:17:26,335 Just me talking to myself. A habit I picked up in prison. 185 00:17:30,799 --> 00:17:32,592 -Did you get rid of your clothes? -Yeah. 186 00:17:33,510 --> 00:17:36,846 I'm glad you provided a towel big enough to cover my embarrassment. 187 00:17:38,265 --> 00:17:39,891 It's decent enough. 188 00:17:41,560 --> 00:17:43,019 May I have the clipping? 189 00:17:55,199 --> 00:17:56,783 You had a caller. 190 00:17:57,618 --> 00:17:59,410 I told her to go away. 191 00:17:59,620 --> 00:18:02,413 That wasn't very bright. My friends will think that I-- 192 00:18:02,664 --> 00:18:04,540 I know. I told you I should get out. 193 00:18:05,000 --> 00:18:06,501 Not that I care what they think. 194 00:18:06,752 --> 00:18:09,712 I'm just trying to be technical, and careful. 195 00:18:10,964 --> 00:18:12,548 I hope those fit. 196 00:18:15,219 --> 00:18:18,012 Don't you get lonely up here, all by yourself? 197 00:18:18,347 --> 00:18:20,348 I was born lonely, I guess. 198 00:18:20,641 --> 00:18:24,060 -Is that why you visit murder trials? -No. 199 00:18:25,229 --> 00:18:27,522 I went because your case was like my father's. 200 00:18:28,107 --> 00:18:31,943 I know he didn't kill my stepmother. I know he told the truth, 201 00:18:32,569 --> 00:18:34,445 yet he died in prison. 202 00:18:35,322 --> 00:18:37,031 I thought it might be that way with you. 203 00:18:37,908 --> 00:18:41,410 - It was that simple? - Yes, I wanted to help you, 204 00:18:42,579 --> 00:18:46,082 but all I could do at the time was write crazy letters to the Record, 205 00:18:47,417 --> 00:18:48,793 until today. 206 00:18:49,336 --> 00:18:51,420 How'd you happen to be painting out there? You didn't know I was-- 207 00:18:51,588 --> 00:18:54,132 No, I didn't. When I woke up this morning 208 00:18:54,341 --> 00:18:56,717 I found myself wondering how you were getting along. 209 00:18:58,053 --> 00:19:01,556 Oh, I don't believe in fate or destiny, or any of those things 210 00:19:02,057 --> 00:19:04,809 because I know it wasn't destined for my father to die in prison. 211 00:19:07,604 --> 00:19:09,397 But I guess it was something like fate 212 00:19:09,565 --> 00:19:11,983 to make me go out to Marin County to paint. 213 00:19:14,027 --> 00:19:16,529 Maybe it was simply because I was thinking of you. 214 00:19:18,991 --> 00:19:20,408 I don't know. 215 00:19:26,415 --> 00:19:29,584 Excuse me. I'll get cigarettes. 216 00:19:40,888 --> 00:19:42,180 Thank you. 217 00:19:49,271 --> 00:19:50,605 Who's Bob? 218 00:19:54,443 --> 00:19:56,194 You remember things, don't you? 219 00:19:56,403 --> 00:19:59,030 Some things. What about this Bob? 220 00:20:00,032 --> 00:20:01,782 He was engaged to somebody else. 221 00:20:02,117 --> 00:20:05,745 She hates him now, but at the same time... 222 00:20:06,121 --> 00:20:07,914 She didn't want anybody else to have him. 223 00:20:11,001 --> 00:20:13,961 -How did you know? -I've known people like that. 224 00:20:15,088 --> 00:20:16,631 You know more than that. 225 00:20:16,965 --> 00:20:19,133 You know she was the woman who knocked at the door. 226 00:20:19,426 --> 00:20:21,302 The one who worked against you at the trial. 227 00:20:24,556 --> 00:20:26,182 It's dark enough. I'd better be going. 228 00:20:26,725 --> 00:20:29,644 But she didn't see you. She doesn't know I know you. 229 00:20:29,978 --> 00:20:33,189 Yeah, but she's the kind who always comes back, and back again. 230 00:20:38,278 --> 00:20:42,365 I'll go pack the rest of your clothes. You finish your smoke. 231 00:21:28,036 --> 00:21:30,246 Head down the hill. I'll tell you where to go from there. 232 00:21:35,127 --> 00:21:37,545 - Mind a little speed? - I like speed. 233 00:21:38,630 --> 00:21:41,966 -Nice looking suit you're wearing. -Thanks, and I don't feel chatty. 234 00:21:42,634 --> 00:21:44,510 -Some fares like to talk. -Well, I don't. 235 00:21:45,304 --> 00:21:46,387 You always that way? 236 00:21:46,555 --> 00:21:48,973 Yeah, that's why I don't have many friends. 237 00:21:49,224 --> 00:21:52,727 -You know, it's funny about friends. -It's funny you can't take a hint. 238 00:21:53,020 --> 00:21:57,064 Brother, you never drove a cab. You got no idea how lonely it gets. 239 00:21:57,399 --> 00:21:59,191 What's lonely about it? You see people. 240 00:21:59,568 --> 00:22:01,068 Sure, you're right there. 241 00:22:01,361 --> 00:22:04,030 You should see the character I had for a fare yesterday. 242 00:22:04,323 --> 00:22:05,906 Picked him up at the Ferry Building. 243 00:22:06,074 --> 00:22:10,119 Standing on the curb with a big goldfish bowl in his arm, full of water. 244 00:22:10,370 --> 00:22:11,829 Two goldfish. 245 00:22:12,247 --> 00:22:16,042 Climbs in the back of the cab, sits down and puts the goldfish bowl in his lap. 246 00:22:16,293 --> 00:22:19,253 Where do you think he wants to go? To the ocean. 247 00:22:19,796 --> 00:22:23,424 Clean from the Ferry Building to the Pacific Ocean. 248 00:22:23,592 --> 00:22:25,551 But he doesn't know that there's seven hills. 249 00:22:25,761 --> 00:22:29,096 Seven steep hills in between. So we start off. 250 00:22:29,348 --> 00:22:33,434 Up the first hill, slippity slop, down the hill, slippity slop. 251 00:22:33,643 --> 00:22:36,687 Water all over the back seat, the goldfish on the floor. 252 00:22:36,938 --> 00:22:39,065 He picks them up, puts them back in the bowl, 253 00:22:39,232 --> 00:22:42,109 up we go again, slippity slop, water all over the... 254 00:22:42,361 --> 00:22:45,863 You never saw such a wet guy in your life when we got to that ocean. 255 00:22:46,156 --> 00:22:47,907 And two tireder goldfish. 256 00:22:49,284 --> 00:22:52,161 But I like goldfish. I'm going to get a couple for the room. 257 00:22:52,454 --> 00:22:54,747 You know, dress it up a little bit, it adds class to the joint. 258 00:22:55,207 --> 00:22:56,624 Makes it a little homey. 259 00:22:56,833 --> 00:22:59,794 -I thought you said you got lonely. -That's right. 260 00:23:00,462 --> 00:23:04,048 I pick people up and take them places, but they don't talk to me. 261 00:23:04,341 --> 00:23:07,134 I see them get out and go in spots, have fun, 262 00:23:07,427 --> 00:23:09,303 then I pick up another load coming out, 263 00:23:09,513 --> 00:23:11,764 and I hear them telling about all the fun they had. 264 00:23:11,973 --> 00:23:14,809 But me, I sit up here all alone, and it gets lonely. 265 00:23:15,102 --> 00:23:17,603 That's tough. You're in a bad way. 266 00:23:17,813 --> 00:23:20,022 You said it. Where are we going? 267 00:23:20,690 --> 00:23:23,234 Pal, if I tell you, you'll ask me why I'm going there 268 00:23:23,485 --> 00:23:26,654 and what am I going to do there, and am I gonna have fun. 269 00:23:26,863 --> 00:23:28,906 A guy gets lonely driving a cab, remember? 270 00:23:29,157 --> 00:23:31,826 That's right, brother. Lonely. And smart. 271 00:23:32,494 --> 00:23:35,246 - Smart in what way? - About people. 272 00:23:36,039 --> 00:23:38,290 Looking at them. Faces. 273 00:23:39,292 --> 00:23:40,459 What about faces? 274 00:23:40,669 --> 00:23:44,588 It's funny. From faces I can tell what people think, what they do, 275 00:23:44,756 --> 00:23:46,549 sometimes even who they are. 276 00:23:46,758 --> 00:23:48,008 -Yeah? -Sure. 277 00:23:48,176 --> 00:23:50,386 Now, you, for instance, you're a guy with plenty of trouble. 278 00:23:50,554 --> 00:23:54,390 -I don't have a trouble in the world. -Don't tell me, buddy. I know. 279 00:23:54,558 --> 00:23:57,393 Yeah, she gave you plenty of trouble, that dame. 280 00:23:57,686 --> 00:23:59,019 So, you slugged her. 281 00:24:00,230 --> 00:24:02,565 Not now, not here, too many cops around. 282 00:24:03,233 --> 00:24:04,692 Don't try to hit me in the back of the head 283 00:24:04,860 --> 00:24:07,111 or I'll run this crate up into one of those hotel lobbies. 284 00:24:12,409 --> 00:24:13,701 I'll give you $500. 285 00:24:14,703 --> 00:24:17,204 Don't give me nothing. Where do you want to go? 286 00:24:18,665 --> 00:24:20,374 You might as well make it the police station. 287 00:24:20,625 --> 00:24:23,502 Don't be like that. You're doing all right. You're doing fine. 288 00:24:23,712 --> 00:24:26,547 If it was easy for you to spot me, it would be easy for others. 289 00:24:26,882 --> 00:24:30,468 That's where you're wrong. Unless you'd be happier back in Quentin. 290 00:24:31,219 --> 00:24:34,638 Yeah. Yeah, sure, that's why they sent us up there, to keep us happy. 291 00:24:35,390 --> 00:24:36,807 I see what you mean. 292 00:24:37,559 --> 00:24:38,893 Let's go up here and talk. 293 00:24:53,325 --> 00:24:56,118 - Did you really bump your wife off? - No, I didn't. 294 00:24:56,411 --> 00:24:58,120 I don't figure it that way. 295 00:24:58,413 --> 00:25:02,082 I figure you slugged her with that ashtray because she made life miserable for you. 296 00:25:02,417 --> 00:25:03,709 I know how it is. 297 00:25:04,085 --> 00:25:07,588 I live with my sister and her husband. Now, they get along fine. 298 00:25:07,839 --> 00:25:10,549 So fine that one day he threw a bread knife at her. 299 00:25:10,759 --> 00:25:12,092 She ducked. 300 00:25:12,719 --> 00:25:15,930 That's the way it goes. Maybe if your wife had ducked 301 00:25:16,097 --> 00:25:18,724 there'd be no trial, no Quentin, no on the lam. 302 00:25:18,934 --> 00:25:20,768 That's life. Uh-oh. 303 00:25:27,150 --> 00:25:29,693 - Smoke? - All right. 304 00:25:33,323 --> 00:25:34,490 Light? 305 00:25:40,372 --> 00:25:42,915 - What was she like? - She was all right. 306 00:25:43,166 --> 00:25:44,833 Just hated my guts. 307 00:25:45,126 --> 00:25:48,254 For a long time I tried to find out why, then I didn't care anymore. 308 00:25:49,297 --> 00:25:51,298 I know. Nice, happy, normal home. 309 00:25:51,883 --> 00:25:54,093 I almost got roped in a couple of times myself. 310 00:25:54,719 --> 00:25:56,804 If you find the right girl, it's okay. 311 00:25:58,223 --> 00:26:00,266 - What'll I do? - You won't listen. 312 00:26:00,475 --> 00:26:01,767 I'll listen. I want ideas. 313 00:26:01,977 --> 00:26:04,436 That's what I want more than anything else. Ideas. 314 00:26:04,646 --> 00:26:05,771 I didn't kill her. 315 00:26:06,106 --> 00:26:08,983 Why should I go back to San Quentin for the rest of my life if I didn't kill her? 316 00:26:10,443 --> 00:26:12,111 I wonder what he could do with your face. 317 00:26:12,821 --> 00:26:15,447 - Who? - A friend of mine. Knows his stuff. 318 00:26:15,657 --> 00:26:17,575 -How much would he want? -How much you got? 319 00:26:17,826 --> 00:26:19,910 $1,000. That's all I've got. 320 00:26:20,120 --> 00:26:21,537 He'd take a couple of 100. 321 00:26:21,788 --> 00:26:23,956 Yeah, and keep after me from then on. 322 00:26:24,207 --> 00:26:25,916 No, he's a friend of mine. 323 00:26:26,126 --> 00:26:28,294 -What's your charge? -Nothing. 324 00:26:28,461 --> 00:26:30,170 I've seen him work. He's great. 325 00:26:30,463 --> 00:26:32,965 I wouldn't know my own mother after he got through with her. 326 00:26:33,258 --> 00:26:34,883 How long would it take? 327 00:26:35,051 --> 00:26:37,011 Maybe a week, if he doesn't have to touch your nose. 328 00:26:37,262 --> 00:26:41,015 I don't think he will. Just a little around the eyes and here and there. 329 00:26:41,308 --> 00:26:43,601 -Got a place to stay? -Yeah, we're right near the place. 330 00:26:43,852 --> 00:26:45,644 - A friend. - Dependable? 331 00:26:46,187 --> 00:26:47,771 The only close friend I've ever had. 332 00:26:49,524 --> 00:26:51,358 Let's see, it's 2:00 a.m. now. 333 00:26:52,402 --> 00:26:55,904 I'll go up and see the doc and make a date for you for 3:00 a.m. 334 00:26:56,906 --> 00:26:58,449 Nice safe hour. 335 00:26:59,534 --> 00:27:01,410 You go up to his place. 336 00:27:02,037 --> 00:27:04,038 It's up an alley, it's safe. 337 00:27:07,917 --> 00:27:09,668 This isn't far from my friend's. 338 00:27:18,386 --> 00:27:20,721 Don't let the doc's alley give you the creeps. 339 00:27:21,264 --> 00:27:23,098 He don't like drop-in trade. 340 00:27:25,060 --> 00:27:26,894 So long. See you later. 341 00:27:50,752 --> 00:27:51,794 Vince. 342 00:27:52,128 --> 00:27:54,338 Where did you come from? Get out of the doorway. 343 00:27:57,258 --> 00:27:59,426 What you got on? How did you get here? 344 00:27:59,678 --> 00:28:02,680 - You expecting anybody? - Where, here? No. 345 00:28:03,515 --> 00:28:05,516 -Anybody follow you? -I don't think so. 346 00:28:09,229 --> 00:28:12,147 Want a drink or something? Come on in. 347 00:28:17,070 --> 00:28:18,612 Sit down, Vince. 348 00:28:21,366 --> 00:28:24,118 Holy smoke, Vince, you shouldn't be here. The cops know you're my friend. 349 00:28:24,285 --> 00:28:25,536 That still go? 350 00:28:25,745 --> 00:28:28,122 Sure, you've always been my friend. 351 00:28:28,790 --> 00:28:30,499 You're the only guy who ever liked me. 352 00:28:30,709 --> 00:28:32,793 I want you to let me stay here a week, George. 353 00:28:33,586 --> 00:28:37,297 Now, do it for me, George. Only a week, that's all I'm asking. 354 00:28:39,259 --> 00:28:41,677 You shouldn't stay around this town. 355 00:28:42,178 --> 00:28:43,554 You ought to be on your way someplace. 356 00:28:45,348 --> 00:28:47,391 Sure, you can stay, but you shouldn't. 357 00:28:47,767 --> 00:28:49,184 I need a week. 358 00:28:49,644 --> 00:28:51,437 Gee, Vince, the cops may be on their way right now! 359 00:28:51,646 --> 00:28:53,021 I can't travel with this face. 360 00:28:53,273 --> 00:28:55,649 It's plastered all over the papers. It needs to be changed. 361 00:28:56,192 --> 00:28:57,401 I'm going there tonight. 362 00:28:58,236 --> 00:28:59,778 Plastic surgery? 363 00:29:00,280 --> 00:29:02,364 -That costs money. -I've got plenty. 364 00:29:02,657 --> 00:29:04,825 A girl named Irene Jansen gave it to me. 365 00:29:05,034 --> 00:29:07,828 I didn't realize it then, but she came to my trial every day. 366 00:29:08,329 --> 00:29:09,788 I remember that girl. I wondered why she-- 367 00:29:09,998 --> 00:29:12,332 I want you to remember her name, Irene Jansen. 368 00:29:12,792 --> 00:29:15,711 She and you are all I've got to bank on. 369 00:29:17,505 --> 00:29:18,714 You can depend on me. 370 00:29:21,301 --> 00:29:23,969 I've got two keys to this place. You can have one of them. 371 00:29:25,096 --> 00:29:26,555 Lie down, Vince, and make yourself at home. 372 00:29:30,769 --> 00:29:32,853 What if the police are here when you get back? 373 00:29:33,021 --> 00:29:35,939 You don't know I've been here. I'm a big surprise to you. 374 00:29:36,149 --> 00:29:39,359 -You're telling me. -I was almost a big surprise to Madge. 375 00:29:40,153 --> 00:29:41,987 -Madge Rapf? -Yeah. 376 00:29:42,530 --> 00:29:44,865 -She knocked at Irene's apartment. -Madge know this girl? 377 00:29:45,366 --> 00:29:48,035 Madge knows everybody, pesters everybody. 378 00:29:50,622 --> 00:29:52,623 All my life I've tried to keep from hating people. 379 00:29:53,500 --> 00:29:55,834 But I can't help hating Madge, the way she testified against you. 380 00:29:56,628 --> 00:29:58,086 She was under oath. She had to. 381 00:29:59,547 --> 00:30:02,758 I don't believe Gert's dying words were, "Vincent did it. Vincent killed me." 382 00:30:03,051 --> 00:30:04,635 It doesn't make sense. 383 00:30:04,886 --> 00:30:07,054 She fell and hit her head, that's what happened. 384 00:30:07,263 --> 00:30:08,722 You got a raw deal. 385 00:30:09,015 --> 00:30:11,809 Gert hated me. That's why she said it. 386 00:30:13,770 --> 00:30:16,396 Gert didn't hate you. Gert just didn't care for you. 387 00:30:16,648 --> 00:30:17,898 There's a difference. 388 00:30:18,149 --> 00:30:20,692 She would have walked out on you if she'd found somebody permanent. 389 00:30:21,611 --> 00:30:23,237 She wouldn't frame you when she was dying. 390 00:30:23,404 --> 00:30:25,572 She was no prize package, but she wouldn't frame you. 391 00:30:27,742 --> 00:30:28,992 Madge framed you. 392 00:30:29,160 --> 00:30:30,327 Madge wanted to hook you 393 00:30:30,495 --> 00:30:33,747 and when she found couldn't have you, she framed you. Sent you up for life. 394 00:30:33,915 --> 00:30:35,415 We both know that. 395 00:30:36,000 --> 00:30:37,751 My attorney couldn't shake her story. 396 00:30:39,462 --> 00:30:41,672 Maybe someday she'll get run over or something. 397 00:30:42,799 --> 00:30:44,341 That's what I pray for every night. 398 00:30:46,386 --> 00:30:47,594 What time you going to this doctor's? 399 00:30:48,054 --> 00:30:50,055 Pretty soon. It's being arranged now. 400 00:30:51,391 --> 00:30:53,016 You still practice on the trumpet? 401 00:30:54,435 --> 00:30:55,936 Only when the neighbors are out. 402 00:30:59,732 --> 00:31:02,901 The guy who sold me this said these keys were inlaid with semiprecious stones. 403 00:31:12,453 --> 00:31:15,747 Remember the time you spent your last cent on that fire opal ring for your wife? 404 00:31:16,207 --> 00:31:20,836 900 bucks, just because she said she'd never be happy without one. 405 00:31:21,004 --> 00:31:23,797 Yeah. I remember when you gave it to her. 406 00:31:24,132 --> 00:31:27,134 She was excited at first, then she looked at it close and got sore. 407 00:31:27,385 --> 00:31:29,636 Said the opal was full of flaws and the diamonds were just chips, 408 00:31:29,846 --> 00:31:31,054 and she threw it at you. 409 00:31:31,723 --> 00:31:33,265 900 bucks. 410 00:31:34,475 --> 00:31:35,934 Cut your face. 411 00:31:36,561 --> 00:31:38,562 Yeah. I remember. 412 00:31:39,731 --> 00:31:42,983 That reminds me, my face will never look the same after tonight. 413 00:31:43,192 --> 00:31:45,861 - Time to go? - I got to face it sometime. 414 00:31:46,321 --> 00:31:48,989 -I'll leave my bag here. -What about your hat? 415 00:31:49,908 --> 00:31:51,909 I won't be able to wear a hat over those bandages. 416 00:31:52,076 --> 00:31:53,118 Be careful, Vince. 417 00:32:00,001 --> 00:32:02,210 - Got a match, pal? - Sure, here. 418 00:32:04,172 --> 00:32:06,590 -Keep the box. -Thanks. 419 00:32:07,842 --> 00:32:10,302 Hey, don't we know each other? 420 00:32:10,845 --> 00:32:13,347 -I don't think so. -I guess you're right. 421 00:32:13,514 --> 00:32:15,140 I haven't got any rich friends. 422 00:32:15,350 --> 00:32:18,018 I thought one of my old pals might have struck it rich, though. 423 00:32:28,696 --> 00:32:30,822 - How's it going? - Going all right. 424 00:32:31,157 --> 00:32:33,033 Longest 12 blocks I ever walked. 425 00:32:33,326 --> 00:32:36,453 Don't be nervous. I know how bad these things can be. 426 00:32:36,788 --> 00:32:39,498 Just a couple of weeks ago, I picked up a dame in my cab, 427 00:32:39,749 --> 00:32:42,209 she must've had her face lifted by one of them quacks. 428 00:32:42,460 --> 00:32:45,295 She got caught in the rain and the whole thing dropped down to here. 429 00:32:45,505 --> 00:32:47,255 She should've left it unlifted. 430 00:32:47,548 --> 00:32:50,133 But this guy is great. And no quack. 431 00:32:59,477 --> 00:33:00,727 Come back in the light. 432 00:33:08,528 --> 00:33:11,071 Yes, I think that'll work out nicely. 433 00:33:13,199 --> 00:33:14,616 Well, what do you think, Walt? 434 00:33:14,784 --> 00:33:18,537 Well, around the eyes mostly, and the mouth. 435 00:33:20,081 --> 00:33:24,918 Add some to the cheeks from there and there. 436 00:33:28,798 --> 00:33:31,800 I think I'll leave the nose alone. It's a nice nose. 437 00:33:32,051 --> 00:33:34,136 -It'd be a shame to break it. -That's what I thought. 438 00:33:36,472 --> 00:33:39,558 Mind a few scars, as though you'd been in a wreck? 439 00:33:40,018 --> 00:33:41,560 Just a little wreck. 440 00:33:41,769 --> 00:33:43,729 - You're the doctor. - Good. 441 00:33:44,272 --> 00:33:45,605 How old would you like to look? 442 00:33:47,233 --> 00:33:48,692 I don't know. 443 00:33:49,861 --> 00:33:51,403 That's up to you, I guess. 444 00:33:52,697 --> 00:33:57,576 Well, I'll make you look older. Not too old, not too young. 445 00:33:58,161 --> 00:33:59,870 Will I need to come back again? 446 00:34:00,121 --> 00:34:02,622 No. I'm taking enough chance as it is. 447 00:34:04,125 --> 00:34:06,334 When you cut yourself, do you heal fast? 448 00:34:06,502 --> 00:34:07,544 Yeah. 449 00:34:07,712 --> 00:34:10,964 Don't make the scars too big, Walt. I like this guy's face. 450 00:34:11,174 --> 00:34:12,507 I study people's faces. 451 00:34:12,675 --> 00:34:14,843 That's why he's here, because he's got a good face. 452 00:34:16,304 --> 00:34:19,639 I won't need you here, Sam. Go in the other room and read a magazine. 453 00:34:20,099 --> 00:34:21,141 Okay. 454 00:34:21,350 --> 00:34:26,229 And you, friend, sit back in the chair, and we'll start things. 455 00:34:35,156 --> 00:34:38,575 - Will it take long? - Ninety minutes. No more, no less. 456 00:34:39,410 --> 00:34:41,161 Oh, I thought it took longer than that. 457 00:34:42,038 --> 00:34:43,163 Hey! 458 00:34:43,915 --> 00:34:44,915 Yes? 459 00:34:45,166 --> 00:34:47,793 You're not going to operate on me with that, are you? 460 00:34:48,002 --> 00:34:49,002 No. 461 00:34:49,170 --> 00:34:52,964 Before I can start on you, you have to be shaved clean and close. 462 00:34:55,426 --> 00:34:58,720 I perfected my own special technique 12 years ago 463 00:34:59,680 --> 00:35:01,973 before I was kicked out of the Medical Association. 464 00:35:04,393 --> 00:35:08,396 My method is based partly on calling a spade a spade. 465 00:35:08,648 --> 00:35:10,398 I don't monkey around. 466 00:35:11,150 --> 00:35:14,528 -Have you got the money? -Yeah, you want it now? 467 00:35:14,904 --> 00:35:18,406 Sam said you could afford $200. Put it on the table there. 468 00:35:24,372 --> 00:35:26,748 Ever see any botched plastic jobs? 469 00:35:27,875 --> 00:35:32,838 If a man like me didn't like a fellow, he could surely fix him up for life. 470 00:35:33,631 --> 00:35:36,800 Make him look like a bulldog or a monkey. 471 00:35:40,096 --> 00:35:42,889 I'll make you look older, but good. 472 00:35:43,891 --> 00:35:45,684 I'll make you look as if you've lived. 473 00:35:46,561 --> 00:35:47,811 I have, Doc. 474 00:35:53,943 --> 00:35:56,695 I hope I'm not a coward when you start in. 475 00:35:57,071 --> 00:35:58,655 We're all cowards. 476 00:35:59,240 --> 00:36:02,909 There's no such thing as courage. There's only fear. 477 00:36:03,744 --> 00:36:07,038 A fear of getting hurt and a fear of dying. 478 00:36:08,082 --> 00:36:10,500 That's why human beings live so long. 479 00:36:11,252 --> 00:36:13,128 You won't feel any pain with this. 480 00:36:13,337 --> 00:36:16,047 I'm gonna give you some shots that'll freeze your face. 481 00:36:16,591 --> 00:36:19,467 Now, just close your eyes. 482 00:36:20,428 --> 00:36:21,803 I've got a fine anesthetic. 483 00:36:22,471 --> 00:36:24,097 Used it in the last war. 484 00:36:25,266 --> 00:36:26,766 It's in your bloodstream now. 485 00:36:31,689 --> 00:36:34,399 You'll be all right, Vincent. You'll be all right. 486 00:36:35,276 --> 00:36:37,527 Hold your breath, cross your fingers. 487 00:36:40,156 --> 00:36:42,949 Let me in. Let me in. 488 00:36:43,284 --> 00:36:44,367 Light? 489 00:36:49,707 --> 00:36:54,085 Got the money? Got the money? Got the money? 490 00:36:55,213 --> 00:36:56,755 Got the money? 491 00:36:58,216 --> 00:37:00,091 Ever see a botched plastic job? 492 00:37:01,469 --> 00:37:03,637 Ever see a botched plastic job? 493 00:37:04,096 --> 00:37:07,307 You'll be all right, Vincent. You'll be all right. 494 00:37:08,309 --> 00:37:11,895 Make you look like a bulldog or a monkey. 495 00:37:29,080 --> 00:37:31,665 Don't try to talk. You're all taped up. 496 00:37:33,125 --> 00:37:35,794 I left a space for you to take nourishment. 497 00:37:36,170 --> 00:37:39,089 Use a glass straw. You can have anything liquid. 498 00:37:39,924 --> 00:37:42,175 You can smoke, but use a holder. 499 00:37:43,052 --> 00:37:46,972 Don't try to move your mouth. Don't try to talk. 500 00:37:48,307 --> 00:37:51,601 The bandages can come off at about this time 501 00:37:51,852 --> 00:37:53,395 on the morning of the 12th. 502 00:37:54,480 --> 00:37:57,399 You'll be all healed by then, and you can shave. 503 00:38:00,278 --> 00:38:02,487 Well, I did a fine job on you. 504 00:38:04,448 --> 00:38:06,533 If you feel a little sore under your arm 505 00:38:06,701 --> 00:38:08,910 it's because I borrowed some skin from there. 506 00:38:10,788 --> 00:38:13,665 Now, I'm going to ask you some questions. 507 00:38:15,042 --> 00:38:17,335 If the answer is yes, just blink. 508 00:38:18,546 --> 00:38:19,629 Do you have a place to stay? 509 00:38:22,758 --> 00:38:24,092 Do you have someone to help you? 510 00:38:26,137 --> 00:38:27,178 Good. 511 00:38:27,888 --> 00:38:32,142 Now, when you get there, talk to that person with pencil and paper. 512 00:38:33,269 --> 00:38:35,895 You're to sleep flat on your back. 513 00:38:36,772 --> 00:38:40,066 Have your friend tie your hands to the bed so you can't turn over. 514 00:38:40,568 --> 00:38:41,735 Got that straight? 515 00:38:44,613 --> 00:38:46,072 You can get up now. 516 00:38:47,867 --> 00:38:51,870 I took your coat off to get at that skin. You can roll down your sleeves. 517 00:38:55,916 --> 00:38:58,376 Maybe you did it, maybe you didn't. 518 00:39:03,424 --> 00:39:05,467 Sam says you didn't kill her, 519 00:39:06,427 --> 00:39:08,636 and I've known Sam a long time. 520 00:39:09,722 --> 00:39:12,432 I've got a lot of faith in Sam. That's why I took this job. 521 00:39:13,976 --> 00:39:16,102 If I had thought you were a professional killer, 522 00:39:16,270 --> 00:39:18,271 I wouldn't have any part of it. 523 00:39:19,523 --> 00:39:21,733 But the way it is now, is this. 524 00:39:22,443 --> 00:39:26,946 You'll look older, but you'll always feel 10 years younger. 525 00:39:27,156 --> 00:39:31,117 And you're through with me and I'm through with you. 526 00:39:34,789 --> 00:39:39,042 The artist in me wishes I could see what a nice job I've done. 527 00:39:40,127 --> 00:39:41,378 But I never will. 528 00:39:42,880 --> 00:39:45,757 Good-bye, and good luck. 529 00:39:48,052 --> 00:39:50,595 -So long, Walt. -So long, Sam. 530 00:40:08,739 --> 00:40:11,032 I didn't do this on a cash basis. 531 00:40:12,118 --> 00:40:15,495 Okay, friend. I'll save you using your face to talk me into it. 532 00:40:16,122 --> 00:40:18,415 But from here on in it's like this. 533 00:40:18,582 --> 00:40:21,918 You don't know me, I don't know you or who fixed your face. 534 00:40:22,545 --> 00:40:23,837 How does that sound? 535 00:40:27,967 --> 00:40:29,676 Thanks for the tip, friend. 536 00:41:09,967 --> 00:41:11,009 Dead. 537 00:41:14,013 --> 00:41:17,390 Why would anybody kill George? Poor guy. 538 00:41:19,685 --> 00:41:23,146 The only thing he ever wanted was to go to South America with me 539 00:41:26,567 --> 00:41:28,276 and play that trumpet. 540 00:41:29,236 --> 00:41:31,571 That's all he wanted out of life. 541 00:41:31,739 --> 00:41:34,908 Go to Peru, play a trumpet. 542 00:41:37,161 --> 00:41:39,996 Now he's dead, murdered. 543 00:41:42,458 --> 00:41:45,668 George, just like they said I killed my wife. 544 00:41:47,129 --> 00:41:49,130 Operator. Operator. 545 00:41:51,842 --> 00:41:52,926 Operator. 546 00:41:53,093 --> 00:41:54,260 Got to go. 547 00:41:54,970 --> 00:41:56,930 There's only one place left anywhere for me to go. 548 00:41:57,139 --> 00:41:58,223 Operator. 549 00:41:58,390 --> 00:41:59,849 Only one place. 550 00:42:01,268 --> 00:42:02,352 Operator. 551 00:42:20,913 --> 00:42:22,956 Have a hard night, bud? 552 00:42:26,669 --> 00:42:28,795 Have a little trouble with the little woman? 553 00:42:51,986 --> 00:42:55,154 I've come 5 miles. 554 00:42:56,615 --> 00:42:58,408 Great if I can't make it now. 555 00:43:03,163 --> 00:43:04,872 Got to keep climbing. 556 00:43:18,762 --> 00:43:19,929 It is. 557 00:43:22,433 --> 00:43:24,434 It's the car that picked me up. 558 00:43:25,269 --> 00:43:26,853 Where's the guy? 559 00:43:28,147 --> 00:43:29,355 Where's the guy? 560 00:43:30,316 --> 00:43:31,941 What does he want? 561 00:43:34,528 --> 00:43:36,070 It's those same seat covers. 562 00:43:38,824 --> 00:43:40,283 Sun's coming up. 563 00:43:42,494 --> 00:43:44,871 Maybe... Maybe it's just a crazy chance. 564 00:43:45,205 --> 00:43:47,373 Maybe it just broke down here. 565 00:43:48,375 --> 00:43:49,876 Things like that happen. 566 00:43:52,046 --> 00:43:53,880 I've got to get off the street. 567 00:44:23,160 --> 00:44:24,243 Hello. 568 00:44:25,079 --> 00:44:27,080 I didn't think you'd come back. 569 00:44:27,665 --> 00:44:29,582 When nobody answered the buzzer, I was frightened. 570 00:44:30,376 --> 00:44:32,460 I'm glad I went down. You were sprawled on the floor. 571 00:44:34,505 --> 00:44:37,256 The bandages scared me, till I understood what they were. 572 00:44:38,842 --> 00:44:40,176 Want more? 573 00:44:41,929 --> 00:44:43,304 You're no featherweight. 574 00:44:47,851 --> 00:44:49,435 Tell me what happened. 575 00:44:50,020 --> 00:44:51,229 Why not? 576 00:44:52,940 --> 00:44:54,482 You can't talk? 577 00:45:15,129 --> 00:45:19,382 "Taxi driver helped me. Took me to a plastic surgeon. 578 00:45:22,636 --> 00:45:26,180 "Bandages stay on till the 12th. 579 00:45:30,144 --> 00:45:32,061 "I'm to eat only liquids. 580 00:45:34,231 --> 00:45:38,276 "How did you know about the glass tube?" 581 00:45:39,820 --> 00:45:42,655 If you could see your face, you'd know it took one to get in there. 582 00:45:46,326 --> 00:45:48,494 "Can smoke through a holder." 583 00:45:48,996 --> 00:45:50,455 Would you like a smoke now? 584 00:46:10,601 --> 00:46:13,770 "My face feels like it's on fire, and my right arm. 585 00:46:15,397 --> 00:46:19,192 "If I don't get to bed soon, I'm afraid you'll have to carry me." 586 00:46:21,612 --> 00:46:25,239 Don't write any more, I understand. You can sleep in my room. 587 00:46:27,785 --> 00:46:29,160 Don't argue with your nurse. 588 00:46:47,054 --> 00:46:49,847 Good afternoon. Your face feel better? 589 00:46:51,099 --> 00:46:52,475 Sleep well? 590 00:46:54,895 --> 00:46:56,687 I suppose you would like to be untied. 591 00:47:09,535 --> 00:47:11,577 If you want to get up later, your robe's over there. 592 00:47:16,583 --> 00:47:18,084 Brought you some liquid brunch. 593 00:47:18,252 --> 00:47:21,671 Not very attractive, but there's not much you can do with liquids. 594 00:47:29,096 --> 00:47:32,139 If you want to read something, here's the paper. 595 00:47:49,533 --> 00:47:52,451 It says that your fingerprints were on the trumpet that smashed his head in. 596 00:47:53,495 --> 00:47:56,497 The police say there were no other fingerprints but yours and the dead man's. 597 00:47:57,791 --> 00:47:59,125 And what about this? 598 00:48:00,836 --> 00:48:04,297 "The police believe Parry demanded aid which Fellsinger refused. 599 00:48:04,464 --> 00:48:06,757 "The murder victim was found dead near the telephone." 600 00:48:08,385 --> 00:48:09,468 Did you do it? 601 00:48:12,014 --> 00:48:15,308 Who could have done it? You were there last night? 602 00:48:21,023 --> 00:48:23,524 But you wrote nothing on the pad this morning about visiting him. 603 00:48:33,660 --> 00:48:35,369 Is there anything else you didn't tell me? 604 00:48:41,043 --> 00:48:42,960 I know there's something else. 605 00:48:43,128 --> 00:48:45,129 The more you tell me, the more I can help you. 606 00:48:46,506 --> 00:48:50,635 But I can't force you to tell me. I only ask if it's important. 607 00:48:54,765 --> 00:48:56,766 I have to report to the settlement house. 608 00:48:56,934 --> 00:48:59,393 I teach kids how to draw, four days a week. 609 00:48:59,561 --> 00:49:02,188 I'll be back at about 6:00, and we can have dinner then. 610 00:49:46,984 --> 00:49:50,069 You know, you look better by candlelight. 611 00:49:50,862 --> 00:49:53,030 As a matter of fact, you don't look bad at all. 612 00:49:53,240 --> 00:49:56,075 Not any worse than if you'd blocked a kick at a football game. 613 00:49:56,451 --> 00:49:57,618 Ever play? 614 00:50:00,706 --> 00:50:01,872 Baseball? 615 00:50:06,586 --> 00:50:08,170 I know who it is. 616 00:50:14,094 --> 00:50:15,594 - Hello. - How about dinner? 617 00:50:16,263 --> 00:50:17,972 Oh, no, thanks, Bob. I've just had dinner. 618 00:50:18,140 --> 00:50:20,182 I'd like to drop over and say hello. 619 00:50:20,350 --> 00:50:22,393 -When? -Right away, if it's okay. 620 00:50:22,561 --> 00:50:24,603 -Where are you now? -Downtown, on Market. 621 00:50:24,771 --> 00:50:27,106 -When would you get here? -About 20 minutes. 622 00:50:27,274 --> 00:50:30,735 -Twenty minutes? All right. Bye. -Bye. 623 00:50:32,070 --> 00:50:33,612 Bob'll be here in 20 minutes. 624 00:50:33,864 --> 00:50:35,072 It's better to let him come up. 625 00:50:35,282 --> 00:50:37,366 He'll start suspecting something if I don't. 626 00:50:38,118 --> 00:50:41,746 Don't worry. I can get rid of him. I've known him a long time. 627 00:50:42,956 --> 00:50:44,707 We still have time to finish our coffee. 628 00:50:46,209 --> 00:50:47,334 It'll be all right. 629 00:50:47,544 --> 00:50:49,962 You can go up to the bedroom. He won't look up there. 630 00:50:50,172 --> 00:50:52,298 It's gotten so he depends on seeing me. 631 00:50:52,466 --> 00:50:55,009 I wish I knew of some way to break it off without hurting him, 632 00:50:55,177 --> 00:50:57,887 but all I can do is wait for him to get tired of coming. 633 00:50:59,181 --> 00:51:02,600 Madge knows he comes here. She even thought it was funny. 634 00:51:03,477 --> 00:51:05,811 At the same time, she told me what a cheap, selfish, 635 00:51:06,063 --> 00:51:07,813 worthless, no-good fiancé he was. 636 00:51:08,774 --> 00:51:09,899 She doesn't want him. 637 00:51:10,108 --> 00:51:13,444 It's just, she doesn't want him to have anything. Not even my friendship. 638 00:51:13,612 --> 00:51:15,488 I can't understand Madge. 639 00:51:16,198 --> 00:51:20,659 It seems that causing unhappiness is the only thing that gives her happiness. 640 00:51:23,455 --> 00:51:25,998 That's the door. It can't be Bob. It's too early. 641 00:51:27,084 --> 00:51:29,460 You hurry upstairs. I'll put the cups away and see who it is. 642 00:51:46,853 --> 00:51:47,853 Irene... 643 00:51:49,439 --> 00:51:50,940 Irene, you've got to help me. 644 00:51:51,108 --> 00:51:53,025 The paper says Parry's killed George Fellsinger. 645 00:51:53,193 --> 00:51:55,027 If he killed George, he'll kill me, too. 646 00:51:55,195 --> 00:51:57,071 He'll get even for what I said at the trial. 647 00:51:57,322 --> 00:51:58,864 Why don't you leave town till they find him? 648 00:51:59,116 --> 00:52:00,241 He knows where I live. 649 00:52:00,408 --> 00:52:02,409 He'd follow me wherever I went, to kill me. 650 00:52:02,619 --> 00:52:05,955 You're the only person that I can turn to. I'm just about crazy. 651 00:52:06,748 --> 00:52:09,208 -Want a drink? -Yeah, please. 652 00:52:12,546 --> 00:52:14,088 You've got to let me hide here. 653 00:52:14,256 --> 00:52:17,675 I've just got to stay here with you. I'm scared sick. 654 00:52:17,968 --> 00:52:19,385 Pull yourself together. They'll catch him. 655 00:52:19,553 --> 00:52:22,054 They haven't yet. He's right here in this town. 656 00:52:22,347 --> 00:52:24,056 I've just got to stay here. 657 00:52:24,933 --> 00:52:27,601 - I don't see how you can, Madge. - Why not? 658 00:52:28,353 --> 00:52:30,688 The place is plenty big enough for us both. 659 00:52:30,897 --> 00:52:33,983 Please. Please, honey, I'm begging you. 660 00:52:34,317 --> 00:52:36,527 -I tell you, you can't. -Why not? 661 00:52:37,737 --> 00:52:41,490 -Why are you dressed up? -Because I'm expecting Bob any minute. 662 00:52:41,700 --> 00:52:44,326 All right. That's all right. I can hide in the bedroom. 663 00:52:44,578 --> 00:52:46,078 -No. No, you won't. -Why not? 664 00:52:46,288 --> 00:52:47,371 Because it's cheap. 665 00:52:47,581 --> 00:52:49,790 You mean, you're afraid Bob might walk into the bedroom? 666 00:52:50,083 --> 00:52:52,918 -You think he makes himself at home here? -How should I know? 667 00:52:53,128 --> 00:52:56,046 If you don't know, why stick your dirty needles in? I don't like it. 668 00:52:56,298 --> 00:52:57,923 Well, please, honey, don't get so excited. 669 00:52:58,091 --> 00:53:00,092 What Bob does doesn't make the slightest difference to me. 670 00:53:01,178 --> 00:53:02,595 That's enough, Madge. You can go now. 671 00:53:02,804 --> 00:53:05,431 Well, if you won't let me stay here, please come home with me. 672 00:53:05,599 --> 00:53:06,807 - I'll help you pack. 673 00:53:09,519 --> 00:53:11,604 That's Bob downstairs. Go now, down the hall. 674 00:53:11,855 --> 00:53:14,315 I won't go! I can't go! If Parry finds me, he'll kill me. 675 00:53:14,482 --> 00:53:15,524 Don't you understand? 676 00:53:18,361 --> 00:53:19,945 - Hello, Irene. - Hello, Bob. 677 00:53:20,822 --> 00:53:22,323 What's Madge doing here? 678 00:53:24,117 --> 00:53:25,701 Why don't you leave people alone? 679 00:53:26,328 --> 00:53:28,120 You're not satisfied unless you're bothering people. 680 00:53:28,371 --> 00:53:30,122 If it isn't your family you're pestering, it's your friends, 681 00:53:30,373 --> 00:53:31,790 it's people you don't even know. It's me. 682 00:53:31,958 --> 00:53:34,460 Vincent Parry is loose somewhere in this city. You have no feelings. 683 00:53:34,711 --> 00:53:36,086 No feeling for you. 684 00:53:36,296 --> 00:53:38,881 No feeling at all, except I'm annoyed whenever I see you. 685 00:53:41,968 --> 00:53:45,054 You wouldn't care if Parry found me and killed me! 686 00:53:46,139 --> 00:53:48,807 You're the last person Parry wants to see, let alone kill. 687 00:53:50,977 --> 00:53:53,187 And you know why, and you know I know why. 688 00:53:53,730 --> 00:53:55,397 What kind of a riddle is this? 689 00:53:55,649 --> 00:53:58,651 Madge pestered him, kept after him till she had a hold on him. 690 00:53:58,944 --> 00:54:01,237 That's why he killed his wife, to get her out of the way. 691 00:54:01,863 --> 00:54:03,739 He killed Gertrude because he hated her. 692 00:54:04,574 --> 00:54:07,910 -That's why he'll kill me! He hates me! -He doesn't hate you. 693 00:54:08,119 --> 00:54:10,079 You're not the type that makes people hate. 694 00:54:10,789 --> 00:54:13,165 Maybe Parry didn't have the brains to know it, but you drove him to it. 695 00:54:14,292 --> 00:54:16,377 He has no brains, or he wouldn't have killed Fellsinger. 696 00:54:16,586 --> 00:54:18,754 Wouldn't have come to San Francisco in the first place. 697 00:54:19,005 --> 00:54:21,632 -Now he'll get the gas chamber. -That's why I'm so scared ! 698 00:54:21,800 --> 00:54:22,841 He's got nothing more to lose. 699 00:54:23,009 --> 00:54:25,344 That's why he'll look for me until he finds me and kills me! 700 00:54:26,096 --> 00:54:29,306 I never met Parry, but I know psychologically, he's no killer. 701 00:54:29,683 --> 00:54:33,060 -He was just dumb. -What makes you think you're so smart? 702 00:54:33,853 --> 00:54:36,605 All you know is T-squares and drafting boards, 703 00:54:36,773 --> 00:54:38,315 and not even much about them or anything else! 704 00:54:38,483 --> 00:54:40,067 We've been through all that before. 705 00:54:40,318 --> 00:54:43,821 A couple of hundred thousand times and couple of hundred thousand years ago 706 00:54:44,030 --> 00:54:45,906 when I was a monkey and thought I wanted to marry you. 707 00:54:46,116 --> 00:54:48,242 -I can say plenty! -That's very true. 708 00:54:48,535 --> 00:54:50,536 Even Parry must have enough sense by this time to stay away-- 709 00:54:50,704 --> 00:54:52,746 He never had anything to do with me! 710 00:54:55,166 --> 00:54:57,209 Santa Claus has nothing to do with Christmas. 711 00:55:08,221 --> 00:55:09,805 Somebody lied to you. 712 00:55:10,056 --> 00:55:11,223 Gert wasn't a liar. 713 00:55:11,641 --> 00:55:13,267 She was a lot of other things, but she wasn't a liar. 714 00:55:13,518 --> 00:55:14,643 She lied to you. 715 00:55:14,811 --> 00:55:16,562 Will you deny that you and Parry met secretly? 716 00:55:18,315 --> 00:55:20,316 - I don't understand. - Yes, you do. 717 00:55:20,650 --> 00:55:22,401 You hired someone to watch me, didn't you? 718 00:55:22,569 --> 00:55:23,736 I did not. 719 00:55:23,903 --> 00:55:26,405 But I hired your little rat at double his price to watch you. 720 00:55:26,614 --> 00:55:28,365 The very next day, he made good. 721 00:55:28,575 --> 00:55:30,451 He told me a man named Vincent Parry 722 00:55:30,618 --> 00:55:32,745 visited you for four hours the night before the murder. 723 00:55:34,164 --> 00:55:35,414 I have his sworn statement. 724 00:55:36,916 --> 00:55:39,918 Why didn't you give it to Parry's lawyer at the time of the trial? 725 00:55:40,211 --> 00:55:42,588 It'd only have given the jury another reason why he killed Gert. 726 00:55:43,214 --> 00:55:46,967 -I knew Parry was guilty, anyway, so... -And besides, it would have involved you. 727 00:55:47,469 --> 00:55:49,428 Sure. I didn't want any part of the mess. 728 00:55:49,721 --> 00:55:52,848 That's all a vicious lie. He's just trying to make me look bad. 729 00:55:53,433 --> 00:55:56,268 -You'd better go now, Madge. -I won't go home alone. 730 00:55:56,561 --> 00:55:57,644 Bob will take you. 731 00:55:57,854 --> 00:55:59,271 I don't want to have anything to do with her. 732 00:56:00,273 --> 00:56:02,149 -Then I'll call a taxi. -Sure. 733 00:56:02,859 --> 00:56:06,612 Sure, call a taxi, and after I'm gone, you two can turn on the phonograph again. 734 00:56:07,405 --> 00:56:08,989 Would you mind explaining that remark? 735 00:56:09,199 --> 00:56:10,699 Don't say you two weren't in here 736 00:56:10,867 --> 00:56:13,452 playing this phonograph when I rang the buzzer yesterday afternoon. 737 00:56:16,414 --> 00:56:17,581 It wasn't me. 738 00:56:18,750 --> 00:56:19,958 Then it was someone else. 739 00:56:20,251 --> 00:56:21,752 You know it was someone else. 740 00:56:22,045 --> 00:56:23,462 'Cause you called the office to check on me. 741 00:56:23,630 --> 00:56:25,672 When I answered the phone, you hung up. 742 00:56:25,924 --> 00:56:28,842 I wondered what that call was about, until now. 743 00:56:29,010 --> 00:56:30,302 I heard the phonograph. 744 00:56:32,597 --> 00:56:35,516 That's true. The phonograph was going. 745 00:56:37,143 --> 00:56:39,061 And there was somebody here with me. 746 00:56:39,896 --> 00:56:41,105 A man? 747 00:56:43,775 --> 00:56:45,984 Yes, Bob. It was a man. 748 00:56:50,073 --> 00:56:51,407 Who was it? 749 00:56:54,494 --> 00:56:55,577 Vincent Parry. 750 00:57:03,169 --> 00:57:05,129 That's very funny, Irene. 751 00:57:05,380 --> 00:57:07,840 -What's so funny about it? -What? 752 00:57:10,009 --> 00:57:11,552 What was Vincent Parry doing here? 753 00:57:13,054 --> 00:57:15,597 He was feeling like murdering somebody else 754 00:57:15,849 --> 00:57:17,724 so he just dropped in to murder me. 755 00:57:18,476 --> 00:57:19,768 Hilarious. 756 00:57:22,689 --> 00:57:24,273 You had me scared. 757 00:57:25,191 --> 00:57:27,734 -But there was a man? -Yes, Bob. 758 00:57:28,528 --> 00:57:30,195 Is it serious between you? 759 00:57:30,363 --> 00:57:32,406 Well, I think I ought to give it a chance. 760 00:57:33,992 --> 00:57:35,868 I get it. Okay. 761 00:57:37,704 --> 00:57:39,496 I've valued all you've done for me, Irene. 762 00:57:40,748 --> 00:57:42,458 I hope things work out the way you want them to. 763 00:57:43,543 --> 00:57:46,086 Thanks, Bob. I'm hoping, too. 764 00:57:47,881 --> 00:57:49,173 I'll take Madge home. 765 00:57:52,260 --> 00:57:53,302 Bye. 766 00:57:53,553 --> 00:57:55,721 Aren't we going to wait for a taxi? 767 00:57:55,930 --> 00:57:57,764 We'll find one down the hill. Come on. 768 00:58:01,686 --> 00:58:04,897 Honey, I'll call you in the morning. 769 00:58:05,899 --> 00:58:09,443 -I'm going to be rather busy, Madge. -When should I call you? 770 00:58:10,653 --> 00:58:13,238 Well, I'm afraid I'm going to be busy from now on. 771 00:58:13,907 --> 00:58:16,742 Then I'll call you in a couple of days. Or maybe tomorrow night, huh? 772 00:58:16,951 --> 00:58:19,912 Just pick up the sofa and throw it at her. Maybe that'd make her catch on. 773 00:58:20,622 --> 00:58:22,581 -Come on, Madge. -Stop it. 774 00:58:24,667 --> 00:58:25,959 Good-bye, honey. 775 00:58:53,530 --> 00:58:54,947 Don't be angry. 776 00:58:55,657 --> 00:58:57,449 If you tell the truth, nobody believes you. 777 00:58:58,034 --> 00:58:59,117 They didn't. 778 00:59:01,621 --> 00:59:04,164 If you'd seen their faces, you'd know I handled it right. 779 00:59:08,628 --> 00:59:10,963 Now he won't bother me, and he won't let her bother me. 780 00:59:11,256 --> 00:59:12,464 Now you'll be safe. 781 00:59:57,135 --> 00:59:58,385 It's time, Vincent. 782 01:00:01,097 --> 01:00:02,931 It's time for the bandages to come off. 783 01:00:04,475 --> 01:00:05,684 I know it's awfully early, 784 01:00:05,852 --> 01:00:08,103 but you said you wanted to get away before it got light. 785 01:00:10,064 --> 01:00:11,398 How does your face feel? 786 01:00:12,525 --> 01:00:14,860 It's stopped itching, like the doc said it would. 787 01:00:17,196 --> 01:00:18,697 Ready for the unveiling? 788 01:00:20,575 --> 01:00:24,036 It's a pretty big moment for you, starting a new life with a new face. 789 01:00:25,705 --> 01:00:29,583 You know, the doc said he could make me look like a bulldog 790 01:00:29,751 --> 01:00:31,793 if he botched the job. 791 01:00:32,420 --> 01:00:33,587 I'm sure he didn't. 792 01:01:09,332 --> 01:01:11,958 I promise not to cut an ear off, honest. 793 01:01:55,461 --> 01:01:57,462 Shall I pull it off with one short shriek? 794 01:02:28,536 --> 01:02:29,828 Well? 795 01:02:34,500 --> 01:02:35,959 Is it that bad? 796 01:02:50,183 --> 01:02:51,475 Same eyes. 797 01:02:52,852 --> 01:02:54,144 Same nose. 798 01:02:55,730 --> 01:02:57,022 Same hair. 799 01:03:00,526 --> 01:03:03,570 Everything else seems to be in a different place. 800 01:03:06,699 --> 01:03:08,283 I sure look older. 801 01:03:10,203 --> 01:03:12,162 That's all right. I'm not. 802 01:03:14,415 --> 01:03:17,292 If it's all right with me, it ought to be all right with you. 803 01:03:17,460 --> 01:03:19,795 -Can you shave? -The doc said I could. 804 01:03:20,713 --> 01:03:22,547 Why don't you? And get dressed. 805 01:03:22,715 --> 01:03:26,218 I'll wait downstairs and sort of get a fresh impression. 806 01:03:34,560 --> 01:03:35,894 It ought to work. 807 01:03:54,831 --> 01:03:56,122 It's unbelievable. 808 01:04:01,546 --> 01:04:05,507 But it's good. I think I even like you better. 809 01:04:06,717 --> 01:04:08,844 Don't let it give you any ideas. 810 01:04:09,178 --> 01:04:11,888 -What kind? -Don't change yours. 811 01:04:12,682 --> 01:04:14,266 I like it just as it is. 812 01:04:26,153 --> 01:04:27,988 You mind if I play the other side once more? 813 01:04:29,699 --> 01:04:31,700 I may not hear it again for a long time. 814 01:04:52,305 --> 01:04:53,305 When are you going? 815 01:04:55,558 --> 01:04:57,601 -The quicker, the better. -Where? 816 01:04:58,144 --> 01:05:00,478 To clear myself. To find out who killed them. 817 01:05:00,855 --> 01:05:03,481 Are you curious enough to start taking chances again? 818 01:05:04,025 --> 01:05:05,400 Or angry enough? 819 01:05:05,651 --> 01:05:08,695 No, I'm not angry. 820 01:05:08,863 --> 01:05:12,490 Maybe curious, but not angry. I should be, I suppose, but I'm not. 821 01:05:13,367 --> 01:05:16,494 Now, I know she was murdered. I suppose I ought to be. 822 01:05:16,662 --> 01:05:19,164 I'm not even angry about George, just sorry. 823 01:05:20,166 --> 01:05:22,918 There's so many things I don't understand. 824 01:05:23,377 --> 01:05:24,544 Me, too. 825 01:05:27,506 --> 01:05:29,966 I thought I had a good life here, 826 01:05:30,134 --> 01:05:32,427 but your going away doesn't make it seem good anymore. 827 01:05:34,388 --> 01:05:36,681 I've sort of joined your team 828 01:05:38,267 --> 01:05:40,226 and I don't look forward to being without you. 829 01:05:42,229 --> 01:05:45,190 When I leave here, you're off my team. Lucky to be. 830 01:05:48,277 --> 01:05:51,363 I've got the Indian sign on me. It seems I can't win. 831 01:05:52,073 --> 01:05:53,949 I've got to start out and prove who killed them. 832 01:05:54,158 --> 01:05:56,242 But won't you be leaving your fingerprints wherever you go? 833 01:05:56,702 --> 01:05:58,203 The doctor didn't change them. 834 01:05:59,163 --> 01:06:00,664 Don't even try, Vincent. 835 01:06:03,209 --> 01:06:06,044 Yeah, I see what you mean. 836 01:06:08,547 --> 01:06:12,801 Well, I guess the only thing for me to do is get the first bus out of town, fast. 837 01:06:21,894 --> 01:06:23,687 You'll need more money. 838 01:06:25,189 --> 01:06:26,648 You've given me enough, plenty. 839 01:06:28,025 --> 01:06:31,111 -Where will you go? -I told you, I don't know. 840 01:06:32,154 --> 01:06:34,990 But you asked me to pick up those South American folders. 841 01:06:35,157 --> 01:06:36,282 Well, I... 842 01:06:37,243 --> 01:06:38,785 I like travel folders. 843 01:06:42,707 --> 01:06:45,083 You do know, but you won't tell me. 844 01:06:51,549 --> 01:06:53,842 All right, I do know. 845 01:06:58,014 --> 01:07:00,390 You think I'd ever let them know where you were? 846 01:07:01,600 --> 01:07:02,809 Could be. 847 01:07:03,936 --> 01:07:05,562 And that's why you won't tell me? 848 01:07:07,523 --> 01:07:09,024 Yes, that's why. 849 01:07:09,984 --> 01:07:11,401 No, it isn't. 850 01:07:13,279 --> 01:07:15,697 You won't tell me because you think I'll come there. 851 01:07:15,865 --> 01:07:16,948 You think I'd follow you. 852 01:07:17,116 --> 01:07:18,408 You'd be insane to follow me-- 853 01:07:18,576 --> 01:07:21,870 Was I insane to pick you up on the road? Was I crazy to let you stay here? 854 01:07:28,419 --> 01:07:29,544 Yes. 855 01:07:45,686 --> 01:07:48,188 If I was crazy enough to let you stay here, 856 01:07:48,355 --> 01:07:49,773 I'd be crazy enough to follow you. 857 01:07:51,275 --> 01:07:55,028 -That's why you won't tell me. -I guess so. I don't know. 858 01:07:55,196 --> 01:07:58,364 You do know. You don't want me there. You don't need me there. 859 01:07:58,532 --> 01:08:01,826 -Isn't that the way it is? -I guess that's the way it is. 860 01:08:03,621 --> 01:08:04,788 Okay. 861 01:08:06,415 --> 01:08:07,791 I'll get you a taxi. 862 01:08:08,375 --> 01:08:09,626 I'll pack my bag. 863 01:08:40,407 --> 01:08:41,866 It's the taxi. 864 01:08:42,409 --> 01:08:45,036 Funny how quickly they come when you don't want them to come at all. 865 01:08:49,375 --> 01:08:50,959 Sounds pretty final, doesn't it? 866 01:09:00,052 --> 01:09:03,096 You'll be all right now, Vincent. They can't get you now. 867 01:09:04,098 --> 01:09:06,891 Vincent... I'll need a new name. 868 01:09:08,894 --> 01:09:11,563 Let me give you one. Even if you change it later on, 869 01:09:11,730 --> 01:09:13,648 let me give you one to go with your new face. 870 01:09:16,193 --> 01:09:17,443 Your eyes are quieter. 871 01:09:19,029 --> 01:09:20,446 Allan's a quiet name. 872 01:09:21,949 --> 01:09:25,285 Allan Linton. 873 01:09:26,036 --> 01:09:28,663 No. I knew a guy with a name like that once. 874 01:09:28,831 --> 01:09:30,415 I didn't like him. 875 01:09:30,749 --> 01:09:32,125 How about... 876 01:09:34,086 --> 01:09:35,253 Linnell? 877 01:09:36,005 --> 01:09:37,422 Allan Linnell. 878 01:09:38,007 --> 01:09:39,757 Uh-huh. Yeah. 879 01:09:41,218 --> 01:09:42,635 Good-bye, Allan. 880 01:09:54,773 --> 01:09:56,316 You'd better go. 881 01:09:56,483 --> 01:09:58,610 -There isn't any possible way to say-- -No. 882 01:10:04,950 --> 01:10:06,451 Good-bye, Irene. 883 01:10:44,448 --> 01:10:47,075 -You're the party who wants a taxi? -Yes. 884 01:10:50,788 --> 01:10:52,497 Nearly pushed my thumb through that buzzer. 885 01:10:54,959 --> 01:10:56,042 Sorry. 886 01:11:12,017 --> 01:11:13,351 Post and Fillmore. 887 01:11:31,537 --> 01:11:33,705 -Morning. -Good morning. 888 01:11:34,123 --> 01:11:35,331 Ham and eggs, coffee. 889 01:11:35,541 --> 01:11:37,333 -How'll you have the eggs? -Easy. 890 01:11:37,751 --> 01:11:39,168 Easy does it. 891 01:11:40,629 --> 01:11:43,131 -Looking for the sports section? -Yeah. 892 01:11:43,841 --> 01:11:45,800 The guy that left the paper took it. 893 01:11:46,593 --> 01:11:47,593 Oh. 894 01:11:48,679 --> 01:11:51,889 -What do you want to know? -Uh, race results. 895 01:11:52,558 --> 01:11:53,891 What track? 896 01:11:55,602 --> 01:11:58,021 -Bay Meadows. -Where you been, mister? 897 01:11:58,188 --> 01:12:00,273 Racing's been over at Bay Meadows a month. 898 01:12:12,411 --> 01:12:15,788 Lonesome down there. Mind answering a few questions, sir? 899 01:12:16,415 --> 01:12:18,249 No, I've got plenty of time. 900 01:12:19,460 --> 01:12:22,211 -Where's your raincoat? -I'm absent-minded. 901 01:12:22,713 --> 01:12:26,966 -Uh-uh. Let's try it again. Where is it? -Okay, I haven't got any. 902 01:12:27,426 --> 01:12:31,429 -That's better. Why not? -I told you I was absent-minded. 903 01:12:31,638 --> 01:12:33,473 Is that why you're up so early? 904 01:12:33,640 --> 01:12:35,558 -Couldn't sleep. -Why not? 905 01:12:36,143 --> 01:12:39,479 -You're curious, aren't you? -I'm paid to be. 906 01:12:40,439 --> 01:12:42,106 I've been curious for years. 907 01:12:48,155 --> 01:12:50,782 -What do you want with me? -That depends. Who are you? 908 01:12:51,992 --> 01:12:57,622 My name's Linnell. Allan Linnell. I'm an investment counselor. 909 01:12:59,917 --> 01:13:03,252 -What's AT&T selling for? -$170. 910 01:13:04,463 --> 01:13:06,339 I got 10 shares. You got any tips? 911 01:13:06,507 --> 01:13:10,218 -You can't do any better than AT&T. -Your office here in town? 912 01:13:10,803 --> 01:13:12,804 -Portland. -Rains a lot in Portland. 913 01:13:12,971 --> 01:13:15,181 What're you doing here without a raincoat? 914 01:13:15,891 --> 01:13:16,974 I'm hiding. 915 01:13:17,393 --> 01:13:18,393 From what? 916 01:13:18,560 --> 01:13:21,479 My wife, my friends, my family, everybody. 917 01:13:21,814 --> 01:13:23,773 Come on now. It can't be as bad as all that. 918 01:13:24,274 --> 01:13:25,733 Yeah, well, I'll tell you what you do. 919 01:13:25,901 --> 01:13:27,527 You go up there and live seven years with my wife, 920 01:13:27,694 --> 01:13:28,778 and then if you're still in your right mind, 921 01:13:28,946 --> 01:13:30,321 come back down here and tell me about it. 922 01:13:43,377 --> 01:13:44,669 Is that why you got the shakes? 923 01:13:47,172 --> 01:13:48,214 I told you, I couldn't sleep. 924 01:13:49,383 --> 01:13:52,218 Sorry, fellow. We got orders to check everybody that looks suspicious. 925 01:13:54,221 --> 01:13:57,515 -I always figured I looked normal. -You do. 926 01:13:57,683 --> 01:14:01,436 But you asked for the race results at Bay Meadows, and the racing season's over. 927 01:14:01,603 --> 01:14:04,689 Not normal. That's why I moved down to say hello. 928 01:14:04,857 --> 01:14:06,566 I'll have to see your cards. 929 01:14:06,733 --> 01:14:09,193 Well, I haven't got my identification here. 930 01:14:09,361 --> 01:14:12,447 It's too bad. You got me trapped. Now I'll have to take you in. 931 01:14:12,990 --> 01:14:14,866 Look, it's in my wallet at the hotel. 932 01:14:15,033 --> 01:14:17,201 Why can't we go over there? I've got my identification there. 933 01:14:19,037 --> 01:14:21,664 Okay. Finish your breakfast and we'll go over to the hotel. 934 01:14:23,667 --> 01:14:26,043 What's your address in Portland? 935 01:14:26,211 --> 01:14:27,920 Look, let's go there now. 936 01:14:28,130 --> 01:14:29,839 Clear this up, then I can eat in peace. 937 01:14:30,507 --> 01:14:31,757 Okay, let's go. 938 01:14:39,057 --> 01:14:41,100 Keep the change. I'll be back later. 939 01:14:41,268 --> 01:14:42,685 This is 100 bucks. 940 01:14:47,649 --> 01:14:49,901 Sorry, friend. I thought it was smaller. 941 01:14:50,903 --> 01:14:53,529 I'm sorry I made that crack about Bay Meadows. 942 01:15:04,583 --> 01:15:07,126 Why couldn't I keep my big trap shut? 943 01:15:16,094 --> 01:15:18,846 -Where is this hotel? -Straight down the block. 944 01:15:31,109 --> 01:15:34,654 You ran in front of me! Are you hurt? You ought to be shot! 945 01:15:35,113 --> 01:15:37,615 -Where's the man who was with me? -He ought to be shot, too! 946 01:15:38,742 --> 01:15:41,827 I could have dropped dead. He ran right in front of the wheel. 947 01:15:43,413 --> 01:15:46,374 My heart feels like a baseball bat hitting my chest. 948 01:15:48,168 --> 01:15:51,462 I was driving home from work. I'm a night watchman. 949 01:15:51,630 --> 01:15:55,800 I got a weak heart. All I do is sit and watch. I can't take chances. 950 01:15:55,968 --> 01:15:59,929 So, I was driving home from work and this crazy galoot runs in front of me. 951 01:16:00,097 --> 01:16:02,223 Did you see it? Were you a witness? 952 01:16:02,766 --> 01:16:06,060 Won't somebody call the policeman? This man ought to be arrested. 953 01:16:06,228 --> 01:16:09,146 -You ran into a cop, mister. -I ran into a... 954 01:16:11,441 --> 01:16:14,610 Look, Officer. I'm a night watchman. 955 01:16:14,820 --> 01:16:16,612 -I was driving home-- -Shut up. 956 01:16:16,989 --> 01:16:18,948 Sergeant, this is Kennedy. 957 01:16:19,157 --> 01:16:21,576 Yeah, I just picked up a suspect on Fillmore Street. 958 01:16:21,868 --> 01:16:23,160 Yeah, he broke away from me. 959 01:16:23,579 --> 01:16:28,165 Height about 5' 10". Hair dark brown, eyes brown. 960 01:16:29,251 --> 01:16:32,670 Blue suit, stripes. No overcoat. Yeah. 961 01:16:59,114 --> 01:17:01,115 Just wanted to see if you had any luggage. 962 01:17:01,283 --> 01:17:03,993 Room's on the fourth floor. Turn right. You can't miss it. 963 01:17:05,495 --> 01:17:08,331 Elevator's right there, Mr. Linnell. 964 01:17:13,462 --> 01:17:15,087 Very unusual name. 965 01:18:07,015 --> 01:18:08,599 Walk backwards. Keep your hands up. 966 01:18:16,483 --> 01:18:17,942 Keep going until you hit the wall. 967 01:18:22,572 --> 01:18:25,783 I could shoot you now and pick myself up $5,000. 968 01:18:27,119 --> 01:18:28,285 $5,000? 969 01:18:28,662 --> 01:18:31,580 Yeah, that's what the cops offer, alive or dead. 970 01:18:31,748 --> 01:18:34,083 -They're stumped. -You talked to them? 971 01:18:34,251 --> 01:18:37,586 If I was a dope, I would've talked to them. I'm no dope. 972 01:18:38,296 --> 01:18:40,798 I probably looked dumb to you when you slugged me, but I'm not dumb. 973 01:18:42,134 --> 01:18:44,552 -What do you want? -Money. 974 01:18:45,637 --> 01:18:48,139 -How much? -$60,000. 975 01:18:49,349 --> 01:18:52,685 $60,000? I can't pay that. I can't come anywhere near it. 976 01:18:52,853 --> 01:18:54,019 She can. 977 01:18:55,605 --> 01:18:57,273 -Who? -Irene Jansen. 978 01:18:58,150 --> 01:18:59,316 Who's she? 979 01:18:59,484 --> 01:19:02,611 Look, Parry, I told you before I wasn't a dope. 980 01:19:02,779 --> 01:19:04,989 I happen to know that dame is worth a couple of hundred grand. 981 01:19:06,491 --> 01:19:07,992 She could spare $60,000. 982 01:19:09,411 --> 01:19:11,120 You can't touch her. 983 01:19:11,538 --> 01:19:14,290 She's out of this. You can't do a thing to her. 984 01:19:14,499 --> 01:19:17,543 Except turn you in. And that's where she comes in. 985 01:19:17,753 --> 01:19:20,921 She'd take the rap for concealing a fugitive, 986 01:19:21,173 --> 01:19:23,549 as well as for being an accessory to the Fellsinger job. 987 01:19:24,384 --> 01:19:25,551 She'd get 20 years. 988 01:19:26,261 --> 01:19:27,386 They'd never give her that. 989 01:19:28,180 --> 01:19:31,682 All right, let's give her a break. She'd only get 10 years. 990 01:19:31,850 --> 01:19:34,643 It's still worth $60,000 to her to stay out. 991 01:19:34,895 --> 01:19:37,188 With the $140,000 she's got left. 992 01:19:37,481 --> 01:19:40,065 Why, she could get $60,000 back in no time. 993 01:19:40,358 --> 01:19:41,734 Then we'd all be happy. 994 01:19:45,197 --> 01:19:46,197 No. 995 01:19:47,574 --> 01:19:48,699 Okay. 996 01:20:01,880 --> 01:20:03,005 Hang it up. 997 01:20:03,757 --> 01:20:05,007 You'll play? 998 01:20:07,177 --> 01:20:08,344 I got to think it over. 999 01:20:11,389 --> 01:20:12,515 Okay. 1000 01:20:14,684 --> 01:20:15,976 Think about it all you want to. 1001 01:20:17,521 --> 01:20:19,980 Look at it up and down and sideways. 1002 01:20:21,274 --> 01:20:23,067 You'll come to the same answer, Parry. 1003 01:20:24,903 --> 01:20:26,403 What do you want me to do? 1004 01:20:26,571 --> 01:20:30,699 We go to her apartment together. She writes me out a check for $60,000. 1005 01:20:30,992 --> 01:20:32,117 What are you? 1006 01:20:32,828 --> 01:20:36,747 I was a small-time crook until this very minute. 1007 01:20:37,791 --> 01:20:40,709 Now I'm a big-time crook. And I like it. 1008 01:20:41,837 --> 01:20:46,674 -Say, who did that job on your face? -I'm not saying. 1009 01:20:46,842 --> 01:20:48,509 It's high-class work. 1010 01:20:48,677 --> 01:20:50,427 You won't keep bothering her, will you? 1011 01:20:50,595 --> 01:20:53,430 $60,000 is just the right amount. 1012 01:20:54,641 --> 01:20:56,517 -All right if I light a cigarette? -No. 1013 01:20:59,521 --> 01:21:00,938 Keep your hands up. 1014 01:21:01,106 --> 01:21:02,940 I think maybe you better turn around. 1015 01:21:04,317 --> 01:21:06,819 Yeah. Yeah, I guess maybe you better. 1016 01:21:13,159 --> 01:21:16,036 I was wondering how long it would take you to think of that. 1017 01:21:16,288 --> 01:21:17,663 Now, how's for sitting down? 1018 01:21:18,623 --> 01:21:22,126 Yeah, I guess that's okay. But keep your hands behind you. 1019 01:21:29,259 --> 01:21:32,469 You know, I didn't figure on you slugging me in that jalopy. 1020 01:21:32,637 --> 01:21:35,347 -I should have slugged you harder. -Yeah, you should have. 1021 01:21:35,515 --> 01:21:37,808 'Cause then I wouldn't have come to in time to see you driving off 1022 01:21:37,976 --> 01:21:39,560 with that classy dame in that station wagon. 1023 01:21:40,186 --> 01:21:43,606 I got the license number. I always had a good head for figures. 1024 01:21:43,773 --> 01:21:46,525 My only interest in your head is how easy it'll crack open. 1025 01:21:46,735 --> 01:21:48,319 I'm annoying you, huh? 1026 01:21:48,653 --> 01:21:50,571 Well, you're gonna be annoyed more. 1027 01:21:50,739 --> 01:21:52,364 How'd you find out where she lives? 1028 01:21:52,532 --> 01:21:54,325 I called this little auto club I know about. 1029 01:21:54,492 --> 01:21:57,244 Gave them her license number. They gave me her name and address. 1030 01:21:57,412 --> 01:22:01,749 And said her financial rating was well over a couple of hundred thousand bucks. 1031 01:22:01,917 --> 01:22:04,209 -You staying with me? -I'm right alongside you. 1032 01:22:04,419 --> 01:22:06,545 That's dandy. You stay there. 1033 01:22:06,963 --> 01:22:09,965 Well, then I figure I got a couple of thousand dollars shakedown. 1034 01:22:10,133 --> 01:22:12,176 This was big stuff. 1035 01:22:12,344 --> 01:22:15,179 I didn't know what the rich dame had to do with you. 1036 01:22:15,347 --> 01:22:17,598 But I drive to her address to find out. 1037 01:22:18,642 --> 01:22:21,018 Sure enough, there's the station wagon parked outside. 1038 01:22:21,853 --> 01:22:23,812 I park my car across the street and wait. 1039 01:22:25,732 --> 01:22:28,192 -Want a cigarette? -Yeah. 1040 01:22:30,695 --> 01:22:33,822 -You weren't in the car that morning. -I was up above, watching. 1041 01:22:33,990 --> 01:22:35,908 You weren't feeling good enough to see me. Uh-uh. 1042 01:22:36,993 --> 01:22:39,119 This smoke's getting in my eyes. 1043 01:22:39,287 --> 01:22:40,537 All right, use one hand. 1044 01:22:43,333 --> 01:22:45,000 Why didn't you come up to her apartment? 1045 01:22:45,168 --> 01:22:47,211 How do I know there isn't a third party mixed up in this? 1046 01:22:47,379 --> 01:22:50,172 Or a fourth, or a mob? So, I played it slow. 1047 01:22:50,340 --> 01:22:52,925 I saw your striped suit come out early this morning. 1048 01:22:53,134 --> 01:22:54,426 I followed it to the diner. 1049 01:22:55,637 --> 01:22:58,389 Brother, you're sure an amateur. Stay that way. 1050 01:22:58,848 --> 01:22:59,848 What's the matter? 1051 01:23:00,016 --> 01:23:01,809 Get your hands back up. That's what's the matter. 1052 01:23:02,978 --> 01:23:06,230 Stand up, so I can see what you're up to. Turn around. 1053 01:23:10,485 --> 01:23:11,986 Get your coat. 1054 01:23:14,280 --> 01:23:16,740 Wait a minute. How do you know there isn't a mob? 1055 01:23:16,950 --> 01:23:18,826 You wouldn't be here alone if there was. 1056 01:23:19,035 --> 01:23:22,037 This dame just has a feeling for you. I know how these things go. 1057 01:23:22,205 --> 01:23:24,415 She'll pay off with a smile. 1058 01:23:24,582 --> 01:23:26,250 How did you know who to ask for downstairs? 1059 01:23:26,418 --> 01:23:28,419 I didn't. I just told the clerk at the desk 1060 01:23:28,586 --> 01:23:31,255 I had a message for the man in the striped suit that came in. 1061 01:23:31,506 --> 01:23:34,341 He said, "You mean, Mr. Linnell?" I said yes. 1062 01:23:35,760 --> 01:23:39,221 Just take it easy, Parry. You're gonna be better off than you ever were. 1063 01:23:39,431 --> 01:23:41,557 As soon as I rake in the chips, I walk out of the game. 1064 01:23:42,767 --> 01:23:45,185 -Want your hat? -You make it sound pretty simple. 1065 01:23:45,395 --> 01:23:49,064 It is. Now, don't make it complicated by trying to make a break. 1066 01:23:49,274 --> 01:23:52,443 I'll have to kill you and only make myself $5,000. 1067 01:23:53,153 --> 01:23:55,779 One way you die, either way I make money. 1068 01:23:56,197 --> 01:23:58,449 Okay. Let's go. 1069 01:24:00,326 --> 01:24:01,618 You drive. 1070 01:24:19,012 --> 01:24:22,806 Better get out of traffic, quick. That dick'll have more looking for you. 1071 01:24:24,601 --> 01:24:27,686 As long as we're going through with this thing, we might as well not get picked up. 1072 01:24:40,742 --> 01:24:42,743 Where are you figuring on going? Mexico? 1073 01:24:43,995 --> 01:24:46,330 -I don't know. -Well, Mexico's good. 1074 01:24:46,498 --> 01:24:48,791 Through Arizona, so you won't have any trouble at the border. 1075 01:24:48,958 --> 01:24:50,125 Buy yourself a car at Benton. 1076 01:24:50,335 --> 01:24:53,295 It's a little town about 30 miles from the border. 1077 01:24:53,505 --> 01:24:54,671 I'll need papers. 1078 01:24:55,632 --> 01:24:57,424 Well, that's why Benton came to my mind. 1079 01:24:57,592 --> 01:24:59,676 You go to the Benton Printing Shop. They'll fix you up. 1080 01:24:59,928 --> 01:25:02,721 Ask for a guy by the name of Ferris. Tell him Baker sent you. 1081 01:25:03,431 --> 01:25:05,140 Didn't you learn those kind of things at Quentin? 1082 01:25:06,476 --> 01:25:07,893 I didn't mix much at Quentin. 1083 01:25:08,978 --> 01:25:11,605 Oh, you should have mixed. That's the only way you learn things. 1084 01:25:11,856 --> 01:25:15,359 Especially at a place like Quentin. They put me in there twice. 1085 01:25:16,194 --> 01:25:19,321 I learned some things that even I never knew before. 1086 01:25:19,614 --> 01:25:22,324 Oh, they got some mighty smart guys at Quentin. 1087 01:25:27,872 --> 01:25:29,706 You're sure taking the long way around. 1088 01:25:29,874 --> 01:25:31,542 Well, it's the back road to her place. 1089 01:25:39,050 --> 01:25:40,551 How do I get to Benton? 1090 01:25:40,718 --> 01:25:43,595 You take one of those fly-by-night buses for Arizona. 1091 01:25:44,055 --> 01:25:46,557 I'll be hopping one myself, as soon as I get the cash. 1092 01:25:47,058 --> 01:25:48,600 -You see, the cops watch-- -What cash? 1093 01:25:48,768 --> 01:25:50,227 The $200,000. 1094 01:25:51,688 --> 01:25:53,105 I mean, the $60,000. 1095 01:25:54,232 --> 01:25:56,525 -You mean, Irene's $60,000? -Sure. 1096 01:25:56,943 --> 01:25:58,902 Her $60,000, that's what I mean, what do you think I meant? 1097 01:25:59,070 --> 01:26:01,446 I don't know. I thought you said $200,000 1098 01:26:01,614 --> 01:26:03,073 but I figured you meant $60,000. 1099 01:26:03,241 --> 01:26:05,409 Now, remember you said you'd leave her alone. 1100 01:26:06,327 --> 01:26:09,121 Well, sure, that $200,000 was a slip of the tongue. 1101 01:26:09,747 --> 01:26:11,665 I wouldn't take everything she's got. 1102 01:26:13,543 --> 01:26:14,751 Oh. 1103 01:26:20,091 --> 01:26:22,885 -Is this a back road? -We're coming to it. 1104 01:26:23,595 --> 01:26:26,096 -I don't see it. -We go through that gate. 1105 01:26:29,601 --> 01:26:31,393 I'm telling you this road leads no place. 1106 01:26:31,561 --> 01:26:33,520 I lived here all my life, I'm telling you it does. 1107 01:26:33,688 --> 01:26:35,480 - This road leads under the bridge. 1108 01:26:38,484 --> 01:26:40,277 -Open the door and get out. -What you gonna do with me? 1109 01:26:40,445 --> 01:26:42,112 Do as I say or I'll shoot. 1110 01:26:50,330 --> 01:26:51,914 Go ahead, pick it up. 1111 01:26:55,668 --> 01:26:58,212 -Let's take a stroll. -Where to? 1112 01:26:58,880 --> 01:27:01,173 -Where we won't be seen. -You're gonna shoot me? 1113 01:27:01,341 --> 01:27:03,467 I want to be alone with you, I don't want any interference. 1114 01:27:03,635 --> 01:27:06,303 -You're gonna kill me? -Not unless you make a try for the gun. 1115 01:27:22,987 --> 01:27:25,113 -Did you kill Fellsinger? -No. 1116 01:27:25,281 --> 01:27:27,491 Did you follow me there? Do you know who did? 1117 01:27:27,659 --> 01:27:29,243 I waited for you to come back at the girl's place. 1118 01:27:29,410 --> 01:27:30,661 Whoever killed Fellsinger followed me. 1119 01:27:30,828 --> 01:27:32,663 -You had a reason to kill him. -Why would I want to kill him? 1120 01:27:32,830 --> 01:27:34,331 You know, I'd be blamed, the girl'd be involved, 1121 01:27:34,499 --> 01:27:35,582 and then, you could raise the ante. 1122 01:27:35,750 --> 01:27:37,000 I swear I didn't, I waited across-- 1123 01:27:37,168 --> 01:27:38,919 You saw me walk out of her house and get the cab. 1124 01:27:39,087 --> 01:27:41,630 -I saw you drive off and then I stayed. -Where was your car? 1125 01:27:41,798 --> 01:27:43,507 Parked across the street but on the upper level. 1126 01:27:43,675 --> 01:27:44,925 Parked in front of her place the next morning. 1127 01:27:45,093 --> 01:27:47,928 I know, I made the U-turn and parked up above so I could watch the door better. 1128 01:27:48,096 --> 01:27:49,805 -I don't believe you. -Look, Parry... 1129 01:27:50,473 --> 01:27:53,183 My car won't do better than 30. You know that, you just drove it. 1130 01:27:53,726 --> 01:27:55,852 What chance would I have following a cab? 1131 01:27:57,272 --> 01:27:59,982 Okay, that makes sense. 1132 01:28:00,692 --> 01:28:03,527 The cab driver drove too fast, you couldn't have followed me. 1133 01:28:04,112 --> 01:28:06,947 But you didn't know the taxi was going to make speed after it got going. 1134 01:28:07,115 --> 01:28:08,991 You'd have tried to follow it. 1135 01:28:09,158 --> 01:28:10,867 There was a reason you didn't try to follow that cab, 1136 01:28:11,035 --> 01:28:12,661 and you it and I know it. 1137 01:28:12,829 --> 01:28:14,621 There was another car following that cab. 1138 01:28:14,789 --> 01:28:17,457 -What do you mean, a car? -A car, machine, automobile. 1139 01:28:17,625 --> 01:28:19,960 Don't stall. That's why you stayed there. 1140 01:28:20,128 --> 01:28:23,046 You saw this other car with headlights off following the taxi. 1141 01:28:23,214 --> 01:28:25,382 You didn't know who it was, but you know it was following the taxi, 1142 01:28:25,550 --> 01:28:26,717 you thought it might be the police. 1143 01:28:26,884 --> 01:28:28,510 I didn't see any car. 1144 01:28:28,678 --> 01:28:31,054 -Tell me or I'll shoot it out of you. -I didn't see any car! 1145 01:28:31,222 --> 01:28:32,389 If you want to walk away from here, 1146 01:28:32,557 --> 01:28:34,725 you'll tell me if it's the same car I think it was. 1147 01:28:36,853 --> 01:28:39,730 I haven't got a thing to lose. Not a thing. 1148 01:28:40,356 --> 01:28:41,982 It was a convertible coupe... 1149 01:28:42,358 --> 01:28:45,068 Had a canvas top, it was a bright color, I think it was orange. 1150 01:28:45,236 --> 01:28:48,280 -Bright orange. Who was in it? -I couldn't see. 1151 01:28:49,699 --> 01:28:52,743 Okay, I guess I got all I need. 1152 01:28:54,871 --> 01:28:57,622 -What happens to me? -That's not my worry. 1153 01:28:58,082 --> 01:29:00,959 You can check off the $200,000 you were going to get from the girl. 1154 01:29:02,378 --> 01:29:05,172 You know, it's wonderful when guys like you lose out. 1155 01:29:05,757 --> 01:29:09,092 Makes guys like me think maybe we got a chance in this world. 1156 01:29:09,427 --> 01:29:11,303 Don't count me out so easy. 1157 01:29:49,801 --> 01:29:51,635 Thanks, my good friend. 1158 01:29:52,470 --> 01:29:54,971 Now I know who killed my wife and George. 1159 01:30:07,110 --> 01:30:08,110 Miss Rapf? 1160 01:30:10,029 --> 01:30:12,406 -Who are you? -A friend of Bob's. 1161 01:30:14,492 --> 01:30:16,827 I don't go out with Bob anymore. 1162 01:30:18,246 --> 01:30:19,996 That's why I'm here. 1163 01:30:20,998 --> 01:30:24,793 -Oh, the fresh type, huh? -No, just informal. 1164 01:30:26,212 --> 01:30:28,088 Bob said we'd get along fine. 1165 01:30:28,840 --> 01:30:32,551 -What did he say? -Open the door and I'll tell you. 1166 01:30:47,525 --> 01:30:49,234 It's a nice place you got here. 1167 01:30:50,111 --> 01:30:52,362 I don't think I should've let you in. 1168 01:30:53,823 --> 01:30:55,615 You live up to the buildup. 1169 01:30:56,868 --> 01:30:58,952 What did Bob say about me? 1170 01:30:59,662 --> 01:31:03,915 Well, he admitted, after the buildup, that you weren't easy to get along with. 1171 01:31:05,168 --> 01:31:08,170 -Maybe I'm not. -Maybe I like it that way. 1172 01:31:13,968 --> 01:31:14,968 Did he, uh... 1173 01:31:15,636 --> 01:31:17,846 Did he say why we busted up? 1174 01:31:18,014 --> 01:31:20,724 He said when you went after something, you stopped at nothing. 1175 01:31:21,601 --> 01:31:24,561 He said he left you because he didn't trust you 5 feet away. 1176 01:31:25,855 --> 01:31:29,107 -What do you think? -I think he had something there. 1177 01:31:32,570 --> 01:31:36,239 -Do you think you could trust me? -Now and then. 1178 01:31:37,241 --> 01:31:40,160 That'd be your problem. You'd have to guess when. 1179 01:31:42,246 --> 01:31:44,748 You talk like you plan to be around. 1180 01:31:45,416 --> 01:31:46,917 That's why I dropped in. 1181 01:31:47,627 --> 01:31:49,920 -Is that for me? -Sure. 1182 01:31:53,841 --> 01:31:56,259 -What's your name? -Allan. 1183 01:31:56,427 --> 01:31:57,469 Allan. 1184 01:31:57,929 --> 01:31:59,262 Allan Linnell. 1185 01:32:00,181 --> 01:32:01,181 Allan Linnell. 1186 01:32:03,100 --> 01:32:05,268 Well, thanks for the candy, Allan. 1187 01:32:06,896 --> 01:32:09,147 You remind me of somebody. 1188 01:32:09,315 --> 01:32:11,149 I should've brought the candy in an orange box. 1189 01:32:11,317 --> 01:32:12,442 You seem to like orange. 1190 01:32:12,610 --> 01:32:13,944 It's my big weakness. 1191 01:32:14,111 --> 01:32:16,988 I'll bet everything you own is on the orange side. 1192 01:32:17,156 --> 01:32:19,157 -Mmm-hmm. Just about. -Even your car. 1193 01:32:19,325 --> 01:32:21,618 Even my car. It's bright orange. 1194 01:32:21,786 --> 01:32:24,496 And my favorite gem is orange. Mexican opal. 1195 01:32:25,790 --> 01:32:29,334 I had a friend once who was as crazy about fire opals as I am. 1196 01:32:30,962 --> 01:32:33,296 I gave somebody a fire opal once. 1197 01:32:34,257 --> 01:32:35,757 It had flaws in it. 1198 01:32:40,304 --> 01:32:42,472 What is it? The suit? 1199 01:32:43,391 --> 01:32:44,975 Remember the night you followed it? 1200 01:32:45,309 --> 01:32:47,602 Or is it the face that doesn't go with the eyes? 1201 01:32:48,688 --> 01:32:51,982 You don't want to believe it, do you? But there's nothing else for you to do. 1202 01:32:52,275 --> 01:32:55,110 The more you look in my eyes, the more you know it's true. 1203 01:32:55,278 --> 01:32:57,445 -It's really me. -Get out of here, Vincent. 1204 01:32:57,655 --> 01:33:00,991 -Get out of here and leave me alone. -No, I'm the pest now. 1205 01:33:01,158 --> 01:33:03,326 You always been the pest, but now, I'm going to be... 1206 01:33:03,494 --> 01:33:06,204 Because I know you killed Gert and I know you killed George. 1207 01:33:06,372 --> 01:33:08,123 I've got to make you confess it. 1208 01:33:08,541 --> 01:33:10,584 There's no way you can get away. 1209 01:33:10,960 --> 01:33:12,335 Go away, Vincent. 1210 01:33:13,170 --> 01:33:15,005 They'll never find you if you go away now. 1211 01:33:15,172 --> 01:33:17,966 -Now I want them to find me. -They'll kill you. 1212 01:33:18,718 --> 01:33:21,136 Do I look worried? Well, I'm not. 1213 01:33:21,387 --> 01:33:22,762 I know you did it. 1214 01:33:23,180 --> 01:33:26,975 I've written down the facts to prove you followed me from Irene's to George's. 1215 01:33:27,560 --> 01:33:30,020 I'm going to turn those facts over to the police. 1216 01:33:30,354 --> 01:33:33,231 Facts that'll take them back to the day you killed Gert. 1217 01:33:33,649 --> 01:33:36,526 It'll tell them why you killed her, and it'll show them how. 1218 01:33:39,780 --> 01:33:42,741 It must have turned your stomach when you found out you couldn't get me... 1219 01:33:42,908 --> 01:33:44,701 Without getting rid of Gert. 1220 01:33:44,910 --> 01:33:45,910 But you kept your gloves on 1221 01:33:46,078 --> 01:33:48,371 and you picked up the ashtray and you killed her. 1222 01:33:49,123 --> 01:33:51,082 When you found out you still couldn't have me... 1223 01:33:51,250 --> 01:33:53,251 You told the police Gert said I did it. 1224 01:33:54,086 --> 01:33:57,380 They found my fingerprints on my ashtray, and not yours. 1225 01:33:58,049 --> 01:34:00,759 -And that was enough for them. -They won't believe that. 1226 01:34:00,926 --> 01:34:03,053 They will when they hear the things you and Bob said to each other 1227 01:34:03,220 --> 01:34:04,721 the other night in Irene's apartment. 1228 01:34:04,889 --> 01:34:07,641 You were there, and you've got Bob with you. 1229 01:34:07,808 --> 01:34:09,517 He'll be with me, all right. 1230 01:34:09,685 --> 01:34:10,894 And you're alone. 1231 01:34:11,979 --> 01:34:13,897 You're alone because when you got what you wanted, 1232 01:34:14,065 --> 01:34:15,148 you wanted to get rid of it. 1233 01:34:15,316 --> 01:34:17,651 But if anybody else got hold of it, you couldn't stand that. 1234 01:34:17,818 --> 01:34:20,612 You felt Irene was interested in me, so you killed George... 1235 01:34:20,780 --> 01:34:24,074 Because you felt that was the best way to make sure she didn't get me. 1236 01:34:24,825 --> 01:34:27,452 You knew they'd give me the gas chamber for murdering George. 1237 01:34:27,620 --> 01:34:30,872 It was the one big thing in your mind when you killed him. 1238 01:34:31,040 --> 01:34:34,292 You told yourself you were rid of me and nobody else could have me. 1239 01:34:37,505 --> 01:34:39,381 It's all written down here. 1240 01:34:39,882 --> 01:34:43,176 That's no evidence. That's just the way you figure it. 1241 01:34:44,095 --> 01:34:46,262 That's why you're after a confession, isn't it? 1242 01:34:46,430 --> 01:34:49,724 -You want me to sign it? -It would simplify matters. 1243 01:34:53,938 --> 01:34:57,941 How do you figure I thought Irene Jansen was mixed up with you? 1244 01:34:58,109 --> 01:35:01,027 When I told you to go away from her door, you knew it wasn't Bob's voice. 1245 01:35:01,195 --> 01:35:03,071 But you checked up on him, just to make sure. 1246 01:35:03,239 --> 01:35:04,906 You remembered she spent every day at the trial, 1247 01:35:05,074 --> 01:35:06,741 you knew I escaped from San Quentin. 1248 01:35:06,909 --> 01:35:08,201 -You put that together. -She told you-- 1249 01:35:08,369 --> 01:35:11,329 Now you had Irene and me together, and you waited. 1250 01:35:11,706 --> 01:35:14,040 And the longer you waited, the sorer you got. 1251 01:35:14,208 --> 01:35:17,585 When I came out, you followed me in that orange roadster to George's. 1252 01:35:17,753 --> 01:35:20,505 -Prove it. -I have. Right in here. 1253 01:35:21,382 --> 01:35:23,550 You knew if you killed George every finger'd point at me... 1254 01:35:23,718 --> 01:35:26,553 So, you went there and pulled that "I'm afraid, George" routine, 1255 01:35:26,721 --> 01:35:28,805 caught him off guard and killed him. 1256 01:35:28,973 --> 01:35:30,140 Didn't you? 1257 01:35:33,602 --> 01:35:34,602 Yes. 1258 01:35:35,062 --> 01:35:37,480 -Will you tell that to the police? -No. 1259 01:35:49,160 --> 01:35:51,035 -Where you going? -I'm gonna turn this over to the police. 1260 01:35:51,203 --> 01:35:54,164 Won't do any good. I haven't signed it. And I won't. 1261 01:36:00,671 --> 01:36:03,506 In every paper in the country I'm a killer. 1262 01:36:03,841 --> 01:36:06,468 I never thought it possible to kill anybody till this minute. 1263 01:36:06,677 --> 01:36:09,804 She's got you now. But you've got me. 1264 01:36:10,848 --> 01:36:13,725 But if you don't hold on to me, it means they're still after you. 1265 01:36:14,226 --> 01:36:16,394 As long as you don't have me, it means you can't prove anything 1266 01:36:16,562 --> 01:36:18,146 because I'm the proof. 1267 01:36:18,314 --> 01:36:20,273 -You'll be there. -No! 1268 01:36:20,441 --> 01:36:23,610 You'll never be able to prove anything, because I won't be there. 1269 01:36:24,528 --> 01:36:27,363 You need something concrete. 1270 01:36:27,907 --> 01:36:30,450 You need evidence. You need me. 1271 01:36:31,535 --> 01:36:33,495 And without me, you don't have a witness, do you? 1272 01:36:33,746 --> 01:36:36,206 No, of course not. You don't have a witness... 1273 01:36:36,373 --> 01:36:37,957 No witness, nothing. 1274 01:36:39,001 --> 01:36:40,001 I've got evidence. 1275 01:36:40,169 --> 01:36:43,087 Your evidence isn't any good, because you can't prove it without me. 1276 01:36:43,255 --> 01:36:47,008 - And I've got you. - Oh, don't be so sure of yourself. 1277 01:36:47,635 --> 01:36:49,636 You'll never get away from me. You'll never get out of my sight. 1278 01:36:49,804 --> 01:36:52,055 She wants you very badly, doesn't she? 1279 01:36:52,723 --> 01:36:55,058 She's willing to run away with you and keep on running 1280 01:36:55,226 --> 01:36:56,810 and ruin everything for herself. 1281 01:36:56,977 --> 01:37:00,438 But she wouldn't care, because she'd be with you and that's what she wants. 1282 01:37:00,606 --> 01:37:02,816 So, she doesn't have you now and she'll never have you, 1283 01:37:02,983 --> 01:37:05,109 nobody'll ever have you, and that's the way I want it. 1284 01:37:05,277 --> 01:37:07,445 You're nothing but an escaped convict. 1285 01:37:07,613 --> 01:37:09,614 Nobody knows what you wrote down. 1286 01:37:09,782 --> 01:37:12,575 They'll believe me! They'll believe me! 1287 01:37:48,237 --> 01:37:50,071 I heard somebody cry out. 1288 01:37:50,239 --> 01:37:52,824 So did I. It was upstairs. I'll go see. 1289 01:37:53,284 --> 01:37:54,868 Somebody call the police. 1290 01:40:12,840 --> 01:40:13,840 Uh-huh. 1291 01:40:16,051 --> 01:40:17,051 Uh-huh. 1292 01:40:17,219 --> 01:40:18,219 No. 1293 01:40:19,430 --> 01:40:21,139 -Where do you want to go? -Peru. 1294 01:40:21,306 --> 01:40:25,101 -Peru, Indiana? -No. Benton, Arizona. 1295 01:40:26,520 --> 01:40:27,603 Let me see. 1296 01:40:27,771 --> 01:40:32,191 Got one going to Kingman, Ash Fork, Prescott, Iron Springs-- 1297 01:40:32,359 --> 01:40:35,028 Does it go to Benton? I want to go to Benton, Arizona. 1298 01:40:35,195 --> 01:40:37,030 I'm trying to find out. 1299 01:40:38,115 --> 01:40:40,700 Skull Valley, Wickenburg... 1300 01:40:41,326 --> 01:40:43,161 Phoenix, Florence... 1301 01:40:44,204 --> 01:40:46,289 Well, what do you know? Here's Benton. 1302 01:40:46,915 --> 01:40:48,583 -How much? -$12.50. 1303 01:40:49,877 --> 01:40:51,127 When does it leave? 1304 01:40:51,295 --> 01:40:53,796 When that guy at the door yells, "All aboard for Arizona." 1305 01:40:53,964 --> 01:40:56,507 -And when will that be? -When the mood strikes him. 1306 01:40:57,551 --> 01:40:59,385 Which means when we sell 12 tickets. 1307 01:40:59,553 --> 01:41:02,055 -How many you got to go? -Two to go. 1308 01:41:06,852 --> 01:41:08,603 Don't these buses ever leave on time? 1309 01:41:08,771 --> 01:41:11,064 Sometimes, chum. Sometimes. 1310 01:41:12,399 --> 01:41:15,151 A lot they care. They're not worried about us. 1311 01:41:15,319 --> 01:41:17,153 No, that's the way it goes. 1312 01:41:17,738 --> 01:41:19,864 It's just one big battle royal all the way through. 1313 01:41:20,032 --> 01:41:21,699 Nobody gives a hang. 1314 01:41:21,867 --> 01:41:24,660 Nobody seems to ever care a hang about the other fellow. 1315 01:41:24,828 --> 01:41:28,623 There was a time when folks used to give each other a helping hand. 1316 01:41:29,833 --> 01:41:33,169 Sometimes I get so tired. Just sick and tired of everything. 1317 01:41:33,629 --> 01:41:35,338 Nothing to look forward to at all. 1318 01:41:35,714 --> 01:41:39,092 You got these kids, that's something. I got nothing. 1319 01:41:49,686 --> 01:41:53,147 You know, we got something in common. 1320 01:41:54,900 --> 01:41:56,067 Being alone. 1321 01:42:04,535 --> 01:42:07,370 -This is Allan. -Where are you? Are you all right? 1322 01:42:07,538 --> 01:42:09,580 -Are you alone? -Yes. 1323 01:42:10,415 --> 01:42:12,542 Well, it was Madge who killed them both. 1324 01:42:12,709 --> 01:42:14,460 But I'll never be able to prove it. 1325 01:42:14,628 --> 01:42:17,338 I went up there for a showdown, and she admitted it... 1326 01:42:17,506 --> 01:42:19,924 But she stumbled and fell through the window. 1327 01:42:20,342 --> 01:42:22,093 It'll be in the afternoon papers. 1328 01:42:22,469 --> 01:42:24,262 You'll read that I pushed her out... 1329 01:42:24,930 --> 01:42:27,306 But I want you to know how it really was. 1330 01:42:27,641 --> 01:42:29,058 I know how it was. 1331 01:42:33,397 --> 01:42:34,772 Do I hear music? 1332 01:42:36,316 --> 01:42:38,818 Yes, I picked it out on the jukebox. 1333 01:42:39,862 --> 01:42:42,029 You didn't just call me to tell me about Madge. 1334 01:42:42,197 --> 01:42:44,198 There's something else you want me to know. 1335 01:42:44,366 --> 01:42:46,367 I never could fool you, could I? 1336 01:42:46,910 --> 01:42:48,327 I'm just beginning to realize... 1337 01:42:48,495 --> 01:42:50,580 It's better to have something to look forward to. 1338 01:42:51,165 --> 01:42:54,083 -Can you get a map of South America? -I'll find one. 1339 01:42:54,251 --> 01:42:58,171 Look up Peru, there's a little town on the coast called Paita. 1340 01:42:58,463 --> 01:43:00,548 Say it. Tell me where it is. 1341 01:43:01,967 --> 01:43:03,718 Paita, in Peru. 1342 01:43:04,136 --> 01:43:05,595 Good. Now listen. 1343 01:43:06,722 --> 01:43:10,099 I won't write. We've got to wait. We've got to give it plenty of time. 1344 01:43:10,267 --> 01:43:11,267 Maybe they'll get a lead on you. 1345 01:43:11,435 --> 01:43:13,102 Maybe they'll keep an eye on you for a while. 1346 01:43:13,270 --> 01:43:14,937 I'll be careful. Go on. 1347 01:43:15,480 --> 01:43:17,231 Meanwhile, if God's good to me 1348 01:43:17,399 --> 01:43:21,611 and I manage to make it down there, I'll be waiting for you. 1349 01:43:22,654 --> 01:43:25,031 There's a little café right on the bay. 1350 01:43:26,617 --> 01:43:28,784 If you could see your way clear... 1351 01:43:29,953 --> 01:43:31,621 Listen to all those "ifs." 1352 01:43:32,748 --> 01:43:36,542 We'll skip all the "ifs." I get the idea, and that's all I need. 1353 01:43:38,212 --> 01:43:41,088 Now, hang up on me. Just like that. 1354 01:43:41,924 --> 01:43:43,341 Hang up, darling. 1355 01:43:49,348 --> 01:43:52,516 I'll keep my eyes peeled. Anything to oblige a cop, that's my motto. 1356 01:43:52,684 --> 01:43:55,853 -Phoenix, Arizona, please. -Arizona? Okay, Ross. 1357 01:43:56,647 --> 01:43:58,564 All aboard for Arizona! 1358 01:43:59,274 --> 01:44:01,651 -May I sit by the window, Aunt Mary? -Yes, dear. 1359 01:44:01,818 --> 01:44:04,862 -May I sit by Michael, Aunt Mary? -Of course, you may. 1360 01:44:15,457 --> 01:44:16,457 All set? 1361 01:46:10,322 --> 01:46:11,322 English - SDH