1 00:01:34,092 --> 00:01:36,417 - Well, we're out of gas. - Well, that's all right. 2 00:01:36,594 --> 00:01:38,468 We still have our gas-rationing card. 3 00:01:38,638 --> 00:01:43,430 Gas-rationing card. Why, a C card wouldn't help us here. Oh, you... 4 00:01:43,643 --> 00:01:46,015 You don't have to lose your temper. I'm sorry, l... 5 00:01:46,187 --> 00:01:49,603 You're sorry. You were sorry about that redhead in the auto court. 6 00:01:49,816 --> 00:01:52,817 You were sorry about that waitress in the barbecue stand. 7 00:01:52,985 --> 00:01:54,444 I suppose you're sorry... 8 00:01:54,612 --> 00:01:58,063 about talking me into taking this road instead of the main road. 9 00:01:58,282 --> 00:01:59,777 Well, l'm sorry that l'm sorry. 10 00:01:59,951 --> 00:02:02,323 But if you're sorry, you can't help being sorry... 11 00:02:02,495 --> 00:02:07,121 - Oh, get out of here. - Maybe someday you'll be sorry. 12 00:02:09,961 --> 00:02:12,997 A thousand miles from nowhere. 13 00:02:13,214 --> 00:02:16,132 Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into. 14 00:02:16,342 --> 00:02:18,418 And don't say you're sorry. 15 00:02:36,779 --> 00:02:38,819 Worried, aren't you? 16 00:02:39,032 --> 00:02:40,574 Are you? 17 00:02:42,577 --> 00:02:45,068 Well, it must be 1 1 5 in the shade. 18 00:02:45,288 --> 00:02:46,663 How about a drink of water? 19 00:02:46,831 --> 00:02:49,951 That's a good idea. L'll go right now and get it. 20 00:03:27,705 --> 00:03:29,745 - Hey, Ollie. - What? 21 00:03:29,957 --> 00:03:32,994 I can see the back end of a truck. 22 00:03:33,753 --> 00:03:36,623 That's no truck. That's me. 23 00:03:37,840 --> 00:03:41,459 - The back end of a truck. - L'm sorry, l... 24 00:03:47,058 --> 00:03:48,967 - Ollie. - What? 25 00:03:49,185 --> 00:03:51,723 - L see a gas station. - Where? 26 00:03:51,938 --> 00:03:55,603 Right in here, see? Look, it's right in there, see it? 27 00:03:56,984 --> 00:03:59,060 Give me that. 28 00:04:01,656 --> 00:04:02,936 Stanley, we're saved. 29 00:04:03,116 --> 00:04:05,322 But how are we gonna get this thing over there? 30 00:04:05,493 --> 00:04:08,328 That's simple. One of us will push and the other will steer. 31 00:04:08,496 --> 00:04:10,619 I never thought of that. Well... 32 00:04:17,547 --> 00:04:19,954 - Hey. - What? 33 00:04:20,383 --> 00:04:22,459 - Not too fast. - L won't. 34 00:04:22,677 --> 00:04:26,128 When you start pushing, don't push over 35 miles an hour. 35 00:04:28,391 --> 00:04:31,096 All right, let's go. 36 00:04:43,489 --> 00:04:44,818 Hey, Ollie. 37 00:04:46,034 --> 00:04:49,485 - What? - Do you mind if l stop a minute? 38 00:04:49,912 --> 00:04:51,656 All right. 39 00:04:56,794 --> 00:05:01,421 - Okay, Ollie, l'm ready. - Well, it's about time. 40 00:05:19,567 --> 00:05:20,847 What would you have done... 41 00:05:21,027 --> 00:05:23,696 if l hadn't had presence of mind to have you push me? 42 00:05:23,863 --> 00:05:25,654 I haven't the slightest idea. 43 00:05:25,865 --> 00:05:29,483 I guess the only thing l could have done if l'd gone to the gas station... 44 00:05:29,702 --> 00:05:31,078 Who's pushing this thing? 45 00:05:31,287 --> 00:05:34,122 I forgot to tell you. See, l borrowed a mule down the road. 46 00:05:34,332 --> 00:05:35,530 Remember when we stopped? 47 00:05:35,708 --> 00:05:38,495 Well, l guess a mule's as good as a donkey any day. 48 00:05:38,711 --> 00:05:41,878 It certainly is. You're absolutely... 49 00:05:42,090 --> 00:05:44,378 What do you mean, as good as a...? 50 00:05:53,351 --> 00:05:55,924 Get out and find the attendant. 51 00:06:09,951 --> 00:06:12,358 - L'm sorry, Ollie. - Sorry for what? 52 00:06:12,578 --> 00:06:14,286 Closed for the duration. 53 00:06:14,497 --> 00:06:17,166 Now what are we going to do? 54 00:06:18,459 --> 00:06:20,666 Hey, there's a car coming. Let's flag him down. 55 00:06:20,837 --> 00:06:22,710 Yeah, maybe we can borrow some gas. 56 00:06:41,357 --> 00:06:43,314 Look, here's a... Here's a truck coming. 57 00:06:43,484 --> 00:06:45,975 It's no use, they won't stop for us in this desert. 58 00:06:46,696 --> 00:06:49,566 Say, why don't you lie down and pretend you've fainted. 59 00:06:49,782 --> 00:06:53,116 Then he's bound to stop. He wouldn't let anybody faint on the desert. 60 00:06:53,286 --> 00:06:57,284 - At last you're using your brain. - Hurry up and faint, he's getting closer. 61 00:06:57,457 --> 00:06:59,283 - All right. - Here. 62 00:07:48,257 --> 00:07:50,748 Mister, could you spare us a gallon of gas? 63 00:07:50,968 --> 00:07:54,005 A gallon? What are you trying to do, wean this thing? 64 00:07:54,222 --> 00:07:57,388 You see, we made a slight miscalculation in regards to our supply. 65 00:07:57,558 --> 00:07:59,931 - Yeah, he means we ran out of gas. - Yes. 66 00:08:00,103 --> 00:08:03,187 Well, gentlemen, the right man just came along. 67 00:08:03,981 --> 00:08:06,733 Chester Wright, inventor of the Little Wonder Gas Pill. 68 00:08:06,901 --> 00:08:08,609 The answer to the rationing problem. 69 00:08:08,778 --> 00:08:11,898 This is the 1 0-gallon size. This is the five-gallon size. 70 00:08:13,449 --> 00:08:17,150 And this, gentlemen, is a gallon can of water. Sample it, if you please. 71 00:08:17,620 --> 00:08:19,328 I'm sorry. 72 00:08:25,712 --> 00:08:27,289 It's water, all right. 73 00:08:27,505 --> 00:08:30,874 You're gonna see a demonstration of the eighth wonder of the world. 74 00:08:32,593 --> 00:08:36,093 I'm gonna take some pellets, place them in the can of water you sampled. 75 00:08:36,264 --> 00:08:38,552 - Open your gas tank. - Oh, yes, sure. 76 00:08:49,402 --> 00:08:51,560 Oh, l'm sorry. 77 00:08:54,699 --> 00:08:56,490 Gasoline. 78 00:08:56,701 --> 00:08:59,156 Just pour it into your tank, gentlemen. 79 00:09:00,913 --> 00:09:03,749 Now, step on the starter. 80 00:09:16,596 --> 00:09:19,134 Mister, you have saved us from an untimely end. 81 00:09:19,348 --> 00:09:20,807 Yes, sir, we might have died. 82 00:09:20,975 --> 00:09:23,264 - How much do we owe you? - Forget it, my friends. 83 00:09:23,436 --> 00:09:26,520 - Just regard it as a courtesy of the road. - Thank you very much. 84 00:09:27,273 --> 00:09:31,105 "Laurel and Hardy, the original zoot suit band." 85 00:09:31,319 --> 00:09:33,477 We're one of the wonders of the age ourselves. 86 00:09:33,654 --> 00:09:36,027 The only two-man band in the world. 87 00:09:36,240 --> 00:09:40,570 Equal to Glenn Miller, Harry James and Spike Jones. 88 00:09:41,287 --> 00:09:43,612 Well, we might get together. 89 00:09:43,831 --> 00:09:47,165 I was on my way to Washington to hand these over to the government... 90 00:09:47,335 --> 00:09:49,790 but we might pick up a few bucks on the way. 91 00:09:49,962 --> 00:09:51,587 - You mean, make some money? - Sure. 92 00:09:51,756 --> 00:09:54,128 - We could make a lot of dough together. - How? 93 00:09:54,342 --> 00:09:57,841 There's a carnival opening up tomorrow in Midvale, a few miles from here. 94 00:09:58,054 --> 00:10:01,637 We can get a location and with your band to attract the crowd we can trim... 95 00:10:01,849 --> 00:10:03,972 I mean, we can sell every sucker... 96 00:10:04,477 --> 00:10:06,019 I mean, every person in town. 97 00:10:06,229 --> 00:10:08,056 What do you say, fellows, fifty-fifty? 98 00:10:08,898 --> 00:10:10,476 Well, we could use some money. 99 00:10:10,691 --> 00:10:12,351 Okay, fellows, see you in Midvale. 100 00:10:12,527 --> 00:10:15,231 - Goodbye. - Goodbye. 101 00:10:18,116 --> 00:10:19,693 - Goodbye. - Goodbye. 102 00:10:19,909 --> 00:10:21,652 - Bye. - Bye. 103 00:10:21,869 --> 00:10:24,360 - All of our troubles are over, Stanley. - Yes, sir. 104 00:10:24,580 --> 00:10:27,202 And we won't need this ration book anymore, will we? 105 00:10:27,417 --> 00:10:31,580 - Not as long as there's water. - That's just what l thought. 106 00:10:31,796 --> 00:10:34,548 Well, the quicker we get to town... 107 00:10:57,822 --> 00:11:01,072 Over here, over here, over here, folks, we have a free attraction. 108 00:11:01,284 --> 00:11:05,531 Step right in closely, please. We have here La Belle Fatima and her dancing... 109 00:11:05,747 --> 00:11:09,875 The only explanation we have of this remarkable phenomenon... 110 00:11:10,084 --> 00:11:12,373 the bearded lady, folks. This... 111 00:11:54,045 --> 00:11:58,090 Come on, hepcats, we're gonna spread a load of jam. 112 00:13:01,904 --> 00:13:02,936 Not bad, are they? 113 00:13:03,114 --> 00:13:06,150 No. That trumpet reminds me of some Harry James records... 114 00:13:06,325 --> 00:13:07,903 our store got in this morning. 115 00:13:08,077 --> 00:13:11,244 - You're in the music business? - Sort of. l sing in the choir too. 116 00:13:15,710 --> 00:13:18,248 - What's holding us back, sister? - All reet, Jackson. 117 00:13:18,421 --> 00:13:20,295 Well, all reet. 118 00:14:16,938 --> 00:14:18,977 Well, folks, that was out of this world. 119 00:14:19,190 --> 00:14:22,808 And now we have a message for you. 120 00:14:25,488 --> 00:14:27,730 We bring to you, good people of Midvale... 121 00:14:27,949 --> 00:14:30,618 the greatest invention of the 20th century. 122 00:14:31,285 --> 00:14:33,741 What is the most important question today? 123 00:14:35,248 --> 00:14:36,790 Transportation. 124 00:14:37,041 --> 00:14:40,291 Which brings us to the question of gas rationing. 125 00:14:40,503 --> 00:14:43,374 Out of the laboratories has come a miracle... 126 00:14:43,589 --> 00:14:45,878 the Little Wonder Gas Pill. 127 00:14:46,592 --> 00:14:50,542 You simply drop one of these pills into a gallon of water... 128 00:14:50,763 --> 00:14:54,132 and you have a gallon of gas, not ordinary gas... 129 00:14:54,350 --> 00:14:57,636 but gas of the highest quality. 130 00:15:00,398 --> 00:15:04,859 Now, this is the five-gallon size and this is the 1 0-gallon size. 131 00:15:05,069 --> 00:15:08,272 I could sell it to you for a dollar a gallon, but no. 132 00:15:08,823 --> 00:15:11,231 The 1 0-gallon size sells for $2. 133 00:15:11,451 --> 00:15:15,033 The five-gallon size sells for $ 1. Who wants one? 134 00:15:15,246 --> 00:15:18,164 L'll take the large size. L'll take 1 0 gallons. 135 00:15:18,332 --> 00:15:19,957 - Yes, sir. - Give me 1 0. 136 00:15:20,126 --> 00:15:22,747 No, wait a minute. Wait a minute. 137 00:15:22,962 --> 00:15:25,038 How do we know that stuff's on the level? 138 00:15:27,508 --> 00:15:30,082 I perceive that you have a water bag on your shoulder. 139 00:15:30,928 --> 00:15:33,466 - Ls there water in it? - Yes, full of it. 140 00:15:34,432 --> 00:15:36,508 Put this in it. l dare you. 141 00:15:44,859 --> 00:15:47,943 It smells like gasoline. 142 00:15:56,913 --> 00:15:58,288 What more do you want, folks? 143 00:15:58,456 --> 00:16:00,947 The five-gallon or the 1 0-gallon size? Who wants one? 144 00:16:01,125 --> 00:16:03,497 - That's enough for me, give me 1 0. - There you are. 145 00:16:03,669 --> 00:16:05,746 - Give me 1 0 gallons. - Give me five gallons. 146 00:16:05,922 --> 00:16:07,831 Hurry, hurry, hurry. 147 00:16:09,675 --> 00:16:11,502 All right, folks, don't fight. 148 00:16:11,677 --> 00:16:13,754 Here's another fin, buddy. 149 00:16:14,806 --> 00:16:16,134 Here's your pill. 150 00:16:21,396 --> 00:16:25,144 - Never mind that. - All right, l'll take five gallons more. 151 00:16:25,650 --> 00:16:29,564 - Right over here, sir. - Hold it, hold it, folks. Hold everything. 152 00:16:29,779 --> 00:16:33,195 Don't hand over any more of your hard-earned money to these crooks. 153 00:16:33,408 --> 00:16:35,400 - This is a fake. - Are you insinuating... 154 00:16:35,576 --> 00:16:37,154 we are hoodwinking the public? 155 00:16:37,745 --> 00:16:41,577 I dropped one of these Little Wonder Gas Pills into a bucket of water... 156 00:16:41,791 --> 00:16:46,619 poured it into the tank of the car and now... And now look at me! 157 00:16:48,381 --> 00:16:51,050 Hey, give us back our money! 158 00:16:51,259 --> 00:16:53,382 Inspector McNeil of the State Bunco Squad. 159 00:16:53,553 --> 00:16:56,174 L've been trailing these two for five days. 160 00:16:56,347 --> 00:16:59,431 Jail's too good for these robbers. We ought to take care of them. 161 00:16:59,600 --> 00:17:01,344 - You're right. - They can't take me. 162 00:17:01,561 --> 00:17:03,388 - We want our dough. - Come on. 163 00:17:04,021 --> 00:17:08,019 Folks, don't let your tempers boil over. These men will be dealt with by the law. 164 00:17:14,407 --> 00:17:17,277 My purse. My purse. 165 00:17:21,080 --> 00:17:24,912 Well, what l can't understand is why did you pretend to be a county detective... 166 00:17:25,084 --> 00:17:27,871 unless the gas pills didn't have the desired effect? 167 00:17:28,046 --> 00:17:30,963 What do you suppose is running this car at the present time? 168 00:17:31,132 --> 00:17:34,999 - He's right, Ollie, we're going okay. - Well, what happened to the man's car? 169 00:17:35,219 --> 00:17:39,347 He got mixed up in the directions or there was something wrong with his car. 170 00:17:39,515 --> 00:17:42,350 - How much we take in? - Two hundred and twenty-three dollars. 171 00:17:42,518 --> 00:17:45,519 - L'll take my half now. - All right. 172 00:17:50,068 --> 00:17:51,859 There you are. 173 00:17:56,115 --> 00:17:57,526 Hey, wait a minute, fellows. 174 00:17:57,742 --> 00:17:59,735 What? Didn't l split the money fifty-fifty? 175 00:17:59,911 --> 00:18:01,619 That's not it. We gotta go back. 176 00:18:07,502 --> 00:18:10,752 - Go back! Why? - This purse belongs to a girl in Midvale. 177 00:18:10,963 --> 00:18:13,371 - L was holding it for her. - Lf anyone sees us... 178 00:18:13,549 --> 00:18:15,423 they'll throw us all into the jug... 179 00:18:15,593 --> 00:18:18,511 and they'll find out that you're really not an officer. 180 00:18:20,014 --> 00:18:23,300 - How am l gonna get this back to her? - L'll take it. 181 00:18:23,518 --> 00:18:24,632 How did you get here? 182 00:18:24,811 --> 00:18:27,930 I got into the back of the trailer when you were leaving. 183 00:18:28,106 --> 00:18:30,857 The question now is, how do l get back to Midvale? 184 00:18:31,067 --> 00:18:33,854 Oh, l got an idea. 185 00:18:35,029 --> 00:18:37,864 You two drive to the place where l parked my station wagon. 186 00:18:38,032 --> 00:18:39,526 We'll ride back in the trailer. 187 00:18:39,742 --> 00:18:43,491 Come on, baby. l'll explain everything to you in words of one syllable. 188 00:18:47,166 --> 00:18:49,836 No wonder he wanted to go back to Midvale. 189 00:18:50,044 --> 00:18:52,998 - Why? - Well, because the girl lives there and... 190 00:18:53,214 --> 00:18:55,171 Never mind why! 191 00:19:00,263 --> 00:19:02,054 Look, you're doing 70 miles an hour. 192 00:19:02,265 --> 00:19:06,808 I'm not doing 70 miles an hour. I'm not even doing 50 miles an hour. 193 00:19:07,019 --> 00:19:09,973 In fact, l'm not even doing 35 miles an hour. 194 00:19:10,189 --> 00:19:13,641 - Well, it says there 70. - That speedometer's stuck. 195 00:19:13,860 --> 00:19:16,398 Oh, l'm sorry. l didn't know. 196 00:19:20,241 --> 00:19:22,483 Why don't you look where you're going. 197 00:19:23,911 --> 00:19:26,237 - L'll get it. - Thank you. 198 00:19:32,670 --> 00:19:34,793 - Hey, what's this? - Lt's a picture taken... 199 00:19:34,964 --> 00:19:37,918 when Mother put through a real-estate deal on our property. 200 00:19:38,092 --> 00:19:40,630 - Your folks got money? - L've a rich aunt in Boston. 201 00:19:40,803 --> 00:19:42,463 She bought the property for Mother. 202 00:19:43,347 --> 00:19:44,723 What kind of a deal was this? 203 00:19:44,932 --> 00:19:47,258 Mother puts in her property in $ 1 0,000... 204 00:19:47,477 --> 00:19:50,181 and the eastern financiers put in 1 5,000. 205 00:19:50,354 --> 00:19:51,932 L've seen one of those faces. 206 00:19:53,983 --> 00:19:55,014 Around a racetrack. 207 00:19:55,526 --> 00:19:58,860 Louisville, a horseplayer named "One Horse" Bates. 208 00:19:59,072 --> 00:20:00,780 You might let me in on this. 209 00:20:00,990 --> 00:20:03,481 Honey, l'm afraid your poor old gray-haired mother... 210 00:20:03,659 --> 00:20:05,154 has been sadly gypped. 211 00:20:13,836 --> 00:20:17,751 There's my car, baby, hop in. I gotta go up and see the Rover boys. 212 00:20:19,425 --> 00:20:21,667 Boys, l gotta drive this girl back to Midvale. 213 00:20:21,844 --> 00:20:24,798 - Back to Midvale? - Lsn't there any other way? 214 00:20:24,972 --> 00:20:28,887 There's more. From what she tells me, her mother was gypped out of $ 1 0,000. 215 00:20:29,060 --> 00:20:31,515 - That's a lot of dough. - Yeah, a lot of money too. 216 00:20:31,687 --> 00:20:34,558 It's worth going after. Now, l have a hunch who the gang is. 217 00:20:34,732 --> 00:20:37,270 - L'm gonna try and get it back. - You're a swell guy... 218 00:20:37,443 --> 00:20:40,895 - to try and get that money back. - Yes, anything we can do to help... 219 00:20:41,072 --> 00:20:42,483 l knew l could count on you. 220 00:20:42,657 --> 00:20:45,029 Stay on this route and l'll catch you before long. 221 00:20:45,201 --> 00:20:46,612 - Righto. - Okey-dokey. 222 00:20:53,584 --> 00:20:56,870 Stanley, do you believe in love at first sight? 223 00:20:57,088 --> 00:21:00,421 Well, it saves a lot of time. 224 00:21:08,725 --> 00:21:10,966 Mr. Cass, this gentleman seems to think... 225 00:21:11,144 --> 00:21:13,979 that Mother has been swindled in the land deal. 226 00:21:14,188 --> 00:21:16,264 This is Mr... 227 00:21:16,816 --> 00:21:19,651 - l don't even know your name. - We never got around to that. 228 00:21:19,819 --> 00:21:22,524 - Wright. Chester Wright. - L'm very glad to meet you, sir. 229 00:21:22,697 --> 00:21:26,315 Though l'm quite certain that you're mistaken. The money is in my safe. 230 00:21:26,534 --> 00:21:30,366 Yeah? Ten will get you 20 that it isn't. And a Wright is never wrong. 231 00:21:35,585 --> 00:21:38,123 Mr. Wright, l hope you're wrong. 232 00:21:39,297 --> 00:21:43,544 There, you see, and the signatures. Just as l put it into my safe, Mr. Wright. 233 00:21:43,760 --> 00:21:46,796 Oh, sure, sure. Now, who's gonna open it? 234 00:21:46,971 --> 00:21:48,928 Why, l think Miss Cowan should open it... 235 00:21:49,098 --> 00:21:52,183 since she will someday be the owner of the property. 236 00:22:05,823 --> 00:22:07,448 Why, l don't understand it. 237 00:22:07,658 --> 00:22:09,865 I put that money in the envelope and sealed it. 238 00:22:10,036 --> 00:22:12,788 It was never out of my sight until l put it into the safe. 239 00:22:12,955 --> 00:22:14,948 He's even used a copy of the Daily Planet. 240 00:22:15,166 --> 00:22:17,408 He never dropped it on the floor? 241 00:22:17,585 --> 00:22:19,993 Yes, now that l think of it, but he initialed it... 242 00:22:20,171 --> 00:22:23,172 before he dropped it. And the initials were still there. 243 00:22:23,341 --> 00:22:25,713 Why, of course. That's known as the old convincer. 244 00:22:25,885 --> 00:22:28,376 The phony envelope was initialed before he came in. 245 00:22:28,554 --> 00:22:31,010 I'm going down to tell the chief of police. 246 00:22:33,518 --> 00:22:35,391 L'd like to break their necks. 247 00:22:35,561 --> 00:22:37,554 I only hope the police catch up with them. 248 00:22:37,730 --> 00:22:40,565 What good would that do? Even if the police arrested them... 249 00:22:40,733 --> 00:22:43,438 they'd only spend the money on lawyers to defend them. 250 00:22:43,611 --> 00:22:47,940 Then if you win, you lose. 251 00:22:48,241 --> 00:22:52,321 Maybe, but l've been thinking. I'm going after that money. 252 00:22:52,537 --> 00:22:54,410 What do you mean? 253 00:22:54,706 --> 00:22:56,413 Well... 254 00:22:57,291 --> 00:23:01,918 money lost through larceny can often be recovered the same way. 255 00:23:02,130 --> 00:23:05,333 Remember l told you l recognized one of those faces, a horseplayer? 256 00:23:05,883 --> 00:23:08,042 Well, what track opens next week? New Orleans. 257 00:23:08,219 --> 00:23:12,680 - And that's where l'm heading. - Fine, l'll go along with you. 258 00:23:14,016 --> 00:23:17,267 You know, if we hadn't have run out of gas on the desert... 259 00:23:17,478 --> 00:23:20,396 Chester would have never gone to Midvale... 260 00:23:20,565 --> 00:23:22,807 and he would never have met her. 261 00:23:23,026 --> 00:23:25,695 And now he's going to recover her money. 262 00:23:25,903 --> 00:23:30,316 To her, he's a real hepcat. Right in the groove. 263 00:23:30,742 --> 00:23:33,114 And they'll fall in love... 264 00:23:33,745 --> 00:23:35,322 get married. 265 00:23:35,538 --> 00:23:38,574 And live in a cottage bowered with roses. 266 00:23:38,791 --> 00:23:42,741 A country estate. You know, we could work for them... 267 00:23:42,962 --> 00:23:45,833 and we could live in peace and contentment. 268 00:23:46,049 --> 00:23:48,622 You paint a pretty picture, Stanley. 269 00:23:48,843 --> 00:23:52,592 They could name their first baby Stanley. 270 00:23:54,390 --> 00:23:56,264 What's the matter with Oliver? 271 00:23:56,476 --> 00:23:58,349 Stanley's a nice name. 272 00:23:58,978 --> 00:24:00,307 Oliver. 273 00:24:01,481 --> 00:24:03,806 Well, they could have twins. 274 00:24:04,025 --> 00:24:06,432 We'll suggest that to them. 275 00:24:13,743 --> 00:24:16,495 - What's my point, baby? - Six. 276 00:24:16,746 --> 00:24:19,949 You know you always shoot sixes, Corky. 277 00:24:30,009 --> 00:24:34,505 My name is Colonel Watterson Bixby of Leaping Frog, Amarillo County, Texas. 278 00:24:34,722 --> 00:24:38,257 How do you do, colonel? We've assigned the governor's suite to your party. 279 00:24:38,476 --> 00:24:41,762 - L hope you'll like it. - You all are most kind, sir. 280 00:24:41,979 --> 00:24:43,355 Okay, there's your 2 bits. 281 00:24:43,523 --> 00:24:46,642 If l keep on playing this game, you'll be wearing mink. 282 00:24:47,193 --> 00:24:49,862 This is my secretary, Mr. Chester Wright... 283 00:24:50,071 --> 00:24:55,196 and this is my butler, valet and general factotum, Potts. 284 00:24:58,746 --> 00:25:02,364 Carry those bags upstairs, and don't take no for an answer. 285 00:25:02,542 --> 00:25:04,036 Yes, sir. 286 00:25:11,092 --> 00:25:14,876 I have some valuables l'd like to entrust to your care, sir. 287 00:25:15,096 --> 00:25:18,631 This one contains $20,000 in currency. 288 00:25:19,016 --> 00:25:22,183 And this, some very valuable contracts and documents. 289 00:25:22,395 --> 00:25:26,642 They'll be perfectly safe, l assure you. Just a moment, l'll give you a receipt. 290 00:25:31,654 --> 00:25:34,774 My, what a pretty little girl. 291 00:25:39,287 --> 00:25:42,620 How do you do, miss? Let me see. 292 00:25:42,790 --> 00:25:46,491 I don't remember your name, but l know we've met. 293 00:25:48,921 --> 00:25:50,748 There goes the colonel again. 294 00:25:50,965 --> 00:25:55,508 And he's got the most jealous wife in the whole state of Texas. 295 00:25:55,678 --> 00:25:57,885 That's Corcoran, one of the men at the desk. 296 00:25:58,139 --> 00:26:01,508 Yeah, l recognized him from his picture. 297 00:26:01,768 --> 00:26:05,219 Okay, you two, break it up. Susan, we'll see you later upstairs. 298 00:26:05,438 --> 00:26:07,976 Goodbye, miss. 299 00:26:16,741 --> 00:26:18,864 You all here for the races, gentlemen? 300 00:26:19,077 --> 00:26:23,026 I'm sorry, sir, but business prevents that pleasure. 301 00:26:25,583 --> 00:26:27,540 After you, sir. 302 00:26:35,259 --> 00:26:37,833 Corcoran, you might at least have knocked. 303 00:26:48,439 --> 00:26:50,646 Dorcas, ready money just walked in the hotel. 304 00:26:50,858 --> 00:26:53,729 - Kale, mazuma, moola? - The old lettuce and plenty of it. 305 00:26:53,903 --> 00:26:56,572 A Texas Casanova by the name of Col. Watterson Bixby... 306 00:26:56,739 --> 00:26:59,409 - and a sucker for dames. - That's nothing, so are you. 307 00:26:59,575 --> 00:27:02,245 Dorcas, this is business. Listen. 308 00:27:02,537 --> 00:27:04,613 We've been in this joint for five minutes... 309 00:27:04,789 --> 00:27:07,197 and we already contacted the interested parties. 310 00:27:07,375 --> 00:27:09,533 - And are they interested. - But haven't you...? 311 00:27:09,752 --> 00:27:11,959 We spent a lot of money to put over this deal. 312 00:27:12,171 --> 00:27:14,627 Say, $ 1 0,000 is a lot of hay. 313 00:27:14,841 --> 00:27:17,129 It's a lot of money too. 314 00:27:17,427 --> 00:27:19,918 He's got the suite down the hall. Get him in here... 315 00:27:20,096 --> 00:27:22,468 and l'll watch for your drink order at the bar. 316 00:27:22,640 --> 00:27:24,846 Then l'll walk in at the right time. Get it? 317 00:27:25,226 --> 00:27:27,515 And don't forget to use your Southern accent. 318 00:27:27,729 --> 00:27:32,058 - Does y'all mean like this, honey? - Fine, that's it. 319 00:27:34,027 --> 00:27:35,686 L'll be right back. 320 00:27:46,497 --> 00:27:51,658 Oh, y'all, please don't leave me, please don't leave me. 321 00:27:59,761 --> 00:28:01,552 Oh, please. 322 00:28:09,479 --> 00:28:11,222 Oh, my hero. 323 00:28:11,439 --> 00:28:14,772 I declare, l'd have collapsed in the hall if it hadn't been for you... 324 00:28:14,942 --> 00:28:17,018 and someone else might have come along... 325 00:28:17,195 --> 00:28:20,611 someone not so strong, so gallant. 326 00:28:20,823 --> 00:28:22,650 Come sit here beside me. 327 00:28:23,201 --> 00:28:24,861 Why? 328 00:28:25,745 --> 00:28:29,908 - Why, l still feel a little faint. - L'll go get a doctor if you like. 329 00:28:30,458 --> 00:28:31,917 Oh, let us have some drinks. 330 00:28:32,126 --> 00:28:36,338 - Shall l order a couple of Sazeracs? - L'm sorry, lady, but l don't drink. 331 00:28:36,547 --> 00:28:40,794 You don't drink? I mean, you all don't drink? 332 00:28:42,136 --> 00:28:46,466 Oh, would you mind if l had a little snifter? l mean a little sip? 333 00:28:46,974 --> 00:28:48,385 Certainly not. 334 00:28:48,601 --> 00:28:51,306 Would you mind pouring it for me? 335 00:29:02,198 --> 00:29:03,657 See, l've sweetened it. 336 00:29:03,866 --> 00:29:05,942 One little sip? 337 00:29:06,244 --> 00:29:07,702 Just for poor little me? 338 00:29:08,579 --> 00:29:12,411 Just one little sip, but just one. 339 00:29:25,763 --> 00:29:27,886 You know, that's a bit of all right. 340 00:29:28,099 --> 00:29:32,013 I declare, for a Texan, you all have a mighty funny dialect, colonel. 341 00:29:32,228 --> 00:29:35,229 - Colonel? - Aren't you Col. Watterson Bixby? 342 00:29:35,440 --> 00:29:37,516 - No, l'm his valet. - What? 343 00:29:37,734 --> 00:29:39,940 - Yeah, my name is Potts. - Potts! 344 00:29:40,153 --> 00:29:43,154 Yeah, P-O "otts," Potts. 345 00:29:43,364 --> 00:29:47,196 - Come in. - Oh, no, that's my husband. 346 00:29:49,620 --> 00:29:51,530 Hide, quick! 347 00:29:59,380 --> 00:30:03,295 Colonel Watterson Bixby of Amarillo County, Texas, my fair lady. 348 00:30:03,468 --> 00:30:07,631 As your neighbor down the hall, l've come to present my regards... 349 00:30:07,805 --> 00:30:11,008 and convey my felicitations. 350 00:30:12,769 --> 00:30:19,056 Colonel Watterson Bixby. I'm almighty proud to meet you all. 351 00:30:19,275 --> 00:30:23,189 - Come right in. - Thank you, ma'am. 352 00:30:25,615 --> 00:30:30,277 - My name is Mary Lou, colonel. - What a pretty name. 353 00:30:30,495 --> 00:30:33,911 - Can l call you Mary? - Please do. 354 00:30:34,123 --> 00:30:36,661 And you just call me Watty. 355 00:30:36,876 --> 00:30:40,790 Watty. How about a drink? Shall l order a couple of Sazeracs? 356 00:30:41,005 --> 00:30:46,000 A couple? Why, madam, that's just a three-furlong dash to a 4-year-old. 357 00:30:46,177 --> 00:30:47,552 Order a dozen. 358 00:30:47,720 --> 00:30:50,887 And it shall be Colonel Watterson Bixby's pleasure... 359 00:30:51,557 --> 00:30:54,095 my little magnolia blossom. 360 00:30:55,228 --> 00:30:58,644 A dozen Sazeracs for 807, please. 361 00:31:00,650 --> 00:31:05,228 Mary, is that hard liquor l see on yonder table? 362 00:31:05,571 --> 00:31:08,905 But that is brandy, colonel, and l've ordered absinthe. 363 00:31:09,117 --> 00:31:13,031 The perfect chaser. Permit me. 364 00:31:17,709 --> 00:31:22,869 To the fairest flower in the garden of Southern womanhood. 365 00:31:29,178 --> 00:31:31,669 - Sit down, colonel. - Thank you. 366 00:31:37,603 --> 00:31:42,431 L've heard no woman can resist you, Watty. 367 00:31:42,650 --> 00:31:45,900 Mary, you gonna have a lot of fun proving it. 368 00:31:46,112 --> 00:31:48,864 - You mind if l smoke? - Not at all. 369 00:31:49,073 --> 00:31:50,698 Thank you. 370 00:31:59,876 --> 00:32:03,494 - Cigarette? - Oh, no, thank you. 371 00:32:03,755 --> 00:32:05,747 - Light? - Thank you. 372 00:32:32,325 --> 00:32:33,700 - Things are moving? - Yeah. 373 00:32:33,910 --> 00:32:36,661 Oliver has just walked into the spider's web. 374 00:32:36,871 --> 00:32:38,698 I found the third member of the party. 375 00:32:38,915 --> 00:32:40,788 He's running a showboat nightclub. 376 00:32:40,958 --> 00:32:42,832 That's fine. That's where you come in. 377 00:32:43,044 --> 00:32:45,535 - What do you mean? - L've sort of been worrying... 378 00:32:45,713 --> 00:32:49,047 for fear you'd be in the way. If we got in a jam, that is. 379 00:32:49,258 --> 00:32:52,176 - L'll stick with you boys. - Don't you see? 380 00:32:52,345 --> 00:32:55,796 Nightclub, singing, that's your racket. You get a job, pave the way... 381 00:32:55,973 --> 00:32:58,132 we'll move in and clean out the whole gang. 382 00:32:58,309 --> 00:33:01,227 You mean you want me to walk out before l get the money? 383 00:33:04,649 --> 00:33:06,440 Does that mean you...? 384 00:33:06,693 --> 00:33:08,602 You still don't trust me? 385 00:33:08,820 --> 00:33:10,362 No. 386 00:33:10,571 --> 00:33:12,647 Because if you don't, well... 387 00:33:13,825 --> 00:33:16,066 we might as well call the whole thing off. 388 00:33:16,285 --> 00:33:18,278 Don't be silly. 389 00:33:18,496 --> 00:33:23,241 I trust you, Chester. Don't think l'm not grateful. 390 00:33:24,168 --> 00:33:26,410 L'll do as you say. 391 00:33:33,678 --> 00:33:36,632 - Sit down, Mary Lou. - Thank you. 392 00:33:50,194 --> 00:33:53,646 - Delicious. - Nectar. 393 00:33:58,244 --> 00:34:03,072 Mary Lou, absinthe makes the heart grow fonder. 394 00:34:10,256 --> 00:34:13,459 Hold your breath and take nine sips of water. 395 00:34:13,676 --> 00:34:15,799 Thank you, colonel. 396 00:34:18,806 --> 00:34:22,674 Watty, you have lovely hands. 397 00:34:22,894 --> 00:34:24,886 Thank you, Mary. 398 00:34:50,963 --> 00:34:53,799 Impulsive little creature, aren't you, darling? 399 00:34:54,008 --> 00:34:56,167 Shall...? Shall we all have some music now? 400 00:34:56,386 --> 00:34:58,841 I don't mind if l do. 401 00:36:15,298 --> 00:36:18,049 Colonel, y'all dance divinely. 402 00:36:18,259 --> 00:36:20,584 It must be the gypsy in me. 403 00:36:22,013 --> 00:36:24,930 Kiss me, my little dove. 404 00:36:25,475 --> 00:36:27,135 So! 405 00:36:32,607 --> 00:36:36,439 I find you, my wife, in the arms of another man. 406 00:36:36,611 --> 00:36:39,896 - Lionel, l can explain everything. - You can explain... 407 00:36:40,073 --> 00:36:43,109 - But, sir, you don't understand... - L understand everything, sir. 408 00:36:43,284 --> 00:36:45,111 I should kill you both, perhaps l will. 409 00:36:45,286 --> 00:36:46,946 - Oh, it was nothing. - Nothing? 410 00:36:47,163 --> 00:36:50,828 You call it nothing when l find this Casanova making violent love to you? 411 00:36:51,042 --> 00:36:53,248 Why, l'll... 412 00:36:54,420 --> 00:36:57,955 And now, Colonel Watterson Bixby, l'll deal with you. 413 00:36:58,132 --> 00:37:01,833 L'll go to name you co-respondent in my divorce case against my wife. 414 00:37:02,053 --> 00:37:04,722 No, no. Think of my position in society. 415 00:37:04,931 --> 00:37:09,178 - L'm in no mood for trifling. - Can't this little matter be adjusted? 416 00:37:09,394 --> 00:37:12,264 Sir, you dare to offer me money? 417 00:37:12,480 --> 00:37:14,638 Well, just between two Southern gentlemen. 418 00:37:14,857 --> 00:37:17,265 Money for my wife? For my honor? 419 00:37:17,485 --> 00:37:21,352 - For my love? - For my children. 420 00:37:21,948 --> 00:37:24,569 Your poor little innocent babes. 421 00:37:24,784 --> 00:37:28,449 Why should the sins of the father be visited upon the children? 422 00:37:29,622 --> 00:37:31,994 - How much? - Ten thousand dollars, sir. 423 00:37:32,208 --> 00:37:33,833 Ten thousand dollars? 424 00:37:34,043 --> 00:37:39,250 Ten years in jail is more like it, my fine-feathered friend. 425 00:37:40,091 --> 00:37:42,000 Who are you? 426 00:37:43,469 --> 00:37:46,221 Sheriff Jonathan Bates of Midvale County. 427 00:37:46,431 --> 00:37:49,764 L've got a warrant for your arrest for swindling Mrs. Audrey Cowan... 428 00:37:49,934 --> 00:37:51,476 out of $ 1 0,000. 429 00:37:51,686 --> 00:37:54,603 - You can't get away with this. - Oh, no? 430 00:37:54,814 --> 00:37:56,225 Deputy. 431 00:37:56,649 --> 00:37:58,393 Yes, sheriff? 432 00:37:58,901 --> 00:38:01,938 - Got the extradition papers? - Everything signed by the governor. 433 00:38:02,113 --> 00:38:05,067 - Put the handcuffs on him. - Wait a minute, this can be fixed. 434 00:38:05,241 --> 00:38:07,566 Are you trying to bribe an officer of the law? 435 00:38:07,744 --> 00:38:09,024 I wouldn't think of that. 436 00:38:09,203 --> 00:38:12,157 You've gotta realize this is a business deal that went wrong. 437 00:38:12,331 --> 00:38:15,001 L'll refund the money, save further trouble and expense. 438 00:38:15,168 --> 00:38:19,165 L'll turn my share of the money over, and you can give it back to Mrs. Cowan. 439 00:38:21,007 --> 00:38:23,332 Well, the main thing is to get the money back. 440 00:38:23,551 --> 00:38:24,926 Hand it over. 441 00:38:25,136 --> 00:38:27,971 Here's 5000. That was my split. 442 00:38:28,181 --> 00:38:31,680 - What happened to the other $5000? - My partner, Bennett, has it. 443 00:38:31,893 --> 00:38:34,348 Your partner tipped us off you had all the dough. 444 00:38:34,562 --> 00:38:37,231 So that's where the squawk comes from. 445 00:38:37,440 --> 00:38:40,145 Your partner, Bennett. 446 00:38:40,610 --> 00:38:42,187 Bennett. 447 00:38:48,409 --> 00:38:49,738 Put them up! 448 00:38:51,537 --> 00:38:54,455 You two cheap grifters thought you could put something over. 449 00:38:54,665 --> 00:38:56,290 I got a notion to drill you. 450 00:38:56,501 --> 00:38:58,826 Hand back that dough, smart guys. 451 00:38:59,045 --> 00:39:00,705 Hand it over. 452 00:39:00,922 --> 00:39:02,914 We were only fooling. 453 00:39:06,469 --> 00:39:09,636 Get the handcuffs! Give me the handcuffs! 454 00:39:11,808 --> 00:39:14,263 Here you are. Come on. 455 00:39:16,396 --> 00:39:18,768 - Hey, put him in the closet. - All right. 456 00:39:21,651 --> 00:39:24,652 Oh, no, you don't, Mary Lou. 457 00:39:27,740 --> 00:39:31,275 Come on, hurry, hurry. We gotta get out of this joint fast. 458 00:41:34,200 --> 00:41:35,694 Well, what do you say, Tony? 459 00:41:36,244 --> 00:41:39,743 No, this is not my racket. Of this l know from nothing. 460 00:41:39,956 --> 00:41:43,870 L'll give you a half-interest. All l need is 5 grand to open the show. 461 00:41:44,085 --> 00:41:46,374 Five grand's a lot of money. 462 00:41:47,296 --> 00:41:50,250 Sometimes it takes me a whole week to make 5 grand. 463 00:41:57,515 --> 00:41:59,673 Isn't he going to help you, Mr. Bennett? 464 00:41:59,851 --> 00:42:03,385 No dice. l had plans, Susan. I was gonna make a big star out of you. 465 00:42:03,604 --> 00:42:05,977 I knew you had the stuff the first time l saw you. 466 00:42:06,149 --> 00:42:09,731 Would Tony Queen put up the money if he thought he had a sure thing? 467 00:42:11,487 --> 00:42:14,322 If Tony thought he had a cinch, he'd kick in with plenty. 468 00:42:15,491 --> 00:42:18,029 - Wish l could help you. - Thanks anyway. 469 00:42:18,202 --> 00:42:20,575 You don't happen to have any money in your family? 470 00:42:20,747 --> 00:42:24,162 I have an aunt in Boston who has quite a lot, but that's Boston. 471 00:42:24,375 --> 00:42:28,539 It doesn't do us much good when l'd figured l'd open in a couple of nights. 472 00:42:28,755 --> 00:42:31,709 Never mind any more rehearsals for the present, honey. 473 00:42:34,385 --> 00:42:36,010 I'm out. 474 00:42:36,304 --> 00:42:40,218 Well, boys, this has gone far enough. L'll just call that $2 bet. 475 00:42:40,433 --> 00:42:42,472 - What have you got? - Two pair. 476 00:42:43,394 --> 00:42:48,103 - Why, you dummy, you've got four aces. - Just a minute, boys. 477 00:42:48,566 --> 00:42:50,393 Straight flush. 478 00:42:58,076 --> 00:42:59,486 What's the good news, Susan? 479 00:42:59,660 --> 00:43:01,653 Bennett had Tony Queen down this morning... 480 00:43:01,829 --> 00:43:05,245 trying to get him to put some money in the show, but nothing doing. 481 00:43:05,458 --> 00:43:07,497 - He wouldn't go for it, huh? - No. 482 00:43:07,710 --> 00:43:11,625 Bennett said he could get all the money in the world from him for a sure thing... 483 00:43:11,839 --> 00:43:14,924 but this is evidently a little too legitimate. 484 00:43:15,176 --> 00:43:18,011 - He even tried to promote me. - What'd you say to that? 485 00:43:18,221 --> 00:43:22,550 I told him the only one in my family with money was an aunt in Boston. 486 00:43:28,189 --> 00:43:30,431 Did you say you have a rich aunt in Boston? 487 00:43:30,608 --> 00:43:32,435 Why, yes. 488 00:43:33,945 --> 00:43:37,610 Honey, your rich aunt from Boston arrived in town this morning. 489 00:43:37,824 --> 00:43:39,234 Gee, that's swell. 490 00:43:39,450 --> 00:43:41,858 She came here to visit her childhood sweetheart... 491 00:43:42,078 --> 00:43:45,661 Colonel Watterson Bixby of Amarillo County, Texas. 492 00:43:45,873 --> 00:43:48,246 But where is she? We could go and get her. 493 00:43:48,418 --> 00:43:50,790 - Then we'd clean up the gang... - She's right here. 494 00:43:52,088 --> 00:43:53,630 Where? 495 00:44:05,643 --> 00:44:06,972 Not me. 496 00:44:07,186 --> 00:44:09,428 I'm not gonna be a dame. 497 00:44:16,428 --> 00:44:18,136 Turn around. 498 00:44:20,265 --> 00:44:22,803 - How do l look? - Absolutely perfect. 499 00:44:23,018 --> 00:44:25,307 - Let's go and show Chester. - Wait just a minute. 500 00:44:25,479 --> 00:44:27,305 Let me see you walk. 501 00:44:35,697 --> 00:44:38,532 - All right? - Not like that. 502 00:44:38,742 --> 00:44:41,031 Like this. 503 00:44:46,374 --> 00:44:49,957 - Simple. - Show me that again. 504 00:44:56,009 --> 00:44:58,251 Now let's see you do it. 505 00:44:59,262 --> 00:45:03,759 Auntie! You look great. Don't forget, your name is Emily Cartwright. 506 00:45:03,934 --> 00:45:06,341 - Emily Cartwright. - Lt's late. We gotta hurry. 507 00:45:06,520 --> 00:45:08,180 Come on, Emmie. 508 00:45:09,481 --> 00:45:12,482 - Not you, it's me. l... - Go on. 509 00:48:40,734 --> 00:48:43,189 - Charming and clever, isn't she? - L agree. 510 00:48:43,361 --> 00:48:46,944 That's the only reason l'm considering selling you a piece of the show. 511 00:48:47,115 --> 00:48:49,440 I want her to have the best possible production. 512 00:48:49,659 --> 00:48:52,530 Of course, you know, l wouldn't consider this investment... 513 00:48:52,746 --> 00:48:54,537 if it wasn't for Susan's future... 514 00:48:54,748 --> 00:48:56,491 - would l, Watty? - No. 515 00:48:56,708 --> 00:48:58,617 She is charming and clever, Miss Emily. 516 00:48:58,835 --> 00:49:01,789 I hope you don't mind me calling you Miss Emily. 517 00:49:02,005 --> 00:49:03,879 Oh, no, not at all. 518 00:49:04,091 --> 00:49:07,625 You know, l just love the way you show people carry on. 519 00:49:09,513 --> 00:49:12,763 For $5000, l'll give you 49 percent of the show. 520 00:49:12,933 --> 00:49:14,261 What do you think, Chester? 521 00:49:14,434 --> 00:49:17,139 Well, it... lt sounds like a sound business venture to me. 522 00:49:17,312 --> 00:49:19,684 That's splendid. When shall we draw up the papers? 523 00:49:19,856 --> 00:49:21,765 - L suggest that... - Now, now, sugar pie... 524 00:49:21,942 --> 00:49:23,981 l wouldn't be too hasty. 525 00:49:24,194 --> 00:49:27,029 This theater business is very risky. 526 00:49:27,239 --> 00:49:29,231 I remember when l was young, l was hooked... 527 00:49:29,408 --> 00:49:33,322 L... l mean, l invested $50,000 in a musical show. 528 00:49:33,537 --> 00:49:36,241 That, of course, my dear, was before l met you. 529 00:49:36,456 --> 00:49:39,457 Well, remember, turtledove, it's for Susan... 530 00:49:39,835 --> 00:49:42,539 and l want her to have every opportunity. 531 00:49:42,754 --> 00:49:46,004 I know, lambie pie, but Mr. Roger Billingham... 532 00:49:46,174 --> 00:49:49,923 the biggest theatrical producer in New York is a personal friend of mine... 533 00:49:50,137 --> 00:49:54,086 and l'm sure that l could interest him in Susan. 534 00:49:54,307 --> 00:49:57,012 - Well, you know best. - Pardon me, Miss Emily. 535 00:49:57,227 --> 00:50:00,014 L'd like to talk to the colonel privately. 536 00:50:00,230 --> 00:50:04,358 Colonel, there are a few things l must explain to you. 537 00:50:04,568 --> 00:50:07,355 - Pardon me. - Be firm, Watty. 538 00:50:10,824 --> 00:50:14,110 Look, colonel, l don't want anything to go wrong with this deal. 539 00:50:14,327 --> 00:50:17,494 This also means quite a lot to me. I have to protect my money. 540 00:50:17,706 --> 00:50:19,745 L... l mean, my future wife's money. 541 00:50:19,958 --> 00:50:23,825 Oh, l get it. Yeah, l fully understand. 542 00:50:24,045 --> 00:50:26,168 How about a hundred bucks? 543 00:50:37,350 --> 00:50:39,260 Well, Colonel Bixby has changed his mind. 544 00:50:39,436 --> 00:50:41,512 He now feels the proposition is excellent. 545 00:50:41,688 --> 00:50:44,144 Good. Chester, you take care of the details. 546 00:50:44,357 --> 00:50:47,442 Just a minute. I just happened to think... 547 00:50:47,611 --> 00:50:52,320 that Emily won't have full control of the show, only 49 percent. 548 00:50:52,532 --> 00:50:54,858 Thank you, Watty, l didn't even think of that. 549 00:50:55,035 --> 00:50:56,577 Just a detail. Just a detail. 550 00:50:56,745 --> 00:51:01,122 I'm afraid the colonel didn't quite understand my explanation. 551 00:51:03,251 --> 00:51:05,125 Pardon me again. 552 00:51:07,923 --> 00:51:09,915 This is the end of the roll, colonel. 553 00:51:10,133 --> 00:51:13,751 Three dollars and 1 5 cents. That's all l got. 554 00:51:13,970 --> 00:51:18,597 Well, that's different, Mr. Bennett. I didn't just see it that way at first. 555 00:51:19,392 --> 00:51:21,599 One, two, three. 556 00:51:23,855 --> 00:51:25,978 - Do you smoke? - Yeah. 557 00:51:26,191 --> 00:51:29,026 Get yourself a package of cigarettes. 558 00:51:32,489 --> 00:51:36,356 Well, Miss Emily, 50 percent it is, but the colonel drives a hard bargain. 559 00:51:36,576 --> 00:51:39,364 Oh, don't mind the colonel, he'll grow on you. 560 00:51:39,579 --> 00:51:41,406 He won't grow on me. 561 00:51:41,623 --> 00:51:45,835 You know, Watty, l sometimes think you're only marrying me for my money. 562 00:51:50,465 --> 00:51:54,510 Now, here's the proposition. You put up $5000 and l put up 5000... 563 00:51:54,678 --> 00:51:57,085 then we put the entire amount in an envelope... 564 00:51:57,264 --> 00:51:59,885 and you may keep that envelope in your possession... 565 00:52:00,100 --> 00:52:02,721 until all the papers are drawn up. Is that clear? 566 00:52:04,396 --> 00:52:05,724 May l think this over? 567 00:52:18,618 --> 00:52:19,994 What do you think, Chester? 568 00:52:20,328 --> 00:52:24,077 As long as the money remains in your possession, l can find no objections. 569 00:52:24,291 --> 00:52:27,161 - Very well, it's settled. - That's splendid. 570 00:52:27,377 --> 00:52:30,711 You know, that's the way we Cartwrights do things. 571 00:52:31,131 --> 00:52:34,879 You be at my hotel in the morning with the money and necessary papers. 572 00:52:35,093 --> 00:52:36,552 - L'll be there. - Mr. Bennett. 573 00:52:37,262 --> 00:52:39,587 - Goodbye, Miss Emily. - Goodbye. 574 00:52:39,806 --> 00:52:42,048 - Come, Watty. - Yes. 575 00:52:49,733 --> 00:52:51,607 But l only want the dough for a flash. 576 00:52:51,777 --> 00:52:53,769 It won't be out of your hands two minutes. 577 00:52:53,945 --> 00:52:56,104 - What about the show? - L'm gonna forget it. 578 00:52:56,281 --> 00:52:57,656 It's nothing but a headache. 579 00:52:57,824 --> 00:53:00,529 - What do l get out of the deal? - This is getaway money. 580 00:53:00,702 --> 00:53:05,697 I'm willing to give you $ 1 000 for the loan of 5 grand for 1 0 minutes. 581 00:53:05,916 --> 00:53:07,825 Fifty-fifty. 582 00:53:08,168 --> 00:53:10,042 - All right. - You think the old gal... 583 00:53:10,212 --> 00:53:12,667 - will fall for the envelope switch? - Of course. 584 00:53:12,839 --> 00:53:15,377 How do you suppose l got the five in the first place? 585 00:53:15,592 --> 00:53:17,668 L'd hate to tell you, brother. 586 00:53:18,386 --> 00:53:21,921 - You know, Ollie, l was just thinking. - What about? 587 00:53:22,140 --> 00:53:24,631 Nothing. l was just thinking. 588 00:53:26,311 --> 00:53:29,561 - Everything set on the envelope switch? - Oh, sure. 589 00:53:29,815 --> 00:53:32,222 We'll make the switch first and beat them to it. 590 00:53:32,442 --> 00:53:34,767 - You haven't got a thing to worry about. - No. 591 00:53:34,945 --> 00:53:38,479 After you've made the switch, slip me the envelope with the money in it... 592 00:53:38,657 --> 00:53:41,408 tell me to go down, put it in the hotel safe. And l go. 593 00:53:41,576 --> 00:53:44,530 - What's gonna happen to us? - You make some excuse to leave... 594 00:53:44,704 --> 00:53:47,492 and hurry down to the railway station. L'll be waiting. 595 00:53:47,666 --> 00:53:50,371 - What about Susan? - She'll be there to meet us. 596 00:53:50,544 --> 00:53:53,248 I gotta go pay the hotel bill and get our baggage out. 597 00:53:53,422 --> 00:53:56,339 - You better get set, they'll be here soon. - Right away. 598 00:53:56,508 --> 00:53:58,666 And, boys, be careful. 599 00:53:58,885 --> 00:54:02,586 We're dealing with one of the toughest mobs in the country. 600 00:54:02,806 --> 00:54:04,597 I'm doing my best with him, Chester. 601 00:54:04,975 --> 00:54:09,304 One false move and we'll all wind up on the bottom of the Mississippi. 602 00:54:10,313 --> 00:54:12,851 Wrapped in concrete. 603 00:54:16,862 --> 00:54:19,566 Wrapped in concrete. 604 00:54:20,490 --> 00:54:24,274 Are you sure you've got that envelope routine straight in your mind? 605 00:54:24,494 --> 00:54:28,243 - Certainly. l've more than got it. - Let's see it. 606 00:54:30,459 --> 00:54:33,376 Now, l've got two envelopes. 607 00:54:33,587 --> 00:54:37,205 This one contains torn strips of newspaper. 608 00:54:37,424 --> 00:54:42,086 - Right? - And this one contains $ 1 0,000. 609 00:54:42,304 --> 00:54:46,551 Now, Bennett gives me the $ 1 0,000. 610 00:54:46,767 --> 00:54:52,057 - Then l give it back to him. You see, l... - L knew it, l knew it. Give... 611 00:54:52,272 --> 00:54:57,267 Now, this envelope contains torn strips of newspaper. 612 00:54:57,486 --> 00:54:59,562 Put that in your pocket. 613 00:55:00,197 --> 00:55:03,233 Now, l'm Bennett and you're Stanley. 614 00:55:03,450 --> 00:55:09,654 Now, this envelope contains $ 1 0,000. Put that in your pocket. 615 00:55:11,541 --> 00:55:14,745 How can you give me the envelope back when l ask for it... 616 00:55:14,920 --> 00:55:16,747 if you've got it in the other pocket? 617 00:55:16,963 --> 00:55:19,086 But you didn't ask me for the other envelope. 618 00:55:19,299 --> 00:55:22,051 Give me the envelopes. Here. 619 00:55:22,219 --> 00:55:25,054 Now, you're me and l'm you. 620 00:55:25,263 --> 00:55:27,386 How can you be me when you're Bennett? 621 00:55:27,599 --> 00:55:31,763 - You just told me you were... - You're Bennett and l'm Stanley. 622 00:55:31,978 --> 00:55:34,304 - Where's Ollie? - He's standing over there... 623 00:55:34,481 --> 00:55:36,604 somewhere, anywhere. 624 00:55:36,817 --> 00:55:38,809 - L don't get it. l just... - Sit down. 625 00:55:39,027 --> 00:55:41,814 Sit down. We're practically wrapped in concrete now. 626 00:55:42,364 --> 00:55:45,365 - At the bottom of the Mississippi? - Yes, the bottom of the Mi... 627 00:55:45,534 --> 00:55:47,111 Never mind the Mississippi. 628 00:55:47,327 --> 00:55:49,569 - Where's 41 0? - Right over there, sir. 629 00:55:49,788 --> 00:55:51,330 Thank you. 630 00:55:55,877 --> 00:55:57,787 There they are now. 631 00:56:04,302 --> 00:56:06,924 - Are you sure you've got the money? - Yeah. Right here. 632 00:56:07,139 --> 00:56:10,175 Now, don't forget to be dignified. 633 00:56:12,978 --> 00:56:15,054 That's fine. 634 00:56:18,567 --> 00:56:20,892 - Good morning, gentlemen. - Good morning, colonel. 635 00:56:21,069 --> 00:56:22,445 - Good morning. - Good morning. 636 00:56:22,612 --> 00:56:24,735 We're ready, willing and able to do business. 637 00:56:24,906 --> 00:56:26,816 This is Mr. Queen, an associate of mine. 638 00:56:26,992 --> 00:56:29,613 Mr. O'Grady and Mr. Taylor, who are also interested. 639 00:56:29,828 --> 00:56:32,948 Charmed, l'm sure. Oh, pardon me. 640 00:56:33,165 --> 00:56:35,204 My adviser, Colonel Bixby. 641 00:56:35,417 --> 00:56:38,371 - L call him Bixie for short. - How do you do? 642 00:56:38,587 --> 00:56:41,920 I brought along the currency in $ 1 000 notes, five of them. 643 00:56:42,132 --> 00:56:46,130 - Yes, yes, of course. Five more. - Thank you. 644 00:56:46,303 --> 00:56:49,054 Now, we'll put them in the envelope... 645 00:56:50,015 --> 00:56:51,806 as per the agreement. 646 00:56:54,770 --> 00:56:58,435 There you are. You hold on to it until the details are completed, Miss Emily. 647 00:56:58,648 --> 00:57:00,143 Thank you. 648 00:57:00,776 --> 00:57:03,101 - Hello, Mr. Wright. - Mr. Bennett. 649 00:57:03,320 --> 00:57:04,814 My secretary, Mr. Wright. 650 00:57:04,988 --> 00:57:06,316 - Mr. Queen. - Mr. Queen. 651 00:57:06,490 --> 00:57:08,399 - How are you? - That completes everything. 652 00:57:08,575 --> 00:57:10,200 - Good morning. - Goodbye. 653 00:57:10,410 --> 00:57:13,115 Oh, by the way, for our mutual protection... 654 00:57:13,330 --> 00:57:17,078 don't you think we better put a mark of identification on that envelope? 655 00:57:17,250 --> 00:57:19,576 Oh, l don't think it's necessary, really. 656 00:57:21,213 --> 00:57:22,921 Just a matter of business. 657 00:57:23,965 --> 00:57:26,587 Well, maybe you're right, eh, Bixie? 658 00:57:26,802 --> 00:57:28,841 I think so. 659 00:57:35,393 --> 00:57:37,053 Thank you. 660 00:57:45,028 --> 00:57:46,570 - There you are. - Thank you. 661 00:57:46,780 --> 00:57:50,149 Well, that makes the deal as solid as concrete. 662 00:57:50,700 --> 00:57:53,322 Maybe, colonel, you'd better keep this... 663 00:57:54,454 --> 00:57:56,910 Well, how about celebrating? 664 00:57:57,124 --> 00:57:59,911 Let's have a snort of bourbon. 665 00:58:00,419 --> 00:58:02,541 Emmie means a little libation. 666 00:58:03,130 --> 00:58:05,169 I think l have a bottle in the next room. 667 00:58:05,382 --> 00:58:09,249 If you'll give me the envelope, l'll take it down and put it in the hotel safe. 668 00:58:09,428 --> 00:58:11,504 That's a good idea. Thank you. 669 00:58:12,180 --> 00:58:14,173 Good day, gentlemen. 670 00:58:16,852 --> 00:58:18,560 How about the bourbon, Bixie? 671 00:58:18,770 --> 00:58:22,139 L'll go right in and get it, Emmie dear. 672 00:58:22,357 --> 00:58:24,101 Pardon me, boys. 673 00:58:27,154 --> 00:58:31,282 You know, gentlemen, l'm one of those nip-and-tuck drinkers. 674 00:58:31,491 --> 00:58:33,069 What's that, Miss Emily? 675 00:58:33,285 --> 00:58:36,701 One nip and they tuck me away for the night. 676 00:58:42,085 --> 00:58:44,707 I feel so gay. 677 00:58:48,925 --> 00:58:52,294 - Did you ever hear the one about...? - Emmie, l can't find the bottle. 678 00:58:52,471 --> 00:58:56,255 - Where did you put it? - Excuse me. l'll be right back. 679 00:59:15,869 --> 00:59:18,407 If l hadn't have seen it, l wouldn't have believed it. 680 00:59:18,580 --> 00:59:22,281 - L told you it would be a cinch. - Hey, Jimmy, watch that door. 681 00:59:28,840 --> 00:59:31,627 - What are you trying to do, cross me? - Cross you? 682 00:59:31,843 --> 00:59:35,675 - L've been slipped the business myself. - Catch that dame. 683 00:59:36,223 --> 00:59:39,508 - She's ducked. They've beat it. - Let's get out of here. 684 00:59:40,143 --> 00:59:43,477 - Come on, sister, where's that dough? - L haven't got it, really. 685 00:59:43,647 --> 00:59:46,648 - That secretary's got it. - Yes, he took it to the office. 686 00:59:46,817 --> 00:59:49,308 If you're on this frame, it'll be a case of murder. 687 00:59:49,528 --> 00:59:53,360 I'm not that dumb. We were taken. This pair's crooked. Where's Wright? 688 00:59:53,573 --> 00:59:55,317 That money belongs to Miss Cowan. 689 00:59:55,534 --> 00:59:58,321 You know very well you stole it from her mother. 690 00:59:58,537 --> 01:00:00,529 Why, you. 691 01:00:00,914 --> 01:00:02,990 We were only trying to get it back for her. 692 01:00:03,208 --> 01:00:05,201 Oh, l wish you weren't a dame. 693 01:00:05,419 --> 01:00:09,416 Wright's on the way to the showboat to pick her up. That's our next stop, boys. 694 01:00:15,971 --> 01:00:17,346 I don't know who crossed who. 695 01:00:17,597 --> 01:00:21,132 I'm out 5 grand, and somebody's gonna pay it back to me or else. 696 01:00:21,351 --> 01:00:24,269 I was on the level. l wanted the dough for the old convincer. 697 01:00:24,438 --> 01:00:25,766 I was gonna turn it back. 698 01:00:25,939 --> 01:00:28,347 - You were played for a chump. - Here she is, Tony. 699 01:00:28,567 --> 01:00:32,814 Oh, so this the little gal who dug up the pretty trap you walked into. 700 01:00:33,029 --> 01:00:35,567 - Smart. - Where's Wright? 701 01:00:35,782 --> 01:00:37,360 Come on, tell us. 702 01:00:37,576 --> 01:00:40,197 - L don't know where he is. - Where did you see him last? 703 01:00:40,412 --> 01:00:42,737 The other day when he was here with you. 704 01:00:42,956 --> 01:00:44,913 - Don't they know? - He's disappeared. 705 01:00:45,125 --> 01:00:47,164 I'm afraid he's hoodwinked all of us. 706 01:00:47,377 --> 01:00:49,584 We've been left holding the bag. 707 01:00:54,551 --> 01:00:57,007 You framed all this. You know where he is. Tell us. 708 01:00:57,220 --> 01:01:01,550 - Lay off for a minute, Bennett. - Chester was just fooling us all the time? 709 01:01:01,767 --> 01:01:04,174 That he never intended to pay me back the money? 710 01:01:04,436 --> 01:01:06,761 I'm afraid he's made fools of all of us. 711 01:01:06,980 --> 01:01:10,100 Yeah, you and the two dames were stooges for a smart operator. 712 01:01:10,317 --> 01:01:14,184 And you fell for his gag like a cornhusker from the wide-open spaces. 713 01:01:14,404 --> 01:01:17,191 Hey, wait a minute. l got an idea. 714 01:01:17,407 --> 01:01:19,815 L'll take this joint over, open, like you planned. 715 01:01:20,035 --> 01:01:23,155 Later, l'll bring in the birdcage, roulette wheels, dice tables. 716 01:01:23,455 --> 01:01:26,990 I can clean up. You're gonna stay because l need you in the show... 717 01:01:27,209 --> 01:01:30,542 and l like you. l got an idea we're gonna be good friends yet. 718 01:01:30,754 --> 01:01:32,793 You stick here and watch her and Bennett. 719 01:01:32,964 --> 01:01:34,293 - Me? - Yes, you. 720 01:01:34,508 --> 01:01:37,129 You do a swell act, but l want to look over your lines. 721 01:01:37,302 --> 01:01:39,674 Maybe you and Wright are planning to split fifty-fifty. 722 01:01:39,846 --> 01:01:41,590 - Just a minute... - Take these two... 723 01:01:41,807 --> 01:01:44,642 to the boiler room until l decide what to do with them. 724 01:01:44,976 --> 01:01:49,057 You're gonna get a nasty letter from our lawyer for that Halloween crack. 725 01:01:49,272 --> 01:01:50,932 Get out. 726 01:02:09,793 --> 01:02:13,625 - My goodness, it's chilly in here. - Here, put this around you. 727 01:02:13,839 --> 01:02:15,831 - Thank you. - Hey, Mike. 728 01:02:17,008 --> 01:02:19,381 Go tell Joe to put some more fire in the boilers. 729 01:02:19,553 --> 01:02:22,470 We'll have the customers sitting on their hands in a minute. 730 01:02:30,856 --> 01:02:35,185 Hey, Joe. Boss says to fire up. People are freezing their ears off upstairs. 731 01:02:35,360 --> 01:02:39,109 Yeah? That's where you come in, buddy. Make with the shovel. 732 01:02:39,740 --> 01:02:42,491 - Me? - Yeah, you, and no beefs about it. 733 01:02:42,701 --> 01:02:44,195 Well, what about...? 734 01:02:44,411 --> 01:02:47,744 So you're one of those guys that have no respect for the opposite sex. 735 01:02:48,331 --> 01:02:51,416 Make with the shovel. Come on. 736 01:04:06,993 --> 01:04:10,327 Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into. 737 01:04:11,123 --> 01:04:13,199 I'm sorry, l... 738 01:04:13,417 --> 01:04:17,829 Now, smart guy, shovel every lump of that coal into that boiler. 739 01:04:18,380 --> 01:04:20,123 Would you mind handing me my shovel? 740 01:04:20,298 --> 01:04:22,208 - Get out. - Now, don't. No, don't... 741 01:07:17,642 --> 01:07:19,434 What's that? 742 01:07:20,145 --> 01:07:22,897 - These are gas pills. - That's exactly what l need. 743 01:07:23,064 --> 01:07:24,808 I got indigestion. 744 01:07:25,484 --> 01:07:27,393 - But these are different... - Shut up. 745 01:07:27,611 --> 01:07:29,271 Get shoveling. 746 01:07:29,488 --> 01:07:32,654 - Will you get me a glass of water, babe? - Yes. 747 01:07:38,080 --> 01:07:41,947 - Please don't take that. - Oh, sit down, sweetie pie. 748 01:07:42,667 --> 01:07:45,585 L've had indigestion before. 749 01:07:52,385 --> 01:07:55,303 This is sure gonna save my life. 750 01:08:05,732 --> 01:08:07,891 Why, that's fine. 751 01:08:10,445 --> 01:08:12,521 What kind of pills are those anyhow? 752 01:08:12,739 --> 01:08:15,361 We tried to tell you they were gas pills. 753 01:08:15,575 --> 01:08:18,446 Oh, take me down out of here. 754 01:08:21,081 --> 01:08:22,540 Get me out of here! 755 01:08:36,763 --> 01:08:39,515 - Nice going, sister. - Lt's not my sister, my mother. 756 01:08:39,724 --> 01:08:41,717 Come, Mother dear. 757 01:08:44,688 --> 01:08:47,689 You know, there's no reason why we shouldn't be friends... 758 01:08:47,899 --> 01:08:49,394 good friends, kid. 759 01:08:55,031 --> 01:08:58,068 String along with me, you'll be sitting on top of the world. 760 01:09:07,419 --> 01:09:10,289 We ought to celebrate at that. We'll drink to each other. 761 01:09:13,091 --> 01:09:16,045 I thought you'd begin to see things my way. 762 01:09:16,511 --> 01:09:18,303 Here's to you, babe. 763 01:09:23,518 --> 01:09:25,178 Good, eh? 764 01:09:31,943 --> 01:09:33,936 Call a doctor. 765 01:09:58,178 --> 01:10:00,254 Keep your eyes open. 766 01:11:26,808 --> 01:11:28,219 The boat's loose. 767 01:11:30,228 --> 01:11:32,387 The old Fremont. She's loose on the river. 768 01:11:32,606 --> 01:11:34,314 Send out the riverboat. 769 01:12:37,337 --> 01:12:39,294 Watch where you're going. 770 01:12:50,350 --> 01:12:54,395 All right, everybody go below. Everybody go below. Come on. 771 01:12:56,022 --> 01:12:58,774 I was going to the pier when l heard the boat broke loose. 772 01:12:58,942 --> 01:13:00,520 I hopped on the police boat and... 773 01:13:02,154 --> 01:13:05,487 - Well, baby, what's the matter? - What did you do with the money? 774 01:13:05,699 --> 01:13:09,862 I wired the money to your mother this morning. Look, there's the receipt. 775 01:13:15,459 --> 01:13:18,376 Oh, Chester, l'm sorry. 776 01:13:19,463 --> 01:13:22,333 Chester. Why... 777 01:13:35,145 --> 01:13:37,184 Come on, baby, let's go. 778 01:14:08,720 --> 01:14:11,638 Well, we're going down for the third time. 779 01:14:11,848 --> 01:14:13,640 I'm sorry. 780 01:14:21,399 --> 01:14:23,476 Subtitles by SDl Media Group 781 01:14:23,652 --> 01:14:25,728 [ENGLlSH]