1 00:01:41,800 --> 00:01:44,519 -How's it going, Joe? -Okay. Fill her up. 2 00:01:44,680 --> 00:01:46,795 -What are you hauling? -Apples. 3 00:01:46,959 --> 00:01:49,678 -How's your brother, Paul? -Asleep. 4 00:01:50,159 --> 00:01:52,878 Every time you come here, he's asleep and you're driving. 5 00:01:53,039 --> 00:01:55,917 -What is he, a growing boy? -He drives as much as l do. 6 00:01:56,079 --> 00:01:58,639 You run your station, we'll take care of our rig. 7 00:01:58,799 --> 00:01:59,993 l was just wondering. 8 00:02:00,399 --> 00:02:02,787 This is the nearest l've had to a bath in two weeks. 9 00:02:02,958 --> 00:02:04,277 Yeah, l noticed. 10 00:02:07,918 --> 00:02:10,795 Seventy gallons of gas, three quarts of oil in your crankcase-- 11 00:02:10,957 --> 00:02:14,029 -l'll have to get you on the way back. -Five quarts in your spare-- 12 00:02:14,197 --> 00:02:15,471 What did you say? 13 00:02:15,637 --> 00:02:17,389 l can't pay till l drop off this load. 14 00:02:17,557 --> 00:02:20,434 -Why didn't you say that? -You wouldn't have given me the gas. 15 00:02:20,596 --> 00:02:22,906 l'll say. l got a notion to siphon it out of there. 16 00:02:23,077 --> 00:02:25,272 You know l ain't selling gas on time. 17 00:02:25,437 --> 00:02:27,427 Relax. l wouldn't gyp you. l'm honest. 18 00:02:27,596 --> 00:02:30,906 l know you are. All you truckers are honest, but you're always broke. 19 00:02:31,396 --> 00:02:34,785 The finance company comes, you're out of business, and l never see dough. 20 00:02:34,995 --> 00:02:37,668 Don't worry. He's gotta catch me first. 21 00:02:37,835 --> 00:02:42,272 That won't be tough, you ain't driving any speedway special. Sign it. 22 00:02:42,594 --> 00:02:45,984 -Twelve dollars and 90 cents. -Don't overflow your tank. 23 00:02:46,154 --> 00:02:48,145 On the cuff. How do you like that? 24 00:02:48,314 --> 00:02:51,431 -You'll get it on the trip back. -You didn't pay for this pop. 25 00:02:51,594 --> 00:02:52,913 Put it on the bill. 26 00:03:03,353 --> 00:03:05,583 -Where are we? -Not far from Lansdale. 27 00:03:06,553 --> 00:03:09,510 -You should have woke me up. -lt's okay. 28 00:03:09,672 --> 00:03:13,824 We'll grab a cup of coffee at Barney's. Then you can wheel it into Los Angeles. 29 00:03:13,992 --> 00:03:18,144 How's about laying over at my house for a couple of days? l'm knocked out. 30 00:03:18,392 --> 00:03:21,623 l'd like to stay in bed for a week, not even get up to eat. 31 00:03:21,792 --> 00:03:23,383 So would l. 32 00:03:23,551 --> 00:03:25,223 But that ain't the way we get ahead. 33 00:03:25,391 --> 00:03:27,985 l gotta think of Pearl. l ain't been home for two weeks. 34 00:03:28,151 --> 00:03:30,790 She might as well be married to an explorer. 35 00:03:33,710 --> 00:03:34,904 Look out, Joe! 36 00:03:41,790 --> 00:03:44,623 You dirty son of a road hog! 37 00:03:45,750 --> 00:03:48,468 -You should've smacked into him. -What is that gonna get us? 38 00:03:48,629 --> 00:03:49,618 What do we do now? 39 00:03:49,789 --> 00:03:52,906 You watch the load, l'm gonna hop up to Barney's and phone Williams. 40 00:03:53,069 --> 00:03:55,628 And see if he'll send some of the dough he owes us. 41 00:04:02,548 --> 00:04:03,946 Thanks. 42 00:04:07,227 --> 00:04:08,547 Hi, Harry. 43 00:04:08,708 --> 00:04:11,302 Hello, Joe. Where's your rig? 44 00:04:11,468 --> 00:04:14,539 -Down the road. Busted wheel. -Oh, tough going. Can l help? 45 00:04:14,707 --> 00:04:17,267 l'm gonna phone Williams to send the dough he owes me. 46 00:04:17,427 --> 00:04:20,020 l hope you get it. l quit hauling for that crook. 47 00:04:20,186 --> 00:04:22,017 Ran me ragged and l hardly ever got paid. 48 00:04:22,226 --> 00:04:25,263 He'll pay me now, or he won't get his apples in L.A. on time. 49 00:04:25,426 --> 00:04:28,417 You got him over a barrel, that's different. Maybe you'll get it. 50 00:04:28,585 --> 00:04:31,577 -Come on. We go. -Yeah, he's right. 51 00:04:31,745 --> 00:04:34,134 Can't make no dough drinking coffee. 52 00:04:34,305 --> 00:04:35,295 Good luck, guy. 53 00:04:35,466 --> 00:04:36,944 -Same to you. -Thanks. 54 00:04:37,105 --> 00:04:40,097 Oh, Harry! Write your wife. l hear she's worried. 55 00:04:40,265 --> 00:04:41,983 Okay, l will. Thanks. 56 00:04:42,545 --> 00:04:45,422 -Hello, Joe. -Hello, Jake. How's it going? 57 00:04:45,744 --> 00:04:48,099 -Give me a Frisco phone book, will you? -Yeah. 58 00:04:48,264 --> 00:04:50,300 Be sure you bring back all the pages too. 59 00:04:50,464 --> 00:04:51,783 So l'm telling you, see. . . 60 00:04:51,944 --> 00:04:54,662 . . .here l am with these two beautiful dames. What equipment. 61 00:04:55,023 --> 00:04:57,776 They're hanging around my neck, begging me not to go. 62 00:04:57,943 --> 00:05:00,218 l tell them, ''Look, sisters, l got a job to do. '' 63 00:05:00,382 --> 00:05:01,782 So l push them away and leave. 64 00:05:01,943 --> 00:05:04,298 After all, a guy like me with hundreds of dames. . . . 65 00:05:04,463 --> 00:05:08,058 l'm getting out of here. Come on, Shorty. lt's too deep for me. 66 00:05:28,461 --> 00:05:31,851 l'm losing my touch. Give me some nickels, Barney. 67 00:05:32,021 --> 00:05:35,057 Joe! Where you been, guy? Been getting any good hauls? 68 00:05:35,220 --> 00:05:36,938 Some. How they been for you, lrish? 69 00:05:37,100 --> 00:05:38,692 l still get my check every Saturday. 70 00:05:38,860 --> 00:05:41,657 But you get ordered around every other day. Ain't for me. 71 00:05:41,819 --> 00:05:43,616 Hey, Red, this steak's tough. 72 00:05:43,819 --> 00:05:45,616 You can't send it back now. You bent it. 73 00:05:45,819 --> 00:05:48,617 -l'll be back this way tonight, Red. -Thanks for the warning. 74 00:05:48,779 --> 00:05:50,814 Give me the phone, will you? 75 00:05:51,578 --> 00:05:53,967 -What, you keep it in a vault? -Don't call New York. 76 00:05:54,138 --> 00:05:56,016 Another cup of java. 77 00:05:57,138 --> 00:05:59,208 -You must like our coffee. -lt stinks. 78 00:05:59,378 --> 00:06:00,891 You're drinking your seventh cup. 79 00:06:01,058 --> 00:06:04,255 l like your sugar. Why don't you and your brother quit wildcat trucking? 80 00:06:04,458 --> 00:06:06,573 With a legitimate company, this is a swell job. 81 00:06:06,737 --> 00:06:09,297 Why don't you get smart like me and work for Ed Carlsen? 82 00:06:09,457 --> 00:06:11,413 -Give me long distance. -Hey! 83 00:06:11,577 --> 00:06:14,329 Relax, l'm reversing the charges. 84 00:06:15,176 --> 00:06:17,610 There's only one guy l'd sooner work for than Carlsen. 85 00:06:17,776 --> 00:06:18,765 -Who? -Me. 86 00:06:19,096 --> 00:06:22,247 You ain't working for you, you're working for the finance company. 87 00:06:22,416 --> 00:06:24,930 Soon as your truck's paid for, you'll need another one. 88 00:06:25,096 --> 00:06:30,294 Hello? l wanna talk to Mike Williams. Standard 7-2961 , San Francisco. 89 00:06:30,455 --> 00:06:33,970 Reverse the charges. Joe Fabrini calling. 90 00:06:34,135 --> 00:06:35,454 Don't worry about me. 91 00:06:35,615 --> 00:06:39,129 Someday you road-skinners will say, ''Joe Fabrini's a good guy to work for. '' 92 00:06:39,294 --> 00:06:42,127 -And l will be. -No doubt about that, kid, but me. . . 93 00:06:42,294 --> 00:06:44,603 . . .l'll take the salary and let someone else worry. 94 00:06:45,054 --> 00:06:48,285 That's the easy way. Give me a cup of coffee. 95 00:06:48,454 --> 00:06:51,014 -Anything else? -What else you got that ain't poisonous? 96 00:06:51,174 --> 00:06:52,607 l don't know. l never eat here. 97 00:06:52,814 --> 00:06:56,089 -How about taking my order, Red? -How about taking your time? 98 00:06:56,253 --> 00:06:58,483 Nice new fixture, Barney. 99 00:06:58,653 --> 00:07:00,644 Yeah. She'll do. 100 00:07:00,853 --> 00:07:04,640 Not a bad thing to know. Nice chassis, huh, Joe? 101 00:07:04,852 --> 00:07:05,967 Classy chassis. 102 00:07:06,132 --> 00:07:09,329 Yes, and it's all mine too. l don't owe any payments on it. 103 00:07:09,532 --> 00:07:11,089 l'd be glad to finance it, baby. 104 00:07:11,291 --> 00:07:14,169 Who are you kidding? You couldn't even pay for the headlights. 105 00:07:14,331 --> 00:07:16,846 What? He won't accept the call? 106 00:07:17,012 --> 00:07:19,889 Wait a minute. Hey, lrish. 107 00:07:20,451 --> 00:07:22,282 Lend me a buck, l wanna pay for the call. 108 00:07:22,451 --> 00:07:25,249 Get a load of the big trucking operator. 109 00:07:25,411 --> 00:07:27,924 l still vote for a salary. 110 00:07:28,090 --> 00:07:31,127 Okay. l'll pay for it at this end. 111 00:07:31,810 --> 00:07:34,721 This is 221 2. 112 00:07:35,169 --> 00:07:36,397 Anything else? 113 00:07:36,569 --> 00:07:38,002 Yeah, but it ain't on the menu. 114 00:07:38,169 --> 00:07:40,967 And it ain't gonna be. You better settle for a hamburger. 115 00:07:41,129 --> 00:07:43,689 Okay. With onions. 116 00:07:44,169 --> 00:07:45,921 Hello, Mike Williams? 117 00:07:46,089 --> 00:07:48,080 What's the idea of ducking my phone call? 118 00:07:48,969 --> 00:07:52,597 l never take collect calls. Where are you? 119 00:07:54,448 --> 00:07:59,805 Barney's Café, north of Lansdale, 99. 120 00:08:00,527 --> 00:08:02,324 You got a busted wheel? 121 00:08:02,487 --> 00:08:05,877 Look, Fabrini, those apples have gotta be delivered to the market tonight. 122 00:08:06,047 --> 00:08:09,278 -That ain't wood you're hauling. -Okay, l'll get the apples in. . . 123 00:08:09,447 --> 00:08:12,962 . . .but send me some of that 300 bucks you owe me so l can get a new wheel. 124 00:08:13,127 --> 00:08:14,957 Yeah, wire it to me, right here. 125 00:08:15,486 --> 00:08:19,240 Well, l ain't got much cash right now, Joe. 126 00:08:19,446 --> 00:08:23,120 All right, all right, don't get excited. l'll see what l can do. 127 00:08:23,565 --> 00:08:25,920 Who do those Fabrini guys think they are, anyhow? 128 00:08:26,085 --> 00:08:29,282 l've thrown more business their way than any freight agent in town. . . 129 00:08:29,445 --> 00:08:32,197 -. . .and l ain't sending money. -The apples won't get to L.A. 130 00:08:32,364 --> 00:08:35,721 They will if somebody else hauls them. Who's up there near Lansdale? 131 00:08:35,885 --> 00:08:38,797 Hank Dawson. He's due there and we don't owe him much money. 132 00:08:38,965 --> 00:08:42,400 You get him on the phone and tell him to pick up Fabrini's load. 133 00:08:42,964 --> 00:08:45,273 Those Fabrinis are tough babies. 134 00:08:45,444 --> 00:08:47,877 They only think they're tough. 135 00:08:48,123 --> 00:08:49,761 Say, is Farnsworth still outside? 136 00:08:49,963 --> 00:08:53,160 -He was a minute ago. -Tell that loan shark l wanna see him. 137 00:08:54,483 --> 00:08:58,395 But you fellas don't understand. Everything l do is within the law. 138 00:08:58,562 --> 00:09:00,632 All l can say is, we need a lot of new laws. 139 00:09:00,802 --> 00:09:02,395 Hey, the boss wants to talk to you. 140 00:09:02,563 --> 00:09:03,551 Excuse me, gentlemen. 141 00:09:03,722 --> 00:09:06,190 Bye-bye, buzzard. What's the matter with the man? 142 00:09:06,482 --> 00:09:09,679 Tell me, Farnsworth, do the Fabrinis owe you any dough on that truck? 143 00:09:09,842 --> 00:09:11,480 l've been trying to catch them. 144 00:09:11,642 --> 00:09:13,996 They're behind three payments, plus my interest. 145 00:09:14,161 --> 00:09:17,631 l know all about your interest. Would you like to repossess the truck? 146 00:09:17,801 --> 00:09:19,553 -Yeah, certainly. -Here's your chance. 147 00:09:19,721 --> 00:09:22,473 They're stuck with a busted wheel near Barney's Café on 99. 148 00:09:22,640 --> 00:09:26,030 -Get a tow car and haul in the rig. -Thanks. l'll do you a favor sometime. 149 00:09:26,200 --> 00:09:29,431 Just don't lend me any money. That's all l ask of you. 150 00:09:33,520 --> 00:09:36,989 You know what happened? The guy had an iron. . . . 151 00:09:37,359 --> 00:09:40,237 -What are you doing here? -l got blisters waiting. . . 152 00:09:40,399 --> 00:09:42,959 . . .so l hitched to Lansdale and got a secondhand wheel. 153 00:09:43,119 --> 00:09:44,551 Told the guy l'd get the dough. 154 00:09:44,718 --> 00:09:46,754 -What about the load? -Got a kid watching it. 155 00:09:46,918 --> 00:09:50,706 -How'd you make out with Williams? -l'm still waiting for the dough. 156 00:09:51,918 --> 00:09:53,555 Why do we stay in this racket? 157 00:09:53,717 --> 00:09:56,676 We aren't gonna make enough to buy ourselves decent coffins. 158 00:09:56,838 --> 00:09:58,749 Stop crabbing. l got enough worries. 159 00:09:58,918 --> 00:10:00,908 Get that into you. We gotta start rolling. 160 00:10:02,437 --> 00:10:05,509 All right, that's enough of the x-ray treatment. 161 00:10:05,677 --> 00:10:07,190 Don't get me wrong, sister. 162 00:10:07,357 --> 00:10:11,349 All you make me think about is how much l'd like to be with my wife. 163 00:10:11,556 --> 00:10:13,194 First time l've ever heard that one. 164 00:10:13,356 --> 00:10:16,745 -l ain't got a wife. -That's not hard to understand. 165 00:10:21,436 --> 00:10:23,996 lf any of you guys owe on your trucks, you better fade. 166 00:10:24,196 --> 00:10:26,106 Farnsworth's coming. 167 00:10:32,275 --> 00:10:34,742 -Where's Fabrini? -With Byrd, at the South Pole. 168 00:10:34,914 --> 00:10:36,142 Fishing with the president. 169 00:10:36,314 --> 00:10:38,509 l heard he was playing left end for Notre Dame. 170 00:10:38,674 --> 00:10:41,745 lt ain't nothing personal. He bought a truck and he's gotta pay. 171 00:10:41,913 --> 00:10:42,902 Why? 172 00:10:43,073 --> 00:10:45,462 Everything on that pile makes noise except the horn. 173 00:10:45,633 --> 00:10:48,467 l'm standing on my legal rights! l gotta make a living too. 174 00:10:48,634 --> 00:10:50,544 -Why? -Because it says in the law-- 175 00:10:50,713 --> 00:10:54,467 l ain't gonna argue with you fellas. Miss, did you see Joe Fabrini around? 176 00:10:54,633 --> 00:10:55,952 l know he's been here. 177 00:10:56,113 --> 00:10:59,627 -He pulled out more than an hour ago. -Yeah? Whose wheel is that outside? 178 00:10:59,792 --> 00:11:01,271 lt's mine. 179 00:11:01,432 --> 00:11:03,662 -Wanna make anything out of it? -Now, no offense. 180 00:11:03,832 --> 00:11:06,903 Listen, runt, we don't like you around here. 181 00:11:07,311 --> 00:11:09,745 -Throw him out, boy! -l'm warning you! 182 00:11:12,191 --> 00:11:14,067 There he goes! 183 00:11:14,230 --> 00:11:16,381 Yeah! He's over for a touchdown! 184 00:11:16,551 --> 00:11:18,542 Thanks, honey. l'll do you a favor sometime. 185 00:11:18,711 --> 00:11:22,749 That's all right, l don't like them either. They got a coat of mine once. 186 00:11:22,910 --> 00:11:25,549 -How much do we owe for the chow? -Thirty-six. 187 00:11:25,710 --> 00:11:28,224 -Here you are. Keep the change. -Thanks. 188 00:11:28,390 --> 00:11:30,539 lt's all right. He's on his way. 189 00:11:30,709 --> 00:11:33,507 -Thanks, fellas. l'll be seeing you. -So long, Joe. 190 00:11:33,669 --> 00:11:35,705 -Take it easy, Joe. -Come on, kid. 191 00:11:35,869 --> 00:11:38,666 -Where's the wheel? -Right over there. 192 00:11:43,549 --> 00:11:45,778 lf we're lucky, maybe we can get a ride. 193 00:11:45,948 --> 00:11:47,620 Who's this? 194 00:11:50,468 --> 00:11:51,503 Hi, Dawson. 195 00:11:51,668 --> 00:11:54,306 -Hello. How are you, Joe? -Hello. Will you give us a lift? 196 00:11:54,467 --> 00:11:56,298 -We had some trouble. -Williams told me. 197 00:11:56,707 --> 00:11:57,856 -Williams? -Yeah. 198 00:11:58,027 --> 00:12:00,177 He sent me here to pick up your load. 199 00:12:00,347 --> 00:12:01,382 That dirty muzzler. 200 00:12:01,547 --> 00:12:04,060 We carry the load all this way and we don't get a dime. 201 00:12:04,266 --> 00:12:07,019 -Suppose we don't give it to you. -You can suit yourself. . . 202 00:12:07,186 --> 00:12:10,098 . . .but if you miss market, you'll take a rap for the whole load. 203 00:12:10,306 --> 00:12:12,536 -Yeah, just let him try to collect. -Shut up. 204 00:12:12,706 --> 00:12:15,778 Of course he'll collect, out of the dough he owes us. 205 00:12:15,946 --> 00:12:17,459 You're a nice guy, Dawson. 206 00:12:17,626 --> 00:12:20,697 -Why do you pull stuff like this? -lt ain't my fault, Joe. 207 00:12:20,865 --> 00:12:23,379 l got a wife and a kid and another one on the way. 208 00:12:23,545 --> 00:12:26,059 l gotta do what Williams says, or l don't get no hauls. 209 00:12:26,264 --> 00:12:29,574 -Don't get sore at me. -l'd like to kick that chiseler's teeth out. 210 00:12:29,744 --> 00:12:32,941 That ain't gonna get you nothing, and besides, Hank ain't interested. 211 00:12:33,104 --> 00:12:34,378 Come on. Let's hop in. 212 00:12:34,544 --> 00:12:36,933 -Give us a hand, will you? -Yeah, sure. 213 00:12:38,224 --> 00:12:40,294 -Ready? -Yeah. 214 00:12:41,064 --> 00:12:42,655 That's it. 215 00:12:44,743 --> 00:12:46,734 Our rig's about two miles down the road. 216 00:12:46,903 --> 00:12:48,302 And where do we go from there? 217 00:12:48,463 --> 00:12:50,976 We better go back to Frisco and see Williams. 218 00:12:51,142 --> 00:12:55,454 By the time l get home to my wife l'll be too tired to turn out the light. 219 00:13:02,702 --> 00:13:05,580 Come on, Williams ought to be in his office by now. 220 00:13:11,821 --> 00:13:13,777 What if he don't see it? 221 00:13:14,101 --> 00:13:15,533 What do you think? 222 00:13:16,740 --> 00:13:17,934 Hello, Joe. 223 00:13:18,100 --> 00:13:20,739 How they rolling? How's that broken-down tub of yours? 224 00:13:20,900 --> 00:13:22,174 No loads yet. Hang around. 225 00:13:22,340 --> 00:13:23,772 What do you think we been doing? 226 00:13:23,979 --> 00:13:25,731 Tell Williams we want to see him. 227 00:13:25,899 --> 00:13:28,414 You guys again? You heard me say there ain't any loads. 228 00:13:28,580 --> 00:13:32,174 Who said we wanted any? We don't get paid for them anyway. 229 00:13:35,899 --> 00:13:39,573 Oh, hello, boys. How'd you get back? 230 00:13:39,778 --> 00:13:40,893 What's the difference? 231 00:13:41,058 --> 00:13:42,650 We should wrap a crank around you. 232 00:13:42,818 --> 00:13:45,252 We got a hunch it was you put Farnsworth on our tail. 233 00:13:45,418 --> 00:13:48,693 What did l want to see you boys lose your truck for? 234 00:13:48,937 --> 00:13:51,849 l got some beer hauls in mind for you, something coming up soon. 235 00:13:52,017 --> 00:13:55,692 Beer's out, you bring back the empties. Three hauls a week, how'd you like that? 236 00:13:55,857 --> 00:13:58,974 -We'd like it fine if we got paid. -You been horsing around enough. 237 00:13:59,137 --> 00:14:01,446 We ought to break your neck for leaving us stuck. . . 238 00:14:01,617 --> 00:14:02,970 . . .then lifting our load. 239 00:14:03,177 --> 00:14:05,087 What, you want me to dig into my pocket. . . 240 00:14:05,256 --> 00:14:07,372 . . .every time you fold a wheel or blow a tire? 241 00:14:07,576 --> 00:14:09,885 -l'm just as broke as you are. -What is this, tin? 242 00:14:10,056 --> 00:14:12,489 Here, here, here. Where's your manners, anyhow? 243 00:14:12,655 --> 00:14:13,974 Going into a man's papers. 244 00:14:14,135 --> 00:14:16,410 You owe us 300 bucks and you're gonna pay us now! 245 00:14:16,575 --> 00:14:18,770 -lf you don't--! -All right! Don't get hot. 246 00:14:18,935 --> 00:14:21,847 -l'll give you a check. -What'll we do, use it for a tire patch? 247 00:14:22,015 --> 00:14:24,370 We'll take it out of here. Cash. 248 00:14:24,535 --> 00:14:26,844 Let go of him, Paul, and write out a receipt. 249 00:14:27,015 --> 00:14:29,448 You know, there's a law against taking people's money. 250 00:14:29,614 --> 00:14:32,048 That was so, you'd have been in the clink years ago. 251 00:14:32,214 --> 00:14:34,170 l knew you'd see it our way. 252 00:14:34,334 --> 00:14:36,608 You mark my words, you guys are gonna regret this. 253 00:14:36,773 --> 00:14:39,367 We're tired of taking chances and leaving you the dough. 254 00:14:39,533 --> 00:14:43,048 That's the worst of you road slobs! Always getting too big for your britches! 255 00:14:43,213 --> 00:14:47,046 But l don't mind telling you one thing: this is the last load you'll ever get here. 256 00:14:47,212 --> 00:14:50,125 ln that case, we haven't got anything to lose, have we? 257 00:14:53,932 --> 00:14:56,048 There's your receipt. 258 00:15:01,851 --> 00:15:04,081 There's a bad curve sitting out front. 259 00:15:04,251 --> 00:15:06,640 lt's got mud on it. Be careful. 260 00:15:06,811 --> 00:15:09,085 Go to sleep, will you? l'm driving now. 261 00:15:09,250 --> 00:15:11,366 l was just reminding you. 262 00:15:11,850 --> 00:15:14,285 lf we go over a cliff, wake me up. 263 00:15:17,330 --> 00:15:18,809 Pour on the brakes. 264 00:15:19,610 --> 00:15:22,044 lf we stop and pick up everybody we see on the road. . . 265 00:15:22,210 --> 00:15:24,041 . . .we ain't gonna get in till next week. 266 00:15:24,210 --> 00:15:26,677 lt's a dame. lt won't hurt to get her out of the rain. 267 00:15:26,849 --> 00:15:31,445 lt's too bad one of them hotshot passenger cars couldn't give her a lift. 268 00:15:35,488 --> 00:15:37,479 Come on, hop in. 269 00:15:41,888 --> 00:15:45,039 Thanks. l was beginning to wonder if l'd ever get a ride. 270 00:15:45,368 --> 00:15:47,279 Well, you got one now, so relax. 271 00:15:47,448 --> 00:15:49,836 You're the dame that was slinging hash at Barney's. 272 00:15:50,007 --> 00:15:51,645 -That's me. -Well, what happened? 273 00:15:51,807 --> 00:15:54,401 Barney had about 1 2 hands, and l didn't like any of them. 274 00:15:54,567 --> 00:15:55,556 Barney's all right. 275 00:15:55,727 --> 00:15:57,717 You didn't have to pass him 1 00 times a day. 276 00:15:57,886 --> 00:16:00,525 -lt was like tangling with an octopus. -How far you going? 277 00:16:00,686 --> 00:16:02,722 -How far are you going? -We're going to L.A. 278 00:16:02,886 --> 00:16:03,875 That's okay by me. 279 00:16:04,046 --> 00:16:07,037 l'd just as soon be out of a job one place as another. 280 00:16:07,526 --> 00:16:09,244 Wait a minute. l better. . . 281 00:16:09,406 --> 00:16:11,203 . . .wrap you up. 282 00:16:11,766 --> 00:16:14,279 -What's your name, Red? -Cassie Hartley. 283 00:16:14,445 --> 00:16:16,322 You know anyone in L.A.? 284 00:16:16,485 --> 00:16:19,238 -Well, what are you gonna do? -Get a room, look for work. 285 00:16:19,445 --> 00:16:21,560 Jobs ain't growing on bushes these days. 286 00:16:21,724 --> 00:16:24,875 -How much dough you got? -Enough to get by. 287 00:16:25,044 --> 00:16:28,673 You're gonna lose your teeth chattering if we don't get something hot into you. 288 00:16:28,844 --> 00:16:31,482 Pull into Mandel's, Paul. We've been rolling pretty good. 289 00:16:31,643 --> 00:16:33,201 Pearl's waiting up for me. 290 00:16:33,363 --> 00:16:35,082 l was going to spend an hour with her. 291 00:16:35,244 --> 00:16:37,916 So you'll spend a half-hour with her. Oh, look. 292 00:16:38,083 --> 00:16:39,801 lt's clearing up. We'll be all right. 293 00:16:39,963 --> 00:16:41,078 Don't stop on my account. 294 00:16:41,243 --> 00:16:43,279 We gotta stop, it might as well be Mandel's. 295 00:16:43,443 --> 00:16:44,956 That ain't home. 296 00:16:45,123 --> 00:16:47,716 Pearl can't cook a steak like Billy Mandel. 297 00:16:47,882 --> 00:16:50,112 l ain't interested in steaks. 298 00:17:03,401 --> 00:17:05,596 How come you're here? Ain't you behind schedule? 299 00:17:05,761 --> 00:17:08,116 l've been having tough luck. l won 48 free games. 300 00:17:08,281 --> 00:17:11,795 l tried to shoot them, but l kept winning. Only three games and then l roll. 301 00:17:11,960 --> 00:17:15,509 And l'll have to push my foot through the floorboard to make up my schedule. 302 00:17:16,280 --> 00:17:17,599 What will it be, boys? 303 00:17:17,760 --> 00:17:20,148 A T-bone, rare, and make it good this time. 304 00:17:20,319 --> 00:17:22,958 The last one l had could've been used for a manhole cover. 305 00:17:23,119 --> 00:17:25,997 This one will be so tender, it'll throw its arms around you. 306 00:17:26,158 --> 00:17:27,478 -Same for you? -Yeah. 307 00:17:27,639 --> 00:17:28,958 l'll just have some coffee. 308 00:17:29,119 --> 00:17:32,077 -Bring her a steak. -Fattening her up, huh? 309 00:17:32,239 --> 00:17:36,072 -Something else for you, honey? -Yes. Cool off your imagination. 310 00:17:36,238 --> 00:17:38,274 Hey, McNamara. Where are you going? 311 00:17:38,438 --> 00:17:40,827 -What's it to you? -Come on. We go. 312 00:17:40,998 --> 00:17:43,033 What's the matter? Don't you know me? 313 00:17:43,397 --> 00:17:46,673 -Hello, Joe. -Come on. Sit down, Harry. 314 00:17:47,677 --> 00:17:50,588 -What are you guys doing here? -What do you suppose we're doing? 315 00:17:50,756 --> 00:17:52,667 -Have a cup of coffee? -l had five. 316 00:17:52,956 --> 00:17:54,549 Don't do any good. l'm still sleepy. 317 00:17:54,717 --> 00:17:57,754 -Come on. We go. -Yeah, he's right. 318 00:17:57,917 --> 00:18:00,430 l haven't seen my wife for so long. 319 00:18:00,596 --> 00:18:04,475 As soon as l deliver this load, l'm hot-tailing it home empty. 320 00:18:04,636 --> 00:18:07,388 Bet when l walk in the kids will say, ''Who's that man?'' 321 00:18:07,555 --> 00:18:10,991 You should have wrote, Harry. l know how worried Pearl gets. 322 00:18:11,195 --> 00:18:12,594 No use writing now. 323 00:18:12,755 --> 00:18:14,824 l'll be home tomorrow night and surprise her. 324 00:18:14,994 --> 00:18:16,871 l hear you've been doing pretty good. 325 00:18:17,034 --> 00:18:20,550 Yeah. l got the truck all paid for. Don't owe a cent. 326 00:18:21,995 --> 00:18:23,029 Come on. Let's go. 327 00:18:23,194 --> 00:18:25,264 When you guys are hitting the road tomorrow. . . 328 00:18:25,434 --> 00:18:27,948 . . .think of me in that nice white bed. 329 00:18:28,114 --> 00:18:29,991 So long, guys. 330 00:18:30,554 --> 00:18:32,225 So long, Harry. 331 00:18:32,393 --> 00:18:35,430 Well, you gotta have your brains knocked out to be a truck driver. 332 00:18:35,593 --> 00:18:37,948 You don't have to, but it helps. 333 00:18:38,553 --> 00:18:41,669 Here she goes, boys, the last game. Then l can hit the road. 334 00:18:41,832 --> 00:18:43,788 l don't know why l mess with them machines. 335 00:18:43,952 --> 00:18:46,147 They almost cost me my job three times. 336 00:18:46,312 --> 00:18:47,540 lrish, you remember Cassie. 337 00:18:47,712 --> 00:18:49,907 Sure. Hi, Cassie. Quit working for Barney? 338 00:18:50,072 --> 00:18:52,381 Yeah. He was always trying to tie my apron strings. 339 00:18:52,552 --> 00:18:55,987 -There's nothing wrong with that. -There is if you're not wearing an apron. 340 00:19:04,910 --> 00:19:09,665 Fifty-eight free games! l'll never get away from here. 341 00:19:29,828 --> 00:19:31,819 -What's that for? -Gonna pass. 342 00:19:31,988 --> 00:19:34,297 lf it's clear ahead, he'll wink back at me. 343 00:19:41,588 --> 00:19:44,784 That's funny. lt looks clear to me. Hey, Paul. 344 00:19:44,947 --> 00:19:46,221 Yeah? What is it? 345 00:19:46,387 --> 00:19:48,184 Ain't that McNamara's truck ahead of us? 346 00:19:48,347 --> 00:19:50,815 What do l care whose truck it is? 347 00:19:51,507 --> 00:19:53,417 Yeah, it looks like it. 348 00:19:53,586 --> 00:19:55,224 lt is. 349 00:19:58,946 --> 00:20:01,413 What's the matter with him? He's all over the road. 350 00:20:01,585 --> 00:20:03,860 -He must be asleep. -Blow your horn. 351 00:20:04,025 --> 00:20:05,219 Not unless l have to. 352 00:20:05,385 --> 00:20:07,820 He might come to and run his rig off the road. 353 00:20:13,785 --> 00:20:17,857 -We gotta try to head him off. -Watch out he don't cut into us. 354 00:20:22,984 --> 00:20:26,453 Get over close. l'll try to hit his hood with this and wake him up. 355 00:20:29,663 --> 00:20:32,779 Pull over closer and l'll try to hop aboard! 356 00:20:35,183 --> 00:20:36,901 Watch out! 357 00:20:51,621 --> 00:20:53,691 Grab the extinguisher! 358 00:21:31,898 --> 00:21:34,890 -How many in there? -There were two. 359 00:22:05,495 --> 00:22:07,725 Oh, Paul, you're late. 360 00:22:10,454 --> 00:22:12,365 How's about coming in for some coffee, Joe? 361 00:22:12,574 --> 00:22:15,134 Oh, this is Cassie Hartley. 362 00:22:15,294 --> 00:22:16,727 This is Pearl, Paul's wife. 363 00:22:16,934 --> 00:22:18,252 -Hello. -Pleased to know you. 364 00:22:18,413 --> 00:22:19,687 Come on, it's cold out here. 365 00:22:19,853 --> 00:22:21,890 Can't stop. l'll about make the market now. 366 00:22:22,054 --> 00:22:24,090 -What's wrong with Paul? -He'll be all right. 367 00:22:24,254 --> 00:22:25,846 He just needs a good night's sleep. 368 00:22:26,013 --> 00:22:28,732 Tell him l'll wire him from L.A. what time l'll pick him up. 369 00:22:28,893 --> 00:22:30,008 Bye. Goodbye. 370 00:22:30,173 --> 00:22:31,572 Bye. 371 00:22:36,812 --> 00:22:38,211 l can't figure you out. 372 00:22:38,372 --> 00:22:42,160 lf you took care of your truck like yourselves, it'd fall apart in two weeks. 373 00:22:42,331 --> 00:22:44,720 We're tougher than any truck off any assembly line. 374 00:22:45,011 --> 00:22:47,401 l bet your friend Harry McNamara thought that too. 375 00:22:47,572 --> 00:22:49,403 Forget about Harry, will you? 376 00:22:49,572 --> 00:22:53,041 He probably was so tired, he thought the whole thing was a dream. 377 00:22:53,211 --> 00:22:55,361 How much money you got? 378 00:22:55,611 --> 00:22:57,363 Come on, how much? 379 00:22:57,691 --> 00:23:00,648 -A dollar and 1 2 cents. -Just what l thought. 380 00:23:00,810 --> 00:23:02,243 Not even enough to rent a room. 381 00:23:02,410 --> 00:23:03,923 -l'll get by. -How? 382 00:23:04,570 --> 00:23:06,560 l get rid of this load, l'll get you a room. 383 00:23:06,729 --> 00:23:08,845 You needn't do that. l'm grateful for the ride. 384 00:23:09,009 --> 00:23:10,078 You've been nice. 385 00:23:10,249 --> 00:23:13,287 lf l let you go, l'll be worrying, wondering what happened to you. 386 00:23:13,450 --> 00:23:15,838 And l got enough worries the way it is. 387 00:23:16,329 --> 00:23:18,604 l guess l'd be pretty dumb not to say yes. 388 00:23:18,769 --> 00:23:20,805 Maybe l'm dumb anyway. 389 00:23:20,969 --> 00:23:23,163 You can figure that out later. 390 00:23:27,768 --> 00:23:30,362 l ain't used to taking in roomers at 4:30 in the morning. 391 00:23:30,528 --> 00:23:33,439 lt's never too late to start. The best people check in at 4:30. 392 00:23:33,607 --> 00:23:37,520 l don't know about that. l never see any of them. 393 00:23:40,847 --> 00:23:42,724 Well, anyway, you got a bed for a week. 394 00:23:42,887 --> 00:23:46,800 Yeah. That'll give me time to find something to do. 395 00:23:46,967 --> 00:23:50,083 -l'll pay you back. -l'm real worried about that. 396 00:23:50,246 --> 00:23:53,044 l got it all doped out with the cops if you don't. 397 00:23:57,845 --> 00:23:59,676 What are you crying for? 398 00:23:59,845 --> 00:24:02,359 l don't know. Just crying. 399 00:24:02,925 --> 00:24:04,960 lf you got a load of your face, you'd stop. 400 00:24:05,564 --> 00:24:08,363 You look like you walked through a sprinkling system. 401 00:24:08,565 --> 00:24:10,840 Oh, you dames are sure screwy. 402 00:24:11,005 --> 00:24:12,722 Paul's wife pulls the same stuff too. 403 00:24:12,924 --> 00:24:13,913 What stuff? 404 00:24:14,084 --> 00:24:16,803 One minute she's all right, the next minute, she's bawling. 405 00:24:16,964 --> 00:24:18,636 She never knows why. 406 00:24:19,324 --> 00:24:21,234 The trouble with her is, she wants a kid. 407 00:24:21,403 --> 00:24:23,917 Paul says no-go. They can't afford it. 408 00:24:24,083 --> 00:24:26,722 Don't get me wrong. That's not why l'm crying. 409 00:24:26,883 --> 00:24:28,793 l get a kick out of you. 410 00:24:28,962 --> 00:24:33,035 l've picked up lots of girls on the road, but none of them ever was like you. 411 00:24:33,683 --> 00:24:35,275 Come here. 412 00:24:36,322 --> 00:24:38,790 Come on, l ain't gonna bite you. 413 00:24:40,562 --> 00:24:42,871 l wasn't afraid of that. 414 00:24:44,161 --> 00:24:46,277 l always have liked redheads. 415 00:24:46,441 --> 00:24:49,194 You shouldn't. Red means stop. 416 00:24:49,361 --> 00:24:51,431 l'm colorblind. 417 00:24:52,600 --> 00:24:54,795 l think l'd better unpack. 418 00:24:56,120 --> 00:24:59,510 Joe, don't you think you'd better get on your horse? 419 00:24:59,681 --> 00:25:02,240 What's the rush? We got a lot of things to talk about. 420 00:25:02,600 --> 00:25:04,158 We can talk some other time. 421 00:25:04,400 --> 00:25:05,833 Now is a nice time. 422 00:25:06,000 --> 00:25:07,911 When l'm relaxed my thoughts are clear. 423 00:25:08,199 --> 00:25:11,475 Yes, l can even read them from here. 424 00:25:14,719 --> 00:25:17,630 You know something, Red? l like you. 425 00:25:18,358 --> 00:25:21,077 l like the way you fill out your clothes. 426 00:25:21,358 --> 00:25:23,314 l like everything about you. 427 00:25:23,478 --> 00:25:25,672 Are you glad you ran onto me? 428 00:25:26,237 --> 00:25:28,798 Yes. You're a nice guy. 429 00:25:28,958 --> 00:25:33,394 But you've got to remember that nice guys leave when ladies ask them to. 430 00:25:33,797 --> 00:25:35,833 That nice, l ain't. 431 00:25:35,997 --> 00:25:38,227 Mister, you worry me. 432 00:25:40,876 --> 00:25:42,787 Oh, Cassie? 433 00:25:44,436 --> 00:25:45,915 You're plenty beautiful. 434 00:25:46,516 --> 00:25:49,029 Joe, you need sleep and so do l. 435 00:25:49,195 --> 00:25:51,709 Will you do me a favor and get going? 436 00:25:53,476 --> 00:25:55,068 Joe? 437 00:26:01,555 --> 00:26:03,068 Joe. 438 00:27:04,909 --> 00:27:08,185 l'm sorry l woke you up, l was trying to shut out the kid noise. 439 00:27:08,349 --> 00:27:10,066 That's all right. 440 00:27:12,989 --> 00:27:15,025 l gotta get going. 441 00:27:15,189 --> 00:27:16,383 You sure slept. 442 00:27:16,549 --> 00:27:20,143 That's the first time l've been in a bed in weeks. lt felt good. 443 00:27:21,068 --> 00:27:23,104 -Where did you sleep? -Chair. 444 00:27:23,268 --> 00:27:26,384 Oh, l'm sorry, kid. l didn't mean to gyp you out of your bed. 445 00:27:26,747 --> 00:27:29,784 You didn't mean anything. You went out like you were slugged. 446 00:27:29,947 --> 00:27:31,824 You ought to get yourself a regular job. 447 00:27:31,987 --> 00:27:33,977 What do you see in the trucking business? 448 00:27:34,146 --> 00:27:35,465 l'm on my own, anyway. 449 00:27:35,626 --> 00:27:39,301 lf a guy can get two or three big rigs, there's a fortune in this business. 450 00:27:39,547 --> 00:27:41,139 You really believe that, don't you? 451 00:27:41,347 --> 00:27:44,019 Sure, l believe it. lf l didn't, l'd be on Paul's side. 452 00:27:44,186 --> 00:27:46,575 l'd quit right now, let Farnsworth take the truck. . . 453 00:27:46,746 --> 00:27:48,384 . . .and go grab a job digging ditches. 454 00:27:48,626 --> 00:27:51,583 After what l saw last night, digging ditches looks good to me. 455 00:27:51,745 --> 00:27:53,622 No future in it. 456 00:27:55,305 --> 00:27:57,580 A shave wouldn't go bad, but l ain't got time now. 457 00:27:57,745 --> 00:27:59,655 l gotta get to market and hustle up a load. 458 00:27:59,824 --> 00:28:02,861 -When will you be back? -That depends. Maybe a couple of days. 459 00:28:03,024 --> 00:28:05,538 -Good. l'll have a job by then. -That's the talking. 460 00:28:05,704 --> 00:28:07,376 ln the meantime, you gotta eat. 461 00:28:07,544 --> 00:28:09,614 This won't take you into the Cocoanut Grove. . . 462 00:28:09,784 --> 00:28:11,820 . . .but you'll get enough till l get back. 463 00:28:11,984 --> 00:28:14,577 You must be out of your mind. You may never see me again. 464 00:28:14,743 --> 00:28:17,621 Don't worry about that. l'll see you. 465 00:28:17,783 --> 00:28:19,421 Joe. 466 00:28:23,102 --> 00:28:27,493 -Don't go to sleep on the road. -l won't. Not after a pepper-up like that. 467 00:28:27,662 --> 00:28:30,017 And don't practice that on anyone else. 468 00:28:30,182 --> 00:28:32,012 Save it for me. 469 00:28:43,221 --> 00:28:45,291 -Hiya, fatso. -How are you, Joe? 470 00:28:45,581 --> 00:28:47,411 Oh, l been eating. Where you going? 471 00:28:47,620 --> 00:28:49,053 Gonna pick up some watermelons. 472 00:28:49,220 --> 00:28:50,812 -Who gave you the load? -Me. 473 00:28:50,980 --> 00:28:53,335 A guy would get blisters waiting for a load. . . 474 00:28:53,500 --> 00:28:56,775 . . .so l'm going down to lmperial and buy some of them babies myself. 475 00:28:56,939 --> 00:28:58,497 When market opens, l'll clean up. 476 00:28:58,819 --> 00:29:01,254 You know, they ain't hardly got a watermelon in town. 477 00:29:01,420 --> 00:29:03,853 That's one way to do it. Well, good luck, guy. 478 00:29:04,059 --> 00:29:05,651 Thanks. Same to you. 479 00:29:16,538 --> 00:29:19,177 What do you think you're doing with that broken-down tub? 480 00:29:19,338 --> 00:29:20,326 Parking it. Why? 481 00:29:20,497 --> 00:29:24,126 Get it out of there, or l'll park one on your chin. l was here first. 482 00:29:24,297 --> 00:29:26,016 Don't look that way to me. 483 00:29:41,536 --> 00:29:45,972 Smack him on the chin, boy. Shoot for his button. Go on! Go on! 484 00:29:46,135 --> 00:29:47,124 What's going on? 485 00:29:47,295 --> 00:29:50,093 Well, it ain't the guy selling bananas, it's a fight! Look! 486 00:29:50,255 --> 00:29:51,972 Get in there, now! Go ahead, go ahead! 487 00:29:52,134 --> 00:29:56,208 Ed, stop yelling out the window. You're not a truck driver anymore. 488 00:29:56,375 --> 00:29:58,764 Can l help it if l get a little excited? 489 00:29:58,975 --> 00:30:01,363 When we got married, you promised to be a gentleman. 490 00:30:01,534 --> 00:30:05,846 lt's disgusting to see the head of a big company being noisier than his drivers. 491 00:30:07,734 --> 00:30:09,803 One of those guys looks like Joe Fabrini. 492 00:30:10,373 --> 00:30:11,567 lt is Joe! 493 00:30:12,213 --> 00:30:14,204 You remember Joe, don't you? 494 00:30:14,493 --> 00:30:15,528 Yeah. 495 00:30:15,973 --> 00:30:19,044 And Joe shouldn't be fighting in the street like that too. 496 00:30:21,853 --> 00:30:23,764 You'll need the other eye for the road. 497 00:30:23,933 --> 00:30:26,571 And this ain't making either one of us any money. 498 00:30:26,732 --> 00:30:28,051 Look out, Joe. 499 00:30:31,172 --> 00:30:33,844 Hey, Joe Fabrini! Champ! 500 00:30:34,051 --> 00:30:36,281 Hey, Joe! Joe Fabrini! 501 00:30:36,491 --> 00:30:39,051 Come on up here and see what you can do with a good man. 502 00:30:43,730 --> 00:30:47,121 l used to could hit like that. And get hit too. 503 00:30:47,611 --> 00:30:49,805 -Oh, boy. -ls he coming up? 504 00:30:49,970 --> 00:30:52,404 Yeah, and a great guy he is too. 505 00:30:53,170 --> 00:30:55,525 Say, Lana, what are you doing with all the dough? 506 00:30:55,690 --> 00:30:57,327 This is 200 bucks this week. 507 00:30:57,489 --> 00:30:59,798 Would you like me to give you an itemized account? 508 00:30:59,969 --> 00:31:01,084 Penny by penny? 509 00:31:01,249 --> 00:31:03,365 Oh, no, sug. You use all of it you want. 510 00:31:03,529 --> 00:31:06,725 lf you're gonna look like a million, you got to spend a million, huh? 511 00:31:06,888 --> 00:31:10,767 l just got my makeup on. You need to get romantic around noontime? 512 00:31:10,928 --> 00:31:13,123 Where you're concerned, l don't watch the clock. 513 00:31:13,288 --> 00:31:14,801 l wish you would. 514 00:31:14,968 --> 00:31:17,641 You're having a visitor, you may as well put your coat on. 515 00:31:17,808 --> 00:31:21,004 lf you can't sound like an executive, you might try looking like one. 516 00:31:21,167 --> 00:31:23,158 You're gonna make a gentleman out of me yet. 517 00:31:23,327 --> 00:31:24,919 l doubt it. 518 00:31:27,007 --> 00:31:28,565 What is it? What is it? 519 00:31:28,727 --> 00:31:32,002 Yes? What--? Oh, l wish they'd stop inventing things. 520 00:31:32,646 --> 00:31:33,999 Joe Fabrini to see you. 521 00:31:34,206 --> 00:31:37,322 What? Oh, well, shoot him right in. 522 00:31:41,246 --> 00:31:42,725 Hello, Joe. What do you know? 523 00:31:42,886 --> 00:31:45,195 Who do you think you are, Jack Dempsey? 524 00:31:45,645 --> 00:31:47,442 What is that, a gag? 525 00:31:48,205 --> 00:31:50,924 lt's Lana. She thinks it makes me look dignified. 526 00:31:51,085 --> 00:31:53,280 -What was the beef out there? -Oh, nothing much. 527 00:31:53,484 --> 00:31:55,679 -Hello, Mrs. Carlsen. -Hello. 528 00:31:55,844 --> 00:31:59,041 Where have you been hiding? lt's a wonder you wouldn't come see a guy. 529 00:31:59,204 --> 00:32:01,842 -l've been pretty busy. -The mice must have got into this. 530 00:32:02,003 --> 00:32:04,198 That was no mice, that was a rat. 531 00:32:04,643 --> 00:32:07,112 Very funny. Very funny, babe! 532 00:32:07,324 --> 00:32:10,554 That's just like Lana. Right on the trigger every time. 533 00:32:11,123 --> 00:32:13,591 Well, you and l will strike a blow for liberty. 534 00:32:13,763 --> 00:32:16,436 -You know l never touch it. -That's all right. 535 00:32:16,603 --> 00:32:18,672 l'll strike the blow for both of us. 536 00:32:18,842 --> 00:32:20,434 Well-- 537 00:32:21,242 --> 00:32:23,710 Your liver must look like a bomb hit it. 538 00:32:26,121 --> 00:32:29,158 Well, you know what l say, live and let liver. 539 00:32:29,321 --> 00:32:32,951 Or, or, liver, stay away from my door. 540 00:32:33,122 --> 00:32:34,839 lt's a cinch to think of fast ones. . . 541 00:32:35,001 --> 00:32:38,471 . . .when you've been married to a smart girl for seven years. 542 00:32:39,081 --> 00:32:41,470 Now, Joe, park it there. 543 00:32:45,200 --> 00:32:47,111 Oh, thanks. Say, Joe. . . 544 00:32:48,080 --> 00:32:51,515 . . .why don't you cut out trying to beat this wildcat game and work for me? 545 00:32:51,679 --> 00:32:53,351 -You beat it, didn't you? -Well, yes. 546 00:32:53,559 --> 00:32:55,754 You're leading with your chin. Working for me. . . 547 00:32:55,919 --> 00:32:59,434 . . .or any other real trucking outfit, you can only drive 8 hours at a clip. . . 548 00:32:59,599 --> 00:33:01,908 . . .and you're sure of both your sleep and your pay. 549 00:33:02,119 --> 00:33:03,996 -You know what l'm gonna do, Ed? -No. 550 00:33:04,159 --> 00:33:06,275 Paul and me are starting to buy our own loads. 551 00:33:06,478 --> 00:33:09,515 After this, we're gonna make the profits instead of 1 6 other guys. 552 00:33:09,718 --> 00:33:11,868 l'm just getting five brand-new diesels. 553 00:33:12,038 --> 00:33:14,268 l'd sure like to see you and Paul on one of them. 554 00:33:14,437 --> 00:33:17,076 Thanks, Ed, but l'd still like to be my own boss. 555 00:33:17,277 --> 00:33:19,791 You should listen to Ed. He's talking sense for once. 556 00:33:19,957 --> 00:33:21,993 Oh, don't get me wrong, Mrs. Carlsen. . . 557 00:33:22,157 --> 00:33:24,909 . . .l probably sound like l don't appreciate Ed's offer. 558 00:33:25,116 --> 00:33:26,709 l do. 559 00:33:26,877 --> 00:33:28,947 But l'd still like to try it my way. 560 00:33:29,117 --> 00:33:32,313 Just a few breaks, and maybe l'll be higher than Ed. 561 00:33:32,876 --> 00:33:35,709 Yeah, and Ed'll be hauling for you. What do you think of that? 562 00:33:35,876 --> 00:33:39,788 -Know where you can buy any loads? -No, l ain't looked into it yet. 563 00:33:40,595 --> 00:33:43,985 l know just the guy. He knows all the angles. And since l'm gonna be. . . 564 00:33:44,155 --> 00:33:47,749 . . .working for you someday, l might as well start getting on your good side. 565 00:33:47,914 --> 00:33:49,711 And you better be nice to him too. 566 00:33:49,874 --> 00:33:53,584 -l'm always nice to your friends. -You see that one? She kills me! 567 00:33:53,755 --> 00:33:55,551 l'll be right back. 568 00:34:08,833 --> 00:34:11,471 -Where were you last Thursday? -On the road, l guess. 569 00:34:11,632 --> 00:34:14,465 You're lying. You were here in town. One of the boys saw you. 570 00:34:14,632 --> 00:34:15,985 So l was in town. 571 00:34:16,152 --> 00:34:19,542 l waited so long in front of that restaurant, they thought l was a picket. 572 00:34:19,712 --> 00:34:21,031 Don't you ever keep a date? 573 00:34:21,192 --> 00:34:22,830 l didn't make a date. 574 00:34:22,992 --> 00:34:24,391 You did. 575 00:34:24,552 --> 00:34:26,668 l told you then l wouldn't be there. 576 00:34:26,832 --> 00:34:28,423 And l'm telling you now. . . 577 00:34:28,591 --> 00:34:31,549 -. . .l'll never be there. -What's the matter with me? 578 00:34:31,751 --> 00:34:33,343 Nothing. . . 579 00:34:33,711 --> 00:34:35,905 . . .except you got a husband, Mrs. Carlsen. 580 00:34:36,070 --> 00:34:39,665 And it happens that he's a good friend of mine. Understand? 581 00:34:39,870 --> 00:34:43,942 Oh, you've been listening to some narrow-minded people. 582 00:34:45,950 --> 00:34:48,828 There. What would they say about that? 583 00:34:49,830 --> 00:34:52,024 You know what's gonna happen to you? 584 00:34:52,589 --> 00:34:54,466 One of these days, Ed is gonna catch you. 585 00:34:54,669 --> 00:34:58,662 And when he does, he's gonna slap your ears off. 586 00:34:59,189 --> 00:35:01,827 l wonder what l see in you, anyway. 587 00:35:02,028 --> 00:35:05,338 You're crude. You're uneducated. 588 00:35:05,628 --> 00:35:08,664 You've never had a pair of pants with a crease in them. 589 00:35:08,987 --> 00:35:11,057 And yet, l couldn't say no to you. 590 00:35:11,227 --> 00:35:13,298 Don't worry about it. 591 00:35:13,548 --> 00:35:15,379 l'm not asking you. 592 00:35:16,907 --> 00:35:18,499 You better get two cases. 593 00:35:18,667 --> 00:35:20,259 Bourbon! 594 00:35:20,507 --> 00:35:21,860 -Joe. -Yes. 595 00:35:22,027 --> 00:35:24,142 Go here. That's the United Warehouse in Pomona. 596 00:35:24,306 --> 00:35:27,901 Ask for Oscar Drake. He's got a load of lemons he's dying to get rid of. 597 00:35:28,066 --> 00:35:31,581 That ain't bad. There's a flu epidemic up north and they're hot for lemons. 598 00:35:31,746 --> 00:35:36,375 The guy's had the fruit laying around for some time, so you got him over a barrel. 599 00:35:36,545 --> 00:35:39,219 -Got any money? -Enough for a load. 600 00:35:39,906 --> 00:35:43,022 -Thanks, Ed. l won't forget this. -l know. 601 00:35:43,185 --> 00:35:44,413 Goodbye, Mrs. Carlsen. 602 00:35:45,065 --> 00:35:48,216 Goodbye. lt was nice seeing you again, Joe. 603 00:35:48,385 --> 00:35:50,773 Don't forget, keep your eye on that white line. 604 00:35:51,424 --> 00:35:54,621 You betcha. And l'll watch all the curves too. 605 00:35:57,823 --> 00:35:59,734 Now, there's a great fellow. 606 00:36:00,063 --> 00:36:03,453 There's anybody in the world could beat that wildcat racket, it's him. 607 00:36:03,623 --> 00:36:06,183 -Funny how the dames fell for him. -Can't understand it. 608 00:36:06,343 --> 00:36:08,698 Neither can l. Course, l mean waitresses and such. 609 00:36:08,863 --> 00:36:12,617 None of them were high-class broads-- l mean, gals, like yourself. 610 00:36:13,502 --> 00:36:16,335 Oh, please, Ed. Suppose someone should come in? 611 00:36:16,502 --> 00:36:20,290 Then we'd have to get married all over again, wouldn't we? 612 00:36:22,661 --> 00:36:24,538 Yes, thank you. 613 00:36:30,380 --> 00:36:33,418 -Who was it? -lt was a wire from Joe. 614 00:36:33,581 --> 00:36:36,618 He'll be by for you in about a half an hour. 615 00:36:37,420 --> 00:36:38,853 Paul. 616 00:36:39,020 --> 00:36:41,853 l think you'd better let Joe go on again. You didn't sleep. 617 00:36:42,020 --> 00:36:43,692 Well, how could l? 618 00:36:43,860 --> 00:36:47,135 Every time l closed my eyes, l could see those two guys burning. 619 00:36:47,299 --> 00:36:49,688 Well, l'm thankful it wasn't you. 620 00:36:49,859 --> 00:36:54,613 Every minute, l expect someone to knock on the door and tell me l'm a widow. 621 00:36:55,178 --> 00:36:58,250 -Please stay tonight and get some sleep. -l can't. 622 00:36:58,418 --> 00:37:02,457 l was enough of a heel last night, walking out on Joe the way l did. 623 00:37:03,858 --> 00:37:07,089 l guess l'd try anything to keep you home one more day. 624 00:37:07,418 --> 00:37:09,806 l'm alone so much, it's got me talking to myself. 625 00:37:10,017 --> 00:37:11,609 Paul. 626 00:37:11,777 --> 00:37:13,813 Why can't l have a baby? 627 00:37:13,977 --> 00:37:17,208 Maybe then l wouldn't be so. . .so lonely. 628 00:37:18,096 --> 00:37:21,611 There you go, singing the same old song. 629 00:37:21,776 --> 00:37:25,611 -You know we can't afford a kid. -lt's the same old song from you. 630 00:37:25,776 --> 00:37:28,165 How long do you think l'm gonna stay young enough? 631 00:37:28,336 --> 00:37:31,055 The girls l went to school with have two or three kids now. 632 00:37:31,216 --> 00:37:35,288 The girls you went to school with were smart to marry guys with real jobs. 633 00:37:37,015 --> 00:37:40,530 Paul, l'm not blaming you. l'm complaining for both of us. 634 00:37:40,695 --> 00:37:43,811 We've got a right to a better life than this. You could get a job. . . 635 00:37:43,974 --> 00:37:48,445 . . .and though there wasn't much money, you'd get it every week, be home nights. 636 00:37:48,614 --> 00:37:52,129 -Yeah, try and tell that to Joe. -Who are you married to, Joe or me? 637 00:37:52,334 --> 00:37:56,646 l can't leave him out on a limb as long as he thinks we got a chance in this. 638 00:37:57,134 --> 00:38:00,648 And there he is now. He must have burned the rubber off that rig. 639 00:38:04,133 --> 00:38:06,327 Well, l'll see you in a couple of days. 640 00:38:06,492 --> 00:38:08,483 -Paul, be careful. -Don't worry, honey. 641 00:38:08,652 --> 00:38:10,449 Everything's gonna be all right. 642 00:38:10,612 --> 00:38:13,922 Listen, we'll have so many kids, we'll run out of names. 643 00:38:21,532 --> 00:38:22,805 Hiya, Fabrini. 644 00:38:23,971 --> 00:38:27,646 -Oh, hiya. -Your truck around? 645 00:38:27,811 --> 00:38:30,166 Yeah. l got it parked under the kitchen sink. 646 00:38:30,331 --> 00:38:33,367 There's no use getting smart. l'm acting within my legal rights. 647 00:38:33,530 --> 00:38:37,205 You're three installments behind. Either you pay or l take the truck! 648 00:38:37,370 --> 00:38:39,644 -You and who else? -Me. 649 00:38:39,809 --> 00:38:43,768 And don't try to get tough about it, buddy. Where's the truck? 650 00:38:45,210 --> 00:38:47,086 -l don't know. -lt'll be along. 651 00:38:47,249 --> 00:38:50,446 -He and his brother ride together. -l ain't riding with him anymore. 652 00:38:50,609 --> 00:38:52,679 He may not be by here for a couple of weeks. 653 00:38:52,889 --> 00:38:55,846 That's all right. We'll wait. 654 00:38:57,208 --> 00:39:00,803 lf you get thirsty, come on in and l'll give you a mickey. 655 00:39:03,887 --> 00:39:06,481 l'm going out the back and head Joe off at the highway. 656 00:39:06,647 --> 00:39:09,366 lf you didn't do anything, we'd be out of the business. 657 00:39:09,527 --> 00:39:12,166 You'd get that job with regular pay, and be home nights. 658 00:39:12,327 --> 00:39:16,206 -lt's what we both want. -Yeah, that's what l want, all right. 659 00:39:16,367 --> 00:39:18,642 But l don't want to get it by double-crossing Joe. 660 00:39:18,807 --> 00:39:21,195 lf l can save the rig, l gotta save it. 661 00:39:47,084 --> 00:39:50,360 Keep rolling! Farnsworth's at the house with the law. 662 00:39:52,723 --> 00:39:54,236 Well, he ain't got us this time. 663 00:39:54,403 --> 00:39:56,871 What's the difference? He'll get us the next. 664 00:39:57,043 --> 00:39:58,635 -What are we hauling? -Lemons. 665 00:39:58,803 --> 00:40:01,032 -Who for? -Ourselves. 666 00:40:01,202 --> 00:40:02,351 What do you mean? 667 00:40:02,522 --> 00:40:05,037 l bought the load with the money we got from Williams. 668 00:40:05,203 --> 00:40:06,955 -All of it? -All of it. 669 00:40:07,123 --> 00:40:09,238 Except 2 bucks for rolling dough. 670 00:40:09,402 --> 00:40:11,916 -l bought the stuff for 80 cents a box. -Are you nuts? 671 00:40:12,082 --> 00:40:15,791 Relax, will you? When we sell the load, we'll have twice what we started with. 672 00:40:15,961 --> 00:40:18,031 You mean, if we sell the load. 673 00:40:18,201 --> 00:40:20,920 Hey, don't l rate in this outfit? What am l, just a stooge? 674 00:40:21,081 --> 00:40:23,151 Half of that dough was mine. Mine and Pearl's. 675 00:40:23,321 --> 00:40:25,197 Don't l even get asked about anything? 676 00:40:25,360 --> 00:40:28,272 A guy's gotta be around before you ask him. 677 00:40:29,800 --> 00:40:33,475 Yeah, l'm sorry about that. l shouldn't have walked out on you, Joe. 678 00:40:33,640 --> 00:40:35,551 That's all right. 679 00:40:35,880 --> 00:40:38,474 l almost threw in the towel myself. 680 00:40:39,280 --> 00:40:41,713 Well, did you see any of your old girlfriends in L.A.? 681 00:40:41,879 --> 00:40:43,995 Nope. Didn't have time. 682 00:40:44,159 --> 00:40:45,751 What do you mean? 683 00:40:45,919 --> 00:40:48,990 Joe Fabrini didn't have time to see even one dame? 684 00:40:49,158 --> 00:40:51,149 You heard me. 685 00:40:52,158 --> 00:40:57,106 lt's just like l've been saying. This business is really tearing us down. 686 00:41:03,278 --> 00:41:06,314 -Hiya, boys. What do you got? -A load of lemons. Wanna see them? 687 00:41:06,477 --> 00:41:09,867 l really don't want no lemons, but l guess it won't hurt if l take a look. 688 00:41:10,037 --> 00:41:11,789 You can have a look. 689 00:41:12,996 --> 00:41:16,272 -How's the market? -Oh, only fair. 690 00:41:16,676 --> 00:41:18,109 Drop it right down there. 691 00:41:18,316 --> 00:41:21,227 -Hear you got married. -Oh, forget that. 692 00:41:22,635 --> 00:41:25,867 -Nice stuff, eh? -This ain't no lemon, this is a lemonette. 693 00:41:26,036 --> 00:41:27,071 Don't try to kid us. 694 00:41:28,396 --> 00:41:31,785 -We know good stuff when we see it. -l hate lemons, even if they're good. 695 00:41:31,955 --> 00:41:33,991 Quit stalling, George. How do you like them? 696 00:41:34,155 --> 00:41:36,191 lt all depends upon what you're asking, boys. 697 00:41:36,355 --> 00:41:40,552 -Well, we'll leave that up to you. -Since you come to see me first. . . 698 00:41:40,714 --> 00:41:42,989 -. . .l'll give you $3.50 a box. -Oh, no. No deal. 699 00:41:43,154 --> 00:41:45,030 Come on, give me a hand, Paul. 700 00:41:45,233 --> 00:41:46,427 Wait a minute, boys. 701 00:41:47,593 --> 00:41:50,983 l'll treat you right, you know that. Name your own price. 702 00:41:51,153 --> 00:41:54,589 Well, we hauled this stuff a long way and we paid a good price for them. 703 00:41:54,753 --> 00:41:59,827 -We figure they're worth 5 bucks a box. -You got me mixed up with Santa Claus. 704 00:42:00,833 --> 00:42:02,550 Okay. No hard feelings. 705 00:42:02,712 --> 00:42:07,866 Come on, Paul. We'll take them down to Riley's. We might even get 6 from him. 706 00:42:08,632 --> 00:42:10,906 l tell you what l'll do, guys. 707 00:42:11,951 --> 00:42:14,988 l'll give you $4 a box, but l want you to throw in some fill-ins. 708 00:42:15,151 --> 00:42:19,110 We bought 1 45 boxes, and that's what we're selling. 709 00:42:19,271 --> 00:42:23,503 Okay, robber. 1 45 boxes. . . 710 00:42:23,911 --> 00:42:28,506 . . .at $4 a box is 580 simoleons. That's all you'll get. 711 00:42:31,030 --> 00:42:33,066 l don't know, George, l. . . . 712 00:42:37,589 --> 00:42:39,819 All right, it's a deal. 713 00:42:40,629 --> 00:42:43,745 Hey, Junior, Harvey! Dump that load. 714 00:42:43,908 --> 00:42:47,345 -l'll get you your money. -All right, George. 715 00:42:50,268 --> 00:42:52,657 Here, you always liked apples. 716 00:42:54,228 --> 00:42:56,788 l hope l never have another 5 minutes like that again. 717 00:42:56,948 --> 00:43:00,860 We made 500 profit on the deal. We should have a lot of 5 minutes like that. 718 00:43:01,027 --> 00:43:04,224 -Well, we're finally rolling. -lt looks that way. What next? 719 00:43:04,387 --> 00:43:07,219 We'll buy another load. Then we'll buy some more loads. 720 00:43:07,386 --> 00:43:10,059 Then we'll buy another truck. Then buy some more trucks. 721 00:43:10,226 --> 00:43:13,105 Whoa, wait a minute. Maybe we better pay for this one first. 722 00:43:13,267 --> 00:43:15,541 Don't worry. We'll send Farnsworth dough tomorrow. 723 00:43:15,706 --> 00:43:17,458 One, two, three, four, five. . . 724 00:43:17,626 --> 00:43:19,617 . . .twenty, forty, sixty, eighty. 725 00:43:19,786 --> 00:43:21,538 -580. -Thanks. 726 00:43:21,706 --> 00:43:24,981 lf you guys got any more good loads, don't forget l treated you right. 727 00:43:25,145 --> 00:43:27,215 We'll come straight to you. 728 00:43:27,585 --> 00:43:29,576 Come on, l wanna use the phone. 729 00:43:31,464 --> 00:43:34,262 -Give me a flock of change, Leo. -Say, who you calling? 730 00:43:34,424 --> 00:43:36,301 -Cassie. -Cassie? Who's that? 731 00:43:36,464 --> 00:43:38,217 That gal we picked up on the road. 732 00:43:38,385 --> 00:43:40,102 l just wanna find out how she's doing. 733 00:43:40,264 --> 00:43:42,255 l thought nothing happened with that dame. 734 00:43:42,424 --> 00:43:44,380 Nothing did. 735 00:43:44,824 --> 00:43:47,383 But l ain't saying nothing won't. 736 00:43:52,663 --> 00:43:54,619 Give me long distance. 737 00:43:55,062 --> 00:43:59,135 Hello. Hello, Joe? Did something happen to you? You weren't in a. . .? 738 00:43:59,302 --> 00:44:02,294 No, nothing happened. Nothing bad, anyway. 739 00:44:02,462 --> 00:44:05,022 l was scared when she told me San Francisco was calling. 740 00:44:05,182 --> 00:44:08,060 -l knew it was you or about you. -How did you know? 741 00:44:08,222 --> 00:44:10,611 Oh, l just knew. ls everything all right? 742 00:44:10,782 --> 00:44:15,093 Everything's great. We got more dough than we ever seen before. 743 00:44:15,261 --> 00:44:16,853 Say. . . 744 00:44:17,021 --> 00:44:19,659 . . .this is a funny time to call up a girl, ain't it? 745 00:44:19,820 --> 00:44:23,130 Oh, l don't mind. l'm glad you called. l was worried about you. 746 00:44:23,340 --> 00:44:25,092 Oh, Cassie. . . 747 00:44:25,260 --> 00:44:28,331 . . .do you believe in love at first sight? 748 00:44:28,539 --> 00:44:30,814 Well, it saves a lot of time. 749 00:44:30,979 --> 00:44:34,052 -When are you coming back? -l think l wanna get back and see you. . . 750 00:44:34,220 --> 00:44:38,098 -. . .as fast as we can buy another load. -Be careful and don't drive too fast. 751 00:44:38,259 --> 00:44:40,648 l want to see you quick, but all in one piece. 752 00:44:40,859 --> 00:44:44,168 Your three minutes are up. Deposit 50 cents for an additional minute. 753 00:44:44,378 --> 00:44:45,857 Don't spend any more. 754 00:44:46,018 --> 00:44:49,055 When you get back we can talk all you want, and it won't cost a-- 755 00:44:49,218 --> 00:44:50,776 Hello? 756 00:44:50,938 --> 00:44:52,655 Hello? 757 00:44:55,457 --> 00:44:57,926 Give me a cup of coffee, Leo. 758 00:45:00,257 --> 00:45:01,929 That was great talk. 759 00:45:02,097 --> 00:45:05,806 Pearl and me used to have them same conversations before we got married. 760 00:45:05,977 --> 00:45:07,773 Who said anything about getting married? 761 00:45:07,936 --> 00:45:11,212 Nobody, but you can't horse me. l know that rash when l see it. 762 00:45:11,376 --> 00:45:13,606 lt all depends on how smart the dame is. 763 00:45:13,776 --> 00:45:16,448 Oh, your brakes are dragging. l-- 764 00:45:17,215 --> 00:45:19,251 Our rig's moving! 765 00:45:24,254 --> 00:45:26,974 -Hey, where do you think you're going? -Out of the truck! 766 00:45:27,135 --> 00:45:29,126 -But. . . . -You, out the other side! 767 00:45:29,335 --> 00:45:31,565 Now, fellas, l'm strictly within my legal rights. 768 00:45:31,735 --> 00:45:34,567 You'd look pretty silly with a monkey wrench out of your head. 769 00:45:34,734 --> 00:45:37,771 -l'll call a policeman! -lf l touch you, you'll call an ambulance. 770 00:45:37,934 --> 00:45:40,242 -How much do we owe you? -$300 plus $50 interest. 771 00:45:40,413 --> 00:45:43,132 -Sure you ain't gypping yourself? -Where's that loan paper? 772 00:45:43,293 --> 00:45:45,966 -Right here. -Mark on it ''paid in full'' in big letters. . . 773 00:45:46,133 --> 00:45:48,521 . . .because that's what you're getting, cash. 774 00:45:48,692 --> 00:45:53,164 One, two, three, twenty, forty, sixty. Here. Give me a 1 0. 775 00:45:53,333 --> 00:45:55,403 You understand, there's nothing personal. 776 00:45:55,573 --> 00:45:58,882 Yeah, we understand. We love you too. Now get out of here. 777 00:45:59,052 --> 00:46:03,170 -You don't have to be nasty about it. -We don't have to be, but it's more fun. 778 00:46:03,332 --> 00:46:06,528 What do you say we throw this monkey over the truck? 779 00:46:10,331 --> 00:46:13,003 Well, baby, you're all ours. 780 00:46:15,810 --> 00:46:19,486 -l never thought l'd live to see this day. -And you're gonna live to see better. 781 00:46:19,651 --> 00:46:22,722 Come on. We just got enough dough left to buy another load. 782 00:46:38,528 --> 00:46:40,359 Hiya, Fabrini. Got that dough you owe me? 783 00:46:40,528 --> 00:46:43,565 -Yeah. l'm gonna pay you in full. -l congratulate myself. 784 00:46:43,728 --> 00:46:45,241 -What are you hauling? -Pears. 785 00:46:45,408 --> 00:46:47,638 Oh, fill it up with gas. 786 00:46:49,248 --> 00:46:52,285 Well, l see Paul's asleep again, as usual. 787 00:46:52,448 --> 00:46:55,245 What is it about my brother sleeping that annoys you so much? 788 00:46:55,407 --> 00:46:58,240 You've always got your nose in everybody else's business. 789 00:46:58,407 --> 00:47:00,796 -Come on, fill her up. -Okay. 790 00:47:00,967 --> 00:47:02,115 lf it was me. . . 791 00:47:02,286 --> 00:47:06,074 . . .l'd get a little sleep once in a while myself and let him do some driving. 792 00:47:07,086 --> 00:47:08,678 Paul? 793 00:47:08,966 --> 00:47:11,036 -Paul! -Yeah. 794 00:47:11,206 --> 00:47:13,003 Yeah, what, what's the matter? 795 00:47:13,206 --> 00:47:16,164 Nothing, but you'd better take the wheel for a while. 796 00:47:16,326 --> 00:47:17,917 l'm knocked out. 797 00:47:18,085 --> 00:47:20,155 Where are we, Haig's? 798 00:47:20,325 --> 00:47:24,557 What do you say you and l stop over and grab a couple hours of shuteye? 799 00:47:24,725 --> 00:47:27,841 For the first time in our lives, we get ahead of this racket. . . 800 00:47:28,004 --> 00:47:30,598 -. . .and he wants to stop and sleep. -Sure, l wanna sleep. 801 00:47:30,764 --> 00:47:32,880 Everyone sleeps once in a while, remember? 802 00:47:33,044 --> 00:47:35,841 You'd think l wanted to do something peculiar. 803 00:48:35,839 --> 00:48:38,148 -You all right? -Yeah. 804 00:48:38,319 --> 00:48:39,910 l'm all right. 805 00:48:40,078 --> 00:48:41,716 But my brother's in the truck! 806 00:48:41,878 --> 00:48:43,948 Shoot your lights down there. 807 00:48:51,677 --> 00:48:55,555 Come on. Come on. Hold it. 808 00:49:09,436 --> 00:49:10,664 Paul! 809 00:49:10,835 --> 00:49:12,951 -Paul! -l'll go and get help. 810 00:49:13,115 --> 00:49:14,707 Paul! 811 00:49:21,834 --> 00:49:23,472 Joe, how is he? 812 00:49:23,634 --> 00:49:25,512 Busted up, but he's gonna be okay. 813 00:49:25,675 --> 00:49:28,393 At first they thought his skull was fractured, but it ain't. 814 00:49:28,554 --> 00:49:30,510 -Where is he? -Down here. 815 00:49:31,154 --> 00:49:33,509 lt was all my fault. He wanted to stop and sleep. . . 816 00:49:33,674 --> 00:49:36,062 -. . .and l made him drive. -Don't blame yourself, Joe. 817 00:49:36,233 --> 00:49:38,827 lt was bound to happen. l'm grateful he's alive. 818 00:49:38,993 --> 00:49:41,063 -The truck's gone, l suppose. -Complete wreck. 819 00:49:41,233 --> 00:49:45,430 Load smashed, not a cent of insurance. And we were just starting to do good. 820 00:49:45,592 --> 00:49:47,025 lt's always that way, isn't it? 821 00:49:47,192 --> 00:49:49,660 You and Paul will get another truck and be back on the road. 822 00:49:49,832 --> 00:49:53,507 -Wait, Pearl. Before you go in. -Yes? 823 00:49:53,672 --> 00:49:56,470 Looks like Paul's gonna be out of work for some time. 824 00:49:56,632 --> 00:49:58,224 And l don't want you to worry, see. 825 00:49:58,872 --> 00:50:02,261 While he's getting well, l'll take care of everything. 826 00:50:02,431 --> 00:50:04,820 What are you trying to do, Joe, soften the blow? 827 00:50:04,991 --> 00:50:06,868 -How bad is he? -Oh, he's all right. 828 00:50:07,031 --> 00:50:10,818 A couple of cuts here and there. All except his right arm. 829 00:50:10,990 --> 00:50:12,708 They thought. . . . 830 00:50:12,870 --> 00:50:15,065 Well, they had to do it. 831 00:50:16,069 --> 00:50:20,268 l'm gonna surprise you. l'm gonna surprise you a lot. 832 00:50:20,830 --> 00:50:23,185 l'm almost glad it happened! 833 00:50:23,510 --> 00:50:26,342 -You're what? -You heard me, l'm almost glad. 834 00:50:26,509 --> 00:50:29,899 Now he can't drive a truck anymore. Now he'll be home nights. 835 00:50:30,069 --> 00:50:32,502 Now l won't always be alone, worrying. 836 00:50:32,748 --> 00:50:35,137 Maybe it's worth a right arm, Joe. 837 00:50:35,308 --> 00:50:37,299 Maybe it's worth it. 838 00:50:49,964 --> 00:50:52,603 -Hello, sug. -Don't you ever knock? 839 00:50:52,764 --> 00:50:55,358 Oh, it's all right. We're married. Don't you remember? 840 00:50:55,524 --> 00:50:57,718 Yeah, how can l forget? 841 00:50:58,523 --> 00:51:01,321 Well, what are you gonna do, open up a shop? 842 00:51:02,043 --> 00:51:04,273 Where's the pole that goes with this? 843 00:51:06,522 --> 00:51:08,911 Oh, to show you how things break in this business. . . 844 00:51:09,082 --> 00:51:10,310 . . .you know what happened? 845 00:51:10,482 --> 00:51:13,633 Last night, the Fabrini brothers smacked up, truck and all. 846 00:51:13,802 --> 00:51:17,238 -Was Joe hurt? -No. He got scratched up a little. 847 00:51:17,402 --> 00:51:19,313 His brother lost a wing. 848 00:51:21,161 --> 00:51:23,880 -What are they gonna do? -Joe's gonna wheel a truck for me. 849 00:51:24,081 --> 00:51:26,197 He's a good man and l hate to get him that way. 850 00:51:26,361 --> 00:51:28,954 lf he's a good man, why are you wasting him on the road? 851 00:51:29,120 --> 00:51:30,872 Where else am l gonna put him? 852 00:51:31,040 --> 00:51:33,395 Anyone with a big back can drive a truck. 853 00:51:33,560 --> 00:51:35,312 Why don't you put him in the garage? 854 00:51:35,480 --> 00:51:37,357 ln the garage? What would he do there? 855 00:51:37,520 --> 00:51:39,715 l don't know. There must be a lot of things. 856 00:51:39,880 --> 00:51:42,235 You're always complaining how tired you are. 857 00:51:42,400 --> 00:51:44,152 Maybe if you had someone to help you. . . 858 00:51:44,320 --> 00:51:46,514 . . .you wouldn't always fall asleep after dinner. 859 00:51:46,679 --> 00:51:49,113 You know, sug, that ain't a bad idea of yours. 860 00:51:49,479 --> 00:51:52,073 -Always thinking of the old man, huh? -Sure l am, Ed. 861 00:51:52,239 --> 00:51:54,706 But you never give me any credit for it. 862 00:52:06,038 --> 00:52:07,756 -Brakes? Hand brake? -Check. Check. 863 00:52:07,918 --> 00:52:10,385 -Tires? Spare tires? -Check. Check. 864 00:52:10,557 --> 00:52:11,592 -Everything set? -Fine. 865 00:52:11,757 --> 00:52:14,954 -Okay, Sweeney, let her roll. -All right, Joe. 866 00:52:20,116 --> 00:52:21,708 Joe! 867 00:52:23,356 --> 00:52:25,312 -ls Ed ready? -l don't know, Mrs. Carlsen. 868 00:52:25,475 --> 00:52:29,263 -l'll go and see. -Never mind. He'll be down. 869 00:52:29,435 --> 00:52:31,267 Got a match? 870 00:52:32,516 --> 00:52:34,631 No lighter in this car? 871 00:52:36,795 --> 00:52:38,672 lt doesn't work. 872 00:52:38,995 --> 00:52:42,031 Did Ed tell you about our anniversary party tomorrow night? 873 00:52:42,194 --> 00:52:45,584 -l'm sorry, l can't make it. -But Ed's counting on having you! 874 00:52:45,754 --> 00:52:47,233 -Weren't you, Ed? -Sure. 875 00:52:47,394 --> 00:52:50,783 -What is it, and how much does it cost? -Joe says he can't make our party. 876 00:52:50,953 --> 00:52:53,467 Sure you can. lt's our new house. l want you to see it. 877 00:52:53,633 --> 00:52:56,670 l gave it to Lana as a surprise, after she picked it out. 878 00:52:56,833 --> 00:52:58,903 l had something planned with Paul tomorrow. 879 00:52:59,073 --> 00:53:01,507 Look here, l'm boss. This is a royal command. 880 00:53:01,673 --> 00:53:05,950 You show up at my new dump tomorrow night. Paul don't pay your salary, l do. 881 00:53:06,112 --> 00:53:08,546 Okay, l'll show up, but l've gotta leave early. 882 00:53:08,712 --> 00:53:12,182 l knew Ed could bring you around. He must have more appeal than l have. 883 00:53:12,352 --> 00:53:13,989 She's terrific. 884 00:53:14,151 --> 00:53:16,711 lf you open your mouth, she puts her foot in it. 885 00:53:18,351 --> 00:53:20,387 Here comes work. Good night, Mrs. Carlsen. 886 00:53:20,551 --> 00:53:22,381 See you tomorrow, Ed. 887 00:53:26,071 --> 00:53:29,268 Right on the nose, lrish. They must've taken out the pinball machines. 888 00:53:29,431 --> 00:53:32,502 They're getting tougher. They got a new one, if you hit a winner. . . 889 00:53:32,670 --> 00:53:35,707 . . .it mixes you a drink, tucks you into bed, but nobody ever wins. 890 00:53:35,870 --> 00:53:37,906 -Hi, lrish! -Hello, Ed. 891 00:53:39,229 --> 00:53:43,222 Funny. She almost never used to call for Ed nights until you started here. 892 00:53:43,389 --> 00:53:46,664 -Or am l talking out of turn? -Come on, get washed up. 893 00:53:46,828 --> 00:53:48,739 -We're going to Paul's for dinner. -Again? 894 00:53:48,908 --> 00:53:50,706 lt's sure nice since he moved into town. 895 00:53:50,869 --> 00:53:54,464 -Yeah. Pearl's cooking a steak. -Swell! Ain't had a steak since breakfast. 896 00:53:56,668 --> 00:53:59,501 Oh, boy, l'm hungry! 897 00:53:59,948 --> 00:54:03,906 -l wonder what they'll have for dessert. -For you, probably stewed pinballs. 898 00:54:05,867 --> 00:54:08,335 -Hello, baby. -Hello, Joe. 899 00:54:09,027 --> 00:54:11,586 -That's nice. -How'd you get here so early? 900 00:54:11,746 --> 00:54:13,577 l got a lift from one of the girls. 901 00:54:13,746 --> 00:54:15,702 -How are you, lrish? -Hungry. 902 00:54:15,866 --> 00:54:17,141 -Hiya, fellas. -Hello, Paul. 903 00:54:17,307 --> 00:54:19,297 Hello, Paul. Any luck today? 904 00:54:19,466 --> 00:54:22,424 Yeah, but all bad. All the old men get the watchman's jobs. . . 905 00:54:22,586 --> 00:54:25,225 . . .and that's about the only thing a one-armed guy can do. 906 00:54:25,386 --> 00:54:29,344 There are a lot of jobs you can handle. Hey, Pearl, medium-rare on my steak. . . 907 00:54:29,505 --> 00:54:31,257 . . .and not much butter on my potatoes. 908 00:54:31,425 --> 00:54:33,381 Any special design you want on the plate? 909 00:54:33,545 --> 00:54:36,775 -Come on, everybody, sit down. -You don't have to call me twice. 910 00:54:36,944 --> 00:54:40,857 When l was riding that truck, l used to think l'd never get enough staying home. 911 00:54:41,024 --> 00:54:44,494 -l got enough, all right. -Relax, you'll find something to do. 912 00:54:44,664 --> 00:54:48,418 Sure. l can always learn to knit, and Ripley'll print my picture. 913 00:54:48,584 --> 00:54:50,495 Have some steak, Cassie, and pass it on. 914 00:54:50,664 --> 00:54:53,496 -How's things going at the store? -Fine, except l get tired. . . 915 00:54:53,663 --> 00:54:56,382 -. . .of being on my feet all day. -l got the same trouble. 916 00:54:56,543 --> 00:54:58,932 The only difference is, l drive all day. 917 00:55:00,302 --> 00:55:01,735 -Beer, lrish? -That's me, kid. 918 00:55:01,902 --> 00:55:04,177 l'm the best two-fisted beer drinker in America. 919 00:55:04,342 --> 00:55:06,776 Sometimes l get so thirsty, l wish l had three hands. 920 00:55:08,701 --> 00:55:11,136 -Cut it. -That's okay. He didn't mean no harm. 921 00:55:11,302 --> 00:55:14,578 He's right. Three hands are better than two, ain't they? 922 00:55:14,742 --> 00:55:18,700 -Just like two hands are better than one. -Take it easy, fella. 923 00:55:19,341 --> 00:55:20,615 Easy? 924 00:55:20,781 --> 00:55:23,977 Yeah, that's a nice word. Maybe you think it's easy being helpless. . . 925 00:55:24,140 --> 00:55:26,256 . . .waiting for Pearl to dress me and feed me. . . 926 00:55:26,420 --> 00:55:30,936 . . .sitting around all day, wondering what a guy with no right arm is good for. 927 00:55:31,100 --> 00:55:32,896 Why'd you ever cut me out of that wreck? 928 00:55:33,059 --> 00:55:35,175 This way, she don't even get no life insurance. 929 00:55:35,339 --> 00:55:39,049 -lt don't help to get excited. -lt's all well for you, you're in one piece. 930 00:55:39,620 --> 00:55:43,009 You don't have to take nobody's charity like l gotta take yours. 931 00:55:47,379 --> 00:55:49,733 l guess he's been moping around the house too much. 932 00:55:49,898 --> 00:55:52,571 After we eat, we'll go out and have some nightlife. 933 00:55:52,738 --> 00:55:55,206 Maybe that'll cheer him up a little, huh? 934 00:56:02,457 --> 00:56:05,529 -l ain't danced in a long time. -Me neither, and l used to love it. 935 00:56:05,697 --> 00:56:07,972 lt's the most fun you can have without laughing. 936 00:56:08,137 --> 00:56:09,775 Take a lot to get me laughing. 937 00:56:09,937 --> 00:56:12,609 Say, what do you say we get married? 938 00:56:12,776 --> 00:56:16,052 l'd like that fine, but you've got enough responsibilities right now. . . 939 00:56:16,216 --> 00:56:18,491 . . .with the hospital bills and Paul out of work. 940 00:56:18,656 --> 00:56:20,486 Yeah, l wish l could find him something. 941 00:56:20,655 --> 00:56:22,771 Why don't you change your mind and ask Ed? 942 00:56:22,935 --> 00:56:24,891 l'd like to, but l can't. 943 00:56:25,055 --> 00:56:27,888 Paul ain't able to do a hard day's work at the garage yet. 944 00:56:28,055 --> 00:56:30,010 Ed's been too swell as it is. 945 00:56:30,175 --> 00:56:34,373 -Guess we gotta just keep on hoping. -Joe, do me a favor, will you? 946 00:56:34,535 --> 00:56:37,367 Take me dancing again tomorrow night when we both feel better. 947 00:56:37,534 --> 00:56:39,126 Okay. 948 00:56:39,694 --> 00:56:44,324 Oh, l can't. l gotta go to the boss's house to a party. 949 00:56:45,573 --> 00:56:48,007 Don't say ''oh'' like you think l'm walking out on you. 950 00:56:48,173 --> 00:56:50,482 -l don't wanna go. -l didn't say you did. 951 00:56:50,693 --> 00:56:53,809 Let's sit down. lf we stay here, we'll be fighting. 952 00:56:53,972 --> 00:56:57,966 l'm sorry, kid. l guess l got the jitters tonight. 953 00:56:58,453 --> 00:57:00,921 -Where's lrish? -He's wandering around all over. 954 00:57:01,092 --> 00:57:03,401 Yeah, he's doing a little hunting. 955 00:57:03,572 --> 00:57:05,722 Looks like he bagged something special. 956 00:57:06,532 --> 00:57:08,762 Hello, folks. This is. . . . 957 00:57:08,932 --> 00:57:11,161 -Say, what's your name? -Miss Sue Carter. 958 00:57:11,331 --> 00:57:15,244 -Sue Carter. -Any friend of his is a friend of mine. 959 00:57:16,451 --> 00:57:18,406 -What's your name? -What's the difference? 960 00:57:18,610 --> 00:57:21,283 Sit down and have a drink. Drinking makes you beautiful. 961 00:57:21,450 --> 00:57:23,965 -l haven't been drinking. -l know, but l have. 962 00:57:24,171 --> 00:57:26,240 Leave it to lrish to find romance. 963 00:57:26,450 --> 00:57:28,680 Don't she look like a million bucks? 964 00:57:29,090 --> 00:57:31,479 And just as hard to get. 965 00:57:43,648 --> 00:57:46,367 -Wanna come up for a while? -l don't think so, not tonight. 966 00:57:46,528 --> 00:57:49,520 -l'll make you some coffee. -l don't want any. lt keeps me awake. 967 00:57:49,727 --> 00:57:51,480 Still worried about Paul? 968 00:57:51,648 --> 00:57:52,797 Yeah. 969 00:57:52,968 --> 00:57:55,243 Are you too worried to kiss me? 970 00:57:55,408 --> 00:57:57,285 Not that bad. 971 00:58:01,247 --> 00:58:05,718 -What's the matter, you stop loving me? -No, darling, but l still have to breathe. 972 00:58:05,886 --> 00:58:09,720 Cassie, you're the only girl in this world l've ever been crazy about. 973 00:58:09,886 --> 00:58:14,322 You're the only fella in the world who could make me believe a lie like that. 974 00:58:14,485 --> 00:58:16,441 Come on. Come up and have some coffee. 975 00:58:16,605 --> 00:58:18,881 No, no coffee. 976 00:58:19,966 --> 00:58:23,082 Yes, sir! That's what l always tell my drivers. 977 00:58:23,245 --> 00:58:26,681 No phone pole ever hit a truck unless it was in self-defense. 978 00:58:28,165 --> 00:58:31,122 l think the guy that wired this must have baled hay. 979 00:58:31,724 --> 00:58:33,442 There. 980 00:58:34,604 --> 00:58:36,435 Now, get a load-- Wait a minute, now. 981 00:58:37,804 --> 00:58:39,122 Ed. 982 00:58:39,283 --> 00:58:40,955 We have servants to open the wine. 983 00:58:41,123 --> 00:58:44,480 What's the fun of having champagne if you can't pop the cork yourself? 984 00:58:44,644 --> 00:58:48,238 Here now, lrish, that ain't beer, so don't start guzzling it. 985 00:58:48,403 --> 00:58:51,122 And you and your truck driver friends stop drinking so much. 986 00:58:51,283 --> 00:58:53,956 This is the only eighth anniversary we're ever gonna have. 987 00:58:54,123 --> 00:58:56,192 Come on, we gotta celebrate. 988 00:58:57,842 --> 00:58:59,560 -Evening, Mrs. Carlsen. -You're late. 989 00:58:59,722 --> 00:59:01,838 -Oh, l got stuck at the office. -l'm sorry. . . 990 00:59:02,002 --> 00:59:05,994 -. . .l forgot to tell you we were dressing. -Well, l'm not up in that bracket yet. 991 00:59:06,161 --> 00:59:07,719 -Hello, Joe! -Hello, Ed. 992 00:59:07,881 --> 00:59:09,473 -A glass of champagne? -No, thanks. 993 00:59:09,641 --> 00:59:11,632 -You know Joe never takes a drink. -l know. 994 00:59:11,801 --> 00:59:14,713 He's like me. l don't either, unless l got a glass in each hand. 995 00:59:14,881 --> 00:59:16,633 Don't have any bad habits, do you, Joe? 996 00:59:16,801 --> 00:59:18,995 None that l can't handle, Mrs. Carlsen. 997 00:59:19,160 --> 00:59:20,991 Joe, how do you like the dump? 998 00:59:21,160 --> 00:59:23,594 -l think it's swell. -You wanna know something? 999 00:59:23,760 --> 00:59:26,672 Lana decorated it all by her itty-bitty self. 1000 00:59:26,839 --> 00:59:29,307 Early American bargain-basement. 1001 00:59:29,479 --> 00:59:31,947 You ain't saw it. You ain't seen it too, lrish. 1002 00:59:32,119 --> 00:59:33,188 -Come on, l'll-- -Ed. 1003 00:59:33,359 --> 00:59:35,235 Don't you think Joe ought to meet guests? 1004 00:59:35,398 --> 00:59:37,549 What's the use? He'll only forget their names. 1005 00:59:37,719 --> 00:59:39,789 -Culpepper, l sure thirsty. -Yes, sir. 1006 00:59:39,959 --> 00:59:42,154 Charles, bring Mr. Carlsen some water, will you? 1007 00:59:42,319 --> 00:59:43,467 Yes, ma'am. 1008 00:59:43,638 --> 00:59:45,390 l said thirsty, didn't l? Not dirty. 1009 00:59:45,558 --> 00:59:48,356 lf you fall on your face, don't expect me to drag you to bed. 1010 00:59:48,518 --> 00:59:51,112 Don't worry about me. lf l fall, l'll fall upstairs. 1011 00:59:51,277 --> 00:59:53,108 Come on, Joe. 1012 00:59:55,597 --> 00:59:57,792 See, Joe, we had all the screens removed. . . 1013 00:59:57,957 --> 01:00:00,754 . . .because they were fixed so the flies can't get out at all. 1014 01:00:00,916 --> 01:00:04,353 -Hey, this leaves me speechless. -Good. Stay that way. 1015 01:00:04,517 --> 01:00:07,588 Well, there you are. Swimming puddle and everything. 1016 01:00:07,756 --> 01:00:10,668 Hot, cold running water. Guess l'll have to learn how to swim. 1017 01:00:10,836 --> 01:00:13,555 -Well, right this way. -You sure got a nice layout here, Ed. 1018 01:00:13,716 --> 01:00:17,390 Someday you'll have one just like it, and a swell wife like Lana to go with it. 1019 01:00:17,555 --> 01:00:20,706 -Yeah, that would be nice. -Yes, sir-- 1020 01:00:20,875 --> 01:00:22,831 And here we have a badminton court. 1021 01:00:22,995 --> 01:00:26,225 Great game. A couple of guys chase a feather with fly swatters. . . 1022 01:00:26,394 --> 01:00:29,625 . . .and the one that don't drop dead wins the game! 1023 01:00:29,795 --> 01:00:30,944 Come here. 1024 01:00:32,234 --> 01:00:35,465 And, Joe, there's something else l sure want you to get a gander at. 1025 01:00:35,634 --> 01:00:39,752 Around a place like this, there's always a lot of confusion about bushes and trees. 1026 01:00:40,073 --> 01:00:42,382 Avocados, male and female. 1027 01:00:42,593 --> 01:00:45,585 -How can you tell? -Oh, that's easy. 1028 01:00:45,753 --> 01:00:48,061 The bashful one's the girl. 1029 01:00:51,192 --> 01:00:53,501 And now for the topper. 1030 01:00:54,992 --> 01:00:58,348 You know how you drive up, and you've got to get out and open the doors? 1031 01:00:58,512 --> 01:01:01,663 That ain't for me. Get a load of this. 1032 01:01:06,911 --> 01:01:10,062 -Say, l'm speechless. -That's where we came in. 1033 01:01:10,271 --> 01:01:13,979 Now you see, all you've got to do is drive or walk between the posts. . . 1034 01:01:14,150 --> 01:01:18,428 . . .break the ray, and the doors start swinging. Want to see me close them? 1035 01:01:25,150 --> 01:01:27,345 Say, what will they think of inventing next? 1036 01:01:27,510 --> 01:01:29,943 l understand some guy's working on a sundial. 1037 01:01:30,109 --> 01:01:34,148 Oh, lrish, don't talk silly. Who'd want to dial the sun? 1038 01:01:37,068 --> 01:01:40,697 -Good night, Ed. l had a swell time. -You're going so soon? 1039 01:01:40,868 --> 01:01:43,587 l've got to be at the office at 6:30. Good night, everybody. 1040 01:01:43,748 --> 01:01:45,544 -Good night. -See you in the morning. 1041 01:01:45,707 --> 01:01:47,026 -Good night, Joe. -Good night. 1042 01:01:47,187 --> 01:01:49,941 -Good night. -l certainly am. 1043 01:01:51,508 --> 01:01:54,977 -Joe, you're not going. -Yes, l told you l had to leave early. 1044 01:01:55,147 --> 01:01:58,344 Well, l'll walk out with you. l need some air. 1045 01:02:02,026 --> 01:02:04,256 lt's chilly. Don't you think you'd better go in? 1046 01:02:04,426 --> 01:02:06,621 No, it feels good. 1047 01:02:09,145 --> 01:02:13,024 -l had a nice time, Mrs. Carlsen. -Do you have to call me Mrs. Carlsen? 1048 01:02:13,185 --> 01:02:14,698 You know, l have a first name. 1049 01:02:14,865 --> 01:02:17,459 When l call you Mrs. Carlsen, that keeps me in my place. 1050 01:02:17,625 --> 01:02:20,458 Wouldn't be trying to get over it also keeps me in my place? 1051 01:02:20,625 --> 01:02:23,298 -That ain't what l said. -l can read between the lines. 1052 01:02:23,745 --> 01:02:27,783 -Joe, what is it? What's wrong? -Nothing wrong that l know of. 1053 01:02:27,944 --> 01:02:29,855 Then why do you keep acting like this? 1054 01:02:30,024 --> 01:02:32,458 Why do you keep pretending you don't even notice me? 1055 01:02:32,624 --> 01:02:34,659 Now look, who do you think you're fooling? 1056 01:02:34,863 --> 01:02:38,253 l'm not fooling anybody, and that includes you and me both. 1057 01:02:38,423 --> 01:02:40,414 Listen, Joe, please. 1058 01:02:40,583 --> 01:02:44,622 lf l told you once, l told you 50 times, l'm doing good at the office. . . 1059 01:02:44,783 --> 01:02:47,217 . . .and l'm not playing around with the boss's wife. 1060 01:02:47,383 --> 01:02:52,137 Ed's been always all right with me, and l'm never gonna be wrong with him. 1061 01:02:54,782 --> 01:02:56,340 How touching. 1062 01:02:56,502 --> 01:02:59,937 The faithful employee. The devoted friend. 1063 01:03:00,101 --> 01:03:01,978 That's me. 1064 01:03:02,381 --> 01:03:04,770 Good night, Mrs. Carlsen. 1065 01:03:06,020 --> 01:03:07,612 Mrs. Carlsen. 1066 01:03:08,220 --> 01:03:09,700 Mrs. 1067 01:03:09,861 --> 01:03:12,056 Mrs. 1068 01:03:16,700 --> 01:03:20,898 Listen. Listen, now. Listen. l'm gonna drink you all a little toast. 1069 01:03:21,060 --> 01:03:23,573 -Just a little toast. -A toast. 1070 01:03:23,739 --> 01:03:29,974 Early to rise and early to bed makes a man healthy, but socially dead. 1071 01:03:31,258 --> 01:03:33,647 Now l'm gonna take you all to the Tango Club. 1072 01:03:33,818 --> 01:03:36,572 Tango Club! Tango Club. 1073 01:03:36,739 --> 01:03:41,175 Oh, sugar, listen, will you rush out and leap into that ermine gunnysack? 1074 01:03:41,338 --> 01:03:44,648 -We're gonna sneak up on a rumba. -What's the matter, not enough liquor? 1075 01:03:44,818 --> 01:03:48,332 Maybe you'd like to put a still in the basement. 1076 01:03:48,497 --> 01:03:49,976 Never at a loss for a comeback. 1077 01:03:50,137 --> 01:03:54,607 We're married eight years, and she still tickles me pink. 1078 01:03:54,776 --> 01:03:56,846 Shut up, Ed. 1079 01:03:57,016 --> 01:03:59,325 You don't want to dance? She don't care to dance. 1080 01:03:59,496 --> 01:04:01,612 l always get a partner. 1081 01:04:01,776 --> 01:04:04,051 Oh, well, then you'll do. 1082 01:04:20,854 --> 01:04:23,732 -Ed, pay the check. -No, that's one thing l'm not gonna do. 1083 01:04:23,894 --> 01:04:26,328 The liquor is no good. You can't get drunk on it. 1084 01:04:26,494 --> 01:04:29,645 Then someone must have hit you over the head with a mallet. 1085 01:04:31,374 --> 01:04:33,126 -Keep the change. -Thank you, madam. 1086 01:04:33,294 --> 01:04:36,330 Someone help me get him out of here. l'll drive him home. 1087 01:04:36,493 --> 01:04:39,724 -You're lucky l stayed sober. -lt certainly does. 1088 01:04:39,893 --> 01:04:41,565 Come on. Come on. 1089 01:04:41,733 --> 01:04:44,166 -l don't want to dance now. -Very well. 1090 01:04:44,332 --> 01:04:48,245 -Come on, Ed. The air will do you good. -Oh, l don't know. What's the trouble? 1091 01:04:48,412 --> 01:04:50,687 Who's--? What's going on here? 1092 01:04:50,852 --> 01:04:56,882 Oh, it's a shame, a fine fellow like the boss disgracing himself in public. 1093 01:04:57,052 --> 01:04:58,849 Yeah. 1094 01:05:15,449 --> 01:05:18,122 Come on. Sit up, you drunken pig. 1095 01:05:18,289 --> 01:05:20,484 Let's go in the office and take a little snooze. 1096 01:05:20,969 --> 01:05:23,881 Come on, get up and walk, or do l have to carry you? 1097 01:05:24,049 --> 01:05:27,883 No, l'm just gonna catch a little snooze. 1098 01:07:09,920 --> 01:07:13,993 Needless to say, Mrs. Carlsen, l regret having to go through this formality. 1099 01:07:15,640 --> 01:07:17,072 He was so drunk. 1100 01:07:17,639 --> 01:07:21,871 l always told him something awful would happen if he kept drinking that way. 1101 01:07:22,039 --> 01:07:26,077 Naturally, l couldn't lift such a heavy man out of the car. 1102 01:07:26,238 --> 01:07:28,354 He'd stayed in the garage before. . . 1103 01:07:28,518 --> 01:07:31,590 . . .but he always came in the house when he sobered up. 1104 01:07:31,758 --> 01:07:34,988 -This time, he-- -Don't distress yourself, Mrs. Carlsen. 1105 01:07:35,157 --> 01:07:36,386 Just take your time. 1106 01:07:36,958 --> 01:07:41,872 This time, he must have awakened still drunk and started the car. 1107 01:07:42,037 --> 01:07:46,588 Oh, it's awful. He wanted so much to live. 1108 01:07:46,757 --> 01:07:50,749 -He had everything to live for. -Thank you, Mrs. Carlsen. 1109 01:07:50,916 --> 01:07:54,431 l regret that l've been forced to question you. l won't bother you further. 1110 01:07:54,596 --> 01:07:57,553 -You're very kind. -Please accept my sincerest sympathy. 1111 01:07:57,715 --> 01:07:59,546 Thank you. 1112 01:08:00,475 --> 01:08:03,309 The cause of death was accidental, carbon monoxide poisoning. 1113 01:08:03,476 --> 01:08:05,353 Close the case. 1114 01:08:23,033 --> 01:08:26,548 -Stop creeping around the house. -l wasn't creeping. Honest, l wasn't. 1115 01:08:26,713 --> 01:08:29,592 -l don't want you snooping around. -l wasn't doing no snooping. 1116 01:08:29,754 --> 01:08:31,471 l come in to see if you wanted coffee. 1117 01:08:31,633 --> 01:08:34,067 l've had four cups. l don't want any more, you hear? 1118 01:08:34,233 --> 01:08:35,461 -Well, do you hear?! -Yes. 1119 01:08:35,633 --> 01:08:37,908 Now get out of my sight, and stop sneaking around! 1120 01:08:38,072 --> 01:08:40,540 l don't want you spying on me! 1121 01:08:51,871 --> 01:08:54,543 You were supposed to be here at 1 0:00. 1122 01:08:54,710 --> 01:08:56,906 One of our drivers crashed into a load of pipe-- 1123 01:08:57,071 --> 01:09:01,542 -l don't care about that. -The driver don't, either. He's dead. 1124 01:09:01,711 --> 01:09:06,738 Oh, l'm sorry, Joe. Being alone in this big house gives me the willies. 1125 01:09:06,910 --> 01:09:08,821 -Would you like a drink? -No, thanks. 1126 01:09:08,990 --> 01:09:11,139 Oh, that's right. l forgot. 1127 01:09:11,309 --> 01:09:13,379 Sit down, Joe. 1128 01:09:14,269 --> 01:09:17,420 What was this business you wanted to talk to me about? 1129 01:09:18,708 --> 01:09:22,497 Look, Joe, l don't know anything about the company. 1130 01:09:22,789 --> 01:09:26,179 l've tried to understand, and the lawyers have explained things to me. 1131 01:09:26,349 --> 01:09:29,977 The more they talk, the less l know. l can't run a trucking business by myself. 1132 01:09:30,148 --> 01:09:32,264 l've got to have someone to help me. 1133 01:09:32,428 --> 01:09:35,976 -Does that mean me? -Yes. Ed had such confidence in you. 1134 01:09:36,147 --> 01:09:40,459 He said you had great ideas. l know he'd want you to be my partner. 1135 01:09:40,627 --> 01:09:43,504 -Partner? -Yes, partner. 50-50. 1136 01:09:43,666 --> 01:09:47,022 l've got the papers all drawn up, and all you have to do is. . . . 1137 01:09:48,026 --> 01:09:52,577 What's wrong? Don't you want to own half of the big trucking business? 1138 01:09:52,746 --> 01:09:57,342 With anyone else, l'd think it was a swell deal, but you. . . . 1139 01:09:58,226 --> 01:10:01,501 -l don't know. -Why not, Joe? 1140 01:10:01,665 --> 01:10:04,896 lt's good for me because if l don't get help, l'll lose the business. 1141 01:10:05,065 --> 01:10:07,862 lt's good for you because you'll never get this chance again. 1142 01:10:08,024 --> 01:10:11,255 -No interference? -None. l promise you, Joe. 1143 01:10:11,424 --> 01:10:14,461 l don't know anything about trucks. How could l interfere? 1144 01:10:14,624 --> 01:10:18,299 -l wasn't talking about trucks. -Oh, you've got to help me, Joe. 1145 01:10:18,464 --> 01:10:21,820 l haven't anyone else in the world to turn to. 1146 01:10:21,984 --> 01:10:23,655 Well, what's it gonna be? 1147 01:10:23,823 --> 01:10:26,621 lf it's gonna be like you say, you can count me in. 1148 01:10:26,783 --> 01:10:29,855 Oh, l'm so glad, Joe. Neither of us will regret it. 1149 01:10:30,023 --> 01:10:32,855 Now, how about that drink to celebrate, just this once? 1150 01:10:33,022 --> 01:10:36,458 -Okay. l'll take a short one. -lt's gonna work out fine, Joe. 1151 01:10:36,622 --> 01:10:39,852 l know it will. And it's what Ed would have wanted. 1152 01:10:40,021 --> 01:10:41,977 Maybe you're right. 1153 01:10:44,742 --> 01:10:46,460 Well. . . 1154 01:10:46,662 --> 01:10:50,131 . . .here's to our partnership. May it be a long and happy one. 1155 01:10:50,301 --> 01:10:53,213 lt could work out pretty good. 1156 01:10:56,780 --> 01:11:00,455 l'll tell you what we'll do. We'll figure out new lines, buy new trucks. 1157 01:11:00,780 --> 01:11:04,692 We'll get business we never even thought about. We'll go a long way. 1158 01:11:04,859 --> 01:11:06,611 Yes, we will. 1159 01:11:11,980 --> 01:11:15,608 -Hey, Joe, who sneaked those rigs in? -New refrigerator jobs. 1160 01:11:15,779 --> 01:11:17,929 Opens up a lot of dairy business for us. 1161 01:11:18,099 --> 01:11:20,737 l don't know where l'm gonna get 20 drivers to wheel them. 1162 01:11:20,898 --> 01:11:24,334 -ls Bill McGowan a good driver? -l don't want to say anything bad. . . 1163 01:11:24,498 --> 01:11:28,206 . . .but when the road turns the same time he does, it's just a coincidence. 1164 01:11:28,377 --> 01:11:29,776 Yeah, that's what l thought. 1165 01:11:30,057 --> 01:11:32,651 -What's the trouble? -Got to clean and adjust the points. 1166 01:11:32,817 --> 01:11:35,890 -How long will it take? -About 1 5 minutes. 1167 01:11:36,857 --> 01:11:38,848 Hello, Joe. 1168 01:11:40,257 --> 01:11:42,088 How are you? 1169 01:11:42,257 --> 01:11:46,613 -These the new trucks? -Yeah. l see you got a new buggy. 1170 01:11:46,776 --> 01:11:49,768 -Blowing all the profits? -We're making a lot of profits to blow. 1171 01:11:49,936 --> 01:11:51,449 Why not? 1172 01:11:51,616 --> 01:11:54,527 Say, that's a snappy outfit. 1173 01:11:54,735 --> 01:11:57,693 You like it? l didn't think you'd notice. 1174 01:11:57,855 --> 01:12:00,369 lt isn't too soon for me to stop wearing black, is it? 1175 01:12:00,575 --> 01:12:02,930 -No, l don't think so. -That's the way l felt. 1176 01:12:03,095 --> 01:12:07,725 Take a good look. You're not gonna see me in the same outfit twice for months. 1177 01:12:08,295 --> 01:12:10,205 Pardon me. 1178 01:12:12,294 --> 01:12:14,410 Hello, Cassie. 1179 01:12:15,774 --> 01:12:18,571 Come on, l want you to meet Mrs. Carlsen. 1180 01:12:21,173 --> 01:12:25,085 -Mrs. Carlsen, this is Cassie Hartley. -l'm glad to know you. 1181 01:12:25,812 --> 01:12:28,406 -lf you're talking business, l'll wait. -Oh, no. 1182 01:12:28,733 --> 01:12:32,362 -Cassie and l were going to get dinner. -Would you care to come along? 1183 01:12:32,973 --> 01:12:34,803 No. 1184 01:12:34,972 --> 01:12:36,246 -No, thank you. -Joe. 1185 01:12:36,412 --> 01:12:38,368 What's the matter? 1186 01:12:38,732 --> 01:12:40,848 Get some water. 1187 01:12:48,291 --> 01:12:50,406 -We'll take her to a doctor. -Take me home. 1188 01:12:50,570 --> 01:12:52,640 -Don't you think it--? -l said, take me home! 1189 01:12:53,010 --> 01:12:54,966 Hop in, Cassie. 1190 01:13:00,210 --> 01:13:03,327 -l'll run it in the garage for you. -No, stop. Stop it, do you hear? 1191 01:13:03,970 --> 01:13:07,086 -What's the matter with you? -Please, let me out. Please, let me out! 1192 01:13:07,249 --> 01:13:11,322 -Would you like me to come in? -Leave me alone. 1193 01:13:16,968 --> 01:13:19,004 Hi, boss. 1194 01:13:22,848 --> 01:13:25,521 Here are those federal gas papers. They look all right. 1195 01:13:25,688 --> 01:13:27,326 Fine, George. l'll go over them. 1196 01:13:27,488 --> 01:13:29,955 Mrs. Carlsen's been here while you were out to dinner. 1197 01:13:30,127 --> 01:13:32,880 l don't know, she may be here yet. 1198 01:13:33,527 --> 01:13:35,438 Okay. 1199 01:13:47,445 --> 01:13:51,519 -Hello, Joe. -Oh, hello. 1200 01:13:52,006 --> 01:13:54,394 We may knock over that federal gas contract. 1201 01:13:54,565 --> 01:13:55,680 That's swell. 1202 01:13:55,845 --> 01:13:58,439 -How do you feel tonight? -Oh, much better. 1203 01:13:58,605 --> 01:14:00,482 Oh, that's good. 1204 01:14:00,645 --> 01:14:04,319 Sorry about yesterday, Joe. l guess my nerves just gave out. 1205 01:14:04,964 --> 01:14:07,159 You ought to go away for a while, get a change. 1206 01:14:07,364 --> 01:14:09,480 You've been hanging around that house too much. 1207 01:14:09,644 --> 01:14:11,679 Maybe l will. 1208 01:14:14,443 --> 01:14:18,119 Your friend Miss Hartley, she's very nice. 1209 01:14:18,883 --> 01:14:21,397 -Known her long? -Quite a while. 1210 01:14:22,083 --> 01:14:24,472 Did you have a nice time after you left me? 1211 01:14:24,643 --> 01:14:26,633 lt was all right. 1212 01:14:26,802 --> 01:14:28,838 You must apologize to Miss Hartley for me. 1213 01:14:29,042 --> 01:14:31,556 Oh, she didn't think anything of it. 1214 01:14:38,001 --> 01:14:40,674 -How about some dinner, Joe? -l've had mine. 1215 01:14:40,841 --> 01:14:44,436 You could sit with me and have a drink. Maybe we could dance. 1216 01:14:44,601 --> 01:14:48,230 l'd like to, but l've got to get some estimates. Figures on the new trucks. 1217 01:14:48,401 --> 01:14:50,868 l know, but you can do all that tomorrow morning. 1218 01:14:51,040 --> 01:14:54,476 l've got a lot of other things to do in the morning, and this is important. 1219 01:14:54,640 --> 01:14:57,154 lt's the only time l have to do it. 1220 01:14:58,360 --> 01:15:00,350 l'm sorry, Joe. 1221 01:15:00,519 --> 01:15:04,307 l guess l'm a fine partner, trying to pull you away from your work. 1222 01:15:04,639 --> 01:15:07,311 The Frank Conners are throwing a party Friday night. 1223 01:15:07,478 --> 01:15:10,039 They asked me to bring you along. 1224 01:15:10,519 --> 01:15:12,555 Sorry, l can't make it. 1225 01:15:12,719 --> 01:15:17,473 ''Can't make it. Can't make it. '' That's all l ever hear from you. 1226 01:15:17,638 --> 01:15:20,948 lt used to be because my husband was your friend. Well, he's dead. 1227 01:15:21,118 --> 01:15:24,666 He's been dead for six months. What's wrong with me now? 1228 01:15:24,837 --> 01:15:26,748 Why can't you make it? 1229 01:15:26,917 --> 01:15:30,114 l'm getting married Friday. ls that a good enough reason? 1230 01:15:33,756 --> 01:15:37,716 Married? To that redhead? 1231 01:15:37,877 --> 01:15:39,356 To that redhead. 1232 01:15:40,836 --> 01:15:42,667 What made you think you had to marry her? 1233 01:15:42,956 --> 01:15:46,028 l just thought it was a good idea. Any objections? 1234 01:15:46,196 --> 01:15:50,473 Yeah, l got objections. What makes you think you can make a sucker out of me? 1235 01:15:50,635 --> 01:15:55,390 -You better relax. -Don't tell me to relax, you road slob. 1236 01:15:55,555 --> 01:15:58,546 lf it weren't for me, you'd still be kicking trucks up the coast. 1237 01:15:58,714 --> 01:16:01,069 l get Ed to take you off the road. 1238 01:16:01,234 --> 01:16:03,669 l put that clean collar around your dirty neck. 1239 01:16:03,834 --> 01:16:07,543 l put those creases in your pants. l put that money in your pocket. 1240 01:16:07,714 --> 01:16:09,909 What makes you think you can walk out on me? 1241 01:16:10,074 --> 01:16:13,782 l came in here on a business deal, and l've done all right for you. 1242 01:16:13,953 --> 01:16:16,148 Don't talk like a fool. 1243 01:16:16,313 --> 01:16:19,350 l walked you right into a company that was set and established. 1244 01:16:19,513 --> 01:16:22,106 l gave you Ed's insurance money to buy new trucks. 1245 01:16:22,272 --> 01:16:25,708 l could have picked anyone off the street and they'd have done as well. 1246 01:16:25,872 --> 01:16:28,146 Anytime you don't like the setup, l can check out. 1247 01:16:28,312 --> 01:16:29,506 You're not getting out. 1248 01:16:29,712 --> 01:16:31,623 You belong with me, and you're gonna stay. 1249 01:16:31,792 --> 01:16:33,589 lf you don't like it, you'll learn to. 1250 01:16:33,792 --> 01:16:36,351 Only you're not going off marrying that cheap redhead. 1251 01:16:36,511 --> 01:16:39,423 l'm marrying Cassie, and l'm not asking anybody what they think. 1252 01:16:39,751 --> 01:16:41,821 That includes you. 1253 01:16:42,791 --> 01:16:47,306 She hasn't any right to you. You're mine, and l'm hanging on to you. 1254 01:16:47,470 --> 01:16:49,984 l committed murder to get you. 1255 01:16:50,350 --> 01:16:53,102 Understand? Murder. 1256 01:16:54,509 --> 01:16:57,786 -You what? -Sure. l killed Ed. 1257 01:16:57,950 --> 01:17:00,907 l killed him to get you because you always threw him in my face. 1258 01:17:01,069 --> 01:17:03,947 ''Yes, Mrs. Carlsen. No, Mrs. Carlsen. 1259 01:17:04,109 --> 01:17:07,067 No, Mrs. Carlsen. Good night, Mrs. Carlsen. '' 1260 01:17:07,229 --> 01:17:09,947 You made me do it. You, understand? 1261 01:17:10,108 --> 01:17:15,865 l didn't want to kill anyone, but you made me murder Ed, your friend. 1262 01:17:18,787 --> 01:17:21,939 Joe! Joe, where are you going? 1263 01:17:22,108 --> 01:17:24,224 l'm getting out of here, and stay away from me. 1264 01:17:24,388 --> 01:17:27,663 Oh, Joe, don't go. Forget what l said. l didn't mean what l said. 1265 01:17:27,827 --> 01:17:29,897 l didn't know what l was talking about. 1266 01:17:30,067 --> 01:17:33,695 -l didn't kill Ed. lt was just an accident. -Save that record for someone else. 1267 01:17:33,866 --> 01:17:37,256 -You may need it. -Oh, listen, Joe. l'll be a good sport. 1268 01:17:37,426 --> 01:17:41,384 Marry her, and l hope you're happy with her, only please don't leave me. 1269 01:17:41,545 --> 01:17:44,218 Please come back. 1270 01:17:47,105 --> 01:17:52,463 l didn't want to kill anyone. l didn't. 1271 01:18:04,664 --> 01:18:07,735 l didn't want to kill anyone. 1272 01:18:09,143 --> 01:18:11,976 He made me do it. 1273 01:18:13,582 --> 01:18:15,619 Yes. 1274 01:18:16,143 --> 01:18:18,782 He made me kill him. 1275 01:18:18,943 --> 01:18:21,979 He made me kill him. He said he'd kill me if l didn't. 1276 01:18:22,142 --> 01:18:24,610 l didn't want to do it, but l was afraid of him. 1277 01:18:24,782 --> 01:18:27,740 l had to. Joe wanted the insurance money. 1278 01:18:27,902 --> 01:18:30,290 He wanted everything for himself. He made me do it. 1279 01:18:30,461 --> 01:18:32,417 Just a moment. 1280 01:18:32,581 --> 01:18:37,735 Have Joe Fabrini of Carlsen Trucking picked up, and you come in here. 1281 01:18:37,900 --> 01:18:40,130 ln other words, when you were in this office. . . 1282 01:18:40,300 --> 01:18:43,418 . . .the morning after your husband's death, your statement was a lie. 1283 01:18:43,581 --> 01:18:47,016 Yes, but l didn't want to lie. l was afraid to tell the truth then. 1284 01:18:47,180 --> 01:18:49,489 -Now l'm not afraid anymore. -l see. 1285 01:18:49,660 --> 01:18:53,050 The truth is that you were coerced into murdering your husband by Fabrini. 1286 01:18:53,220 --> 01:18:55,938 Yes, yes, that's it. 1287 01:18:56,099 --> 01:18:58,010 That's it. 1288 01:18:58,179 --> 01:19:01,649 -He made me kill him. -Sit down. 1289 01:19:01,819 --> 01:19:05,527 l'm going to dictate for your signature the confession you've just made to me. 1290 01:19:05,698 --> 01:19:09,294 Correct me if l'm wrong. ''l, Lana Carlsen. . . . '' 1291 01:19:18,657 --> 01:19:20,534 She never thought l'd see her. 1292 01:19:20,697 --> 01:19:23,131 l'll bet she was surprised when they told her l would. 1293 01:19:23,297 --> 01:19:25,857 l'll see her, all right. l've got things to tell her. 1294 01:19:26,017 --> 01:19:31,010 -All right, tell her, not me. -Just wait till l see her. Just wait. 1295 01:19:39,176 --> 01:19:43,088 -What's the matter with you? -That door. . . 1296 01:19:43,255 --> 01:19:46,247 -. . .it opened. -Of course it did. We broke the ray. 1297 01:19:46,415 --> 01:19:48,645 lt's an electric eye door. Come on. 1298 01:19:48,815 --> 01:19:52,773 No, l won't go through it. l won't go through it, l tell you. 1299 01:19:52,974 --> 01:19:54,373 -l won't, l tell you. -Stop it. 1300 01:19:54,534 --> 01:19:59,049 No, l won't. No, please. Please don't make me. 1301 01:20:04,774 --> 01:20:06,924 l thought you'd show up. 1302 01:20:07,093 --> 01:20:08,924 Now that you're here, what do you want? 1303 01:20:09,093 --> 01:20:11,482 l want you to tell the truth. 1304 01:20:11,653 --> 01:20:13,166 What do you think the truth is? 1305 01:20:13,373 --> 01:20:17,001 Joe had nothing to do with killing your husband, and nothing to do with you. 1306 01:20:17,212 --> 01:20:18,770 ls that so? 1307 01:20:18,932 --> 01:20:22,447 What do you think he was doing those nights he was working in the garage? 1308 01:20:22,612 --> 01:20:24,761 Do you think he was in the garage at all? 1309 01:20:24,931 --> 01:20:27,001 Why do you think l took him into the business? 1310 01:20:27,171 --> 01:20:30,323 Why did l give him my husband's insurance money to play with? 1311 01:20:30,492 --> 01:20:32,163 Because he had an honest face? 1312 01:20:32,571 --> 01:20:35,290 You could talk from now on, but you'd never make me believe. . . 1313 01:20:35,451 --> 01:20:37,919 . . .that Joe ever laid a hand on anyone like you. 1314 01:20:38,091 --> 01:20:42,322 -What makes you so sure of that? -l love him. l know. 1315 01:20:42,490 --> 01:20:44,526 You love him. 1316 01:20:44,690 --> 01:20:48,398 You don't know what it is to love a man, but l do. 1317 01:20:48,569 --> 01:20:51,959 And l'll take him with me wherever l'm going. 1318 01:20:52,729 --> 01:20:54,766 You're worse than l thought anyone could be. 1319 01:20:54,930 --> 01:20:56,965 Why don't you tell them what really happened? 1320 01:20:57,129 --> 01:20:59,040 Joe wouldn't have anything to do with you. 1321 01:20:59,209 --> 01:21:02,042 You killed your husband because you thought he was in the way. 1322 01:21:02,209 --> 01:21:04,881 You threw yourself at Joe, but he wouldn't look at you. . . 1323 01:21:05,048 --> 01:21:07,278 . . .because he had you pegged from the beginning. 1324 01:21:07,448 --> 01:21:09,757 Tell them you found out he was going to marry me. . . 1325 01:21:09,928 --> 01:21:14,796 . . .and you decided to stop it, even if it meant double-crossing yourself. 1326 01:21:14,967 --> 01:21:17,527 You've got it all worked out, haven't you? 1327 01:21:17,687 --> 01:21:21,156 But you've got it worked out wrong, all wrong. 1328 01:21:21,327 --> 01:21:23,761 Because l'm the one who-- 1329 01:21:30,686 --> 01:21:32,483 Stop that door. 1330 01:21:33,246 --> 01:21:36,476 Stop it, l tell you. Stop that door! 1331 01:21:36,885 --> 01:21:39,683 -Stop it! Stop it! -Come on. Come on, your time's up. 1332 01:21:39,845 --> 01:21:42,882 No, l won't go through that door! l won't! You can't make me! 1333 01:21:43,045 --> 01:21:46,832 -Come on, come on. -l won't! No, l won't! l won't, l tell you! 1334 01:21:47,004 --> 01:21:50,475 l won't! l won't! l won't! 1335 01:21:52,085 --> 01:21:55,838 -What's the dame hitting high C for? -Maybe she don't like the service here. 1336 01:21:56,004 --> 01:21:58,837 l don't know why these things always got to bust at lunchtime. 1337 01:21:59,004 --> 01:22:02,154 This one's all right. Close her up. 1338 01:22:06,843 --> 01:22:09,640 So, Your Honor, and ladies and gentlemen of the jury. . . 1339 01:22:09,802 --> 01:22:13,078 . . .the prosecution will prove that Joe Fabrini. . . 1340 01:22:13,282 --> 01:22:15,797 . . .by means of duress and threats, employed the wife. . . 1341 01:22:15,963 --> 01:22:18,430 . . .of the murdered man as ruthlessly as ever a man. . . 1342 01:22:18,602 --> 01:22:20,797 . . .employed a dagger or gun, to commit for profit. . . 1343 01:22:20,962 --> 01:22:24,716 . . .a cold-blooded, brutal, preconceived murder. 1344 01:22:26,121 --> 01:22:31,070 With your permission, l will call the first witness, Miss Sue Carter. 1345 01:22:31,521 --> 01:22:33,954 ls it true you attended a party at the Carlsen home. . . 1346 01:22:34,120 --> 01:22:35,758 . . .the night of Mr. Carlsen's death? 1347 01:22:35,920 --> 01:22:37,114 Yes, Your Honor. 1348 01:22:37,280 --> 01:22:39,748 The judge is the only person in this courtroom. . . 1349 01:22:39,920 --> 01:22:42,195 . . .to be addressed as ''Your Honor. '' 1350 01:22:42,360 --> 01:22:46,035 -How do you do? -Now, at this party during the evening. . . 1351 01:22:46,200 --> 01:22:50,636 . . .did you see Mr. Fabrini and Mrs. Carlsen in private conversation? 1352 01:22:51,399 --> 01:22:55,711 -Yes, Your Honor. -Miss Carter, l am asking the questions. 1353 01:22:55,879 --> 01:22:58,676 Now, where did this conversation take place? 1354 01:22:58,838 --> 01:23:01,511 Well, l just happened to be in the powder room. . . 1355 01:23:01,678 --> 01:23:04,750 . . .powdering my nose, of course, and l looked out the window. . . 1356 01:23:04,918 --> 01:23:09,196 . . .and l saw Mr. Fabrini and Mrs. Carlsen standing by the side of his car arguing. 1357 01:23:09,358 --> 01:23:12,907 -Did you hear what they were saying? -Well, l didn't exactly hear. 1358 01:23:13,078 --> 01:23:16,672 You understand, l didn't try, but it seemed to me that one of them. . . 1359 01:23:16,837 --> 01:23:18,748 . . .wanted the other one to do something. . . 1360 01:23:18,917 --> 01:23:23,671 . . .but l couldn't tell who wanted who to do what to which. 1361 01:23:24,156 --> 01:23:27,546 When your brother became head of the Carlsen Trucking service. . . 1362 01:23:27,716 --> 01:23:30,309 . . .did you get a job as traffic manager with the company? 1363 01:23:30,475 --> 01:23:32,830 -Yeah, but-- -Objection. The question is leading. 1364 01:23:32,995 --> 01:23:36,147 -Objection sustained. -That's all. 1365 01:23:36,316 --> 01:23:38,545 Miss Hartley, you say that you and Mr. Fabrini. . . 1366 01:23:38,715 --> 01:23:40,945 . . .have been in love, plan to be married. 1367 01:23:41,115 --> 01:23:43,345 -That's right. -Can you tell me why. . . 1368 01:23:43,515 --> 01:23:45,312 . . .you didn't get married some time ago? 1369 01:23:45,475 --> 01:23:49,262 -We couldn't afford it. -Did Fabrini work evenings quite a bit? 1370 01:23:49,434 --> 01:23:51,470 -Yes. -Could you swear that Mr. Fabrini. . . 1371 01:23:51,634 --> 01:23:54,431 . . .was actually in his office working on those evenings? 1372 01:23:54,593 --> 01:23:56,902 -No, but l-- -lsn't it possible that Mr. Fabrini. . . 1373 01:23:57,073 --> 01:23:59,746 . . .didn't marry because he found marriage inconvenient. . . 1374 01:23:59,913 --> 01:24:02,347 -. . .in his relations with Mrs. Carlsen? -Objection. 1375 01:24:02,513 --> 01:24:03,992 Objection sustained. 1376 01:24:04,153 --> 01:24:06,303 The witness will not have to answer that. 1377 01:24:06,473 --> 01:24:09,192 lsn't it true that Mr. Fabrini kept you two ladies apart. . . 1378 01:24:09,353 --> 01:24:11,946 . . .until one evening, when he got his dates crossed. . . 1379 01:24:12,112 --> 01:24:13,704 . . .he found you both face to face? 1380 01:24:13,872 --> 01:24:15,464 -Well, Joe never did-- -l object! 1381 01:24:15,632 --> 01:24:17,748 -Overruled. -lsn't it true that Mrs. Carlsen. . . 1382 01:24:17,912 --> 01:24:19,742 . . .was so unnerved that she fainted? 1383 01:24:19,911 --> 01:24:23,062 -She was ill. -Certainly, she was ill. lll of shock. 1384 01:24:23,231 --> 01:24:25,142 Shocked at finding the man for whom. . . 1385 01:24:25,311 --> 01:24:27,745 . . .she murdered her own husband with another woman. 1386 01:24:27,951 --> 01:24:30,146 That's not right. Joe didn't help in any murder. 1387 01:24:30,311 --> 01:24:32,745 He didn't have anything to do with it. lf he thought-- 1388 01:24:32,911 --> 01:24:34,423 That's all. 1389 01:24:34,590 --> 01:24:37,741 Did you say anything to Mr. Fabrini about Mrs. Carlsen? 1390 01:24:37,910 --> 01:24:39,662 l don't remember. 1391 01:24:39,830 --> 01:24:42,946 Did you ever notice that after Fabrini came to work at Carlsen's. . . 1392 01:24:43,109 --> 01:24:47,341 . . .that Mrs. Carlsen frequented the garage more than she had previously? 1393 01:24:48,349 --> 01:24:50,942 -l don't remember. -Don't you remember anything? 1394 01:24:51,108 --> 01:24:55,182 -Why don't you remember? -Maybe it's because l got a bad memory. 1395 01:24:59,028 --> 01:25:01,906 Now, Your Honor and ladies and gentlemen of the jury. . . 1396 01:25:02,068 --> 01:25:05,185 . . .l call to the stand Mrs. Lana Carlsen. 1397 01:25:23,226 --> 01:25:25,342 Stand up, please. 1398 01:25:25,506 --> 01:25:28,782 Do you swear to tell the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? 1399 01:25:28,946 --> 01:25:30,618 l do. 1400 01:25:30,786 --> 01:25:32,901 Take the chair. 1401 01:25:35,505 --> 01:25:37,496 State your name. 1402 01:25:37,665 --> 01:25:40,815 -Lana Carlsen. -You will speak up, please. 1403 01:25:40,984 --> 01:25:43,862 You were, at the time of his death, the wife of Edward Carlsen? 1404 01:25:44,024 --> 01:25:45,059 Yes. 1405 01:25:45,224 --> 01:25:49,342 How long before the death of Carlsen were you acquainted with Joe Fabrini? 1406 01:25:49,504 --> 01:25:50,732 Two years. 1407 01:25:50,904 --> 01:25:53,213 Where did you first meet him? 1408 01:25:53,944 --> 01:25:57,652 Mrs. Carlsen, l asked you where you first met Fabrini. 1409 01:25:57,823 --> 01:25:59,939 You will answer the question, please. 1410 01:26:08,382 --> 01:26:11,101 He was laughing. 1411 01:26:11,262 --> 01:26:14,971 Yes, he-- He was laughing. 1412 01:26:16,342 --> 01:26:19,140 He kissed me when he was drunk. 1413 01:26:19,422 --> 01:26:23,130 Yes, he kissed me when he was drunk. 1414 01:26:24,261 --> 01:26:27,298 So l got a new car. 1415 01:26:27,581 --> 01:26:30,890 Yes, l got a new car. 1416 01:26:32,540 --> 01:26:34,770 And l bought some new clothes. 1417 01:26:35,580 --> 01:26:39,049 Yes, they were pretty. 1418 01:26:39,939 --> 01:26:44,013 And he used to tell terrible jokes. 1419 01:26:44,779 --> 01:26:47,168 And he'd laugh at them. 1420 01:26:47,499 --> 01:26:50,377 He was always laughing. 1421 01:26:51,739 --> 01:26:55,811 And then l saw him lying there. . . 1422 01:26:56,098 --> 01:26:58,248 . . .drunk. 1423 01:26:59,178 --> 01:27:01,975 l heard the motor running. 1424 01:27:03,017 --> 01:27:07,010 And l saw the doors. 1425 01:27:07,378 --> 01:27:09,766 l heard the motor. 1426 01:27:10,177 --> 01:27:12,247 l saw the doors. 1427 01:27:13,377 --> 01:27:15,413 The doors made me do it. 1428 01:27:16,017 --> 01:27:17,608 Yes. 1429 01:27:17,776 --> 01:27:20,574 The doors made me do it. 1430 01:27:20,736 --> 01:27:23,614 The doors made me do it. 1431 01:27:27,735 --> 01:27:29,612 The doors made me do it! 1432 01:27:29,815 --> 01:27:32,204 -Matron, remove the witness. -They made me do it! 1433 01:27:32,415 --> 01:27:34,770 They made me do it! 1434 01:27:36,135 --> 01:27:39,844 The doors! They made me do it! 1435 01:27:41,054 --> 01:27:44,444 The doors! The doors made me do it! 1436 01:27:44,614 --> 01:27:48,004 Your Honor! Your Honor, l move that this case be dismissed. . . 1437 01:27:48,174 --> 01:27:52,405 . . .on the ground that the sole witness to the alleged crime is obviously insane. 1438 01:27:52,573 --> 01:27:56,452 Court is adjourned while the state's alienist examine Mrs. Carlsen. 1439 01:27:56,613 --> 01:27:58,842 Everybody rise. 1440 01:28:07,092 --> 01:28:09,811 -City desk and hurry. -Give me the desk. 1441 01:28:09,972 --> 01:28:12,566 Hello, Ed. Here it is. The doctors all say she's daffy. 1442 01:28:12,732 --> 01:28:15,291 Yeah, nuts. They had to take her away in a straitjacket. 1443 01:28:15,451 --> 01:28:19,649 Yeah, that's right. Case thrown out of court. Fabrini goes free. 1444 01:28:20,171 --> 01:28:24,083 Sounds funny, l suppose, but l can't help feeling sorry for that dame. 1445 01:28:24,530 --> 01:28:26,919 Me too, in a way. 1446 01:28:27,090 --> 01:28:30,969 -What about the business, Joe? -What about it? lt's like l told you. 1447 01:28:31,130 --> 01:28:32,882 l'm giving my share to the boys. 1448 01:28:33,370 --> 01:28:35,645 After what's happened, l need a change of scenery. 1449 01:28:35,810 --> 01:28:37,879 What about us? 1450 01:28:38,049 --> 01:28:39,960 We're getting married just like we figured. 1451 01:28:40,129 --> 01:28:42,438 l'll dig up a new truck and hit the road again. 1452 01:28:42,649 --> 01:28:45,402 Why, l'll be on top in no time. l can't miss with-- 1453 01:28:45,569 --> 01:28:48,640 Say, you're not gonna tell me l'm not right, are you? 1454 01:28:48,848 --> 01:28:51,601 No, Joe. Of course, l hate to see you go back to the road. . . 1455 01:28:51,768 --> 01:28:55,044 . . .but if that's the way you want it l'm with you around every curve. 1456 01:28:55,248 --> 01:28:57,603 Well, my mind's made up. 1457 01:28:59,248 --> 01:29:03,126 Gee, l promised to phone the store. Do you mind stopping while l call? 1458 01:29:03,287 --> 01:29:05,198 All right. 1459 01:29:07,407 --> 01:29:09,682 l'll only be a minute. 1460 01:29:11,086 --> 01:29:15,364 -Hello, lrish. This is Cassie. -Hello, Cassie. What's on your mind? 1461 01:29:15,566 --> 01:29:18,204 Joe's on his way to tell you he's giving up the business. 1462 01:29:18,365 --> 01:29:20,516 Have the guys shout him down, l'll do the rest. 1463 01:29:20,806 --> 01:29:22,876 Okay, kid. Leave it to me. 1464 01:29:25,486 --> 01:29:27,555 My mind's made up too. 1465 01:29:27,725 --> 01:29:29,556 So it's like l tell you, fellas. 1466 01:29:29,725 --> 01:29:31,955 l don't feel l got the right to stay on here. . . 1467 01:29:32,125 --> 01:29:34,513 . . .so l'm giving you my share, and l'm bowing out. 1468 01:29:34,684 --> 01:29:36,640 No! 1469 01:29:37,244 --> 01:29:39,917 -Slow down, will you? -You're on a dead-end street, Joe. 1470 01:29:40,084 --> 01:29:43,280 That's right, Joe. These boys want no part of an executive business. 1471 01:29:43,443 --> 01:29:45,638 Paul here can handle things as good as anybody. 1472 01:29:45,803 --> 01:29:48,443 Oh, no, not me. l got too many other problems. 1473 01:29:48,604 --> 01:29:53,597 -We're gonna have a baby. -Congratulations. Say, does Pearl know? 1474 01:29:55,603 --> 01:29:58,436 -Say, that's good news, Paul. -You can give us some good news. 1475 01:29:58,603 --> 01:30:01,753 Say you're staying on as the head guy. 1476 01:30:02,962 --> 01:30:06,477 Fellas, l'm sure glad you feel this way, but l-- 1477 01:30:06,881 --> 01:30:08,837 Well, l-- 1478 01:30:09,001 --> 01:30:12,118 -What do you think, Cassie? -Your mind's made up, Joe. 1479 01:30:12,281 --> 01:30:13,795 But there's a lot of angles here. 1480 01:30:13,962 --> 01:30:16,111 Somebody's got to take care of those accounts. 1481 01:30:16,281 --> 01:30:19,273 -l may get that gas contract. -l wouldn't try to influence you. . . 1482 01:30:19,441 --> 01:30:23,035 . . .any more than l would the boys, Joe, but the way you're talking. . . 1483 01:30:23,200 --> 01:30:25,555 . . .maybe you'd better stay. 1484 01:30:27,000 --> 01:30:30,595 Okay, fellas, l'm sticking with you.